'MM MIT rej 1 ! i -1 i y i 3 : WANT ADS Wsnt arte received at any time, but to Insure tmir classification must be pre sented b4Vre 11 o clock noon for evenin edition end 7:4 p. m. for morning and famday editions. Want lei received f tf r such hours will be under the heading. "Tow Late to Classify," CAOH BATES. Breen mHTiiUvt tlmea, 1 cent a word each. U'Mrtion. Two r mora consecutive tlmea, 1H cent A word. One time, cente a word. I CHAMB RATF8. Wtw mriHcuUvt tlmea, cents a Una ! aaoh Insertion. ' Three consecutive tlmea, 10 eanU a Una ) aach Inaertlcn. Una lima, 11 cents a Mire. Count all average worda ta a. Una. Minimum char. 10 oenta An advertisement Inserted to he run Until discontinued nuit ha atoppad by written order. All claima for errm-a mnet be maila Within flftaan days after tha laat Inser tion of tha advertisement Too mn place your want ad In Tba Baa by telephone). TVL.KT"- ..MB TTLKR 10M. rF.THa mn rim rum, notices trTR TILING John, died Thursday. Sep tember 1R, at hit residence, Z.A Lake street, aged K yeara. Funeral runday. private. Interment Forest Lawn cemetery. birth am death. Btrtha Russell and Flla Mock HOT North Twenty-ninth, girl; Clifford and Pearl Burkhardt, 810 North Forty-second, rrl; Paul and Mijr Denleon, 4T2 North ortteth, girl; Hoy ad Ertiia Greer, ll North Twenty-first Houth Fide, girl; ChrU and Olivia Mortenson. 2M8 Nicho las girl; Francesco and Krenoeaca Css tislia, 1120 North sixteenth. Ctrl; Salva tora and Luda Eorianuele, c4 1'aclfta, girl; Jamn and Martha Fuller, bo ; A hraham and Lna Friedman, 148 North hlxteenth, boy; George and Marie Hasen, Commercial avenue, girl; lartile and t.Mr.-A.t.u. ... nTi.4 V.Jk rrWAMl Vf nllW h filrl; Hoy 11. and Hetella Lowrey tli r-outh Twentieth, alrl; Kred and rMella I. ang. Ht Oak. girl; Daniel F, and Julia o' Helen, 8t10 California, girl; Howard and Helen Robinson, 2212 St. Mary'a BTenua. bay; Arthur and Rose Bmllh, Twenty-sixth and Hamilton, boy; Fred II. and May Smith. IMtt llarnay, lxy; Itiailca aol leatielle hafford, hoapltal, Blrl; Klmer and Nettle VV hltmore, M talirook Court, Blrl. leatha Jamea H. IlonVlna. M. hoapltal: Karl Nelton, y Houth Twolfth: Mr. Iaj tnda D. Vnieox, 73, ili North Twan- ty-fourth, South blda. NAHHUUH LKRKIRII, The following ma rrl age Uoeoeee) ware Isaued today: Nam and Raatdanoa. Age. Krneat W. Kohl. Norfolk 27 I'Vanoea Had houae, Omana 10 Urant r. Flaher. Ilattamouth.. IUna Hlnker, Ilattsmouth 1H Wllllnm Thornton, Bouth Bide SB Flsy Ituckels, South Bide : Klmer t. Pslnter, Counrll IUuffs.... t! l. Jamea, Coumil iiluffs Is Oeorga B. Iawson, Tekamah 21 Ilowena Eckley, Tekamah 18 Andrea Hla, Omaha 56 Maiiannlna Casorta, Omaha 20 nt ii.niu pkiimitb. kfarraret MrCormlrk. 2vi0 Csss, addi tion, fc.aoo; llrnrv Hohlff 2fAt-Rl lsv nworth, brick picture theMer, l)0,fl"0; Hcott aV HIM, frame dwelllnKa, a fol lows: (P4 Bouth Thirty-first avenue, .V; 111 South Twenty-ninth, K,U; Zl2 South Thirty-first avenue. H.IOO; Frank Carey, 24('1-1 North Twenty-fourth, clean ing and dyeing pUnt, 4,01; John Kaxdn, .T.'ll W ehstvr. reiMtlrs, ll.OKI; Hrott A Hill, 311 South Tlrtrty-rifth avenue, frame dwelling, tl.OUO. c Today's Movie Programs LANTERN alldee (or movies. Hund your copy to ua. We can reproduce photos or WW prepare your oopy. Wa will color aa slreoted. Baa Photo Dept. 101 Dee Bldg. Uswstswa, EMPKERS. 15th and Douglas. HIOH CLA83 VAUDEVILLE. Pour Reeli of Good Picture. one performance only, tha Vltagranh, I reela. Hearst-fellg. No. 73. Essanay comedy, Broncho Billy and tha Lumlwr King. (Jucenlo of the Nile, lAihln comedy. lRINCEaS 1817-19 DOUOLAsT The SenoKa Silver Burkls. s-reel drama. J'lie Vlvlsectlonlsts, an unusual drama. 8aale's Bachelor Boobs, a clevar comedy. 1 art Ik CLIFTON, 1201 MILITARY AVE. Ira Wlsgs of the Cabbage Patch, In t Intensely Interesting reels; will please both young and old; an entire clroua was used In tha making of this photo play. GRAND, 16TH AND BINNEY. GKAND. ICTH & BINNKY. DUSTIN FAHNUM IN . The Squaw Man A PA R A MOTTNT PICTtTRFl IN 6 RKB3I.8 ixOTHROP, Jifil AND LOTIIROP? "r,nlf x- Bhnan In One Wonderful Night. 4-reel. Homanoe of Klslne. No. 18. oath. APOLLO S824 LEAVENWORTH. It Wag to Be Lublo. And a good corned y . BESSE, 24TII & N Neal of the Navy Section I of the thli all forceful aerial will be run today In conjunction with our regular program. West. MONROE. 2555 FARNAM. W,??;la .Fllm Clf,pP- Pnt , Holbrook I linn in The Ivory Snuff Hos, an en thratllng drama of diplomatic life. oath aide. ORPHEUM. 24TII AND N. The Fatal Hour. Majestic drama. Ovr and Bark. Ko. coandr. A ltascala Wolfish Way. MOVIES a FEATURES VV TODAY M PESSE, 24TH AND N. N-al of the Navy. No, I. I lia illrta of a Nation.- "Charles Chap. Uu and hts -Kuur Bobbins of Bliss." iw-.ooh; mtAiKH NOW OPtN, CLIFTON, "2201 MILITAKY AVE. Mrs WUtgs of the Cabbage Patch, in I Intensely interesting reoie. WIU please totli yotiitg ,od old. G K A N D7 U T I FaND B1NNEY7 lustln Farnum In tha Squaw Man. a rammoui.t ..-tuie In rels. ColliltOP, SifirAND LOTilliOP. Francis X. Busuman In One Wonderful .Mtftit. It.imau. e of Klulns No. K. MONROE. " " 256B FAR"NAM World Fl ra Coi p. pisents Holbre k Blinn In it.e lvcty enuff Bos an entbralUn Or nut of dlpiumade lite. OK 1 11 k VU, 4TII AND N. J'lamond from the Say, No. U. ATTnACTlO.VU WA NTL1-Mui. Iruua, Ot ean VS ava iiuws aiid ioiioeM iis. IHiuUi Couny . oj.iniur m 19 3. (.1.1 is Lyca. AxxorxrT;MKXT8 Office for Rent September ICth On Beautiful Court T of tha Bee Uuilding tie Bq. Ft., with water $11.00 Atk the 8uperlntendeot, Room 10S. Miss Nellie Green Pupil of Mr. Chambers wall known dancing maater of Omaha, announcaa tha opening of her atudlo at tha Prairie Park club houae, 28th and Amea Ave.. Sept. 11. Harney BUSINK8H COLLEGE STUDENTS 8 AVIS MONEY ON COURSES. For aale, with good reaaona for eel ling. varWy of coureee In a reliable Hut neae rVhool, one of tha leading bualneaa rollefca of Omaha. Will he aold very raaaonabia away below regular price. If you are considering taking a couree Inventurete this at on re. since Fall ten beglnw soon. Call of floe. Omaha Bee. Investigate T. at. C.A. out g park, summer. ATJTOMOniIK Whenever you are consdrlng selling or burins a used oar and you want full value for your money or you want people who are willing to pay for what they are getting you will have no regret If you buy or advertise through the used car ooltirrtn of Tha Bee. Phone Tyler lflOO. TIRE EXPENSE CU1- lrr TWO. We take two old tires and return one good one. Price, UTS and up. NFB. DOUHI JC-TRKA l TIRre CO., J!1 Furtimn Ht Tel. Tniiglaa IRS. FOR 8AI.K My used Oldsmoblle touring car. In good condition, t'fjo. Car can be aeen at M Farnam St. Overton'a for leaky radiator. tOc. dealers. CARTKR coupe. nearly new; fully equipped; run less than l.nnt) miles; lees than w per cent of coat cash. Address V 1SU Bee. I'O RKWARl) for any magneto wa can't reps Ir. ('ollsrepd. Bsysdorfsr. lfl N. 1. O NKHKA8KA llulck Her vice Htatlon. 1914 Fsrnam Ht. Phone Ontiglas 721. FONTKNELl.F. At'TO CO.. 216 H. 1Mb St. Fxin t repairing; bargains In used ears, guaranteed as represented Industrial Oarage Co., 20th A Harney Hts. ONK 113 (adlllao roadster, tO-ll. P., In splendid condition, fuoo. Can be aeen at M Farnam BL BL8IXES8 CHANCES If your Business Chance will stand rigid Investigation ana is lust what It Is advertised, or if you are looking to start in business for yourself you will be per fectly satisfied If you use the Business Chance column of The Bee. When buy Ingor selling a business Phone Tylor lift). FOH LEASE A hotel cafe, doing good bualneaa; In heart of bualneaa district; tlOQ will han dle place. Write S 110, Bee. WA NTW1 Capable man or woman, or troth, to open email restaurant In fair slsn hotel, well located and always filled with roomers. This Is an excellent op portunity for a cable uerson to estab lish a good business that will bring good returns. We have a large, dry basement In which to keep supplies, large dining room and kitchen. lnoulre the Ursy sume Hotel. MM Caas bt., Omalia, Neb. Phone I long, ItRH) stock aale. Reason for selling, want to quit business. Will aell rea sonably. Addreaa John Welch, Cortland, Neb. SALOON Money maker, Nebraska's beat town, never dry. Jim W ray, Sioux Cliy." IIESTAI'RA NT and rooming house with a small Una of groceries; doing good bualness; bargain It taken at onoe; other bualneaa. White launch Restaurant, 4104 N. 24th, Omaha. Tel. Webster 470. FOH HALE First calss restaurant In live Nebraska town. No agents. Ad dress Y 61. Ilea. A GOOD ONE. I have tha best located restaurant and lunch counter, doing a fine business. In the city, which I am forced to sell at a sacrifice: on account of fa Una- health am forced to change climate. Business will clear easily J. -JO per month, l'art rash will do. Address O 147, care Omaha Bee. Outside Office 17th Street Exposure la the Bee Building 9ttx20 ft I1S.00 Partitioned for private office and waiting room. Inquire of Superintendent, Room 103. FOR SALF. Urocery and meat, doing per mo., also nome, at 2.37 Web ster St. C. THOItrtON, 1439 N. lMh. Restaurant fixtures; reasonable price. la4th Ave., Co, Bliifis. Tel. lilark 1144. WILL sell or rent lunch room completely furnished. Small payment down, bal ance weekly. Apply H. J. MoCarthen, Montreal Cafe, UNI 8. Mth St. Jjl ST EN Only restaurant, Iowa town ww; price xiO. jim wray, Sioux Ctty. BARGAIN Only drug store. Iowa town; price jim w ray, noui t,ity. THE REST HAVEN, known aa tha finest cigar ana billiard parlors In the state, must be sold at tinea; party leaving terri tory. Mra. K. K. Wilier, Norfolk, Nab. iJOUULE, bowling alley, fully equipped, for sale cheap.. John Specht, Strang, Neh OWNERS Uet your property with W. t. . t mieme. w ievme nia. it. ewr. IO SELL or buy a be. I nets, call oa puacn g nnrKnon, rTaiser ma. II. u;g 1 OKT In or out of business call on iur.ffrAu, u nee mug. Ooug. 2477, RrlAl, Estate Business ttlsoea autmllMt nr. handled; all atates. F. V. Knleat. Omaha. SEE Omaha Tbealur Supply Co. for bar- gmns in estaiiimueq aiiotva. O. StiJO. THEATERS Buy. lease or sell your the ater, machine and supplies through Theater Fxrh. Co.. 140 Fsmam. 1. 1X97. Hawaii aa Haassa for Heal, 11-R. rmg. house; well furn; splen. loo.; 1 100 cash. baU mo. 2421 Lodge, Apt. 1 EDl'OATIOXAIi Tho Fall Term of Boylea College IS NOW OPEN In both the day and nUht aeealons. Yst It is nut too lata to enter. Brain now to set that menial dis cipline and bualneaa trabilnir that will double your earning capacity. Complete courses in an commercial branches. Book keeping, Shorthand and Ty pewritlng. Htenotypy, Saleainanshlp. Telegraphy and Civil fcxrvk-w Positions found for all graduates FREE. Places furnished to work for board while attending. Ask (or free catalogue at once. 1501'LES COLLEGE, H. B. Boyles, President Boylea Bidg. Tat D. 1M6. Omaha. Neb. Hie VAN SANT SCHOOL" STENOGRAPH T BOOKKEEPING ray School for Young Woman. Lvvnlng eR'huo! for louug Man and Women. Saturday morning elaaa In typewriting. Ioae C. Puffy, Owner and Manager. 20 So. Uth Bt Omaha. FOR sals, the following scholarships In a first class Omaha liuslnvas College: One unlimited combination bueiueas and ehorthand course. One unlimited stenographic Course. One lliree-niotiUis' liuslussa or steno graphic lourse. Will be sold at a discount at tha office of Tha Omaha Pee. EX PERT "lady" stenographer will take pciiis; ahurthand. louin typasrrltujg, spelling and puactuaUoa taught. IndiviJ ual InatrucUoo. 4J4 iMiUglaa kL Tsl Walnut rdn sale FOR BAI R-llere la a rlnaafnnatlon that Is of the utmost Importance to every reader, as this column offers soma escep tlorml opportunity's nery day and a small wsnt ad will prl your article at Its full value. Phone Tyler Vn. Ferallare, lloasehold bongs, K.te. )el.-b liought and sold. J. C. Reed. J A3 1 ?'7 J-iirii s rn 8t. Pnuglsa BAROA1NH IN "fURNITURK ANI) HAr.nwARH 1KW N. 24TH. W KB. 117. OAK be" burner for salo cheap. CaU Web. XK72 LARilK base burner, slightly lined; will sell at S price or exchange. What have you. Tel. Walnut 1.TS7. Iloreea and Veblclee. TEAMING gears, one or a carload. All Blaes, two (o six-ton cspacltles. We eell tba Studebeker, tha Bain, tha Peter Bchuttler, i'akln and Bueikena. Must sell 1U0 this month. Hlg reduction In price, JOHNSON-DAN FORTH COMPANY". NOTIfBI IIOReB AT CITT POl'ND. One white horse aliout 12 years old; nine hundred t) pounds, taken up Sept. . 1S1&. and now at city pound. Will be sold at public auction to the highest bid der for cash at said pound at tho hour of 10 o'clocfc in the forenoon on the 2"th day of September, unless redeemed by owner before snld date. A. WAOOONKR, Poundmaater. SOLD Mastcai laiifsatrili, HUghtly used high grand piano. D. 2017. FOR SALK-I'lanrTplayer with W reordi rently purchased. Tel. Walnut aiM. f PLATER.' "plano'and lTw " worth "of mualo, cssh bsrgaln. Wsb. Vn. Poaiiry. Kaas aad a-opllea. MXIJ grain, lo Iba. I.W. Wagner, ni N. Ifc STEKEOTTPhl matncea make the beat and cheapest lining for poultry houses. Tney are 17x2 Inches, stronger and mora durable thsn tarred felt and practically ftrepiubf. 7o a hundred at The Hee office. FOX terrlera, 1 months old: 1 male collie, I year old. Address A 1JI, care Bee. Typevrrltere. T VP K WRITER,, 1Q and up. 22 Bee Bldg. TT PEW KIT Kits aol.T, rented, repairair -i ' liliL Tyt)'wrt,'r Kxc. 190S Farnam, STKNOTTPK for aale. Reaaonable. Call Webster "2. o M UrllB.naa. r?ilriH- 1 Zl7NJX. "nd "cond-hand carom and pocket billiard tablea and howling a leys and accessories; bar fixtures of all t, !l:,?Vy Jwm The Brunswick-Halke-Collender Co 4l7 4Q a. lOlh Bt. KlATir Second-hand muears. dynamoa, llCW niagnetoa, etc, me hanlcl , Z "pnlra. Le Bron tlectrlo Works. 31t-20 s. uth Kt o Coal Direct to You. The Very Lowest Prices, (let a Trial Car. I. M. COX. North Tlatte, Neb. FOR HA tih. Kcllpso rhs range, one oak oresser, one mahogany center table, one set of mission portieres, one kitchen cabl net vase. N. aKn 8C FOR BALK CHEAP Business College Course. Full and complete scholarship In one Of the best Omaba buamess schools. hi?d-.r".",on, f,?r ,:"ln; Perfectly relia ble; worth full price, but will be sold very reasonably, jf Interested investigate tronc because fall term bKins soon. There are a variety of courses for sale. For particulars inquire at the office of The Omaha Bee. CARPENTER twls. shovels, sledges, Plcka, Jackscrewa, 10 penny match vend ing machines, Wo each. Horse, harneaa. wagon, J100. One electric piano. i C ISH lOCs 8. 29th Bt. ' ' ' ' Harnev M $3.20 Crnlden Wfit Whlnky, 4 full mrt bottled In bund, pr- iu. t icmfy Hrna.. Omiht FOR KALK Ornulne buffalo roiidj, Indian fJanilfwl- rl I nwl l Al A.iui . T; " "..... an a-ag vuiiuiiiun , mi II ft rt HELP WANTED FEMALE . Clerical aad tiff lee. Demonstrator, tt. Bkkpr., iil. ' ltlAJZ!LiiZc'.;.ttyi'tjr''"'els Thea. Exp. Bteno. (Bpoedy), Tern. $'& ' KOH8yli EFC4 . , j,Ui Past on Hlk. W A N TE I 1 1 1 rT to do office work an.l answer telephone; must have reference steady work and good pay. Call between 2 and 4 p. m., Hof l-eavenworth. A TOUNO, clean-cut, uiunarrlod woman for hotel position out of town; guod r n r- m. 01, ien lima. WANTED Woman for ready-to-weal section In dry goods store. 100 miles from Onlaha; experienced; age 23 to 20 years. Koom and laiard furulahed. In reply stale age, experience and salary ex pected. Applicant must furnish best of references. AddrMS F. II. Borneman. Carroll, la. ON hi all-around machinist and welder. Stenographer, neat, fast. Omaha Agency Co., Ill Bee Bldg. Agents aad galeawomea. EXPERIENCED saleslady wanted. SOS N. 16th St. Factory aad Trades. Seamstress foralteratlons. 2ji07 Isv. OIRL to learn hairJrpaainKOppenhVlm7 UsFkrurV..a l .1.. THE Servant Girt Problem Solved. The ii.. ta.ni k u ... . . . ... . . ." c-i vain uin wnnted Ad ri. unUl .you ' deslrod reaulta. 7. l 7 a v ..uv nii ui Vllimflal, OUUlll Omaha and Council liiuffa. Hrinir ad to 1 tiaa lias .fl.. a I i an. - . . ,w tn- tj vi xvmrjiiun iyitr ivjo. OIKL. for atnral houwora. Mrs. ti. WANTku-WhUssiTTfor gentral houae. -e-iasw a.-. a 11X7 IIP g 1 gal I,a-jr viit. WaAJJTliU--An experienced nurse maid: rafFnra raalllll'i1 Um VsT 1 .' - -a wa am t as. f, aVa v w" man, SbM Howard, II. SdlS. OIRL for general housework; no waah- yv7 mu. i. Hamilton. 4103 Iaenport St. Phone Harney .2 or iiiitldle aged woman to do vnral t.nn. ......... 1. r . .1 . , .. . - - rraiiaun ril. OIRL for general housework; apply o" vr evenuuis. aira. liadrs, US B. 3ut h St. WANTEI A good ulrl for general housed work. 2Jl California St. OIHL wanted for aeneral housework tn family of two. No washing or Ironing. Must be experienced, competent, good cook, clsan, reliable, not afraid or work and able to furnish good references Bal arv ;io. H. 3a. Mra. F. G. Farrlngton, .t.jWoolworth. WANTED A competent cook. Mr. K. C. narion, sm llarncy. WANTED-A girl for general housework. 110 South t4lh St. U1RL for general housework. Mra, W. C. Lyle, bM 1'ark Ave. ANTEJ A competent maid for cook ing and general housework; no washing; small family, and guod wages. 131 S 2th St Harney 2lu2. MAID for general housework. Miss Sharp, iiione Walnut a. MAID wanted for general housework, I S per month; no washing or Ironing, ill N. 31 h Ave. WANTElw At once, a neat girl for gen eral housework. Tel. 11. 741. 1304 S. 3ftth St. aaiaeellaueawa, TOlTNtl women coming to Omaha aa strangers are Invited to viait tne Young W omen's Christian association building at St Msry s Ave. and 17th SL. whara they will be directed to suitable boarding. rtrii-a or oinerwiiss assisted. laok for our travelers' guide at i; tilon atatton. LADlEd maaa ahlelds at home, H0 for 100; work snt prepaid: no csnvasslng; send stamp, lvanhoe Mfg. Co., st Loula Mo. WOMEN W'ANTEl --Government Joba. Llat tree. Write Immediately. Frank lin Institute. Dept. sUal. Rochester. N. T. HELP V? ANTYCIV MALE Clerical aad Ufllee. WANTED FH-TEEN SALESMEN AT ONCE; EXPERIENCE UNNEC- CESSARY; VERY GOOD WAGES. and other openings on hand. Would do ell to have you call If you are out of work. J13 BEH BUILDING. HKI.P WAXTFP MALE lerlral aad fflee. GOOD, bright, young salesmen, age 22 to ft years; preferable man with coun try stoie let all experience for house ea tabllxhed trade; Black Hills territory. KiHlKKR RKF. CO.. MO Paxton Block. CLAIM and settlement clerk, Imple rnenta; experience, loo to tlUO. Address F 1 Vx. lice. BiLI.lNil clerk: Monarch machine; ex. perle n ce. Omah a Agency Co., 2:1 Bee. SIX clean-cut furniture salesmen; one cheese salesman. Omaha Agency, ill Pee Bldg. lilOH-uKAL'K commercial posltlona WKST. HUFKRENCE A BOM) A83N, kz tunana r-it- rana niag Aaesits, galeasaea aad llettara. Wanted Salesman Experienced in the Sale of Building Materials. Irg local corporation hag position open for man having above qualifications, toa'ether with acquaintance of territory 1lrrnhn.lt.. ' - v..,,.. i iih vriiimiev. I Only api.licfl.nts which will be conald I ered will be men over 20 years of age, f good character and good business re cords. When answering thla advertisement. . ji , .iuin., . .uinii fuurmi, in cluding age, whether married or single, All Information will be treated aa nil ny lonuuenijaj. imiress jx. in, umn Bee. COA1. ugenta wanted in every town; get m. m. uoi, co. rintte. Neb. W fci W ANT ambltloua branch managera and lotal agents, for our world-wide General Agency Business; experience unnecessary; no stock or merchandlae to buy; operate from your own home In apure time; you should make from li0 to 1100 per week; write today for free tn- lormauon. a. t . Loos Oo., 403 w. Wal- nui bi., lies Moinea, la. WANTED- wnA .t.l. .i.m.r., salesman to handle a Ward a wagon In "'""' county, wo experience needed. lor full narflciilN w - i. Jard s Medical Company, Winona, Minn. r.r-i 7, mi leoeri iifin "BILLY" SUNDAY'S message. Author lied. Great opportunity for man or woman. We will pay you 1120 to distrib ute it and take ordere. 0 days' work, spare time may he used. Vnlvereal Bible House, 101 Winston Bidg,, Philadelphia. THE first payment carries insurance to January 1, 1(116; great Inducement; call or write Mutual Benefit Health St Acci dent association. City National Bank Bldg., Omsha. Neb. INVESTIGATE our acoldent and health policy, ail old and ten new features; paya the first week of slcknesa for 11 per month; local agents and district man agera wanted. Merchanta Life and Cas ualty Co., 12 Plymouth Bldg., Minne apolis, Minn. AGENTS Wanted We will put the ener getic, upright and reliable man in posi tion to make money selling Oregon grown stock; experience unnecessary; give refer ence as to character. Address Dept. L, cmiem nuowry v o. , oaiem, ure. SUBSCRIPTION aarenta wanted, every where. In nl mrm nil. ..I.lnrn... . . alve territory. Bherlock Circulation Agency, 4.14 Flynn. lee Moinea, la. o in. GOOD bright boy, about 17. with good iTiriTiii- wiiu typewriter experience. fl1 2 Hee Bldg. Factory aad Tradea. WANTED Mon to learn tha barber trade. Wa have originated a clan to teach it quickly and thoroughly. Wagea pain wnue learning. lools included. Write for Illustrated catalogue. MOLEB BARBKR COILEGK. 110 S. 14th St WANTED To get In touch with all around printer, capable handling coun try weekly. Married man preferred. No bonier. Work to atari about January L Address, Y 66. Bee. Drug Store Snapa. Jobs. Knelst, Bee Bldg. Positions Now Open. Free Catalogued AMERICAN AUTO COLLEGE. 2QM Farnam St.. Omaha. Neb. LEARN BARBER TRADE Wages paid. Toals given. Positions guaranteed. Call or write for information. I ri-.'iry college, 11X4 Douglas, Omah WE need men; had to turn down two Joba per work lately. Get in. Learn 1 ' j vu, iiitiihiu. vtvi viiw VI ineaw jona. Catalogue D. B. free. Nebraska Auto mnblle Sihool. 2406 lavenworth St M I see 1 la a eon a. RAILWAY mall clerks wanted. $75 month. Omaha, examinations comt:;g. Sample question free. Write Immediately. Frank lln lnstltntee. Dept. 210 'cr-.jter N Y I CAN Oliallfv and aula, w .. .-. I . . 1 1 1 wen I men file lnt.Mt.l. r.... w j transportation work paying $126 per month and up. Address Y M. Bee. I WILL start you In the mail order busl nea If you will handle my goods. CHT CO., B. A llantlo City, N. J. YOUNG Dane wishes a steady" Job of any kind. K.xperlenced aa Janitor. Sober and honest. Address A 142. Bee. M EN, with common aense education who wish government Johe, 70 month, should apply immediately for full Infor mation. Address Y &6, Bee. HELP WANTED MILD AND FICMAIJO. COM POSlTOil wanted, on or before Oct." 1; lady or gentleman with soma knowl edira of display work; permanent for nam person; aountry weekly. N E Nebraska. Walthlll, Neb., Tlmea BITUATION8 WANTED YOUNG man deelrea position aa chauf feur With Private family or bnaln... concern. Fully competent of handling and y"""s ' i auii limit oi car. can furnlxh the best of reference. ?-yt Har. ney St D. 7k2. STEADY work by man experienced in hardware, druga, gen 1 mdae., groceries; good carpenter; prefer real eatata office; A-1 reference. Phone ava. ben. 106-W. ask for Ed. WANTED Poaltion doing stenographer wura ai uoiue. uenry .tveaseis, xuian. Neb. 'ANTED Situation, by first class, all around butcher In a eountrv town aa- drvsa Y b4. Bee. YOUNG lady wants poaltion. Have ex- tMrlanea m nit ft, I.mum. ..m v. . 1 1 - ....v.v.a.w VM III 1WIUH. Ing: stenographer, typist, clerical work. v whi ht-i eim rnu uiin. auurtll X isr, liee. SITUATION wanted by a colored man cook. In or out of olty. Addreaa 8 141. Bee. YOU Ml lady would like position aa cashier or rooming house oroorlerrena or would take aa housekeeper. Call Red m.j or iM in. ism hi. WANTED Situation; middle-aged man; reliable and trustworthy: knows farm va uw inji nuuivsa a iw, PRACTICAL nurae would Ilka a position aa nurae girl, or would take position as housekeeper. Call Red Mitt, er 2J0 North loth St. STENOGRAPHER with six years' ex. perlonce in real estate and insurance work. Good reference. Wants poaltion with responsible firm. Telephone Doug las 4'JS. M 1 1 IDLE-AGED lady wishes position as muBrraeeirer. weo. iwi. YOUNG liana wishes a steady job of any kll.,1 I.'. lr(an...H . . .nllnr V. .1 " . i . .. . w . , pull,! BIN nonesi. Aauress a lu, see. LOST AND FOUND Lost or Found ada la Omaha's Loot and Found mediums means tba immediate re turn of Uiat article if advertised In The nee, trie I roat and Found pai-er. V)l'jND-lii the Omaha Klectrlo Power viiiv-w. uuir riu. air. cimnan will be pleased to return It to owner. OMAHA t OIUNCIL BIA'FKS STKEKT RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having lost soma arttela would do wrU to call up tha of floe of the Omaha 4 Council Bluffs Street Railway company to aaoerta'a whether they left It lu the street oars. Many articles each day are turned In and the c.impanv ta anxious ta restore them to the -lghtfi:l owner. Ca'l lVug. 44 f WkrrK, ...... .1.... " TTT ... ...v. ..wiiiie) .mj vr AU- guat. Iriah Terrier dog. Color reddish brown. Tag No. lad. Answers to name 'Snap.' Liberal reward If returned to AH ..I rall I . I . a .7 V. U-lw IXlST Purse containing key and glaaee vu ran car. vewaru. At;!, nil. UAa TER-IOAL GORDON, the Magaslna Man. Tel. toug. 7 ltS. lOl NO women coming to Omaha aa strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Chrtsthin association building st 17th St. and St. Mary's Are., where they wi'.l be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise nselstod. Txxik for our travelers' guide at the Cnlii station. TKF. Battalion Army Induatrlnl home so llclta your Jld clothing, furniture, maga lines. We collect. We d.atrlbute Phona Iouglsw 41 nr and our a agon will rail. Call and Inspect our new hom, 1110-1112-1114 Podge St. BWAITERA COLUMN Wanted to Swap. TTTiy not advertise something that you no longer have any use for and gat something you really need? It costs you nothing to Join the Swappers' club and you will find It lota of fun swapping things. WH'e Room 104, Bee Bldg., or phone Tyler 1000 ARCHITECTS LEVEL Thla instrument waa made by layld White Co. and has only been used a few times; has polished hardwood boa, trtpod and rod; cost $50. Will swap for office furniture or aome thing I can use. Address 8., C. 211, Bee. AUTOMOBILE For other automobile bargains see tha "Automobile'' classifi cation. BUSINESS CHANCE Have cigar and oonfectionery store, other buslnesa. Will awap for auto or what have you. Ad dreaa S. C. 1324. Bee. BUS CHANCE Must sacrifice account of health a small manufacturing bual neaa In city; trade established In every state in the U. S. ; no competition. Thla la a wonderful chance for aome one. Will exchange It for land or other property of about 26.000 that will not require my time. Address 8. C. 117, Bee. CAMERA 4x6 folding camera with best of lens and Istest improvements. Swap tor larger camera, a. C 2at, Bee. COUCH Sanitary couch and 1 baby buggy to trade for good bed and springs. Address 8. C. 223, Bee. CHICK RNS-1 have thoroughbred Buff urpningtons. will trade for a sal range or diamond. Address 8. C. 219, Bee, CAM ERA Msndel's one-minute post card camera, new and of best make; coat I-T8. W III trade for furniture or any thlng I can use. S. C. 22, Bee. DIAMOND Pure white diamond H-l-1-14 carat. Tirrany platinum mounting; worth 1IE0. Will trade for Ford runabout or other light roadster, in first-class con dition. Address S. C. 221, Bee. GASOLINE ENGINE Have 2-horse powsr gasoline engine; will trade for small 110-volt motor or tinners' toola. Address S. C. 21 Bee. ORAPHOPHONES Four-minute graph o phone and a Standard. Exchange. Ad- areea o. u. uea HAVE good gold filled watch. Klain mane ; soon timeaoeper. win traaa lor a rig. Addreaa S. C. Bee. KODAK SUX4H folding pocket kodak; coat 111.60, together with new 15 de veloping tar k. trays, print frames, chem icals, etc Will trade complete outfit for good typewriter; Underwood preferred. Address 8. C. 170. See. PHYSICIAN'S set of four "DaVllbls' atomisers and stand, like new, cost anout ; win trade for anything use ful. Address 8. C. 1M. Bee. MOTORCYCLE Harley Davidson motor cycle, two-speed, twin cylinder; good as new and looka like new; 1814 model. Will exchange for Ford runabout or other light roadster. In first-class condition. Address 8. C. 220, Bee. PIANO Cost 1460. to awap for a good au tomobile. I want a good machine and will pay any difference there la between tne two, p. f. 78s, Bee. PIANO Have I standard, used Pianos, a Franklin and a Reed, and want a good auto, laU model. Addreaa 8. C. 21, Bee. PIANO I have an almost new Estey M.ha m A a I .CI T- . . . ...... " . ' . IIIWWI A' VOl, AU- A .... a C 1 13.. u' J. V . L(l, DC PIANO Have brand new. high-grade nl. nn thm T will . . ' - , uuuaing w or ommonus. o. v.. ss, care Me a PHONOGRAPH Edlaon electric with amKarnl 1 1 V. rv. . n , .Aft . mahogany cabinet with alx drawera and concealed horn, and worth 1126. Will traae ior anytning to the value of 271 that T ean uae AiIiIm., a n aia tiu PHONOGRAPH Edison and 126 records; Address 8.' C. 222, eacnange ior aiamona ring. nee. RIFLE Will trade a 26-ehot 22-cal., lever action Merlin rifle for a pump action 22-cal. repeating rifle. Address 8. C. 214. Bee. ROOMING HOUSE Good, establlshsd trade: furniture and fliitiM, in fSNi class condition; close to business district, to swap for city property. Addreaa S. C. MI2. care Omaha Bee. RESTAURANT and rooming houae with a email line of groceries, doing good bueinesa. What hava you? Addreaa ft. C. 1342, Bee.. SINGER MACHINE Have Singer aewlng vim. m cooo conaiuon, arop-neea, six drawers; will trade for chickens. auciien ranae, nesting stove, or what nave you i Aaaran b. u. XV!T. Bee SMITH PREMIER typewriter for chlck- you. Addreaa 8, C. 226, Bee THRESHING rig. 17-hors power engine. 1650; also ten roll Piano shredder, like now, isw jraae ror land or Ford. John T. Johnson, Columbus. Neb. TYPEWRITER Smith Premier and beat make mandolin exchange for diamond ring of equal value. Address 8. C. 211 af7Va Ulliailat. 2 Jll'.Cir!? ahotgun or rifle. aw ius.LraiA.r4. izu xwugiaa. FOR RENT Aawrtsaeaits aad Flata. The For Rent advertlaament aonaaetne In the For Rent column of The Ilea .lailv cannot be beat for variety that will please ana tin tne neeas or any one desiring to rent. Phone Tyler l0tX HEATED APARTMENTS. THE FICK. 10$ SOUTH MTH BT. A very choice brick dwelling In tha most select residence district In the city of Omaha, consisting of i rooms ana sleeping porch, with heat and janitor services furnished. This Place has ctmI advantages over the average apartment on account or raving private front and back yards, private front porch, private front and rear entrances and private laundry room. Garage extra. Price. 260. THE LOOM 13, 1001 SOUTH 80TH AVE. A very choice 6-room heated apartment In the Hanscom Park district, consisting of six large light rooms, exceptionally well arranued. all rooms belnr outalda Thla la a corner apartment on the second iioor, ana nas private front and rear en trances, private porch and private laurv- iwm wnicr aim janugr services furnished. Open for inspection. nits iuiut, S126 PACIFIC ST. A beautiful 6-room apartment, having a large reception hall, very large living room, brick fireplace, built-in bookcases snd cosy bay window, finished In quarter- sawea o; large dining room, with pan try and kitchen opening off of it. Two large bedrooms connected by small hall way to tiled bath. Plenty of closets. lnvate porches, entrances, laundry and larxe yard. First floor. Heat, hot and cold water and Janitor sen Ice furnished. trios, uv. THE LAFAYETTE. OOR. 17TH AVhi AND JACKSON. Four rooms. Apt. No. 11. strictly mod ern and Up-to-date; three large rooms, tiled bath and kitchenette. Comer apart ment, all rooms outside and very light. First-claaa condition. 143. M auiamer and 141 In winter. Til K t-AHl.TllS, cs south uth ir. Four rooms. Apt. No. 4. a very eholos apartment on tho aecond floor, south side. naving targe ngni rooms, tuea train, large porch. l& summer, i winter. ah tne above aistrtmenta are open for Inspection. Go see them today. PA l N19 4k bLAThH COMPANY, sis umtni in at. nana mag. STANDARD FLATS. OOOD 8TEHM-H BATED HOMES. A few vacanclee In thea desirable d-roora. steam heated, modern auart. menta; private hall; bath, rangea; free hot and cold water; JanltorJ service; walking distance ; good location, on great north travel way. T. J. HKK, 1101 N. UTH ST. BKAUTIKUU strictly mod. apta., 14th and lates ma; jaiiuor aervice; fine lawn, playgrouuds. tennis courts and sununsr comforts. Telephone Web. 6674 or 424. ANGELUS Apts., ISth Ave. and Doug- las. sag s-rooro apia. Mar. ,4. o (Continued caCoLl, ttls Pass) Ready Reference Directory The following firms offer quality and expert service that will please the most critical: ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. RETO ABSTRACT CO., oldest abstract otfc In Nebraska Brandels Thea. Kerr Title Guarantee and Abstract Co., a modem abatract office. Sot S. 17th St. Phone D. (4N7. ADVERTISING NOVELTIES. M. F. Shafer Co., 12th, Farnam. D. 7474. AMATEUR FINISHING. FILMS developed free If purchased from Photo Craft Shop. 411 Bee Bldg. Dept. D. ACCOUNTANTS. E. A. DWORAK ACCOUNTS AUDITED Books opened and eloaed. Cost system Installed. Let me call on you to explain tha advantages of my audit service system. Address. 4 437 Ramgo Bldg. Phone Doug. 740. ARCHITECTS. Everett 8. Dodds. 1J Paxton Big. D. 1OTJ- ARTIFICIAL LIMRS. ARTIFICIAL Limbs. Braces and Trusses; expert fitter Fltwell Artificial Limb Co.. 222 8. Uth Bt ATTORNEYS. C. T. Dickinson. Sll Paxton Blk. D. 1K4. AUCTIONEERS. Dowd Auction Co . 1115-W W.O.W. R. ESS. AUTO INSURANCE. AtTTCMOBTUS MUTUAL INSURANCE CO.. Douglas 2R1. AUTO RADIATOR REPAIRS. Omaha Radiator Rep. Co., J02g Far. D. 1001. RAKF.RIE. Z. H. RETS PER. WM N. lh. Web. 2297. BATHS. WOMEN onlyi vapor and electric hatha rift Lake Pt. Phone Webster 1111. BRASS AND IRON FOUNDRIES. Paxton-Mttrhet! Co., f7th and MarthaSta. CARPENTERS AND CONTRACTORS. STEVENSON. 222 S 22d. Douglas C620. Laaaard A Bon. I" Cap. Are. T. 131. CHIROPRACTIC SPINAL ADJU'MTS Dr. J, a Lawrence, 1 Balrd Bldg. D. S4SL Dr. Ha yea, 25 Brand. Thea. Bldg. P. 642t. CHIROPODIST. Carrie J. Buford. 20 Pax. B1K. Red 4nT. DANCING ACADEMIES. CHAMBERS' academy, classic. D. 1271. I . . FALL term open at Mackle'a. Doug. 644. DRESSMAKING. Tarry Preaamak'K college, 10th rarnai DRESSMAKING COLLEGE. Ketater'g Diwasmaklng Col.. ICS qty Wa. DYERS AND CLEANERS. STATU Dry Clng. Co.. 130 N. 12th. D. 1071. DETECTIVES. JAMES ALLAN. 811 Neville Block. Un. dence aeoured in all cases. Tyler lUt DANCING ACADEMIES. OHNEJVIEVH HAUFLAIRB, Roma hotel. DENTISTS. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 921 W.O. W. Bldg. Pyorrhea. Dr. Flcklea. 734 City Nat Bank. Taft Dental Rooms. 1517 Douglas. D. 218. DRUGS. DRUGS at cut prioes; freight paid on 210 orders: catalotruea free. Sherman 4k Mo Connell Drug Co.. Omaha. Neb. ELECTRIC PIANOS. Continental Nov. Co.. 112 N. 15th. Terms. ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIRING. CAHILL ELECTRIC CO.. Bee Bid. D 2X7. ELECTROLYSIS, TJloa Allender. M Bee Bldg. Red 80M. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN. ACCORDION, aide, knife, sunburst, box nlaatlna: covered buttons, all slxea and style ; hemstitching, point edging. Era broiderv, beading, braiding, cording, eyelet cut work, buttonholes, pennants. Ideal Pleating Co., 200 Douglas Block. Douglas WM. FURNACES AND TIN WORK. HA BURST ROH. 402 Hamilton. Wal. 2971. ' FLORISTS. BATH'S, florists, 1104 Farnam Bt D. 8000. L. HENDERSON. 1S14 Douglas. D. 1258. Member Florist Telegraph Dal. Asa n. HES8 & BWOBODA. 1415 Farnam St A. rjONAOHTTB. 1621 Harney. Doug. 1001. GOLD AND SILVER PLATING. WB replsts everything of metal. Omaha Plating Co.. 1220 Harney St. Eat. ISM. INSTRUCTION. Eniilah. FTonoh, Instruction. 806 Lyrio Bid JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. H. H. CLAIBORNE. 611 Paxton Blk. Red 7401. Notary public, deposition steno. C. W. BRJTT. 101 Baker Block. ' LANGUAGES. Languages taught; prlvata or cl Web. toM. LADIES' TAILORS. MAX SCHWARTZ Formerly with Miss Fox. Open for bust nesa; satisfaction guaranteed. 4"7 Pax bk. LIVE STOCK COMMISSION. MARTIN PROS. CO.. Exchange Bldg. LIGHTING FIXTURES, WIRING. DUltKIN Thoro"- Douglas ISlli uuumi. 24 Cuming St. MOVING PICTURE MACHINES. OMAHA Film Ex.. 14th and Doug. Mo. tion picture machine and film bargalna MOTORCYCLES, HARLET-DAVTDBON MOTORCTCLF2S. Baraaln In used machines. Victor Him, Tbs Motorcycle Man." 2702 Leavenworth. oa. NOTIONS. NOTIONS, newa cigars, aandy. 1838 Parlt. OCULISTS. ' Eyes examined, glasses fitted, pay as you Zdywm vuiHimu, a1 can. Dre. Mccarty 1111 W. O. W. Bldg. PATENTS. D. O. BarnalL Paxton Blk. Tat Red TUT. H. A. Bturgea. iS Braadala Theater Bldg. OSTEOPATHY PHYSICIANS. JOSEPHTNB1 ARM9TRONQ. 416 Bee Bldg. PAINTING AND PAPERING. HTJQH M MANUa741T N. 40th. H. 1721, PILLOWS AND BEDDING. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Mattresses made to order or remade. l0T Cuming. D. . PLUMES CLEANED. Dyed made over. D. Eleale. l:M City Nat PRINTING. WATKR8-BARNHART Ptg. Co., quality printing. Tel Doug. 21 HO. 624 8. 13th St CENTRAL PRINTING CO.. DOUG, 871 DOUGLAS Printing Co- Tel. Deu-laa4. 8TOVB AND Ft RNACE REPAIRS. ALL REPAIRS-Water fronts, furnace oolla, etc. Quick service. Omaha Stove Repair Wks. 120S-1I Douglas St. Tyler Jo. SAFE AND TIME LOCK EXPERTS O A Opened repaired, comb. OVP rO changed. F. E. Daven--a-a. iVW port 141 pedg., iK lfg SCALE REPAIRING. Om. Standard Scale Oo.. BIS B. 12th. D H SHOE REPAIRING. FRIEDMAN BRQ9.. shoe repair, ai 8. 14 Harley ShoeRep'r. Co.. 2QQ4 Farn'm. R2444 SEWING MACHINES. XUa le.1- repeilr. "sell needles and YY C parla "r.B" aewlng machine "MICHEL'S" NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., 16th ,d Harney. Douglas ltx. STEEL CEILINGS. CARTKR Sheet Metaljrrn. m g 19 STORE AND OFFICE FIXTURES." DmlKe0 c.howc.es. shelv. a S:. i buy' Omaha Fixture Supply Co.. 414-la-m 8. 12th. Doug 27 2 TOWEL SUPPLIES OMAHA Towel Supply, m 8. 11th. P. IS a. TAILORS. CHA8 C. UNTiBRYOH, log N. lBth Bt. TRUNKS AND SUITCASEsT FRBLTNG St STEINLB, 1 Farnam Bt. TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT. RKNT an Oliver typewriter S mo. for $4. Oliver Typewriter Agency. 1206 Farnaml BHT11 n TrPJwrtir Kxchangn, til 8. lMh St All makes for aale or rent, nE?i? JRmlnton" not Just a type writer. ly nn en , .r .....v. iniugia, livt. WATCH SPECIALISTS. Christiansen, la . Paxton Bit., 1 yr. any, WEDDING STATIONERY. Wedding annonnoementa. Dowg. Ptg. Ca. I WINES AND LIQUORS. ALEX JETE8, Imj 8. 18th BL Wlqee. liquors, cigars. Plata dinners U to , loS ' ... ... . awwi aw. a en-cans lunoo. JIEDIOAL PILES. FISTULA CTTRBTA ' ' ,Dr- R- Tarry cures piles, fistula ami other rectal diseasea without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no. , monev paid UnUl cured. Write for book 1 on rectal diseases with testimonials. HA. a B- TARRY, 140 Baa Bids. RfllTT'MATtKlur ...li ' aulta giiaranted. Dr. Bowser. 814 Bee Bldg. RUPTURL cured in few d m va wlhmn ratn. Call or write Dr. Wray, 806 Bea oiug., umana, mttabilsned 189a, o FOR RENT Apartments and Flats. WB will hava a fine 2-room, also 4-room apartment, Oct. 1. In the Nathan apta. cor. Sherman Ave. and fcpruoe St. Thea r - ian ueniraoie in everv reaneet mnA will an ci - "... 4ui.niT, Janitor. Apt L or oall office. SOOTT AND HILL CO, a pouglaa 1008. FOR RENT. new. S and fc-room apart ments, dissppearing beds, pneumatla cleaner, shower baths, first class in every particular. Flora Apts . 2fifii Jones St. -n l-R. MODERN Apt. In the Page for rent vt. riiuiu riarney . o MODERN, sanitary, steam heated; hot water tree, close in. I, f. etebbina TH REE-room apartment, 6L Clara Call Harney 647. BSTABROOK Court, mod., sanitary; on va.vu.iii., uo qurca. . I . EitODOma 13-ROOM modern flat, 2707 Dodge, (37.60, "ey at pommer proa., xtn at rirntra. Board aad Rooms. Furnished Rooms that offer everv mod ern convenience and comfort in prlvata rami lies or Doaraing nouses or the high est class will be found In the Furnished Rooms column of Tha Bee. Phone Tyler looo. The Shriner Trftrvma .Innl. . H ... I. . T7. II . Bteam heat. Ratea reaaonable. 824 So. 26 o Nicely furn.; excellent board. 422 8. 26th WALKING distance, la per week, 2562 St wary a Ave. FARNAM ST.. 29S7 Exceptionally nice rooms, with excellent home cooking, on Farnam car line. Board and Room. 2019 Douglas 8t Neatly furnished nil a quiet home, breaks ii yreiwrwi. aw ot. strri AJV. BOARD and rooms. 85 wk. 2812 Douglaa THE Chatham tiotel for gentlemen. Rates' w yrmaiiieiit gueats. 11U . utn. U. box. Farnam St.. 2107 Nicely furnished rooms, steam heated; close In. Douglaa 8711. SPECIAL LOW RATES TO PERMANENT GUESTS. HOTEL BAN FORD, l(Kh and Farnam. HOTEL, HARLEY, 2vth and Farnam. 811 8. 2STH-.Modern rooms by day or Week: 60o and UO: lual off ITamam Me line. Ratea by the week. Famished Raoaaa. 8 NEAT rma.. 83 per wk. up. 407 8. S Ave. DOUGLAS. 2120 Furnished elegantly; modern conveniences; catering to hlgh classpeople only; rates reasonable. BUHT, 2776 Neat furn. closeto college "d business district; rates reasonable. Nicely furnished, close In, 2704 Farnam Bt Neatl y furn., q ulet home. Krt2 Harney. Nicely furn.; private home. 601 8. Mb St. NEATLY fur, private home. J90 Har. St. Furulahed neatly fur YOU. Sul S. 26th. 4 ROOMS en suite, nicely fur. 660 S. 2bth. NR'H large furnished room for one or two respectable gentlemen; private fam ily breakfast If desired. 13 Web. H. 6M3. Llegantfy fuin., quiet home. tii Howard. ROOM-MATB WANTED-Lady occupy ing an apartment, consisting of living room, kitchenette, trathroom and aloove; located in downtown district, wants con genial lady to share rooms with her. For Information ss to expense, ate, addreaa E 146, Bee Office. Hoaaekeealaar Kaawa. FRONT rooms, newly paperer. or hk . i a, ..... a.. vT . ...L li.r " v , w . . join, da"venport7" TiTtVO OR THRKB NICKL.Y FURNISHED FRONT HOUak KEUP1NG ROOMS Faralaked lloases. "West Farnam Furnished or Unfurnished, $10 and $15 T rooms, all modern; piano-player, etc; Paved etreet; balf block to car. Ixiuglas 6uU Webster 14M. o. ALL modern 8-r. bungalow. 2715 Xilnney. w. ai2. CONTINUED ON PACK 1, COLUMN OSL.l I 'A