Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 19, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 3-A, Image 5

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8 A
Monday He Reduces Fall Suit
and Dress Prices to Ut
most Low Limit.
"Out From Under" Sale Helps
Tido Over Difficulties Pre
sented by Enlarging
" and Remodeling.
Julias Orkln, the Ladles' Attire
Specialist at 1510 Douglas St., is re
sourceful, to say the least.
Difficulties that would make many
a merchant squirm, have only served
Fire Committioner Spurns Salary
Vouchers Sent Up to Him by
State Treasurer.
Woman Masqueraded as Man; Twice
Married, Once Husband, Once Wife
(From a Staff Correspondent)
LINCOLN, Sept. (Special.) For a
man who has not seen the color of his
alary voucher for two months. Fire Com
missioner Rldgell la the moat careless
IndMdual In the state house. Yesterday
the state aucitor sent up to the fire com
missioner the warrants which have been
the tone of contention, but Rldgell
a-urnrd them and refused to accept
to hasten Julius Orktn's wits and tr.Cm. His cttet clerk. Miss Muldoon, who
pretty soon he will have surmounted has also gone without money for the same
ail the difficulties brought about by
his extensive remodeling and en
larging. The carpenters and deeorato-s
length of time and waa beginning to set
pretty hungry, accepted the warrants
peraonally, but r.ot for the department.
This morning the state auditor sent up
wno are malting a gigantic, mg icne of hla most charming young women
artlstlo establishment out of Julius clerks with some more warrants, expect-
Orkln's present quarters, have dqne, !
and are doing, their work well- but
It takes time. i
Julius Orkln would never have
gone Into this remodeling game had
lie thought It would have broken up
his Fall season; hammers and saws
shouldn't be In evidence just when a
woman Is Inspecting the newer, pret
tier things for Fall andvWInter wear.
But the die Is cast workmen
are hammering all around here
there is no room for show cases or
wall cabinets and the immense
number of Fall garments that are ar
riving here daily must be sold as
fast as they arrive, direct from ship
ping cases and express packages In
moBt Instances.
On Friday and Saturday last Ju
lius Orkln received an unusually
large shipment of Ladles' Fall Suits
and Blouses direct from the east
and on Monday this entire shipment
must be sold if firmly cut prices will
sell them: In fact, some of these
new Fall gems of Ladles' wear will
go at about half the price they would
have brought had the new Julius
Orkin establishment been in perfect
Here are the reduced prices that
pre effective Monday; it behooves
you well to step in line and possess
p new Fall Suit and two or three
Blouses, now that prices have come
down to the "low ebb."
Women's and Misses' suits that
rhould be bringing $25 are $13.83;
the $35 grades are $18.85, and the
$45 kinds are $23.85.
Those crisp, new Blouses are go
ing to sell at a like proportion of re
duction; blouses that were to have
brought $1.60 and $1.95 are 91c;
$2.95 and $3.50 values are $1.91;
$3.95 and $4.50 values are $2.91,
while the blouses that were carefully
chosen with an idea of selling at $5
and $5.95 will go for $3.91.
Remembekr the "Out-From-Un-der"
Sale has been planned to get
out from under a lot of remodeling
difficulties. Julius Orkln bought
many a 'dollar's worth of Fall wear
ables Hat he would not have bought,
had he known that so long a time
would elapse ere his store improve
ments were finished.
Even In the face of the carpen
ters' eaws and hammers these newly
arrived Fall garments must sell at
a deeply cut price and hundreds of
them will be sold by nightfall Mon
day. Aren't you Interested enough to
see the newest things at a marvel
ously low price?
Please note. It's the Julius Or
Hn establishment at 1510 Douglas
Without Health You
are not an Optimist
Optimism, which Is another name for
courage, Is one of the most potent fac
tors In human progress. It enables one
to rally when defeats are encountered, to
be brave In the face of disappointments,
to fight on and on until the battle of
life has been won and the heart's desire
Is satisfied. And optimism ,is best pre
served In the body that la free from pain,
that is not Impaired by weakness. So
those who take care of the health by
taking Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey as pre
scribed, are not only preserving that
whloh will add Immensely to the Joy of
living, but are taking care of that which
will be a mighty contribution to their
uocess lit meeting and triumphing over
the difficulties encountered along the
road, to success. Duffy's exerts a very
agreeable and beneficial action upon
one's digestion and Imparts a feeling of
strength and vigor that's why. Hecaui
Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey la true food
tonia which helps feed the nerves, to In
crease the energy and gives freslt vigor
to the overworked body and mind; many
thousands regularly "Get Duffy's and
Keep well," and are, therefore, true opti
mists who give no thought to pessimistic
lng that the hard-hearted fire commis
sioner' would not be able to withstand
the persuasive smiles of the messenger,
but his heart was still of flint, and, turn
ing upon her a withering frown, he said,
"Tempt me not. 1 have seen no money
for ninny moons, tut you cannot make
me forget my duty as a democrat, my
oath as a public offlrWI or my loyalty
to my country. Go hack from whence
ye came and linger no longer within
these sacred preiincts."
However, Miss Muldoon again was un
able to withstand the temptation, for
within that bunch of warrants were
three for herself, and once more she re
ceived them.
The stand of the fire commissioner In
refusing to receive the warrants can
mean but one of two things, either he Is
going to get even with the stste tress
urer by starving himself to death and
thus have his ghost haunt Mr. liall the
rest of his life, or he Is going to bring
suit to enforce the penalties celled for
In the statutes. In any event it la liable
to be many a long1 day before the dove
of peace again roosts on the state house
Whr Solon Acted So.
Representative Norton or l'olk county,
floor leader of the democrats In the last
session and chairman of the finance, ways
end means committee. Is in the city to
day in attendance at the meeting of the
Constitutional Convention association, and
when asked to' state why the committee
had not recommended an appropriation
for the fire commission and the food
commission, said to the best of his recol
lection Fire Commissioner Rldgell and
Food Commissioner Herman had told the
committee that an appropriation was not
necessary in order to draw the funds.
Johnson Leaves on Trip.
State Engineer Johnson will leave Mon
day for an Inspection of headgatea In
Irrigation dams. This Is required an
nually, the law specifying that these
gates shall be made of cement with cer
tain other requirements.
Barllnartnn Appeals.
The. Turlington Railway, company has
appealed from a Judgment of the Cass
county district court. In which Vincent
Fpulak secured damages In the sum of
$1,300 for injuries received while working
for the company at their shops In Platts
mouth. The handle of a lifting bar rsruck
him In the neck and he auatalned Injuries
for which he sued for $2,995.
Teenmaeh-Depot Rales,
Railway Commissioner Hall was In Te-
cumseh yesterday, where, in comoanr
with Division Superintendents Thlehoff
nd Lyman, he met with committee from
the Commercial club and Woman's club
f that city with regard to new regula
tions and conditions surrounding the de
pot at that place.
No Pardon Recommended.
Layfayette Dayles, who la serving a
term In the penitentiary for the killing
of a farmer by the name of Mann In
Keith county In 1909, will not receive a
paraon or a shortening of his sentence.
If the recommendation of the Board of
Pardon goes for anything to the gov
ernor. Secretary Maggl of the board sub'
mlttlng a report to that effect, approved
by the other two members, to the gov
ernor yesterday.
if ' . I
I i ff ' $
1 t 3'f S fir- '
y ' f r k . V. fc
I & V'" 1 s' I
if wH, 6' m
; myftj t(j, j!
" - - - - --"nss.iiisiiswiiisiiiirs
After posing as a man for twenty-five
years. Prof. "Kugene" de Forest, is now
under arrest In Ixs Angeles on a charge
of masquerading. Prof, de Forest was
a well known .teacher of dramatic art
with offices In one of the largest business
buildings here. , . The woman, after her
arrest, confessed and. told a story of two
To whiten and beautify the com
plexlou permanently we have found
no better preparation than a lotion
made by dissolving four ounces of
spurmaz in a half pint of hot water,
then adding two teaspoonfuls gly
cerlna. This removes any pimples,
shiny, muddy or sallow appearance
and will make anyone's skin clear,
smooth and velvety. It does not
show or rub off like powder; la fact,
it seems a part of the skin; and foi
removing tan and freckles la un
It is necessary to shampoo more
frequently in the warmer weather
because of excessive dust and the
fact that the head perspires more
and is usually more exposed to the
weather. The easiest to use and
quickest drying shampoo that we can
recommend to our readers can be
prepared very cheaply by dissolving
a teaspoonrul of canthrox. obtained
from your druggist, in a cup of hot
water. This rubbed Into the scalp
creates a thick lather, soothing and
cooling in its action, as well as very
beneficial to scalp and hair. After
rinsing, the scalp is fresh and clean,
while the hair dries quickly and
evenly, developing a bright luster
and a soft flufflness that makes it
seem very heavy. Advertisement.
Rami Credits Association.
The United Farmers' Rural Credits
association la the name of a new loan
association which la filing articles of In
corporation with the secretary of state
today. The company will have a capital
of $500,000. No one but fanners can bor
row money of the association and then
only in the amount of CO per cent of
their real property.
George D. Wlllock and F. B. Saunders
are at the head of the concern, but it is
undjeratood that the corporation will be
officered by some of the best known
farmers in the state. The company Is no
way connected with the Farmers' union.
Omakiii Secure License.
Henry B. Thompson, aged 22, of Oamha,
and Emma E. Jorgensen of the same
city, aged 23, were given a license to wed
by the Lancaster county license clerk
DODGE. Neb., Sept. 18.-(Speclal.) Oc
tober 7 will be Joe Sterner day In Dodge,
A d amond belt costing 12,500 and emblem'
atle of the wrestling championship of
America will be presented to the Dodge
county wonder by a committee of his
The exercises In the afternoon will con'
slat of a parade and band concert, with
drill by the Sokol girls of Dodge. Ad
dresses will be made by Governor More-
head, Mayor of Dodge Tom VogKans
B. P. Reynolds, chairman of the Com
merclal club; Fred Hunker of West Point,
James Elliott of West Point. Frank Vogl
tans of Schuyler and E. R Qumey of
A large tent will be erected and a big
wrestling match staged In the evening
between Joe Btecher and some topnotcher
like Ado'ph Ernst, Hussane or Lewis.
"ronton! Teneae is Oeav4.
FREMONT, Neb., Sept. II. Special. V
Miss Maud Omstead, a popular Fremont
girl, died at the homo of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Omstead. Miss Om
stead was taken ill last Monday while
teaching school In the city schools here.
Her condition became critical at once.
A blood clot forming on the brain re
sulted in partial paralysis. She wa
graduate of the Fremont High school of
the class of 1910-11-12. Her father is
well known North wsetera conductor.
marriages, In one of which she occupied
the role of wife and In the other the
role of husband. . At the time of her ar
rest she was engaged to be married to
one of Los Angeles' most prominent
Prof, de Forest Is of heavy build, and
quite masculine In appearance. .
Societies Are Said to Be Behind
More to Test Instruction
- Law.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Sept. U, (Special.) Teach
ing of German In the puhllo schools of
ebraska City faces the people of the
Otoo county' capital. ' The courts will be
called upon to settle the matter and It
is probable that the result may affect
the teaching of foreign languages In all
the publlo schools- of the state.
Attorneys representing William Gebart
of that city were In the city today to
file papers for a writ of mandamus to
compel the school -board of Nebraska
City to hire a German teacher. The
supreme court judges, with whom a con
ference waa held, declared that they
would not advance the ease, and so this
means It will be two years before the
case will be decided. It is understood
that the attorneys will go back to Otoe
county and begin suit in the district
court In the regular way.
It appears that about a year ago the
mattre of hiring a teacher of German In
the schools of Nebraska City came up
and the board, in the interests of econ
omy decided the district could not afford
The vote was unanimous with the
exception of one man, who did not vote.
The matter again came up this year and
the same action was taken.
While the attorney for the plaintiff
would not say that the German societies
are behind the' move, he admitted that
they are furnishing the money to prose
cute the case and that In all probability
might extend to a general all-state
proposition, the German societies all over
Nebraska taking a hand In the matter.
Senator John Mattes of Nebraska City,
prominent member of the last senate.
who has been mentioned In connection
with the democratic nomination for gov
ernor. Is one of those Interested In push
ing- the case.
Dr, Susan L. Picot,'
Indian Physician,
Dead at Walthill
WALTHILL, Neb., Sept lL-(SpeoisJ
Telegram.) Dr. Susan La Fleach Ploot,
for many years prominent as missionary
worker and physician among the Omaha
Indians, dld at her home here this
morning after an Illness of nearly a
year. She was the daughter of Joseph
La Fleach, the last chief of the Onwha
tribe, and was born near her forty-nine
years ago. She waa educated at Hamp
ton Institute and later graduated from
the Women's Medical college of Phila
delphia. Dr. ricot spent practically all her life
on the reservation, working among her
people and looking after their material
and spiritual Interests. She was the
author of several books dealing with In
dian lore and with the problems that
confront the red men In his relations
with his white brother.
She Is survived by two sons. The
funeral services will be held here Sun
day morning at 10 o'clock and the body
will be taken to Bancroft for burial be
side her husband, who died several years
East Central Nebraska Crops Suffer
from Ioe Storm that
Bother Corn.
COLUMBUS. Neb., Sept lfc-(Ppeclal
Telegram.) A terrlflo rain storm struck
the Platte County fair at :! p. m. yes
terday and In thirty minutes the fair
grounds and city was completely flooded.
Over 6,000 people were caught In the
storm trying to get from the grounds
to the city for shelter. Tne road lead
ing to the grounds were soon Mocked
with automobiles, which made It Impos
sible to get to the city tor shelter.
All the hotels were filled with people
and a large number of them had to sleep
In garages and automobllre. The Spald
ing train could not make Its trip on ac
count of miles of tracks being under
water. In Cedar Rapids the depot was
blown to pieces. Several parties from
surrounding towns who tried to get home
after the storm were stalled on the roads
and were compelled to, stay all night in
their automobiles.
This was tho' worst rain storm here
this year. It la reported thst four Inches
of hall fell at Cedar Rapids, destroying
the corn crop.
Saline Crops Suffer.
WIUtRR, Neb., Sept. !.( Special.)
Crops In a strip from one-half to three
miles wide and fifteen miles long, run
ning In an almost due north and south
direction, were almost entirely mined by
wind and hall yesterday afternoon. The
corn In places Is flat on the ground, the
stalks being stripped of all leaves and
only the stub ends standing. Other places
where the corn la on the stalk all the
leaves are stripped off and the esrs are
battered. A large number of windows
were broken, ,nd much poultry was
killed. Some of the hall reached the slie
of hen's eggs, and at one place hall
stonen were reported three Inches thick
on the ground. An Inch and a half of
rain followed.
UNION, Neb., Sept IS. (Spoclal.)-One
of the worst electrical and rain sotrms
of this season swept over this section of
the country last night T. If. Frans' resi
dence, one mile south of town, was struck
by lightning during the storm and the
damage done has not been estimated yet
Weeping Water creek Is over Its banks
at this place.
Illah Wind Near Weston.
BEATRICE, Neb., Sept IB. (Special
Telegram.) A terrlflo hailstorm visited
the country between Western and Ply
mouth last night badly damaging corn
Many wind mills were blown down and
other damage done to farm property,
Extends Into Nuckolls.
SUPERIOR, Neb., Sept. 18. (Special
Telegram.) A heavy thunderstorm struck
here last night about S o'clock and ralm
to the amount of l.M Inches fell. Light
ning struck several barns In the country,
but very little live stock waa killed.
Everyday Service
Troves the vaJne of my Dental work. This
everyday service is the beet criterion by
which to gauge the merits of my treatment
of the thousands of teeth that I have cared
tor in Mlllng, Crowning or Bridgelng.
It Has Influenced Orer 100,030 People
to adopt me as their Dentist. But the expe
rience of these need not be your only guide.
Try rne yourself and this your guar
antee. Satisfaction or money refunded. I am
assuring each one of my patrons a saving of
pain and Dental work that will stand Indef
initely. My Home Treatment for Oum Diseases
saves many trips to the office.
Gold or Porcelain Crowns from $3.00 up.
20 Years in Omaha,
021-23 Woodmen of the World Bldg. Mione P. 17R4.
14th and Karnam ht., Omaha. Hours, 8 to 6; Sundays, 10 to 12.
I , v.
i isTBUnTfnriMiTi
SUPERIOR, Neb., Sept. IS. (Special
Telegram.) Robert Sutherland, father of
ex-Congressman R. D. Sutherland, reports
that he has heard news from his son that
Is encouraging, and that physicians rSport
him on the way to recovery.
F1EPU16E Firm
Spark Screens
Flro Tools
Gas Logs
Wood Qaskot
. Visit our beautiful extensive display of fireplace
goods. Big assortment; low prices; fine designs;
excellent quality.
Not the least obligation to buy just come and
Far Largest Stock, in Omaha
Entire Third Floor State Bank Building,
N. E. Corner 17th and Harney.
Tracks Washed Ont Near Louisville.
LOUISVILLE, Neb.. Sept 18. (Special.)
One of the heaviest rains of the season
visited this section last night. The rain
was accompanied by a heavy, driving
wind. The Burlington tracks west of
here were washed out, which will delay,
the trains for several hours. Much corn
was blown down, but Is not damaged to
any great extent.
Tare Teen nt sen Wedding-.
TECTJMSEMT, Neb.. Sept M. Mr. Peter
Asptund of Tecumseh and Miss Emma
Buhlke were married at the home of the
bride, at Burwell, Wednesday. They will
reside In Tecumseh. Mr. Asplund being
a member or a brtdse Tompanr of this
rltv. I
Blauser Will Set
Aside by Court
FAIRBURT, Neb.. Sept. 18. (Special
Telegram. In probate court this after
noon Judge L. J. Nutsman set aside the
last will and testament executed bv Mrs.
Maria Blauser of Plller, Neb., and which
distributed approximately an estate of
This 'will case has occupied the atten
tion of probate court all week. It was
charged Mrs. Blauser made this will In
Fall bury In 1907 and that undue Influ
ence was used by her son, C. L. E.
Blauser. She bequeathed a half section
of land to him, a quarter section to eight
other children and only 1100 to her baby
A score of witnesses were put on the
stand by both contestants and proponents.
The contestants endeavored to show
Mrs. Blauser had been falling In mind
for several years prior to her death, last
January, due to Infirmities of old age.
Her husband died In 1903. Mrs. Blauser
and her husband were wealthy farmers
. , .(r i j m n a..w - r
iaiM 1 1 1 1 1 1 rm uAiKiiiwr v. nr. i ... -,-- i M . i h aattm fiapt
and Mra W. A. Reese, who live east of . " ":
Tecumseh, and Mr. Martin W. Mates of
Belmont Wis., were married at the
bride's home Wednesday. They will re
side in Wisconsin.
Miss Vlssa B. Clark and Mr. Sam P.
Bentsinger were married at the borne of
the bride, near Vesta, 'Wednesday. They
will live on the groom's farm, near Via-
eennes, lows.
.iTlelssi Rrlnn; Organised,
PONCA. Neb.. Sept 18. (Special.) Men
of the Presbyterian congregation to the
number of sixty-five gathered last eve
ning for a banquet Rev. Ralph H. House
man of Omaha addressed them for an
hour on the merits of the organised men's
Bible class. T. T. Harris, superintendent
of the local Sunday school, promoted the
occasion, wishing to start a men's class,
and the prospects are favorable sine the
gathering of last night
Will Present Belt to Sleeker.
FREMONT. Neb., Sept. 11 (Special. )
October will be Joe Btecher day at
Dodge, when the champion wrestler will
be presented with the diamond-studded
belt his friends and admirers purchased
for him. Governor Morehead wilt present
the emblem. Preparations for a big hol
iday are being made by business men of
Dodge, ' '
of this county. -
As soon ss Judge Nutsman announced
his decision. Attorneys for C. L, E.
Blauser announced they would appeal the
case to district court. His counsel allege
Mrs. Blauser was of sound mind to the
last and that she knew what property
she had, where It was, and Its value,
Oreenwe4 Pioneer Is Dead
(8pedaI.)B. B. McNurlln, a Cass county
pioneer It years of age, died Thursday
at his heme at Greenwood. He hail lived
for thirty-five years at Greenwood aad
prior to that lived for some time In
Mount Pleasant p reel not east of here.
He was a brother ef K. D. KcNurlln of
GENEVA, Neb.. Sept. 18. (Special Tele
gram.) L. L. Fisher received a telegram
this morning that his son-in-law, Joseph
l'endhayne, aviator, had mat with an
accident yesterday and died at 8:80 this
morning. Mr. and Mrs. Fisher have gone
to Kanaas City to meet their daughter,
Mra. Carmen Pendhayne, who Is on her
way home with the body of her husband.
Mr. Pendhayne made several exhibition
flights here at the fair a year ago, and
first met Mis Carmen Fisher. They
were married at Omaha,
' Oaare C'onntr Note.
BEAT RICK, Neb., Sept 18. (Special.)
Beatrice camp No. 170. Modern Woodmen
of America, held a largely attended meet
lng Friday evening, at which a class of
twenty-five was Initiated. State Deputy
Keater supervised the work. At the elose
of the ceremony a banquet was served.
Lena and Vera, the twin daughters of
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wood, who reside
southeast of PlckreU, died Friday morning
of cholera infantum. They were 8 months
old. One of the children died at o'clock
and the other at o'clock.
Senator Gilbert M. Hitchcock of Omaha
has accepted an Invitation to deliver aa
address at the Gage county fair on the
afternoon f Wadnesdajr. September 88.
More Heat for a Third
Less Fuel
If vou nerd a furnace for
an old house or are building
a new house
investigate the
Vacuum Furnace
The Furnace Without Pipes."
ft ' i i '
f.T v.-
Dependable Fall Suits
$25, $30, $55; a Few at S40
Can be installed in an old
or new house in One Day
without cutting up the walla
or weakening the construe
tion, i
An old and thoroughly
tested principle applied in u
new way. .
A sample furnace is displayed
in our basement Come in and
let us tell you about it and the
many satisfied users.
We seU the Vacuum Fur
nac under ma ironclad guar
antee to heat your bouse to
70 degrees or btter during
aero weather on one-third
less fuel than pijve fur
naee. The fullest lnventiKa
Uun Is Invited. Convenient
terms can be arranged.
Orchard &
Wilhelm Co.
414-416-418 South 16th St.
Exclusive Agents for Omaha.
lis . ,v v J'
f " t - i
A cheo! rich In issosf mtmoritt mnd t4ay it tradition and high IdtmU
mphtld and furl Sir tniiehtd by lAe prstenes of Ik chi.dtuit's children.
Chambers' School of Dancing
Re-opens Week of Sept. 20, Season 1915-16
OltMAI; M-HOOL. Training for Teachers.
AM LT llKtilNNKIW, Mondays and Thursdays, 8 P. M.
ASHKMHLIKS (Advanced Class), Wedmwdiiys. rtCIMMU. lUXilNNKKH, baturdays, 7 I. M.
HIGH SCHOOL KOC1ALH, Hut unlays, 8:15 V. M.
CII1LDHK.V HKtaWKlW, Tuesdays, 4:15 P. M.
CHILDItKX ADVANCED, Haturdays, 8 P. M.
l'ltlVATK CLAHHKH at Academy and out of city. Special classes
arranged for Ladles, Ueiitlemen and Chlhlren.
Instruction embraces correct Ball Room Dances, Theory. Practice
and Pedagogy of all the Important schools of dancing. The course
represents Elementary, Technique, Aesthetic, Folic, Ballet, National,
Toe, Eccentric. Buck and Wing, Character Pantomime and Classic
lance in simple and daaod forms.
Mr. rtiambera availed himself of the Normal Course given by the great
Vestoff this summer, who was second In plare to Mordkln during the Dane
Ins Tour of Pavlowa and Mordkin. Mr. Vestoff Is the only teacher In the
United States credited with holding a drplomsv from the Imperial Russian
liallat School, rounded by the Liar. , . .
25th and Farnam Streets. TeL Douglaa 1871
Tonll breathe better; youH live a more
healthful life; you'll feel that disease
germs have no place in your home, IF U'E
Not only that, but your OLD rugs will
look so bright and pretty again that your
neighbor will say: "Hello, been buyln' a
new RUQ, b a vent yout
Just thfnk our RUQ cleaning business
has grown so large that we had to buUd
a special building to handle the work.
Can't you give us a try-out on RUOST
The cost Isn't much you ean afford It,
Dresher Bros., Cleaners
2211-2213 Farnam Street Phone Tyler 345