Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 19, 1915, EDITORIAL SOCIETY, Page 2-B, Image 16

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Society it Now Guesting m to the
Contort of Kin; Ak-Sar-Ben
This Fall.
m1nl t'aleadar.
ST'NPAY Pnprwrs at th Country. TVIit.
ITuprv Mollnw and Carter Lk cluha.
MnXHAT-Mrn N. C. Lary, luncheon at
the I'nlveraity club for Mla Ros
Tl'l-M'AY Annua Harvest Home din
ner at the He pry Hollow club; wedrtlnft
of Mia Blanche Monhclt and Mr. Ueo
Klein; Mrs. F. B. lyl, luncheon at
hr hon-a for Mla lioee Kinyth; Carter
l,lto Pwlmmlnd and bowline' dun,
lwneheoa at Commercial club: Miss
Frances llorhstetler and Mies Kleanor
M"s luncheon at the Country club.
V'Klj.NKSDAT I Inner-dances at Coun
trv. Field and Happy Hollow cluba,
THURSDAY Annual dinner of gofers
at the Field club; Indies' Pay lunch
eon at the Field and Happy, Jlollow
FK1DAT tvnnr-Jc at flormour Lk
Country club.
SATI'KOA V Directors' dinner at th
Hanpy Hollow club; closing dinner
dance at the Harpy Hollow and Field
i luhs: Mrs. J. MitiDrmaen, luncheon (or
Mlas Roxe Smyth: Ml Helen Murphy,
dinner for Miss Hoae Hmjrth.
With the approach of Alt-flax-Ben week
the Interest of all social aeta la centered
In tha Ak-8ar-Hn featlvltlea and tha
balL A irreat deal of speculation la rife
Just now aa to whom the honor of beinit
queen will be given to. Those who are
poaieased of the ao-called superior knowl
edge of aoclety'a whims and fan ales fas. on
the honor to tha daughter of one of our
very well known physicians and a debu
tant of last year. Others feel sura they
have guessed the lucky girl as the daugh
ter of a wholesale merchant and debu
tante of this fall, and the third surmise
la a debutante of last year and tha daugh
ter of a former king.
Next to being queen of Ak-Rar-Ben, the
position of special maid of honor to the
queen la the most coveted place In the
coronation ceremony, and thts week
twelve young women received their sum
mons to the Court of (Julvera In that ca
pacity, and their namea are: Mlas Mar
gery McCord, Mlea Marlon Towle, Mies
Louise White, Miss Isabel Vlnsonhaler,
Mlas Gertrude Mets, Miss Charlotte Cal
lahan, Miss Dorothy Welter, Miss Mary
Megeath, Miss Helen Clarke, Mlas Helen
Ingwersen. Miss Katharine Davenport
and Mlsa Helen Murphy.
Of these chosen ones five will be debu
tantes of tha season, Miss White. Miss
Vlnsonhaler, Mlas Towle, Miss McCord
and Miss Meti. Miss Weller goes east
directly after tha ball for several months.
Mlea Megeath and Miss Ingwersen return
to school at Briar Cliff, N. Y., and Chi
cago, respectively. Mlsa Davenport will
be at horn this winter, but will devote
her time to mualo. Miss Callahan fin
ished aohool a year ago and Miss Murphy
waa graduated at Sacred Heart two years
No details of the ceremony have been
given out yet beyond the fact that the
costumes will not follow any period, but
there la to ba a color scheme carried out
Note of Interest.
Mrs. John P. Fetter left Thursday
morning for Muskogee Okla., to attend
the wedding of her' son, Mr. At water
Marker, and Mlxs Rather Irene Grace,
which will lie celebrated quietly Thurs
day, Beptember 23, at tha a roc Epis
copal church. Mlas Grace la a member of
the Zeta Tau Alpha sorority and Mr,
liarker has visited In Omaha many times.
The wedding will be a quiet affair ow
ing to the recent death of tha bride'
father. Mrs. Fetter will return bom tha
last of the week.
Mr. Wayne Be I by. who underwent aa
operation for appendicitis several weak
ago, has recovered and will return to
Cornell university this fall.
Mlsa Helen Badellck has returned from
elay of six weeks with relative and
friends In Denver.
Hold Open House.
Tha University of Nebraska Medical
college will hold "open bouse" at P.
in., Monday evening. The medical build
ing will be thrown open for Inspection in
students, alumni, faculty and friends.
All departments will be "at homo" In
formally and visitors will be conduct! In
group through tha various departments.
Later reservation for the harvest hoiue
dinner, which will ba given Tuesdjr
evening at Happy Hollow club, n
been made by K. N. Howes, who wilt
have two guests; M. M. Robertson, ihree;
F. H. Garvin, two; B. II. Ward, two, C.
R. Sherman, ten; E. T. Manning, seven,
Harry Drome, four; 3. W. Potter, sis; A.
N. Booth, two; Harry Byrne, two; W. 8.
Byrne, two; Wayne Belby. two; Earl
Burkett, two; Walter Smallea. two;
Ueorg W. Plainer, sixteen; R. .
Gould, two; George Durkee, thirty-two.
At Seymour Lake Country Club.
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Robert enter
tained at a large dinner Friday rveu'ng.
followed by dancing. Home of tM old
fashioned square dances added to the
amusement of the occasion.
On of the unique features of tha golf
luncheon, at which Mrs. W. K. Phllby
was hostess turday, waa the presenta
tion of floral offerings to the guest,
J-Ut-e Msaes Phllbv and Jack vcre
hidden under a hollow square of canvas
In the center of the circle of tablet, and
wtth the aid of sharp edged Instruments,
carved their way to the preseno of the
company and presented the gifts. Covers
wer laid for;
Vli iiarl l ulkln,
A. rl. MM I am.
J. In H.nifer,
Jamea K. lleiiuar,
J'lin I' lion.
ieorge Kianclr.
lifKm.' tacdonaltl,
'. 1. Vnllnwr,
John Itcklns,
II. l . Forster,
w. u. Taaa-.
J. W. Woourough, JC. A. Huuo,
MlllHrl Mflll.HP
K. f. Worley.
A niuKl prograia wi.i i nn-n Ills
rening umlrr the ti-.n it 1'iher
Junattia. In which the fulloafug p-ikon
will participate: Mlssea 1 So:mton.
Mary Italian!.. 'iillie Alaauusky,
-Mrsars. C. F. Lrppert, John iuur. Paul
KUicki, F. Uailup, Huga lidrti'bsen.
At the Field Club.
Other entertaining last evening at
dinner at the FMd club wer W. H.
Monroe, who had seven gueete; i. W.
Hughes, four; Jo Shireman, four; C. F.
Crowley, eight; C 8. Bchwager, ten; U
M. Blater, four; A. JX Marriott, ten,
and 1L H. Ftob, seven.
Hubert Ptors entertained at dinner at
tiie Meld club In honor of Edward Fuller,
vho leaves shortly for Culver Military
rcademy. where he wUl attend school
this winter. Those prcent were:
IVruiah I 'lark,
Mury Kulirr,
ix.rothy Myers,
tl'aiufi hhepiard,
I 'avid harrrtt,
1'j.lpu l-uacil.
Wrl n Coad,
iile biora.
Frank Campbell,
K.Jard Fuller,
lioixcrl Mora.
Country Club Close. V
With the approach of autumn and the
Ak -JStr-lru fVaiivliiea t-oinri tbe an-
, j ;V
Catherine SmylAe Jfele2il 'Jf,
Sm7lhe JZ J) i 'Z- f
nouncement of country club clos;ng. The
Happy Hollow has Its annual harvent
home dinner next Tuesday evening, thj
olfera' dinner Thuradav and the last
l1lntiiifl.iit v .f tlin us a Wat nrH n V
Bptembr V.
The Field club will close also a week
from tonlnht end munv rAipvatlona
j have been made for this final dinner.
' Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weller. Mr. and
, Mrs. G. W. Shields, Mr. J. W. Hughes.
Mr Karley Conant. Mr. and Mrs. J. H.
Huasle, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Drlahaus,
Mr. and Mrs. A. II. Fetters, Mr. and Mrs.
Clifford Calkins, Mr. and Mrs. II. A.
Cameron, Mr. T. H. Kelly and Mr. H. C.
Kohn are among those who have engaged
tables for parties ranging from thirty
The Country club closes a week later,
October t, with the usual dinner and
At Carter Lake Club.
The board of directors of the Carter
Lake club announce tha closing of this
club also for the evening of October I.
At this time a dinner-dance will be given,
When It 1 hoped that all the WO member
will be pre Mint. In anticipation of on.
of the largeat erowda In tha history of the
duo, dinner will be served on both tlic
upper and lower verandas to accommo
date the overflow. In addition to the
regular dancing program, a cabaret per-
fennano will follow the dinner.
At Happy Hollow Club.
Among tha large dinner given at the
Happy Hollow club Saturday evening
was that given by Mr. and Mrs. F. R.
Straight. In honor of Mr. and Mrs. 11. N.
Way of Los Angeles. Decorations were
of salvia and fern and cover were laid
for the following:
Messrs. and Mesdames
IL N. War of
l. B. Chraney,
it. H. A darns,
ii. U. Browne,
Arthur Allen,
F. H. Straight
Loa Anelne,
C. )L Walrelh,'
J. H. Morton,
Kdward 1'helan,
T. M. Pond,
Among other
who ntortallned laat
venlng at the Happy Hollow club wore
R. N. Howe, who had two guest;
Thomas Fell, twelv. and K. T. lieyden,
Mr. and Mr. M. D. Cameron enter
tained at dinner laat evening at the
Happy Hollow club In honor of Mlaa
Edith Nonia and Mr. George Pratt, who
will be married early In October. Cover
wer placed for:
Mesara. and Mesdamea
Nelson Pratt.
Chester Wells.
George Pratt
J. W. Jeunlnga,
Edith Nonia.
Carol Beldon,
Meaara. '
Roland Jennings,
T. H. NorrU.
Mat sea
Miuiiie Pratt,
At the Country Club.
Mr. and Mr. Jamea L, Pax ton enter
tained at dinner laat evening at the
Country club. Their guest were;
Messrs. Messrs.
Cliarlea George, Edgar boott
altr Paae,
Lining with Mr. and Mrs. Roaa Towl
laat evening war:
Measrs. and Meadamoa
Harry A. Tukey, liarley Moor head,
chun Huraa,
With Mr. and Mrs. John H. Butler at
dinner Baturday evening at the Country
club were:
Mr. and Mrs. W. II. McCord,
Mrs. Ken Uallmiher.
Mr. Prank liurkley.
Others entertaining at dinner laat even
ing were: a B. Carlisle, who had ten
guest; Frank Judson, twenty-two; II. O.
Edwards, twelve; Dr. U. a Anglln, thre.
and Harry McOuimlck, six.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Judson enter
tained Baturday evening at dinner at tha
Country club. Those present wer Mesara
and Mesdamea Howard Baldrtge, A, L.
Reed, E. T. tiwobe. J. A. McHhane, W.
A. C. Johnson. Mr. F. P. Klrkendall,
Mlaaea Daisy Doane, Beulaii Sharp and
Katherlne McCormlck, Mesara. Luther
lrake. Dr. Leroy Crumner, Randall
Prow a, Charles Saunders, Clement
Chas and tr. W. O, Bridges.
Celebrate Golden Wedding.
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Penny cerebrated
their golden wedding anniversary Tues
day of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Penny
wer former residents of Omaha, and n w
reside la Auburn, Neb. They wer mar
ried la Omaha by the majror. Sra
Mrs. Peony was the daughter of Hon.
C. B. Evans. Mr. Penny belonged to the
firm Of Jacob Penny aV Bona, freighter
They accumulated quite a fortune la ih
early days, but lost It all by the Indiana.
Mra. Penny was a fine aitut In lior
. i v' ' -
"' i inn j-y H vslN hnaLoccJinei
younger day. Some of her portrait work
now hang In the memorial hall In the
state capltol at Topeka, Kan., and some
of her work waa also taken to K'Jfupe.
Mr. and Mr. Penny can wn.l remem
ber when hors thieve hid thomjilvet
In a thicket back of her father1 horn at
Twenty-third and Cuming streets. --
After their marriage they motvd Into
their own horn on Sixteenth and Cum
ing streets, known as the old Florence
road, which was a wilderness of sun
flowers. Mr. C. F. Wolcott of Los
Angelea. Mr. W. C. Pike of Council
Bluff and Mr. 3. C Barada of. Ban
Francisco, children of Mr. anj Mrs,
Penny, wer present at the celebration.
St. Patrick' church was the seen of
an unusually attractive wedding Monday
morning. Beptember . when Mill Mary ! COupi wlU be at horn In Omaha at tha
Oeraldlne Fallon, daughter of Mr, and Victoria apartments.
Mrs. William Fallon, became the bride of m- uvda mni, v.. ,,
M, W. Lee Rev. M. F. Caaaldy Haan wh" I. to
officiating in the pre.enc. of relative. bst' man. leave dS ' tor StS,.?
'tt... -m.. ,K,JW.h..M- - the guest of
.. r,:."":"r;.:r:" "r
taffeta. The aklrt waa of kodet flounce
over silk chiffon. ' Tha bodice was of
point lace, trimmed In pearl. 8 he wore
a wreath of orange blossoms, caught with
bands of chiffon, and carried a shower
bouquet of Klllarney rose. Mis Tree
Fallon, bridesmaid, wore a gown of light
blue taffeta silk embroidered wtth pink
chiffon roses and bow knot. h wore
a wreath of rose and carried a bouquet
of sweet peas;
Mlsae Nell and Margaret Fallon of
Omaha were attendants, and Mr. Lyl
Hoffman of Omaha best man.
A wedding breakfast followed the cere
mony at the home of the bride' parents.
The home waa profusely decorated with
roses, sweet peas, ferns and palms. The
dining room wss enclosed with a canopy j
of flower. During breakfast selections
of muslo were rendered by the sister of j
the bride.
Mr. and Mr. Yarlott left for an ex-,
tended trip to the Par tflo coast, where ,
they will spend a month visiting Call j
fornla and point of Interest at th ex
posltlon. After October 1 the young couple will
be at horn In Omaha.
On of th prettiest wedding of th
season waa that of Mlaa Madeline M.
O'Connor, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Pat
rick O'Connor, and Mr. Thomaa Charles)
Duffy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Miles Duffy,
which was aolemnlsed at the Holy
Angela' church on Thursday morning.
The bride entered wtth her father and
as beautifully gowned In suede char
me use, trimmed with princes lace and
pearls, finished with a court train. Her
only ornament was aa Imported pearl
pendant th gift of th groom.
Her maid of honor. Mis Veronica
O'Connor, was gowned In yellow crepe
do chten. with trimming of pussy willow
satin and embroidered braid. She wore
a bird of paradise la th hair and car.
tied a basket of yellow daisies.
Mlsa Hess Wilson, on of the brides
maid and cousin of the bride, waa
gowned tn green taffeta and wore a hair
ornament of green silk cause. She car
ried m basket of whit daisies.
Mis Nell Duffy, atster of the groom,
another bridesmaid, waa gowned la pink
satin and wor hair ornament of pink
gaua and pearls. h carried a basket
of pink aster.
Ed J. .O'Connor of Muskogee. Okl.,
brother of tb brtJe, acted a beat man.
The us bcra were Mr. Jo Armstrong,
Tr. John Sander and Mr. Thomaa J.
Mlaa . Katharine Reynolda acerlded at
th organ and Dr. Dolphin Kohlev sang
an At Marl.
A breakfast was served at the home
of th bride' parept following th cere
mony. Among the out-of-town guest were:
Mr. and Mra. Mlls Duffy. Jr.: Mrs.
Alice Mevhan. Mlsa Rose Mvehan. MUs
, i
Margaret McCormack of York. Neb.; Mr.
and Mrs. Philip Duffy and Mr. Frank
Duffy of Central City, Neb.; Mr. and
Mr. Otto Sherry of Gushing, Okl.; Mis
Mary Traynor of Chicago, 111., and Mr.
Christopher Rellly of Seattle, Wash.
The young couple left for an extended
eastern trip and will be at horn to their
many friends after October 15 at No.
171 Brown street
Detroit Wedding.
Card were received this week from
Mr. and Mr. Thrall of Detroit for the
marriage of their daughter, Frances, to
Mr. Rosa Hyde of this city on Thursday,
September 30, at I o'clock at St. James'
church, Gross He, Mich. There will be
a reception after the ceremony at Mr.
and Mr. Thrall' summer horn at Gross
. . . .
jie ana arier November l tha vmi..r
Mr- Neba. the bride .uuer. and
'Mr. Nebe, Mr. Hyde and Mr. Hvn ;n
oo ai mo uetroit Athletic club until they
go down to Gross II Wednesday for th
bridal dinner at Mr. and Mr. Thrall'.
Reaiurei Past
Mr. F. I lUMer entertained th mem
ber! of the Llntnger Travel club on Frl.
cay afternoon la Ltninger Art gallery.
A pink and green color scheme, the club
color, wa used In th decorations. Mra
Halter addressed th club on her eastern
Continuing Next Week Mrs,
Moulton and Her Staff Will
Cut, Fit. Pin Free of Charge
" " '"
THE popularity of Mrs. Moulton and her staff was so great last
week that by special request we have secured her for another
Mrs. Moulton and staff are from the famous Kelster School and
are masters in gnrment construction. Beglnulng Monday they will
cut, fit and pin any material ou may buy here at 98c the yard or
over free of charge. Come; it will be immensely interesting and
Burgess-Nash Gomrany.
"KvcnraoDY stork"
1 Ono D
Photographs for Christmas
at Proctor's Ground Floor Studio
616 South
In order that every eo mar avail that aaelves of aa opportunity to
t their lfelwlay Photos, I have inauffurated th f 1 to dwn plan and
Sao per anee on amy photo I make, and In addition to this aay payment
tlaa 1 am stylus- llh -ach U.,n piioto a beautiful enlarged portrait
e tAixe, mounted In a fine folder, and as further Inducement I w 11 ac
cept any coupon or tlckt tabued by any other studio aa on payment.
Call at the atudlo and Inquire furtuer about thia raay payment i4ai.
Ptu!io open; etimt jour altllng- bow. This offer will hold rood
until Dec. uth, liS. Ijo not alt, call lkurU 140S and nae alttintf.
Pruofa ataowu and every alttlng a-uaranteed to b satisfactory.
and western trip. A program was gl7in
by Mis Ethel McCullough, Charlotte Rey
nolds, Alloa Day, Genevieve Ee-gaii,
Leonora Dennlson and Elisabeth Hamil
ton. Mr. and Mra Thorn as Kelly enter
tained Mr. and Mrs. Fallon at dinner at
the Field club Inst evening.
The Mine Hattle and Camilla Week
entertained the W. I. A. N. club at their
home Beptember 14. The guests of the
club were Mesdames Kruse and Slgafoos
and Mis Ruth and Norma Week. .Those
present were:
M ifteea
Nannie Dearmont
Violet Vanderford,
Klsle Norton.
Mary Timberlake,
K la Respnss,
Blanche Waldllch,
Nina Rice,
Babe Reddan,
Lottie Good enow,
Ruth Purvey,
Terries Singer,
Mary Ooodenow,
Mary Brombaw.
Jessie He
Mr. and Mr. James D. Capron announce
the engagement of their daughter, Mary
Pyll. to Oliver J. Oossard of thla city,
th wedding to occur In October.
Delta Theta Phi Housewarmlnsr.
The Delta Theta Phi Law fraternity of
Crelghton university gave a house warm
ing at their new home at 821 North Twenty-second
street Thursday evening. Mem-
(Continued on Page Four, Column Two.)
The splendid preparedness
of their Stationery and
Engraving Departments.
Featuring everything that
stands for good form and
good taste in Wed
ding Invitations,
Announcements, Party Invi
tations, Visiting Cards
and Stationery.
Representing tKe well known
Crane's Linen Lawn sta
tionery and corre
spondence cards in
white and all the
desired tints.
By box or quire.
Baryeaa-Jraah Oo Main rioe
Down Sale of
10th Street
i r
We Are Pleased to Announce
the Return of
Miss Steenstreys,
Our Art Needlework Instructor
Miss Steenstreys has been in Eu
rope for the past year and has only
recently returned, bringing with
her many new ideas. She will be
pleased to meet her many friends
at her daily classes from 10 a. m.
to 12 m. and 3 to 5 p. m.
Children's classes every Saturday
morning from 9 to 12.
All are cordially invited.
Thompson, Belden & Co.
The Fashion Center of the Middle-West
Established 1886.
Do Your Housecleaning Now
Before Cold Weather Comes
You'll find It not much of a job If you send your Carpets,
Rugs, Portieres, Draperies, Lace Curtains, Couch Covers, Pillow
Tops, Comforts and Blankets to us. We clean them up like new,
and guarantee not to injure them in any way.
Is equipped with the finest and latest machinery known to the
trade. We absolutely guarantee not to Injure any rug, and to re
move every particle of dust without harm to warp or pile.
We have also a new Shampoo machine which is much more
thorough and efficient than the old hand method.
These machines, with our thoroughly equipped Dry Cleaning;
plant, enable us to do tlie very best of rug cleaning in a most
satisfactory manner.
Let us send a man to quote prices on all your house furnish
ings. We know we can please you.
Remember, PANTORIUM QUALITY is the standard In
Omaha by which all other cleaning is judged, and those who want
the BEST send their work to us. Try us.
The Pantorium
' - - Good Cleaners and Dyers." - '
1513-10-17 Jones Street. Phone Doug. 00U.
Branch Office, 2016 Farnam Street.
Sooth Side, 528 No. 24th Street.
Guy Liggett, Pres. Fred C. Wilmoth, Secy.
Embroidery, Beading, Braiding, Cording, Scalloping, Eyelet
and Cut Work, Button Holes, Pleating, Buttons.
Ideal Button and Pleating Company
107-0.11 So. 16th St. - rhone Doug. 1936. Omaha, Nebraska.
Concert Harpist and Tsachsr.
Studio SOS Lyrlo Building.
Tel. Doug-las 1704.
iiin ruaunBNS rom
(rorasrly with sTartsU)
Announces the opening of hla New
Phop for vxduaive Ladles' Tailoring.
Ottawa Block.
S4ta aad Taraam. roes Xouf. 4341.
FHoaa Xarasy 188.
We carrv a large stock of the best
Toilet Articles and Hair Oooda of th
finest quality.
Ideal Hair Parlors
rkoii Your Annoiatirent, roof, S19S.
ManlonrtaaT 35o.
Xalv Srasstna. Bbampootaa.
racial aad Scalp Sdassag,
Brillhart Culture Shop
OS raxtos Block.
S. casa. wltcaea Had tfl.OO ap )
MlS ANNA rLENKER v.:ra her conuectlon'wlth tLe Ueal
IliiOO AUll A ru-nrwtri dr, priors and Is now located at th parkra
pf MRi N. A. at 8 W Cor. 16th and Howard Kta, over th oia
lru Store, Boom, s. where she will b pleaad to aee all her customers. Kur
appointments, rail lwur-lK 17SS. Open Paturdays until :00 p. m.
I retaraad front kaw trip Cast aad ha transferred ker lnilsiea
Srosa ta W. O. W. Botldlaf to Bolt S10 BlWs
IStk aad a-axaan Btreeta, -.
aad weal be rl4 of year patroaaa-.
Special prleea ea aU tailored Suits, Bveaa ftn,
aad Afteraooa rroeaa.
Prion Dour. IKS .
Pontnll Hotel. !
oooDwnr couin
I have just returned from th aat
with a full Una of th newest crea
tions In Corsets.
New Location 6S Brandela Theatrr
Phone D. S4S4 for Appointment.
88th and
High Clou Ladies' Tailoring
Ihoa Doaflas SC-ft.
The iY. C Leary Company
718 So. 13th St. ITione D. ISftO.
lilt Dourlas St.