Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 19, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 8-A, Image 10

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California Tim Opens Office in Bee
Building to Sell Canal Country
Farm Land.
Ttte Homeeeekers tn eompanr of
California ha opened an office In Th
t building to ell lands situated In
Panama, tn th district f Donoaa, about
forty mill wort of tho Atlantlo entranc
tf Mi canal and oa Mi coast of tha
C-rribeen a.
Mr. Corkln, sales manager of tha com
panr. Ia great peetatlons for Panama.
Ha aayi:
"Panama, ta Itself, la an undeveloped
empire, filnc tha Hy-Vartll treaty haa
mada It a protectorate of th a United
Ftatea, thua guarntlng a staple and quit-
able government, nothing remains to
7revnt a complet and peedy develop
ment of Iti wonderful resources.
"Tha expenditure by Unci Para of mll
llona In digging tha canal, haa remov4
Panama from a comparatively unknown
territory, to a commercial oroaa roada on
tha greatest pathway of humanity. Her
tha aaat and tha waat will meat It la
estimated that when commerce la reg
ulated to tho canal, a ship win lea re
Colon very thirty mlnutea for tha mar
keta of tho world. Colon and Panama
City will be a mo bit tho great cttle of
thla hemisphere.
Gso4 P-ranla;
"From an airloultural atandpolnt Pan
ama promlaeo to equal any territory of Ita
. wvv
- II
s 1: ill I : !i m i
A Modern Homo
Arthur R. Thatcher, a wall known real
aetata and Insurance man. Who for tha
laat fire years haa boon oonnacted with
tha firm of Norria aV NorrU, haa severed
hla oonnectlona with that firm and haa
entered tha field for himself. Ha haa
sire. Prom tha level coast landa to tha I OIne1 - " "ral Insur
ance oinci at ui-ui vmr xxeuonai
Bank building.
ummlt af Ita mountains the soil Is rich
and fertile. Abundant rainfall, and a mild
pleasant climate make tha production per
acre enormous, W.OOO pounds of food stuff
bains; produoed from one acre annually.
, "The great possibilities are shown by
tha United Fruit company, tha largest In
dividual owner of developed land In
Ut of recent aalea mada by Hastings
la a recant report they show Harden, showing that even though
during tha single month of June. U1B.
their nt profit equalled I per cent of
tha entire capital of tha company. The
month of April shows nearly as great,
while tha May report exceeds tha June
profit by per cant At this rata they
double tha money Inveeted every year.
This company started with a capital of
40.000, and today Is oa pi tallied at fM,
000.000, "People are beginning ta awake to tha
opportunities of Panama. Thla la evi
denced by tha facte shown by govern
ment reports, that In March t,?84 persons
arrived with the Intention of making
permanent homes there, while 1,311 tourists
visited tha canal during the same month.
"It seems tha general opinion among
tha people of the states, that tha climate
and health conditions are unfavorable
While as a matter of f act It U as healthr
aa any state In the union, and the At
lanOo coast country of Panama hag a
climate that ta unsurpassed even by
famed California. Tha averaga tempera
tura is K decrees, and there la little
' . '
Messier Talks to
Beal Estate Men!
' Among public and emt-pabllo talks la
pmafca during tha laat weak," pej-fcape
none was more thoroughly enjoyed by
real Omaha boosters than the addreas be
for the Real Estate exohanga at th
Commercial club Wednesday noon, by
George H. Keasler of 8t Louis, landscape
architect He la here consulting with
water board engineers, retarding th
parking and boulevardlng ta be don
around th Walnut Hill reeervolr.
"City Planning." was his subject, and
a Urge gathering of th real aetata men
enjoyed hla remarka. He told them that
Omaha's park and boulevard system has
a roe start and that tha more It la
Improved from now on, the better the
city wtll be In many way.
"Wall developed parka and baulevarda."
aid air. Keasler, "not only etebtlllie
property values and lessen fluctuation.
but also attraot new capital and many
hew residents."
Much Activity in
, Good Property
Although activity In Omaha real estate
la temporarily Blackened somewhat, ac
cording io operators Who deal on a
strictly commission basis, real estate men
who have recently opened up and Ink
proved large tracts are authority for the
statement that business la moving along
nicely, although quietly.
"Local reid estate Is on such a firm
foundation." on asserts, "that the re
ported depression In other cities does not
weather conditions are unfavorable they
hav made wonderful progress la tha sell
ing of Weat Benson and Hanson Qwrdenai
Lots t t and t. block t, Wert Benson,
to Harry Post, for $7,
Lot H, block I, West Penson, to Laura
Beiile. Kills Prauruem Mlesourl. for laoO,
. A. W'esterdshf purohased VXA Spen
cer street for 3,u0.
Rlnhard Darcey purebeaed tract 10C,
Penson Oardnns, for tl.100,
Martha, Btninert purchased trata 1 and
S. block 4, Weet Beneon. for fUA.
Ollroy P. Wendell purchased lot 1 and
the north half of lot X blook L Vine
land, for piO.
Charles It Wolff pwchaaed tract VO,
Benson Gardens, for ll.XU
r Ye nets J. fihlvely purchaaed let S.
block 1, Vlneland. for WO.
Hugh B. Niwbjr purohiteed lot 4, block
t, Kloroma addition, for l'OX
Julln Hoffmen purchseed lot t, blook
V. Houth Bide, fer IIUO.
T. 35. Taylor purcbsssd tract lot. Pen
son Oardena. for fill.
John IMrry purchased lot f, blook 1L
Lincoln Hetshte. far tl.lto.
Kiss O. Peterson purchaaed tract Vt,
Beneon Gardens, on whloh he la erecting
a at-room house, bam and cfalokea
house, paying $ft00 for tha tract
Walter w. Sherwood purohased lot U.
Benson Oerdena, far
I". B. . VanEjvery pumhased the weet
forty feet of lot U, blook It, Laurelton
addition, for SS.M0,
Mra. Pearl Plya ptirohaaed tract 17,
Beneon Oardene, for .
Ned FVlton ourcbssad tat T. hloek C
Wsrt Benson,' for 1200.
aiabl D. Haney purchased tract M,
Benson Grdena, for ItUa.
Max -Ileenloh purchased 1811 North
Twenty-flret street for tX.K.
John lgen. Fort Crook, Neb., pur
chased tnu-ts 144 and 147, Benson Oejv
d-n. for Sl.HO. ' , q
EXtwerd Pesbold purohased lots 4 and 1
biork M, Plorenoa.
Nellie Jcnson purchased lots 10 and 11,
blook t, Went Benson, for
Cora L, Gerhart puroliaaed tract U,
Benson Oerdena, for IMO.
. Tonle Hhlndler purchaaed a tract of
land In Benson for
Cora Footer purchased lot II and Tt,
block S. Vlneland. for il.000.
IDlliabeth Robertaon purchased lot ,
block 1. MVatto Park, for Vm.
John CX Mllota purchaaed lota T and IL
blook I. TlrJon Plaoa. for ?.
Fred L, Meacham gave us a contract
to build a house on Iota 20 and U, Ben
son Acre.
Frank eherer purchased traot 134, Ben
son uaraena. ror w
Cart J. Ul etrom purchased 1640 Bouth
Twenty-nnn avenue ror u.suu.
Louie Magtn purchaaed lota It, 14 and
ID. blocs a, creisblon lfnlcbts. for 191.
John VoDonnell purchased lot 144,
nnenoee aaaition, ror
Wesley R, Mallett purohased lot 4, Cot
tars plsp. for ll.0ua
Fred Rcatermudt tirctiased tract 13,
jsenson usraens. ror aoek
William Heyden purchased traot 198,
Beneon uaraena ror (4M.
George Mc Knight purohased traot 144,
sssnoon uaroena. ror ao.
Eilwtn A, Knapn purchaaed traot 122,
Benson Gardena, for tCTl
T. R. Prootor of Chicago, Til., pur
chaaed tract 134, Benson Gardens, for
Clarence IL Martin purchased lot 63,
Kev stone Park, for tS,ST&.
diaries P. Gemardt purchaaed lot 14,
Shull's Fourth addition, tor W.9U0.
Fred Iang-erhaxst purchaaed lot M
block 7, Baundev's and, lUmebaugh' addi
tion, ror
chased a tract ' of land il
Acres ror 11. wA
K. M. Morrison purohased the south
forty feet of lot 4. block 14, Bhuil'g Beo-
ond aonitlon, for iiJO.
The house Illustrated today la en that
will meet tha needs of th are rag family
where trea bedrooms are sufficient It
is well arranged and convenient This
nous was designed for an east or north
front On enters th large living room
through a small vasUmul. In th living
room are- the bull t-ln bookcase, at each
side of th open flraplao and th stair
way leading t th second floor. Be
tween tha living and dlnltxg room w
hav built-in pedestals with eolumna and
opening an either dining room aid or th
living room. Th dining room la paneled
wtth a neat plat rati at tha tap.
Th kitchen la reached through a pantry
that ha th built-in cupboards and work
table for th aonvealeno df th house
wife. Th kitchen Is Just large enough
so tha lady of tha bona can do bar own
housework and not hav so many step to
take aa aha would necessarily hav In a
larger kitchen. Off tha kitchen la tha
entry or refrigerator room and from th
kitchen a small stair leads to th aeooad
Th man stairway from tha living room
Is one of th attractive- features of tha
first floor. On tha second floor are
three nice bedreome, a bath room and a
sleeping porch. Th bedroom are all
well provided with closet and linen
closets are provided la th ball. Th
second floor Is finished In soft wood
and whit enameled, and th first floe
Is msraly k wtth pin tn th serrto
" ' ',,4'l
vx r. t i
Jamei Black, Contractor, After
IraTeling Orer .Cotintry, Findi
the Beit Conditions Hera.
"Pundfng conditions In Omaha look
better to me than In any of th other Hg
dtlea I hav recently visited," asserted
Jam Black of tha construction company
of which h Is th head.
Black was In Omaha a short time Fri
day from an extended trip around tha
country. His observation regarding tho
bright local situation was expressed to
C. C. George and C, Louis Meyer at the
University club during a luncheon con
versation. Coming from a man of such
wide knowledge and egperlenc In th
building trade, tha opinion caused much
satisfaction among local business men
who heard it
Mr. Black stopped off In Omaha to look
over tha work on tho new Grain Ex
change building which ' his company Is
constructing. Speaking further, he said
"I found building conditions Improved
In New Tork, Pittsburgh, Cleveland and
Detroit but not good In Chicago, St
Louis, Denver and cities farther west 1
think building conditions In Omaha are
better than in any place I hav been
lately. Judging- from th number of fin
new structures going up here."
By the middle of next month another
of Omaha's new modern apartments will
bo ready for occupancy. The fact that
two of the suites In the building, known
aa the Drake apartments, at Thlrty-seo-
ond and Harney streets, have already
been leased, indicates that there Is still
plenty of call for thla class of home. Tha
Byron Reed company has taken over th
agency for th Drake,
Portion. As a whele th plan shows a
raat eooaereloal handling t space and la
practioal ta any locality.
Aay oa desiring further information
relative to th cost of this bom or th
designing of a new modern bom should
writ ox call on tha archlteot Everett B.
Dodds, Archlteot, Omaha, Nab. .
Recent Sales Made ,
by Byron Reed Co,
' Th following Ust of recent sales made
by th Byron Reed Company shows un
usual activities In th realty marketi
Th BvTOn RMd fh tn M!a Wmwmwmm
lot for $ft0f on th St In block 10,
Campbell's addition, upon which he will
start immediately to erect a H,lW. hem.
The Byron Reed Co. to John B. Wouoka,
lot for U.100.00 at tho northeast oorner of
Mth and Martha, upon which be expects
to build a brick vwneer home next spring.
in xyron nseo wo. to Myrtl CurtML
let for 4460.00 on Sat Bt, Campbell- ad
dition. Tha Byron Reed Co, to Charles Nosry.
lot for 4460.40 en Cst St, Campbell' addition.
neroie . to y, I f armory,
lot and small house for $1,000.04 at toi
The Byron Reed Co. to Edward Jenoo
aek. lot for tTW.OO near 43d and Parker,
G. W. V attlea to John Btepanek, traot
?,.A-5r nr BJaton for about
Joseph H. Rudarsorf to PeUra MU1 Ctk,
I ottadolnlng th Peters MU1 Co. for
7",?JPterJd to Pater Mill Co., lot
The Byron Red Co. to F. J. Maalnda.
hous and lot at VU Ptnkeny, for 4S,Ou0 00.
Joseph Barker Jr.. to John Oumett,
house and lot al sin S& ibih lu. far
I4.wa.oo, .
lamm O. Orant to NlcksJous Koch, lot
on 17th south of Center, for IL.10O.o0.
tcll Estate to John P. Wuerth. t lots
on Rtl Ave., near Mason for 41.2uo.00.
Jame C McClalr to Drake Realty and
Construction Co., I lot on 41et Kt, one-
nJi otooa porta er Leavenworui, upon
whloh the Drake , Realty and Construc
tion Oo. wtll start immediately to build
a JM6.00O.44 apartment house.
This apartment will b of brick, ateel
ana eenoret oonst ruction, with large
court, fountain and pergola effect In the
v ' , , ruiHmi win i vquippw
with th latest ideas tn apartment house
Th Byron Reed Co. to J. W. Pead, 4
acre In Patterson Park for C 10V 00.
To Byron Reed Co to U Kraoman, on
and one-half acre and five-room house at
wn ana sin, ror ta.iao.QO.
Th Byron Reed Co. to B. Romona, lot
In Summit addition for 4276 00,
. The Byron Reed Co. to V. Ranello, lot
tn Center View addition for 4300.00.
Huch MoCaftrey to Chester A- and
Raytneod C Cook, trustees, building oa
Dods fit. lust east of lsth. for 480.00000:
ninety-nine year leas on aaro from th
Cook trustees to JacoD sioeDurgi Jr.
Press Aettoa Will atop Year Cowakt
. Dr. King' New Dlsoovery will atop
your cough. Th first dose help. Good
for children. All druggists, BO Adver
tisement I
Heavy Hoisting
1212 F-rnam SL Tel D. 353
W inter Bays Pavrn.
A tract of land about 1H miles west
of Elmwood park haa been sold to Peter
N. Winter. Mr. Winter contemplates
moving on to the land tn th near future.
Id First Mortpar, your mort
gage beoomei due. Is paid off and
you have th trouble and respon
albility of re-invegUttg your fund
You can Invest a large or mall
gum, weekly or monthly, in Home
leave It a long a you wish, or
convert It Into cash, on short no
tice. Do you know of a more conven
ient, safe or profitable Investment
offered today?
Our booklet, the "New Way,"
free for the asking.
American Security Company
risoal Areata,
Corner 17th and Donglaa, Omaha,
1609V rarnam St, Douglas 4750.
W. Double, Oklahoma City, Okie., pur-
aeom to be flt her. to any great e.t.nt. J J,rTioXZZr "
Not having been Inflated In Omaha. John and Anna llelacka purchaaed tract
values are holding at ron. and aa Omaha w- l"""" Oardens. , with a four-room
i. not .overbuilt and the peopl sre pros-! n tZP.w" "'" aUVr
llbl Oduhaorh purchased tract ITT,
Benson Osrdens, for $1.0").
John J. Lrhmanousky purchssed tracts
TS and 74. ltenoa A-ra. for 4i.
' Mary K. Jewatt of Tekamsh, Neb., pun
chased traot M. Benson Oardene, for J'O.
Ludwlg Klrlr purviiased track 44, Ben
son Acres, 41.6A
peroua. sales . are quite steady at right
In.this connection veteran real estate
eperators point to; the -success attached
to the recent marketing of the Minna
Lnsa addition north of Mlllvr park by'
fhartea W. kiartln and to tha ready sale
of other high-class residence lots In
Kvsnston br It H. linrper; In Happy
Hollow; by Gfom ft Co., on West Center
street by the Byron frfeO, company and in
Kenson Gardens by HaaUngaft liayden.
OldBaso Ball Yard v
is Platted Into Lots
Almost All Space at
Cement Show is Sold
Over two-thirds of tha display spac at
the' Mid-West Cement show to be held
next February at the Auditorium, haa
already been bought by exhibitor, and
th affair promises to b th biggest and
beat ever tie Id In Omaha, Secretary
After being held for many year, by Vr,nf lh
duot th CVim nt show, declare that th
aarly dUposij of most of th big floor
spac Jnsuri s a ' rooard-breaking show,
tlie Woodwcrth family, during which
time It waa need only aa a baa ball
field, the old tract of ground at Sixth
and lKrca streets is now twin
putted Into lot. and Is now being oia . U " n couUnu
by the American Security oompany as j UnUl Mrch "
H lmer s sd lltlon.
Th tract Is high and sightly and has
a wonderful view of U river valley.
Homes ar already beginning to take
ahap there, and although old residents
nearby tuarvel at th change coming over j
the traot, they ar welcoming it a a
valuable Improvement to that part of
Homo Sitesin
Addition to Dundee
Within ninety days, all of tha erten
.ie public improvements being done In
;.orire nd cemjiany's new restricted
re-iJenc distiii t adjulnng Iundee, will
i- coiuiileud, C C. Ueor.e ssys. Bale
t ! hurne eltt s there is progressing nicely,
l.e n-oits. and all of the lota will K
X'ue by the time tbe Lmprovemente
e-ie la.
T. 3. Sears. UU South Twentieth street
a peddler arrested at Sherman avenue
and Ormc street charged with truing
peck measure fire pounds shy of the
taelva-pound capacity required by law,
forfeited 114 bond by bU faUur to ap
pear In police court for trial. A bushel
meaaur containing Just tors normal
pecks waa als taka from him.
R. IB. Pevany f Butt, charged with
nelng drunk and disturbing tha peaoa,
waa arraigned before Judge Fostsr, and
insisted that such was not tha oas.
Judge Foster aald ha thought different
Oeveay said: "Even aJudg can be mis
taken." Footer aald: "Tea dollar and
coat.". tvany aaidi "Uood mght'
Economize In fuel tx Dense and secure rreiter cleanli
ness, more perfect beat distribution and less worry tad
labor by Installing- a
nu GAS and SOOT
The OONB OBATB eg he KSWBrT save an the feel the OTsra
DSLAFT naseaiis ail ike gae sad wanks tasrsfare Irs eeeneaaieaL OrU
aary aeft seal eeataJn a arty s sok ges as Hrtuv N the gma eersse
p the gee. tt Is a lees U tt I mi iisis. ta rel esTliiieaciy la !,
tub mm it rr ooNgrmaa rx.
Th warat, asetst atr of the KSWafT contain Mrs al1n esj W
m -eauaiai i eee net eaase neaasoasa Tn a
is ragard s tssi Hul, bealtarat. eaatty ragmlsted wans a
eer io m smjt IS a iiMsaserng larvatment It M f
heater. PUm
koUt ae It mil we er ems, Oar sMeetastsa Hterater .
na apener teasarea aaa sell ate a jgs a heater.
eeerle . . I :,
a O. Snkasia, e4tT Baaney .
Raaelpk Laesia, tli a. Mth ss.
stlllsv Psteiwea. 4tl Wsl I4tk St.
Henry lUteatmrg. (11 e. lth .
King He-iwfw Oe.. It Osse-kg gt.
B. alea, 111 sniMmrr Ave.
B. Ml PHoa. 0a4e-e4 Awa,
U a rajmas, Jet Jeekes
T. rinr, 414 Ke. at
Benta Omkt, teeh.
. st twath Mam g
Oe sU sUmSU, is.
ah 4, O i ill ii. "j
a I
Are You Going To
DODDS, the Architect
WU1 Give You This Unusual Offer for September Only
He will furnish complete plans, details
and specifications of any kind of residence
at 25 per cent less than the usual fee.
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Why? Because Dodds' plans are prac
tical, economical to build, original in design
and attractive to the eye.
DODDS, the Architect
has hundreds of designs from which you
may select a plan that will meet your re
quirements. , .
DODDS, the Architect
designed the majority of the homes on the
"Prettiest Mile" in Omaha, in Laurelton, Belle
Isle, Dundee, Montclaire, Minne Lusa addi
tions to Omaha and a great many in the
uiuur residence aisiricis.
DODDS the Architect, tuui orders for plans &nd specifications from all parts of tha
United BtaUs. Order your plans before October 1 and benefit by the 23$& Discount.
Phone Douglas 2981 612 Paxton Block, Omaha
The Architect
VOU, Mr. Painter or Property
A Owner, can insure years of
service and satisfaction by using:
A Practioal Xenonst ratios Is Oonolnslv Proof.
Com IB aa.4 Z4 V Bkow Toa.
omiia'i ratiT rxoxTTgnm vAnrr btosb.
18U ranuuB 84. Pho- Souglaa 701.
I 1 "Rest for I I
I VVcaraad I I
touh ouiBimo
with aeparat locked rooms.
heated piano rooms, sliver
vaults and other up-to-date fea
tures offers at very reasonable rates, safe storage for your furniture, '
pianos, rues and other household foods.
If you want absolute security, real service, or your goods moved
and packed safely, or your foods shipped to the best advantage, have
us take full chart.
We have the men who know how and our prices are moderate.
Omaha Van & Storago Co.
O0G-O1O South Sixteenth Street
Phone Dong 4103,
Bargains in practically
new articles in "For
Sale" column; read it