Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 18, 1915, Page 6, Image 6

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    T7Ii: IlEK: OMAirA, SATUUDAY, SKITEMI3ER 18, 1913.
claJly along the French front.
The bird, of courae, dltplar a aharp
nea ot vision that even a, powerful Ula--oi
will not equal, and many tlmea th
sentries, for avlt thalr watchfulnaea, fca4
not datectad.
Birds Begin to Sing
When Guns Fired
T'or.eaT'oriienca ef the Aaaoriated Freaa.)
RK.RLIX, July 27. Experiment and
Mtrvattna mad In between tlmca at
the varioua buttle front by MM lover
have revralrd om alrtklna ehftrarter
let It a of the fentherel brood that hare
iml yfn fituhtaned from their aeeua
inmwl tmunta by the war. Quite aa im
uanal a any other cmrhielon la the
tthowlng that rows, from generation
of experience, fear rifle fire, but nut ar
tillery fire, while on blM. never har
lnr known the fear of the hunter and hU
rifle, break into aon when the Buna are
fired, but are alarmed at tho tremendoua
exnloalona of hHl.
Kven the tratmd artillery horaea eon
tlnue to ahow mora fright at ehell ex-
ploelona ll.nn birda. Th crowa, for tn-
Many of the aoldler hava narlea In
their trenrhea. and have conducted nu
meroua experiment with thani. Uulljr
the dlerharge of a rifle Is a lgnal for
them to ilna. and even the aound nf
atanre, drt' not even trouble to taKe Might
ahen a rtirll 'and near them but doe
not explode, and only rlee for an Inetnnt
when H die C off. Dut when th rifle
begin to pop they put a nve-h !itnre
Hammond la Deaertee.
Inflelder Walter Hammond. tranaferre.1
breaking glae will brlnr the iom result
warning of an attack ha con. flrat of
ln glaxo will brlnr the acme result. " I by th Portland club to the T acorn nun
aama i true, to a grat extent, of jail from th srow ami other hlrda, ria- j of lh Korthweatern league, baa deearted
wild i'ngblrli! that abound, ep- ling In alarm at eome movement that the , th, letter club.
aa noaatble bet-een themeelvea and the. The aama
White Chinchilla Coats at $17.50 to $32.50
Xift-, early cool weather coats, of wltile chinchilla; sport
effects and belted models, eonio with white fur trimmings.
J.,'.. !rT. , , I, MtfliJlT i II w. Kim. fc,,.i.i,.,..ll, n. ,U
Children's Dressy and Party Dresses
n.ini. ehirfnn t.ffetaa In light ehadea. nets and laces. Plavld taffetas,
ehallies. serges, Bedford, etc. New Peter Thomsons, coatee and redlngote.
effects. Priced at 5.00, flO.OO, $111.50 and $15.00.
The New The Charming Fashion Features for Autumn
Shown in Tailored Suits, Coats, Dresses, Skirts, Furs
Great, full stocks of New Apparel, bewildering in variety and the very essence of the latest styles, on display
in this highly specialized section of our store. Values that only our
tremendous purchasing pow e places at our disposal.
New Fall and Winter Coats
$15, $19 and $25
Dainty and nobby, big full tailored oontu, with full
bottoms, deep' yokes, widn belts, fur collars and cuff.,
etc., made of heavy wool phis:ie, zibolines, novelty
worsteds, phids ete.
New Soft Taffeta
$2.98 and $3.98
Pretty new petticoat with full
f fancy ruffles and silk underlay;
many have the new elastic suug
' fitting band, with glove fasten
ers. All th desirable colors to
match the new fall suits. ,
Dancing and Party Frocks
$25 to $49
Dainty creations lor liie noeinl debuts that surpass
everything in dressy, garments we have ever shown.
Crepe de eliine, taffeta, ehirmeue. laces, etc., all dainty
evening shades.
New Combination Silk and Serge Dresses
Several very preity node! in these practical anil
serviceable dresses and frocks, combining the pretty
plaids, satins and taffetas with tft serge. The coiois
are navy, brown, green and bla k.
of Fashion
Despite the very small priee, these suits are trnly
"Aristocrats of Fasl'ion," and second to none in style
and tailoring. The fur trimmings on many are n sire
indication of their up-to-the-Tninuteness. The style range
covers every suit requirement.
We are exclusrivo distributors.
Smart Tailor-Mades at $35.00
Exclusive in models and materials, smartly tailored
and finished; trimmed with the new wide braids and furs.
Very pretty, practical colors, unch as nnvy, African
brown, subterranean green, blackberry, etc.
The new suit call for a new set of fox furs for the
smart dressers. Our assortment is complete in every
White Fox, Blue Fox, Red Fox, Black
Fox, Gray Fox and Isabella Fox.
Scarfs, from $10.00 to $50.t)0
Sets from $19.00 to $135.00
Nobby Walking and
Dress Skirts
$6.98 and $10.00
A new assortment will be
show n for the first time Saturday.
The new corduroys, velour
checks, satins, gabardines, pop
.11ns and serges.
Extraordinary OFFERING for
Saturday Only
rCJvKIlN tJ "Adrian"
KID GLOVES at $1.50 Pr.
The former come aa always, OTeraeam sewn with
Paris point backs; the latter plqua with three-row
rabroidtred backs, self color or contrast: both ar
two-clasp styles; both qualities are absolutely guar
anteed for fit and wear. At the re- jf CfJ
duced price, per pair P X aJVT
" Colors: black, white, tan, brown, gray and nary.
Special Two-Clasp Imported Kid
Olores, . in black, white, gray and
tan. Special Saturday, 7Q
I I V. '
Harrison's "Simplex"
Glorea, In white and
reindeer. Pair
.. 39c
Our Third Floor DOLLAR Sale Saturday
riiis is an occasion that thousands of people enjoy each time it occurs. Price is thy
lKwer of this sale, and no question of intrinsic value disturbs our plans for its success.
Ihiis, for one day only, otir customers may participate in values of the rarest kind.
10 Genuine Maliosany fiWtric
I.ampa, wlrel; rr (Hilar 91.73 Taltieo.
5 Mlaalon 8tye Klectrlc UmpK,
wlrwl; 2.RO ralur.
'H Hand-Kmhrolilrred Madeira Tow
els $1 ,7 ralaes.
. 10 Mahogany Candle Rtlrks, with
nhiule, randle and holder vomplete; Taluea.
2 lland-Kmhroidered Hb)' Pillowa
mid raae, lo value.
Srti of Thrw Iland-Enibroiderd
Napkins, 94.00 Tallica.
n Sola of Linen Dollies, hand-em-tirnldrrrd
with crochet edge; 98.00
10 Tinted Baakets of Artificial
Mowers, with hows; 91. 73 value.
1 Imported Tapestry Sofa Pillows,
91.7.1 Tallies.
Figured and Dotted Swiss Curtain. Taluea, plr.
10 Knaniel Uoudoir IlaakeU, wllii
cretonne holder, 9i.n0 values.
Velour Table Mats, 91.30 value.
8-4 Tnpeatry Table Cover, 92.00
Ncrim Cnrlalns, 91.23 value,
no-lnch Lace Curtain, 91.80 ' Tal
ui". pnlr
Do' Blue Serge Panta, 9140 val
ue. Boy' Jersey Sweater. pure
worated, with atrlpe bodies; 9130
4 Large Original Pastel, 910.00
18 Fine Serving Trays, in mahog
any, elmny and oak finish, with
wooden and bra handle; 94 values,
0 Fine 16x20 Empty Picture
Frame, 93.30 value.
12 Fine Hand-Carved Standard
Frame, the kind that atand on your
table or mantle; 94.00 values,
21 Large 18x13 Square Convex
Medallion, cople of the world's
great eat maaterpieces.
Waists of alluring nowneas and charming
beeoniingnetts. Georgette Crepe and Crepe de
Chine seem to have caught fashion's favor
more strongly than ever and the new plaids
bid fair to win autumn choice. Women will
welcome srich blouses of Irresistible charm.
Stunning- New Plaid Blouses,
$3.98 to $5.98
Dressy Georgette Crepe Blouses,
$3.98 to $7.50
Smart Crep dfl Chine and Radium Silk Blouses, hand embroidered
modeural:u.n:r.ed, $3 .98 to $6 .98
jGreat Sale of Boys' Extra Pant-Suits 1
! Beautiful wool tweeds, casatmeres and cheviots, tailored in the latest mod
1 (Is pitch pocket models, as well as double and triple-pleated styles: all
I perfect fitting suits. Plenty to fit every age, 6 to IT years. Two pair of
panta with each suit; Made to sell at 15.00, $6.60 and Q QC
even $7.10, at.
j Bister and belter assortments than ever. Eery shade and style maroon,
) navy, gray, .tan. cardinal and brown; J.ry sweaters In stripes or plain,
In all the popular colors, to fit any age, 8 to 17 years.
! Cut full and roomy. At 91.00 to
$6.50 to $10.00
t Beautiful patterns of Imported madias blousea, in neat stripe effects blue,
I! lavender and black and white effects. Even ate, to l(t years, A f
lie and $1.00 waists, go at tJt
,' that are really In the "Quality" Hsu, Imported Scotch fabrics in tweeds
t and cassimeres; very latest Norfoik, patch pocket and pleated models.
' Two pair of trousers, linen lined; cats
', mohair lined. Prices
New Shoes for Women
In t!:f? latest approved styles,
ijraci'ful lats, curved and
nrclicd liool; mostly perfectly
plain hlnck, with cloih or l;id
tops: without t'ns or perfora
tions; beautifully firiivhel
IOvery size ami width. Pair
'Tit Easy" Shoes for Women
ftvf'i-y style iateut tr du'd
louther, cloth or dull hid topi,
tipped ov plain tn.-s: hand
somely finished. AH sizes a.xl
widt'i. Sjeei:d, pair
: . Hundreds of
Silk loHiery of puj'erior quality, aj earaiioe and serviceability,
hosiery is not onlv extensiv4. hut is notaWo for excellent values.
Our stock of silk
Women's Pure Thread Bilk Hose, In all colors. Full fashioned, double
tops, spliced soles, heels and toes; all new stripes and em
broidered insteps; also plain black and white. Pair
Hosiery, fancy
embroidered ef-
Knit Underwear
, stripes and painted floral 1 (
:ns and many new 1 f omens
ltlee. Pair, 91 andP 1 " summer
Women'a Silk
checks, plaids,
Women's Black Fiber EUk Hose,
medium weight, snamless; double
heels, toes and aoles; fiber to the
top, double tops. SOc
quality, pair
Union Suits, In fall aad
weights; low ueck, elbow
sleeves and ankle length; also low
neck and umbrella atyle.
50c value
Misses' and Boys' School Hose,
heavy and medium weights, dou
ble knees, spliced heels and toes.
"Black Ct Brand."
Children's I'nion Suits, fine ribbed
cotton and fleecy lined; Cft
long sleeves, ankle length C
Children's Vests and ?anta, cotton
fleeced, medium weight;
all sizes. Special, each..
Drugs, Toilet Necessities and Soaps
. . . . 1
!; uanaenne, i.vw sue
j Perosld of Hydrogen,
. l-lb. bottle .
Sloan's Liniment. 60e OA
slse bottle &7w
Usterlne. special. $1.00'
sue bottle .'. . OiC
Pluto -Water, epeclal ISe A
sis bottle &iC
i; Wtlch's Orap Juice, 1Q
!j pint. bottle , . .... 1JC
I ' HorUck's' Mulled Milk tf0 nf
hospital flM ...... VaCiaVJiV
Pond's Extract. (Oe . -OO
I sise boUle a7C
Bromo Seltter, $1.00 site r" (
boitla ; OC
l Masaatta Talcum Powder, 1 f
can 1UC
j: ' Woodbvy'B Facial Cream, ir
2 c slr .,; AJ
Graves" Tooth Powder. q
26c le. can- . . ...... X aCC
Lustrtte Nail Enamel, 1 Q
Pompelan Maasage Cream,
SOc alr.e
Pond's Cold or Vanishing
Cream, 60c slse
Arbry Pis'ers' Dry
Rouge, boi -
Gillette Kasor Blades.
$.00 site
Hays' Hair Health. SOc
aise bottle
Madam lse'btll's Face
Powder, all ahadea, boa..
Ida May Face Powder,
all shades, box
Cucumber Cold Cream,
60c else
Meloroae Beauty Cream,
50c else
Liquid Veneer, tOe aise
Johnson's Floor Wax,
l ib. bottle
Household Ammonia,
large aise ,. , .
Fels Naphtha Soap,
10 bars for
Steadfast Adherence to the QUALITY
IDEAL in our
Combined with Splendid Facilities and Projfressive Policy have won for
us n amiable reputation of which we are justly proud. N
Corue aud look over our inamiificeut lin of instruments and lee for
yourself how eay it to BUY TUB lUtANDKIS WAY.
Piano Department Third Floor.
Electric Lamp Sale
Cut down your lighting expense by using the drawn wire Tungsten
Lamps. Put one in every socket In your home and note the saving in
your electric light bill. .
A $5 watt lamp will give 24 candle power light and burn 40 hoars
at a coat of 8c.
A 40 watt lamp will give 3$ candle power light and burn 15 hoars
at a coat of sc.
Choice for 25c
I -oe sue Aaww
'i . , i y i-. fc .11. 1 j r--