Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 22, 1915, Page 5, Image 5

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    nn: r.KK: omaiia, Wednesday, skptkmhkr 1015.
fcxpt lition Mare Win First Harness
Contest Started Over County
Fair Society Track.
! rrM In lh" tucc Utwiin tho vn Monls
! trnl.y. 1 h Irnrk In n w: It l lalily lal.
tnt tlior r mitif v. in it hi. h
j nwy cauae cither li.irsi- trouble. It run-'
nit lc mid t le tmrk ht, h will fvrir
either llal McKlnnvy or lYIunibi Klr 1
The two hore have ln flnhtlnir none i
and no all lunimrr, and there la 'l-'
dotitly little dlf ff-n-nce brlwiM-n thorn i
i Omaha Architect
Sues W. H. Lanning
HASTING. Nt.. Opt. a. 8p-laJ
Trleeram -Thi!a R. KlmhaJI at
Omaha tMtny I'roitght unit airiilnBt W.
Contmnert from Taan Onv
Rf O. K. MI RRtY,
Try'. nice black mare by expedition.
Won the first harness race started over
the Douglas County Agricultural asso
latton's new track at Bmixik yesterday,
and In so doing1, trotted the ft urth heat
In JiStHi, which waa excellent t'me, track
and weather conditions considered.
Lottie Alcott won the first heat In
:H. but Tryola, which Is a irrnnd-danp-hter
of T;iectloneer, and thus a a-rmt
rranddaiifrhter of Ilambletcnlnn, the
loiinder of the trotting horse family In
jAmerli . hnd too much sieed for her In
the other miles.
Although the time was slow In the 2;i3
Jiaee, It was warmly contested by Major
jConstantine and Frank lloloway. Laugh
lln put the Major over In straight heats,
however. This horse Is a Good lookliiK
yotmir pacer and Is Improving-.
M. T. won the 2:11 pace rather easily,
farina; the third heat In 2:l?. Kinney
V'ln vns second each heat
Tu-elv- hundred spectators cart- llir
rr . iiiacy preferring to stand In tho
Vi'rm nn latJv-r than to take seats In the
M in lt:M!d. The forecast Is for wanner
v:itii. tortiy, however, and prospects
fir - t-.-it a hi? crowd will be present to
i he !.!'' match race between Colum
M;i l-"i;-. 2 (H4. and Hal MoKinney.
C:ft V4, the 2.14 trot and two other eood
t'olomhla Klre and Hal MrKlnney were
exhibited before the trrandstand yester
lay, and It was evident that much In
terest has been aroused by this contest.
The M1i Rare Today.
So far as predicting the result of this
rare, even' man Is entitled to do what he
wants with his own money, but If any
person desires to know what I the wise
thing to do, it Ih this: Restrain your
enthusiasm for (It her horse to r suffi
cient detirce so that your money will re
main In your pocket.
Thu clement of uncertainty Is very
(liven a fast truck, aoort weather and
all conditions fHVorahlc, HaJ McKlnney
has shown thnt he ha a little scmethinc
on the hid horn-, bv beatlnr Col ii ml tii
j Fire two third h-at In !:(T, this year.
I Hut all the conditions demanded by Hal I
McKinney for his best effort will not be
present today ,and there you are. Co
lumbia Fire bent Hal McKlnney over a
oft track at the Speedway In five-heat
race last August.
The racinn program will brgln at 1:30
o'clock today.
The summaries:
Trottlnr. 2:e0 class, purse t4K
iryoia. iik. m., by Expedition
Lottie Alcott. b, m.. by i?oln Al
cott iDrtgKs) i
Alexandria, b. m., by Bon Voy
age (Atkinson) S 2 3 3 ,
Time. 2:i!0. :23-. 2:1V... 2:?ou.
I'ttclnK, 2:2o class, pursii lvk I
Major ("onstantlne, blk. s., by Con-
stanttne (Itughlln) 1 1
Frank Moloway, ch. g. (SelmMlant. .2 2 2
K. .. AI.erton, b. g., by Kgo Aller-
ton (KKxers) J g 4
Llndy 1'eterson, b. 111., by Abdul
llamld (Dally) 1 1 J
Time. 2:2H. 2:26, 2:2T.i4.
laeiiiK, .n rlas.4, purse te00
M. T., b. r., by Conrad (JohusonV ..1 1 1
Kinney Win, ch. g., by Kinney U
(Allen) 1
j Annes br. m. (McKinna) 3 3 8
I Irene Heau, ch. m.. by Silver Heau
(Mler and Smlthi ,4 4 4
Time, 2:17, 2:13. :12.
Iirwa i'Iim . . . . . ..1 ,1101 . -1. .1
T I - . - . JW1 in v. L . . I. V, .
. claims Is due him for eervlees as arcliW
lect and sur-ervlsor In conevtlon with the
erection of the Mary ltunliiK Memorial
I hospital In this city .and a memorial
fountain at Smith collcne. Not thnmiHon,
The an-hltect says In his bill that he
waa dismissed by Mr. lanning without
cause after I-annlmr had aureed to com
pensate him on the basis of TH per cent
of the total cost of construction and paid
him $1.M of the sum. Hoth structures
have lately been finished, the hospital !
at a cost of more than JliW.'W.
3 2 2
were to be held. He said.
'In the Itaptlst church. Nothltm dolnir.'
said Jtlll;1 'you couldn't iret thut bar
room crowd Into the church for anyth'ttg.
Well have the mcetlnus In the oera
house.' The preacher threw up his bands
In horror. 'Why, that rents for $10 a
t da,v;' said, IfM w, hrld the meetlnns
I there.
j "In a Utile Minnesota town, Tower by
name, e held the meetings In nn old
'deserted dance hall. 'Hill' and I took off
our coats and worked several days bulld
t Iiik the seats.- Uln ronith planks over
'Ions. He preached theri five weeks with
j his whole heart and soul. Just as he does
now. And on the last dav he took up a
I colli-i Hon. H s 135. He didn't make a
'murmur. It nil right.
In Inrth Dakota.
"In Hlsseton, N. IV, e had meetlnns
that I won't fin net to my dying day.
Slsselon Is on the border of an Indian
reservation and an Indian amjaw by the
name of Pl Face Creek played the
organ. The meeting were In halt orer
a grocery store. The Indian squaw didn't
come more than half the time and when
she didn't 'Hill' tried to lead the singing.
"One day the Presbyterian preacher
came and wante to show us hi. 4 church.
We went with him and after he had
showed us the main part wo were aston
ished when he ushered us Into the prayer
meeting room and we found that he and
his wife ami three children were living
"He mentioned that In the last six
months he had received Just 1100 In sal
ary. He wasn't complaining, but we
could see that ha waa truly destitutes
WTien we got back to our room tUH :
took off Ms best suit, put on his other
one and sent me down to the preacher
with his best as a present with his com
pllments, and tome cash.
"Ves, sir, I know what 'Pill' Sunday U
at heart. I knew tlm when ha wag ohs.'ur
ami he was Just aa earnest a Christian,
1 en as he la now when the world reoog.
rises him."
Mr. l.eavltt will be Joined by hla wife,
and daiiKhter Friday and they will pro
ceed to their home In Los Angeles.
TOKK, Neb.. Sept 21. (Speclat Tele- :
t gram. The attenilan.-e at the fifteenth
'annual Sunset sH-lal of me nand women ;
of York county, held today, was 1T5 over
the ape of 70 years. 11 F. Swanback of
le Odd Fellows' Home, was the oldest
person present, hla one being lot years.
Father Ixomer came next, aged Si 1
CHICAGO. Sept. 21.-Iarry Chappell.
who camo to the Chicago American
league base ball club from Milwaukee
two years ago In one of the bWgcet finan
cial transactions ever made by the local
team and who was returned to the Amer
ican Association club this spring because
he failed to make good, will play In a
Chicago uniform next year If a well-defined
report which prevailed here today
Chappelle Is mentioned with Pitcher
Shackelford In a deal with President
Comlskey of the local club. In which the
two players are to be received by the
Chicago team In exchange for some cash,
a pitcher and an outfielder.
Do Ion Snfrr Tilth toldst
Take I"r. King's New Placovery, the
best cough, cold, throat and lung medl- '
cine made. The first dose helps. 50c. I
All druggists. Advertisement. '.
COU MRfS, O., Sept. SI. The Hoster,
Columbus, $10,000 stake for 2:14 trotters, I
the principal event today on the Orand ,
Circuit racing program here, was won by j
Peter Scott In straight heats. Mabel '
Trak was second and Lottie Lee third. !
Hest time, 2:07. Peter Scott'i share In
the stake was 14,000.
Will Run. Marshalltcwn.
Frank N. Hoyle of Waterloo, who laat
year managed the Keokuk team In the
Central Base Hnll association, waa today
announced aa the manager of next year's
Marshalltowu team.
K Um DIiiis4 OiK
4 M
Some bright boy win soon be
whizzing over the roads on this
$275 Indian Motorcycle, or some
happy girl showing her friends the
$200 Edison Phorogranh with its
$75 worm of records won in this
Edlaoa Day, October 21, celebrates) th dbcovecy of
tba Jncandeccent electric light. We want people to nn-
dervtand it and to know all about it, and to get them to
know about it and talking about it, the EDISON DAY
PRIZE CONTEST has been started, with $2500 worth
of QUALITY PRIZES to be Riven by the makera of
EDISON MAZDA Lamp to boy and girls of 18 and
under who tell the story of Edieon Day efSscthrely and arouse
interest in its celebration.
jgTj, I Every Boy and Girl Has an Equal Chance
You simply distribute some cards which we wCl ghre you en
tirely free of charge and these cards when turned in by persons
buying lamps bet ween September 2 1 st and October 21 st, EDISON
DAY, count points for you. The earlier you get started the more
cards you can distribute and the more points you stand to win,
so we emphasize the importance of starting right sway.
There is nothing for you to buy, or be responsible for. No
reports, no details. Send or call for too complete celalof
of EDISON DA Y prize end fall details of the con-
Sb Any one or all oi the lanm arents listoi hoinu- cheerfully give you a fine catalog illustrat
ing every prize ana will furnish particulars
thai will help you to get results.
- Get an early start.
3 Hi
There's all
the difference in the
world betAveen Hawaiian Canned
Pineapple and the green fruit you
call "fresh. "
is picked only when it is perfectly ripe
and full flavored. It is packed immediately in
its own natural juice the ww pineapple
flavor is retained. There's nothing more
The big, tender slices are ready to serve for
dessert the moment they come from the
can. They may be used in countless ways
in pies, cakes, fritters, salads, puddings,
ices, 6herbets, etc. A medium-sized can
is plenty for six people.
10c to 25c s can according to size of
can and grade of quality cheaper
than it ever been before. Just ask
for a can of Hawaiian Pineapple,
Your Grocer Sells It
Association or Hawaiian
Pineappli Packers
Garland Bldg.
VlS irW P. mil TnS
MUl-Wct Electric Company, 1207 Harney St. i
Burgess-Granden Company, 1509 Howard St.
Western Auto Supply Co., 1920 Farnam St.
Powell Supply Company, Auto Supply, 2110 ,
Kainam St.
Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., 16th and Dodge
Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., 16th and Har
ney Streets.
Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., 207-9 North
16th Street.
Sherman A McConnell Drug Co., 24th and Far
nam Streets.
Ernest Buffett, Fancy Grocery, 50th and Under
wood Streets.
Louis Summer, Fancy Grocery, 4820 Leaven
worth Street.
A. L. Huff, Pharmacy. 2924 Leavenworth 8treet.
Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 3923 Cuming Street.
A. Shaw. Fancy Grocery, 2116 Military Avenue.
Hanscom Park Pharmacy, 1501 Park Avenue.
Laemnile Film 8ervlce Co., 1122 Farnam Street.
H. 1 Pribbernow, Pharmacy, 24th and Vlntou.
Hermamiky Bros., Pharmacy, 16th and Vinton.
O, H. Wlrth, Tharmacy, 1330 North 40th Street.
Forest & Meacy Drug Co., 401 North 2 4th 8t.,
South Side.
Goldman Pharmacy, 24th and Leavenworth Sts.
StrauBbaugh Pharmacy, 1816 Vinton Street.
Williams Pharmacy, 10th and Bancroft Streets.
Hernia Park Pharmacy, 3233 Cuming Street.
Kenton Drug Ca., 33d and California.
Kenton Drug Co., 3852 Leavenworth Street.
Beaton Drug Co., 16th and Farnam Streets.
United Auto Supply Supply Co., 1215 Harney
Knudsen Grocery Co., 5906 Main Street, Benson.
Florence Drug Co., Main Street, Florence.
Saratoga Drug Co., 24th and Ames Avenue.
Fregger Drug Co., 16th and Grace Streets.
Vochals Pharmacy, 602 Pierce Street.
Adams Haight Drug Store, 24th and Lake
Adams & Haight Drug Store, 21th and Fort
Blake Drug Co.. 16th and Locust Streets.
Phillips Drug Co., 13th and Harney Streets.
Wilke & Mitchell, 4 0th and Farnsm Streets
Munt Drug Co.. 21th and F streets. South Side.
Bernak & Son, 16th and William.
Nebraska Cycle Co., 16th and Harney Street
(This Is NOT a Land Drawing-)
149,838 acres In the Goshen Hole
Country, Eastern Wyoming, open for
settlement under Homestead Laws
in tracts of 160 acres.
This is the last large tract in Wyoming to be dis
Iosed of under th Homestead Act. To reach Tor
ring! on, the nearest railroad point to these lauds,
travel via
Union Pacific
to Oering, Nebraska, Heaving Omaha 12:30 mid
night) auto stape to Scott's Bluff (about two miles),
train leaving that point at 3:55 p. m., ariving Tur
lington 5:05 p. m. same day. Entry filing or selec
tion, Oct. 25, 1915, at Cheyenne, Wyoming, United
States Oovemment Land Office, beginning 9 o'clock
a. m.
The eastern edge of these lands may also bo
reached by an 18-mile automobile drive from Haig,'
Nebraska, the terminus of the North Platte Valley
branch of Union Pacific Railroad, 7 miles west of
Send today for special circular containing plat
of the land, extracts from the Homestead Laws, and
information about railroad and automobile trarw
portation to this tract. Free upon application to
Colonization and Industrial Agent, Union
Pacific System, Room 103, U. P.
Bldg., Omaha, Neb.
Take Stock in'Piper'
Says the broker: "You
want to chew tobacco to get
the real juicy sweetness
out of it and you want to
chew "PIPER' to get the
top-notch plug-chewing of
the world. Down in Wall
Street we use it all the
time. "PIPER" not only
saves our time it multi
plies our tobacco enjoyment."
CWwbTUcc Oaapifa Flamr
The greatest distinction
about "PIPER" to a man
who likes a smacking good
relish to his chew is the fa
mous Champagne Flavor."
The winey taste mlncles on
his tongue with the natural, mel
low sweetness of the ripest, rich
est, carefully selected tobacco leaf.
ttTfTn St . a
rircn. - u u nignest
type of chewing tobacco in the
world wholesome, healthful
and satisfying.
8W by jU mryvkm, '
Ut mmi IOc .H.ry.
fell-wrapped, to mi mm I tkm
Send IOc aai
TOir tobacco
dealer's name.
and we'll send fall-tlze lie
cnt of "PIPES" and hand
some leather pouch FKEK,
anywhere In U. 3. Also a
folder about "PIPEB." Tha
tobacco, pouch and maUlat:
will coat ua 20c, which we
will gladly apend becaaaa
trial will make yon a
ateady user of "PIPER."
Persistence is the cardinal vir
tue in advertising; no matter
how good advertising may be
in other respects, it must be
run frequently and constant
ly to be really succcessful.
:m 1 'Tit a