THK nKK: OMAHA. WKOXKSDAY, NKITKMIIF.K 22, 101.". 11 REAL ESTATE ACREAGE Why Not Buy An Acre In Benson Gardens? Equal to six or eis;ht city lots. The nd vantages are many. You will have pleuty of room for c gnnlon. , You can grew all the vegetables you need. You can have from 500 to 1,000 chickens, i Your car fare is the same (5 cents). You can have a cow and have fresh milk. ' You will have a better place for your children. You can grow all the fruit you need. You can reduce the high cost of living. , You will har e better health. You will have no city taxes to pay. There are many other good rensons why you should buy an aero in this beautiful Acreage Tract. Only $10.00 down, $10.00 a month payments. The best savin ars account you can have. Call and jret prices and literature telling more about it. Hastings & Heyden lbl4 HARNEY STREET . 120 Acres On Paved Road If you want one of the best located farms close to Omaha, on a paved road, you bhould look over this farm, which we are offering for Bale this week. The improvements consist of a good 7-room house, a good barn room for 12 head of horses and 12 head of cattle, besides a great deal of storage for hay; a double corn crib; granary; hog and chicken houses; reservoir for water, which is piped to the house und barn; about one-acre in orchard. The buildings are located at a high point so you can see into Omaha, South Omaha aud Benson. This is one of the best laying farms in Douglas County, just enough rolling for good drainage. It is located on the "West Center road to Millard, on the Cross road from Dodge to the Millard road; 11 miles from the business district of Omaha, 6 miles from the City limits, only 1 mile from Milbrd. 30 minutes' auto ride from 16th and Far liam Sts. A few thousand dollars payment will buy it this week; the balance 4 to 9 years with 5 interest. The price will bo made right. See us QUICK about it. Farms on West Dodge the same distance iut are selling over $100 an acre higher thajn the price asked for this one. Hastings & Heyden 3(5U HARNEY STREET. FOU RENT a, Dartmenta MODERN, sanitary, water free; close In, ind Flats, team heated ; hot , G. P. Stebblns. MODERN 6 and S-room apartments; hot water; Bleeping porches; $26 and $15. 1613 Vinton St. Farntabc ' n-rtaarata. .-ROOMS. WATNB. S8th and Dewey, new, nicely furnished, has built-in bed; close In; $23 summer, 136 winter. 3-ROOMS. AVALON. &8 8 r?th, nUely .irntshed. walking dint.; first floor; summer 124, winter HASTINGS A HEYDEN, 1014 Harney 8t Br and Rooms. Furnished Rooms that offer every mod ern .onvtnlence and romfort In private families or boarding houses of the high est Haas will be found in the Furntxhed Rooms column of The Bee. Phone Tyler O0u. FARM AM ST.. 2S"7 Exceptionally nice I rooms, with excellent home cooking, on ' Farnam car line. : Board and Room. 2019 Douglas et. Neatly furnished mis, quiet home, break faet If preferred. 8408 St. Mary's Ave. BOARD and rooms, 16 wk. 21 Douglas. THE Chatham note! for gentlemea. to permanent guests. 110 H. 12th. Rates D. iA. BOARD at ROOMS. 240 St. Mary's Ave. Farnam St., 2107 Nicely furnished rooms. steam heated; close In. Douglaa 1713. 1 SPECIAL LOW RATG8 TO PERMANENT GUkMTR. HOTEL 6ANFOKD, 11th and Farnam. HOTEL HA RLE Y. 20th and Furnam. til 8, 29TH Modern rooms by day or week; too and up; Just off Farnam car Una. Rates by the week. Kooma and excellent boa id, CIS Bo. 1 Bt. Heaaekeeplaej Roams. DAVENPORT. 201S-TWO OR THREE NICELT FURNISHED FRONT HQUPB XEEPINQ ROOMS. Karalsked Reome. DOUGLAS. 23 Furnished elegantly; modern conveniences; catering to hlgn flaas people only; rates reasons tle. 1LAROK room; strictly mod.-321 N. 25 :h. JfcI KT, 1776 Neat furn. close to college anil Duainess asinoi; rates reasonaDie. tWANTED Roommate; good room; 1 p.' m. call Douglas w. r. fehiman, 474 Harney. o JKICkV. large furnished room for oni or two reere -tal le nt'ee en: --rlva e f'm- ry; breakfaat If desired. 1308 Web. H. S43. Elegantly furn.. quiet home. UA Howard, j fOK bufelncas people, neatly furnished: hot and cold water, shower baths. 103 8. tbth Ave. 1 Single or en suite, hot and cold water; j hower baths; eie. fur. aixj B. am. Ave. 4 NEWLY fu:nlhed rooms, single or double; modern; m biocks from the Hl(h school; $2 and up: board If desired. 412 N. M St. Doug. g.'X JPAKK Ave, 15. For rent, new and neatly fumlahtd room; private home: in. Faralahed lloases. WEST FARNAM rxnuaaairiD or unfurnished. 140 AfsD $46. flaven rooms, all modern: piano player, rte. Paved street; half block to car. ong. 6013. Webster 14f. Heasea aad Cottages. North. For $25 You Get Fix tooms and halt all modern, east mint, one Dio- k IN. 241 N. Zf th. CaJI us. Ulti line. See It. Wis O'Keefe Real Estate Co., ' Hit Omaha Nat Dour !71S.- VM No. t2d -r. flat, ateel range, gag w, rumen niiim, w.ter :nid: III. RA8P BR03. Doug. lX 10.. S-r.. garage. $ 0 H tl.4 7.7 N. Ml. 6-room cottage, modern except heat. 4Mtt No. loth St.. H6.u0. Can give carpenter work right along and apply on rent. Call Web Lf r " 14 CVMINa 8T -r mod. Iooa 7 w' T-R . modern. I7 Sew trd Tl iT 4 it. i-ROOM. modern house, new; halfTlocs to can ta w. Phone Walnut 216K f-ROCjM house, mod., c nnv-in. T-1. D. 4.i. Fl'H lUiNT-A oouee. o-r. and bath; strictly mod . near car line, 1J0 a n ;w Franklin St. Tel. Walnut W. HEAL ESTATE ACKEAGK FOR RENT Hoasrs and Cottages. North. . BUILT 1 year. 7-room modem house, close to car line; lot. 64x120; nice lawn, shade, oak finish; any offer considered. 417 N.- 2llth. Web. MIS. I-ROO.M cottage modern except heat. fid 6411 N. 24th St Benson 8. Key nt 6325 Florence Hlvd.. 8 blocks east. 6-ROOM cottage. 1U 8. ISth St.. $15. Water paliL ; : 4-R. cottages, 8. SOth; large yard, sewer, i 'er' h. 10 '"' 11 2 Harney 4708. ' 1147 Park Ave.. 7-r., mod.. 135. H."'i"l2. South. $12 3-ROOM bricks; MS range, sink, toilet. A' snap. 1 blocks south of Vin ton, on IKth R. 4R"2. 1734 8. 10TH 8T. cept heat, 126. rooms, modern ex West. NEW 5-ROOM AND 8T.FTKPTNO PORCH DOUBLE HOUSES. Walking distance, near good school, on paved street. Hunt, $37 60. AMERICAN SECURITY COMPANY. 17th and Douglas. Douglas Mil 3317 SEWARD ST., 1 rooms, modern, 143. Harney 4742. DUNDET5 All modern eight-room bouse, near cars, water heat. Wal. X&- TORRENT -7-room house, located at K14 Leavenworth. Rent $36. Webster 2f0. 7-K. modiTn house. Tel. Webster 26tt. T-r. house, almost new, walking distance, 539 South 27th bt., all modern, call owner. Thomas McCoy, Harney MA. Maggard's Van ana Storage es- mov- Ing, packing, shipping. 1711 Webster St. Dour-lea 14M. Mlseella neons. MOD. house, g-r. hath. ra, electric light, oak finish, 140. 613 N. 20th. Tel. H. ltl 8'CE the Central Furniture store a FHcs RENTAL LIST J. C. Reed Exp. Co., moving, packing & storage. 12n1 Karnam. D. 14a. FIDELITY KvTicfe FftEK Phone Douglas 2S for complete list of vacant houses and apartment;, also for storage, moving, Mth and Jackson Hta Globe Van&Storage 6torea, moves, packs, ships; S-horse van and 1 men. 11.26 per hr.; storags $2 per mo. Satisfaction guar. D. 4.J 4k Ty. tM. HOUSCB "'fpfr'tlTot the olt Be "Mdg. Gordon Van Co. 555 ing, tug. Htorace Q N. 11th Bt. Tel V 394 or Har. IM. GOOD auto sales reorn on Karnam St. Very reasonable rci. lei. Doug. 40tl. DANDY. 6-room cottage, modern, ex. heat. 4002 N. $th St.. $16. Can alva carpenter work right along and apply on rem. au vveoster imi. MOD. house, -r., bath, gae, electric light, oak finish. 140. Vis N. 20th. Tel. H. 121. $12 l-r-m, bricks, gaa ra-ge, sink, toilet. A snap. Two bloaks aouth of Vinton, on I Dth. K 4 02. Bee. FoK RHNT or aale i-rwrn house, all modern, beat of condition, lota of ahade, nice yard, can be bousht on reasonable terms or rent for 1. Inquire 6121 N, lod 8t. Phone Webater VfO. tores and Offices. BENSON New modern store. 11x24. beat furnished, good location, suitable for barber ahop, shoe store, etc., $1X60 a month. Phone Benson 760W. 1216 MILITARY AVKNL'B Oood store room with t-room flat above. On Benson and Deaf Inst. lute car line, good location for business. Low rental to desirable tenant. QAHVIN BROS.. 14S Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. WANTED TO DCV OFFICK furniture bought and sold. ". I teed. 1K7 Kamani. Dour. 14. Yale buys eterytr'ug 2nd hand. Web. tXM H IQ11 EfT prices for "W clothing. I 14 WANTED TO RENT TWO or three-room apartment, furnished or unfurnished, close to Mil aad Far nam. Addreaa ZXiA, Loe, RKAL KSTATK farm RitiH l.ns rnn kt.v. Cotorada. IOWA BARGAIN Want to mute to Umaha. Have house 'a fcasl Das Moines, new In UMI, gMtl barn, two good sned., br. k chWkea bouee twill leave tue cliirkena In lit. a I turre lota fating eat, good location, two aiocaa Irom car, not tuo oloe to town. Some iniprovenienis, will sell cheap lor cah, will niae arrangiimata lor pay euents. Address U (Ms. Ilea WK handle everihina in Colorado reai estate. Tell ua your wants, we w i fill ihem. Irrigated randies a specialty. M. J. Barton tt Co., Fowler, Colo. WHEAT LA.ND for sale; U0 acieo, ood. ciosn to railroad and town. Lauia V. Buchanan, Blerl.iuj, Colo. Call lor a ta. Lire Oak Colonies, none better. W. T. mitn Co., !S 14 City .Nut. Hr. l. Sift atlaaeaota. 240 ACRE8, 46 miles from Minneapolis. one mile from town; luO acres under cultivation; balance uei for pasture; can practically all he cultivated; heavy soil; good set buildings, consisting of S- rrlh wn.rt 'mil,. .1,- : ih. i.n,i u.'ii nr- dncw W buaneis of com per acre: tele- Phone In house; outitry thickly settled: i complete set of machinery 27 head of. stock consisting of U cows ba a ce 1 and 2-year-oldi , il aood norie. i hVa JJi'it o? .hi. ".?i,. ana everytning on tne rnrm goes at l1 Pr acre, half cash. Schwab Uroa., lymouth Wdg., Minneapolis. Minn. I ... . ' " . r . . Ml.arl. 'celpta of 1.0H,(i0n hu., mud shipments of GOOD HOMES In South MI.eourt. cheap ili,tu bu. last year. .n ,?""";' J?.l9,-r ll" CAlt IAT RECEIPTS. M" wa w T iinwva awu aa wbsm tivw' o. I 1.M1ROVED aouth Missouri 40-a ere farm" Sl,20i. Oood soil, roiids nnd schools cljae to railroad town. Improved m acres, Sl.w). We have aome choice unlniDroved lands at $16 per. acre on eaay payments In tracts of 10 acres up. People are retting rh-h , there. literature free. C. Merrlaiw Kills ; It Benton. Kansas Cl'v, Kan. ' Monfaaa. MONTANA Irrigated landa best In the world for wheal, oats, alfalfa and stock; elose to town, railroad, schools and churches: 141.50 to 160 per sere on fifteen ume; annual payments less than rentals on middle went'f.rm.: wilie in. day for particulars: Illustrated pamphlet nd mtp free. Valler Farm Bales com pany. Bog l if. Valler. Mont elraeM-a. OOOD CENTRAL NEBRASKA FARM. Tor sale, or will trade for acreage or Omaha property; 218 acres, nice level hard land, fair Improvements, 30 acres alfalfa. 15 feet to water. 1 milea to county aeat town. Price, $70 per acre. PAVNB INVESTMENT CO , i T. 1781. jth Fl. Omaha. Nat. Bk. Bldg. o FOR SALE Best large body high-grade medium priced land In Nebraska; very " money requires oraaiey, vvei bach. Neb. W. O. TEMPLETuN City property, landa everywhere, farms, ranches, loans and Inauranoe. Aak about my orchard proi osklon. 60S Bee Bldg. FOR SA LE OR TRADEJ SO acrea under Ptock Yard.. Grand Island. Neb., second largest horse .oarket In the world. Will I consMer a trade for horses and cattle cultivation, hair mile north of Un0n Price SlM per acre. Write to A. Bartunek, nwuir .- ii. 1 v i ro , leo. v tatiaala. UPPER WISCONSIN Beat dairy and general crop state In the union; settler wanted; lands for sale at low prices on easy terms. Ask for booklet 34 on Wiscon sin Central Land Grant. Excellent landa for atock raising. If Interested In fruit lands ask for booklet on apple orchards. Address Land and Industrial Depart., Boo Line Railway. Minneapolis Minn W laooaala. FOR SALE We offer selected hardwood ridge cut-over landa, ail aUed tracts, at right prices and easy terms; soil clay suit loam; excellent dairy and farming region; land convenient to railroad In growing settlements; good markets for all pro ducts. Write for map and Information. John Aipln Lumber Company, Grand Rapids, Wis.. Sawmill Office at Atlanta, Rush County. Wisconsin. r MlMtllksssst, HAV8 YOU A FARM FOR SALEt Write a good description of your land ar.d send It to the Sioux City, la.. Journal, "Iowa's Most Powerful Want Ad Me dium." Twenty-five words every Friday evening, Saturday morning and every Saturday evening and Sunday morning for one month, giving sixteen ads on twelve different daya tor 2; or 0 words, 14, or 76 words, $4. largest circulation of any Iowa news psper, 2U1.0UO reader dally In four great states. REAIi ESTATE LOANS $1M TO ll.uuu made promptly. F. U. W'ead. Wead Bldg.. IMh A Farnam Bts. CITY and farm loans, 6, 6tt, 6 per oenl j. m. uumont at Co.. 41 State bank. A "For hale" ad will turn aecnnd-li.nil furniture Into cash. V ANTED Oood fann and city loans at lowest rates. PETBRH TRUST CO., KM Farnam. FARMS and cltv loans at lowest i.t. TO LAND TRUMBULL, 44 Bee Bldg. OMAHA homes. Kant Nebraska farms. - ' I IT IT W L 3 IT . T A . C 1011 Omaha Natlo-ial. Phone Douglas 271$, ijin a i on nana or city and farm loans. n. Dinger, iiy national Mank Blag. CITY pMperty. Large loans a specialty. w. ii. i nomas -am wta'e uanK Hldg. SEE us first tor farm loans in eastern Neb. Unit yd Htates Trust Co.. Omaha. KC CITT LOANS C. O. Carlberg. lie u 12 Brandels Theater Bldg. REAL ESTATE FOR EXCHANGE KO-ACnE Improved farm near Hebron. Neb., for sale or trade for smnll farm. Address T. H. Adam. Hebron. Neb. WILL trade or apply on same an I tOO atock of millinery In good condition for small acreage farm. Answer. Y 7. Bee. FOR MALE or trade, the fl. M. H of Bee. 32. Township It. range 12, Perkins Co., fliuth Dakota; this Is a good quarter lo cated In the Antelope valley. Address C !' Kellv Tvler, Minn. Trading. Real value. 607 Paxton Blk FOR HALE or trade. 4-roum house; moT. ern except heat, 2611 N. 18th. REAL ESTATE NORTH SIDE Bemis Park Home Owner writes, sell this place now. Price hag been reduced to make a quick sale. You can buy on payments. Ad dress 1612 Lafayette Ave.; 1 blocks to car. House la modern, rooms, south front, large lot, street paved. It la a fine buy at the present price. Be sure to see this place today If you want a bargain. Creigh, Sons & Co. Douglaa X. 608 Bee Bldg. Bungalow We have a very clasay, new, 6-room bungalow, 24x40, that la up-to-date In r u m, nul f .a 1. nl.K -.! nab fliui.a- full basement; large attic; located f73 N. 14 in St., wnere all homes are new homes and where many homes are being bul.t. We will make terms to salt pur- cnaser Norris & Norris 400 Bee Bldg. Phone Douglas 4270. 5-Room Bungalow North All on one floor. Oak floors and flnlah, Duut-in pooacases ana ounei. Corner lot, 4,-xlJO. one block to car. Easy Terms CALL WEB. 156. IX'K SALE r rent. -r. house, mud.; 1 blk. frcm Miller park and school. 6721 N. ath Ave, fnone owner. Weh. Mir? Bee Want Ada sroduce Results. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Cash Wheat Holds Its Own and Sales Are at Fntctically Un changrd Prices. LAU0H AT THE FROST REPORTS 11.04 No I velvet chaff: 1 cars. 1 01. OMAHA September 21. WK. No. I velvet chaff: 1 cars. 11 01. Rye Cah wheat waa steady flay and sold . No. 4: 1 car. Mc. Sample: 1 car. c. .t .ract.eily .ik lin. a pi leva. Receipis ' Parley Sample: 1 car liol. 3Sc. torn of were it. t very Heavy, but lliere , No. I white: 6 cars, OR v No. 1 whl'ei wu m i.i.iiv arliva ri, .!.. Com was a Irllie weak and waa quoted .in. liHiiaeti lo .i' lower. i here waa pretty good amount of corn rere.vtd. but .lie uciiutnu ivr this ceival was rattier fcAK.r. Ihe demand for oata was good and the receliila were light, data sold unchanged to 'v lower. Tim rye and liarley markets remained practn-aJiy unrnangeu. .PA has auflered no damaaa aa a reeulL Clearancea wwre; Wheat and flour to 4.0OU bu.; com, 2i,tM bu.; oata, 8 o- Liverpool spot: Wheat, Id higher to Id lower; corn. VdfHd lower. . i"-v "'"iii" bu ahlpmenta. 11.(W bu.. against - receipts or t pu., and ahlpmenta oi U-MT.1" last year. ' iriniar, corn rcc. lpta were H9f.,0W b.. ; and Milpmenta 44.0i. W. against receipts ... O - ) , , k.. .. W 1 . J . . , ' - uMiuiirui. vi .-..." "r- . ... Primary oats receipts were 1.114.000 bu.. uaiuai re- , . V heat Muini-apoVia 2W 3 I u t li 751 Omaha 40 Corn. 4ol Oata. 843 l KK.lli KHTATF NORTH SIDE KOtNTK PItCK HOME. Take advantnae of th opportunity to buy a fine modern up-to-date home In a 1 fgh class neighborhood on very reaon- able terms and at a tig sao Irice. This Pioperty villi net you 10 per rent on the investment aa a rental properly. I'AV.Mi l.wtsrMhNl t.u.. 5th Floor Omaha Nat. JBank Illdg. lougiaa 17H1. RKAIj ESTATE SOITTII SIDE $100 CASH " Balance 120 ner month. llvlnar rnnm. dlnlnc room bedroom, kitchen and pantry on first lloor, atnliway to large floored attli- with Complete ba:hnom. gas, city water, electric lights, sewer, cement baeai n:ent and walka. one hlock to car, co-ner lo: 60x1211, located 1201 8. 61st. Price (l.M). C. (i. OARLBEIMJ, 112 Brandels Theater Bldg. FOR BALE Two acres In fruit, apples, plums, peaches herrlef, currants. fooebvirles raapberrlea. rhubarb; 700 araie vines In full biarlna New. stilctly modern 6-room house, full base- m f fm wm'coldr -ml 1 co P ' ?h. TuT!. S '" part p'3 ment. i hone Benson W. REAL ESTATE WEST SIDE West Farnam 116 So. 42d rt A modern home with a modern price end moiiern terms. 7 looms finished In oak and white ennmeled pine. Large lot, on paved street and H hlock to car. CALL VKU8TER14fi6. 2 Vacant Ixta Ave. and Jackson Street. tl.OuO Each. Each Lot MilI4 Paving all paid. W. II. OAT1CS !4T Omaha Nat. Bank Bldk. 11. 12S4. EQUITY In fine lot, Crelghton 2nd addi tion: pd.ewalk. water, tewer. gna and elect i la llg n. block to street car. Ad diers J Its, Bee. FOR CASIf-6-ROOM llOUHE Fine location. 2767 Webater; ancrlflce for quick rale. See C. Thoracn. 143 N. lath St. REAIj ESTATE SITBt'RBAN IJandee. Dundee's New Residence District IS LOCATED south of Pod Re St., west of 4ith St. and cast of C2d St.. AND IS NOW HEADY And Offered for Sale with water, sewer, gaa, sidewalks, curb ing, paving, boulevard, lighting system and all graded ready for bullufng. Building Kestrictions assure the future of the neighborhood. Look at the Location Near a good school, close to car line, only 16 minutes' ride to business center. You Can't Make a Mistake If you buy In this addition because It la In the best part of Omaha, where values are sure to advance. Don't Mife This Opportunity t r. anme nf theae choice lots at the present IXjW PR1CMS and EASY TERMS.' of only l-io caan, oaiance mommy pay ments. How to Get There Take any West Farnam. Dundee car, and get off at 4tb and Dodge Bts. Select your lota now. Do not delay. See ua. George & Company Phone D. 768. 101 City Nat. Bank Illdg. Sacrifice Sale New Dundee home of aeven rooms, strictly modern and up-to-date In every way; oak flnisn. mirror aoor, Dooacases, etc. You will be surprised to see what fine, large, well arranged rooms. Never been occupied. Choice 60-foot lot, paved street. Here la Dundee s biggest bargain. Do you nt It? Hee Raso Bros. Vttj McCaaue Uouglaa 1663. DUNDEE HOME BEAUTI FLO. LOCA TION. Must he sacrificed on account of sick ness. The one chance to buy desirable property on your own terma. If Interested address K. 141. Bee, fu appointment. New e-rooin house, modern. Will take lot aa pari Pay. Vacant lot, M0. The only lot In Dun dee on paved street for such money. FHh-I) C. SHIELDS. Walnut a..!.. I oinrll lllaffo. 15-AaiE SNAP Near Council Bluffs. 1 miles to paved street on Lincoln Highway, for a 4Ulck sale 1226 per acre. V S. FRANK, 201 Neville Block. UeaaoB. FOR Sale 46 Improved acrea Kin ley HI. Mrs. Pallas. 41M lac- Flair mt-e. See Nethaway for thai farm. Florenc 22. REAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS LOT for aale In Lenox Add. lion. Owner. Call Webvter FUl.CEl) IX) sp:ll A strictly modern house, nearly new; I jonis down, oak finish, and 1 roomt, bath and sleeping porch up. This prop erty Is wail located on the boulevard and will lie sold for H Will be pleated lo ahow you through. V. S. FRANK, 101 Neville Block. NEW 6-Ki)iJM i.i'.vllALO A'. Equity of to trade for good lot or IMw cash. Phone Webater 4134. Kimi City 1 1 fit l, ul 101 64 1 Vlnr4eg f.'S Sales reported today: Wheat No. 1 hard winter: i cars. 11 03; 1 car, II 0?'; I1! cars $1.02: car. II OlS; 1H cars, $IC0. No 4 hard winter; 1 car. fcV; 1 ar. c; S cars, 7o; 4 cars. V; 1 car, V: S car, Mr. Sample: 1 car, velvet chaff. Wo; I car. ; N car, KV; 1 car, J7i-; 1 car, Pc; 1 cers, hot, (c; car. c. No 2 spring: I car. 11.04. No. 4 mired: . car. 11.01. No. 1 velvet chaff: car. I cara. w-. no. M yellow: o nil fly. No. yellow: 1 rare gjc. No. 3 mm. Z.."T7 ;,.'!" e aao. c; 6 car. !4o: cars. M'e. No. 4 white: I cars. SJV: 1 car, 4Vac; 1 car. Mr. No. 4 ml ied; 1 ar, o. rampl: 1 is' Sir: I h i' her'' ": ' mr, hot 11c. Omaha Cash Prloea Wheat: No. 1 turkey $1 v 10"; No. J t'irk. y. $1 "1 c'lrK viji. . Vr . Ki,i.. J!k.'n.iL,. Nn i whlta. ir.vvutiiio ; No. wdlte, AiVtO1"; o J v,ow v-i,i6.c: No 1 yellow. :f7c: No 4 rellow. fiiiffte: No t yel- ow, Wv-iiHHc; No. yellow. iff.i4; No.' 1 m xed. t)rmc: No. 1 mixed. ..VjSt4c; iN o. nnxru. wii'm , i-o. a mum, g.Uo; No mixed. BMiWc. s: No I white. JiHOTiV: stannaru. niiskc; in.. I white. 8:..;3c: No 4 white. VfMy. Harley : Mnltlna. i'Vyc; No. 1 feed, t-xtf 4Sc. Rye: No, !. ..Wc; No. I. Mtf t 1,1. .1 . . . . U , . . ... I'liUatio ii.,Mli.u lurnialieil 1 lie t1m ft.u 1 M. llri'.n at iii-k anil .rain brokers. SI. K.i Sixteenth atrret, O-naha. ?"r T r" Artii lel Open. lilith 1. Wheat' Hept.! 1 tn 1 w i m 1 OlSl 1 OH, IV,-.. M-rnOSi "-"Si May.l.i;va-.i .AI Com. 1 ept.7lii7i, 72 67 61 70 7lA 71'i b IMS A i 671 6;Va 61 !, i.-,iSltf"l 7.WMi:S3 IM-c. lulu-. Maj .lo7 u' oas Sept. S7H :t 17 V 1 e'. May Pork. 31 ii issl i2 rrn' u f I let.. 11 11-17 It 17- Jan.. Letid 14 ,0 14 8 OA 60 14 1)71 14 va 7 S7V4 1 OS 14 6 Oct.. 7 !K)j7 7 16 i a." 7 7m Jan.. nibs. ct.. Jan.. 8 8-4jl.. 160 T 1 1) 7 tOff.12 7 7.7 V9J, S 17S 11.1 1 17'dJrt A Asked Chicago Oaah Prices Wheat : No. 1 red. tl .Out) 1.13; No. 1 red, 11 f1 ill. Oil; No. 4 red. 1101fjl.o; No. 2 hard. ll.10ttl.12V Corn: No. 2 yellow, 73 U'"4i,c: others nominal. Oata: No. t white, l.iw.,M',c; standard. 3Htc. Rye: No. 2, Wc. Harley: 6o(i Heeds: Timothy. 6.6dti 00; clover, Il2wfl7U0. Provisions: I-ork, 11131; lard, $K.0VJue.; rrlis, t7.WHii8.2A. I t TTKR Higher; creamery, HAIc. EGGS Higher; tecelpts, K.42 cae; at maik, cases included; ordinary lln-tg 25k!: flrats. 23924c. POTATOKR I.oer; receipts. 21 cara; " tc Igan and Wisconsin, while. 31)43c; Mnnesota Ohloa. Jui3Ho. POIJL.I RY Alive, steady; fowls, 14c; springs, 15VvC (Mil AtlO 4'nAIN AMI PnlIO" Featarea of Trading and Closing Prices on Board f Trade. CHICAOO, Sept. 21.-Eacellent weather for threshing had a good deal to do today with making wheat averuge lower in price. Tile markel closed unsettled at 4c decline to half cent advance, wltu 1 'eoeiuber, KSc, and May, IHi'ac. Corn flnlHhed half cent off to 'ic up. oata vhi)iiik from S down to a gain of a sliHile, and provisions at a rise of Kn17o to lie. l'ciiastent selling of December wheat wna Indulged In under the leadership of ono of the largest houses on 'chanxe. The chief Incentive for th.a bearish op eration appeared to be the outlook for a more liberal movement of wheat from first handa throughout the entire bell. In thia connection especial stress waa laid upon tiio favorable conditions for tliienlilng In the northwest, where all available machines are sa.d to be finding brisk employment. The course of prices, however, wna by no meana a constant de cline, several moderate hulKea taking place owing largely to a decrease of tha vlNllile supply in Hreat liritaln and be cause of foreign buying of future here, ilosalp that Canadian tariff nbstaclea to free shipment Into the Hulled tltatea mliiht soon he removed cut aome figure as a handicap to the wheat bulla here. On the other hand, a ruling that delivery of No. 1 velvet chaff with dockage would not acceptable on ordinary Chicago con tracts had a tightening effect on the September option In particular. Corn prices at the out act were not respon-ilve to newa of froata last night or to predictions of more tonight. Dam age talk waa discredited. loiter, the mar ket advanced on account of reports show ing freezing temperature precalllng In Iowa and Nebraska, but the upturn in values was afterward offset to a con siderable extent by liberal selling on the part of speculators. Oats, although firm early, weakened In the end aa a result of low priced offerings from the north west. Widespread falling off In receipts gf nogs gave a decided lift to the provision market. Resides, export demand waa said to have become much better than has been the rule of late. NBW YORK UEKERAL MARKKT 4notatons of Iks Day aa Varloaa f 'ommodMles. NEW YORK, Hept. 21.-FUWR Steady, spring patents, K.K .70; winter patents. ,Si,TA: w'"tr tralghts. WIlt.AT Hpot, unsettled; No. 2 red and No. 2 haid. II .23 c. I. f. Now York: No. 1 northern, Duluth. 11 00, and No. 1 northern. Manitoba. S7-) o. I. f. Buffalo, t utures. unchanged. September, ILPi. i-TjjeiN Hpot. steady; No. 2 yellow, KJo, prcmnt shLumant. UA18 ripot. easier; No. I white, 404. No lliw""' N "'l6; HOPS Steady. f4tate. mmmnn n rnuice. iu, a-xumc; 114, Wide oonsf, 1W6. 14plic; 1914. Uaj-llc. tHiilsu.- mil -mini... T i".iei; kTdcV1!, ? 4,iiilL; cinc Hli-M Firm; Bogota, 3CU31c; Cen- ii Ri inenca, nc. l,athkk-Frm; hemlock first S2U ITc- per olds SlMSao. PROVI8IONB-Pork, ateady; mesa, 216.00 family. H9.ot5 on- .K,ir Jl-iOhWlSbO Ueef oulet; " meaa. 17.(Of Unpi family, ri6ol.M. Ird, firm; I iuuii wrM., ts.duua.j. Taiiuw, ateady; eitv. Moi6'4c; country, 6?6c431o- spe cial. "i. HITTTF.R Firm; rwelpts, 14 617 tubs; creamety extras. nKHc; flraU, 14VM W"e- seconds. 22H-24c. KOOS fltea-ly; receipts. 16.W cases: freh gathered, extra fine, rustic: extra firsts 2816; firsts, 2u27Hc; seconds. 2341 tfir. CHEKSF-Bteady; receipts. 7.082 boxes; state whole milk. fr-sh flats, specials. 1444fi1Rc; average fancy, 14W POlTI.TRY-l.ive. strong; western ehl -k-ens, broilers, .; fowls, l7VtIKc; tur keys, 16c; dressed, quiet; prices nominal. K"aa CM- ''e'n im4 Prnrlrtnn. KANSAB CITY, Mo . Sent. 21. WHEAT -Vo. 2 hard. ll.CKVn 1 .10; Ko 2 red. 11 lUtf 1 V; HfO'fnotr, 11.00; December, HW - 7, hi. TV - . CORN-NO. 2 mixed, o"7c; No. 2 white, 8c; iieptemtwr, 4Vic; Deoember, 61'ac: May. tamfrfilAie. OATS Vo 2 white, a8'-37'o; No. 1 mixed. M36c. Ml 'TTE H Creamery. I7c: firsts. Hn- second', l-'c: parking. 19V o. K"0 Firsts 23o; seconds. 19c. POl'LTRY-Hens. 12c; roosters, to; broilers. 16c. Mreawolta Orala Markrl MINNXAPOIJ8, Sept. 21. WKBAT Hepterreer, Hc; Deoember, 04c; No. 1 hard, 1 0tl; No. 1 northern, r7sic4U.eH4. KItI H Unci anged. RARL,FY-464c. P YK Mf"e. HRAN-ll.00. CX.'PiN No. 1 yellow 7IHV72o. OATH N . I white, ISHtpaac, FLAX 11 6rl I. It. La-ale Orala Marfccl. f4T. TiOnif, Bept. Tl. YvHEAT N. I red, tllHOfl lO- No. t hard, tl.ll; Beptem- ner. i 10; lanmier. oc. 50RN-Jo I 7ii4; No. t whlta, 71ttc; September, 71c; December. 63V4C. OI and Itoala. WAVANNAH. Oa., 8ept. 2L-TVRPKN-TTVF5 Firm, "74:-; salea. 247 barrels; receipts, IdO barrels; shipments, JUu bar rens: stocks. 11, XU barrels. ROSIN F rm; sales, l,i7 barrels; re cliits. 4 barrels; siilpmenLs 1 Hit' bar rels: storks. H4. 74fl barrels. Quotations: A. it. C D and H ti '."' '; F. and II. Wo3 ; I.; K, II r; M, R ai.HH N. Hei; WU. 1. 70; WW. ..&. OMAHA LIYE STOCK MARKET, Good Cattle Steady and Others Slow to Lower Sheep Show but Little Change. HOGS FIVE TO TEN CENTS UP OMAHA. September SI. 1916. Hecelpta were: Cattle. Hots. Pheep. OMcal Mnndav .... 17.1 Futlninte Tnemlay .. K.7n i ik. 1.700 KBme days 'at week 167 6,M a. l: H7..W ll.UT 7"R.1TS 1MI W,lo3 11 oJ M.V16 b. 'ld M.JC2 ai.Ki 17 V. Same I weeks ago.. 14 1-2 Hame daya last year 22.HK The following table ahowe te recelpta of cattle, hose and aheer at tha Omaha live stock market for the year to date as compared with last ye: I'lir. iit inc. 7W.3R0 Ht.f40 1Mi4 la.lml 1.7H1.HW JK7.174 114AM 1.J7U710 A2 8S f-iiowimi1, I. avmre n,i. ka. rkm.h. iiva .tn,k i""rfcet for the last Tew daya with coin- parlaons: , -,7' rTTT. ..... ""-- ', "":J.Z11 .. 7 ' ' ! " , Sept. U I 72 S l Hl KHI S 7 Mi 24 7 I4i I T declared lest week by the Oenerai Motoie T Taj 1 21 Toll I 01 comiany tu demonstrated bv their s.-n-T N; I f 1 Ml 171 T 7 nalkmal course today. New records w. ro "in. Hept. rept. 8ept. Hept. Sept. I H HI I (a l; I aaj 1 1 J 12 1 Sh t 7 O! 7 W !' W I e ma g 74U. 1 D 1(11 I ml I rat Heft ill Sr.w I M I Ml 7 711 I Wl T 01 in: 1 ml il tit 1 T 9J Rnt 1TI I 27 I Cent. 11' 1 W ll!ZLf.') n!',!L22 fept. 141 Pl t Iftl I 1 4 M ; T 7 M t'p- IS' ! !1! ! "J! ! ! i S S ! S Pent. 171 T7'-l I 42! 7 l I 211 1 1 W I Hept. Ill 644l 2.. i oil 1 101 1 m i tiii iti a 7il 1 ? Kent. ni :i,i 1 061 1 l 4I 1 TV 1 IT . Kept 21 71 l 60 I 41 K 471 I U i Sunday. CATTl.U-Heeelpt were very liberal la n ioi.r, n cars urinK rei"'n . m. The official recount yesterday showed a a . ...... ... . . l '. came, ine iari oy . run on record at thia point. The total for the two days loots up 2K.KX1 head. whlrh Is nearly 1000 larger than for the same daya last year. The market opened with good beef steers In very fslr demand at prloea that were steady at yemcrday a decline. Me dium kinds were slow to a Utile lower. Cows and heifers were very slow and weak, the lenden.-y still being downward. Ihe beet atoi keis and f. euers were In demend this morning and sold quite fie' ly at about ateady prices. On the other liana medium klnus and common kinds, which were in Istge receipt both yester ilav and today, were very alow and still lower. With that kind of cattle it wa not so mui h matter of price aa finding a buyer, for the reason that every one eaema to want good to choice feeders, with no one looking for medium to com mon kinds. Quotations on cattle: Oood to choice fed yearl iiKS. W.O-HrtV.Kft: fair to good fed yearlings, a,W).(I0; common to fair ten yearlings. ID 6tig.fi0; ood to choice heavy lie eevaa. t lanna NA : fmr to soort comf fin beeves iliJKhfi1 00: mmmnn to fair corn- fed beeves. KUMifH.Sl): ""imt grass beeves. l00ih.66; aooa to CTiolce grass beeves 17.4o4i8.00; fair lo good graea beeves, ti7.4; common to fair graaa heevea, ti.W t- f-on,l to choice grasa helgera, i 7.26; good to choice graes cows. !!.lllfr.3r.; fair to good cows. 5.2fU(.l)6: common to fslr cowe. t ft-KI-' X; prime feeding steers, 17.7"m ; good to choice feeders, 7'". "&: kood to choice feeders n.lOit 7.76: fulr to good feeders. iiotl7.o; com mon to fair feed i. is. WKutt. wood to chi Ire stoi kei s 17 7MiS 35: lair to good stockers, l-i.76tlf7.76; common to fair tockers. W.fO.7S: stock heifers. U3 7.36: tock cows, 13.6tli.'.6: stork raKe. l-'i 60iN.fM: venl calves, lft.00t10.00; bulls, slags, etc.. $5.01Nfri. ifotlH Recelpta were nearly twice as 1. 1 mm V Knt mi ihmt ware Verv V. . . -1 .. .. a ?(il lead putting In ai-pea a tea. Total fr the two days la 6.641 head, being 1,300 smaller than a week ago ana a little over half aa large aa two weeks ago, but a few head larger than for the same daya last year. Thia la the smallest Mjii iay and Tuesday run since the middle of June Rlilpper trade opened fairly active and s-enersllv m .lime hlsher. There Were practically no choice loada of lluhta here. the best offered brlnglna 17. . Anything real good and weighing i pounds or ! sj ....i.T . a ...llw b (lit ml.til beat that, owing to the ecarcliy of Lent hoga ahlppera bought several bunches nf mixed butchers that were on the light order, and values -on these kinds also looked pretty close to a dime higher, Packers were a little alow In getting atsrteil aKaln todav but they. too. put up their drove on a somewhat higher baals. Values were uneven, and while mixed huge thst ran II ha on w-hh-h packers and snippers came into crnniwu llor other, did not ;SgSn EtfZ "Y"". i5 U vanca. As waa the case yesterday paf-aer M(ulelkr Co. M.aon i44S ll H Jn 1rad waa more or less i drsggy. but a XwiuMM c..tjwr t'oo m ffi-4 6i4 nretty fair clearance had been made by I iu o clock, only a lew ounrnea uenia In first handa at that time. Oencral trade waa fully 610o higher. A good share of the parking hogs sold at I... f.v.iii no lih anrlnkllna of heavies n ia id i- mnt m fair iinwintf of shin- ninr nurcliaaea on un to the top. ilvi,.l- l elms nf alieeo and lambs continue to swell gradually and today set a new record for the yar. when l'W cars, or 46.0W head, were estimated. Tho largest run of the year up to this time waa last Monday, when about 44,W head were movived. Total for the two days of kl 174 head la almost 4.000 smaller than a week ago, but with that exception la the largest of tha year, being 7.700 heavier than two week ago, and about MX head larger than for the same daya laat year. The fat lamb trade opened in good sea son on about a steady basis, early sales of good lamha being made at 11.2S, the same price aa waa paid bot-i yesterday and Friday for the bulk of good to choioa killing lamba. . . Trading continued on the game basis until practically all the fat lamba had been cleaned up. A good clearance waa made well before noon. Tha greatest Interest centered In the feeding lamb trade again today, and prices again held about ateady. A good tiercentsM-a nf the desirable lamba brouarht H. I""".', wnn oi course inio uown w ' W OO and under. Breeding ewes were t.KVuk.20, with of courae some down to In good supply, but the demand wag very broad, ana ine strong tone mat naa ma tured the market ln this class waa again very prominent. Bulk of the aged breed ing stock is going at IS.aWH 00, with aome salea even higher than that, while year ling ewea eel a new high mark today, selling at 17.76. Oood black face ewe lamba outsold anything In the barn, a bunch halna taken by a breeder buyer at 6v7&. Yearling wettiera, either for killers or feeders, have been very scarce, al though one load sold today as high a lo. To. Fat aheeo offerings were again limited almost entirely to ewes snd after those su. table for breedera had been picked oik, tiie supply at the disposal of packers waa very limited. More tnan one aaie was re ported aus high aa 16-16, which Is sua high as haa been paid for aome time, and the market waa quotably ateady. Quotations on sheep and lamba: Lamba, goid to choice, 11 6ff4t26; lambs, fair to good. H.00iu 10: lamba, feedi.ra. t7.7.ij 126; yearllnga. fair tn choice. IS. 764160; vaarlfinrs leeders. 16 OauI 00: wethers. ,to -SVJaVtAn t0X?-t , fa I to choice. Ij.00ift..i0; ewea, good to u.oi; ewes, rair to good. t.ev feedere. $4 60tf.6. tllllAt.O 1.IVK STOCK MARKET CHICAOO, Sept. 21. CATTLE Re ceipt. 1.000 head; market weak; native beef cattle, ! 00010.30; western steers, td.&fil.Kl: cows and hellers, 12.O(i6.30; c-alveo. 1T.004J 10.76. HOOS Receipts. 10.000 head; market strong; mostly 10c Mglier; bulk, W.'0-7.i; light. i7.16i.16; mixed. M.cul.OS; heavy, fTiOu7-4o; rough, 16. 1U i. 60; pig. ta.Htf WP AND. iaMR.-t-Rao.lpt., 17 head; market firm: wethers, 16X471.00; ewea. tXWQCJA; lamba. ll.-LQe.80. Kaaaas Cltv ,' toek Markrl. KANSAS CITY. Mo.. Pont. 21 CATTLE Receipt a, 16,000 hssd; market weak: prime fed ateera, t 6njl0.00, dreaaed beef steer t7.iC4yJ.40; western siee s b.ut 7j; Stockers and feeders. ll.Ojagd.OO; bulla, 16'O"i'i0: lalvea. t W10 0. HOOH Recelits, 7.60 Ohead; market hiaher; bulk. M.r"J07 76; havy l764f7 60; rankers and butchers. t1764l7.H; light, 1 1"-". 70; pig. 1126a7.a. SHEEP AND LAMlift-Recelpte. 17.004 bead; market strong; lamb. 17.76424 16; yearllna. t' 7'B4.60. wethers, ti.2V4l4.26; ewes, lii.004io.76. Live Stork la gtgkt. Receipts of lle stock at the five prin cipal weatern markets yesterday: Cattle. Hues Sheen. South Omaha 17 1.148 n.ri l-lili-ago loo t-l-r x i ity 2.a Kansas ity lD.uul M. IjuIs 6,100 10. WO 20UO 7 J01 1.700 17 1 .. 17 0 ' l.hOO I,7 Total recelpU SI.OjO 11,146 NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Half a Score of Specialties Exercise Sway at Session. ARE DIVIDED INTO GROUTS ..N';W;.YORK'' --alf a ore of aie. laities nnn iw-ii abMiiuie swdy ov. r I. .dm, whi n a.oi'ha hmrtn.nm acieoi.'ii a lnvniiiii-nl lun.. l,i,n 3M.4 or leaitlonary. Ihe Mieciulilea were more 4.S.OW j cearl iiniued Into eeverai Kroinw -M.,4 , motor stocks, whlrh le.l u nihr. as to artivlty an i extent of gain, ahar. e oi coin-a.,U s niaKliig motor supplies iuiJ sharea of concerns manufaciuring mi.n.- ; tioiia and electrical equipment, I i'o I hew) iilhv be H.i.,.-o the Sou .i- ' an.i several other l eu. , wh-i.. . "'l,,n Pv In. reaaed rnoriiiounly hj rem of the war I t-'iue.i males hteel, not generally ...... nn m wwr iMur, iiui nerivintf iiirg..' Indirect beneilt from the foreign conflict, was the omy o.d-Ume fanrorlie to k.ep ! with ine active movemeiii, aitnounn i Ki.inlnn no actual AllVNJllMlf In ,i , . ,-. i . , , t .allies. In lactate..! w. .u..n nn.i. alhlent piseur, cioeln at 7ti, or 4 point , uimer yeeiernay a close. ; That ajtomoulle slocna stilt remnln un- der the apell of the 6u per cent dividend rmido by many of these laauea. In. lU'lniK Muior, which SiOied an extreme gain oi M points t.t , later ylel IIiik points; Wlliys-uverland. 12 to hi: Stude- baker common inH nr.l.m,i a. -.... n. i at 144V anil llv. rrsDet ttvaiv: Maiw-m Motors first prel.TreU, 1 to 14. and the eeron.l ireferreu. hi, to si I nprefi- """ recorded bv cVuri- J. i wnicn adiled 1 at ; 4: Weattng- 4 house 4-4 at 13. and Bethleliem Pteel, . I li at 7. In addition Maxwell common rose 6 to MS, Ooodrl. h, 1 to 72; Ueneral Elec tric, 4a to 74V American Car and Foundry, 8W to 74H. and lk)a-Anierlran Mugar, ( to 110. Realising or profit taking i , , - -------- ' f!!?. J?,Ut -h" i if-iMnp sTn tn nr r fr t n a ash nt t K j , ., .i . " ,a... ; rn -.......u . Foreign exchange lost some of the pre vious day's stability, an Increaaed off..r Ing of lndon bt s contrlhutlng to that change. Nevertheless Uie belief prevails that the foreign loan la working to a aat Isfactory conclualon. Indlcatlotai of further btialnesa Improvement and Balti more Ohio August returns showing a net gain of IKH.uo were among the few outside Influence. Honda were Irregular with a moderate Increase of foreliin aelllng. Total sales, par value, aggregated M,ftVi.4). t'nited Ktatea bonds were unchanged on call. Numher of sales and leading quotation on stocks todsy were: HK ITIn. Lm. Clms. LKe .4 tt s: '4 A hot a OoM Alll-r"hlntri Amvrloaa Beet gaswr. ... Americas Iks Amsrlaaa Ijnoemollve .... Amr an 8. ft Amsriisn g. s R. pfd.... Am. ffucr Rcftnlnc , Aaiwioaa Tel. Tsl Amertnaa Tubaooo AnaAomia Cupaer AtrhlwtQ naldwln lommoiirs .... Pa tlmnra St otila. Hrthlehem Ktenl H o- klin VtaeM Tranell. . r-allfomtw ivireleura .... 'nBdln Plrlfla , IVntral Iilh.r l-hnMiawks Ohio Chlr.,.) U W Chlraco, M. Ht. P.... (tiliwan N. W f'hlrsn. R. I. P t'hlno lT.oee iVntorailQ Tvm a- Iron.... ( ft-! Iieiwf Illo OranAs pfd ni.ttllnre- Merurltlaa .... 4H 4 4 .! Vk al-k any tl'a ei H M 7 ITS KS1 M 11 J.MKI l'.4'k U.M 107 l.i"f no-4 1H lixt ee iu u ru . l."i-4 U7 tit 7.0OH 'l 1.1 " inj'k 1111 101 M..ei 'i HIV 2', 4 'l l-I HI US 1. 1) II I. UK) 1M Sl in 4ti 4Vi l 1M 4 4 U M'4 1ZT 'H 4S 4:i K. 10 2 14. 100 4fV. 1,M 400 1,1(10 T Jn,7i 34..O0 "t io xt 44 IH i' us "4 4S 1 'i's Brls unit ' 41nerfll RlMlrla 1144 1.1-. 174 "rest NertSira !".... SIM 1I0'4 1I9H V llCV 4 V 4I i' 1,400 C- jio lo ini loiii 1.40O 1"4 Hi -0i 2.soe s mt m too 0T 107 101 lo Mvi IS im lim 14 -, 144 '4 I lli-H lltUj V OM Nn. Or rlfti. flusaenhelm gvpluratloa. llllsnta Antral Intrtiemuh Ciwi. Corp. Inspiration Copper!l Horvtar. Kinwi l"ltT goulhsra... lhlrh Vslley Ixnlrrllle NashTllls.. Mexioaa rtealeam Mural ropsar ........... 1 MneoaH, K. T. H4. Law 1746 r-4 T TT"". VZL"7. National BWrult too m 12V4 I4V4 t't 7-4 a 4 101 .11 1 1" Nsllnnal Id 1,-flO 14 Nerajla Copper N.w York rntral N. T , H. li. H Norfolk 144 14 4 4 , M HO 0744 i) l'l 111', 1.400 lot 1M 7in i:v. 91 Northers Paolflo , rariris Mall . t'a irio Tal. 4V Tsl Pennsylvania ,.. Pullman 1-alsrw Tar Par Coo. Copper l.aio ie Iran in 4 , I6JM, ye tt i' n 'Keanlni l.fiw 1M 1-0V4 1'0'4 Tevas llnmnany 14.n0 ir.H'4 t--i l'l 1TnltMl PMlr'o I'sloa 1-ncirio pM ... l'nll4 nam i-teal.. p H. Hil pld ,t in r.oso iw4 a4 1.7O0 M4 r oo 1114 11-4 1HV4 tMW en"i 44 M l.'."o 'l 74 HI. ir4 li ii.'". "0 i "7 "4 47S4 l'tah i oppor I Wtera Unloo I WeadnatioMo Dlactrlo Monlano Power Oonaiwl M'tors 1 400 140 zt7Vi IU Total salos for tho aay, oiuirM. New York Money Market. NEW YORK. Bept 11. MERCANTILE PAPF.R-l'atWH per cent. FOREION KXCH A NtlE-JIt e r 1 I n g : Blxty-day h'lls, 14.1760; demand, 14.71; cab'ea. 14.71&0. , KILVER Bar, 41.o; Mexican dollar. 3ftn.o. BONT)') Oovarnment, ateady; railroad, TVMELOANf- Steady: alxty days, SU per cent: ninety daya. J4 Pr cent; si months. 1 per cent. . . , CALL MONEY-Stesdy; high. 1 per cent; low, IK per cent; ruling rate. W per cent; laat loan. 1 per cent; closing bid. 1 per cent; offered at 1 per cent. , i UCyKDOS, Sept. 21. American securttlea on the atock market were only occa sionally dealt In and closed uncertain. A few enli bonds were marketed. PII.VFR Bar. 2S1d per ounce. MONET m"M per cent. DISCOUNT RATES Short bill". 444 per cent; three mouths, 4 U-l944 por cent. flank Clearlaga. OMAHA, Sept. II. Bank rlearlnga for Omaha today were 12.le0.14.dg and for the corresponding day laat year, 12,146,342.24. Ml f onts live fttnrk Market. ST. LOUIS. Mo.. Bept. 21 CATTLE Receipts. 6,109 heed; market lower; native beef atrera. I7.6o10 Kf.; yearllnga. ateera and heifers. 18.6ontlO.00: cows l.04f-3.00; tockers snd feeders. H(Ttl': soutir-rn steers. 6 2'ul.86; cows and heifers, 14.00(9 t.6o- native calves, l-.0Oall.60. HOOS Receipts, .70 Ohead; market steady; pigs and Hants, 16.75&7.1G; mixed and butcfiere. 17 .66tf.6; good heavy, U7.06. BHEFP AND LAMBS Recelnta 1 WO head; market ateadv; lamba, tl.00O8.6i'; alieep and ewea. 16.009jff.7S. aioww rite- Live Stoek garVn, SIOUX CITT. Ia.. Bept. 2L-CATTLB Reoelpta. 2,20 Ohead: market firm; cows snd heifers. 14 )!.; cannera la.60tM.76; stockers and feeders, 16.7oKr7.2S; calves, 6. 7,i; bulls, aiaas, etc.. I4.l0$6 25. HUUS tteceipta. s.ow neaa; maraet ivn higher; heavy. t7.Mrfj-7.40; mixed. n. 7oo; light, lo.404J4.tO; bulk of sales, tfcfcrj goo SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 1.0X1 head; market aUady; owes, 14.006.40, lambs, .OOtjgJia at. .!- h I Ive Stack Market. ST. JOSEPH Sept. n. CATTLE Re- eers, .OJ. oalves, o WJUiu w HCMJS ReoelDtS. 1.600 bskad: market gtrona to Us higher. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 1061 jieed: market tea.'y: lambs, ild' q Reduce Strain ed. fkffy Anklet L-vpkacarhia. Pofl tviL tuxuU Boils, SweJUats; Step Laxaeneig I 1 and alUyi paiu. Hrait Sore. CuU, Ikwaea, Boot uiale. 1 it ga ANTttE'TIC AKD CRtClDE aos rvLBuaucs Doe not blister or rcmovi the hair and horo can be workod. Pleaaast to use. fZ. 00 bottle, dslirtred. Describe e-our case ..! AW 1 . l ar m 0) i or special instrucuons ana ooox a jv iree. AB&ORBINE. JR.. aarlmbi lalaasi M aarldag so- iualoa 1-mlaM. gaiaaa. IwuMaa Vuml Milk Laa. 4a CaMsaetraaat aair a taw araso rmYLATc taaa aseaV areas. IMoo 11 par kawla at iflefi mt aiB.aioa, lg.r.Y0Ur44.BrtMIiIUt4Wiage I