e TIIK BEK: OMAHA. TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 21. 1915 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE " FOt'NTHCn TJV EDV.4. . ROSKWAIKR." victor rorkwate: . oniTon. T.s Be Publishing; Company Proprietor. PKB BT'lUDINCJ. FARN M AND f-EvTnt7kNTi7 fnlTrd at Omahs postofflfe an seeond-rias matter. TKi'.ws or eCllSi'RtlTION Py carrier Ity mall per month. pv'r J esr. tuny ano ?tinrtaT Ko Is 01 Pally without run.lay....' Cc 4 M oti'r.B; an.) Sunr'av 4"r fi -i f venin, without funrlsy 3fo. 4.uu l"inda Re oni- 2 i IVii'i nntlre of rbar.ee of srtrlrrse or rompialnts of !t( avlarlty In delivery to Omaha Bfv, Circulation ".Jriertinent. FKMITTANCK. ."t,,lt by 1raft, Mrrr rr, postal order. Only twfv-c-pi .lump" t shelved In payment of small ae ci.nt" I'erwnal clucks, ex eH on Omaha arid eastern ii.chnre, uot rcrentrd. OFFICKS. Imaha The Pee Hnlblina. ,?iih Omrha Si N etrert. Coi.-ricil H'.uflr 14 North Main street, i.liooln-! I.lttle rtulullns;. htsso l Hearst KiiHdlns;. hr Vo-k lloor-i lion. is Fifth trfnua rT Ixiols- foa New lank fommercw. Washington : Fourteenth Ht.. N. W. " COK R RSI'l'NDKNCK. 'MItss communications relatm to news ap.1 rdU trlrl matter to Omaha, ilea. ?dltorlai Department. At'GlKT CIHCIIiATIOS. 53,993 State, of Nebrnaka, County of Doiiglaa, aa: I 'wight '.Ylllixnis, rlrt'Ulation nmixi't of The Uaa 1'tilnlsn.us company, twins; duly swoin, ssys that the averns-e circulation for tne month of Aniuti, Uiu, Maa l-',,lWS IVHHT WILUA.-'S, Circulation Mannyer. ruls riled In my p.--s. n-e and aworn to before ine, this id day ot rb-ptoinix r 1!U'. KOBblli IIUSTLH, Notary Pub.lc. Subscribers leaving tba city temporarily should have The Ilea mailed to them. Ad dress, will b changed aa often aa requested. Omaha a "Tightwad?" No, Just the Opposite. For two weeks "Rllly" Sunday baa been LiinhastlnR Omaha aa a ' tightwad." spreading the linpiesslon that the returns from the collec tions here wr re not comlnn in an fast aa expected or aa plentifully aa In other cities where similar campalKns have hern conducted. If the llev. Mr. Sunday la an Junt and frank aa he Is believed to he, ho will now ninke n retraction and pub l.cly tnlte Omaha out of the "tlKhtwad" clas, fur the collortkmH, while up to the mark all the time, are now far In the lead of all records pre viously made In any tity anywhere near our Kize. Trt;e, this has been accomplished by om fcl renuous personal aollcltatlon work, but as this boating of the bushes has been part of the) reg ular program elsewhere as well, the exceptional response In Omaha Is no less to our credit from the Sunday campaign standpoint. Whatever opprobrious names may be fairly hurled at tiiuiha, otir Rood city cannot be truthfully called a. ' tightwad." Confessions of a Backslider rr P4HnlMT tl Thought for thm Day Stltettd by F re Jordan Ton eannot drtam youriet Mo a character, VOi mutt hmmmtr and for 3 yovrttlf on. Froud. X JJ i i ii - The man-made mills of Justice are once more grinding. No ona can truly aay that the Jitney ordi nance la guilty of overspeedlng. VUla'a troops have been outfitted with new uniforms. That's a sure alga of their degen eracy. When "Billy" called Omaha a "tightwad" he waa really just daring us to bring out the money. To the eyes of the A. B. C'b. General Car renza li looking: better, despite his opposition to barber shops. Any wonder after all these years of training on Ak-Sar-Ben tnd Commercial club hustling committees? The evil of "straw bonds" would quickly dla u,par If those responsible for their acceptance were prosecuted Instead ot the vendors. Fortunate man Is Vllhjalmur Stefansson! In the vast Icy wilderness of the north no re ports of war can disturb the solemn peace of his surroundings. Tbla section of the corn belt la 444 degrees of heat short of the normal since March 1. Sep tember, or what remains ot It, must pile on the fuel it It would save the face of the weather record. No difficulty will be experienced In raising the fund to bring the democratic national con vention to Omaha. The task is simply one of determining the amount needed and passing the word to the state house and the Omaha city hall. If "Billy" could only be persuaded once to attend our beautiful Ak-Sar-Ben ball he might make a special exception to It In his denuncia tion of dancing, card playing, theater-going and other worldly wickednesses taboo on his list of sinful pleasures. , ' Nebraska voters are next year to pass on a proposition to call a constitutional convention promoted by a self-appointed bunch of patriots eager to re-write our fundamental law. With our initiative and referendum anyone can write a model state constitution and have It submitted. Ho why be bashful? William R. Hearat haa been denounced Ha a yel low JoiirmUtft. Hut ha appeals to us today aa u better American, a better Chrtatlan, a truer lover of humanity, a braver man than do Jiy of tlione whoaa hauit hna been to anei'r at and belittle dim. World. Hruld. Who has been most conspicuous in sneering at and belittling William R. Hearst If not Wil liam Jennings Bryan? To take a alap at Bryan he W.-H. embraces Hearst. luUiutatcr Coutnnt today rt clvv.l the fli nt Install ment of the fpeclul iltllstiy tampa. The new atanii l .' nil'les none of thox- In prcwut uo. being; much largrr and broader tl iin It la Ionic, and dark blue hi iol r Cmaha, I ii colli ard Nebraska City are alone b- tl a i-rnaua ( lo over 4,u0, entitling- to them to the advantage of sixciitl delivery. A -1 kiisaiu party trslt ered at tha residence of County Cltrra Heiuku last rvenlng- In honor of the lU'Uiduy of Wis. li ?. a. Mlsa M. K. Mehuiu. ..nx and favorably known to imuht pt-ulle, I lit ui-rp'.vd the Maitlia of cutter and ruier in a dieisinnk n t t-statilUliiiient at Colunitms Owing- to tli liteial terma of admission, whl i w le gratia to all clatc. a lar crowd witnessed the final hetit In that rseo tx-twven Phyllis and Joa Da vim, the latter winning In time of ! lPi. C. E. Pel kins. I resident of toe llurllngton nd, waa In tha city. cB.ul C U. Kuatm U hick from a trip to WaMi ii.Kt'n teriltoty. The e hoel Loard las k-i the eonlia. t for building ti.e aoutlt alda rctalninr wall at the lilifh a h (rounds to Mr. Huckley. I Urea atone will be is.-d, and trfi prloa la gl.TS per Uneal foot. H T. Leavltt, former county clerk, left to vMt friends lu ilk In. Food or Munitions. Eastern financial magnates, who have en gaged their time for several days In preliminary arrangements for making a huge loan to certain of the belligerents, are unduly finicky in their meticulous differentiation as between food and I'ltinltlons. It la quite aft necesnnry that an aimy In the field be fed as that It have bulletr to fire at its opponent; likewise, it Is essential that' the ast army of workmen employed in making munitions be fed while at that work. The dlatlnctlon proposed may serve to salve a tender competence, but It will fool nobody, for the money, no matter how raised, to buy food 'for men and women will loosen other dollars cn which to continue waging the war. The dip lomatic refinement of language will not alter the purpose of the loan, but may soothe some tvbo do not like to look at things in their bare ness. There never was any question as to the loan being made. It Is strictly a commercial transaction. The only negotiation has been over terms and amount and the division of the fat promotion commission. Is Our State Constitution Worn Outt The gathering at Lincoln of a group of Keif invited citizens for the avowed purpose of set ting In motion machinery that may ultimately produce a constitutional convention deserves at least passing consideration. Those present at the meeting were evidently convinced that our state constitution is completely worn out and that we need an entirely new garment. The way to alter or amend the constitution of the state Is laid down in our organic law, and so far has proven its value not only by the facil ity with which amendment has been accom plished, but by the security it ha afforded against the unwise schemes of pseudo-reformers to engraft hobbles onto the document. In the forty years that have passed since the present constitution was framed, Nebraska has devel oped wonderfully, but the Ideals and aspirations embodied In the fundamental law of the state are unchanged. The document has been several times amended, that It might more readily an swer requirements of changing conditions, yet Its foundation remains aa broad and secure as v hen first laid. If the progress of the state social, political and Industrial has come to that r-olnt where a redraft, or a new draft, of the constitution is really desirable, the situation will be met as have all other crises in the state's short history, with calm firmness. Though swept by many political winds, Nebraska has kept pretty close to safe anchorage, and its peo ple, If given time for sober reflection, may always be counted on for a wise disposition of their own affairs. .Testa T. BrlUbsrt. IX reading the various articles on "Hilly" Hundiv written for the letter !ox, I have failed aa yet to rad of the feraonal espeilenc of any backslider, ao c allfd. Well, to make things a little more Interesting and shew thn trlimph of "Blllr" Hunday'a personal devil, I will aay that 1 am one of thoee critters Billy" calls a barkallder. It will perhapa help explain the phy siology of this religious fanaticism commonly called revlvnls, when I preface the story of my converalon and fall from grace by telling of the dlscuaalon I r.v centlr had with my mrther-ln-law. A few of ua werr gathered together discussing and ridiculing hie now sainted nibs (Pllly). and my mother-in-law spoke up and said that ahe would be afraid to apeak aa we did for fear God would strike her dead. You see, Mr. Kdltor. It la fear of Ood, fear of hell, not the leva of Ood that guides their footsteps along the thorny patn of earthly existence. They have pictured the old. outworn Jewish Jehovah with a flaming sword In each hand and fire belching, from his eyes, mouth, none, and ears, looking for victims to slay. i I also remember when I waa a boy and my good, eweet. dear, hut Ignorant mother used to tell her chil dren., myself amongst them, that the thunder was the voice of Ood when he waa mad and displeased at bad boys and girls The IHhtnlng waa hla flaming sword rf vengeance aga'nst slnnera. This silly stuff stuck to me until I waa able to reaaon for mylf from tho i knowledge of the e'.ementa gained at school. Neither my rather cr mother aver reriitea the unconacioua fal.'ehoud that they fed their Innocent children on to frighten them Into being good. Of course, being a son of to-called Chrtatlan par ents, f naturally went to Punay school and churue My Hunday school teacher told me of hellfire and damnation for wl:ked boys and then after 8und.iv rchool we would march up Into the auditorium for church and then the preacher would finish tha jot. more completely ao that the least boyish prank 1 played or Infraction of tha rules laid down by my father or mother, I was constantly looking around for that personal devil of "Billy's" with horns and a forked tall. Ilelns emotional and tender hearted I waa easily affected by sad recitals, the chief ataet In stock of th professional revivalist, especially hla tala of he'lflrc and damnation. It scared me stiff, so right then and there I hit the trail, waa c nverted. Joined church, and acted the part for a long time of a canlbal drlnklnK the blood of Christ and eating of his flesh. I event ually became ashamed of mvself professing to bo civilised and there I was drinking blood and eating human flesh. "Ah," hey aay. "that It only a sym bol." Well, suppose it Is, but It la a very ghastly ono to aay tha lratt. "Ah." lv.it they aay, "you are not thoroughly con verted." Well, I do not know whether I was or not. I afterwardfc realized that f cut all of tha antics and craxy capers as well as crying and gnashing- of teeth that the other fools did. Hut knowledge and reason ing led me long ago to cut away from that Ood and to get one of my own, which I have. A brief description of which 1 will give. And I think it haa "Billy" Sunday's Ood heat to a fraxxle. My Ood is an Invention of my own mind, the same aa the Clod that "Billy" and hla followers is an In vention of their mlnde. My Ood la love, la 'beauty, la mercy, la compassion, is wisdom, la Intelligent. In cloelng I wish to state that my fee'.inKa after my converalon waa a mixture of fear that 1 would back slide, a mixture of gladness and peace that I wa saved from that awful hellfire. Kear Prompted me to go down the aawc'uat trail. Fear prompted me to eat and drink of tha blood and flesh of Jesus, and love never entered Into the proposition nt all, because a person cannot fear an Individuality and love It at the Fame time. Thla, Mr. Kdltor, la the physiology of the Sunday revival. I love my maker: I love Jesua. and fear neither. Omaha, WW Farnam. rs Dr. Dumba and Free Speech. Dr. Constantln Theodor Dumba, presently de parting ambassador from the imperial court of Vienna to the United States, by his appeal to the f ubltc, supports and Justifies the action taken by the secretary of state in asking his government to recall him. It is hardly fair to suggest that Dr. Dumba has willfully mistaken the limit of his privileges as ambassador, but he uses the right cf free speech to criticise our government as freely as if he were a cltlxen here, instead of tie representative of a friendly foreign power. Ills Insinuation that he has been treated unfairly by the American government Is unworthy of him, and he should have scrupulously refrained from making It at this time, when ao many other Influences are at work seeking to disturb the tranquillity of American affaire. Secretary lAnslng's courteous expression In regard to Dr. Dumba's action fairly tits the case, but It might easily have been made more forceful without exceeding the bounds of propriety. Reminders for Letter Box Contributors. The Bee must again thank the many con tributors to lta letter box who make that such an Interesting feature of the paper, and whose rum her Is steadily Increasing. For thla very reason, however, It must likewise again remind them of the space limits, and the rule reserving to the editor the right of condensation. We n.ust also advise' contributors that for our own protection we require name and address as evi dence of good faith, even where the name is not to be signed to the published letter. Dr. Dumba may count himself fortunate that events fashioned his recall. Various societies of former subjects of the dual empire in Boston. New York, Chicago and the middle west have formally repudiated the control he assumed to exercise and affirmed their individual loyalty to the United States. The failure of Archibald's mission relieves the ambassador of the embar rassment of being unable to "deliver the goods.1' The strain on the minds of foreign critics ot American affairs would be materially relieved and room provjded for plain horse sense if they would practice the gospel expounded by London Sketch, 'n two short sentences: "The most we can say is that if President Wilson can main tain peace with honor, It is his bounden duty to do so. Iet ua mind our own business and leave the president to mind his." American packers whose shipments have teen confiscated by the prize court or Great Lrltaln have sufficient pull with American bank era to make their claim a prior lien on the loan. The opportunity to test parking house efficiency in the financial world Is too attractive to pass tp. Twice Told Tales A I sefal Head. A Washington man haa In hla employ a faithful but, at times, stupid servant In the person of an old darky named Zeke, Recently, when the employer had val ily endnavjre.) to get something dona In a certain way, he gave up In deapa.tr, exclaiming: "Zeke! Zeke! Whatever do you think your hed is for?" Zeke, who evidently thought that thla waa another of tha troubieacnie questions that his employer was always asking, pondered It deeply. Finally he replied' "Well, boss.- I guess It's to keep my collar on." Washington Herald. No More eed for Prayers. Xir. Burlier waa the lew clergyman In a pariah which held nulte a tew torse raisers who had been known to race tVieir slock. He was a very unsophisti cated old gentleman and rarely waa suspicious of anyone. One clay one of the deacons requested that prayers should be otfred upon threa successive Mundays for Dora Cray, .ind It was aeeorCtngly done. On tha fourth Hunday the deacon sought out Parson Barber Just before (he m rning service and told lilm that the pi aver neeel not be repeated. "Indeed?" queried the pastor, with an expression of anxiety, "I truat Dora's not dead?" "Oh. no," came tha qui k reply, "she's won!" Se-v York Times. Nol So Kasy. A Kcottieh prison chaplain, recently appointed, en tered one cf tha rella on his first round of Inspection and thua addressed tha prisoner who occupied It "Well, my man, cSo you know who I am?" "No, nor I dlnna car!" was tha nonchalant rely. "Well. I'm your new chaplain." "Oh. ye are? Then I have heard o" ya before,!-' "And what did you bear?" returned the chaplain, his ruriosltv getting the better of hla dignity. "Well. I heard that tha last twa klrka ya were In ye preached them balth empty; but I can aay ya wtllna find it quite aae easy to do the same wT thla one." I.onch n Tit Bits. People and Events Lot Anptiet tent out tha ttory of a big flah which got away, but not until It had knocked down the fisherman, flattened hla nose and blackened an eye. That will hold 'em till the fog lifts. Joyriding around fit. Louis geta another knock on paiver. Kevlsed aut rules forbid driving with one hand. As the cops can't see everthlng. the chances are the Idle hand will make the customary circle without graat rlak. Kvidence liven at a court proceeding at Trenton N. J. t-howed that tha New Jersey College ot Osteopathy, lucated at Passaic, hat been Issuing diplomat to practitioners on tha simple presentation, of the cash, or mailed draft. Tha Institution was legisluted out of business two years ago, but busi ness went on Jutt tha same. Peachca glut the markets of Chicago. Jersey Cltv ar.d Cktuhoma. Overproduction and lack of facilities for distribution which would lve tha grower a profit causes tha lots of tons of luscious fruit In various peach bells, particularly In Michigan and Oklahoma. At Caldwell, N. J., orchardlsta Invited th public to tick the fruit and take It away. A Cincinnati tobacco company, eager to catch fluf'y fancy with decorative pictures, has been In- lud Into court at defendant In a KS.OOu damage kult. The i lil-Ulff la Mlaa Edna Pawllngs. a 17-year old Bellvie (Ky.i rlrl. whoa picture in a bathing suit, labeled. "She la a good sport." tags c-lgaret wrappers. The publicity bureau la smoking some. A young Herman michlnlst. P. W. Nuac-henhelm, broke Into print at Hartford, Conn., weird ttoriea of being "hounded ty Germans" for working around mun.tlcns (actoik-a. Hit untie, William U. Nuschen helm, proprietor of Ih Hotel Attor, when asked about the nephew, told the New York Timet. "Ha Is fundamentally a liar and I don't believe hla stories." Let biro go at that. . ....! ftUMAesilOM. OMAHA, Pept. EO.-To the Kdltor of The I'.eo: Here s a suggestion: Kvery wholeenler In Omaha, every retailer In Omaha, siccus on every watron and auto, "liuy It in Omaha." IRLAU A CO. Keeping; t.nil a t'ommajndmenia. IlAVKXl'DIlT, la., Sept. 2n.-And now comes Hilly" Sunday, the mont noted revivalist, who, according to prest re ort!, tellt hla audiences In Omaha that "All who violate Ood'a commandments should bo In the pen." I a.m real glad i tRat Brother Hundsy haa mentioned thlt ! most important subject at this time of I lioutiln, such as never was on earth, on i account of selfishness, misunderstanding j and sin, which It the transgression of Ood s lsw. Through the fair and generous press of tho world I will now ask Brother Sunday where cou;d we find a pen this side of hell big enough to hold nil who violate Ood'a commandments? And If he or any other man can show me a mm or woman that says tliey always obeyed tue coinmnndments. I will show them the blgicest liar on earth. I am not a calar.iity howler, nor a one commandment hobby rider, or waiting for Jesus to come and do what trie nauti ChrlKt within us wants us to do In state and national love, now and here in and for cjod'a kingdom. But while the king doms of thin world nnd all falxe and imperfect systems of government aro peilHhlng and no nation seems to have or see a way to end war or to universal peace on earth. I do want to cry aloud and say, It la now up to united Christian ity and national obedience to Ood s com mandments to end war and bring peace on earth. WILLIAM R. BBNKERT. National Chairman I'nlted Christian Party. ln :e for Tbr nee. HANNIBAL. Mo., Sept. W. To the Kdltor or The Bee: Just a word of ap preciation for the splendid accounts of the Sundny meetings and tho excellent sketches by your staff artist. Tha best yet. My regret is that I have not been able to be present and particularly the night the newspapermen made their debut aa choristers. U U. ORA11AAL 007 Center Street. Hebake for the clentl. 8PKNCEK. Neb., Sept. 20. To the Ed itor of The Bee: "Billy" Sunday must ,be hitting hard if the yelps and howls appearing In the letter Box are any cri terion. Many of the criticisms made are too absurd to deserve any answer, but nevertheless I wish to refer to one of "Somewhere" evidently ashamed of him selfwho tayt: "Now, llev. Sunday, does he still peddle that stale stuff, stone ago dope of hell fire and of eternal punis-'i-ment7 Surely he must know the churches deny that. loes he still call tcience a liar?" sic. Now this letter may Influence someone who haa not studied science. I possess several diplomat and titles to the end of my name, but I don't know any more than Sunday that the churches "deny that", neither does William J. Bryan and thousands of others accept Darwin's theory. The writer ahouid learn to dis tinguish between hypothesis and proven facts, between evidence and proof. M.-AN ADMIRER. Americas Money for American ton trrprlsea. OMAHA, Sept. 18,-To the Editor of The Be: I am strongly Impressed with the protest of Senator J. Hamilton Lew:s of Illinois, against the proposition of loan ing $l,O0i,uft),(yiO of American money to enable tho European nations to continue their warfare. I am not opposed to this because the loan Is to be made to any one European power, or to any comb.na tlon of European powers, but becauoe it will withdraw from the available capital of this country thla vast sum of money, which In my Judgment should remain at home and I devoted to the upbuilding of Amer.can Interests. Not only that, but those who fear war, which I do not. must pause and consider what would be tho result If thla money waa withdrawn from our country, thereby lccaenlng our resources In timet of any great national emergency. The bankera who lire proposing this loan are not to loan their own money. Not one ot them would invest one dol lar of hla private fortune In any such a venture. They propose to take from the banka all over the Cnited States the monies deposited there aa the savings of the farmers, tho wage earners and the small business enterprises 'of tho country. They are negotiating this loan, not from any patriotic Impulse, but simply to secure to themselves the un doubtedly large bonus given by thoee for whom the loan Is secured. 1 know of no reaaon In law, and per hapa not In good conscience, why tho American people may not loan their money to w ho.u they please, and without regard to the purpose. But as a matter of h gher moral ethics the American conscience must revolt from any such action on the part of our people. Aa I have already sold, we need thla money at home. Vv can use It to our own ad vantage. It la our safeguard in time of trouble or distress, and aa Mr. Lewis so pert.nenliy says, the chances are that lta withdrawal from our ava. labia, usable cash supply, niiuht, and probably would br.ng on another great panic. To reduce our money supply by tho withdrawal of II.Oju.imi.OOO would make It more dlffecult for every man In the United Statea to borrow money from our banka to be uaed in profitable business entersr.aea. The president haa no power -to prevent thla loan, but unless ha uaea hit mighty Influence against it the time will come, and eonia quickly, when the administra tion w.ll have only popular Centura where It now has popular confidence. JOHN M. THURSTON. Akacar em lta rave. OMAHA. Sept. lH.-To the Editor ot The Bee: The radical and uncalled for atatement of Frank A. Harrison In the state press comes aa a shock to the tem perance forcea of the state, though tha charge contained therein borders on the ludicrous. The Idea that tho prohibition party ad vocates have any notion of attempting to dominate a nonpartisan convention. It abeurd on the face of It. True, the party leaders, In common with the lead ers of the other temperanea organisa tions, signed the call for the proposed convention, but It was dona more to pro mote harmony and show a afirlt of co operation, than from any special en thusiasm for the nonpartisan Idea of laaalng laws, when there la no proba bility of tha tempance people getting together to enforce a-ucb lawa when rati fied by tha people. Hut this desire for presenting "a solid front" to tha mutual enemy of the league and the party goes glimmering, with this j foolish statement from Harrison. What chance is there for harmony, now? Talk about visions why our friend Har rison must have been suffering from an attack of acute political indigestion, to trake him so suspicious. He forgets the time when the prohibitionists helped to elect Aidrich as a republican candidate for governor of Nebraska. He srems to for get that the prohlhs actually withdrew their own candidate at that time. Just to show- that It waa doing its best to co-operate with the league, and save the state from the disgrace of Pahlmnnlsm. Verily, friend Frank hat a short mem ory. We wonder when the anti-snloon league ever endorsed a prohibition can didate for office. In thla state, or any other? It may be that the leaguers will re pudiate this attack of Harrison's as not being authorised by them. But the Jealous and narrow-minded attitude of anti-saloon league officials In other states leads us to fear that the atate- mrnt was made with the full knowledge of the league officials. If the league adherents want real pro hibition, why do they Insist upon fight ing the only political friend that the cause of prohibition haa yet produced? The league claims to be "the church In action." (I know this, because I used to support It myself.) If the leacrue Is what it claims to be, what business haa it to mix church affairs in polities? What business hat it to pose at a political party In the guise of nonpartlsanlsm, when It only stands for the election of republicans and democrats? R. 8. RAM.ET. ntlly's" Antics Prove Mlr.rrrKy. SOUTH OMAHA, Neb.. Sept. In.-To the Editor o,f The Bee: In rcudlng the letiera otnrenilng the Rev. Sunday, It seems hard that a man who is apparently using his every fiber to promote his ca'iae and his God's cause, should he subjected to euch criticism as Mr. Sun day is. Of course, these letters are all express ing the opinion of some one, as is this lotter to express mine. . I believe Mr. Sunday, or "Hilly" as he seems more to mo, is sincere In all his work, and ao engrossed In It Umt hi "antics" as they are called, nro but the simultaneous exprert.ons of tho body, striving to muke more Impressive the word of his wonderful mind. If he can do this for not only boys and girls, but others, why criticise so harshly? Keep it to yourself, please; it will help everybody. I'm only a :-ycar-old girl, but 1 truly mean 't, "Billy," when I 3ay, "(io to It, old boy, I'm with you." All. PUELLA. per cent In the western part. None of Nebraska banka pays less thsn per ent on time deposing, snd In the west ern hslf of Nebraska banka pay t per ent on time deposits. It costs over 2 per cent for expentet alone to run a bank. No banker would be foolish enough to ray 4 per cent and 5 per cent cn time de posits and compound the Interest every six months, pay 5 per cent for expense of running a bank and then making a cost cf ier cent or 7 per cent for his money, and then loan it to a foreigner at i per cent. Every Nebraska farmer would like to see eastern bankers float the hlg loan to we could sell our wheat to England and France, and not brln them to the verge of starvation, and have to tend our wheat and flour over to them for nothing (for humanity's sake), same as we had to do with Belgium last year. The United States made ll.OW.OOO.OnO off the allies last year by , selling them high-priced whest, com, oats, cattle and horses and manufactured goods, and It eastern people want to loan them back a part of our Immense profits of Inst year So thst we can unload this year's crop again at a good price, may the Lord let them do It. JOHN MURTEY. Corn (reg Vet to Re Clacked. KXETER, Neb., Sept. 18,-To the Editor of The Bee: Much ia being published In the larger state papers about the enor mous corn crop Nebraska has about se cured, but I want to say that from re ports of many farmers from various parts of Fillmore county; this county has less than half of the crop secure from frost at the present writing, and from reports of the armers tributary to this . town, less than one-third of the acreage is safe from frost, and will require full two weeka of mighty favorable weather. Yet, to save the balance., to simply pass along a field of corn, on the cars or other vehicle, one Is led to say. "that co-n is past danger," but to go Into the fields and examine it. you will find the majority Jutt about In the roasting ear stage T. 8. BLOUCH. TOLD IN FUN. Money Rntra in Vrhrsnks. ALVO, Neb.. Sept. 20. To tho Editor of The Bee: Those fellows from the east and south who wrote and pushed through the resolutions st the state meeting of the Farmers' I'nlon advising farmers re garding their money In banks, also who to vote for for president, congressmen and so forth, must be very short on buj.! nesa knowledge. As tor Nebraska banks loaning money to the allies, no intelligent farmer believes anything of the kind. The fact la, no Nebraska bank would j loan England. France or John I. Rocke feller money on the proposed terms 5 per J cent Interest on five and ten years' tlm5 if they put up tJO gold piecee for secur ity. No bsnks In the eastern part of the state loan fpr less than 6 per cent on short time paper, which means at cam pound interest about 7 per cent The usual rate Is 7 or 8 per cent In the eastern part of the atate and about 11) "And now, madam, what nbout pencil ing the rrows?" "I think," said Mrs. Nurlch. "I'd like one of those hlxhbrow effects thst I read so much about in the papers." Louisville Herald. "There's a gentleman in the parlor, sir," said the maid. "DM he give you hla name, Katie?" asked the man of the house. "Oh, no. sir: but I think It's the on1! who wants to give his name to your daughter, sir." Yonkera Statesman. KABIBSLE KABARET CAR A4R. (cABldBUF. AN Fi'AWCE SAYS HE-.WIU BECOME:' MY HUSBAND OKI CONOITlflM THAT us- r-kf in DrerrAIIPAMYC APtTR wc tni ire nwwinvi...( ' - TrWTMrVM IS No "FIRST TIMER" "Why did you retreat?" demanded the itenerai who was directing the sham bat tle. "You had the other side outnum bered and technically defeated." "I know, general, but a rest of hornets e-ot Into the game." Louisville Courier Journal. "Jof-h done pretty well at school last . year." said Farmer Corntossel. "Knew moro'n most of hla teachers." "Is It possible!" "Yep. He knew- more about Greek than the professor of boxing an' more about boxing than the professor of Greek-'.' Washington Star. TViIa Pmiiwrn fc"00'1 for 10 trademarks toward this AIMS UOUpon Quaker Cooker. Cut it out. Then buy a package of Quaker Oats, see our offer, and note how much this means. But only one of tbese coupons can be applied on a Cooker. adamItJs Youurs Quaker Oats is youn, if you ask for it, with out any extra price. And it means luscious flakes, made of queen grains only. This perfect Cooker is yours to retain the flavor, and to cook in the ideal way. See our offers in each package. Pure Aluminum 2'4 Qu. mm a ln7 Quaker Cooker See it at Your Grocer's Offer in Each Package Any erocer, if you ask him, will sup ply, you Quaker Oats. Many grocers now display this Cooker, and make a feature of it. So if you want this extra quality, and want it better cooked, you can very easily get it. Try it some morning and you will never go back to less inviting oat flakes. Maker Oats 10c and 25c la Round Packages with Top Q PACIFIC LIMITED Equipment has every re quisite of pleasure and travel comfort consists of library, obser vation car, standard and tourist sleeping cars and dining car. Leaves Omaha, daily at 7:50 p. ar rives Chicago at fr.15 a. m. via tha o CHICAGO artd HE Chicago, Milwaukee & St Paul Ry. UVFa i ooW fast $ra4ni to Chicago. SoC Tickets arul hill w, . . SC. Oaba. W. K. UUCH. Cl Imw A.M