1HK I.KK: OM-XHA. TTKmI.AY. SKITKMPKR Jl. 10,.,. Jl von KKNT I urnlkhrri Ituoma. VERY I KiI HA HI.K LAKUK FRONT no m. Everything now ami up-to-date, t-arm closet, mirror door. Iliinscom J'ark dls trlct. 1-asy walking ii'Sianif. Close to two car ll.,es. Konin f'-r car In g.ira.to IBrfakfnFt If delrcd. 1 tv 3"tli Ave. J'hone Harney 120. JH'HT. I7 Ncnt furn. close to colics anil business d. strict; rate reasonable K u it I hf T"m-alhf r Ytq: 3"3Hytli. 4 tiiKi.MS en suite, nlcc'y fur. r.M S yin. . NIC it lame lurnl i room lor m or two re-e tal le nte-en- -r'-aef m .lybreakfast If detlrcd. 33tw B h. M. ftM-l. Kleantly furn , quiet home. 23 2 Howard. F?)R buMncse people, neatly" furnished . hot and cold water, snower baths. 2u! 8. a.th Ave. Mingle or en suile, hot and cold water; shower baths; ele. fur. mi.l 8. 2oth. Ave. 4 NEWLY fu; tinned rooms, finale or double: modern: 1- blocks from the HUh school: $J and up: loard If tleaired. 413 N. ::'d St. Isiug. s. Fam-sheil Houses. ' Wm TARN AM FUItNISHKu OK I N KL RNISUED, t A.VD J IS. Sejven room, all modern: piano player, etc. Paved streil; half I l.ick to car. w Pm'g. H?.. V.beter 14.V.. T-R. modern. 1340 No7 Wh v ALL. modern 5-r. bungalow. 7i& Iitnney. W ,. Iloaecs nad I nimurn. ainrK. . WOD 3-r., ga r a g tJ 0. H. 2114. 77 N. :14 CCMIM1 ST. 'ttll A HKAl. V.STATV. MIM II I. M)s. FOB 4.3.K. 3.1d. -r. mod. Den 7 0 7- lt , moein.i3i7sew iru. Til. II 4.42. J I-ROOM, modern house, new; half block to car; 3 in). I'lione Wamut 2wl, T-ROCiM house, mod,, r'ose-in. Tel. 1). tXi. UUILr 1 year, i-room modern house, close to car line, lot, Mxll'ti; nice lawn, ediade, oak finish; any offer considered. 4W N. SUth, Web. MVS. 8- ROOM cottage modern except heat. $1 Mil N. 24th St. Benson 3. Key at 633 klonnce lilvd.. 3 Uocks east. Rfc.N'i' A noun.-,- u-r. and bath; avictly mod., near car line, fJO a ino. 47iH Franklin St. Tel. Wnlnut S"j6. 27'H Seward. B-r mod Jlo.mi i07 N. 2th ave.. h-r $1160 M. P. McCollough. Tel. Web. 15.12. NICE 6-room cottage " papered, close to street, onlv 313 per rGTr.Hr ii:t Jl 4-R. cottages, Montana. iriXTANA Irrlvated laids best In tha world for wheal, oat a. at air and stock; lose to town, isl road aohoo'a and iurci.-s: 4!.5- to tN r acre on firteen eata' time, annual pamnts less than "t-i's on tlddie west fnrnis, write to ay for partlculnrs: Illustrated pamphlet md map free. Valler Farm 8alea com 'ny. Unit !;. Va'ier. Mont NrhrasWa. SCOTT'S HLI HWI!TV. Splendid farm t mlies Irom M natare, II tillable, nlaptid for suirar beets and alfalfa. KO an acre. Clear. Owner will nke Omni. a pit p, rt . as patt pnyment. HA YN K INVKSTMKNT COMi'ANY. Otnaha Nat. HHiik Hidg. OMAHA. W. O. TKMPI.KTON City prop.Tty, lands everywhere, farms, ranchea, loan and insurance. Ask about my orchard proiowltlon. a Itee Rld. FOR SALE OR TRATrJ) acres under cultivation, half mlie north of Cnlon ftock Yarda. Grand Island, Neb., si.onj largest horse .oarket In the world. Will coniller a trade for horaea and cattle. Trice per acre. rite to A. Hartunek, Route No. l uni. Neb. v lioaalif. UPPER WISCONSIN Heat dairy and Tcneral crop stnte in the union: settlers wanted, lanaa for sale nt low prices on caay terma. Ask for booklet S4 on Wlacon- In Central Land Orant. Excellent landa tor ainik raiding If Interested In fruit lands aik for booklet on apple orchards. Address 1-h;h1 and lmlusiriil Oepnrt.. tuo LIiij Rl way. Ml uiatolls Mlnri Pr'LENOII) lfr) acres Improved farm; good frame bn bllng; land perfect y level: fine location; tiirce and one-half mllea from Orand I;piil. Extra big I'Krmiln for only IVi" I1.R"0 rash. L, Urot.. Route I. Orand Rapids, Wla. FOR .-A l.ri v c oiler aeit-cted hardwood ridue rut-over lands, all aUed tracts, at riKht piicea and easy terms; soil clay a lt loam; excellent ua.ry and rarnilng; reHlon; land convenient to rallnad in trowlim aettlementa; ood marks Is for all pro duct. rite fur niup and information. John At pin Lumber Compuny, Orand Rapids. is . Sawmill Off.. at Atlanta, RuhIi I'ounty. Wisconsin. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Commercial Gradei of Wheat Un changed. While Lower Gradei Decline Two to Five. ALL RECEIPTS ARE LIGHT OMAHA, September 20. 1915 receipts of all irrains continued today and the mat act was a tiiue The 1 kht wvak. ine commercial tc ' e lb, ons: fl.im.it in,.. ,, m .u .... .. i....... ...... i . i .4; lower m-M.i..B .,.wi i V. 1 " in torn rtcelpta toialled n.nil-(lf cars and the demand tor this cereal was prcttv IKht. t orn a. Id from Vile lower. I The oats mm Ki t waa aiao weak and .was quoted V lower. The receipts of i tats were also lutht and there wna not lunch demand for this cereal. The ncr, pis of rye and barley were "iirciinni una meie was only one car ' r' eolil. Rye was quoted lc I iwer aid b"Hev remal-ed normi'lv uncaneed. . Liverpool closed with wheat and corn un' h.n ed. Primary wheat receipts were .t.l,ono bu. and shipments 1,0, 4.w lu , aaainat ftj'ta of a.MJ.iM) bu. and ahlpmenta of 2.4t.''.(0 bu. last car. I'rlmaiy corn r.oepts were 911 OXs) bu. and siilpiiieiits 4wi,tiu. bu., a-alnsi receipts , iVIIfornlti Vi'fi.ii iT'ind. Stsndanis. crttc; t'Mllfoinin M slon llmnd. ponies. i- crate: ('aliform, i Mission lUixinl. flnK, $1 eiate ( VDOKT.VP-I ,KS -Cahhaire: llomecrown. !' lb l'epf'i". tafkit Ilia. I let- tnce: 1 Leaf lettuce; :V do. To- 1 Inaloes. Market pr re. Inrs.t : it, do Unions: Unh.ni;;on. l vc jt; Sinn- ' lah. II. fo crsle. lin en 1'eas ,VS- Im.xket i Celery, Xo do. Wax and On-en lii .ina:j j r'c basket. Uutab'ita-i: tk,c lb. Potn .ft. olios. (v bu Swi-etpotstoes: Hampers,! tl ;S hanier: YirKlnla, barrels, 1 ll. I' Nl'TS No. 1 walnuts ISc lt.: Illberts. I'-c lb.; Hraills. 2xc lb.; pecans, l.tc i lt : almonds. lb. I MISt'EI.LANHH S Cra. kerla. k: U 50 leasts case. II. ,d. turn pops: I ns S c:se, II u. Peanuts: No. 1 raw, ; No. 1 roasted. ll ; Jumbo, raw, ; J unit. o, roasted, !e ih. Walermel- i lb. Honey: 14 case. OMAHA L1YE STOCK MARKET Heaviest Cattle Run of Year and Prices Sharply Lower Sheep Show Little Change. H00S STRONGER TO FIVE LOWER an, l.X) h rt nut !...(" heav- OMAIIA, Sept. 3", 191 S. t attle. Holts. Sheep. MIW YORK (iKMIHtl. MtHKKT Varloaa . I .' i .11 4 '4 l.'.Ht.H .1 '.U . S 414 . 9.I.M It. t I l.'.H a.-34 4,vS l.'.a 41 :H .'.; :. x Hi 40 iM last year Primary oats receipts were l.tSS.iW bu. and h pmei.ta ),.4u,im l.u., axHinot re ceipts or 1 4f. X) tin, and fcblmeiiia of 1SM.IMI bu. last year. tliuji ilECElPTS. h"at. Corn. Kate. Aug. Au. t'ept. Sept. I Sept. , Out a lt9 Kool. Iu26 South 26lh month. TRUST CO., Fain m St. 8. 30th: large yard, aewer. water. Baa. (10 and 112. Harney Jul. mod, I Miaerllavua. I HAVE YOU A FARM FOR SALE? V.rlte a sood dcs riptlon of your lan 1 I " send It to the Sioux City, la.. Journal, I "lowa'a Most Powerful Want Ad Ma Idlum." Twenty-five word every Friday levelling, Saturday irnrning and every Saturday evening and Sunday morning 1 fur one nunth, giving lUleen ad uu twolve different oaya tor 12; or CO word, , 14, or 7i words. K. largest circulation of any Iowa new- I paper, 2vu.0t.iu readers daily In four great I states. Ii47 Park Ave.. 7-r., 4-ROOM cottage. 1U S. paid. $"6. II. 113. '2lh St. IIS. Water Booth. ' 112 S-ROOM bricks; gaa range, sink, toilet A snap. 2 block south of Vin ton, on ISth. R. 4902. ItEAI. KSTATK LOAN'S tits) To i, uou made promptly. F. L. Wead. Wead Hldn;.. Ifcth & Farnam St. CITY and I arm loans, J. H. Diunont Co.. 6, b. 6 per cent 418 State Hank ,1734 S. 10TH 8T.- 1 cept heat. 125. room, modern ex- West. RH7 SEWARD l?r., 7 rooms, modern, $3,1. '. Hn rney 4742. J')R RENT 7-ronm house, located at 3614 Ieavenworth. Rent t-A. Welter 2..90. T-r. hoUHe, almont new, walking diatance, .rJS South 27th St., all modern, cull owner. Thomas McCoy, Harney M8. A T . . "an ana Storage Ing. pnckii.t?, shipping. 1713 Webster St imucma ltrt. On city property and form lands, any amount: reasonable interest rate and most liberal terms. Call or write for our plan. SECURITY REALTY & INV. CO.. City National Rank Building, Omaha, Neb. A 'l'ne hula" ,.1 u.'lll turn MM,.,)liil-liuit(l I furniture Into cash. W AN'l Elt -Good lara,and city loans at lowest rates. PKTER TRtTl CO.. 1II2 Farnam. -ROOM modern brick resideivc, well lo--cated; west side. Can um smaller bouse - aa part payment, lnt estlttt'o lor bargain Address S-153. Hep. Miscellaneous. " EEK the Central Furniture Store's FREE -' liKNTAL LIST iJ,C.Reedal moving, storage. I. 14. FIDELITY hv FKEK Phone DovgUxs 283 for complete list of Vacant houses and apartment;, also for etoraye. moving, Pith sr.ti Jackson ists. Globe Van&Storage Store, moves, packs, ships; 3-horse van fcnd I men, $1.26 per nr.; storage 12 per , no. Satisfaction mar. P. 4"' ,v Ty. 2I1U. JTInnan CreU'h Sons & Co.. Hoc tldg. In ah part of the oitv. -Gordon Van Co. K9 N. 11th .St. '1.1 101'U.Uf, I) ;:94 or Hur. 1937. COOU Hiito auie room on Very reasonable reel. Tel. IAM. B-room cottage, modern, heat. 40tl2 N. 2 th St.. !13. Can Farnam St Douir. m ex. ulvre carpenter work right along and apply on rent. Call eb.ster 123. -iMOD. t oak houje, finish. Sr., bath, gaa, electric llstlit. $40, G2d N. 20th. Tel. H. 122. fir 3-r ioni, bricks, pas raie, sink, toilet. I A snap. Two blosks nouth of Vinton, on .JSth. K 4"V)2. Bee. - Mores anil Offices. PENSON New modern store, 13x21, heat furnished, good location, suitable for rarber shop, shoe atore, etc., $12.50 a Htnonth. Phone Renson7:W. Z 2li M ILITA R Y A V BTK or Ood store room with U-room flat above. .Jon Benaon and Deaf InsCtute car line, rood location for business. Low rental -lo desirable tenant. GARVIM BROS.. r 46 Omaha Nat l Bank Bldg. -- ' W arehaaM-a. ': WAREHOU8E TRACKAGE. -i IHrt or all of un6 floor in large flve- rtory brick building. Iarge freight ele (Vator. Address J 189, Bee. WANTED TO BU ; pFFICE turniiure bought and old. J C. Reed. 12C7 Farnam. Dour. t!48. '' frale buys everytMng 2nd hand. Web, MkH. ttlOHKKT prices for old -lothlna- I u" i NVANTEIJ A kaka tent, 4irxSo, twenty or 4; thlrty-fo,t middle space; must be in rood condition and cheap, for cash. F. Ayers. Tamasa. Neb. 'I WANTED TO REXT 'TWO or three-room apartment, furnished j or unfurnished, close to ftlth and Far inam. Address 2158, Bee. i FARM A REAL ESTATE (oluradu. r iowa V BARGAIN ' Want to niots to Omaha. Have house tti East Oes Molnc-s. new In bX), guod '. l-rn two guod he4a, biltk chicken . houne (will leave tne cliickeua In ID, ad tnrre lota facing east, good lo'.aUua. two biocas) from car, not too close to tow a. . tiu. iinpi uveiueiiis, w ill sell cheap lor , caah, win make arrang. mmta fur BuauU. Address O 4a. Be. pay VHEAT LAN U for sale; Z20 acre, good, V close to railroad and town. Laura V. Buchanan, Sterling Colo. Calif or a la. Xlra oak Colonic, njii better. W. T. amitn Co.. :-i4 City Nat. mk. D. 2sl ' Mlsar.ula. "t ACRES, 46 miles from Minneapolis. ji one n.llo from town; luO acres under cultivation; balance used for pasture; can practically all be cultivated; heavy Soil, good set building, confuting of -room house, large Lain, gianary, cru crtb, wn.d milia. etc.; tha lajud will pro duce to bushtu of corn per acre; tc-le- Jbone in buse; country tnlcklv settled; complete set of machinery; 27 head of tnck, consist ng of 11 cow, balance 1 nd :-year-olJ; tlx good borkes Zj hog. ci.lckins; one-half of thl year a cr p and everything on the farm goe at $"" tfer acre, hulf cash. Schwab Rro.. 102 ,1'lyniouth Bldg, Minneapoli. Minn. OMAHA h'mita. Kast Nebraska farms. O'KEEFK HE' I, ESTATE CO. 1018 Omaha Natlo ial. Phone iJonglaa 271V MONTY on hand for city and farm loan. H. W. Binder. City National Bank Bl d g C1TV property Large loans a peclaity. V. II. Thomas 22 Stt Bank Bldg. EKK us fir-l tor farm loan In Neb. I tiited State Trust Co., eastern Omaha. , TTV i r i A vc r n v 12 Brandei theater Carl berg, Bldg. 310- REAL ESTATE 1XJR EXCHANGE HIGHLY IMPROVED. Frontier county, Nebraska, orarter to i Pork. t. nicago j,v, 212 .Muineai oils ;sd "iiluth I,2t Omaha W j,-, j;-, Jsanrwa tlty 4'H So 2i St 1-ouls 24 j.3 4.. linidpeg l.fcn) A.to O...C iww.cd tuu.y: W llesl-N'ii. a li.ll .l w.lilel : 1 cl, $104; 1 car, l.ujv; 2 cars, tl.tu; t car, fi.nl. hard winter: 1 car, tWc; h cars, We; b 3-o cars, a,.c; i cars, ic; i cars. le. bampie: 1 car, ivic; 1 car. ae; I tar, Jc; iil-i cars. Sac; , car. HOc; 1 car. Mc; 1 car. Me; 1 car, 77c. No. 2 mixed: 1 car fl.tu. No. i velvet chaf 1 : 1 car. $1.01: 1 car. $l.tw. No. 3 yeivet chaff: 1 car, 8c; 1 car tllght, Hoc. No. 4 vel vet chalf: 2 car, We. Rye-No. 4: 2 cars, We. Corn-No. 2 white: f car, fec; 1 car. 6bc. No. 3 white: 1 car. txi( No. 6 white: vt car, Mc. No. 1 yellow: 1 car. -e. No. 2 yellow: 2 2-6 cars. 7c. i-o. o yenow: car. H.o. No n v..ii..-. cars, ti.e. No. t yellow: 2-6 car. fniSe! 2 mixed: 2 ears (Ut in 4 imt-m ic. 4vj cars. tc. No. I mixed: 2" cars. ft,c,c; c. No. 6 m xed: 2 car, two. No. mixed: 1 car, 6Tc; S cars. Hf.o. Pample: 1 car. ;.. Oata Standird: 2 car. 3.K-J 1 car. 4Vc. No. a white- fi cars. 33e: 8-6 ear. XIVjc. No. 2 en rs Sll. u,.n,..lA. i umana t aah Prices Wheat: No. 2 " ,"tfi o. I turkey, Jf..0.: No. 2 hard $1.0-f .fk.: J I ard i.Cj.1.M; No. 4 hard. K9u '.iSc No. 3 durum. 87yi:etc ; No. S du urn, M . i.'1?'1 ' "!. J7'C Corn: No. 2 white Vic; No, S white, tii VWJdWc : No. 4 .'4'ol)V-; No. 5 wiilte ii6iw5Ue; white t.Un! fin 3ii T'?'c no. ii yellow, HJitf7c: No. 4 yellow, 'w-7: No- 6 yeilow. i S;i7.-: No. tl el Ioa, mi-p: No. 2 mixed. Styftc; No 3 mixed. j-a-6c: No. 4 mixed, ff,ue h'c: No mixed, 66t4ii6e. Oils- No " white. 30'W 6',c; standard, 244i'-Se; No : white. :.,eivl4c; No. 4 white, 32V,i '2'c Bailey: Malting. 4.Vljn2c; No. 1 fee i 4ii too. Rye: No. 2, M.sic; No. M'tiffsic. Chicago closing prices, furnished The Bee . bv Logan & Bryan, stock and grain tirokers. Sl.i So. Sixteenth street, Omaha. 2 No. car, Sic; 4 white: tur- $1 No. No. tiaotatlons of the Pay on t'vtn niotlltlea. NKW YORK, S.pi .1 FU1UR Quiet; spring patents, K.iv70; wiuier patents, f.. J n.'. 4e; whiter Ktraliiht, $4 n,i Ift. 111- A T M.ot, unsettled; No. 2 red and No 2 Inn. I. H.-'l c. I. f. Buffalo; No. 1 northern, Ouluth. mid No. I northern. lUiintt ba, :hr, c. I. f., Manitoba. Futui-es, steady cwitX Spot, easy; No. 2 yellow, U pr. nipt shl.iment. ol'S si, it. quiet; No. S white, 41c. 1IA -Unlet: No. I. tl an. No. 2. tl 20; No. . ii : shtnnlnx. s. IUl'S-.v-tea.v. Mate. common to I bept choice. I'M... 2'i'2V; 114. KVIno; Paclllc 'Pt. coast, 14i1ih-; 1SI4. liu 1 lc I bept II 1 1 KS fJttndv; Hogotu, Jn.Hc; Cen- I fept. tr.nl America, 2.".c. ! l't. LEATHKIt-K rm; hemlock firsts, SJB ! E0,,t 3l'c: se. oi da. lloX-ic. I 1'J- PROVISION'! lork. unlet; mess. $i: m) ! 2".' '!iisri; familv. Sri.tKii ". (. short clears, ! r""'t $ISO.i19 mi B f. quiet; niesj. $lT.ti'-f i'!, 1 -'.": family, lis M I'l .Xi;. Iwiid, dull: CJ ' n lildle west, $s.(HV(i.lf. Tallow, nmet. ', E ' . Cllll. f'.c. HI TTKR- Firm; re-elpts. R.KM tubs; ereami ry etras. 21 r.rj7li:c; firsts, 24 tft secotnls 22 iflt'4 KOiiS-Sti ary ; receipts, S.ViT enst-s; fi'e -n gutheied extras, Ji't'ii ile; extra first-". Sii2!c; firsts, Jilfi'-TVc; econda, 25 . fllKKSE-Steady; receipts, 1.17H boxes; state, whole milk, fresh tilts, specials, M-vf'1'c; average fancy, litc POULTRY Lle prices unchanged; drtsned steady; western froren roastlnr chickens, ism 22c; irexh fowls, iced, l-'V'j' ls-; frct-h turkeys, lord, I.VhHSc. Itei-eipts were Us liuate Memliiy . . Sum,. ,),, y n, WP,., Siime 2 necks ao. . . Same I weeka ago... same 4 wccl a axo. . Same d.-.y last year. The following table ahowa the receipts of cattle, hone and sheer nt the Omaha live stock maiket for the year to date as compared with last c-r: pits VI4 Tne Cattle 740 317 MC.TIl lSJ.i. H'gt 2,'2Hvl4 l.'iW.T.tl M4 81" ep S.O.V.474 l,:'3i.l tM The following table show the avrmce Prhes for hoas at the Omaha live stock ni'M-kit for the last few days with com I arisen: i 1916. liH 4. t 'Sl 6 tvTV,! S lv'll trv. u't. 2i 1 7 901 I'll. '1910 l'" g 3u 7 in f on S! I k 2ii 7 U I s M .'l 7 S2 7 o- t 7 im 7 0 1 S.'l 7 121 S KM f M 7 tl I 27 I 8 93 S Til 7 M 1 24 7 14 ( K2 7 731 I 231 7 01 02 WH 7 Mi 27 1 i 17 N.Si Wl I I 3ni 94 1 06 S IS II i:l 7 97! I tM 91 7X 8 ; r It 39i 4 V 01 8 (a, 8 Of! I 8 26 V lSi 8 621 7 781 8 .1 7 01 9 41 7 8' ' f 91 7 IT.'I 8 3.: i 8- 8 30i 18 4t Mi 8 VI 7 98 8 43 d 81 1 71i Sept. Sept. Sept. 9-1 9.1 101 IV Ml 13 88 141 8 92H lrtl 6 91 '4 17' 6 77'..l IS1 64, 8 .1. 19, i 8 43 8 42 7 ! S 01 7 8 061 8 211 8 l ( Kl 9 171 71 8 3.1! K4 ! 16, 8 781 8 881 8 tl 8 9 8 721 1 73 7 '.7 7 M 7 M T 17 7 S6 7 87 1 M 7 91 7 89 7 S8 7 93 7 92 7 8 9 08 8 10 8 It I IT mailer than a week n, thi' Mime da a t iiir tti'in two weeka ao. Feeding lamhs made up tie hlngest rnd vi t ie sn l nim n ti ls minting and I v. bile t. t I rece-tus were la.ge the fat lamb tr ule w asn't over to ked The rra tit jwa tiat while movement Wna a I tie , slo r an icitl g under wai-. the m irk- t .peni-d tip Ji.s about steady with laat week s close. Among the ea Iv pales weie In s ring of good lamb-, at $S 26, and an ither hunch of somewhat llgnter stu.f at S. 6 i Hulk of the ft lambs was cleaned up In I'ecent se-aon. praclballv all Ine good stuff golnn at $2V which waj the fUi.re paid for the bulk of the offerings last Friday. There was another delegation of feeder buyi rs out today, and In spl e of the fact that teidlng hunt Hie e ll-ig almost on a par with fat atoek. pi lees were gen erally atendv with last week close. A good pereentsae of the doslrahln stulf landed at 18 ! Hi 8 r. and a :ile or two w-' te-orted as ' I rh a $ U'lotat oi a on sheep and lamb: lmb, goid to choice, ft Mi) 2b; lambs, fair to fod. $8 10; lambs, feeders. $; 7.v.f 26: vearllnga fair to choice. $77.Vti60; iciirlliiKS. leeder. $itOiu"00, wetheia, rsl to cboli o $..rtJr.,i0; ewes, good to choice. $4 6(ifcon; ewes, fair to good, $1.60 tri.'i; ewes, feeder. $4 604(6. 26, Ko'-reseiitatlve siies. No, lis. ynmlnv feeder lambs n4 I'tah lambs X.IH Idaho feeder lamb 1S1.1 yomang feeder lambs Av. .. 67 .. 73 .. 67 .. 68 rr. 8 10 K 10 $ lo I 111! ll.ll l.lK TlitK MtRKKT Weak . keep Suuduy. Receipts and d!sasltlon of live stock at the Omaha Cnlon Stia-k yards yester day: ' RRCEI 1TSC A R 1 x) A I . Cattle. Hotis. Slip. H is. Kanaaa City tirnln and lrnTtslnna. KAN8VS CITY. Mo . Seit. 20. WHEAT No. 2 hard, $1.03ft-10a; No. 2 red, 31 13ty I.W; SeplemlaT, il.Ov; Iiecembcr, SO'c; May, 92Vit'2c. I CRN No. 2 mixed. 7c; No. ! white, Rsniwc; September, 6c; Deceml-er, 62Snii 53ic: N'av, 64ttn"i4'c. OATS No. 2. U'.Hft37Vic; No. 2 mlx.-d, PI'TTFR Creamery, 27o: firsts. ccond , 23c: pac Ing. 19 .c. KUUS-H'Sts, 23c; seconds, 19e. POI'LTRY Hens. 1-Mjc; roosters, brcllcrs. 15c. 26c; 9o; C, M. Pt. I... Missouri Pnc.fio I'nlon Pnclfin . C. Ai N. W.. eact. I. i N. W., weat...,: C., St. P.. M. J O... C-, B. A Q., eaat '., H. & g., west... C., R. I. A P., eaat... C. R. 1. A P.. west.., I'llnols Central Chicago Ureal Weat. Total receipt PI8IMH1TION- 11 .. I ..127 11 22a .. 8 .. 4 ..227 .. 4 .. W . 10 . 6 ,i3 12 29 1 b s 3 ii 140 Cattl- IVrak linn airuna. CHICAOO. Pept. 20.-4'ATTLK-R4-celpt., i'gtoi head; weak; native beef cut tle $i.t04 ,0.3il; we tern steels ,IMf"76; e. and he fcrs. $-.N6u3U; calves, J.ts 11 v HOCja-Recelpts. li.fM head. market, weak, iiiichanced to luc lower; bulk of stil.s $..mtl.4t; ll ht 7i0uSO; mixed. $ii H'.Ji'i.l; heavy, $'..0i.(fl7.Sv; rough, f06i$ i, ..ii. pigs, b..i'.ii7 tM. ' SI1KI.I' AMI LAM RS Receipt a 12,000 'head; maiket strong; wethers, 36.26 1) 00; jerte. $..nmiv60. lambs, $2jti8.80. , it. l oots I hr Mtnck Market. ST. LOCIH. Sept. 20. CATTLK Re- cetpts. 61x10 head: market lower; native beef steers, $i.6vti 10 2ii; yearling steers and heueia. p.H ilJ.Kl; cows. fu.uOriia. 0; :ovkei mid feeder.i. $il Kfu H.2.'i; southern 3 t steers. 6.26.tiR.K: i-ows and heifers, $4,001' llti.60. native calve, $ i mj 1.W. 5 DOOM -Receipts, .0i bead: maiket llo.iet; plga and llirhts, $6.;67.9R; mixed 1'and butihers. $7.tto'7; good heavy, $7.10 2,tt7.i.6. 1 SHKFP AND LAM B3 Receipt a, 7.200 head; market steady; lambs, $v00(f,8.60; sheep and ewes. 36.irifr7.7u. 21 w, It. No 6 Liverpool (iratn Market. LIVF.RPOOL, Sept. 20 VH KAT-Spot No. 1 Manitoba, 11 104d: No. 2, lis HM; No. 8, Hi Kd; No. 1 northern Dublin, lla 5d; No. 2 r d western winter. Ins 3d; No. 1 hard winter, lla hHd. CORN Spot, American mixed, new, Ss 9Wd. FLOI'R Winter patents. 4l d. HOPS In lxindon, (Pacific coast), 4 fi t; 5 f-u. Aryclel Open. I High . Wbeati I i Peptll OIUil mm Inc.. Itf-il H3'l Low. t ime. Sin y, May.PS'k'iiil, Corn. i Sept.71Vt.'flVi 71 HI 704, 9M 1 01 4 i m-A, w Vi 1 oi4 9" ll'iKS .. I.onla firnln Market. I ST. LOt'IS. Sept. Kl.-WIIKAT No. 8 nd. fl..8h1.l9; No. 3 hard, nominal; Sep tan her, M.I7; December, t'o'J'-o ". I CORV-No 2. 7 c; No. 2 white, 72V, ! Si ptcmber, 71NC: Oei entber, fc-iic ' OATS-No. 2. 344c; No. 2 whlie, nom-lnul. Dec. ififttyh (,Sir:Wtf May.lu74fiiH 6S W Oata cept. Iec. N.ay. exchange for Omaha, property or acreage I near Omaha, ultable tor country home. (Jet busy quick and get owner' share of tills year's "bumper crop." C. U. COMBS, Sir. Brando's Theater. Doug. 3918. iro-ACI'.F. improved farm near Hebron, Neb., for a!e or trade for amal1 farm. Address T. H. Adam. Hebron, Neb. FOR tALE or irud. the 8. E. h, of Sec, .12, Townsh p Iff, rane 12. Perkln Co., Smth Dakota, this is a gjod ijuurter. lo-cnt.-d In the Antelope valley. Address C F Kellv. Tvler, Minn. Oct Jan Lai d. t ict.. Jan.. XUUS. I net.. Jan.. ai1. at) 3S'V 12 20 14 75 7 87'dl 8 421 I I 37V' 36 3,s4! 37 1 VI in 14 774! 7 92'.4 ; 42' Coffee Market. 71HH 71V4 NKW YORK. SeK. 20 .-COFFKK The 6Bv4H! Sou market for coffee futures opened un- eA 67'4 changed lo 2 points higher and Mold ui to a net advance of about 6 to 7 iKilnis TT' .?7i on the more active deliveries rLiht afier 36V;!S''a STiVt!. i ! the call on covering by Septeinlier shorla, 37 377'i)Si .'iSu'n who lib! that month up to H.luc, while I I i March advanced to .22c. There was no 12 06 112 05 I 12 ITti I general ilemiind, however, mid as soon II w I It 00 1 14 ill Morris A Co I wl t and (Vinpnjiy. Oiidi.hy Packing Co Armour V Co Schwart At Co .1. V . Murphy Lincoln Packing Co.. So :tli Ch n all il 1. (.. Cud ihy for Country.. W . It. Vannant Co.... Kenton. Vnnsant & L. Hill & Son V. R. Lewla IListon A t'o J. H. Root A Co J. II. Bulla L. F. 11 us KoaciistooK A Co Kellogg Wciluelmcr A Degen 11. K. llam'lton S.illvnn Bros Rothaihlld M. A K. Gulf Co.... Chrlsllo HIkkIhh Huffman Roth Mryers I nker. Jones A S.nlth. TVnner Br. s John Harvey 1. A F ( line Other buyer OARUiADS. (.'in ' io. lion a. Shee OKI I.H22 7 18 4 221 .t'Jt l.!X 140 hoH 1,010 K41 ICH 2111 113 u, 4 41 8 7 11 140 137 1" 1.421 41.1 UK 4l 3JI 128 741 2 IOI 6.V2.1 L82S 1.207 Kssm Cttv v.'ve "toeU Market. KANSAS CITY Pept. 20. -CATTLE Ra cilpti 2.1.(01 head; ma k t weak: p'im fi d stee. s, t9..'n Hi lu 00; dressed beef ate. ra, ,7m4i:).i0; western steers, I6.2.iii 25; stock -ers and feeders, $6.76u8.0O; bulls, $1.1x9 6.iO; calvi s. $ ..fV,i in. 1,11 1 1 Odd Roe l"t. il, K) bead; msrke'., steudy; bulk, $fotr7.H0; heavy, $6.4iK(ir,'.6); parker and bntc ers. n.Mi';lb; light l7bin7.76; pig. WJ.'ie.JO. Sllld-JI' AND LAMBS -Receipts, 24.OO0 hend; markit strong; lambs, l7.fcKU8.3fi; yeai lings. $5.7r.'B'J.2,"i; wethers, $.i.2.riW.(i0; ewes, ti.00di.7,i. NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Dealing;! in Shares Are on Larger and More Comprehensive Basis Than Recently. WAR SPECIALTIES ARE FIRM. NEW TORK. Sept. 20-Dealing In Mo ka tod.y were on a Utger and mce . i nipieheiiHive basis than at any recent lina to the gei.eral Mc O upanl uent of IU. r quotat ons. To be sure, war pe cl.il leg le ded none of their lecent prom inence, but the undertone of tne market waa stiengthene.i ly wlint seemed to be an Imp by from Investment sources for the be ter known railway and olher I. uea of reiyinljed me; It. I tei.tlnient was eucoiiraKed by the cours . of fo.e.n exchange, h ch ami In rose Pi reclably on ti e growing l.e lef of a aiistactor.- Conaummat on of the Anglo r n non credit nego bitlons. It is utner stond. however, thit some of t'-e nv.rp ni..r'nt 'detalla connected with that Important undertaking reman to le nt tied. ueh a t.e sum tn'.ai and the evact p -1 1 nose to whli h the ptoceed.i are to be applied. Kx.t-mal conditions, so far a thav btrn tip n alf ilia across the water, excited Utile Inlluenee In either dlncllun, nl ttough London on. e more rep rt"d a very heavy tone for the International L"-. ?' et' "'"ck notably Am i loan Stilting, which rose Vi to Rl and tne hliare of o her companies having Mex ican interest. Improved lor tne must P-fl apparently In recount Ion of latest i.lplomailo developments ade, ting Mex ico. New high records, some of which were partlv l..sl at ti e ae'l- r elo-e oi. ud"d S udebaker, with an extreme gain of 11 V at 14 ; (ieneral .Motoia. s to -.; V lhy ov. rland. 17 to 210; 1'nltcd Statett lndua trial alcohol S to 90, and Ame le-in Volen. 2 to . Such recent favo-tei aa New York Airbrake rose 12VJ to 1B714; lleiurlieni Stt oi, 6 to Jo. and ru ih.e steel, 24 to 9iiVi. llnl ed State S'eel ied the movement throughout fluctuating w.tMn a range of Is and closing a' 8 . a net gain of S. The only heavy features wera (' lor.ido Fuel and (lnt N r lie n lre. which rellnq ilai ed a confide able rt of last week's gain on denial of ''comblnat.nn rumor. ' Total sale aivounted to 920.0UI shares. D mestlc news Included western ad vice. Indies Ing better and eaa er busi ness conditions and Improvement In the tia'fie iltuntlcn. due mainly to heavier receipts from grain centers. The bond market was firm, without pedal feature. Total sales, par value), aggregited SUrB.OOO United States bond were unchanged on call. Number of sales and leading quotations on stocks looay were: Pat. H'sti. Lrftw. CI" 19.S79 7 77V47 K0ff2 8 30 8 .SO 82s;,j 8 32 W I 7 70 I 7 96 8 32H! I 2m 8 174 8 1720 7 K7U 8 42 7 00 8 27'4 Trading. Real value. 6..V7 Paxton Blk. FOR SALK or trade H-room house; mod ern except heat. 2T.31 N. ISth. HRAIi ESTATF SOUTH SIDK PGR-SALE Two acre in fruit, apples, plums, peaches. heme. currants, too ebci r.e. raspberrie. inubarb; 700 gia,e vines in full Dealing. New, fctiiclly niooern 5-ruora house, full base ment. Ptoim cava connected with base ment: $4 V. Wid roi..d. r small cottage in part payment. I hone Benson 9. KKAL ESTATE WEST SIDE LOUITV 111 fine lot. Crelghton 2nd addi tion: rh.ewalk. water, tewer, gn and electric tlg'its. Hi block to atreet car. Ad dies J Its, Bee. FOR CASH 4-ROOM HOl'KE. Fine location. 2757 Webter; s'icrifire for quick tale. See C. Thorsen, 143 N. 19th St. B Bid. A Asked. Chicago Cash Prices Wheit: No 2 rod $1.UL10; No. red, $LkVnl.(ifi; .No. i northern,-96c(iif$l. 02; No. 2 hard, $1.0 1.10. Corn: No. 3 yellow, 72V7lc; other nominal. Oats: No. S white. iBvirfi-UKr; standard, SHWS -c, Jtve: Wo 1 J.,u,'le, Svfc'u"- Seed: Timothy. S4.0fxir8.00; clover, 312.00ulii.00. Provlson-Pot-h, 312.02; lard, $7.i; ribs, .i.:i71ir BETTER Higher: creamery. 12H(f(2Sc. KOXiS Higher; lecetpts, t,ul cases, at mark, cases Included, l&&-3c; ordinary llrsts. 22nc; UibLs, IMjUs. POTAItJliS Lower; receipts. 63 car; Michigan and Wisconsin, white, S-U.3C; AlitiiieHotas Oliios, iCii'.lSo. POULTRY Alive, steady; fowls, 14c; springs, ltiu. HEAL ESTATE 8TJBIRBAN otineil lllaf f. 1f)-ACRK SXAP Near Counc I Bluff. 3 mile to trcet on Lincoln Highway, for a sale $220 per acre. W. S. FRANK, 301 Neville Block. paved quick: 'nndee, DUNDEE HOME BEAUTIFUL LOCA TION. Tluft be sacrlilccd on account of sick ness. The one chance to buy dctdrable property on your own terms. If Into; ch ted ti'. dress K. 149. Bee, ft appointment. New li-room house, modern-. Will take loi a pan pay. Vacant lot. U)0. The only lot In Dun dee ou paved aireet for uch money, FRLU C. RHIKLUS. Walnut jii. FOR Pale-45 Klnley St. Ileuaon. Improved acre. Mrs. Pallas. 4936 Mc- l'ioreHCf, See Nethaway for that farm. Florence 22. HEAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS A licAb HOME. Call you puy iu.-Ii and a month for an s-room modern ho um? m fine con dition, Willi ai. expensive hut water beat ing plant, plenty of fruit, lot 4xJ2s. Fine ntigl,buriiojd. We want you to see tins property. PAYNK INVKSTMKNT COMPANY, 5th I'l. fini Nat. Bank Bldg. i-uig. 1'rtil. IUi'1' for sul.- In Lenox Call Webster C9. Addition. Owner, FoiiCKi) to sp:ll A strictly modern house, nearly new; 3 joins down, oak finish, and 9 room), bath and sleeping porch up. Thl prop erty Is well located on the boulevard and will be sold lor S-'Otx). Will be pleased to show you through. W. R. FRANK, 301 Neville Btork. NKW 6-R. KIM nl'.vUALUvV. Equity of II. Wi to trade for good lot or 0 canh Plione Webster 4134. Metal Market. NKW YORK. Sept. 20 METALS Lead, f 4 io, a-ktd. Speltir, not quuied. Coppi-r. ; 1 'fct. aily; electrolytic iis.uu iron, mm; nio. mm ttnura 2!.T.k - . ! nortliem. $lw-l No. i $id.i4iii.i0: P "0ii?8,n, wuth Missouri, cheap I No. 1 southern, .Iu.wuHj.-o; No. 1 $U.i w.,v, nit mr i6.28. J.n: Uuit-t; spot, us .ituas. MounUm Vitw,v.ll.UllU ..; c ... . . i...aiurc. IfTO 12 'd e ec.t I - c T 'tin. ,t.,t ' 1 ! 1U; futures, il.'J l's. Antimony. 4I1X. Lead. 2. Spelter, i.H6. and on J. easy terms. C. wynkoof. IMI'KoV'KO south Missouri 40-acre (arm $!.. liood soli, road and school ' lose to railroad town. Improved so acre, l.i. We have onio choice unimproved lands at 115 per acre on easy payments in tract of 10 acres up. People are getting rich there. literature fn-e. C. Merrl&sa. Elba sV Benton, Kanaaa City, Kan. M iaueu il a frala Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Ee!t. tt WHKAT Seplember, 9i-c, LKcember, 'V'i No. 1 hard. 101c. No. 3 northern, Sai ti.'ws. IIICAiO Untl.V AMD PROVISIONS Fratnre of Tradlas; and lost but Prices on Board t Trade.. CHICAGO, September ao. Uu.nor that the a icces of the Anglo-FYench loan had been assured helped give a lift today to tho wheat market here, and so, too, lld reiMirt of an alliance between Bulgaria and Turkey. Price closed uiiaetiied, at the same as Saturday night to Scc higher, with December 93c and May 97c. Cam finished unchanged to c up, oats varying from Wu decline to a like ad vance, and provision down 2'-c to Ijc. Strength In wheat did not devilop much until near the end of the aeaaiou. Vvet weather put a little firmness into the market at tho outset, but tlie effect soon disappeared. Tho relative cheapness of Ca nadian wheat appeared to nullify any lik llhood of Immediate ciiliminiiiit ..f inr. jelgn dc-mand for domestic grain. Besides, i . rmvu vu u in excess or present requirements, sales of 2X.0Oi busnels to rfo to storage being ixisted. LiiKUlng decline in price, however, were more than overcome when gossip began to circulate that the big loan to (treat Br. tain and France had been closed. Ie nl.ila that followed were virtually Ig nored. Advices that Bulgaria was lett r,g war supplies pas through to Turkey were taken oy wheat speculators here to mean that the opening of the Dardanelles would be rendered more difficult than hud recently been co.i.ted upon, and that announcement .f an open alliance would soon ! forthcoming, with such views la i gel v prevailing, the market cloned at nearly the bet prices reacheu. Corn swayed with wheat. Frost pre dictions tended 4lso at time, though to put the bears at a disadvantage, espe cially at tho taxt and wlndup. Oats held comparatively steady throughout the dnv. Seaboard inquiry was gid. Speculative trade in provisions shrank t a noticeable extent. The market gradually worked lower under sales from scattered holders and by packers. OMAHA iKKIlAL MARKET. BUTTER No. 1. Mb. cartons. X; No 3, 81 Ih tub, 22c. CHEE8K- Imported Swiss. 8r; Amer ican Swiss, 26c; block twls. 2ir; twins lfie; daisies, 10c; triplets, 18c; Young America, ldio; blue label brick, 1 ; V ' limburger, 2-lb., 20o; New York white. IH'-jc; Imported French Roquefort, 4,c FISH Trout, lie; white !lh, lie: hali but. 13c; channel cat'lsh. lis.-; codlUh, li t12c; mackerel, lie; salmon, 14c. POULTRY liens. 12c; duck 13c: geese 10c; turkey, 16c: rooster 8c. Btl.K Cl'ToV-Hih. No. 1, lc; No. 2 17c; No. 3, 12,c. IaUi. No. 1 21c; No 3 17Sc; No. 3, 144C Chuck. No. 1, into; No. 2, 10,c; No. 3, !at. Round, No. 1. U,V; No- 2' ,4e- N"- 3. 13o. Plates, No. 1, w.c: No. :'. IV: No. 3. '4c. Following products furnished by Gllln skv Fruit company: FRUITS-Orange: California Valen cia. 17m, 2i.. 2i6s. 160. 16.60 box; Cali fornia Valencia, 1V l.'is, 3M. jih.s 3, 2 box. Umuiil: Kxtra fancy Golden howl, 3, $o.0u box. extra lancy (ioiden Howl, Sao. 14 60 box; extra fancv Sunk 1st Mum, 36. , $4.f u Ihjx; Red Ball. 14 uu lox. Peaci.es Colorado Klberta. t&r crate, l olorauio Eibertaa, large quantUlea. sue crate; Utah Klberta. U Pox; 31 bu Apples: Weiiltbles. $.5o bbl.: Jonathens $3.76 bll.; California Belleflowei s. l fc.j iox. Prune: lial.sn, i-c crate; Italian, lUantltirs c cmle. Pears: Bartletts lancy. $175 crate; Fleu.t-h Buautlesi Sheldon, Cla.rUe. I2.U0 lo $2.26 crate, 'velfer. bushels, 3125 bu. (imies: To kays. $160 crate; Concords, homegrown, -2c basket. Banana: Medium fruit, $2 to $2.6 bunch; Jumbo fruit, Changulnnla and Port IJinon, 4: lb, Ciuilaloui--. as near month shorts withdrew price showed a tendency to react, dosing net 1 point lower to 2 points higher, titles, ii,2;0 hags. September, 6.0,7c; October, tic; November, fi.O.V; December, (103; January. 8(is: Fonruary, 8.1:(c; March, B lue; April, .24c; May, ti.jOc; June 6. 6c; July, H.Hjc. Spot cotfee, quiet; Rio 7s, ilc; Santos 4s, c. It waa reported that ales of Santos 4s had been made ci.st and freight lit 8.3oc n.r prompt and .-m-tor lutuie shipment, but the ilrni offers ranged irom about 8 40j to 8.Ci)e, F.nl sli credits. A tale of Rio 7s wua reported at UNO afloat. Rio exchange on lxiinlou was 1-ltxl lower, with Rio murket ii re Is lilfelicr and Santos unchanged. New York Monev Market. NEW YORK. Sept. 20 MhiKCANTlLK PAPF.R ..'VnTHi per cent. FORLIUN KXCHANUiv Steii ng, sixty dnys nut, 34. tu; demiiiid, 14.71; cahies, $4. 1 1 if. SlLVIiil Bar, Mexican dollars, SSi. Bt NDS Oovernment bond, railroad bond, firm. TIM I ; 1 .8 bisy; sixty day. 2S per cent; ninety liaya, per cent; six month, 3 1 er cent. CALL M INKY- Steady; hli:h. 2 per cent; low, l pr cent; ruling rate, 14 cent; laat loan, 2 per cent closing Is per cent; offered at 2 per cent. .IO.IBi -Receipt morning. 01 1 attle cai i.m 3a.76 were very being re per bid. London Stock Market. LONDON. Sept. 20.Amer1can securi ties n the stock market responded lo the strength In Wall street and value were raised, but bualutas was only mod erate and confined to Canadian Piiclllo and I'nlted State Steel. The closing was steady. S1LVF.R Bar, 23 8-ld per ounce. WONKY -V-Ju 4 t er cent. DISCOUNT RATIOS Short bills. 4S1T484 per cent; three months, 4 ll-ltfMt per cent Cotton Market. NKW YORK, Sept. 30. COTTON Spot Sales, uplands, lUK.c; steady: middling 4'0 h-ile. Cotton future steady; October, 104Hc; December, lOMic; January. ll.(Xc; March, ll.a.ic; May. ll.i,c. 1 tLoii lu urea closed firm; October, lOSOc; De ember, 11.16c: January, l!.2Sc; March. 11. ,4c; May, 11.77c. LIVKKl'i.oL. Kepi. 20 COTTXN Spot, eai-lcr; good middling, i.U mid dling, i Xid; low middling, 6.7d; sales. 12. OA) bale. Totals CA 1 4 ub'4 larae ilils lairtud In. '1 lie largest run of record al tin point was on October 19, 1914, when 6'V cars, carrying- Ui.'iJn catlie, were re ported. It wit take an official recount of today's receipts to determine whether or no ihat record has been broken, other markets were also heavliy sup plied with rattle and early advice from all selling lunula luulcated a sharp break in values. A a result local buyers were Inclined to take their time, and await de velopment l.e tore doing vei y much busi ness, o lur us killers were concerned. 'J hero was also a good d-al of sorting ii to be done, which atlll further delayed the opening of the trade, so that the forenoon was well advanced before buyers and sellers were ready to get d"W-n to a tr.dlni basis. In the end a large percentage of nil the can e i-olo at price Cat were around , l'uJ c loner than mat week's close. Some I kiiid;i, riicli us good to choice native bccica, may not have shown quite that much off. whlie other kinds may h.iv steudy; j shown more. The best feeder were also ! uti good sell. -is, 11 nd ill some cases did not eli w mu. h de. loie, but the common to nu'uium kinds were neglected and hard to move. Uuoiullona on rattle; flood to choice fed veurl.ngs, !i.OuH hi: fair to good ted yearlings, $a.6vii9.0t; common to fair fed ieuil iigs. lii .iOoii.riO; good to choice heavy 1 eevea, $.omfi9.Wj; fair to gooft cornfed beeves, fs.3ntfi9.00; common to fair rorn ted breve. 3.76f8.30; prims grass beeves, $8 OtKiKiii, good to choice grits breve. $7.4Mi.O0; fair to good grass beevea, 38. ill. 40; common to fair grass beeves, $.O0 ' ; good to choice grass hslgers, ft 1 726; good to choice grass cows, ti.K.Vc'o.SS; fa r to good cow. $.V2&U6.K6; common to file cw-. l'0-i'V6: prime feeding steers, 87.7577. 65; good to choice, feeder. f7 7&d4i.6u; goou to choice feeder, $7.40 7 75: f Ir to good feeders, $6 iin4J7.4l); com mon to lair feeder, 8"i60uo(t, good to ch l e atuikei. 7 7Si(Uu; lair to good stocheis. $i.7G'(i7.75; ronimon to fair Ptickera. $6.01S.7S- Stork heifers, $1 7.35: stock cows. $5 64j). 6; stock calves, $ , torn .14). ve il calves, t.iVu lu.mi; bulla, staits. etc., $1. Off; 51. Representatlvo sales: STKKR3 AND HEIFERS. t No. 3a... ii:: 1 4... 31... HXCS Av. 1'r. 711 i liH 7t . Dm Oiasb Hay Market. OMAHA, Sept. 20 PRAIR1K HAY Choice 111. land (none here), 311. OH; No. 1, tld.iar.i lO.'ti; No. 2. .(if'i9 00, No. 3, KOn'i 8 (K : choice midland fnotie here), tlo.."i, No 1. f .'AsiilO OO: No. 2, 9.Ofn9.0t; N. A, Wikkimixi; choice lowland uioiu- here), $1'HJ, No. I. x.iXK"' ;; No. 2. 37 (Was uu; No. . $&.( . Straw: None on tho mnrket. h-nce wheat iti.io 60; choice oat or Alfalfa: Choice $11.61141 ',2 00; No 1. tll.no )ill6t; No. 2, t-vMi.fl 10 Ul; No. 3, Ki.(lVii.s.Ui. I 40 ft, t ai to No. AND 14... I .. 1... U. A. r. FEF.DFRrJ tM M 4 ifi t Wl IW1 t 1 4(4 4 10 r-nrt-t 4pleiMl Pried l-'raila NKW YORK, Sept. 20. K VAPOR AT KD A PI LBS Dull; f-ncy. IK-ttrtc; choice, si'ic: prime, 714ft71j1c DRIED FRCn-I'runes. quiet; Call fornlus, t'ulO'-c; Ore-'ona, ''" I'H-. Apri cots, firm: choice 7,ic; extra choice, s'tc; fancy, K'jij. Pea hes steady; cho , i te: ext1 a chol e, 5 'Vl fancy, t,'tic. Raisins, firm; loove Muscati-lH ti'uV'xi-; i t olee to fancy seeded. 7'?'("'4e: seedless, (Vj'ic; Iiiidon layer. $!.:(( 1.40. OH "nd nosln. SAVANNAH. Oa., Sept. Tl'RPEN TINK Firm, :r7s,e; sales S1H barrels; re celnts, :f I am lc. shipments, 4S7 bar rels; stocks, .1.1 : barrels. ROSI V-I-'Irni; galea 10-J bnTels; re celnts. I' hirre!; sblpnents. 5"5 barrels; stuck i'.'.iM barnlc (Oiiot-ii'ons. A, 1!. C. D. K and K. $116; (1, rt.3 ".Ti: II ar d 1 33 2" . Iv , 3.4 4f-; M. $4 : N. $4 kr,; WO. $:..iw. ww, ,.(.-,. v..T M-rl.,1, NKW YORK. Sept. 2 i.-SI'OAH Raw. euie; centi fuua . 4.l"Tc; m lui'sex, 6 c. pef ned Meadv; tut loaf. 6 2 enisled. $ Oc mould A 577)1'; cube, 6 '5u; xxxg powdered, 6 40"; f 'tie Hinted 6-: . I .mon. I A, 6 :V; confectioners' A, 6 2V; No. 1 5 ".c. F.-tuie o'iciied qub-t and at noon p. Ice were un banned to 2 point lower. KST 1 .UN'S K. A. Oral e, South Dakota. 21 feeder HM 6 HO J. L Utannbury, Nebraska. 28 feeder. 73K 40 1 steer ... 6W 6 40 John VVhitakor, Wyoming. W feed. 1 s i 17(1 H in Paul Ashley, South Dakota 2 strVrs.!)! 7 "J 2 stock'rs.&NO 7 IH) HOGS-The sharp break on lat week' il j eldciit y liad a good deal lo do wit , tne ai.uttlng oft of supplies this la quotable at 1 h oming, as only some tnlrty-seven cars, rye. 3..ir7 00 or 2.3u head, showed up. Thl Is l.mal . . num.,' 1 . 1 . n r. m r nau vn I few head larger than two weeka ago, land nearly twice a large a for tho cor- rtspoiidl.g Monday lart year. I Slilp, er tied..- wa a little glow In get I'tng siarled but In the end most of me .ligl.t I. ok moved at good strong prices, ai.d In some instance mlg .t have been !a ll't.e Idkher. A a gene.al thing, bo-v-i 1 vi r theie waa no qu tali advance. be.ernl bunciie sold s high aa tl lj and 1 tups landed at I..X, wh en was a dime nhi.ve tie 1 et prce paid Satinday. S: Ip; er buyeis also took a tew mixed tvig at fi me that were uneven and g. iicri.lly steady. There were not enough hog here C nuke a kill fur any of the packer and their ear y talk wa very be..rlah, bid t.eln ' tu Iv lc locr than Suturday a -age. Shlptie a, however, took a p etty . .'J share of the of ei Inga and afier a ver-- d'lll e-ion that lasted until after tie middle if the foirnon.i buyers finally I roke ..ver and I urchaa.-d the scant of fe lnK at figures Hint i -is a rensral tiilnc no mure C an a nickel lower, and In t-p ts 111 Ki.l t ave 1 1 en 1 curly tead .V os of tie mled and hea.y h gs sold l.t f 1.(6 111.60, with heavies as low as Y .A) no a sprinkling of guod hut. hen 101.I I hts on tp M. .Yemeni remained veiy dol a'l thr urli, and H was wed a! n .toward neon lefoie a decent clearance ,w.i fimillv made Rcpreaontatlve ales: il-.nx (Itr I, Ire Stock Market. BIOCX CITY, la., Sept. 20 OATTLB Ricelpta, 7,iM head; market 162,' luw. r; iia.tve teei s. $H.i(ii7 26; cows and heif er, I4.5.inl 8,7; stocker and feeders, $6.00 calve. IdOOU'i.M). lions-Receipts, 1.00 head; market, stea.lv: heavy, .VSJ'7.4'; mixed, $H 4iir Hit': light. tCJiXji.40; bulk of sales, W.Acfrt) t.r5. 1 hllF.FP AND LAMBS Receipt 4. OX) head; market steady; ewes, 34.7M16.ut; lamb, ti.cOuS.!0. (. ,liii Live Stork Market. ST. JOSKPII, Sept. JO CATTLEJ Rn relpts, 3.2a head; market alow; ateer. 3d .WuO.ari; cows and hellers, 34 0o4J.0O; calie.i, $ (Ou'lO 00, HOGS RiM'elpt. 2.300 head; market wenk and lower; top, $7.03. SHEKP AND LA MB 8 Receipt a, 11.000 head; market steady; lambs, $H.00tt.30. Bank Clearing. OMAHA. Sept 30 Rank clearings for Omaha today were $2, 4"x) 377.30, and for the corresjiondlng day last year, $11,041, K27.64. Gilmore Dares Victor In the Worlds Series NEW YORK. Sept 19. Tha Federal league, through Us president, James A. Gilmore, addressed a challenge to the Nutlonal Base Ball commission for psr tlrlpntlon In the world' series of 1915. He wishes a series between the winner of tho Fedral league rnnant and the winner of the series between the National and American league contender. Mr. Ollmoro gtntea that the Federal league will leave the entire arrangements for such a series In the hands of the National commission, and ajrrces to lva It entire share of the receipts to any charity named by a committee composed of Woodrow Wllon. William Hale Thompson, mayor of Chicago, and John Purrojr Mltchel, mayor of New York. SEWARD AND GRESHAM BABIES WIN IN CONTEST SEWARD, Neb.. Sept to. (Special.) In- the "Better Babies" contest held at the county fair, Don Dlers, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elvyn Dlers of Seward, and Harriett Jane Ritchie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles nitchle of Oresham, won the grand medals for boys and girls, respectively, with the score of 984. In division 1, 13 to 24 month, Wendell Brown ranked flrt for boys, with and Ruth ,HfOrw for girls, with In division 3, 37 to 48 months, Clifton Dauven won the honor for boys with the score of 94 and Roberta Helwlg for girl with tbe came score. At the county fair Thursday Mart Castle waa pinned between a post and a moving motor car and was severely bruised. M. M. Gordon, editor of th Arcadia Champion who wa visiting here, was thrown from a tnotorcyole which bumped on another motorcycle lying; on the half , mile track before the race began and I received a broken arm and bruises. I An Inch of rain kept every, one from 1 getting home. The city hall waa opened i to permit people to get In and have lodg ings. 1.700 It 10 a.o lt.tste Alsaka Gold Allt-i tislroers Americas best Sugar.... Amortraa ran AoMrlcaa Leemnotlvs ... Amerl.sia 8. Si H American i. R- Ml..., Am. Hiigxr tteflntnc...., American T1. A Tel Ams'tcna Tnhseco ,, AnaeonA Copper Atnhlwa Halitwtn Ijoeomnttv hsltlmnrs Ohio Ilelhlch-m Steel Jtrn.kiyn Paid Tr. t'altfnrnla re'roleum inatlaa Parltla Ontrsl Isihr tismtieaka A OMo rhleo II. W Chlrsa.v M Jk HI. P CM.-S .? W rhl.'H). it. I. P rhino Corner Olorarto PNiet 4k Iron.... f'ruclhle fftsel Denver A It. O. rM nttllrs Securities Kris flenersl KIetrto frresi Northern pfd ftrest No CH rtfs fiuKire.ihrlm Rxpisratl-.a.. Illinois Central Interhor uii Cnnsol f'er. Inenl atlon Conner Inlrrnallonal Henrenter .. Kiiihi ritv Mouthorn.... !shleh Y'sllry I-u nvllle At NtahYllls... sfexlran Petmleum Miami i 'upper MK'enurl, K. T. pM.... VlMOiirl Psrlfla , National ni"iitt - National Is-ad Neea.1a Copper New York Crntpn.1 N. T.. N. H, a H N-a-Mk Westera Northern Pacltto Parlfln Mall Paetri Tel. A Tel Pennsylvania Pullman P-dnoe lar Hay con. Copper Reading tltepiihtto Iron a Hteel.... e'ouih-rn I'sMflo Pouthera Ttsllway Stitil baker l"o Ten nj" sags Ortpper Tevas I'mflraiif Itolnn PaelMr I'nHn Pncirie till Cnltrd HUM Hteel l',4'0 Msj 4IM "4 taw Kl M.M) ti Lear. ,-t 4 H X14 ' .TV, 3.300 im m pv ino i f l.no 3 KfU 7oi) 1 l:m on tl.tntn l,oa 4.0 1.400 4 ino l.rai n, mo m.iiM i 700 lo oa I I0 i? i o r.foo i.i m 10"H IS MS 10 4 Jit, V 4S 4 " i 'li 44 fH M, v i V ttrt 1(UH s 414 I4S It fit 4 13 Ml '', "ti, ii t70H 1 t" f ' 4.400 IS It l.'tv 1.900 ti,4i 4.7WI UnO no 1.100 4 l T.tti 3,ri 1 ono tt e loo 2714 I4 ' 4 'si IT -a 14S 11 S 1 I '00 l too I. "II 10 '"'0 t MO 44 piO . 12 4H sov, l S II 7 14114 "i" S7S "'IH 17' II414 14 54 s 111 10 II Ji4 1M 4M4 ft, t 1! Mi 11. tOO 111 UK 74 7--H t. H. fSteel pM 1.100 114 11 t'tah fVrrper I 0"4 7 F . WMiern Union I tw "tt4 754 WeAlnhniee Eleetrlo .. H IfH 11 "4i General Motors , I CHI 3 4 Montana Power I.0O CI I7S4 Total sales far the Sar. H20.000 aharee. 41 14 It It 107 101 1M WT nS 10l i 4 44 st tl 1U 4 41 II K 12: 20 44 14 4 10 I'H SI 171 llt 4V 1211 ' ' 107 St '4 I4S 11 mis : 7 14 . M llll 10V J ill lOI '4 1yl ! l't'i 4 in a 111', 140 66 i .: 10 1 111 n 11 :n 67 Daniels Calls on His Savants for Ideas VILLA TROOPS ARE GIVEN NEW UNIFORMS FOR FIGHT Kl. PABO. Kept .-Two thousand Villa WABHINOTON, Bept. 30,-gecretary IHntels, It waa announced today, ha re quested members of the new naval ad visory council on Invention, headed by Thomas A. Edison, to formulate Idea tm to an experimental and research labora tory to ba maintained by the Navy de partment for the development of Inven tions. The secretary, In a letter to the members of the advisory council, asks them to ba ready with their Ideas when ths council holds Its first meeting next month. Woman Takes Poison After Seeing a Show Mr. C. I). Welder, wire of a laborer.' living at 21 North Twenty-fifth street, returned from a downtown theater last night and took poison. She died In a few minute. troop arrived at Juarei today und?r i women's aprarel. SUFFRAGISTS BEGINNING TO AGITATE IN MEXICO BROWNSVILU5. Tex.. Sept. 30. Lad by a young girl named L.ulsa Cablllo, an unusual woman suffrage demonstration was participated In today by a number of Mexican women at Reynosa. Mexico, seventy-five miles from here. Miss Ca blllo appeared on the streets with her friends garbtd as a soldier and defied tho authorities when ordered to resume General Garcia Plantlbane and after rest during which they were outfitted with new uniform, departed lor Caaas Grande, Chihuahua. They came from Torreon via Chihuahua City. From Casa Qrandea It waa said they will march overland to the state of Sonora, to reinforce Governor Maytorena, who hag lieen oprn.tlng ucc fu ly against the forces of General Callea of late, according to Villa reports. Mis Cablllo waa told that while the law permitted a woman to wear a coat, she tsould not appear In soldier's trouser t. A compromise finally ws arreted. j fat a known, thl I the ftrat time n suffrage demonstration aver was made In northern Mexico. live Ktork Ir ftaht. Kecelpts of live nock at I he five c pM went'-rn ncirkets veiteroay pi in- fl uth main H. l.oiil .. Kutisa-- "lty : I tr city... CI b ago To'ulii ... Cst'le . .. S ' ...2t "i ...7. n lie J.3 O r. n via. l i' i :'(.n"i Hb.-Tl i"j tm 7 '.' i i'4 4 "i 1 No t , 44. . , SI., 41 . ! . .7 . ill.. l A ..40" . .. . LI .1-1 . Ml SI 3 a 4 .a lltr. -n IT. I I.I I 4 4 44 ' u I b" 4 a". 4 70 eei, Is No. 47 .. III. . M... Jl .. 77 ... At. . ro . IIJ ..141 .III . ! while not selling v-eu.-, aeie n l o i i a' ' t t t Ice as . p. int. r.Hliinat.-s ...77,iiO (i,1 Mi,ji y,t head, Wl.l .51' 0 '. 147 ... It 1-4 4 i; in ... ol ' i and riy new teco'dn for t 1 l ral ot .ter t nd we e ai ge as at any o' her ci.lled for lk) ais. or Ii wa nearly n.t'oi head Pr. I 70 4 41 l I 7 It, 1 II 7 K 7 111 lumiiii, Johnar'a (ioonl Ueaolatloiia. ! "I will not put f ins Into my dear teach I er' chair." (Tack will hurt th old dufier Just a much, anyway.) I will not quarrel and fight with my Ml brotrer In 31S." (What have 1 got a Utile brother for?) ' 1 wtil not play truant from school to go flsl Ing or swimming." (That Is, in the winter time.) "I will be kind to dumb animals. uch a tiger, lion anl elephant." (tit ray cat anl dogs, however, had better keep put or tli neighborhood.) "I will not throw stone at the beg gars" il'ncks will make them holler loinbr. miyuay.) "I will let " (Oh, that's enough. They say the good die young, and I want to live until i istch that re-headed bo In the next strct who stuck his tongue out al me. yesterday. -San Kran c!s o Star. RED CROSS APPEALS FOR AID TO MEXICAN" vVAPIUNOTOW. Bept. . An appc I from American cltlien In Mexico City urging the American Red Croaa not to discontinue It relief work thar was made i .- . v I y M - a M.t.v Boardman, chairman of th Rod Cross NaUonal Relief board. Apartment, fat, nouuer and colt.,.. can be rented quickly nd cheaply b c,e "for Kent" Ad. TUB ODD 1T RCVIkTW, yubllaho hr Joha Mulr Oi.. It Ur.a"-r Nee Verk ttm, ouaoj II 0 a ye.r. It give l.u.lr Inf.'rmsiiuo u( New York Hicck g ck age e cuiilleav BeDd (or free aaiur. S WV luj.