Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 18, 1915, Page 13, Image 13

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Pitching Battle Between Falken
burg and Davenport Endi in
St. Louis Victory.
ST. I,oriS. fSept. 17, A pitehln duel
hero today between Falkenbers; end
Javenport resulted In a 1 to 0 victory
for St. IxnUs over Prooklyn. Karh
pitcher allowed two hits. In the eighth
Innlrur, with the bsee full and two out,
tyer struck out. Score: R.H.K.
Prooklvn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 2 !
tft. Lewis ....0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 -3 ' 0
. Hatterles: , Falkenbers: and l-and;
rvenport and Chapman.
Rfha Rent Terp.
PITTSBUROH. Sept. 17. -The winnin
ran In the fains which Pittsburgh today
itook from Baltimore was scored In the
ninth Inning, each team to that time
having one run to Its credit. Score:
llaltlmore ....0 0 0 0 o 0 1 0 01 4
i'tttsburfh ... 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0
RatterTee: Con ley and Owens; Allen
and O'Connor.
wark Lmri to K. C.
KANSAS CITY. Mo.. Sept. 17. Pack
ard's pitching and one good Inning Vve.
Kanm City the first of the Newark
aerie today, t to 0. Tackard allowed
hut three hits, one of them for an ex
tra base, but two In the. same Inning.
eVorc: R.H.E.
Newark 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 6 I
Kannua Citv 00100000 0 S 6 0
Hatterles: Moeeley, Mcrma and
Hen; Packard and Easterly.
THE F-4 RAISED FROM HONOLULU HARBOR A view of the bow of tho United States
submarine F-4 as she lay between the pontoons in the dry dock of the Pearl Harbor Navy
yard at Honolulu. First photo since the raising-
Big Racing Plant to
Be Built at Tijuana
SAN FRANCISCO. Sept. 17. Comple
tion of arrangements for a new race
track at Tijuana, Lower California,
Just across the border line, with 100-dsy
annual meets, was announced here today.
. Agreement were said to have been
reached, as to the concession, with vari
ous warring Mexican factions. A grand
otand for -10,000 persona, stables for 700
horses and a mile oval track are said by
the promoters to be assured at a cost of
URAND ISLAND. Neb., Sept. 17. (Spe
cial. Telegram.) The second annual fair,
given by the Central Nebraska Agri
cultural association, closed this evening,
a pronounced success. Almost In every
department was the space for exhibits in
creased and yet all excepting for sheep
and cattle were pressed to overflowing.
On German day yesterday there was a
parade In tho morning and a gathering
of Germans with German songs and ad
dresses at the grounds in tho afternoon.
The district schools of Hall county
drew the honor In parade. A baby con
test was won by Anna H. Kauffman as
the prize rural baby and Wood row Allan
Boderstrom as the best city infant.
The races under the management of Dr.
Ilernard were the finest ever eoen In cen
tral Nebraska. Today there was a col
lision between Lou Medium and Redwood.
After the horses had been distanced it
was found that a wheel was torn from
one of the sulkies and one of the horse
thrown. The judge called it an accident,
lilark Beezley was declared the winner,
l.ou Medium second and King Will third.
2:12 pace: . .
King Will. b. g. (King Traveler..
t ---'..v.-
Thirty-Eight Automobile-1 and Thir
teen Motorcycles in Use in the
Public Service.
Local German-Americans Personally
Tell Bankers to Keep Their
Hands Off
l i
!.ou rodlum. br.g. (Red Medium).! 4
Ht-dwood. s. g. (Aldenwood) S I
Black Beezley ..t 1
Time: 2:16, S:17V4. 2:1W.
2:30 trot:
Allle Maxwood, ch. m. (Allerton)..S 2 3
Ivan Barr. br. g (Escobar) 1 1 1
Viva Golden Barn, b. m. (Golden
Mvrtle. b. m. (Spider U) 1 3 S
Time: 2:264, 'iMi. 2:24.
2:Ji pace: Chance, ch. eg., (Prince On-
line) 1 1 1
Major Harding, b. s. (O. 8o) 4 2 8
reeley Hal. br. g. (Hal Tlex) S 4 6
Shady Lady, b. m. (Shade On) 2 I 2
Dellle C, b. m. (Slmbaul Patch). ...5 4
Time: j:Si. 2:1'4. 2:19.
Cleanup of Holdup
Men and Thieves is
Order Given Police
R. Beemer. 2012 North Twenty-third
street, charged with robbing J. R. Wll
liams. at Bradon, la., of a purso con-
taininB coins and other valuables, was
arralsncd la police court and fined M
and coot on a charge of vagrancy.
The ttWt could not be proven, although
Williams and the police are confident
that Reemer Is the Individual who went
through tho latter' pockets at Tenth
ttreet and Capitol avenue several even
ing ago.
Special cleanup order have been issued
ihe units of the department In an ef
fort to stop the many robberies that have
been perpetrated within the last fow
Although Ak-Sar-Ben time is btill some
rl lb tan re In the future, the rounding up
of the undeslrsbles now is expected to
have considerable effect on the influx of
i rooks that accompanies the festival
Following the adoption of resolu
tions by local German socletie. pro
testing against the proposed $1,000,
000,000 loan to the allies. It has be
come known that many Omahans of
German descent and sympathies havi (
personally warned local bankers not
to participate In the gigantic loan for
fwar purposes.
"We have told the bankers that u
they have anything to do with the
loan to the allies, we Germans will
wthdraw all our accounts from the ,
participating banks ana put our
money In other places," a prominent
German business man stated.
Val J. Peter, Oerman editor, says
that In some cities of the country Ger
man-American societies iave gone
so far as to publish mmllar warnings
in newspapers. j
Parade In New York.
NEW YORK. Sept. 17. Oppo
nents of the proposed loan to the
allies carried their campaign Into
Wall street today, announcing their
sentiment- from flaming placards In
front of the office of J. P. Morgan
& Co.
"Wall Street's Shame" read one of
several large sgn boards held aloft
by leaders of a file of men, who
marched through the financial section
as a protest against establishing the
loan. Another read:
"The money truBt is lending bil
lions of American money to bankrupt
England, France and Russia."
The procession ended with a man carry
ing a big sign which was painted In red,
white and black: "Billions for King
The paradera stopped In front of the
Morgan offices. A crowd collected and
detectives ordered them to move on.
Earlier In the day a large man, dreased
in a bright red coat and blue bleechea,
which he said were emblematic of the
British army uniform, sauntered through
Wall street and stopped on the sidewalk
In front of the Morgan office. A dlmu
nltlve straw hat, whose rrown was not
larger than a silver dollar, rested on his
head and in his hands he carried a many
colored banner on which written senti
ment similar to those displayed later
by the paradera.
The crowd which Immediately sur
rounded htm choked the street for several
minutes. The police finally sent him
Another Aec-ret Meeting; Held
Another secret meeting, the third with
in three days, was held today between
members of the Anglo-French financial
commission and representatives of big
New York, Chicago, Boston and other
out-of-town banking houses, who are en
deavoring to reach an agreement on the
proposed mammoth credit loan to Great
Britain and France.
No further word was forthcoming from
the commls'lon than its brief statement
of last night saying so much already had
been accomplished that It waji hoped a
definite statement could soon be issued
telling of tho progress made.
There are thirty-e'ght automobile '
ar.d thirteen motorcycle In uw In
the various city and county public
departments, and the transportation i
feature of the city and county Is ft I
being tnntorlsed. J
Even the dog catcher has a runa- j
bout auto with which to chase the'
untagged tanines. The Investment
In this equipment, together with the
I annual maintenance charge, makes ;
quite u figure. , j
The city officials bought nine cars'
! during the year and the Board of Kdu-1
i ciitlun three caM, sn aggregate cost of'
over 2i:.iV0. '
i Tber are now thirty-two square miles ,
l In Grvatcr Omaha and the city rommts- (
j sinners believe tho use of the antomo
I bile enable them to cover more terri
tory In a lay and at a less expense than
with horses or street cars. 1
Commissioner Jardlne of the publlo Im
provement department leads the list with
six autonwrhilea, four being driven by
regular chauffeur and two owned by
employes, whose salaries include the use
of (heir automobiles. Another employe
Is allowed $Jf a month for horse hire. !
There are three machines In the park
department, one bning driven by a chauf
feur at a month, another owned by a
fort-man, whose salary provide for tho
use of hla ear, and the third by the i
superintendent of recreation.
The street department ha three cars, i
one regular chauffeur being In the serv
ice and one being owned by a foreman,
who Is allowed fM a month for the use of
hts car.
The mayor's department ha on oar
driven by a ctmuffeur who la paid $33
a week. Commissioner Wlthnell and
Kugcl each havo a car at their service.
Commissioner Butler la the only city offi
cial whoso department I without an auto
mobile. Tho Board of IVlucstion recently
boiiKht throe small cars, on for the
superintendent of buildings In Omaha,
anomer ior me superintendent or ouua
Ings in tho South Side and ono for the
attendance officers.
- v
He Dances His Way
Out of City Bastile
t k. Moody of Petersburg, 111., was
brought befora Judge Foster Friday
morning charged with being drunk,
pleaded guilty to the charge and also to
being the best clog dancer In the world.
Judge Foster let him demonstrate before
several police court attaches and then, on
their recommendation, discharged him.
The Drexel Kid
On week from Sunday, en route to Kan i
Francisco over the Northwestern-Union
Pacific. i. Adatei. Japanese ambassador ,
to, th United States, will pass through
Omaha. Instead of mixing with ordinary
travelers, ha will have a private car and
will have all hi meal prepared by hi
wn Japanese cook.
Hla kM( Waa Brakes.
O. D. Wright, Rosemout. Neb., write:
For about six month I waa bothered
with shooting and oontlnual pain la th
region of my kidney. My rest was
brek aaarly every night by frequent
auction of any kidneys. I waa advised by
my doctor to try Foley Kidney Pills an-t
one H-cent bottle mad a well man ot
me. I can always recommend Foley Kid
ney Pill far I know they are good."
This splendid remedy for backache, rheu
matism, sore muscle and swollen, Joints
contains no habit forming drur. 8ol4
every where. Advertisement.
Says: "Its a
wise Daddy
that buys
Steel Shod
for his boy. I
can't wear
them out."
Two Good
The men who sell boys'
shoes at Drexel's do nothing
else. They have made a
specialty of fitting boys'
shoes. That is one reason
give uch perfect satisfac
tion. Another reason Is that
they will outwear two pairs
of ordinary boys' shoes.
Little gents', 9 to 13V4.
$2.25. Hoys', 1 to Mi.
1419 Farnam
Here Are the Clothes That
Make the Well Dressed Man
Make yom selection from fall lines of tbe following national makes:
Hirsh, Wickwire & Co., Society Brand and Schloss Bros.
These names signify Superior Excellence to well posted, tliHcriminating
men in erery nook and corner in the United States. "When you have worn
them that's what they will mean to you.
Suits and Top Coats for Young and Older Men
Suits Extreme modified and conservative style", in Urquhart plaids,
orerplaids, checks, stripes, etc in brown, bine and all new shades.
Top Coats Box and form fitting, single
and double breasted styles : homespuns.
Scotch tweeds, worsteds and other desirable
Extra strong values at
$17, $20, $22.50, $25.00
and $30.00
Best Suits You Can
Buy, $15.00
Any place, any time. Beauti
ful worsteds in all shades, fine
serges, Urquhart plaids, stripes,
checks, fancy mixtures, etc.,
English and semi-English mod
els and other ultra and conserv
ative Rtyles; all splendidly tai
lored and finished. See them
they will surprise you.
Men's and Young Men's
Pure All-Wool Suits
Worsteds, tweeds, cheviots, casst
meree and blue serges, splendid
fitting clothes, worth (T j A Aft
$15; choice Saturday. 4IU.UU
Dalmacaan Top Coats, In tweeds,
cheviots and homespuns. Skinner's
satin yoke and sleeve lining;
S'-ir..'.1.1. $10.00
New Fall Hats for Men and Young Men
We invite you to inspect the new styles as portrayed in our
comprehensive showings. You will find our selections complete
in every detail, omitting nothing that fashion has approved for
fail ana winter.
"Brandeis Special" Soft and
Stiff Hats, the best tt
hat sold in Omaha, for.3-vll
"Mayo Hats," exclu- nfl
sive with us FO.UV
The famous John B. Stetson
Hats are here, in every shape
and color, $3.50,
$4.00 and
$3.00 Sample Hats, $1.45.
Sample lines of Men's Soft and
Stiff Hats, new fall styles. $2.00.
$2.60 and $3.00 values, d i -special
Saturday, at dl.'tO
Boys' Hats and Caps.
Complete lines of all the new fall
and winter headwear for boys and
children, at 50t. 65. C 1 CH
91.91.25 and 91.0X3
About 160 dozen Hoys' and Chil
dren's Hats, golf caps and Rah Rah
Hats, all new fall styles. 7Cr
Special Saturday LOL
Placed in Your Home on 30 Days' Free Trial.
CmnmiTiM I;mk.'m linvc slvi-n hi li tlinrniiirti SHtls nrllrn thnt ft
frl limnf i.I In iiiHkliiK tin iiniuoml effrr, know Inn ns 'p '' "f t1" msnjr
rxtrsortilnHi fi-ilnrs In cmiiiirllnn with thl fnimiiis runKP rnMiii.rrn
ran)- Imvt! n heavy Mii- st.--l n,.llsinv t. Mi h iciiiin -i no M i k ns;;
t fir t.nx n rxi'MitlKiislly nrw m il IIiiimI with Ihe lnavirM of i sjt rips
nntl fttttl with il'iplcx urst" Tii riitli c vhiikp Ik Ih-hii II! ill i y trimiu-d
w ith plain Iil.'kel, wMrh tnnke s It rimv to pnltxh anil krt p l-an. Cum
metvs rsrt' may t list on lens or flat' base as ili'sired.
Your oM
stove taken
in jmrt
on a new
stove or
m"m " ' """ ' mm im mm .. i . J
T;: "."."If
! j it
I Atsmtmf-r-
, See Our
Line of
Steel and
Cast Iron
Cook. Stoves,
OH Heaters,
Oas Ranges,
Stoves and
A re nia1e with rtouhls bin stiel walls with heavy atibeejloa fcnanl
interllnltia: they have tlm patented araTlty lilnaa door sinportei1 ey havy
nlrkel bratkets. The ovrn wulls are tnaln of the heaviest reinforced Vl.
the fine cotistriirtlon Is "rfect anil etrmiKeit sn as to produce the arrai
eM pusslblc heat by uslnc a small a.nwmnt of fne.1. fotnmen'e ranBes are
absolutely mi a ran teed to be the best bakers, the create t lel saverw, and
the most sstlefartory stove on the market. Priced according- to slxe ami
attachments from I2P C0 to (I0.0(.
See our beautiful
room home outfit,
thing complete
Bee our beautiful four-room
home o u t f j t, everything
Triple Coated Enamel TJare
The product of one of the largest factories in Amer
ica, Turquoise blue, white lined, seamless and in all the
standard sizes.
Two-ijuart coffee pot with O a
enamel cover, our ptifle. ... a I U
Four-quart lxnihle Cooker, Qf)
with enamel rover, our. price Hv
Have the Central Figure
On Your Furniture Bill
No. 8 Seamless Tea Kettle, 00"
with enntnel oover. our price
.SiB.nli:.,. w,cu lined self. lfi.
busting Kiiastors. our price "w
No. I sesmlfss Merlin Kettle, O H . i ne-Uart wiiltvi lined tu- . C
with enameled cover, our pries nincled 1 Upper, ' our nrlce .. ..vv
roiirteen-quurt hcuiiiIims Irish Ofyt
Kan, with handles, our price .... S-wU
Tw ( Ive-nu.i, i iiiie unci 4Q.
Water I'Hil, our trice ..
You Make Your Own Terms at the Central
(Ylcsiro, Milwaukee BC Paul Ky.
train No. la now equipped wtn new
steel, observation louncina cars contain
ing. In addition to tr.e customary obser
vation parlor and platform, an en b.eed
emoklaa' room, wrltlna; rooin and buffet.
This train leaves fmatia B:5u P. M
daily, due Chicago 1:10 A. M , and car
ries stajidard sleepera and dinlnir ear.
Three other fine trains to Chlrgo dai'.v.
Tickets slid reservations at I'll)' Tl Uet
Offl.-e. C. al tjt. I. Ky., 1-1I t iu I a.n
Men's Furnishinffs of Style and Taste
125 Dozen Men's New Fall Shirts
In neat patterns, laundered or soft French cuffs neckband or collar
attached style; many of these shirts are samples, "V mm
made by some of the best shirt makers. J
Values to $1.50, Saturday.
New Fall Neckwear, made
In large, open end tour-ln-bands;
exclusive patterns.
$1.50 val.. Sat- ((
urdar, choice . . . 4 1 .l U
Men' Pure 811k Thread
Hose. "Hun of the Mill"
quality. Regular 'fjr,
:."r sellers, palr...."C
About 160 dozen of tbone
fine quality Silk Kour-ln-Handa
lefu Regular &0c
values, each tf f(
35. or 3 for..lsUU
One big lot of Men's Lisle
Hoae. "Run of the Mill"
quality; worth
to 26c, pulr . .lX'jG
Sample lot of Men'a Pa
jamas made of satin striped
madras and pongee; worth
One big lot of New Fall
Neckwear, large open end
four-in-hands, Cflv
all silk, at OX3L
II I-- I
i. ml & mj Me. aV aOtaK.aV. ; .
Let The Bee et you a jobv
'Situations Wanted" ads are free, i
m Ada Produc --""-i