THE REE: OMNIA. TVKSPAY. SEI'TEM ME I! 'J1. VM he Bees oine Magazine Pa Miss Barnes, Ziegfeld Frolic Beauty, Gives Two Exercises to Be Graceful Why We Quarreled No. 7 The Husband's Ins'stence on Ksep ing Open House the Bans of This Wife's Days gej One lsst word of advice: Take Ihexe exercise tx-foie an nMi window, wreath ing deeply as yttii do them. Kwp your head well up and your shoulder hack. A smile on your face will alxo help. Briefly deM-rtbed the flint two exer elm". I have Illustrated today are: 1. liaise oi pnstte leu and ami. Alter nate. Let limbs swing easily and freely. 2. Turn head and throw out arm Move head to front from side, keeping arm In first portion. Then move head from front to opposite side, chancing arms. (The value of this xen l-e lira In the rapidity with which It Is done.) In another article I will complete the xerus with two moie excrvlxca, wh ch may he taken as a group for dally use. fl--' - . " . s .W'WvsUaaa ' ' srV" tffVl-V i V ' 'i srV.'. i- . . - ,;, s, k IxS i s,-i , m ; ff - r r a j 4 f f V ' ;J-: H.'. (;. : :' I : : I "4 f, - r.. iu .r.; rv,,, , jt . . . - 1 " . v yA' .,''.' it I y I t : f i-;. , ; . f , l A' iT'SCs ' t . - " . , Jf y 1 ' ."' '-v,;-,v imt-. tjw.if., Awkwardness In a woman la little short I p ' i .' 'j H of criminal. A pretty, awkward woman i f-s ' t Tty. . .,-.c.. .. V-J I Miss Helen Barnes', one of the moat fraceful dancers of the ZicRfleld M d niffht Frolic cast, In her article today, written especially for the Oinaha Bee, tella how Important a place calisthen ics takes .In the dally life of every woman aeeking to make herself ino-e graceful. Miss Barnes Illustrates her Ideas In specially posed pictures, showing the exercises she advocates for everyday use. By HELKV BAKXEH. is a re:i tragedy, A little will power, a little determina tion, h half hour earlier rising and the trick Is turned. By that I mean, If she will, a woman can get over the bugbear of awkwardnvas by dally exercises In her own room. I know the efficiency of dally calisthenics. They are miracle workuis for all women with patience enough to 1 test them until thev really get result I But there must be no weariness In well doing. Exercises started must be fatth- H'opyrltihl. IMS, Mar t'onipnny.) Hy Virginia) Torhuno an tie Wiitrr My hiixtiund unit 1 lmc lunl ninny a i.i.uii'i on tin nul.iii'l oi' hoxp.tiilit y. Tlitx toi iids ax it one ol u.h ii, il not unlit lileiitix or KUi'xlx in nur limine. This i.. m i it ... . I inn iniiil of t iiii na.iiliig mil am ulwnjs kIii.I to iixK peep.e t tmr house-in w a yx. thut Ix. when It tx convenient. I .it t I (hi .tixixt thut 1. as tin1 IniuseixiH pel, am the I'ext Jm'Iki" ha to u lieu It 1h Ciuii eini'iit. (hi tn.s point luy nui Htiil mill 1 ili.-a- gree. He lo(8 t'l keep liell tl''lixi. IS ll..ll-leliii - iveil-lni t Willi e ei ihm. . He uifcutx, "WI...I Ix the tun ct having a home It one tiiiiml axn one x M .4. ..i. lit anies to It whenever one wnmx to.' i he luaai'i.ui'iiic Ix liial. wiuiout a wold to llle, lie i-.OX In tile 111.111 Willi wlnuii he ciihih es to limr xnnie huxliiexx citiivei nit ion, "1 oii.e holm' to n.niicr w.tll Ine, wen't yeii.'' He 1I11I llilx one day thlx xiiiiiini i". when 1 wax ' up In lny mini" . i 1.1 11 na straw ix rr ex. I hitil stoml oir ine lint Hum' al t He Hll it y June day. It hai l" lied t" he Ii iiiiiiig-iliiy. Ion; for that wax the time when I w.ix nine to get a hiii Huiu HI hen lex. '1 lie vendor Horn whom 1 had onli ie.l lliem hriight Ihein to me t uny I uc.nlay iiun'InnK, much to my (lism.ty "1 did nit exneci them until tomor row." 1 said. ".No, ma am, hi t I r.iiin.l I 1 nUd get 'em for '1 cemx h t-x n i'o than I cti.inl loinoirow." he expiniin l. S lien he had K I ;n:iieil the fruit. It wax itiino.-t too iiie, had lo he cooke.i nl 11 1 ''I'' ""i '" loxo too mi" Ii cf ! 1 " 1 w"'k at the xlt'iiwI.cul.V w 10 .y one mill uIoh.i at tin' nun iik I.e. ml. M knew tliotte eon.lltinnx heiore the ot lice lor toe lieiinx early. he left lor e.inie Miy ( r5i Jr' -to;w .-: v'Mv; HH linOUC.HT IN NK OF JUS ritlKNOS 1-U IINNKK I'NANXl Jl'NCFM WliKN 1 WAS WHOLLY fNl'HKl'Aia.U. tnlned stoutly. "It would have been nicer to set out what we had, laugh- Vou ll be xutlxf.e. w ill, n col,. " '''J" ' I gy explain the situation, and show the won t you. Henry'. I naked, as I t,. .t f) W(1,C()me Wht , him Koodl.y. "I have a hot day befiu-o , y hlx me." "Surely," he answered, and went way. There wax half ti col J chicken In tile Ice box. Thlx, with a head of lettuce and Trench tlivslug. followed by lce.1 teoa, would make our evening meal. Imngine, therefore, inv constrn.ttlnn when, lit a ipiiirtei- belore seven as I Was donning an old gown of the vintage of two year ago. hut ilelli louxly thin I heard my huxluind voice at the front door calling: "My dear, where are you? 1 have brought a friend home to dinner." I greeted his friend ax pollte'y aa 1 could. 1 hu.j never seen him before. My husband accompanied the introduc tion with tho remark that ho had always wanted us to meet each other. I will not take the space to tell how t hurried to help my maid pare and cream somo potatoes, nor how I had to ask tho tired girl to run around , to 11 delleutcsBcn shop und buy a whole roast chicken. Then I telephoned for a quan of leu cream, and we sat down to this unsatisfactory repast. I was too weary to talk much, but 1 did try to bo pleasant. Vet, when our 1 guest hud left, my hucband rhlded mo 1 wit It my evident chagrin at the presence of his bUHlnexs friend. "But," I explained, "I was expecting nobody. And I had ready barely euoimh , food for ourselves. I was fearfully mor- ! tlflcd." j "I wouldn't have cared a bit," he maln- for nnyhody." I Thai tx his theory and he lives up to I It nhviiyx. We had a small summer outturn-, and he often brings a man and his wife at the last minute and cannot un- ' ileot.'ind why I em worried at not hav ing our one guest-room rendy for them. "W hot'a tho use of a mnld If aha can't get the room ready In a Jiffy T" he asks. IVrhnpa tin- most trying experience I ever hud along these lines was last win ter when I was juat convalescing from a week's lllnexi. My husband's cousin and cmiHln'x daughter came to the city, and Henry met them on the atreet. J!o Immediately asked them to oome and stay with ua over the week-end after ho telephoned me what ho had done. I fairly gasped at the newa. "But. my dear husband!" I exclaimed. "We have ho room for them!" "h,' he snld, 'have the girl In with you In our room, and give her father the guest room. I can sleep on the citich for those two nights. And they won t mind the lack of formality. They are, after all, only members of the fam ily, you know," They were not members of my family, and I reminded Henry of this fact after they had gone homo. Whllo thiy were with ua, I kept silence 01, the subject. Uut Monday night, when wo were otico more by ourselves and I had gone to bed with a nervous headache, I spoke my mind. "It Is not fair," I remarkod. "to maJve mo keep a free boarding house for your family and friends. I do not force my relatives and Intimates on you .at all times and seasons without asking; your permission. I am not well, and you should consider me In such matters." llihr was mad, of course, and calleu ma Inhospitable. "You go to too much trouble," he chlded. "You care too much for appear ances. Let our guests take us as they find us. They come to see us, not our house. If you could only understand that what Is food ennugri for us Is good enough for anybody." "Oh, I'm tired of that theory!" I ex claimed. Then, because I was half sick I began to cry softly. , As my husband walked out of the room, I khew ho was thlnging me a monster of Inhospltallty. Yet If he had to do the extra work and pacify the rebellious mnld, would he be aa hospitable aa he Is nowT The world needs more graceful women I Every day I see thousands of women fully performed night and morning I with sufficient beauty, but they do not! Take these two simple lessons in calls- . know, with all their pretty faces, how to! thenlra I have Illustrated today. Wonder- Protection of Birds Not Wholly Inspired by Mans Selfishness Being Worth While One Thing to ear in Mind Hjp KM. A WlircrcLKll WILCOX. t'oprlpht, 1915, by Htnr Company. Whatever your pos'llon In life, how- j ever dlxsatlxfled with your work and recompense, you want to remember one walk well. They sit with spineless bump In between their shoulders. They think the Ingenue slouch attractive. Women need to wake up. ) ful results can he obtained by any woman who conscientiously follows them. But this must always be' remembered: They muxt be done vlsoroufJy. Lackadaisical exercises do inn re harm than good. Put OAKHKTT P. SEUVISS. enthusiasm Into anything which requires j a physical ettort, and start your blood 1 One of tho great marks of the growing 1 ginning of the open season Is, In general. ' fact you can be "worth while." jabout a in nth later in tho breeding than j You can make ' in til" wiiii?riig a u 1 1 T. in iiu luo, now- juumtiii nui tii w. ever, la tho shooting of Insectivorous ', better things, and n aUi.lnKnn k-ll.. V 1 V wl 1 1 1 An nllrill... H.. . t I , . n- times better afterward If you do. itho life and happiness of tt. aub-human j -'"" are birds. In- j when you latve be- A Fictionless Fable By ANX LISLE. There was once a man w ho had been in love with many women and then he met the girl. He knew lier at once, and In the light of his knowledge he felt swept out of his own life course Into one that was new and strange. He felt suddenly good, and he desired to be better. "I am not worthy of you," he told the girl, "but don't give me up perhaps I will be some day." He fully Intended to be worthy when ha got around to It. But In the mean time there were the books of his old way of to close; there waa a little mors freedom to be enjoyed a little more certainty of the wearing quality of his lova for the girl to be assured by time Dandruff Soon Ruins The Hair egotism for assum ing that the earth and Its fullness were created sole ly, or even prlncl- , pally, for our uwt and a little more money to make so that , all drab and grey and Ilka the epilogue , a n d enjoyment. All About a Man Who Took Lcve Wholly for Granted : : Inhabitants. We have no warrant beyond ' that of our own marriage would not mean a sacrifice of the 26 cent cigars his bachelorhood per mitted h in to enjoy. So he settled down to a state of affairs which he perfectly understood, but which puzz.ed the girl. When he went about with other women ho told her about It with an air of righteousness. When she went out with other men he glowered and cross-examined her. And yet If she stayed home and seemed to expect things of him, he assured her that he was very busy, and that she. must not let herself get bored and unhappy. The g.rl came gradually to underatand that he valued her the more because she attracted other men. and tortured hlm- The other crea tures around us were placed here by the sum Incoin- understood her Instead of demanding that she understand him. No longer did ehe wait for home calls that did not come. No longer did she an- tlr-lrnt. pnrirnmi-till tlixt uKN hrnken en a on, too, wnn me pusxiuiuiy mat last oilier men migni aiiraci ner. ivui sue t . of her own life story!" And Nathalie, b.Uafully forgetting that she was the g rl and remembering only that she was a g'rl went. At first the little ga, once so dear 1 prehermlt le power to her and now so seldom in her Irfe, 'that made us. and were merly stimulating and a means to because we have forgetting the aches and doubts In her 'more intelligence heart. Then she began enjoying her . than they Dose-s good times and feeling grateful to the . no reason for man who gave them ti her and then ;aur claiming a right to oppress, slay, ax came a timid fondness for the man who 'terminate or enslave them. TS: '. J ": minute. Ard the man who In the eyes of omniscience our Intelli gence may not be so very wonderful a thing as we Imagine, and not at all en titled to sweep everything out of tts path. On the other hand. It U ennobled when It recognises not only the rights of eluding nearly all the common species , come fully worthy 'seen about the fields and gardens, which ! of a change for the hubltualiy dovour noxious Insects, that better, when you .are Injurious to crops, fruits ai.d vegeta- ha ve absolutely ! hlrs. joutgrown your 1 Bo far as the terms of the law alone present envl r o n show the purpose Is simply the selfish j mi nt, a change will on of preventing the destruction of come. birds which are useful to farmers and gardeners, though n t always iccognlxcJ as such even ty those who e .J y th l.i mil s if the r work, In ke ping d wn the Insect peats. But, In roallty, there is a higher puipohe behind ( nu that Ix fully recognized ly the Ami .lion societies and other organisations wi.oxn Ins stwic : has produced the law and o ta ned Ha I enforcement), and that Is to pteer-e these birds for the sake of their songi and their beauty. TV. I- I. I, n .1,11. i. -m - ..f . I . iiii. ii it i i i i. i era. watcn yourseir lo see inai you aa ! inspired by such Instincts as tho.-e that You may have no time for self-Improvement, as you may be working from enrly morn till late at night ; ut some distasteful It, tor, nnd you may tell mo that It Is Impossible to grow or make progress un der such conditions. But watch your opportunities. You art In hourly contact with your fellow work- far &f&i fill a higher position or receive better pay. The world wants better nton and women more than It wants better government. All changes which ran be brought about. In any way of reform, will never make, the world a particle better until you and I, and every living man and woman, set to work to Improve ourselves. Great changes are on the way. Great abuses are about to pass. Tnexpecte-I events are near. But no one of these changes, nor all of thorn, can materially benefit humanity unlcas Individuals fit themselves to be better men and women. What have you dona today to Improve yourselfT mad the Greeks of arii piity a '.act n model to mankind. Only a people like rot show selfishness In your treatment of them. i In the place where you live or board, ; thtm could afford to make laws open y ; ln th trt car"' ,n Vxu hoP" whre you proclaimed to be Intended to preserve Ideals of beauty and excel.enoe, and ! ttr Via- t ' - ur inp r A whv ih I . . . 1 . . . v. . . . .. I - . ... 1 ... . r. . . 1 .. 1 1 H 1 .. 1 . . was a girl of high Ideals and wished to I , m " 7. ' ' ' " I""'" ""'" ;"""'-. " -".. " w. " aja ,-v, ku.'u .uuif, am n iroin ine mere ittA-i ni its ciiu iiuereais. he loyal to love itself as well as to her i lover. Her loyalty made the man very sure of ' her. It also made h'm even more cer tain that she was indeed the girl and would make a swet, docile and under standing wife but about marrying her there seemed no hurry. I ine man tnougni piaciuiy auoui now Glrla If you want plenty of thick, beautiful, glossy, silky hair, do by all means get rid of dandruff, tor It will starve your hair and ruin It If you don't. ooC i o mucn gooa 10 iry 10 unun hapuy thrJp would .ome day- The or wash It out. The only sure way to get thuUi;ht less placidly about ' some rid of dandruff Is to diaaolve It, then you day .. hhe Lcgan io Vonafcr lf lne ul lll cestroy ii entirely. Tj cio tins, get -oout , were ot a llUi0 lnore ,efUh ,nan ta the four unces of ordinal y liquid orvon; ap-; prerogative of his sex. She wondered If ply It at night when retiring; use enough a lu(in who faded to make his sweetheart to moisten the scalp and rub it in gently hitpny even before they were formally wlth'the nger tips. . Ulro,hea and he had the pledge of his Bjr morning moat If not all, of your tove on her finger. wouid-er-ne:ect h s dandruff will be gone, and three or four : wife a little. more applications will completely dissolve j Ana xima an old friend came marching and entirely destroy every single sign i bold y bai k Into the girl's life. "Nathalie." and tiace of It. I said he, "you're living too quiet a life Tou will find, too, thut all itching and you're altogether too young to become digging of the scalp will slop, and your hair will look and feel a hundred times better. You csn get li'iutd arvon at any drug store. It is inexpensive and four ounces is all you will need, no matter how much dandruff you have. This sim r remedy' never falls. Advertisement a recluse. Maybe you r working and maybe you're resting. But you'd better take a vacat.on from whatever you have been doing and come to a few dinners and theaters and teas with me. I'm an old friend and a good friend and I don't to s a Utile girt Ilka jrou looking days and then concluded tnat she was superiority, to aid and protect them. I But while the expresxlon of such an a sensible little thing who saw the futil- An admirable instance of this Is found I intention would probably be greeted with Ity of nagging at him because he could I In the announcement that the United j ridicule by many of our legislators, the not see her mure often and devote his .'.tales statute fur the protection of ml- I object can tie, and has bnen, attained life to giving her good times. i gratory birds Is to be strictly enforced I through the game laws now In existence, For three months one man devoted Iduring the "open season for game, 'and there Is every reason to believe that himself to making her happy, and the which la at hand. The provisions of this 1th benefit derived by farmers and hor othcr looked forward to the time when he statute furnish an interesting rt-cogn'tlou , ticultuilxta from the enforcement of these could let her make him happy. And of one of the most mysterious iwcullarl- I wln wr Ihein sgalnxt the efforts then one night the good friend who was j ties In the life habits of the feathered i of thn ",Port:r lnt rests ' for tho r making Nathalie happy turned Into a , Inhabitants of the air. Th bird, for I abrogation or relaxation, lover and she found his arm a haven reason, of their own have divide,! thn I Already there are encouraging reports from all the turmoil of lite. territory of the United States Into two frt"n "ie P"1-11 "f tho ""llry tnat h ! Or d.d you carry a cold, surly or Irrl- The next day she sent for the man who broad sones. one of which Is denominated I """"" r vl ,lul"' ' " " "" table personality into tho room that fell go for your supplies, how are you treat- ' Ing your fellows? Are you aa unselfish, or polite, or considerate, im you want others to be to you? You think monopoly and greed are responsible for your troubles. You are overworked and 111 pald because those In higher phicea have no thought for others. Hut are you show- j Ing thought for others? j Look back over this day. Have you been t-nselflxli and kind and considerate toward every one? Did you start thn day with a loving word and a smile at home? Did you enter your placo of tii"lnrs w Ph a cheerful air and make erverybody feel better by your presence? I had a boy's fondness for shooting at h. l token he, foe er.nterf ur.rt toM him I.. h. i..i .. ..,.t .... I that add attraction to the meadows. of her engagement. j the wintering .one. ' fl-,ld,,1 ""A'"', woo""nl1" by,1,'"! "Hs loves me and wants to devote his A, defined by the law. the breeding ' f " Pniage. Ix perceptibly llf to mnkinir ine hnnftv i.M mhm I. ...i. .... t imnnmiis. ...,. .... i . ' ... w 1 7. J . " .. . 7 I confei-s that there was a t'me when ner-u j. i tji i iia)7 i laano, i ui irano, iseoraxua. low a, without you. You love me." said he. j Illinois. Indiana. Ohio, Pennsylvania, Ani he swept her Into his arms, where j New Jersey, (which form an Irregular vu.u.e.. c...v,i,o wwu o. me across me country, rrom me l-aeirn: oUb, fr , Uauty. or from who... M w to tha Atlantic), and all states situated ! throat , ha1 hearil .ny uf the ,.r,a And so they were marrted-nd did not north of them. Tho wintering gone, on I ,el.xile that only birds ran make. A live happy ever after, although the girl the conirary. comprises all the states j mnn wllo wulJ deliberately shoot a tried her best.. hying south of the ten above named. In ihetmlt thrush, ufti'r having heard its MORAL: We get what we want In inith of these series the killing of "gnme j chant at sundown, or a mockingbird this world-but moat of us don't wantJblrdV Is permitted within the month . after its morning song, could not be a what la good for ua. enumerated In the statute, but the 'tie- reader of Shakexpeure. like a wet blanket on those about you? Were you patient and polite when you went shopping? Did you remember that the salesmen and women were needing encouragement and sympathy In their living mark, but I am thankful that I '"'k, 1-1 "'?h " VOU ,d '" you" I never could lie perauuded to kill a bird Did you think to say a pleasant word to the newsboy and bootblack, or did you forget that they had as much right to consideration in this world as your self? If you have thoi-ght of nothing and no body today but yourself, your own troubles, tianlxhips and needs, then rest assured you have not fitted yourself to For Women Who Think! You are interested, almost as much as we are, in ex tending the use of the Safe Home Match. It is the most reliable, the most efficient and the safest match that can be made. It is absolutely non-poisonous. It is made under conditions that for ever do away with one of the worst of occupational diseases. It removes a poison from the reach of children in American homes. Wa ask you to use this new non poisonous match and to urga other to do likewise. 5c. All grocers. Ask for them by name. The Diamond Match Company I