1 . 'JHE BEE: OMAHA, SATUHOAY, SK1TKMHKR 18, 1015. Bringing Up Father Copyright. 1IR, InleiTktionnl New Service. Drawn for The Bee by George McManu s rr COUNT OEOVNMCE . HC JUST fTII""" MISS JONES TIME FOR , V :vpg ( y"-,; CUT Vt COT TO , ft VTLUNS .10: ST THINK- VHf WtN'T THAT TPE tCLKD V CH THC COUNT- I . ....Vt PHILLIES SHUT OUT BY CIHCIREDLEGS Error of Stock and Bancroft an4 Tony's Fine Pitching; Defeat Visitor!. TWO AND NOTHING THE SCORE CINCINNATI. ept. lT.-Brrore by Stock and Bancroft and Tonay's maaterlr pitching war reaponalbl for Cincinnati winning tha second gam of th present eerie from Philadelphia today. I to 0. Only fir Philadelphia player reenhed first baac, three of them being left at that Lag. whlla tha othar two wrr thrown out at aacond. Demure alao pitched good hail, allow In only si hlta and giving no las on ball. Tha (am a playi-d in . n hour and eleven rolnutca, wliti'h Ik tut record tlma for this season on the Cincinnati grounds, r-'eore: Standing of Teams 11111. tKMlilA. AD.HO.AL Imt. IV... Hanrroft, as. 4 faakart. ef . . 4 rraeath, r.. I I ononis, lh. I Whined. It.. I Nlhff, Ik.. I nrat, e t Omnaroe, p.. I 'Aerker 1 1 t I I I :.: 4 t I I t CINCINNATI. A H.O A.E. NAT. l.KAOI-B. I AMICR. L.KAG1'H. W.LI'rt! W.l.fVt rhlla 77 Wt .r,70! Roston il 4f. . Hrnnklyn ..74 64 .631 1 lmlt l Roston 72 44 .f.f1il-sgo ....NO It .676 Ht. Inuls...6N 73 .4K4jWalirnKtnn Tfi Rl .fl Cincinnati . 71 .43New York.. 1 7S .4f . Chicago ...4 70 .477' t. lxl. ...i 7 .434! Pittsburgh 75 ,471'Clevelsnd ..M .K"4 New York.. 41 7R .441 lhlla . .24 FKI. U:AOL H. I AMfc.Il. A8N. W.l.l'rt. W.UPrt. Pittsburgh. 7 0 sr Minneapolis 40 . Chicago ....74 M .'.448t. Paul M M .M7 St. Inula...74 H4 .m Ixinlsvllle ..77 71 .( Newark ....71 M .Mtrndlanapolls 7 Tl .(77 Kan. City. .70 44 .f.iKan. City... W M .41 Murrain ....M 70 .4navelend ..65 80.44 Rrooklyn ..7 7S .47j Milwaukee . M .4i J tialtlinore ..it V0 .ii3 Columbua ..6 M .3 vatvrday'a Rraalta. NATIONAL U5AOUB. Brooklyn, 7; Chicago, b. Hoaton, 0-2; Ht lula, 1-2 i called end ninth; darkness: New York. IM); Pittsburgh, -5. Philadelphia. 0; Cincinnati. 1. AMERICAN IK.AOi;K. Ht. liouls. 9. VVaahlmton, a Chicago, 2; New York, 1. Detroit, 2; Hoslon, 7. Cleveland, 7-3; Philadelphia, i-t; called end tenth; darknews. FKDKRAL. I.nAOTJR. Italtlmore, 1; Pittahurgh. . Hrooklyn, 0; Ht. l.outff, 2. Newark. 0; Kansas City, 8. AM KHIO AN ASSOCIATION, ft. Paul, -6; Ioulsvllln, 4-1. Uinin Today. National elagua Brooklyn at Chleajjo, LEONARD HOLDS TIGERSSOX WIN Bostom Turn Table on Detroit Crew, Regaining: Ground Loit Day Before. HIT ALLOWED IN EIGHT FRAMES 4 lKHIIfSr. ef..4 1 4 4 lOioh. lb 4 111 lltn.i. m . . I 1 I I OOrtffUh. M.I I 0 HMmi lb. 1 I lCtl. If.... 1110 , I ewinpi. o.... I I T I oMciiwiti. i i a 1 CTOMT, .... I Totals U T Tr J M I 14 II Hatted for Itemarea In ninth. Philadelphia Cincinnati .. Two-baaa hit: 'WlBsro. Stolen ba Tlvraoc. Poubla rlay: tMork to ltulerua. Kucker. nona In ona and one-third Inning Haara on balls: Off Tone v. i. HiriKk out: ' Htrjca out: Uy Plercr, 1; by rtinlih, g. BOSTON, Sept. IT. Tha tablea were I turned on the Tigers today, Boaton de feating Detroit. 7 to 1. The Bed Box victory cava the local team a lead of two games, making It Impossible fur Ietrolt to displace them In the present aerlea. Leonard's pitching was the outstand ing feature of the game, A lily supported by hi fielders, he held the hard hitting Tlgera to one nlnglo In the first eight Innings. With the tenxlon somewhat les aened In tlie ninth, he hit Vltt and put over a ball for Cnhh. The latter sent It flying Into the right field stand, an unusual hit at Fenway park, and the vlaltora' only runs were scored. As In yevte-rdny's game, the fine pitching on one aide was not msrtched on the other. James, Manager Jennings' first choice, proved a poor one, hi six Murphy. Banrlflce hits: Alexander, I'lpp. Double Play: K. Collins to Blackburn to K. Collins. Bases on Iwlls: Off Ruesell. ; off Scott, 4. Hit by pitched ball: Founiler. Htrurk out: Hv Russell. ; by Pcott, 1. Wild pltcltes: Hcott. Russell. Paswd balls: Alexsmler, .VlHyer. I'mplres: lHneen and Nallln. tevrlaad Takes One. PUUJUEI.PHIA, Bapt. 17. Cleveland won the first gam hare today. 7 to 4, and t!el tha second in ten innings, 3 to 3 Philadelphia used several recruits In the first gams and Cleveland was given h liard flglit for the victory. In the eecond event Richardson, formerly of Marshall town, la., had a battle with Mitchell, the latter strtklnir out eleven batsmen. Score: OJSVEI.AND. PMIUADmPHIA. AB.H.O A B. AB.H O.A B To HT. went Attach Braves' Share of Receipts lAM'IS. Sent. 17 Deputy sheriffs to the National league ball park here this afternoon to attach Boston's share of the receipts of the St. I-ouls-Boston double-header. The deputies car ried papers issued after a suit had been tiled against the Hoaton club by the Kan sas City American association team. The Kansas City club brought suit to recover t4,0C0, which, it Is claimed, the Boston club agreed to pay for Player Bash Compton. It was also stated that Boston had not I turned over to Kanaas City Players Law- j rence Gilbert and Richard Crutcher, traded to Kansas City in the Comptotv ( deal. A "For Sale" ad will turn second-han l furniture Into cash. BosTon at Ht Iun.rNw York at IPti-! I " "alls giving Boston opportunl- burgh, Phllsdelphla at Cincinnati. ties from which six runs were developed Americsn League-Hi. Ixxils at Wash- J m ,n6 lTHt thpM) tnnng. Holand took n f 1 k, In . . A ia . k tat V . j 1 lu I tklt air I game, Boaton. Cleveland at Philadelphia Federal Iieasue Baitlmoie at ll'tts burkh. Brooklyn at St. ouls. Newark at ...O 4) 0 0 0 0 0 'Kansas City, Buffalo at Chicago. , i l i ( i o g 1 1 . Wills. If I I i (pman. I I tlmh, cf Ill Dm.xh rf.... I 1 I Kirk, lb.... 4 1 II Brans, lb.... 11 Wmtmsna. lb 4 1 1 Billing. S..4 I Mrtrtm. p... 10 C'artar. p Coiirabe. p... 0 0 t By Damaree. 1; by Tonry. . Umpires: Kiam and Kmalle. lilawts lrfiae Two to Pirates, riTTSBimOJI. Bept. 17.-New York lost two games to Pittsburgh today, the first by a score of to 4) and the second, M to 6. Cooper and Benton were both hit hard In tha preliminary game, the locals bunching tholr hlta better than New York. In the second game Hill waa effective and allowed only four hits and no run a Manager Moilraw and all the playet not in the second game were ordered off the field by I'mplr Rmler for coaching from the bench. Hcore, first gamo: new york. frrrent HOH, Alt H O.A C AB H O A Rums. U.... II Cmr.T. If.... I II 111 ejoHnMen, lb) lit 1 l 1 1 tllamoy. cf... I I I t 1 HiiHhmii. rf I 1 1 0 IWiiwr, am., 1 1 ( Vioi. lb t I 1 t oir, lb.... Ill 11 ouibasa. a... 4 141 1 S iNor ... I 1 1 lit " 1 I ToUls I 1 17 II I ttohtrtan. rf I bonis. :..,. 1 Merklo. lb.. Vlt-hi,' . IWkr rf.,. I Ttxsroo. .... Hraa. lb.. .. I KrsHior. Ill lionln. ...... 4 aoton. p... I rVabamsloa. t Hitler, p.... 'mm 4rea: O'Brien Wild pitch: ua vender. Cm Hntl frlh. VIII, in Oohta. of .... 4 V,h If ... HT. IiOIfHH, Bopt 17. Ht. Ixuls put a 1 l rawford. rf 4 crimp in Boston's pennant prospects by Rurna. lb.. I winning tne opening game or a nounie- una o .. tarda Take llpeaer. header here today, 1 to 0, and tying the Jana', lb. 1 second, which was called at the end of ,-" I the ninth. The score waa I to i Ilaaar. Ihmk opposed Nehf In a pitcher' bat-Il0,47a '.! trinnam. p. Morlarty Uubuo ... Although feeling between the teams ran high throughout tha game. It wa not o much In evidence as waa the case yesterday: Bcore: , DETROIT. BOSTON. AB.H.O. A. K. AB.H.O. AX. Ouah, aa 4 111 lHnnpar. rf... 1 lit I Hoot t, aa.... 4 l'HlMakar. cf.. I 1 Cllol.lln.l. lb I 1 Olwla, If.... I 1 OOanlnar, lb. 1 1 IRarrr. lb.... 4 1 trrlsan. a.. I 1 baoaara, p.. I 1 I 0 I 1 1 I 1 11 0 I 4 0-6 0 . haap. p.... TnUlf ... M 9 M I Hatled for Benton in seventh Batted for Hitter In eighth. New York I 0 0 0 0 0 Plttsburah I 0 0 2 0 4 Two-baa hits: uoyie, aieraie, varey, Johnaton. Thraa-baae hlta: Robertson, looin. Wagner. Sacrifice hlta: Balrd. Cooper. Harrlfic fly: Barney, tttolen bases: Burns (D, Markla. Johnston. Vlox, Balrd. Iouble plays: Dooln to Fletcher, Koteertaon to Morale. Baaea on balls: Off Benton, 4; off Hitter. 1; off Coooer, a. Hits: Off Benton, 10 In six Innings: off Rlttsr. none la ona Inning; off HchUH. nona In ona Inning. Struck out: By Ben Ion. 2; by Hit Mm-, 1; by ckhupp, 1; by Oooper, i. I'miart: . Uaaon and Rlgler, Score, second game: Nrw york. riTrammjnH. , AB.H O A K. AI.H.O.1.1 Rnra If.... 41 Hobartan. lit I 1 ItM. I ... 14 Markla. Ik . 4 I 1 1 latchae. aa. 4 fVKkar. of... I (traul. la... payors, S... WanOaU. S. Tal. a... perrU!. Jarabaas .. cbaaw. p. tie in the first game, each allowing four hits. In the sixth Inning lWscisr waa safe on Maranvllle'a fumble, Betsoel sac rificed and Miller a single completed the run. In the second game -Boardman, a re cruit from Winnipeg, held the vlaltora to two bits after relieving Meadowa In the fourth. Hoor, first game: HOHTON. HT. ljOtTia . All II O A AB.H.O.A g Mnran. If.... 4 0 I PRaaihar, If.. I I 1 Krara. lb.... 4 11 Haial, lb... I I I t'uiniiian. ct. I 1 I I OUillar, 3b.... 114 4 0 Mxm, lb... I I.ns. rf 4 1 Wiiiilh. lb.... 4 1 t oilratt. lb.... I 1 II 1 cnnaollr, rf. t 1 1 uDvlan. cf.... 114 Maranvll, aa I I 4 VKnrdar. C....I III W4Mllns. 1 Harnsbr. aa. I I I Una uuoak, p 111 Oaadr. s.... 1 1 Nartt. p I 1 I Totals 17 4 17 M 1 Tatals. ....n 4 4 1 Hatted for Whaling In eighth. Boston 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 ML Uula 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 -l Two-bail hit: Compton. ttolen base: Bescher. Sacrifice hits: Betsel (a). lHuble plays: llornsby to Hyatt, Hornaby to Miller to Hyatt. Doak to Humaliy to Hyatt Bases on balls: Oft Nehf, 2; off Doak, 6. H truck out: By Nehf, 6; 4y Doak, 2. Vmplres: O'Day and Qulgley. bcore, second game. BOSTON. PT. 1W!I8. AB.H.O. A X AB.H.O.A g. I v 4 0 0 on 40 l l II 4 0 Totals.. .11 17 T ratals... 0 0 0 0 -7 a inn i Hatted for Htanage In eighth, HlLttMt f.. 11.. 1 aJ Ir. -l,th Detroit 0 0 0 0 0 0 Boston 1 2 110 0 Two-base hits: I.eonard, Breaker. Home run: Oobb. Kncrlflcr fly: Iewis. Hacil- f I ,.u kit-. U. , 1 J .. ). 1 1 . I I ..... 1. 1 . hi..,., Holand to Bums (2). L.ft on bases: De-1 ."l- JL , I 4 4 troit. 4; HoKton. 7. First base on errors: Ronton. 2. Uan on bulla: rf f Jumu 4: off Holand, 1. lilts: off Jamea. 4 In two! j rt Moras. If.... 1 Hi rand. II... 1 Errara, lb.... 4 (mploA cf. I KIIIVU , CI 1 Macao, lb... 4 rlmllh. lb.... 1 1 1 iCarey. If.... 4 I I TZ" 'U. Si JobnatoB. 1414 :. rf. .... I Marasall. as 4 WMlii a., t Hutboa. ... I larxr. of.. 4 1 Hiaba. rfl J I l'V. OVIoa, gb 4 Hatra. lb.... I lOlbaoa, a.. I 1 Hill. P.-... t 1 I t Total U I IT I 4 4 111 It 4 4 I 04 1 fWhar. If.. 4 4 CRalaol, lb-lb 4 1 Millar, lb.... I 1 IHack, lb I 0 ftl.ong. rf..... I 1 eilyall. lb..,. 1 1 IWIlaun ct... I 4 (Heaalaa, a.. I I OHornaby. oa. I I Maaowa. p.. I I llianlau, p I 4 4 4 4 Touts M I aii'l one-third inning; off Boland. 4 in J four and two-thlrda Innings; off Oldham. ,i..n,i in mm inning, mi. iy iiionno Dan: Vltt. Htruck out: By Jamea, 1: by I eo ti er J, 2: by Boland, 1. Time: 1:118. Um pires O'lAiughlln and Hlldebrand. r- . . Ilrnt Wklte Box. NKW YORK, Sent. 17 New York won another same fiii Chicago today, the acore llng S to 2. New York won In the fourth Inning when Baumann hit a homo run and a wild throw by Black burne let In tVok and Miller, Allen Russell, formerly of Richmond, pitched his tlrst full game for New York and made a creditable ahowlng. holding Chicago to six hits. Fournler was hit on the left elbow In the first inning and waa forced to retire. Murphv of Chicago received aeven baaea on balls In the last two games, three yesterday and four today. Hcore: OIIICAOO. KBW YORK. All H O A X. AB.H.O. A X. Murnhr, rf , 1 tMalaal, lb... 4 111 0 Ofloham. of... 4 1 1 1 4 OHlrunk. rf. .. I I I 1 OO itrlns. If... 4 114 0 ( Pnnrau. lb. . I 1 I 0 OOannar. s. . . 4 1 t I 1 1 ONnwanK lb. 4 0 1 1 I PMMnn'.a, lb. 4 1 1 4 i l pp. o I I in o ft oMoahan p.. 1 1 1 1 ft I OBrrlra, B ... 1112 0'lJllole .... ft ft 0 1 (.Vana 1 4 0 0 0 Totals lo I 17 14 ft ... Toula 16 II tl 10 li Batted for Meehan in fourth. : Hatted for i'cies In ninth. Cleveland 0 0 S 2 0 0 0 f -7 1 Philadelphia 0 0 0 2 0 0 4 0 0 ' Two-base hits: Wills. Hmltli, Lapp, i Three-bime lilts: f'hapman. Roth, llnne i run: Oldrlng. Hto'en buses: Klrke, Dan- I ner. Bases on ba Is: Off Carter, 2; off I Meehan, 3: orf IQcc.le. 3. Hlta: (fr Mor ton, 1 In two innings; off Carter. 8 In five inning: off (Vmrnba, 2 In two Innings; otf Meehnn. 7 In four Innings; off McWes, 2 In fWe Innings. Htruck out: By Morton. 2; by Carter, 2; by Coumbe, 1; by Mee han. 4: bv fcccles, 6. Umpires: Evans and Wallace. Score, second same: C i,EVBI,AN. rHIUAI)RlJHU. AB.H.U.A.K. AB-M.U.AS7. Wllla, If 4 1 I 1 ftSrhang. rf... 4 1 0 Chapman, as 1 111 OSlrunk. rf...4 0110 1t,.ih. et I 1 1 ILaJola. lb. .. 4 114 BIIHnga. of.. I 0 1 aM.lnnli. lb. 4 111 1 0 Kmlth. rf.... 4 II OOana aa....4 0111 Klrka, 1b.... I I 11 0 OMalon. lb. . . 4 2 110 Bum. lb.... I 114 IHaaa. If 4 0 110 Wmbasna. lb I 0 0 1 ' 1 CP. e I 1 1 1 CVNalll, c... 4 4 11 1 Orirrdin, pi 0 4 4 0 Mitchell, p.. I 4 4 I Bdwanla ...1440 Tot. la a I M 11 ToUla H IHli I Hnttd for Richardson In tenth. Cleveland 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 t Philadelphia .... 0 00000 0 1 20-S Two-lwse hits: Klrke, Ijipp, Ijijole. Three-base hit: Malone. Htolen baaea: Wllie. Roth. Chsoman. Hchanc. I .a' p. Sacrifice lilts: F?vsns. Smith, Mitchell. Double play: Rtrunk to I.ann. Itnses on balls: Off Mitchell. 2: off Richardson. 8. Struck oit: Hy Mitchell. 11; by Richard son, 6. 1'mptre: Wallace and Kvans. MrCahr lllnnka genatora. U'ltiMVnTnM flr.nt IT Mrfnlie ul. ! lowed Washington only five scattered I v . 3 L. ... ... ....I.... .. - 1. 1 1 nil anil SIWCU A Himwui iv.,y, niniT. Ht. Louis was making sixteen hits and nine runs off a quartet of local pitchers. ; eVore: HT l)fl. WAJTHlNOTON. AB.H.O. A B. AH.H.O A U 11 OMoallar. ir.. I l 10 1 OKnalar. lb... 4 1111 1 10 0 Milan, cf.... 4 110V 1 1 I OUin.111. lb. .. 4 1 I TO OAcoaU. rf... 4 I 2 110 OKhuika, lb... I 1 I 111 OHenrr. e X 0 14 1 OMcBrlda. aa. 1 1 t IBoahllns. p.. Ayara, p 1 0 T.lih 40 11 17 4 OMaror. P-... iuiuohl. p I Sl.lcr. lb... j I'ratt. Jacobaoa. rf. I 1 van. as. ... I Aanaar. c... 1 Meitba p.. 4 K ,iip 1 ... 1 4 u 1 1 1 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 V 4 II 11 I J Collins, lb I 0 11 K.rolllna. lb 1 1 I Jnt'kMin. If.. I K' hi near, cf, 4 tlb!it. rf.. I Rlarkbm, as 4 .lhn. lb.... I Tats at 4 44 U I ' Halted for Perfitt In edghlh New York 40404-0 IVUrburgk 0 10 201 Two-baa hit: Oibann. Three-baa hit: Intl. tMacirifle hit: Illnchntan. teiolea bases: aierkl. Johnston. Baaea m balls: Off Perrltl. 1; off Hill. 1. Hits: Off Perrttt, in svsn Innings; off ttcjiauev, In on Inning. truuk out: Bv 1-orrltL I; by Brhauer, 1; by UIU, 2, I'mpircs: Rtglsr and KSvaon. atxrh.es Whig. tabs. CinCAQO, Be. IT. Broofctyn bum-hod five hlta off L vender la th third tuning and tale, coupled with a base en balls, a wild pitch and an error, gave them a commanding lead and resulted In tha de feat vt the locale. 7 lo 4. Cbtcatgo played aa uphtU battle. Inserting three pin oh hlHere Into lha same, who delivers!, but unabt to overtake the Dodgers, who iiad aoiod two more runs by opportune hittlna In the eighth and ninth Innlnga. pirnitn weakenad In tb eighth when Ci;la-o rallied and waa replaced by Ruckar. lxiubert s catch of a line drrva in this Inning with men on second and third probably saved the game for Brook lyn. McOMtliy' fielding was a feature, fek-or:. HOOK L.T-K CHI OA (XV Ab H.O A C AS H O A X. O-Mara. aa.,4 1 1 4 tftoo. rt....4 10 4 4 llaabart, lb. 4 I M 1 Planar, as... I I 4 1 rl. rt.. 4 1 hl.ulia If.. 44144 V.N..C It.... I 4 4 )rhe. tb.. I I 4 4 4 (.lka. lb. 4 I 4 4 aaalw. lb. ...4 III 4 4 Mr. cf.... 4 4 4 4 Mrrv. tl.. 4 444 (.. tb..... 4 114 u7rtby. 44 4 4 T Mrfankj. a. I I 4 rubor, a... 4 4 14 eni'n. p.... 4 14 4 l.ataanav, p. 4 I 4 I 4 i -aor. p.-. 4 4 4 4 4-o.Iwili .... i 14 4 rvaraa. p 1 4 4 4 4 Tjula.....4 111! 1'b.aiaolr ....1 14 4 4 tfttban.ls. p4 4 4 I 4 Marsra.o ..11444 ' STabat, p.... 4 4 4 4 4 ToaaU UK li I Halted for lavender in third. bailed fur Pierre In aeventh. batted fur Btendridg In eighth. Brooklyn ., A 0 6 4 0 1 1 T IMao 4 2 4 4 4 1 I 4-4 'lt-baae hiu: Fisher, Oood. Knlaely. Three-baee hits: Archer, fcleugel. IMi.lon iaaas: alynra, Culsnaar. stauriflo bus: Vncjtt, oMara Itaaesi oa balls: otf lvct,der, 2; off Ptrv. 1: off Hinlth, 1; ..'f L Una: Off laxveadnr, in tit lun Ids a: off PWca, 1 in four In niuo: i'T yxaiidrtdse, 2 In one Iruiing; 1 l'i vim Inning; off KiuiUl, 1 ToUls at I tl 1 4 Boston 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0-2 St Leula 0 0001000-2 iVlled end ninth, darkness. Two-base hits: Kvera, Oonxalea, Bes cher. Thre-has hit: Wilson. Sacri fice hits: Hughe (.11. lKuhle play: Miller to HornaM.y to Hyatt. Haaes on Isilla: Off Hughes. 1; off Meadows, I; off Boardman. 4. lilts: Off Meadows. 4 In four Innings; off Boardman. 1 In five Innlnga. biruck out: By Hughes,' t: by Meadowa, 1; by Boardman. 3. Wild Htch: Hughes. Umpires: (julgley and I O'Day. Marer, a.., r-.MU. p..., rvi.ch ... Srfcalll ... 4 OParklDpa' as 4 1 4 1 4 0l1p. lb. ... . I 1 I 1 4 4 4Hauioann. at 1 4 I I u la.rtiell. It.. 1 4 1 (I'Mk. rf 4 I 1 I IMIIIer. cf ... 4 I 4 Alaaandar. 0 1114 4 4 ftKuaaall. p... 4 11 i a 4 ToUls 4 7 17 II 1 4 T'Hals ..10 4 l 14 1 Hatted for Mayer In ninth. Hatted for Hcolt In ninth. Chicago 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 02 New York 0 0 0 1 0 0 - Horn run: Baumann. Stolen baa: ToUla I 4 IT 11 I Batted fon Ayers in sixth. Pt. l.oul 1 0000014 0-H Washington 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 Two-ase hit: Howard. Stolen bases. . . .... . uAiein- I .. . u I riisier, siuan, n.viiuir uy. ler. Ikuible plays: Pratt to Blsler: Fos ter to Oendlf. Bases on balls: Off Mc- j Cab. 2; off Mayer, 2. Hits: Off Hoeh- . ling. 4 In two-thirds Inning; off Mayer. 8! In five ana one-miru iiiiiuik. oh r, none, none out In seventh; off Dtmiont, In three Innings. Htruck out: By Boehllng. 1; by Ayers. 2; by Dumont, I; by McCabe. 8. Umpire: Chill and Con nolly. CLARENCE GRIFFIN IS victor 0VFR F0TTRFLL CINCINNATI Bept 17.-Clarenc Grif fin defeated Elia Fottrell In the final of tha men's single of the trl-atate tennis tourney her today by scores of 6-7, 4-4, 4-4, 4-1, 44. Both are from Ban Francisco. Mlsa Mo! la BJuratedt of Norway do-1 feated Mlsa Carri Neeley of Chicago In i the finals of the women' singles by core of 42, t-L Nialls lllaaki North Uai. RCOTIA. Nab.; Bept. 17. Hpecial.V Rcotia shut out North Loup at the big rcpoorn celebration yeoteiday, 4 lo 0. luryea's pitching and Boston's hitting, as usual, were feat urea, bautter oored two runs with a three-baae hit In the third Inning. This msde th thirty-fifth gam won by Scotia tula year. Score- R H F fteotla 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 04 7 a North Loup,... 00e 421 Halter Hoot la, ouryea and Anuner man; North Lxiup, Riley and Holman. I Araarlraa Aasalaitla. At Louisville, first gain: It H E. Ht. Paul 4 11 1 LoulavU 4 1 Uatterles: Lstthrop, eLlfleld and John son; Mlddleton and Clemens. Hecond game: R.1I B. St. Paul 4 t I Louisville l 1 Ha tier lea: Laroy and Johnson; Tsylor and Croaain. tOaJled end 7th; darkness.) Milwaukee at Indianapolis, postponed; ratn. C'ewst Lt. AT Portland: R.H K. ' Vernon ... ...4 4 1 Portland IU I Batteries: llttt, Whit and Weeks; Co Batteries: Hltt. White and Meeks; Co- I velcskte and Fisher. At Han Francisco: RU B. I Oakland - , 4 11 1 . Ban Francisco 1 7 1 1 Batteries: K la witter, Burns and KUlott; ' gtreu and gchmidt. ! somen J4 twe-UUiCs iuniiiga, off . Roicrtaon ! ae Hlaaka Bardrr. SCR1HNKH Neb.. Bept. 17. Hpcial Dodgo base ball team defeated a tes-m from Knyder her yesterday. 1 to , 8 ie: HUE. Hnvder 0 0 0 0 00 4 1 lKMlge 10 0010 1-1 t 1 Hetleriea: Dodgs, Raines and Andiws; Kntder, iSeebock and U us tin. Impire: Fall Suits for Men That Are Distinctive, Yet Dignified Our Kensington Suits have the little touches of stylo that make thera differ from the ordinary suit you see on the street. The shoulders and lines of the eoat catch tho eye at once. The suit has tlie individuality of the very best made-to-order garment. While individual and original in design, they are dignified and genteel. They mako the wearer feel well dressed yet not freakish in apnearanco. AVe want to urge you to try on one of our Kensington 6uits and see for yourself the many eommendahlo traits they have. Kensington Suits $20 to $40; Society Brand Suits and $30. May we have the opportunity to serve you whe'i in need of hats and men's furnishings of any kindf Our service is prompt and the quality and style of our goods will apieal to discerning men. Stetson Hats, Manhattan Shirts, Beautiful Neckwear. j U ill Utk lit tUrwrl. DRESS UP, MEM It's Not Going to Rain Slip Into One of These BURGESS-NASH "READY-TO-PUT-ON" Suits at $25.00 As correct in style as custom clothes and perfect in fit. In harmony wherever well-groomed men jrather. Clothes cut and finished to suit the fancy of the most critical, including the trim military model, figure tracing from the waist line up, with just a bit of a flare in the skirt. Slender, shapely shoul ders and sleeves ; soft, English lapels. Every garment strictly hand tailored to the '.'Burnasco Standard" of quality, in the favored cloths and colorings. Others $13.G5 and up to $40.00. Men's Top Coats at $20 A Hoekr.miin, silk lined throughout, in medium and Oxford gray, beautifully hand-tailored through out. A special value at $20.00. Others in coverts, cassimeres, Vicunas and cra venetted cloths, at $13.65 to $40.00. B urges s-JTssh Co. rout Tloor. These Boy's Knickerbocker Suits With Two Pairs Pants at $4.95 Are Extreme Values T'S an exceptional line we offer at that prlee a selection that will be most releasing to Darenta with a boy or two to clothe, between the ages of 0 to 16 years. The suits are the very newest jQC styles lu plaids, checks and fancy effects, with two pairs JJ of Knickerbocker pants, Saturday, at Others, 5.95 to $15.00. Boy's Caps or Hats 50c Just tha pattern or color to match his suit, a new line of fall styles ready, at SOc. Boy's Neckwear at 25c New shapes, like father wears, an exceptionally pretty lln for se lection, at S.H-. Boy's Furnishings in Splendid Selections Everything for the boy, styles that will appeal to them because they are like those that father wears. Pajamas, Night Shirts, Underwear, Suspenders, Blouses, Shirts, Ete. Burgesa-BTaah Oo. Tonrth Floor. Men's New Fall SHIRTS- Some $1, $1.50 and $2 TlEAL" and "Star" shirts, a pleasing i- array of exclusively new patterns and colors In both plaids, negligee with soft and stiff cuffs coat style. Be sure to ee them first pickings you know, at $1.00, ttl.SO and $2.00. Men's Hantlkerch'fg Men's colored bord ered linen handker chiefs, new designs, 2 5c quality. 17 He or three for BOc Hath Kobe About Half Price. In terry cloth and blanket, including the new Indian blanket robee, Just at a time when rotfes are in greatest demand for tha young man fitting himself out for col lege. Priced at $6.SO, $4.M, $3.98, $3.1)8 and $!.. Harvard Sweaters for Men The new full ones are here, all wool and th beat line by far on theiarket. Boy buy your foot ball sweater Saturday and get your choice before they are picked over. Priced at $8.00, $7.50 and $0.OO. argoas-Jtash Oo Mala mot sag. Men's New CLOTH AUTO HATS $2.00 ESPECIALLY adapted for motoring, made of an English cloth in exclu sive styles, all Btltched and silk lined. Grays, browns and mix tures, at $3.00. SteUon Ht. $3 .BO to $12.00 Erery new. as well as sta ple shape is represented. Beet $d.OO HU In Town strong statement, but we stand ready to pro It In our line at this price. Men's Golf Caps, $2.00 8port style, cravenetted and Westknlt cloths, silk lined. Your Xanie In Gold tree We will put your nam In gold, just as you write It. In your hat or cap without charge. Something new. oxgoss-VasH Co. Tourta floor. urgess-Mash Company 'everybody's stork'