TTTK l'.KH: OMATTA. TtTSPAY, SMTEMr.KR 21. 1H15. t I STEAMER ATH1M1 IS BURNED AT SEA ras?engrri and Crew Are Reicned by the Tuicanea and the Ron manian Prince. ONLY ONE LIFE IS LOST HALIFAX, N. S , Sept. 20. The f reek steamer Athlnal was destroyed ry fire lit sea. with th los of one life, according to a message received y the marine department today. Tho steamer Tunranla rescued 40 passengers and the crew and the steamer Roumanian Prince, sixty-one others. The message from the Tuscanla was dated at 7 a. m. today and was the first official word received from the liner since the wireless report lust night that the Athlnal was on fire and th Tuscania had rescued the passengers. The origin of the fire wan not stated in the message, v M-!i rcid : "Heard dlstrees cull at :30 a. m. yes trrda. Arrived on the stot at noon and sent a linn iiawi to help them. Trans ferred passengers about 4 p. m. Athlnal I was absndnned about I 30 p. m. We j rescued iJI passengers and crew and the. IlTiim.inlun Prime rescued sixty-one. There wsn only one life lout, that of a wrrrk biirnln.. fiercely In No. 1 and 2 at r.rO p. m. Position, lutltude 40:M j north, lonclturte f7 4" west." The Ath.nnl aallol from New York last Thursday for It carried alxty ona tlrat, forty-eeven second cabin and 213 ulcerate psengcrs. The others on board were inemlera of the crew. The Tarno consisted of considerable quantl 'tle of flour, coffee, cotton, rtce and luhrlretin oil. The Aihlnul was C74 tons tcross and had an avcrajie speed of alxteen knots. H was 430 feet long and fifty-two feet rmsm. The vessel wss built In KnKland 'in IMS and was owned by the National Steam Navigation company of Greece. Kroie Aboard Hafe. N WW TURK. Hept. W-The Anchor line office hers received a wireless mes sage today from the captain of the Tus ' ranla statins; that all of the passengers and crew of the Greek steamer Athlnal had bren saved. The message from the Tuscania read: "Monday noon, 4Ut miles from Ambrose channel lightship. Have on board SM passengers and sixty-eight crew of the Athlnal. SixtV-one survivors are on the Roumanian Prince. Everyone saved." The Tuscania, which sailed from Glas gow Inst Bunilay, was due here lata to day. The Anchor line does not now ex pect the steamer to arrive before lata tomorrow. In the tight of the two messages re ceived here today, steamship men are In clined to believe that the entire ship's company was saved. A message re ceived by ' the Marina department at Halifax states that one mi.n had Jumped overltoard and had been loet. OMAHA WARMS TO - SUNDAY'S WORK ' Continued from Page One.) the discontinuance of the collections, tfe evangelist launched Into probably tha most vigorous sermon he has p reached. He pounded and stamped and rushed a'Jout the platform tUl his silk shirt was rinsing wet. The sermon' was strikingly U'Hstratlve of the Intimate personal way In which all Bible characters appeal to Mr. Sunday. Upon Pilate he poured out the anathemas of his wrath because Pilate had condemned Jesus, "lttlly" feels the Insult ss personally as though Pilate were a Judgs who condemned his own brother, to the electric chair. 'Pilate," he said, "waa a low-down Clod-forsaken, stand-pat, free-lunch, rat hole, two-by-four, whisky-awaked, llcku splttln, tin-horn, peanut, ward-heeling, social-grafting, stinking ward politician" Outside of this Pilate waa all right, ao to Mr. Sunday, elt pointed out how "Mrs. Pilate" tried to savs him from his Ignominy and failed. Tarns en Aitleet. And then the evangelist turned sud denly upon the audience. He shook his fist at them and with flashing eyes and fiery language he denounced them. "You're a coward, you're a miserable coward," he shouted.' "You're In a class with old Pilate. You're afraid," ha taunted them. "1 ou're afraid to walk down these aisles and take your stand for Jesus C Ill-tut Tou're a coward." From this fiery arraignment of Pilate he turned to ChriM and his manner changed, lie painted his Savior with all the giury that, hla lova could think of. He named a hundred great men who have been earnoat Christians and cried, "I'm glad that I belong to that kind of a bunch and not to the dirty, sniveling voundreU that reject Christ." Awillraee Applawda. Mention of the nainea of Bryan and iieneral Miles brought applause. That of Roosevelt waa received In silence. "If there were 10.Ono.OUO words In the dictionary they wouldn't be enough to express my love for Jesus, ha said. "What Is there Jn Jesus that you can Improve on, you Idiot and JackasaT' hs demanded. "Omaha, Jesus Christ awaits you," he crid Just before calling for trail-hitters. "Are you going to crown Him? What's your answerT What's yours, choir?" And the trail-hitters came down the aisles. They came mure spontaneously thsn they have before. They came with out much personal work. And they were no Intelligent-looking lot of people, well- dressed and apparently normal-minded. Nearly all were young men and women I with a little sprinkling of children. I Grrrtlas- for Workluaiis. ' ' !. mmm m m.n vrl... .nll. . working clothes. Him "Billy" gave s tremendous handclasp and patted the horny hand with his other hand and shook It again, which was more than hs did for any of the others. One waa a colored woman. Quk-kly the names were taken by the secretaries, "billy" closed the lid of the "well" and ' hurried rf with "Ma" for luir train. One trail-hitter arrived after he left and was given the handshake by a substitute. The evening tall-hitting numberer ISO. "Body" gave ths choir a scolding after ths servlie and notified them that If they didn't attend better there would be many who would find their places. taken by others. ' Apartments, rials, nmuw m oottages tun be rented sulckly atu cheaply by a tiee ""t Bent" IF WAR SPREADS IN THE BALKANS- Roumanian jrunners and their gun, showing type of soldiers that country will rend to the front to da its fighting. it LXIh ) is in I U f h "Jfr. rfyAfVV G AND CUJN Von Bissing, a Half Brother of General, Interned by Britain 1AJNIKN. Kept. 20. Uarun Von Kis sing, half brother of General Von Hissing, German military governor of Belgium and a naturalized British subject, after fighting for mor.tha for hts liberty, has been Interned. lie was mysteriously spirited away today from his luxurious home in Kensington by detectives, who left a battalion of newspaper men on guard over an empty shell. It Is reported that the Islington work house will lie the baron's domicile during the remainder of the war. The Internment of Baron Von Diluting follows a long sulfation that he be de prived of his freedom In common with numerous other wealthy British subjects of German birth, against whom popular feeling has run. The status of Uarnn Von Bissing has been the subject of de bate on more than one occasion In the British parliament It was suggested In one of these dlscusetons last February that Baron Vou Binning had a residence at Hove, In Sussex, from which "signal ling operations might easily be carried ut" It was dented at the time by Harold J. Tennant, under secretary of ; war. that Bnron .Von i Olsslng Lhnfl done' anythtnw which would Justify his mnioHrf from tbs prohibited area or that hs had aver dona any secret sen Ice work' for Ger many. Later It was suggested In tha House of Commons that the baron be deprived of his liberty In retaliation for the expul sion from Belgium bjr the Germans In April of Clifford Plnchot. former chief of tha United fttates bureau of forestry, whose sister is the wife of a British diplomat, but nothing cam of It Four Men Charged With Counterfeiting S2 Revenue Stamp NEW YORK. Sept. JO. Four men were arrested here yesterday by secret serv ice agents under Chief Wlltlitm Flynn. on a charge of counterfeiting S3 revenue stamps. One of them. Joseph Carllst, la said by the police to be one of the j Carllst brothers who flooded this coun try with forged checks twenty years ag PRIEST IS BLAMED lfTmrrD TDTI1 l"",lmenl "as swppea. i icwai wn gars ; nanon or perjury, appeared before Judge IN MUKUJjK ltllAL wl" nc,ry - to open - the canal j Granby Hlllyer In chambers. Mrs. Hawk i Shoals are Soo feet long and at tha worst ! Ins planned late today to make applica Continued from Page One.) Porter, that ha waa trying the casa on the trains. In tha KI Paao hotel lobbies and on ths streets of Tularosa and that he should taks hla case to court if he wished to prosecute Porter. He also told the priest that he, Kail, held the priest morally responsible fjr Connellj murder because he had stirred up trouble be tween the factlona with ths water trouble. Widow (afldewt. When Senator Tall had finished his testimony which rsquired more than two hours Saturday evening. H. B. Holt, an- ; nounced that ths defense had rested. I'pon ths completion of the defense, Mrs. Ralph Connell, today Issued a statement for The Bee, saying that the defense had failed to make a case: "They have not put on Mrs. Porter, or O. M. Tally, witnesses to ths shooting. They hsve not said one word directly of tha shooting and have done nothing but introduos character witnesses, who, after testifying to Porter's good ' reputation, have admitted he was in Jail and had been arrested a number of times," (nnnetl Oatwa. The arguments started today, with W. J. CVnnell of Omaha, father of tha mur- dered msn. making the first argument to the Jury- "It la with sadness thst I make th s appeal to you for Justice." i he said. "It ts only Just tha. I khou d do this, to the peoHe of Ne M atco, to my a n In th- I t'V temetery at Tula- T09 d to hU w,f nd tw children, I " ra DEATH RECORD Jab, a Taaaww, Sr. PLATT8MOUTH. Neb.. Sept. W.-48pe-clal.) John Toman, sr., aged SS ears, after an Illness extending over one year. Folownng aa operation Mr. Toman waa taken with pneumonia from which he died this morning at an early hour. Mr. Toman was born In 1KSS in Moravia, Austria, where hs lived until In isn. when he came to th s country, and to Ptattsmouth, where he has made hla home since. He leaves six soma and twe daughters. Mrs. Orlfca KlehrtKerger, Mrs. Ortha EMchetberger, formerly a resident of Omaha, died at her home at Monument Kaa.. September IT. and thai l.jw'a Weyiamf l k. body was taken to MuscatitM. Ia., for ! J Plehl W llleti has been awarded Interment. i""" c nlrart for varrvlug te nuibU from JWillett to Arthur, Neo. 7 T GNEW. GREAT BATTLE IS PENDING TO SOUTH OF VILNA Continued from Page One.) pnleon fled in In 1812, during the retreat from Moscow. tirrr.ian Man HI una Depot Taken. PAItia. Sept. 20.-The official state ment given out by the French war otMeo this afternoon describes great activity on I the part of the French artillery at vari ous points along the line In France. "A depot of munitions within the enemy's line near Herthee was taken." . The text of the communication follows: "In the Artols district our artillery last night delivered a violent bombardment against the works of the enemy and in terfered with their provision trains. The German batteries showed particular ac tivity In tha environs of Arras. "The firing of the enemy was also fairly well sut.'alned In the regions of Foucaucourt Harlevllie and Tracy-le-Val. "In front of Fontenoy the Germans opened with Infantry fire. In the vicin ity of Berry-au-Bae last night saw fight ing with bombs, artllleiy and rifle firing. On the canal between the Alsne and the Marne wu took possession of a German listening post. "In. the Champagne district our artil lery replied to a bombardment of our Positions to the north of Chip de Cha lons and checked tha firs of the German's heavy artillery. To the north of Perthes s depot of munitions within the enemy's lines was blown up. "Between the Alsne and tha Argonne district the artillery of the enemy main tained its activity during all last night. J "In ' Lorraine our batteries continued their destructive fire upon the works of the enemy. "In the vicinity of Ban-de-Sapt FTsnoh field artillery dispersed a detachment of German pioneers." Big Slide Blocks Panama Canal WASHINGTON, Sept. 20 The earth slides In the Panama canal near Gold hill are much more extensive than was at first reported and probably will tie up the waterway for at least ten days. This dispatch waa received today by the War department from tha acting gov ernor of the canal sons: "Continued movement of tha slides yes terday has caused ths most serious shoal ing of the channel rtnee last October, tions mere is only seven reel or water - . .... , y . . - -2 !K-: y:"' with an Island rive feet above water, iuu.judgo feet long and fifty feed wide in the mid- die of the channel. Suggest shipping agencies tie advlacd to consult with Wash ington of floe of the Panama canal before ships leave their ports." SOUTH OMAHA EXCHANGE COMPLAINS TO COMMISSION WASHINGTON. Sept. JO. (Special Tel- Jegram.) The South Omaha Live Stock exchanire hmm filed a rnmuialnt with the ' l-,.,.,.., r.,mmr.v. enn.n,l.lnn mmmin,t j tha Chicago Great Western Itailroad 'company et al that charges of t:.S0 for , single aecs cars ana m lor uiiudib aoin cars for cleaning and dispelling were Un just and discriminatory. The roads are asked to establish a maximum rate In the future and reparation is also asked. t PIONEER CONTRACTOR DIES AT WEBSTER CITY WEBSTER CITY, la.. Sept. jr.-(Spe. clal Telegram. Wamuel Baxter, aged nearly Sf years, and a resident of this eltv alnea 18. died last hla-ht. Mr. Rax- tr bum the first court house and first church In Hamilton county and was county recorder here two terms. He waa aha nf th n nnMr butlderw of tha rum. munlty. i DoFtnr '-m nl III rl Trouble, WEBSTER CITT, la., Sept SO.-lSpeclsl Telegram.) Pr. C. I. Ebcrle. a well j known pioneer phyelrHn. died here In a hospital today following a few hours' tllnei-a of heart trouble. He waa engaged In practice at Blalrsburg. ltewartweat Orders, WASHINOTON. Sept. -4Special Tel- legram.) Nebraska penrlna grantid: Mascte Pavta, l.tnoota 12; Mary K. Kos lender. Kixing City. SI. Mary A. Stilt. Lincoln, IU, trah J. Tavlor, Hradshaw, II!: Nancv A Ward. Curt a. til J Jlua C. Philips was awotnted post master at Oracle. Iup county, Nebraska, vW- Oirge . Zetsier. declined. rVank A. Heuhurn was appointed post master at Walt man, Katrona county, Wv orring. vice Kolert D. Campbell, rextrrvd. f.irh-cla poatof flees will bo Come prea dentlal offices on October I, I'Ma. and the salar ed - postmasters will rorelve: Kebra-ka- Alexandra, tl.000: Halirler. ill i'i; pmpifion. 1 Ilk. 1 Archibald is Met On Shipboard by Secret Service Men NEW YORK, Sept. 20 James F. Archi bald, the American correspondent, who was Intercepted by British authorities, while canying a mrs age from Or. Con stantln T. Dimba, the Austro-Hungarlan ambassador, to Vienna, arilved here to day on the llner Rotterdam. Several secret service men boarded the Rotterdam at (Juarant'ne early today and questioned Archibald. They were ro roited to have sranhid the man. his baggage and his state room and to have taken away a cane belonging to him. Archibald denied this. After leaving Quarantine Archibald said: "I do not know anything about tha situation here. If theie Is any contem plated prosecution of me It is perfectly unjust "I took the letter whlcn caused the trouble, from Ambassador Dumbo with out knowledge of its contents and en tirely unwittingly. That la all I rare to say at present" Archibald, on landing, met a man ha described as his secretary. The man said ha waa Cha les Mercer. Archibald and Mercer held a short conference and Archibald announced he would defer thu Issuing of an additional statement. He said he expected to go to Washington soon. i , WASHINGTON, Sept. 20.-Whatever the government's action toward James F. J. Archibald, the American correspondent Involved in the case of Dr. Dumb, the Austrian ambassador, it will not 1 e taken for several days, and not until Archibald has had opportunity to make explanations to officials here. Hawkins Arrested On Perjury Charge TRINIDAD, Colo.. Sept. Jo. Horace J. Hawkins, chlof counsel for John R. Law son, union leader, convicted on May S of the murder of John Nlmmo, a deputy sheriff, during a battle near Ludlow on October 2f, IMS, was served with a capias, charging him with subornation of perjury In relation to the affidavit of Grover Hall, a member of the Jury in the Lawson case. llui iiii'unnuUon was filed in the dis trict court ' lust week by the attorney general's office. Hawkins gave bond In the sum of $1.6oO, and with Attorney F. W. Clark, also charged with aubor- ;tion to Judge Hlllyer for a change of Charges Against Hesperian Crew I. Mrs. Ronald one of the sur- NEW TOBK. Sept. I Whlteway of Toronto, vlvora from the Allan line steamer Hes- perlan. which was sunk by a torpedo or a mine In the British war sons, arrived todnv nn ihm iiu.m., t3V.ll BHtt.b.!.. Llv.,,l Kh- .M th. waa In progress reg-trding The conduct of 'the crew of the Hesperian, which, she aeeiarea, was not praiseworthy, to say the least. A fter the shock of the explosion, ihe said she found herself In a lifeboat, hut ril.l nut know how she got the-e. As the boat was being lowered, she asserted, a sailor sprang Into It and struck her breaking her arm at the shoulder. CIL STRIKE AT GREYBULL BRINGS MANY OIL MEN OREV BI LL,. Wyo.. Kept. l-8peclal Telegram.) Grey Bull gusher Is now run ning sixty barre's of oil per hour. Many oil men are here to Invest. Real estate values are going skyward and many other wells are to be sunk at once. The strike assures Grey Bull as a big oil center. Bee Warn AO Produce Results. j mmm tsmwmmmmmmmmmmmmmm i mini iiina nii frd , rati- .tut?'.- " rr : ' i 0 Mfl'Q ,V" 4 :V),'''i':M' Jl Vsilinsnaiani tmmmmmammatMmmmmmmummuamamtmmmmmmmmmmammmmm NAGS TAKE FIELD AT BENSON TODAY Inaugural Day ProjTara Includes 2:11 and 2:25 Clan Paces and 2:50 Class Trot FAST HORSES ARE ENTERED Itflilnir Hill tx-gln today at the Ioug- . In, County fair at the grounds at Ben- son. The li:Il : a-ers will contest for a i purse nf $ A) and the I SO trotters and i .25 pacers will ra-e for purses of $4K I ench. j Follow Ine are the alarum for today'.) races: Trotting. 2.W Class - Tryolii. b. m., by expedition 'Hurt) John W. Hei-fe. b. s. (Marshall). I.iiuy iHfln), ;. m. (1'rnel. Ixittie Alcott, b. in. (Grlgus). AlexnndrlM, b m. (Atklnxon). Pacing, 2:2S Clans K. Z. Alli rton. b. g. iKggers). I'lnrk, Ilk m. (Clark). John H., b. a. iWoolmani. Major 'onHlanlino, I.I K. s. ttiuuhl'n) Frank Hi lowny. s. g. (Si Un.ulmii. Pih'iiiu, 2 11 Cuss Kiiuicy Win, h. g. (Allen). H i lle.-iii, ch. in. (Mler). M. T., Ii. K. i.lolinanni. Danica. . m. i Johns m). Anne W., It. in. (MrKlnna). ! l.tin ptril. The 2:11 pmc promises to be the fea ture race of the day. ' Each horse en tered in It has given a good account of itself In many races In the middle west. A splendid exhibition of all the product and articles which make a county fair an Interesting educational Institution I." ready to bo viewed by spectators. Many persons visited the grounds yesterday, the first day of the fair. One of the features Is former Police Sergeant H. C Cook's exhibit of apiary products. Including mountains of comb and extracted honey and wax. This ex hibit attracted much attention at the re cent state fair. Bryce Asks America to Stop Slaughter of Armenian Men LONDON. Sept. 20. Viscount Bryoe, formerly British ambassador to the I'nited States, has sent to the Associ ated Press a plea that America try to stop the slaughter of Armenians. "The civilized world," he says In hlb plea, "especially America, ought to know what horrors have been passing In Asiatic Turkey during the last few months, for If anything can stop the destroying hand of the Turkish government It will be an. expression of the opinion of neutral na tions, chiefly the Judgment of humane America. "Soon after the war broke out between Turkey and the allies," continued the viscount, "the Turkish government formed, and sines has been carrying out with relentless cruelty, a ' plan for ex ti patlng Christianity by killing off Chris tians of the Armenian race. Accounts from different sources agree that over the whole of eastern and northern Asia Minor and Armenia the Christian popu lation la bplng deliberately exterminated, the men of military age being killed and the younger women seized for Turkish harems, compelled to become Mohamme dans and' kept with ; children In virtual slavery. . ' "The rest of the'' Inhabitants, old wo men, men and children, have been driven under convoy of Turkish soldiers Into unhealthy parts of Asia Minor, some to the deserts between Syria and ths Eu phrates." MISS BJURSTEDT AND MISS NEELEY WIN, CINCINNATI. O., Sept. . Miss Molla BJurstcdt of Norway, and Miss Carrie Neolcy of Chicago, captured the finals In the ladies' doubles of the Trl-state Tennis tourney here today. They defeated Mrs. Malcolm McN'lll, Jr., of Chicago, and Mine Ruth Panders of Cincinnati In straight sets, 6-1. t-0. New Method Make Straight Hair Wavy (Popular Hygiene.) It has been found that a simple and harmless fluid, well known to the drug trado, has a remarkable action when ap plied to straight, lank, unruly hair. It dries In exquisite waves and curls which have all the appearance of true natural ness. It has aleo proved a delightful and I Dc-enciai dressing ror me nair. This product is nothing mors than ordi nary ll.unl sllmerlne, which of course anyone can afford to use. A few ounces of It will last a long time. One will en Joy using It, too, not only because there is nothing sticky, greasy or unpleasant alioul it, but !. cause it Is so easy to ap- pi v. It is only necessary to moisten a ( lean tooth brush with the liqu d and ('raw this thrcuh the hair from crown to i III. II 1111 in uuire Hi UYiiiiuv iiur vIM he hcau'l'ullv wtvv and curly In the . morning, and will not have that dull, rcorchid louk which come from the use or a hot iron. Aaverusemem. HEADACHE that throbbing:, persistent kind brought on by nervous strain, brain lag, overwork, worry or nxiety, is caused by lack of phos phates, necessary to the health of nerves and brain. Renew the sup ply of these vital elements, and relieve the head torment by using; HORSFORD'S Acid Phosphate (Noa-AlcohoLcl Keep a kettle ia year beae Jrg U o a o (J o a a U a c o c 11 a a a li a o II i j Thompson-Belden rum w Willi I mill I i m 3i ! i " iiwiii'bmwwiii?! 'i mmm 9 J . IIM II la I i ! C3 ! I I3 ! a B So Big H i at la ! a a'i ax n c3 sP m si o PBB I a Hi BBS ffa 12 a Autumn a a Fashions of Pleasing Personality for the Fall and Winter of Nineteen Fifteen Women's Millinery, Suits, Coats, Dresses, Gowns, Blouses, Furs a Wide Selection in Sli Handsome Fabrics and Accessories. The Most Charming New Ideas Express ed in a Multitude of Original Ways a 1 a We Cordially Invite You to Be Present At This Opening Display Tuesday, September Twenty-First BBS Dua Baa iooanconnoo ormr fcDM -WW UM WU;IW BMlJ aalUsvllflBliniBroBBiaal. raj Persistence is the cardinal vir tue in advertising; no matter how good advertising may be in other respects, it must be run frequently and constant ly to be really succcessful. j tMIHKMfH. ! Uday, Wednesday and Ihur&cay Thcda Bara IN "two cnPHnir DrtVn r.OTION aw I ta PICTURE TO DAT Coatiaaoaa, Troas 1 p. ln.ts s. sbm aad T p. m. te It p. as. aa rraacisoo's CHINATOWN aad Barkary Coast aad raaaaaa Mx- poslttoa. lecture y Owpt. K. Lewis, rieaea Obiaatowa Aaiaa. . jr. Afteraooaa, lOe Bewataga, waj mmo mi mi nam mr. q o qdoUddoUocqouqd3uoooi & Co. SB 2 I B 1 C3 I ii. Inaugural all os b iB C3 i of Choice Models is: C3 C3i i5S3 Si! ooonooononoritJO muni! nm mm Ira bbUbbub buib oorj Emm ooo nrcn IN HI mVIEMKiiTI. Where the Omaha Bee Universal Animated Weekly May Be Seen FARXAM THEATRE CAM ERAP1IOXE GEM LOTAL PASTLME LVRIO MAGIC HANSCOM ARUOR IVY PALACE DIAMOND BCBT ALMO OMAHA, BKXHO.V FLORENCE -oiuat'i TVW CIBTXl Much s cut: 'laria DMuca, Oeear Hisajr ,l.lp. lima. X. Oohia. Al MM, On. S. Murpi.r O-rtrtula Hr . ' VHno n4 Elf Vumi , h r m. Mix K)' Srm lUtla 4ll i to liAr meirvm I II arvaoeK stPMt eMujliti. LaAiea' Dime MaiuLse Weak Says. Vaoae Songlaa T:. ' ::l;li i.lui Ciirfnlllt Ctrcull. IM.'K Ml 1' rr M fe., I li IHH Marina Ua.ii l CImIi D. , e. r, Lav lixlita4.'r. liahr Norton Sanm l. Llf.t. Man, Mr. Nisi k. HilfMl Jolm ton Tm OsSoum Tnnl Waaklf. PiIm- Un ix. Oa.lory ISu, koal Mia (i topi Hut. ti su, t. mhlm. te, fa, Ml ul 1U. nRA'rf)EI5l TKUlTEa. TOD AT S J SIITLI- ui-.l. TKUlTEa. ; mho Mil l nil nsl.l th ctock rsarxoT" Edward Lynch t?T?Mte "Th Bejuvtaatioi of Aist Miry" Nut Waok. Ue Ssalstr M I ll. "AT HAT ' 1 Matlaeaa, ls Urn. Bvgw. tJOa, SSe. IBS 3 t C3 as gin gla IIS m an r -i ego pal oil