TIIH r.KK: OMAHA, MONDAY, KTTTKMHKlt 20, 101.". 3 TELLS OF METHODS IN SUNDAY SCHOOLS Specialist in Teaching of Children Telli Teacher to Lead Way to Chriit MANY YOUTHS NOT IN CHURCH Before an audience made up almost entirely of mm and women who arc teaohtra in the Sundar schools of the ciljr and on that completely filled the au ditorium of the Tounir Women's Chrla tlan association building yesterday after noon, Mis Alice Oamlln, Sunday school specialist of the Sunday party, spoks on Sunday school work. Mint Oamlln told of the Sunday school work done last week by her and the members of the party In a number of the local churches, announcing; that It Is to be continued during; the remainder of the campaign and that this week It will be conducted In the Central Park, Wal nut Hill, Pearl and Grove Evangelical churches. She announced that the Sun day school rally for today will be held In the First Congregational, twelvs of the churches participating. The address of Miss Oamlln was a plain talk to the Sunday school teachers, she asserting that their aim should be to lead boys and girls to Christ. She csu tloned the teachers not to refer to the members of their classes as children, as the young folks resent this appelation, much preferring to be called boys and girls, regardless of their size and ages. The speaker contended that men or women should not be teachers, especially teachers In Sunday schools, unless they love boys and girls, "for," she added, "If you do not love them, there Is something wrong with you. "The best thing about milk Is the cream," asserted Miss Uam lin, "and this should apply in the Sunduy school, for there you find the cream, and It rests with you to mould the character of the future men and women." She serted that she has no use for a Sunday school teacher who conducts a class for a long period of time and does not lead the members to Christ and cause, them to unite with the church which they at tend. She. cited an Instance of one teacher whom she knew who taught a class for years and never even asked the boys and girls If they were Chris tians. "Ask the boys and girls of your classes If they do not desire to lead Christian lives; pray with them and ex tend to them the invitation to become members of the church." Should Join harrh While Yoona" In referring to the age at which chil dren should become members of a church. Miss Gamlin took the position that at 8, 10 or 12 they are perfectly competent to decide for themselves and that at these ages it Is much easier to lead them to Christ than after they are 16, 18 or older. Referring to Omaha statistics with reference to attendance. Miss Gamlin as serted that In the schools of the city the enrollment is around 33,000. About half this number attend Sunday schools, while the others remain away. She contended that this presents one of the greatest opportunities that Christian workers could conceive In the matter' of winning souls to Christ. Upon the Sunday school teachers, con tended Miss Gamlin, rests almost entirely .the responsibility of bringing young per , sons Into th church and helping young lives to grow and develop In Christianity. H is the teachers who can turn them from satan to God and make them Christian men and women. She urged upon the teachers the necessity, of doing some work outside the class rooms in the mat ter of getting boys and girls Into the Sunday schools, adding, "It is not your responsibility to compel, but to help the young lives to grow In Christ." Swiss Makers of Watches Keep Busy (Correspondence of the Associated Press.) Zl'HICH, Switzerland. Sept. . The exports of Swiss watches In 1914 show a decrease in value of more than $12,000,000, as compared with the previous year. But for the readiness with which Swiss man ufacturers adapted themselves to the changed conditions their losses would have been still greater. Switzerland's watch export Industry Is the greatest In the world. Eighty-seven per cent of all the foreign watches sold in the various countries of the world are made In Switzerland. In 1913 there were exported more than 15.000,000 watches of a total value of some $37,000, 000, while less than 300,000 watches were sold In the home market that year, not 2 per cent of the total production. When the war broke out the Swiss watch Industry was brought to a sudden standstill. The manufacturers were most pessimistic. There were no orders, there was no money and credit was difficult to obtain. But changes In fashion soon helped them to circumvent the hardships. Obviously there was no longer any mar , ket for the more expensive watches, so the, makers turned to producing cheaper articles especially adapted for the mili tary. A great trade was done in sliver, nickel and gunmetal cased watches, with luminous dials which found a ready sale( among army men. excepting certain towns and districts where only expensive watches had been made, the industry gradually recovered from the first de pression and there are now fewer unem ployed workmen than any time since the 'war began. Apartments, flats, houses and cottages can be rented quickly and cheaply by a Bee "For Rent." TEUTONS FEAR ENGLAND IS BUYING GERMAN FRUIT (Correspondence of the Associated Press.) KSSE.V, Germany, Aug. 17. Diligent effort, are being made to restrict the export, via the Rhine Into Holland, of fruits that grow so plentifully along the great river. Dutch merchants. It has been established, have been taking out of Germany great quantities of cherries and berries which. It Is suspected, are shipped on farrther to England. Local fruit merchants have Just stum bled upon the fact that contracts al ready exist under which the best of the late fruit has been sold to Dutchmen. The quantity 1. greater than all Holland would need or use. This fact,, along with the fact that England always ha Im ported German fruit, leads to the con viction that Germany's enemy la still be ing fed by German fruit. gtop the Child. (Dh It's Bertea. Croup and whooping cough are chil dren's ailments. Dr. King's New Dis covery Is what you need It kills the coli germs. All druggist. Advertisement, Apartments, flats, houses and cottages cm be rented quickly and cheaply by a tee "for Kent" Chickens Come Home to Roost," Topic of Sermon Preached to Men Hilly" Sunday preached yesterday afternoon to the men only at the Tab ernacle, his subject belli. "Chickens Come Home to Kooet." He said: The luh Psalm, the S.MH verso: "lt the sinner be consumed out of the earth and lnt the wicked be no more." This always scorned to me to be a queer verse of scripture. It Is a verse more often misunderstood than any other and road by ninny t Justify their living In sin. It contains a thought which I don't find so well exprested In any other verso, not on account of its peculiarity, but because It Is used by men to Justify their living in sin. There is- much unjust criticism of David, who lived a virtuous and upright life. He said. ' Ia.1 wickedness of the wicked come to an end." It showed lavld's sympathy toward his follow mon when he wept when he heard of others sinning- Hut they would not le saved. Smtie kept on sinning and llvlnn In sin. He saw what was the need of the com munity and tho nation, and said: "O, God, if men won't stop sinning, notwith standing your commands, then let them lo consumed out of the earth." When he said this, ho offered the prayer, a por tion of which I have chosen for my text. 1 sometimes find peoplo who talk lightly of sin. I say he has lost all his respect for right, all of his respect for virtue. decency, all of his respect for everything I or he wouldn't say it. If only the men who say It were affected try their sins, it would be hard enough. I would work Just as hard ns I do. But we never live to ourselves. There are more affected by your sins than yourself, although I would work Just as hard if you were tho only one. .Makes Others Suffer. When you come staggering home, cuss- I Ing right and left and spewing and spit ting, your wife suffers, your children suffer. Don't think that you aro the only one that surfers. A man that goes to the penitentiary makes his wife and children suffer just as much as he does. You're placing a shame on your wife and chil dren. If you're a dirty, low-down, filthy, drunken, whisky-soaked bum, you'll af fect all with whom you como in contact. If you're a God-fearing man you will Influence all with whom you come in contact. You can't live by yourself. Lyman Beechcr was a godly man, and he was the father of more brains than any other man. I occasionally hear a man tay. "It's nobody's business how I live." Then I say he is tho most dirty, low-down, whisky-soaked, beer-guzzling, bull necked, foul-mouthed hypocrite that ever had a brain rotten enough to conceive such a statement and lips vile enough to utter it. You say, "If I am satisfied with my life, why do you want to' interfere 1 with my business?' If I heard a man beating his wife and heard her shrieks and the children' crle and my wife would tell me to go and see what was the matter, and I went in and found a great, big, broad-shouldered, whisky-soaked, hog-Jowled, weasel- eyed, pug-gut dragging a little woman round by the hair and two children in the corner unconscious from Ms kicks and the others yelling in abject terror, and he said: "What are you f ling in to interefere with my personal liberty for? Isn't this my wife, didn't I pay for the license to wed her?" You ought, or you're a bigamist. "Aren't these my children; didn't I pay the doctor to bring them Into the world?" You ought to or you're a thief. "If I want to beat them, what Is that your business, aren't they mine?" Would I apologize? Never! I'd knock seven kinds of pork out of that old hog. Liberty Not License. t Personal liberty Is not Personal license. I dare not exercise personal liberty, If It infringes on liberty of others. Our fore fathers did not fight and die for personal license, but for personal liberty bounded by laws. Personal liberty Is the liberty of a burglar, of a seducer, or a raper, or a wolf that wants to remain In a sheep fold, or the weasel in a hen roost. You have no right to vote for an institution that is going to drag your sons and daughters to hell. If you were the only citizens of Omaha you would have a perfect right to drive your horse down the street at break neck speed; you would have a right to make a race track out of the streets for your auto; you could build a slaughter house In the public square; you could build a glue factory in the public square. But when the population Increases you can't do It. You say: "Why can't I run my auto? I own It. Why can't I run my horse? I own It. Why can't I build the slaughter house? I own the lot." Yes, but other people have right. So law stands between you and per sonal libesty, you miserable dog. You can't build a slaughter house In your front yard, because the law says you can't. As long a I am standing here on this platform I have personal liberty. I can swing my arms at will. But the minute any one else steps on the plat form my personal liberty ceases. It stops Just one Inch from the other fellow's nose. Right there! (Indicating a point in the air.) Fl.htlasr for Slaaere. When a person' act affect only him self they can be left to the conscience of the individual, but whan they affect others the law steps in. When a child haa diphtheria, you are not allowed per sonal liberty; you are quarantined, be cause your personal liberty would en danger other If exercised. So you haven't any right to live In sin. You say you'll do It anyhow. All right, you'll go to hell, too. Adam and Eve said they would eat the apple anyhow, and the world became a graveyard, and here's the result today. I look out into the world and see a man living in sin. I argue with him. I plead with him. I cry out warning words. I brand that man with a black brand, whose Iniquities are responsible for the fall of others. ' No man Uvea to himself alone. I hurt or help other by my life. When you go to hell you're going to drag some one else down with you and If you go to heaven you're going to take some one else with you. You say you hate sin. Of course you do if you have respect. But you never saw any one In this city who hates sin worse than I do or loves a sinner more than I. I'm fighting for the sinners. I'm fight ing to save your soul, Just as a doc tor fight to save your life from a dis ease. I'm your friend, and you'll find that I'll not compromise one bit with sin. I'll do anything to help you. No man will argue that sin 1 a good thing. Not a one who doe not believe that the community would be better off If there was no sin. I preach against vine to show you that it will make your girl an outcast and your boy a drunkard. I'm fighting everything that will lead to this end and If I have to !e your enemy to fight It, Uod pity you, tor liu guinj to flsht. People do not fight sin until It becomes a vice. Onaht in Vrmr Sin. You ssy you're not afraid of sin. You ought to bo for your children. It doesn't take boys long to get on the wrong track, and whlle'you are scratching uravrl to make one lap. your boy makes ten. We've got kids who have not yet sprouted long! breeches who know more about sin and .. . . . . vice than Methuselah. J nere are niuo frlziled top sissies not yet sprouting long dresses, who know more about vice than did their great grandmothers when they were 75 years old. The girl who drinks will abandon her virtue. What did Methuselah know about vmoking cigarettes? I know there are some sissy fellows out there who object to my talking plain and know you shirk from talking plain. If any one ever tells you that you can't be virtuous and enjoy good health, I brand him as a low. Infamous, black heurted liar. Ask any afficted man you see on the street. If you could only reveal the heart . of every one of them! In most you would find despair and disease. How littlo he thinks when he Is nurs ing that lust that he Is nursing a demon which, like a vampire, will suck his blood and wreck his life and blacken and blight his existence And If any little children are born to him they will be weak anaemic wunoui me proper oniou in their veins to support them. Our young men ought to be taught that no sum they can leave to a charitable In stitution can blot out the deed of an Ignominious life. You don't have to look fur for the reason why so many young men fnil. Why they go through life weak, ambltionlcss, useless. "lie Men end Talk Sense." Let's be common folks together today. Let's be men and talk sense. As a rule a man wants something bet ter for his children than he has had for himself. My father died before I was born and I lived with my grandfather. He smoked, but he didn't want me to. He chewed, but he didn't want me to. He drank, but he didn't want me to. He m niy toddy at that." cussed, but he didn't want me to. He One father sas to his son: "You've made wine that would make a man fight n chewing my tobacco." The boy de hls own mother after he had drunk It. nled It. Pretty soon he found some or I remember how I used to find the bottles and suck the wlno through a straw or an onion top. One day a neighbor was In and my grandfather asked him for a chew. He went to hand It back, and I wanted some. He said I couldn't have It. I said I wanted It anyhow, and ha picked me up and turned me across his knee and gave me Crack that ma1e me ' ,tar 08 bl as moon. If there is a father that hits the booze, he doesn't want his son to. If he is keep ing some one on the side, he docsnt' want his son to. In other words, you would not want your son to live like you if you are not living right. Ah old general was at the bed.ilde of his dying daughter. He didn't believe In the Bible, and his duughter said, "What shall I do? You 'don't believe In the Bible. 'Mamma does. I; I obey one I'm going tisuinsi me other." The old general put us arms around his daughter and said: "Follow your mother's way; it I the safest." Man wants his children to have that which is sure. The lrfllr. (. I have sometimes Imagined that young fellow In Luke 15. He came to his father and said, "Dig up. 1m tired of this and want to see the world." His father didn't know what he meant. "Come acros. with, the mamma, come clean, dlvy. I want the coin, see?" Finally the father tumbled, and he said: "I got you." and ho divided up his share and gave it to the young man. Then ho goes down to Babylon and starts out on a sporting life. He meets the young blood and the gay dame. I can imagine that young fellow the first time he swore. If his mother had been near he would have looked at her and blushed rosy red. But he thought he had to cuss to be a man. No man can be a good husband, no man can be a good fellow, no man can be a respectable citizen, no man can be a gent leman, and swear. You can hang out a sign of entleman, but when you cuss you might as well tako it In, There are three things which will ruin any town and give it a bad name. Open licensed saloons; a dirty, cussing, .wear ing gang of blackleg on the streets, and vile story tellers. Let a town be known for these three things, and these alone, and you could never start a boom half big enough to get one man there. Old men. young men, boys wear. What do you cuss for? It doesn't do you any good, gains you nothing In business, society; It loses you the esteem of men. Uod said more about cussing than any thing. God said, "Thou shalt not kill, thou shalt not steal, thou shalt not bear false witness, but God said more about cussing than them all and they are still cueslng. "Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who taketh His name In vain." No Ksense for araln;. I can see how you can get out of any thing but cussing. I can see how a man could be placed In such a position that he would kill and be exonerated by the law of God and man. If he killed to pro tect hi life or the life of another. I can see how a man could be forced to steal if he stole to keep his wife from starving. In Chicago several year ago there wa a long-continued strike and the last division of the treasury had given each man 25 cents. A man went Into the rail road yards and got a bag of coal from one of the cars. They pinched him and he came up before a Judge. He told the Judge that he had only 25 cents of the last division and he spent that for food. His wife and two children were at home starving and he had no fire. He stole the coal to cook their food. The Judge thundered, "Get out of this room and get home and build that fire as Tiukly as you can." Bay, boy. If I waa on a Jury and you could prove to ma that a father ' had stolen a loaf of bread to keep hi wife from starving you could keep me In ttie room until the ant took me out through the keyhole before I'd atick him. That may not be law. I don't know, but you'll find there 1 a big streak of human nature In "Bill." There Isn't a fellow In this crowd but what would be disgusted if hi wife or later would cuss and hit the boox like he doea If she would put fifteen or twenty beers under her belt, he'd go whining around a divorce court for a divorce right away and say he couldn't live with her. Why, you dirty dog, she haa to live with you. i- tr. ; ... 'l-.ll-lnr.' I heard of a fc-lluw whose wife tlioueht she would show him bow he sounded J around the house and give him a dose of his own medicine. So one morning he came down and asked for his breakfast, i "Why, you old blankety, blank, blank, bald-headed blankety. blankety, blank. breakfast." He wan horrified, but every tlmo he tried to say anything she would bring out a bunch of lurid oaths until filially he mM: "Wife, If you II cut out that cussing I'll never swear again." Out In Iowa there were some men .i.n.llnv alonir a fence when a bunch of kids came along. One man stuck out his root and irippca one ior i youngster got up. aooui o enr ... . . and started such a string or profanity that it would seem the demons in he , i t , . k .1 "ctffiolivll. I would close tnetr ears ana cry cno... ; The man staggered back. It was hi own son. Ho turned to the crowd. "Hoys." he said. "I never know what an influence 1 have been until Just now. If any of you every hear me cuss again step up and knock me down and when I como to I'll thank you for It. I never knew rn hat I was doing to my children." You say. "Hill. I can't quit cussing.' You lie. If I was mayor of this city and had authority to put men on the corner with double-barreled shotguns to shoot every one who cussed, you'd see how much cussing there would be. I suppose if the law against stealing was repealed ,,a(.e,j against cussing all of you would start to steal. Just think, when at last they put tha clods In on your coffin and your wife and children go home, and try to earn a llv- ing wunoui you ana iook at your picture and all they will remember Is your curse and blows. What an awful heritage to leave behind, and yet that's what many a man oea Take a young buck that cusses and ho will crush your daughter's honor like he would an egp shell. If you never become a Christian, men, for God's sake stop your cussing. You enn't go anywhere any more, In a car, a depot, a restaurant, but what you find some friend with his foul-mouthed oaths ready to spew them out. What an awful place hell will be when It gets all of that bunch down there. I.IWe Father, I.Ike Hon. a leuow wno says, mil, I don t cuss very much, only when I get mad." He says, "I don't drink very much. Just a little, and always put sugar and water I his whisky gone. The boy denied that. Then he missed some money, and the boy denied that. Finally the father sa.d that his son wa no good, but he would take him to town and get him a Job. He goes to a grocery store and tells the owner he has Just the boy he la looking for. "Sure, he smokes and chews and stonls a little," he Bays, but that will help the' man out, as he Is that kind of a business man. The grocer throws him out. The father thinks it is mighty queer that a fellow like that doesn't want n boy Just like him, so ho takes him across tho street to get him started In tho lawyer business, but he tells tho lawyer the samo thing and says he has the making of a mlKhty good lawyer In him. But the lawyer throws them out of his office nnd asks him if he doesn't know that as a nation we aro run by lawyers and gives a long list -of statistics to prove It. and tells him that nobody wants a crook. "Take the kid and Bet out." He cant get in a lodge, and finds that 7 per cent of the members of the Ma sonic lodge are professed Christians, and they'll blackball a mutt like that 64 per cent of the Odd Fellows are professing Christians; 61 per cent of tho Knights of Tythlas, and 48 per cent of the Wood men are professing Christian. Fifty two signers of the Declaration of Inde pendence were MaHons; the Boston tea party via an adjourned meeting of tho Masonic lodge. Mercy eat Walts. Here's a fellow who stands alone. No body wants him. But God has rrepared one place for all, the Mercy Meat. Man has Invented the penitentiary, the Jails, the scaffolds; but God has one plnre for all who want to be square, and when he gets down on his knees before the Mer.cy Seat and says he wants to live right, ho can get In the lodges, he can get in the hanks, and then the saloon dMt,n't want him. f. yes! The boys are going fast these days. I suspect you can remember when a stage coach went acros Pennsylvania at three miles an hour; then they went In relsys and went four and one-half; then the first train went fifteen miles sn hour, and now today look at the Pennsy. Eighteen hours from Chicago to New York, and they go eighty miles an hour. A friend of mine was on a train not long ago when he noticed It slowing down. He asked the conductor what waa tho matter. "Oh, I have order to slow to seventy-five mile an hour here." When I was playing ball I got my leg hurt and I was going home on No. S. I looked out the window and thought w were going about fifty miles an hour. I asked the "con" when, he came through and he said we were going about fifty miles an hour then, but we would go seventy-five as aoon a he rounded the curve below. O, we're going fast thee day. Bvery few year there Is a test made on a couple of roads out west to see which hall carry the mall. They make the test in February when the going I the hardest. "Koine; Fast for tied." A train on the C. B. ft Q. wa forty minute late and a friend of mine was asked to take it out. The superintend ent came out and told the engineer that he could throw the schedule In the fire box as he had a clear track. I was on a train coming east and we were side tracked for the fast mall. I saw him coming. I yelled "whopee," and he was gone. Down below where we were standing there ma a double curve and the fire man aald afterward: "The blankety blank fool Just pulled her out three more notches." The fireman began to pray, although he waa not a praying man. But It stuck to the track and when he pulled Into his last stop he was Just two minutes ahead of time and the C. V. A Q. is carrying the mall today. If you're going 10 Omlles and hour for God some one will follow you, and If you're going to hell at the rate of eighty mile per hour, some one will follow you. There was a wreck up in New Yo(k. The engineer was pinned down under neath the wreckage and would soon be scalded to death, but he yelled: "For God' sake, boys, flag the second sec tion!" The flagman ran back, put tor pedoes on the track. The train hit them a bang, bang, bang. The engineer set the brakes kes. He flattened every wheel on , n, but he brought the nose of his, the tral pilot to a stop six feet from the rear car of the wrecked train. Some of you out there are like the en gineer, too far gone to do you any good, but I am pleading fur the second section, the coming generation. If I ran only flag: tho scvond generation and bring U.ia to a slop and not let them rush pcllmell to hell! natlnsr ft llnr t Itrlnk. Here Is a man who was a drunkard and a boy who doesn't drink. The man urges him to take a drink. "No, t won't." "Alia, prohibitionist, ehT" scoffs the man, "No, but father and mother don't want me to." Finally he coaxed the boy Into taking a drink. All of Ids dormant pas sion for liquor arises and he Is In flames Ills Kiandfatlier and father were both mm1f.r(,te drink-r ,, now nfl , nme iiof,.. ... -i wrt( k, Now you rnn ,lnilrrMlin( h(t nvM moBnt- Ir ,. . ,,, u , , )f f . . . . ... . ,oy (o ,nkc (,rl,)k wnloh ,pnJ , ,,, rll)n no ,.,, b. ,.,,, , , c.rth, j. Uke produce like in everything. These mrr. t), ,ln)g whl,n we Rrl trtvtnK to pro duoe the pure strain of blood In stock, i And yet you'll let that little cUh ret to smoking libertine marry your daughter. Mit kind of offspring do you think will come from a buckwart proposition like 'I' If you are a consumptive nine 'names out or ten your children will bo con""Ptlves, ' (Mr- u''y here gives statistics taken f"""."14. "',on" families to show " """""""eaj God la still on the throne, gentlemen. 1 and He haa said, "The sins of the fathers shall be visited upon the third and fourth generations of them that are evil." Iown ; to the third and fourth. There I a fifth, i for the fourth will be a lunatic, and a 1 lunatic, born that way, either male or female. Is . sterile. If they could bear children the offspring would lie Idiots, so I you ee how- God protects you. ' I never used to know, when I was a kid. what they meant when they said "Chickens come home to roost," but I know now. It means If you are a drunk- I nrd your children will be drunkards. If j you are a libertine, your children will bo libertines. In other words, your children j win return to disgrace you or bless you. Story of n t.amhler. When I was In. the Young Men's Chris tian association work I knew a gambler who was converted. He was making IT.fdO a year and he was going up and down the country showing that you ain't beat a1 aaniuier mi nis own game. He tells a "tory of a game which was on and one i mRn WB" accused of ringing In a cold d,cl- The He was passed and a man shot another dead. Ho was sentenced to die and a he was being prepared on the scaffold, his little 4-year-old son toddled up the steps and said, "Come home, papa." The sheriff was a kind man, and he unbuckled his feet and hands and let him lift the child up. He told hi son ha couldn't come homo and for him to go away now and the sheriff would take care of him. Then he turned to the crowd and cried: "For (lod' sake, boya, don't lot my son be what I have been." The trap fell and he shot Into eternity. A collection wa taken for that child among the crowd and he wa placed In a Christian home. When he was 21 they gave him his money with accumulated Interest. He started out on a career of crime. He got down so low that they wouldn't lot him sleep In the police sta tion. He tried to get enough, and would clean cuspidor in dirty, filthy saloons to got enough to live. Oh, men, blood will tell. I'm pleading with you that you yield to Christ, so that your children' live will not be blighted. Men, there's three thing yon should always remember where your wive are concerned. First, show a deep personal Interest in her. Plie entitled to It and she'll love you the better for It. Second, treat her as a companion. She I your life comparlon and you should treat her as mich. Third, show her the affection every woman heart Is craving for. If you don't, you shouldn't wonder If some day another fellow appears on the scene and gives her all those little attention she Is craving for and that you have neglected to give her. (Copyright, William A. Sunday.) TEN TRAIL HITTERS OF FIRST NIGHT CATHOLICS Ten of the "trail hitters" the first night were Catholic. The card they filled out were turned over to Catholic priests. The rierk Guaranteed It. "A customer came Into my store the other day and aald to one of my clerks, 'Have you anything that will cure diarrhoea r and my clerk went. and got him a bottle of Chamberlain' Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, and said to him, "If thl doe not cur you, I will not charge you a cent for It.' So he took It home and came back In a day or two and said he was cured," write J. H. Berry Co., Salt Croek, Va Obtain able everywhere. All druggists. Adver tisement Most Prerloa. Hello. A ffroUD of children whosjt ninlhAra lu longed to the Daughter of the Revolution were overheard dlseiiealng some historic relic which had descended a heirlooms In their respective families. One little Kin saia nr mother had a knife and fork tluit Washington had once used. Other named curios of various kinds, each trying to outdo the other In ni.1,,,11. Ing the family importance in regard t.i antique. Hut Grace, though youiiMccit t the lot, carried off the honors. "Mv mother haa a teapot." she said, "that was used In the Boston tea farty. Woman's Home companion. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Miss Dorothy Lyle, accompanied bv her father, William C Lyle, loft Saturday evening for Boston, where she goes to attend Miss Wheeluck'a kindergarten li Hinlrig school. Mrs. A. P Oram of Portland, Ore., who wltli her husband was for twentv-flve years a resident of this city, is visiting her brother. I'eter Jensen, here. Mrs. Stephen K. Brady and dHiiirhter, Adele. and son, Htepen, Jr.. returned Fri day from Boston, where they have been spending the summer. Clover Cutters "If a man raise bis tloger against thsse meetings, he I a servant of the devil, no matter tl b is a minister." Ton're a fool. If you dost believe in cnrlst and follow him." 'Soma people strata at my ldlosny. cractsa and eoceatrioltlee, and swallow all the saloon and breweri la Oatalia." "It 1 a bad to be knowa a a Chris tian ana not b one, a it la to have a Woman' Christian Temperaao union Wi over a brewery, or a Young Worn, eu's Christian association alga over a house of lU-Iains." ' "I am traveling to heaven 0 .ohedula, sVr yea traveling to hell?" "A poor hat decent stveet ii)NV 1 a hotter oitlsea tbaa a BUiUonalre ia er. ul never one In all bawlsd anyoy out. althoorh tbey III about ma to that effect." "Jssn broke u every funeral ha ever attendedby raising the oead aad re. storing them to taeur loved ones." "Jssu wa aot a puddlnf.faoed nonsattty. Whea baeked Into a eorasr. .inner, a.k. 'What would Js.u. dot' tUAibtllSt U tor The naptha in Fels-Naptha soap stays in the soap until it comes in contact with water. Then it gets to work on the dirt and grease loosening and dissolving it, thus making hard rubbing unnecessary, and doing the work in half the time. While the clothes are drying the nap tha disappears evaporates. Use Fels-Naptha for all soap-and-water work. i i i it - A TIMELY REFLECTION The End of a Perfect Day of touring leaves one lasting reflection In the mind of the skilled motorist POLARINE, the one motor oil for all motors. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Nebraska) Omaha CD IK to T7T" Be next door to every customer Your customers three thousand miles off think of you as nearly a week's journey away. By the sun you are only three hours apart. By Western Union you are just around the corner. You can accustom distant trade to think of you jn terms of minutes instead of miles by frequent use of Western Union Day and Night Letters. Talk with ymr fecaf Wwifrn Union Manmgtw THE WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH CO. A "for rent" ad will rent 11 clears bad complexions If you want a cleir, fresh, flowing complexion, use Reiinol Soap at least once a day. Work a warm, creamy lather of it well Into tho poret.then rinte the face with plenty of cold water. It does not take many days of such regular care with Resinol Soap to show art improvement, becauM the Resinol medication sooikts and rertthet the kin, while the pure soap, free cf alkali, ii cUansing it. Whts ths ikta U a nry nagUctod Condi, tloo, with pimple, blacktMuU, rsenM sr rout hnns, sprea oa aM t HtU KmII Oint. meat iur Ma or Bftus bmdimm bli t Miag kuinol Set. KmiooI Sop ii not rttfrisllr colorwl. tw rich itfmm kMe ontirolr sua te IK Kaaioel madkatlna it contain. Twaatyav ens si all drusftiata and daalara in toilat (ooda. For s trial liu c.kc, whla te Lpt. 4-P, Kaalnol. Baluuwra, kid. t. I ssitfsWiaA!3u-i your vacant roomolc