Ifi THE BEK: OMAHA, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1013. NEW YORK JTOCK MARKET Enormous Dealings in War and Related Share i Feature Operations. RAILWAY ISSUES AM QUIET NEW TORK. "spt It TJnnrmmi deal- nen In wnr shares and other stocks r td thereto, mostly at sulistsntlsl frnlns, featurrd today operations. Ad Vance In thin group ran from to point, with more noteworthy rlnln a few Isolated Instances. Ilnllronrts nn even more qnlet than usual, but were relatively steady, despite the acute weakness of these stocks shrosd. Krest Northern Ore Certificates, Colo rado Kiiel, Vnlted Platen meel, Kepuhllo fcteel. PruetWe Steel. Westlnnhrmse and (itudebaker. more or less in the order riven, comprised the active features. Man- rumors were circulated In con nection with the heavy trading In these stocks, none of which was conflrmahle and some of which taxed iculatlve rreilullty to the tit meet. Persistent 'tip" was that a rlitantle deal or combination vii under way. Involving Oreat North ern Ore. Colorado Fuel and Repuhllo Kteel. rV far as they related to the two flrt named, these rumors were authori tatively denied. The market was stronr from the out let. Oeneral Motor being: the outstanding feature by reason of H 60 per cent eaan dividend distribution. That stock opened at a Bain of 17, beatlnn Its previous record by t, rose further to 2M, but closed at S. Colorado Fuel huns" back at first, but soon started on another upward course, which carried It to it maximum train of 6"4. rloslna at W-i. Oreat Northern Ore made a maximum aln of 4-V V Btudebaker also made a new record, rising 3 to 130V. Willys Overland, Goodrich and ether motors re flected the rise In Oeneral Motors by run kin material Improvement . Reces sion from top quotations In these stock were nominal compared with actuai pnins. I'nlted States flteel managed to rie to 7f.S. a gain bf lMi In the face of heavy offerings, closing with a net ad vance of Ti. HaJe amounted to 77. shares. HeEardiesa of the statement that the . fundamental features of the Anglo French loan have been completed, the movement of exchanse on Ionilon Indi cated that negotiations will remain In t tentative state. Continental exchange aaa generally higher. ' Honds were hlfher with a lessening of Ku rope an selling. Total sales par value aggregated , JSG.WO. United Ktates bonds . were unchanged on call. Number of sales and leading quotations on slocks today were: Bales, ttlrfi. I jew. Clnaa, Alaska Ooll H) 13 tt'i 32 Aitiarlran heat gncar.... I.nnn v. . Anwrlraa Can 1 M, fl Amarli-aa K. H 4.KW n Ml) American H. It. pf i" Am. 8uar Refining fltt lfrt 01 .American Tel. a T.I 4110 121'i 1H114 l'S'4 AmartraR Tobarro IM Anaronrta Mining l.MI 71 '.14 71 Atchlann 1.700 Mlt. 1l 10IV4 l'altimiw. A Ofiln !. , M US nrooklrn KnrM Traaatt.. ITO M Ui California I'limun .... j.im jn m ranadias paHflo I M IK W Vntral Leather .' 'M 444 Clie-aneab Ohio I.O11O 4H, t: t hlr.no O. W hlr.ro. M. fu. P.... IX M M OiVoaso Northwest ftMnn C'ofieer SO 44 44 Colorado FimI Iron.... U,m IS', St CAl'tmdo A- Umitharn.,.. lienver a Klo orand. ... ,., L nr S PIa Oranri. pM TK.tlHera' Hecurltl .... 1.MM '4 KrM ., OimkI Electrie 1.7IU 17l4 the surface and flowed out over - th ground. It la not what Is known as a gusher. FINED FOR GIVING SHOWER BATH TO PEDESTRIANS Pred Martin of Chicago, arrested on a charge of disorderly no and costs In police court' Msrtln It teems, had emptltd dirty wster from a third-story room of Bns Hnnth i-ki.. .1. street, so irat It fell on' passing pedes- UHIIIB, MINISTER VISITS OLD FRIENDS IN OMAHA The Rev. 1 P. McDonald, D. D., for merly rector of Rt. Mark's Episcopal church. Council muffs, spent the day In Omaha on his way home to Warren, O.. fro ma western trip. Ife was the guest here of Mrs. Charles E. Hmlth and Mrs. II. A. tntid, sister of Mrs. McDonald During the day. Rev. Dr. McDonald en Joyed an auto tour of the city with Dr. and Mrs. Hmlth. and was surprised to note the many Improvements In Omaha since his last visit here. HOLD ANNUAL MEETING AT HAPPY HOLLOW SATURDAY The annual meeting of the stockhold ers of Happy Hollow club will be held Saturday evening at the club house. After the stockholders' meeting the meet ing of the board of directors will be held. Officers are to be elected. The meeting ha been called by Charles R. Fherman, president of the club. PHONOGRAPH RECORDS I PLEASING TO B. SUNDAY j "Billy" Bundajr and "Ma ' had a phono- j graph fest after the meeting Thursday j evening. It wa the first time "Billy I ha indulged In" the entertainment here. A local company ha supplied the ma- ! ch'ne and records and "Hilly" had "Ma" I play them all fT Mm. Rome of them he I InHsted on ht-arlng several times, being particularly pleased with several selec tions from grand opera and one humor ous record. lit S3 M Jtt 170 '4 11 4t 4 1M4 41 4.A Hit ll 1M 44", '4j I to 1T04 ll4j 4 M 14444 14 10BV4 lrrt Nrrthr pM l.i Great No. Jr et( 131, nurcenbetm Kvplorstloa.t 1,400 lllinxla Ontrsl 101 Inlerhnrmiffh Met. sfd Inspiration Carper 4,900 International HarrMtsr .. A Kanaaa Cltr South.rn. ... f 14.1 h Vall.r t. ulvlll Kaohrllls Mnlraa Wtrolmna 1,70 Vi.ml Covrw l.00 MiMMHirl. K. T .. . ...... Mlaaouri PDrtflo t.V NallnMl illacnlt a 4 H 110 inu 7" J07i lin4 too aiv4 io US li'4 ts S 120 "4 NfltlonaJ Ijead N.w y,irk mini..,. N. T,. N. H. H.. b'rTfolk a Wiartarn... Nnrthara Pacltla X'aclMo Mall laclt1o Tal. A Tol.... Pranarlranla l,ot 10 rnllsi.n l'aiar Oar 4"0 141 a Hay Con. Coppar !. U US Ptraillnc l.C 1(H 1S 14IH Heoubllo Ira a SUal.... M.lo 44 41 " 46 u Jinrti I. land Co '. U Jtk lalan Co. pf i'i 104 107 1 a 1.-414 11 h. u i. r. u ti toathra I'adfla Hoathera Railwag Trnnasaea Coppar Teaaa Compattf t'nlna Paclfla . t'nien pacltla tM.... t'nlled KUM HtaaL.M V. g. owl l riah CVhiimT ., W.haa4t pT4 m Weaini linloa ........ Wtlnahoain RlaoUt slnatana frawar (Tunl.l. Steal Allla-Oialnwra fc.thl.li.m HImI Amarlcaa liMvffiMlv 1.000 l,l . f 400 W.N 1M M 1H lf.4 1M li'4 11 76 HO 7414 o et 4 TS 7 111 H'U .. .. H no .. .IO0 ,. 400 140 .. l,7O0 t 4414 Kaidala IxxHmo4lra H.7 i fa-oaral Motor f.wo VI C,. H. I. P 4 M 11 M 1H 42 ti S 47 M r s is V.Si If 1 711 111 T 111 M a 44 7 ' tn I Total aala tor th ta.r. TI7.y ahana New Tark Hoary Market. TTKW YORK. Sept. 17. MERCANTILE PAr'KH-.V,,!liW; tier cent. KOKK1I4N KXCHANUE Sterling: fllg-ty-day hill, M.; demand, 4 70; cable, M "1. Francs: Ter.tand, Vi.Tt; cable. I'iTk. Mark: tHimand, klHc; cables, K'r. Urea: Demand, W.I7; cable, Id. 14, Ituhlf-a: Demand, 344o; cable. So. SILVER liar, 4iV,c; Mexican dollars, 8S0. miNOS Government, steady; railroad, i regular. TIMK lx1ANB-Ey; slty day. V9 lMi per cent; ninety day. VrM'i r Cent; six months. per cent. CAM, MOVKY Kteady; high, t per 4ent; low, 1 ier cent; ruling rat. 14 tier cont; laat loan, I per cent; closing bid, 11 per c-nt; offered at 1 per oenU GOOD OIL IS STRUCK AT GREYBUU WYOMING Word come to Burlington official that at the town . of Greybull, Wyo., el lit mile north of Basin, oil ha been truck at a depth of (00 feet. It la asserted that the flow I CaW barrel per day. Th well 1 Inside the town limit and U th property of the IJncoln Townatt com pany. The townatta company la an or ganisation by Burlington official and 1 the owner of the townaltes along th Wyoming lines of the road. Jut what will be done with th prod uct of th Greybull well I not known at this time. U ha been capped and will t kept In thi condition until soma plan la developed for the disposition of th oil. For years It has been believed that oil existed In the vicinity of Oreybull, but this Is the first tint that a producing well has been put down. In this well, before It was capped, th oil cam to GO DtHd:3 BIs!ses Con be made with m com bination of either cheese, tomatoes, beet, fih auid package of m MACARONI You can get it at all lead ing grocers' in the U. S. Delicious re- - f swnae n a SKIMMERS 7 KMAjaoMt bS'VNtM V4F42. ID. r UU l3 Lr crra U U kal W MUST GET a rj n n jv)ioulsn) Of Splendid High Grado Frafair mi Iraper Watch All Sunday Papers for Full Particulars and Prico List tek ITJAWTED- 50 Salesmen. Previous experience In fur niture unnecessary. 3 Cashiers. 12 men with wagons to assist our deliv ery Department. Sale of Entire Stock Opens Ho Question About It It Is; Going To Be Done You'll Be Here Monday, at 9 A. Ll. With the Rest oiiday Morning, Sept. 20ih9 at Exactly 9 o'clock Snappy Clothes For Young Men On Credit A BIG SHOWING of "Frat Clothes" for young fellows a collection that means easy choice. There's a style "punch" in every garment that, cou pled with 100 per cent qual ity,, will go right to the hearts of younger men. And listenl They're priced as low as OB0 A Jl Just Pay S1.00 a Week For Women and Misses Our buyers have nsed the utmost care in the selection of models, and materials. Our styles are positively the moat effect ive, being bought from the leading garment manufacturers of this country. Many of them are copies and modifications of foreign models. Ladies' Suits A stunning line In all the ' most 'desirable weaves and col ors, at- $12.50 up Dresses Newest fall styles in serge and taffeta, charmeuse, pop. lins, etc., etc., at $8.50 up B.EDDEO Credit Cheerfully Giren to Out-of.Town People 1417 DOUGLAS If you want to taste the genuine pineapple flavor just as if you ate the ripe fruit in the fields, ask your grocer today for some Hawaiian Canned Pineapple. It's picked at the exact moment when the warm semi tropical sunshine t has perfectly ripened it and packed the same day in its own rich juice. O O .- 4 . ' k..a- Carmed J U a jerfectly delicious dessert, an appetizing breakfast dish PS NO BREAD LIKE TIP-TO BREAD There is no need to eat a poor, unsatis fying bread- three a a ' Kada of BprlBor and Wiatar WIim Hoar, whloB la far nprlor to th. klna uad la ontu aary braad. TRADE HANK Rt . U.S. PATENT oric UokbrthitLM. times a day when you can get bread so cood that you'll want it all the time. Insist on Tip Top and accept no sub stitute. Be and 10c at Your Grocers U. P. STEAM BAKING GO. 1915 r.lilk Fed Spring Chickens, 15Kc PIQ PORK ROAST 10ya Hter Pot Roaat tic Pork Butt Younr Veal Roaat Tounf VcaJ Chtapa Imh L-rgu Mutton Roaat ..... Mutton Chons . . . . Port.rhou. titeak ,l0Vt-tH .lt. , 114. , 14WO H law .. .iTHO Salt Pork aa Bkinnad Ham 19 BuKsr Cured Ham tl Kxtra Lean Breakfast Bacon lTo Sugar Cured Baoon .......18V From I to I P. M. Lawnb Chop . .to Froin to 1 P. M. I-lb. Pall Com pound Lard, each ...goo PUBLIC MARKET lgttSiy ana 11 can do usea in innumeraDie otner ways tor salads, pies, cakes, puddings, ices, etc. Sweeter and more flavor than the green, "fresh" kind and it's all ready to serve. 10c to 25c a ran according to tize of can and grad of quality cheaper than ever been before. Just aik for a can of Hawaiian Pineapple, Your Grocer Sella It Association op Hawaiian Pineapple Packers Garland Duilding, Chicago "-. ' VV: (2 Have You a Vacant Room? Every vacant room increases your rent, and lceens your profit. Place a small "Furnished Boom" for reut ad in "The Omaha Bee" for one week. It will cost you only few cents each day. .You will rwcAive inquiries from a very desirable class of prospects, from which you can choose a good tenant We will gladly help you writ yonr ad, telephone us at one?. THE OMAHA DEE OiaalfUd Peyartwimt, 104 Be BWjr. Tyler 1000. A ! :. : t m4vry im Am . : "v