Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 22, 1915, Page 12, Image 12

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Federal Jurist Namei Frank Fowler
as Executor Estate ii bat
Fifteen Thousand.
William I!. Munger, judfe of the
local district of the federal court,
it bo died August 11, this year, left an
estate valued at (16,000 to his widow,
Mr. Jennie M. Munger, by a will
admitted to probate in county court.
Thin mm represented the eavlnis of
twenty-nine years' practice at tha bar In
Nebraska and eighteen years' service en
the federal bench. According to a peti
tion tiled by Mra. Munger the Judge left
real eatste valued at 110,000 Mid peraonal
property worth $5,000. Jud, Hunger's
long continued legal work h I made hint
an authority In the practioe of law and
hla decisions a a Judge were widely
"As my entire estate will be no more
than neceaeary to afford my beloved wire
a suitable living. I make no provision
for any of our children, having full con
fidence that my beloved wife will render
them any assistance they may require
in her power to give, and make suitable
provision for each of them upon her
death," the will reads.
The will was dated October IS. 1914, and
waa witnessed by Oeorge H. Thummel
and Richard C. Iloyt, and named his
brother-in-law, Frank Fowler of Fre
mont, aa executor.
Judge Munger left three children Mrs.
May Bell of Silver Creek, Mra. Carrie
Jackson of Dallas, 8. D., and William
II. Munger of North T'latte. Mra. Muiw
grr Uvea at 1624 South Thirty-second ave
nue. The Judge waa appointed to the bar In
151(1 and re me to Nebraska the same year,
first going to Fremont.
Heard at tho Tab
Homer Ttrxli.hoaver baa returned from
Milwaukee, where he went on a flying
trip to attend the funeral of t'. 1. Blllo
wny, bend of the Milwaukee Kesrue m le
sion, who died euddenly
At a special me ting for parents to h
held this evening st 70 at the
I, we Avenue Presbyterian rhiirch, For
.leth and stri-ela, Miss Oamlln
of the "Bl ly" Hunday company will
S(4ak en "The Mams of the Boys and
(,1 Is" 8he says tint her talk waa so
popular In I'M arielpMa that she had to
repeat It Ighteen tlmea.
Who will be the first building contrac
tor to "hit the trail" In the tabernacle?
That Is now a subject of speculation
among the contractors of the Omaha
Builders exchange. The exchange has
mn'le arrengementa for the rewrvatlon
of JM nla at the tabernacle Thursday
evening of this week for the 'Billy" Bun
day sermon. The members are to meet
at lie North Fourteenth street at 7 o'clock
and march to the tabernacle In a body.
A ' telegram that throws light on the
much dlHoueaed question of lasting ef
forts" of Minday revivals has been re
ceived from Peterson. N. J. It Is aa fol
lows: "Hev. William A. Sunday, Omaha
The Bible srhoola of Peterson send greet
ing to you and your party on this the
day of ti:elr greatest and most successful
Hunilay school parade. Almost lti.OitO per
sons marched through our streets this
afternoon In the lnraent religious demon
stration ev-r held here. The spirit shown
by the parariers and thoe who witnessed
It proves that the results of the great
oamps'itn are taking root. Old taber
nacle hymns and tunes predominated all
along the linn of march. And the great
enlhiialHAm manifest strengthens the nope
of srciit temperance victory at the com
ing election. Huer1ntendnt8, officers,
pastors and marehals of the parade as
rwmhled at banquet at conclusion of pa
rade and reJol'd over Its success, send
greetings to you snd pray that the same
moral and spiritual uplift may coma to
Omaha that has wmw to Pateraon. A.
N. Hmlth, for committee."
Too Many People Miss the Chance
Which God Has Placed in Their Way
Iter. "BUly" Bunday preached Tuesday
afternoon on "The Withered Hand In the
Church." He aaid:
Luke rt, : 'Jesus went Into the syna
gogue on a Sabbath day, and he found
there a man with a withered hand.' 1
' He waa not dead waiting for an un
dertaker to take him to the graveyard;
he was not blind and groping hla -way
to the coifln; he was not deaf or dumb.
I have known many men who found It
Impossible to do certain things because
of a withered hand. A withered hand Is
worse than no hand; It seems to be al
waya In the way. It la no better than a
dead hand: there Is no work It can do,
no design It can execute.
A man may be a great genius, but he
Is greatly handicapped with a withered
hand. Tou can see what a barrier it
would be to him. He may have the
genius of a Raphael, but he Is only half
a man.
The hand la one of the most important
member of the body. None of his Ideas
could find expression on canvas. In mar
ble, or in architecture, because he had a
withered, useless hand. He may be as
full of muslo aa Paderewakl, but he could
never play a piano becauae of his with
ered hand.
A Faltbfnl "ervaat.
The hand Is man's most faithful ser
vant: It always obeys hla command. It
la the hand that carries the food to the
mouth; It la the hand that will put a
gun to a man's shoulder and murder hla
dearest friend; It la the hand which rocks
the cradle; it waa the hand that built
the ships In which Columbus discovered
America; it la the hand which builds our
battleships; It la the hand that make
our cannon and rifle; It was the hand
that lowered the forests and built home
In the wilderness; It waa the hand that
wrote the Declaration of Independence;
It was the hand that built the locomotive,
the steel mills; It wss the hand wired It
and lighted It; It la the hand that builds
the telescopes that enable Us to atudy
the heavens; It Is the hand that senda a
message that Speeds like the wind under
the sea to a country you have never
vlxlted; It waa the hand that wrote the
Bible; the hand that built the pyramids;
the hand plucked tha fruit In the garden
of Kdcn and the world is suffering from
the result today; the hand held the sur
geon's knife which prolonged our life;
the hand of wudaa took the betrayal
money; the hand scourged Jesus; the
hand placed the crown of thorna upon
Hla brow; the hand nailed Htm to the
cross and the hand took Him down; the
hand placed him In the aepuicher; the
hand rolled the atone away and discov
ered that He had risen.
Tou can find persons with withered
hands everywhere. They cannot do the
work in the world they would do because
they are handicapped. The drunkard
can't do what he ought to do because
of drink: the woman who Ilea cauaea her
womanhood to wither: she can't live the
kind of live she would live, because she
Is withered. In every church there are
people who cannot do what they would
di because they hava given themselves
to the devil; they are withered. Tou say
you can't do peraonal work; It la because
you are withered.
Ood has given Omaha an opportunity
thousands of clttea want; certainly you'll
not mlsa it. Ood givea every one a
chance to speak to aome one about
Jesus, to try to lead him to the Lord,
and It la the man with the withered hand
who doea hot do It. Borne people now on
the road to hell have had their opportu
nity, but didn't Improve It, and they lost
Don't be like the priest who saw the
Levlte lying Injured and didn't turn aside
to minister to his needs. If he had he
might have been as famoua aa Paul and
Peter, but he didn't He had hla chance
jand missed It I think It Is an awful thing
, to miss a chance Ood throwa at your
door; It la an awful thing for a church
to miss a chance to do something for
Ood. Tou have an opportunity such as
y-m have never had before to win aouls to
Iot Onnortenltlea,
j ta India there are men who have stood
so long with their arms extended the
members have withered. They have lost
control over them and can no longer
bring them back to their bodv. I have
known men who have had their hands In
their pockets so long It would be Impos
sible for them to pull one hand out with
a dollar for the Lord.
The hands have withered. Some peo
ple have lifted booze so long their hands
era withered and they can't open their
j muie; some play rarde until their hands
i are, withered and they can't do anything
for Jesus. I've as much right to play
cards' aa you have, but If I did you people
wouldn't hava much respect for my re
ligion. If you did, I wouldn't give three
i whoopa for you. Many cannot take tha
hand of a husband or a member of your
lodge and ask him to come to Jesus be-
: cause their hand, are withered. God ta
Riving you your opportunity now; aee
ii you can improve It
Moody took hla one talent and ueed It
j - talent ana Uffea It
for the Lord and Ood gave him power to
save thousands. There are men lookln.
Into my face thla afternoon who hava
more brains than Moody, but the trouble
la they are not willing. They Just drift
along like a round peg In a square hole
and haven't moved anything for the Lord.
Jesus went Into the aynagoguo on a
Sabbath day and he found thera a man
with a withered hand. What did he doT
He said. "Stretch forth thy hand." and
when he had done ao, Jesus returned It
to It, normal condition. Don't look only
In the grog ahop; you can find them In
the church, the choir loft, among the
stewards, vestrymen and elders. In the
young people'a society; everywhere you
find people who have had their oppor
tunity and didn't Improve It.
Many Miss rbaare,
Jesus Christ says to you with little
ability, "Stretch forth thy hand. Tou
say: "I have never done personal work"
stretch forth thy hand. Tou have never
prayed In public etretch forth thy hand
Ood will loosen your tongue. Tou aay
you have no family altar In your home
stretch forth thy hand. Tou. are afraid
to ask God's blessing before you eat
stretch forth thy hand. I don't care
where I am, in a fashionable hotel. In
a modern dining car or In your home, I
don't put anything in my body without
first asking Ood's blessing on It. If you
gulp It down tike a hog from a swill
trough, that's your bualnesa
Saul missed his chance and his hand
withered and the scepter dropped. David
didn't miss hie chance, he picked up the
scepter and climbed upon the throne.
Judaa reached forth hla hand for the gold
that betrayed Chriat and his name Is
spoken with disdain. Adam arid Eye
reached forth their hands and ate the
forbidden fruit and the world Is sufferlng
from it today. ; Pilate, poor Pilate, had
hla chance, but he missed It. Those who
walk the streets of heaven liad tlicti
chance and they Improved It; see If oJ
can improve yours. .
Bring your small store ai d Jesus Christ'
will meet the needs of Omaha. If Jrcdj
haven't much ability, bring It to the
Lord and sea what He will do with It !
The boy's sardines and biscuits when?
brought to the Lord became a banquet
for thousands. Bring your little store and
let Him Improve upon It. It Is Just s
easy for Jesus Christ to make a loaf as
to create the world. The world Is hungry
and waiting, ao give It something to eat
Jaat Da Year Beat. '
"Bring what you have," aald God. Toil
can't all sing like prima donnaa or elnif
the scale like Fred or Rode; bring what
you have. Don't be a bench warmer
get Into the game. Never alt silent whllal
somebody Is slandering the Lord. Puk
Him Into your busineas and tell people?
It la safe to come to your place to dea
because Jesus Christ is your senior part-"
ner. Do you deliver the goodsT Say!
"Yes: but I can't deliver my manhood.'
Do something for Jesus.
I'm preaching to the God who took
Enoch to heaven. I'm preaching; to the
same Ood who made the water gush
from the rocks; the same God that locked
tho lion's mouth for Daniel. God never
changea. You change. He doesn't
(Copyright, William A. Sunday.)
The county board haa paid a balance of
$2130 40 to the Douglas County Agricul
tural society, following- a decision by Dis
trict Judge 'Leslie, that the last law
passed by the legislature, relating to such
payments, la constitutional.
The Quality Is High
Tho9 the Price Is Low
1 a ,
The Enger Twin Six at $1,095 is a better car than you could buy
for FIVE Thousand Dollars a few years ago and that is stating
it mildly. We can just as conservatively say that the new Enger
is better, than the ORDINARY machines selling today for two
thousand and more. Because
Tho Enger Twin Six is a wonderfully complete and efficient machine a better
better car than the Enger single six of the past year, which, itself, was a great
machine. But the remarkable record of the old Six will be surpassed by the new
Twelve, whichat tho same price offers twice as many cylinders, more and
smoother power, faster pick-up, is more quiet, responsive and efficient.
' ' Demonstrating car is on tho way by express and will positively bo here Friday
morning. Arrange now for a demonstration.
Deliveries will start in October. First come, first served.
s '
, The Enger Twin-Six
MOTOR Twin Six (12 cylinders) cast en bloc.
Angle of cylinders, 60 degrees from center line,
2-in. bore,.3V$-in stroke. Valve in the head
motor. Construction of motor allows for removing"
-Automatic and manual advance igni.
WIIEELBASE 115-in. Road clearance 10-in.
Electric motor mesting in fly wheel gear for
starting. Generator direct drive.
CARBURETION Double entrance carburetor with
manifold hot water jacketed.
SPRINGS Cantilever.
TRANSMISSION Three speeds ahead, one reverse.
CLUTCH Multiple disc. Dry plate.
REAR AXLE Pressed steel housing. Spiral bevel
gears. Full floating.
COOLING' SYSTEM Thermo -syphon.
TIRES Wheels equipped with demountable rims
and 32x4 tires, non-skid on rear. 1
COLOR Body is dark brewster greon.
WEIGHT Or OAR 2,485 lbs., fully equipped with
top, windshield, battery, lamps, starter, magnetio
speedometer, tools and extra rim.
PRIOE-$1.005 f. o. b. Cincinnati.
12th and Farnam Omaha, Nebraska
rr. - .v ,.; " J
, " "ft'r,""""'1"""'1 " -i if- -irt-ssi i- .mill m-n. aai isji w nti (Ui-va
Critical Examination and
Comparison Is Welcomed.
An opening display and sale which offers for your inspection and selection assort
ments in garment styles and fabric weaves; broader, better, more pleasingly priced .than
ever before in the history of this big store.- 18-in. and 27-in. Flouncings.
Many Splendid Specials Enhance the Interest Wednesday. , ;
Hayden's Noted for Silks
And this season'! offerings surpass In all respects
all previous records. Two exceptional showings
Elegant Plaid Taffeta and Hetlns, 36 In. wide, in
every new Color combination, tbe rich, subdued ef
fects so much In demand; special showing for Wed
nesday, yard .............. 81 .25 and $1.48
Fine 80-in. Chiffon Dress Taffetas, in full range
of 'the newest street and evening shades, soft, lus
trous silk,, special at, yard .... , OS
Velvets Very Much in Vogue
And our showings are wonderfully varied and
attractive. You'll find -Just what you want ou
display' here.
Rich Chiffon Silk Velvets, 42 In. wide, la all
new shades, including blackberry, subterranean
green, graphite,, sapphire. Burgundy, etc., two
remarkable values Wednesday, yard, S3.08
' ' ; "- $4.08
Imported Drees and Salt Velveteens, guaranteed
fast pile and fast color, soft chiffon finish, 44
in. wide, to $4.00 values. In Wednesday's sale
at, yard 82.50
Wool Dress
to 3.50 values,
the most wanted
new styles in
serges, shepheru
, checks and nov
elty cloths, hew
pleated styles in
braid trimmed
and plain tailor
ed effects, a fine
lot for your se
lection shown in
the Domestic
Room at 31.08
500 of them
all styles.
House Dresses
that sold to $1.25, sices 16 to
86, In pretty ginghams, per
cales and chambrays, in Do
mestic Room at 49.
A Display of Ladles' Fail
and Winter Furnishings
Gloves, Hosiery, , Corsets,
etc., never more complete,
never more pleasingly
priced an ' assemblage" tf
garments from the world's
best makers that you'll not
find excelled anywhere.
' From the best that's' good
to the finest manufactured.
New Tailored
$12.76 and $15
values in serges
and gabardines.
blues, .. browns,
greens and
blacks, in hew
fitted or pleated
coat styles and
with full pleated
ekirtt.sults made
to sell at $12.76
and $15.00, all
sizes, for women
or misses, on
sale in Domestto
Room at $9.90
Opening Sale Specials From Oar Lace Stock
From the most complete stock shown in many years in Omaha we offer remarkable
specials for Wednesday in AUover Laces and 18-in. and 27-in. Flouncings.
Allover Laces, worth $2.00, at, yard 98
AUover Laces, worth $3.0f, at, yard, $1.4?)
Allover Laoces, worth $4.00, at, yard, $1.98
Flouncing Laces, worth $1.00, at, yard, 59
Flouncing Laces, worth $2.00, at, yard. 98
Flouncing Laces, worth $4.00, at, yd. $1.98
A splendid line of Blnck Silk Laces shown at, yard 19 to 98
New Fall Dress Goods at Specially Attractive Pricings
Rich New Broadcloths In
all most wanted autumn
shades. Thoroughly sponged
and shrunk, with lustrous
satin finish, at, yard $1.48
and $1.98
Fine All Wool Gabardines
and Costume Poplins, in the.
newest all colors;'" 54-incL
wide,ohoice values at, per
.... ......$1.75
All Wool Mannish Mixtures
-High class fabrics in tho
new greens and browns, wor
steds,, checks, Tartan plaids,
etc:, two socials; per yard,
at...... $1.25 and $1.48
Brooms-Half Price
A fine parlor broom of good
quality, usually sold at 30c
to 35c; from 9 to 10' if
A.M. only C
ED MOPS Regular price
$1.19, from 10 A. M. M Q
to 11 A. M.. . . . .'. .... Sz&C
from 10 A. M. to A n
11 A. M..... 4iC
' No telephone or C. O. D.
orders accepted.
An Immense Showing of
Household Linen
Am Assortment Xcre TLat Makes aeleeUea Hot Only meeearaDle bat
Spiendidly equipped with the eholeeat llnsa valoas after months of case.
fal preparation, easambllng tola lauaense eoUae.ioa ef te weavers' best
linen manufacturers.
Bo Liar xiaiaesk Tula beantlfnl Quality, Tl inohas wtda, prodae af
ths Stalling-, Irlsa and Bcotote Ztooms, as no superior.
fcapklua, -i.xii sue. to match this taUe linen, pvr ousen ...SS.eS
fatten CJotba and Vapklaa to match, 1-yard cloth and 12-ln. napkina, tine
qualliy Irish astln, alt linen damask, set S
All Lluea heiimtltrhed Table Clotns, silver blenched, each ...Su
All linen hematitched Monotcram Towels, individual or guest alae, each, S5e
All linen damask Table Covers, hemstitched or scalloped: heavy, doub a
weight tlamank, 1-4 ise, each SS.aS
All Linen t-)ard Cloths (71x101), the finest Moravian double' satin;
thla value cannot be produced at leas than 18.00: special, each 9i.3
fatln Bed Hp read and Bolster 8et, cut corner, seal loped, full alae spr.a-1.
with Itxil bolster, set , .$
Hheeta, full bleached, seamless. tlxDO alae. eac.'i ..(So
Oases, 41-lnch, hemstitch hem or satin-stripe ends, tach lSe
Cases, embroidered enda, 4&-lnch slsa, rerular 60o value, pair ,....o
Hayden's Make the Grocery Prices for the People, Not a Few
Our aim Is quality roods and. a sav
ins; of 5 to It) per cent on tho oo-at
of llvlna.
IS lha. Beat Pure Cans Oranulstel
ttuaar 10
4S lb. aack Beat High Orsjle Diamond
"II" Flour, made from selected NiV
I sprint- wheat, aack
10 lbs. best White or Tallow Corn
meal for S3e
cana OU Sardine SSe
T tba. Beat Bulk Laundry Starch tie
The Best Ixmiestlo Macaroni. Vermi
celli or iaheill. ( f Vie
Ttaat FVain. pka e
K C Corn Klakaa, pka. ..........Se
Orapa-Nuta, pka lOe
Tail cans A lav a Kaunon ...... . 101
I. arse bottles Worcester Pauce. Pure
Tomato Catsup or fickle, assort J
kind, bottle SSe
4 lbs. KVncy Japan Rica, Tapioca o'
Navy Beans SSe
Hershey's rtrvakfaat Cocoa lb. . Soo
a lb. cana Fancy Wax. Btrlnf. Own
or Lima Beans, rn TUi
10 bars Beat 'Kin All or Diamond
"C" Sohh BSe
I bars Electrlo Boark Soap tte
Oolden Kantoa Coffee, a fine drink.
lb Soe
The beat Tea Blftlnss. lb 1H
The best Creamery Butter, carton '
bulk, lb are
Fancy No. 1 Country Creamery But
ter, lb See
Tha best No. 1 Fresh Country Eas,
per dosan See
I Ibe. Uood Butterlne aoe
AS ADTiBTUkO, Bneclal ta Ore.
eary t"t
Tnm 9 to 10 a. m
IS lbs. Best Barly Ohio Oooktaar r.
vetoes 7
Ho. S Valla furs Lard . . . ." " SaS
One hoi.e only. No deliveries.
Tk T eyc-tabie and rrait acarkat of
Omaha fo, tha IHopSaT
It lbs. fancy Cooklna- Apples. ... ,18a
4 heads esh Leaf Lettuce as
t bundle Freeh Radishes
JST WCSK KB nuoita
buy ngw. If yo-i have not a.reety
hs-uffht. A special car of fancy Uth
FUerta Free atone peaches. Wa-tasa.
Say, pea erate
One car'oad of fancy Illinois eh'effer
id In basket Wketa Si
F'a rm r.ark1
Larga kiaxaet Baekee
aee K
n i