Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 20, 1915, Page 7, Image 7

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    Oh, Henry!
Firnlnhrd Rooms.
4 ROOMS en suite, nicely fur. 6SP 8. 36th.
NICK, large furnished room for one or
two resre -table i?i ntlempn: rrtvate fam
ily; breakfast if desired. 3308 Web. H. 6-.
F.logantly turn., quiet home, 2W1 Howard.
I iik an apartment, consisting of living
room, kitchenette, tiathroom and alcove;
located in downtown district, wants con
genial lady to share rooms with her. For
Information as to expense, etc., address
K 1. Bee Office.
NICK room for two ladles or two gcn
tlemen; board if desired. Harney 6os4.
41A Lincoln Blvd.
FOR- business people, neatly furnished;
hot and cold water, shower baths. 203
f. Xth Ave.
Single or en suite, hot and cold water;
Hhower baths; ole. fur. 203 S. 2fth. Ave.
I nrurnisbed Rooms.
I'nftlrnlshed rooms down town. Very
reasonable rent. Uood references required.
N. P. IhjDGK & CO.. With and Harney.
Famished lloases.
T-R. modern. 1840 No. 19th.
'FOU RENT 6-room furnished bungalow,
newly decorated. 1801 llnkney St.
ALL modern 6-r. bungalow. 2715 Binney.
Iloiiri and Cottages.
MOP.. 8-r., garage, HO, H. 2414. 707 K. S3d.
a14 CIMIXO ST. 8-r. mod. Ioug. 7:Sol
T-R.. modern, 3317 Seward. Tel. H. 4742?
i-ROOM, modern house, new; half block
to car; $22.60. Phone Walnut 2151.
f-ROOM house, mod., ciose-in. Tel. l. 45i.
BUILT 1 year. 7-room modern house,
close to car line; lot, 64x120; nice lawn,
shade, oak finish; any offer considered.
4407 N. 2th. Web. 5313.
i-ROO.M cottage modern except heat
$18 6411 N. 24th St. Benson 89. Key
at 6826 Florence Blvd.. 2 blocks east.
2704 Seward. 6-r mod $15.00
3007 N. 28th ave.. 6-r $11.60
M. P. McCollough. Tel. Web. 1693.
MCK 6-room cottage, newly painted and
papered, close to school, 1026 South 25th
street, onlv -$12 per month.
Iti22 Farnwm St
i 4-R, cottages, 8. 3Uh; large yard, sewer,
water, gas. $10 and $12. 11a rney 4708.
1147 Park Ave., 7-r mod.. $35. H. 1829.
VROOM cottage. Ul S. 28th Bt. 15. Water
1734 S. 10TH ST. 6 rooms, modern ex
cept heat, $36.
3317 SEWARD ST., 7 rooms, modern, $33.
Harney 4742.
liCNDKlO 8-room all modern house;
fl-room modern house. Walnut ff.
7-r. house, almost new. walking distance,
639 South 27th St., all modern, call owner.
Thomas McCoy, Harney 616,
-an ana Storage
Co. Call us for es
timates for mov
ing, packing, shipping. 1713 Webster St.
Douglas 14.
3610 JONKS St.. 8-room modern; only $25
a month. J. A. Olson. Bee Bldg. 1. 8T.21.
'.-ROOM modern brick residence, well lo
cated; west side. Can line smaller house
.-m part payment. Investigate fjr bargain.
Address S-1M. Bee.
PEE the Central Furniture Store's FREE
JC Reed pJekmJk
' v- 1207 Farnam.
am am. D. 6144.
Phone DoL'gUis 288 for complete list of
vacant houses and apartments;, also for
Bturage, moving. Kith and Jackson Sts.
Globe Van&Storage
Stores, moves, packs, ships; S-horse van
and 2 men. $1.26 per nr.; storage $2 per Satisfaction guar. D. 4S18 & Ty. 230.
TTrmano Crelgh Sons & Co., Bee Uldg.
X)UtiaiaIn b1 parta of the cltv.
Gordon Van CaSS?
219 N. 11th St.
Tel D 394 or Hur. 1937.
GOOD auto sales room on Farnam SL
Very reasonable r-r.l. Tel. I'oug. 4089.
DAN1Y. o-room cottage, modern, ex.
heat. 40iC N. 2'lth St., 115. Can give,
carpenter work right along and apply on
rent. Call Webster 1239.
MOD. house, R-r., bath, ga, electric llpht.
oak finlnh. $40. 523 N. 20th. Tel. H. 122.
$12 3-rjom, bricks, gas range, sink, toilet.
A snsp. Two blosks south of Vinton, on
ISth. K 402, Bee.
OFFICE furniture bought and sold. J.
C. Il-ed, 1X7 Farnam. Dour. 6148.
Yale buys everytrtrig 2nd hand. Web. IU04.
HIGHEST prti-ea for old "iothtng. f
WANTED A kaka lent, 4tixw). twenty or
thirty-foot middle simce; must he in
good condition and cheap, for cash. F.
L. Ayers, Tamasa, Neb.
Want to mot 9 to Omaha. Have house
n East Des Violues. new in 1. good
barn, two good sheds, brkk chicken
house (will leave the chickens In It), all
thr-e lots facing eut, good location, two
blocas troin car, not too close to town,
some Improvements, will sell cheap for
eajh. will make airng.iiu.nLs for pay
meuts. Address O W5. Bee
WHEAT LAND for ale;S20 acres, good,
close to railroad and town. Laura V.
Buchanan, Sterling. Colo.
Live Oak Colonic, none better. W. T.
Smith Co.. S1V14 City Nat. Bs. D. 281.
240 ACRES, 40 miles from Minneapolis.
one mile from town; lbO acres under
cultivation; talance used for pasture;
can pratkcally ll be cultivated; heavy
s.itl, good set buildings, consisting of l-t-iMiiu
house, large tarn. granary, corn
ribs, wind nulls, etc ; thi land will pro
rii'e bushels of corn per acre; tele
phone in house; ountry thickly settled;
. ompli te 't of inactilner) ; 27 head of
nk. consisting of 11 cows, balance 1
dnd J-ycar-oM; six good horxes. JTi hog",
'liK'ki ns: one-huit ( tola ) ran crop
and ( r thing on tue faun tc s t
ur aire. Ijuil cah. Schwab Bus., hii
Aren't You Awful?
GOOD HOMES in South Missouri, cheap
and on easy terms, write me for
prices. J. C. Wynkoof. Mountain View,
IMPROVED south Missouri 40-acre farm
1.2U0. Good soil, roads and schools close
to railroad town. Improved 80 acres, fl.llM.
We have some choice unimproved lands
at J15 per acre on easy payments In tracts
of 10 acres up. People are getting rich
there. Literature free. C. Merrlasa. Ellis
& Benton, Kansas City. Kan.
MONTANA Irrigated lands best In the
world for wheat, oats, alialfa and stock:
close to town, railroad, schools and
churches; $41.50 to h0 per acre on fifteen
years' time; annual payments less than
rentals on middle west farms; write to
day for particulars; illustrated pamphlet
and map free. Valler Farm Sales Com
pany. Box 1(102. Valler. Mont
FOR SALE OR TRADB acres under
cultivation, half mile north of Union
Stock Yards, Orand Island. Neb., second
largest horse market in the world. Will
consider a trade for horses and cattle.
Price $160 per acre. Write to A. Burtunek,
Route No. 1, Ord. Neb.
W. G. TEMPLETON City property,
lands everywhere, farms, ranches, loans
and Insurance. Ask shout my orchard
proposition. 808 Bee Bldg.
CPPER WISCONSIN Best dairy and
general crop state in the union; settlers
wanted; lands for sale at low prices on
easy terms. Ask for booklet 34 on Wiscon
sin Central Land Grant. Excellent lands
for stock raising. If Interested In fruit
hinds ask for booklet on apple orchards.
Address Land and Industrial Depart., Boo
Line Hallway. Minneapolis. Minn.
SPLENDID 100 acres improved farm;
good frame building; land perfectly
level; fine location; three and one-halt
miles from Grand Rapids: Extra big
bargain for only $r.0oo. $1,600 cash. L.
Gross. Route 1. Orand Rapids. Wis.
FOR SALE We otter selected hardwood
ridge cut-over lands, all sized tracts, at
right prices and easy terms; coll clay silt
loam; excellent dairy and farming region;
land convenient to railroad In growing
settlements; good markets for all pro
ducts. Write for map and information.
John Arpln Lumber Company, Grand
Rapids, Wis., Sawmill Office at Atlanta,
Hush County, Wisconsin.
- Mlseellaataroas.
Write a good description of your land
and send It to the Sioux City, la.. Journal,
"Iowa's Most Powerful Want Ad Me
dium." Twenty-five words every Friday
evening, Saturday morning and every
Saturday evening and Sunday morning
for one month, giving sixteen ads on
twelve different days lor $2; or 60 words,
$4, or 76 words, $.
Largest circulation of any Iowa news
psper, 2u0,(W) reader daily in four great
$100 TO 81,000 made promptly. F. D.
Wead, Wead Bldg., 18th & Farnam Sts.
CITY and farm loans, 6, 6V4, 6 per cent
J. H. Duniont Ac Co.. 418 State Hank
On city propertv and farm lands, any
amount; reasonable interest rates and
most liberal terms. Call or write for
our plan.
City National Bank Building,
Omaha, Neb.
A "For Sale" ad will turn second-hand
furniture Into cash.
W ANTED Good farm and city loans at
lowest rates.
PETERS TRUST CO., 122 Farnam.
OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farms.
1018 Omaha National. Phone Douglas 2715.
MONEY on hand for city and farm loans.
H. W. Binder. City National Bank Bldg.
CITY property. Large loans a specialty.
W. H. Thomas 22 State Bunk Bldg.
SEE us first tor farm loans In eastern
Neb. United States Trust Co., Omaha.
act. CITY LOANS, C. O. Carl
12 Brandets Theater Bldg.
Carlberg, 210-
Frontier county. Nebraska, qcarter to
I near Omaha, suitable for country home.
uei uusy quicK ana get owner s snare or
this year's "bumper crop."
ilS Brandets Theater. Doug. 3918.
l-'O-ACRH improved farm near Hebron,
Neb., for rale or trade for small farm.
Address T. ii. Adam. Hebron, Neb.
FOR SALE or irade, the H. H W of Sec.
32, Township 16, range 12, Perkins Co.,
South Dakota; this is a good quarter, lo
cated In the Antelope valley. Address
C. E. Kelly. Tyler. Minn.
Trading. Ileal value. 6o7 Paxton Blk.
FOR SALE or trade t 6-room house; mod
ern extepi ileal, tool 4. iqiii.
FOR SALE Two acres in fruit, apples.
plums, peaches, berries, currants,
goosebel ries. raspberries, rhubarb, 700
grape vines in foil bearing. New,
strictly modern 5-room house, full base
ment. Stotm cave connected with base
ment: $4 6o0. Will consider small cottage
In part payment. 1'hone Benson 9.
"heaL estate west side'
KWl'lT Y In fine lot, Crelghtnn 2nd addi
tion: shlewalk, water, sewer, giaa and
electrlo lights, S block to street car. Ad
dress J 14. Bee.
Fine location, near school and churches;
strictly modern; sacrifice for quirk sjle
and CASH. See or write C. Thorsen, 14A
N. 19th St.. Omaha, Neb.
laoiHI Bluffs.
Near Council Bluffs. S miles to paved
street on Lincoln Highway, for a quick
sale I2?5 per acre.
201 Neville Block.
TION. Must be sacrificed on account of sick
ness. TJ.e one chance to buy desirable
property on your own terms If Interested
address K. 14'J. Bee, fa appointment.
New -room house, modern. Will take
lot as rl pav
Vii' unt lot. J"1 The only lol in Dun
die on paf'-d street for hu.Ii inon,
Till: I1KK: OMAHA, MONDAY. KKlTKMUKIt 211. I!l..
Grand Iiland Lad Has Won 29
' Game But One Hit Made
Off Ames.
ST. LOUIS, Sept. 19. After Alexander
had won his twenty-ninth game by de
feating St. Louis, to 2. In the first
game of a double-header hero today,
Ames pitched his teammates to a 1 io 0
victory over Philadelphia, allowing them
but one hit In ten Innings.
In the first game the locals gnlfcd but
four hits pff Alexander. Robinson was
hit for three doubles, which were respon
sible for the visitors' six runs.
Ames' game was almost perfect. The
lone hit off him was a pop single to
center by Whltted in the eighth. Only
thirty-ono men faced him and but three
reached first base, not one getting to
second. Score, first game:
. . AB.H.O A.B. All.ll O A I.
Stork. Jb.... t 1 t nturrlni, Jb. t 1 I 1
R.n-roft, .i. 4 II? i n?n.-,er It.. 4 1 b 4 0
f ftUKPrt. ft. . I A t 0 DU.I..I k A A A 1
Cravaih. rf.. lilt oins.' ct.'..'. 40104
ud fj' Jb- 8 H 1 OOonmlci. lb 4 0 4
r. ' " 14 0 rf.... 4 0 111
inou, a o i i ISnr.ler. c... S t 0
"f- c 4 111 oilum-bv, k ! M It
A10mr. p 4 A I S 0RuWnion. p. 1 0 I 0
Toul I 27 15 "l Touts Ii "7 87 11 "l
Philadelphia 00033000 0
St. Louis 00010001 02
Two-base hits: Bancroft, Cravath,
Whltted. Hornsby. First base on errors:
St. Louis, 2. Bases on balls: Off Alex
ander, 1; off Robinson, 3. Struck out: By
Alexander. 1; by Robinson. 2. Umpires:
Eason and Rigfer. Passed ball: Burns.
Score second game:
AB.H.O.AB. AD 11 O A B.
Otnrk, lb.... 4 0 11 Olluxtlns, 2ti. S 1 I 7 S
Bancroft, m. 1 0 1 4 OBi'iuh.r. If., I 1 0
t'ukrrt. rf 4 10 4 1 Olletirl. 8b... 4 0 0 0 0
Ciavalh, rf.. 4 0 1 otxns. rf 1114 0
LudrriK, lb. 1 0 It 1 OOonules, lb 4 1 11 1 4
Whlttod. If.. I 1 t 0 I'Hymt. rf.... 14 10 0
Nlehoff. 2b.. 1 0 9 4 l'Dolan, rf... 0 0 0 0 0
Burnt, e 1 0 4 0 QPliydor, c... 114 10
Cbalmeni p. t 0 1 4 CHurmbr. m. 4 0 4 I
Amen, p 1 0 1 1 0
Totals at 121 17 1
ToUU 14 7 JO 15 4
One out when winning run scored.
Ran for Hyatt In ninth.
Philadelphia ...000000000 00
St Louis 000000 0 00 11
Two-base hit: Bescher. Three-base
hit: Oonzales. Double play: Paskert and
Burns. Bases on balls: Off Chalmer, 4;
off Ames, 1. Struck out: Bv Chalmers,
2; by Ames, 7. Wild pitch: Chalmers, 2.
Cmplres: Riglcr and Kuson.
Fearon Victor in
Chess Tournament
The handicap chess tournament, which
has been in progress 'all summer at the
Omaha Chess and Checker club, ter
minated with W. R. Fearon winning first
prize and LaRue Williams, who gave
Fearon the handicap of draws counting
as wins, taking second place. C. J. Sny
der, who received similar adds from
Fearon and odds of pawn and move from
Williams, was third. Howard Ohman, the
15-year-old player, captured fourth place.
The players were placed In six classes,
each class giving the others varying odds
with the intention of equalizing, as far
as possible, the strength of the partici
pants, which resulted In a large number
of closely contested games of which quite
a few were lost by the stronger players
to those of lesser ability.
The following is the score:
Won. Lost. Pet.
W. R. Fearon S3 7 .MB
LaRue Williams 304 9'4
C. J. Snyder 274 12V .6Jt
Howard Ohman 26 14 .t.0
M. M. Parmer 2r,4j 144 ,tw
J. O. Foit 264 144
J. J. Points 24 14 .k
J. H. Bath 24 It! .wo
C Edwards 21 17 .67D
F. A. Shoemaker 20 ,r,o
J M. Clifford 17 23 .425
A. O. Dodge 164 214 .413
S. C. Jennings 1H4 2.14 .413
J. Edwards 16 24 .4"0
M. M. Pratt 11 2a .276
Coyle, Rathhun, filters, Aygayrn,
Schwerln and Fish, who also participated
In ths tournament, dropped out before
finishing, forfeiting their unplayed games
to the other players.
Rostkrrn Asso-lafloa.
Nashville, 4; Mobile, 2.
Memphis. 4. Birmingham, 13.
Rersmmasoa Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera aad Diarrhoea Remedy.
"I never hesitate to recommend Cham
berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy," writes Sol Williams, merchant.
Jesse, Tenn. "I sell more of It than of
any other preparations of like character.
I have used It myself and found it gave
ma mora relief than anythings else I
havs ever tried for the same purpose."
Obtainable everywhere. All druggists.
See Nethsway for that farm. Florence 228.
FOK S A L K 7-rooin modern house, well
located. Phone South
LOT for sale in 1-enox Addition. Owner.
Call Webster
A strictly modern house, nearly new; 1
rooms down, oak finish.' and V rooms,
bath and sleeping porch up. This prop
erty Is well located on the boulevard and
will be sold for f S Will be pleased
to show you through.
201 Neville Block.
NKW .Vlt'Xi.M nr.;Al.tnV.
Luuity 'f 41,'i") to trade tor uood lot or
4V0J cuah. 1'lionc Webster 4)il.
Copyright. International
News Service.
" ' l
Standing of Teams
NAT. LEAC.l l'.. AMUR, LEAtJl'E.
W.L.Pct.' W.L lvt.
Phils 7! W .672 Host mi !2 46 .672
Brooklyn . .76 i4 .!."' I 'etrolt i'l 60 .646
Boston .... 76 04 .ii! Chicago ... .S2 6! .6M
St. liouls ..! 76 .47'' Washing!!! 7 61 .666
Cincinnati .W 73 .47.1 New York. .01 76 .44K
Chicago ... 01 72 .4.1 St. l,oiil....i.s Ml .4:1
Pittsburgh. 7' .470 I'leveland ..64 fii ,:tti
New York.. 62 70 .44! Phila a 9? .2S7
FEL. LEAfll'i:. A.MER. ASS N.
W.LPctt W.lxl'ct.
PlttshiiTgh..7S 00 ,66."iiMlnnenpolls..!i2 l .M
Chicago ....7tl tU ,6471st. Paul . . . .! 03 .6.S4
Newark . .. .74 tW .Mo IndlnnspollH so 711 .".21
St. lxuls . 76 5 .Ml1 Kan. city. S4 ,4ss
Kan. City. .71 t!7 .614 lulslllo ..7S72.r.."
BuffHlo ,...t5l 72 ,4'.i0i Milwaukee .67 SI .4...I
Brooklyn ,.tf7 76 .472., Cleveland ..HHK2.440
Bultlmore .46 92 .32, Columbus . . ..'.4 fl 87J
Yesterday's Kesolts.
Boston. 3: Cincinnati, 2.
Philadelphia, 6-0; St. Ixjuls. 2-1.
New York. 7; Chicago. 1.
No games scheduled.
Ruffalo, 1-0; Chicago. 3-3.
Kansas City. 0-4: Newark, 4-.
St. l)iils, 0-0; Baltlnfre. 12-0. Second
game called end third, darkness.
Columbus, 7: Kansas City, 4.
Ixruisvllle, 1-1: Milwaukee, 2-1. Second
game called ef!l of seventh, darkness.
MlnneniHilis, 1-S; Cleveland. 4-3.
Indianapolis, 2-3; St. Paul, .3-6.
t.ames Today.
National League Ronton nt Clnelnnutl.
rhllndelnhin at St. IOiils. New York at
ChlciiKo. Hiuoklyu at 1 'III hIiu gh.
American lwgue Chlcaxo lit New
York. Detroit at Bofton, Cleveland nt
Philadelphia. St. Louis at Washington.
Federal lx-HKue-iliulfalo at Pittsburgh,
BrooKljn at Kansas City.
Prospects Never Brighter for Foot
Ball, According; to Confer
ence Chiefs.
CHTCAiiO, Kept. 19. The practice sea
son of the Western Conference foot ball
teams will begin Monday. N much
advance - information Is available con
cerning the University of Chicago eleven,
which Captain Paul Russell will pilot.
Hany gaps are to be filled when practice
toeglns next week and Coach Stagg has
announced that he has promising ma
terial ready.
Coach Williams said the I'nlverslty of
Minnesota's team Is as good a one aa
has ver been available at this time
of the season. Only three places were to
be filled and these, Williams said, were
to be picked from an array of promising
members of last year's freshmen team.
I neertalii at Wisconsin.
Perhaps tho situation at Wisconsin has
never been surrounded with as much
uncertainty as the outlook
this fall. The poor showing made by
the team last fall, combined with tho
scant number of ellgibles for this year's
aggregation. Is only one of the problems
confrontlng Captain Buck and Coach
Seven veterans from last year and an
abundance of promising new material
were reported ready for practico at
Iowa's foot hall outlook hasn't been
brighter In fifteen years, declared Cap
tain J. Barron, the veteran tackle. There
were nearly thirty men of first team
caliber ready to answer the call for Ini
tial practice.
Jim Thorpe, now playing base ball
with the New York National league team,
will assist Head Coarh Clarence Chllds
at Indiana university. Several new
faces were expected in the Indiana team.
Material Scarce at Ohio.
Only eight veterans were available for
the Ohio state team and Coach Wllce
admits that some of the vacancies will
be hard to fill.
Forty-seven men will r.ompete for the
five vacancies in the lineup of t .e I'nl
verslty of Illinois team. Nearly half the
regulars are missing, according to Coach
Zuppke, but their places will be filled
adequately when last year's champions
play their first gam with the Haskell
Indians on October 2.
Buffalo Wins Flag
In Close Battle in
International Loop
NKW YORK, Sept. 1 The Interna
tional Base Ball league ended Its season
today with the pennant going to Buffalo
after one of the closest finishes In years.
The championship was not definitely de
cided until today when Buffalo won by
taking one game of a double-header,
while the Providence team, last year's
champions, lost two games to Toronto.
The two teams at the rtrilHt. were sepa
rated by little over a game.
The unofficial standing of the clubs is
as follows:
Clubs. Won,
Buffalo ai
Providence V
Toronto 72
R'm hester W
Montreal .....67
Harrlsburg il
Richmond S
Jersey City 61
Try This for enralata.
Neurtilgia is a pain. In the nerve
Sloan's Liniment penetrates and soothes
t!i" urhllig in nth (iet u l oltle now.
All druggist Aiivertiacinoiit.
Rudolph Has Shade the Better
of Pitching Duel with
CINCINNATI, O.. Sept. 19.-Boston won
tho first game of the scries from Cincin
nati today, to 2. It was a pitchers'
buttle, Rudolph and Si hnelder both work
ing well, the former, however, having
a shade the best of It. Tho score:
Mnrun, rf... 4 1 i 0 OKIillfrr. r(.. 4 I 0
Kvcri. 2b.... 4 0 11 Oilruh. Jh.... 4 0 1 X
I'uminnn. cf. 4 4 0 0 Hlvr.n, .. 4 1 1 4
Ml. lb... 11 0 Ollilflllli If . 4 I 0
Smith. 3b... 1 t ltlrm. 2b. I 0 1 1
-'i, iifll)r. IMIH 0lii.h. If ... 4 1110
Mrnv'e. 4 1 4 7 ICIsikn. v.... 4 t e o ( 1 4 I CMiOlwln, lb I 1 12 ( 8
VthHlliif. c. 0 4 0 OX.-tin.ld. r, l I I I
ItiHtolpli. p. 4 o A J lMani ..I 4 4 0 4
rilllMUrlrk. 0 0 0 4 0
Totals it it: 9 1
T.X.I. 12 4 17 14 I
Ran for Oowdy In ninth.
Batted for Rodgera In ninth.
Boston 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 1-3
Cincinnati o o 0 n 1 o 0 I 0 a
Two-base hits: Schneider, Moran. Three
base hit: l-ea.'h Home run: Mollwtts.
Stolen base: Moran. First base on er
rors: Boston, 1; Clnelnnutl. 2. Bases on
balls: tiff Schneider. 5. Struck out: By
Schneider, 4. Umpires: O'l'ay and VJulg
ley, Clanti Heat tabs.
CHICAGO. Sept. 19 Bert Humphries
wss hit hard and New York beat Chi
cago in the first game of their farewell
series here today, 7 to 1. Humphries
worked In rine form until the eighth
when tho visitors won the game.
Fisher, the local shortstop, was hit In
the eye by a ball In the ninth Inning and
had to retire. The score:
I. r.. AH.ll.e.A.K.
lianiK. If.... i 1 a orionil, rt....l 110 4
OK.Irtsnn, rl 4 4 4 0 tKnlarlr, rf .t 4 00
!vl . .. 4 1 I 1 11-lahrr, sa... 4 I 1 2 4
Merkl. lb.. 4 0 13 4 0H. hulli. sh. 0 11 0 4
1 luchur, . 4 1 11 oi'iiaUn. ruib 4 14 4 4
Bii-Kar, rt... 1110 lSlr. lb... 4 4 11 1 0
llrant, lb ... 4 111 owilllama. r 4 0 S t
rx iians, e... alll OMiC 1 y, Hbsil 20140
firoun, p.... X 0 0 S iiArrhar. c... 10 14 1
Mryr 4 0 I 4 Olluuuilir'a, p I 0 1 0
-iiaiiDiiigion. vvuvo
teuton, p... 14 0 11 Total 11 1111 I
Tutaia ... So 11 r 11 1
Batted for Stroud in eighth.
Ran for Meyers In eight.
New York 00 0 0001 4 27
Chicago 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 01
Two-base hits: Phelan, Oood. Burns.
Home run: Robertson. Stolen buses:
Saler. Becker. Karned runs: New York,
6. Double plays: .McCarthy to Archer
to Saler to McCarthy to i'helan to Uood;
McCarthy to I'helan to Baler. First base
on error: Chicago, 1. Bases on balls:
tff Humphries, 1. Hits: Off Stroud 4
In seven Innings. Struck out: By Hum
phries, 1: by Stroud, 1. Umpires: Klem
and Kmalle.
Sherman's Team
Cops Golf Fray
At Happy Hollow
All Is peace and tranquility at the
Happy Hollow club today. The war is
over and the dove of peace once more
reigns supreme at the club.
For the big team match In which teams
cPtlnel "V President Charles R. Sher-
man and Vice President K. O. Hamilton
battled to the death was staged on the
club links yesterday and the Sherman
warriors carried home the seal in. The
score was M to 70, the Nassau system be
ing used, one point for each nine holes
und one point for total.
The match between Sherman and Ham
ilton was the big event of the afternoon.
Hamilton took Sherman to a trimming
and thus msde three points for his team,
but It was to no avail. John W. I'arrlsh, '
Sherman's chief lieutenant, defeated Nor
rls Brown, Hamilton's chief assistant,
iiulte handily and made three points for
! his team
Scores yesterday were as follows:
Points.! rolnts.
R. Sherman (c. 0 K. O. Hamilton tc) 3
V. B. Aldolia
IX, Brown 0
. R. Wright....
V. It. tlould
C. Harding
B. 8. Baker
R. C. Wagner....
J. M Campbell..
A. W. Friend....
R. S. Arthur
(. K. (illmore...
R. Rusxell
F. B. Walrath..
P. M. llarrett...
II. Bowman
11. L Mr Fay den
A. W. Nason...,
C. B. Moser
L. L. Hamlin....
W. McAdam
2,F. A. Cusraden.... 0
I). Williams 0
Hi Ii. K. Mi t'ague.... 0
MC. L. Ooold 0
II W. F. Rhoades 4)
: C. C. Sadler t
0 J. Burness 0
I'L. L. French 3
oW. H. Mcllugh, Jr. 3
S'K. W. Arthur.
! H, L. Brown..
. VH. It. Wagner
. 3!S. iw, I'pdlke
. 0 K. Duval
. 0 :. Ooodrlch
3 A. t). Buchanan...
. 3'H. Ii. Frankfurt...
. S H, Goodrich
W. H. Kale.
01 W. D. Williams....
W. H. Thomas.... 0 14. F. Miller..
W. H. tlates 0"K. Si holer
It. M. lAverty O H. C. Freeman.... 0
II. G. Browne 01 W. H Shepard 2
R. W. Reed o.. F. Prentiss 3
L. M. Tiilinage.... 3 F. R. Jones 3
C. K. Balbach 3 T. A. Fry...
W. ii. T. Belt J. A. Gllmore...
B. Crawford 3' F. J. Norton ...
C. G. Mr lo mild.. 0J. M. Gilchrist..
M. W. Morrow.... SA. R. Wells...
K. H. Klinberly
J. F.. Goodrich.
G. M. Durkce...
K. O'Nell
J. W. Robbing.
3 i'. I.. Mattson..
0 P. F. Paulson..
8. J. B. Porter....
31 . S. Williams.
1 It. Durkee
II Y. Holland
11. A. Koch
L. S
fcl J
McCague. ... 01 K. N. Benson..
Wolf PH. S. Folsom t
J. J
Fitzgerald... 't K. T Manning 1
it. P. Robertson. . 1 T. W. Austin
A. Falconer 0 H. N. Robertson.,
W. A. Palinatier.. 3' W. W. Hoye
O. F. Fngler 0' W. C. Fraser....,
11. L. Martin...... OS S. Kent
o. Peterson.... 3 W. II. Smalls
A. P. Murtagh ... 1 it. D. Vaught....,
K S. McConnell.. 3 B. H. Melle
L. A. Smith 0 T. J. O'Nell ,
T. J. K.-lly 0 G. Uggeit ,
U. 10. Thomas...
u,r . I ), w ead .
J. B. Owen l'E. A. Pegau
K. T. Geyden 2 J. P. O'Keefe
J. T. Brownlee.... 31 W. C. Ross
C. A. Abrahamaon 1 M. S. Mi'Kayden.
W. R. Mi Farland. t,G. A. Amos
J. H. Conrad 0 G. D. Tunlcllff....
H. Johnson 3 c. K. Paulson..
Young 0 I
Total ;o I
for The Bee by
Five Clubs Put in Draft for Rourke
Southpaw, but Donovan Lucky
Man in the Shuffle.
Tom niodgett, star southpaw on the
Rourko club, has been drafted by tho
Now York American league club. Blod
gett was nipped by the Yankee club In
the secret draft at Cincinnati the other
day and so anxious was Donovan to sign
Big Tom that he dispatched George Davis,
the old shortstop of the famous Chicago
White Sox and one of Wild Bill's scouts,
out here to sign Blodgett up for 19W be
fore agents of the Federal league could
Jump in.
Five clubs put In a draft for Blodgett
at the recommendation of their scouts.
Tho clubs are Philadelphia Athletics, St.
IOiila Browns, Brooklyn, Washington and
the Now York Americans. New York
was the fortunate club In the draw.
Davis arrived in Omaha Saturday and
hsd no more than arrived before he signed
Blodgett up. Tom Is tickled to death that
he Is going to the Yankees. "I would
rather go with the Yanks," said Tom,
"than most any other club. I will get
an opportunity to make good because
Donovan hasn't many good pitchers."
Davis declares he la glud Blodgett fell
to the Highlanders In the shuffle. "This
kid looks mighty good." said Davis, "all
he needs is a llttlo Instruction and he'll
be a crack port-slder."
"Blodgett will make good with the
Yankees," asserted Pa Rourke in com
menting on the deal, "he la willing, has
the stuff, tho control and tho head. I
am glad to see him go to New York. This
chap Donovan Is a real manager when It
comes to developing youngsters, especially
pitchers, and he Is Just tho man to give
Tom th Instruction ho needs.
Omaha fans are confident Blodgett will
stand the test In the big show, more
confident than they arc that Krueirer mil
j stick.
Blodgett to the fourth .Western leaguer
" ' New York. Oeorge Mogrldge of
1'es Moines, Dasty Vance of Ht. Josenh
and Kruegor and Blodgett of Omaha are
now Yanks.
Today Blodgett will hurl for the
Alamltos against the Stors at Rourke
park and It will be the last chance Omaha
fans will get to see him in action.
CHICAGO, Sept. !.-Offlcer were
chosen and scnuuulea of games were ar
ranged for li'lfi at the annual minting of
the Weatcri. Intercollegiate Basket Ball
association (the Big Nine) here tonight
Ralph Jonn of the I'nlverslty of tjll
nols wn elected president, and Dr. C. C.
Cooke of the I'nlverslty of Minnesota
wss re-elected secretary and treasurer
Ojror me eignin ronsecuuve term. ine
3 i season opens on January B, 1916, and closes
March 13, 1910.
4 '
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combined v.ith tho fin flavor of imported
hops, raak'w its tnstf most delicious.
Save Coupons and Get Premium. Phone Douglas 1839.
J. Swinnerton
Chicago's Timely Batting Wins
Two Garnet from Buffalo
Tederal Team.
CHICAGO, Sept. 10 Chicago's timely
batting won two games from Buffalo
here today, the first It to 1, and the sec
ond 3 to 0. Good support liehlnd Brown
won the first game. McConnell's pitching
waa the strong feature of the second, the
visitors making but four hits off his de
livery. The scores:
First game: Ft.lI.K.
Buffalo 0 A 1 0 0 0 0 0 01 !l
Chicago 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 S I
Batteries: Anderson. Si'huls and Blair.
Allen: Brown and Wilson.
Scond gi'ti.e: R.H F.
Buffalo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 4 0
Chicago 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 3 8 II
Batteries: Schuls and Allen: McConnell
and Wilson.
Terpa Heat Terriers.
ST. 1Ol tS. Sept. 19 Pt. Irfiuls was de
feated by Baltimore in the first name of
a double, header here tcdity by a score of
a io ine visitors won In the twelfth
tuning. The second game was called on
account of darkness during the third In
tilnu. neither sido having made a tnllv.
cnrc: n.H lv
llnlltmore 0 10 3 2 1 2 0 0 0 0 12 14 0
St. Ixiuls 400:230000000 I4 a
Batteries: Young. Cnnley, LeClalre sill
Owens, Russell; Davenport, Crandall.
Plank and Chapman.
Vfwark Takes Tare).
KANSAS CITY. Sept. 19. Newark -on
the two final games of the season f mi
Kansas City today, the first 4 to 0 and
the second. to 4; the first was a victory
for Kaiserllng, who allowed the locals but"
two hits and gave no bases on balls.
Score, first gsnie: nil F
Newark 03000010 14 5 't
Kansas Clty..0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 00 3 3
Batteries: Newark. Kaiserllng nnd
Iviihn; Kansas City, Hennlng and F.sst
erly. Second game: RlltR
wrk 3 0 J 0 0 0 0 0-4 10 2
Kansas City.. I 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 04 12 1
Batteries: Newark. Moran, Mosely and
Kuhn: Kansas City. Packard and Brown.
Millers Capture Rag
In Association Race
MINNEAPOLIS. Minn.. " Sept. 19
Mlnneapolls captured the American as
sociation 1D10 pennant today, by defeat
ing Cleveland, while St. Taul waa de
feating Indianapolis. If the home team
loses both Fames tomorrow, while St.
Paul wins both games, it will still win
the pennant.
Tho pennant snatching was regarded
locally as a personal triumph for the
veteran manager, Joe Cantillon, winding
up his sixth, season aa manager of the
local team, having a record of four
pennants, one second and one seventh
place. The team this year waa not con
sidered even a first division possibility
until well Into the middle of the season.
The addition of Hopper and Yingllng,
pitchers: Rondou, left fielder, and Autry.
first baseman, added the required
strength and the home team began to
climb. Hopper, Tingling and Williams
did practically all the pitching In the
closing eight weeks of the campaign,
the latter establishing an Iron man record
In number of Innings twirled.
Miss Anita King Is
Delayed in Voyage
Miss Anita King, the Paramount picture
star who Is traveling overland from San
Francisco to New York all by herself In
a new Kissel Kar, has been delayed In her
voyage, according to G. W. Tlnley, local
Paramount representative who wit to
North Platte to meet Miss King. Mr.
Tlr.ley returned last night and reported
that Miss King wlis delayed by a road
accident near Kearney and it will be Mon
day before site arrives In Omaha. Sh
i was originally expected today. Monday
Miss King will appear at the Hipp theater.
Hores Arriving: at Teeamseh.
TKfTMSKH. Neb.. Sept. 19 (Special.)
A few horses have already reached Te-cuniHi-h
for the Kansas-Nebraska racing
events, w hich will be held here for three
ilas next week. It Is thought the entile
will fill mill that some good events will
lie pulled off. The races will be held In with the annual county fair.
Ilarliara Wlus Hare.
witch sixty-two yachts started It defeated
NKW YORK. Sept. 11 Hairy Payne
Whitney's sloop yacht Barbara was the
winner In Its class today for the fourth
tlmu in two weeks. In the fall regatta
nt lltA MinliaM.II H. v Vaclit 4O11I1 t.
- MacUonough's Spartan.,
f ' TirTTT ii 1 1 ' '