Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 19, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 9-A, Image 11

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9 A
Many Young Doctor! to Hare Skin
Cat from Bodies to Give lad
Chance for His Life.
With the recent preliminary akln
srrafting operation, performed on
Wilfred Riley, aged 4 years, bearing
distinctive promise of success, the
more Important operation, of cover
ing the boy's torso with cuticle, will
take place at St. Joseph's hospital
Monday, Sept. 27, between the hours
of 9 and lo o'clock. The skln-grafing
is necessary to cover the severe burns
sustained by the lad, when his night
clothes became ignited several weeks
ago as he was playing with a match.
The acciden toccurred at the Riley
home, 1576 Cuming street
Ft cat for KtUtrart.
Sine that ttra Wilfred hu been put
ting up a hard fight for existence and
last Monday morning; Dr. C. C. Allison
took skin from his own arm, and from
the boys' llmba, and fixed It to the little
fellows' chest, to start the growth, which,
if successful, would enable the physicians
to complete the operation. It was thought
at first that the boy's mother would be
called on for a portion of the necessary
cuticle, but so many of the younger
physicians have taken such an interest In
"the kid" that volunteers aplenty are
ready and waiting to surrender a portion
of their own skin to make the work a
complete success. Those who have vol
unteered and will be called upon by Dr.
Allison Monday morning are Dr. Ray
Atsen, Dr. Robert Moleseed, Dr. O. B.
Morganthaler. Dr. C. F. Shook. Dr.
Charles Vandeveer, Dr. Charles O. Zlra
merer. Dr. A. P. Serb, Dr. Charles Ulrlch,
Dr. J. A. Tamlslea, Dr. Riley Roche, Dr.
Charles Sheets, Dr. O. D. Whlteomb, Dr.
N. H. Rasmussen, Dr. B. C Russum. Dr.
O. D. OUUaple and a hoot of others who
will respond If more are required.
Dr. C. C. Allison, assUted by Dr. A. L.
Dermody, Dr. J. J. Gleeson and Dr. J. W.
Duncan will do the delicate work. Every
precaution is being taken to have Wil
fred's body In perfect condition. He Is
compelled to spend as many hours as
possible beneath the healing rays of the
sun, so that the flesh will be sufficiently
healed in order that it may be scrubbed
with a solution before the skin Is af
fixed. Wilfred will of course take an
anesthetic, but the men who deliver their
skin must have It cut without any pain
alleviating solution, aa this fluid kills the
Bar Boot Mat M Now fteacea Prwsa
UghtlBf riztarea Burgees-Oranaon,
athlajr eaobe. Clea. Commissioner
Hummel has closed the bathing beaches
at Carter Lake and 8prlng Lake park fur
the season.
' "Todays Oompto srovle Frsraas"
elasstried section today, and appears la
The Bee EJtCLf 81VELT. Find out what
the various moving picture theaters offer.
Tor Safety lrs la Ufa Xasmxaac
see W. H. Indoe, general agent State
Mutual Lire Assurance Co. of Worces
ter, Mass., one of the oldest, Tl years,
and best companies on earth.
Faring- Tonnd Defective Commis
sioner Jardtne of the public Improvement
department reports that about feet of
curbing along H street, between Sixteenth
and Twenty-first streets. South Fide, were
not laid according to specifications. Tie
directed Assistant Engineer Heal to or
der the contractor to remedy the defejt
and Mr. Real In turn reports the con
tractor has agreed to do the necessary repairing.
Russell Burton Has
Exciting Time With
Bad Man and a Dog
Russell Burton, 4021 Harney street, is
just a regular 14-year-old kid, with an
ordinary youngster's experlenoes, but
within the last twenty-four hours has
led the life colorfully depleted by Juve
nile writers.
Friday afternoon Russell and a boy
companion, Vernon French, 2018 Howard
street, were coming down town by way
of an alley when a man suddenly sprang
from behind the corner of a building and
dragged Burton inside. Burton put up a
valiant fight, and finally managed to
kick himself loose. Instead of running
away crying ha Joined his "buddy," and
the pair, keeping a good distance behind
their assailant trailed him to a North
Sixteenth street saloon. While Russell
watched the man, Vernon found Sergeant
Pete Dillon, who arrested the fellow. At
police headquarters he gave the name
Bernard Whalen, and in court pleaded
jrullty to the offense and was sentenced
to ninety days in the county Jail.
After testifying against Whalen the
two boys left police court on their wheels,
when at Sixteenth and Harney streets a
big brown dog sprang from the sidewalk
and bit Russell on the right leg. It also
attempted to bite Vernon. A motorcycle
officer had his puttees grazed by the
teeth of the brute as It sped away. Rus
sell returned to police headquarters and
had the wound, which was a severe one,
dressed by Dr. Charles Shook.
Six-Tear-Old Lad Frightfully Mal
treated by Another Boy Who I
Only Nine Tears Old.
Juvenile court authorities at Coun
cil Bluffs are investigating a re
markable case of Juvenile perversion
and have developed an astonishing
tale of youthful depravity. A little
boy of Is the victim, and a boy of 9
the perpetrator of an outrage, the
details of which are Incredibly sav
age. Owing to the prominence of
the parents of the victim and the fact
that the mother of the other boy Is
dangerously ill, names for tho
present are withheld.
Rratrn ard Tortnre-d,
The older boy enticed the younger Into
a vacant house on Avenue TX took him
Into the cellar, stripped his clothing off
and 'beat him with a barrel stave, In
flicting a number of dangerous wounds
on his head and body. Turn the young
fiend, apparently with a dull knife, tried
to carry out a threat to skin his victim
olive. Several serious Injuries were In
flicted during this operation. Finally the
older boy threw his victim on the floor
of the cellar and turned a heavy barrel
over him and fled, apparently frightened
away by the cries of the tortured lad.
fries Were ' 1'nheard.
No one heard the cries, however, and
the torturer might have carried out Ms
designs to the limit, so far as any Inter
ference was concerned. Leaving the suf
fering victim of his cruelty to suffocate
under the barrel In which he was Im
prisoned, the young demon went to his
home, where he was found by the au
thorities, when the ease was finally re
ported. He did not show any Indication
of appreciation of what he had done, but
rather appeared to take satisfaction In
Gus Rcnze Maintains Creature of
His Brain is a Real Work of Art
J. L. McCague to
Entertain Former
Club Presidents
A luncheon for ex-presidents of the
Commercial club will be given Monday
noon at the club rooms by John I Mo
Csgue, this year's president. Since 1891,
twenty-two different business men have
served as head of the organisation. Of
these, four have died, Herman Kountze,
"V. A. Lv Gibbon, J. " Frank Carpenter
nd Edgar. Allen. Three other past pres
idents of the club have left -Omaha,
Euclid Martin, J. E. Baura' and W. U
Yetter. The other fifteen, counting Pres
ident McCague, are all expected to attend
the luncheon Monday, the purpose of
which Is to touch upon past experiences
In club work and discuss suggestions for
the future.
The complete roll of Commercial club
presidents is as follows:
l-W. A. I Gibbon; 905 W. S. Wright.
l-'-'-Hr-n ''"iintze, 190B F. W. Judson,
JWBC. F. Weller, J97 C. M. Wllhelm.
IKM-C. F. Weller, 190&-W. L. Yetter,
IW-J, H. Dumont, 190-Euclld Martin.
JS J. E. Haum. 110 Edgar Allen,
JX9C. 8. Hnyward, 1911 David Cole,
1900 Euclid Martin. 1912-G. E. Haverstlck
J9ul c. H. Pickens, 191&-G. H. Kelly,
J9"2 J. F. Carpenter, 1914 C. K. Yost,
1M0J-A. C. 8mlth. 1915-J. L. McCague.
1 904 R. S. Wilcox. .
Heavy Rain Visits
Most of the State
While the weather Is now clear, calm
and warm over all Nebraska, according
to the reports to the railroads, the east
ern, central and southern portions of the
state were swept by an unusually heavy
downpour of rain last night.
Though the railroads sustained no dam
age by reason of washouts, all trains
from out In the state were late on ac
count of soft track. Along the North
western practically all the way from
Omaha to Long Pine the precipitation
was from one-half to an Inch, and out
around Lincoln from one to two Inches.
On the lines from Fremont to Hastings
and Superior there was from two to six
Inches, the gratest precipitation being
at Bee and Linwood.
In the Burlington's territory south of
the Platte it rained nearly all night, the
precipitation ranging from one to three
inches, and along the Union Pacific heavy
' rains were general out nearly to Kear-
i ney.
' Throughout the western and northern
portions of the state there were only
, light showers.
Drawing Bill for
Lower Light Rate
Corporation Consul Lambert Is drawing
an ordinance to provide for a (-cent
primary rate for electric light and power
The Initial quantity upon which this
rate shall apply has ont been determined,
but It Is believed it will be considerably
more than the existing initial quantity of
twenty-five kilowatt hours.
The reduced rates recently announced
by the light company Included a primary
rate of I cents for the first twenty-five
kilowatt hours.
C. a. Powell, secretary of the Omaha
Automobile club, has written the city
commissioners suggesting that a traffic
officer be stationed at each of the schools
to apprehend motorists who disregard the
"slow-down" signs at school buildings.
He also suggests placing signs in streeU
near schools as warning. The contention
I that the present signs are not easily
Next Monday evening the Board of Ed
ucation will consider the purchase of
these movable warning signs for the
schools. Superintendent Kugel of the po
lice department recommends the use of
these portable signs, which are attached
to standards.
Judge English Says
Wesley Gard Must
Stand for Trial
Judge English has denied the motion
which has been pending for a long tlm
for the dismissal of the Indictments for
perjury brought by the last grand Jury
against Wesley Gard for answering
falsely as a Juror In the Taylor libel
suit. The Judge overruled the demurrer
and held Gard to trial. Card's attorneys.
Brome s Brome, had asked that their
client be released on the ground that one
of the grand Jurors was less than 25
years of age. ' '
Had the Jury been held defective. It
would have Invalidated all the Indict
ments similarly brought. Including a
number of Important cases.
Keep It HnnrtT for RheamsxtlsTa.
Don't suffer and try to wear out your
Rheumatism. Sloan's Liniment goes
right to the spot, kills the pain. 25c. All
druggists. Advertisement.
Principal Takes
Numbers of Autos
Which Speed By
Mrs. Agnes M. Harrison, principal of
Farnam school, has submitted to Superin
tendent Kugel of the police department a
list of numbers of twenty automoblllsts
said to have speeded past the Farnam
school on Friday during a period of fif
teen minutes.
Other principals will follow this plan.
"A man arrested a few days ago for
speeding by our school at thirty-five
miles an hour while children were around,
was not even arraigned In police court.
His name was scratched off the book
after his arrest I have written tho
police judge a letter on this subject and
berleve something should be done to
abate the evil," stated Mrs. Harrison.
For tho
Littlo Onos
To Keep Their ingestion Perfect,
Nothing Is Quite So Safe and
Pleasant as Stuart's Dys
pepsia Tablets.
Thousands of men and women have
found Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets the
safest and most reliable preparation for
any form of Indigestion or stomach
trouble. Thousands of people who are
not sick, but are wall and wish to keep
J rw -T i
Keep Tasm WaO.
well take Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets after
every meal to Insure perfect digestion
and avoid trouble. These Tablets are
Just as good and wholesome for little
folks aa for their elders. Little children
who are pale, thin and have no oppetite,
or do not grow or thrive, should use the
Tablets after eating and will derive great
benefit from them.
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold by
all druggists for 60 cents, and no parent
should neglect the use of this safe rem
edy for all stomach and bowel troubles
if the child is troubled with Indigestion
or non-assimilation. Send coupon below
for free trial.
Free Trial Coupon
T. A. Stnar Co.. Sol Btrart Baild.
lag, Marshall, stick- send me at
rune, by return mail, a free trll
parkas' of Stuart's Dyspepsia
ftty ptato .
Nobody appreciates true art these days.
A week or so sgo Inhabitants. passing
down Farnam street, were surprised,
startled, astonished and flabbertlsaated to
see suspended from the city hall "Wel
come arch" the figure of a horse, tfcveral
horses were frightened by It. sutolsts lost
control of their machines, strong men be
came faint when they looked upon It.
It was a horse. Yes, that was certain.
The four legs could be seen In prancing
attitudes. The tail streamed out behind
and the arch of tho neck showed that this
was no common breed of horse. A
prancing teed. Indeed, of which Abou-ben-Hassan
might have been proud
("might have been" Is right).
The steed was, no doubt, related to the
far-famed Pegasus, for his prancing hoofs
had no other support that the circumam
bient air. Yet he possessed no wings.
He was of a beautiful yellow color,
about like the yolk of an egg. Never has
horse been known like this horse. If
Bamum could have secured him, his
"s.icrod white elephant of Slam" would
have bad to take second place In the
But let us turn from the wonders of
nature to our original proposition, that
art has to In the back way and alt
In the kitchen these days. Here's a squib
that appeared among Bee editorials Fri
day: This much may bs said for that Ak-Far-Uen
wooden horse disporting himself
from our Welcome atvh In front of the
city hall, that he Is no mors Incongruous
there than the arch Itself."
Gus Usnse read the squib and his artis
tic soul was Immediately moved within
To see the child of Ms brain, the
patient product of his skill thus maligned
and laughed to publlo scorn was mors
than his Irish blood rould stand for.
He seised ths welt known telephone and
called "Tyler 1000."
Having secured the editorial ear, he
made a strong defense of his horse. It
is, or was, a work of art, said Ous. "And,
anyway. If It Isn't." he vnded, 'It's no
worse than the 'Welcome arch.' ", He
Instated that It was an Insult to the horsa
to be mentioned In ths same paragraph
with the arch. '
Right here, you see, the well known
Bee and also he do quite agree.
"No worse than the 'Welcome arch.' "
But this leaves no merit In Qua' horse.
For what could be worse then the
"Welcome archt"
his achievement. He Is under restraint
at present, that he may not put In dan
ger other children. What disposition will
be made of his case has not been deter
mined! Victim Is Recovering.
The victim of ths dreadful mistreat
ment managed some way to liberate him
self and make his way home, where ho Is
under care of a surgeon, slowly recover
ing from his terrible experience.
A Old Is Danaerona, Break It Now.
Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey Is fine for
coughs and colds. Soothes the lungs,
loosens the mucous. Only 25c All drug
gist. Advertisement.
Cupid Wins Victory
Over the God of War
Cupid won a victory over Mars, the god
of war, when Henry Hammer, M, secured
a license to marry Miss Mathilda Amen,
aged 1.
Hammer was born In Russia and his
bride was horn In Germany. The fact
that their native countries are at war
makes no difference in the regard which
they have for each other, they declared.
They will live In Lincoln.
Be Want Ads Produce Results.
During This Factory-fo-iome Sale
Lack of ready cash need not prevent you from buying a
piano during this Factory-io-I fomo tale and saving from
$75 to $150 on any instrument you select. You can make
payments as low as $5 per month. Beautiful new Upright
Pianos now being sold as low ae $175
We sell such great makes of Pianos and Flayers as
Steinway, Weber, Hardraan, Steger & Sons, Emerson, Mc
Phail, Lindeman & Sons, Schmoller & Mueller and the Aeo
lan Pianola Pianos. . . ,
Some Rare Bargains Among These Used Pianos
$235 Rosewood Upright
$500 Vose it Son Square
f.200 Hoot & Bon Upright
9250 Arion Upright
f lOO HohmoUer & Mueller Upright
$550 Weber Upright
S 50
S 35
Former Bale
Price. Price.
$375 Mteger & Hons Upright $175
sj.tcb uramor prig tit (V
sjiuu Kmernon Uptight K:
$000 A. 11. Chase Urand ftlMlO
$1,100 Chickering & Sons Grand $2O0
$.100 Player llano $225
$0O0 Gorhai-dt Player llano
$300 Schmoller & Mueller Upright $150
Free Stool Free ScarfFree life Insurance Fall Guarantee.
Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co.
1859 The Oldest Piano House in the Middle West 1915.
1311-13 FARNAM ST.
WE have leased our store room, 206 1 Farnam St., adjoining our main build
ing, and formerly used as our Usedcar Department, to tho Kclley-Spring-field
Omaha Company for a tire store, and therefore we must sell every used
automobile that we havo in stock and every car will be sold next week at a big
If you want a good usedcar here is tho chance in a lifetime to get a car at
practically your own price.
Here are some of the cars in stock:
One 1913 Oldsmobile Touring car, 7-passenger, in splendid con
dition. One 1912 Pullman Touring oar, equippwl with electrio lights,
has been overhauled and painted.
One Marion, Special Race Type Roadster, overhauled.
One Firestone Columbus Touring car, fully equipped. This oar
is equipped with two brand new Leo Puncture Proof tires
on the rear wheels.
One 1914 Cartereor Roadster, electric lights and electrio Btartor,
car just like new.
One Stearns Limousine 7-pnssenger. H'lfjUy '
One six-cylinder Matthiewson, 5-passcnger car. """""TOrT
These cars must be sold this week as wo aro obliged to turn our room over
to the Kelly-Springfield Omaha Company October 1st.
Cadillac Company of Omaha
Tel.: Douglas 4225.
Usedcar Department.
20G4 Farnam St.
When Will You Ride
in a Regal?
"'!! $650
Make it today, or any
way tomorrow. You
certainly must do it be
fore you buy.
Even if you don't buy a
Regal, it will give you
mighty good points for
You know lots of things
look like great values
until you check up with
something else. Then
things look different.
A ear that
makss a bit with r
right from ths start. Ton
h)k It er aa4 wsadsr
at ths pries. Comfort
able, sadly epsratsd,
ceaaplttsly squlppvd.
StansirJ rear
A saallty
car that takts hills sad
sand r s s d s with tass.
Csmplatsly squlpptd.
Kkctrie stsrtlsc sad
lilktlsf, spstdomttsr,
w-nu top, ste.
De luxe ttyt $1?0Q
Kichtsst V ,fcww
The minute you see Re
gal and know its price,
you get interested.
Shall we take you for a
spin today or tomorrow?
McShane Motor Co., Distributors
2220 Farnam St., Omaha Douglas 153
tors thaa 12M are (aa,
but klbr priced than
pea sesd to pap. EifhM
aader llNS ars a doubt
ful risk. The Rcsl Sight
strikes the bappp sao
r ff
STS J m ',T'II(I,' UsrFtT JsTi J Lrl isiiislsl
Cheaper than -
a horse and buggy
There are 9oo,ooo two-passenrer bujr-
- ries sold annually. Every one of these
horse and buggy owners will find In the
Saxon Roadster a score of advantages
each one a reason for owning a Saxon.
Saxon gets you there and back again in on
third ths Urns ot a horse and buggy. It costs
only half a cent a mile fur operation.
Here Is a powerful, speedy, economical car
fashionable In appearance simple In operation
absolutely modern In every detail of design
tried and found true by 80,000 satisfied Saxon
No other rar In the world tmder I40S offers yon all
these modern featuree; hlch speed motor of wonder
ful power and flexibility i honey-comb radiator; Tim
ken aslee: elldlns sear transmission! handsome, roomy
body; easy rldtns oantllerer sprints of ninipeosA
steel; Atwater-Keut Ignition; dry plate clutch; every
thing" sound and good, Ulectrlo Hints and starter.
l extra. ,
Let the Bason Roadster pro-re Its merit to yen. We
ars sure In advance of your verdict
Saxon Readstsr 1395 Ssxen "Six" $785
. Saxon Motor Company, Detroit.
If rour territory is sot already contracted aeevra this '
asp ad ones.
q Noyes-Killy Motor Co.
2066-68 Farnam St, Omaha, Neb.
sJkase. & " sat at ' j . , " : 1 uti K i. x, L. 1 -
i a
There Is No Better Beer
lTHE tlVH YOU lilt.
and w hen yon consider the val
ue of the LUXUS coupons, the
cost Is no mere than what you
coupons aad get free preu-
'Phone Douglas 1889
Luxus Mercantile Co.
Fred Km. Brewing Co.
Bargains in
I practically new
articles in ror
Sale" column; read