TTTTC BEK: OMAHA, , RETTErBER , 1915. TO WANT ADS Want aria rtrflvwi at any time, but t Insure proper classification Itiuit be pre sented befrre II o'clock noon for evening edition ar.ri T: p. m. for morning and Wunday editions. Want aria received after twh pour will be under tha heading. "To Lata to Classify." CASH PATES. A Pewta consecutive times, 1 cent a word each li sertloo. Two or mora consecutive times. 1H eemts word. Ona time, I cents a word. CHARGE RATF.S. Seven consecutive time. cents ft line each Inaartlon. . ,. Three con-ecuUve times. It esute a line each Insertion. Ona time. 12 cents Una. Count all average worda to a Mln'mum charge. 10 cents. An sdvartisement Inserted to bo run until discontinued must ba stopped by written order. . . All claims for errors nrnrt be wlihln fifteen riaya after tha last Inaar tlon of the advertisement. Too ean plao your want ad In Tha i Baa by telephone. , . THLBT ' ..VrJ TTLKR VMS. I) K A T f I a awn ri'NBRAI, NOTICE8 MABONIC FUNERAL-Tha butiM aer vlcw of our lata Brother Hrry C Town aend. will be beld at Masonic temple. .-,1- it lata at 1 O'clock P. m. under auspice of Nebraska Indue No. 1. A orient Free and Accepted Masone. Friends of our departed brother T" vlted to attand tha eervlcea All Master vi... -r Mniuaiiut to assemble wltn the membenhlu of Nebraska lodge at ,:" "fimVARD M WKtXMAN. W. M. JOHN F. WiLOOX. Seo'y. nnTnuKnii wife of Jama O. Bhs la aurvtved, besides her huaband, by two, Ouy and Harry, Funeral notice later. K earner. Nab., pi mm copy. BIRTH AMU DRATHI. BIrths-Aurust and Angelina Flore, 10M South Twentr-secona. ooy. y u.B ..... Myrtle Alexander. S4U Indiana, gin. - .wi Anna. Huratovaky. 1711 N. South Bide, girl; George and Raaka Bryl, Fort Crook, boy; Jack and Gldle Doy'e. )im Martha, boy; iso ana " n,u h. iiairiil end Karwh Oarlrer, k Parker, boy; Leslla O. and FTorenra Haller. 14 Iodra 1rl; Oscar end Lule Hartqutat B117 Plnkney, boy; 8. H. and Lulu Jamleeon. ' Nioholae. boy Will lam and Myrtle Moora, M N?hr?Ct Una Paul. lot . rWh Twentieth, boy. i'aaauaJa end nutuuaia ninm, .,!" South EKthth, alrti Amet fn4.1 Weloofukl. Wn outh Twenty-elKhUl. boy John and Emma a)H. 11 )nc konr. boy. letha-Ieabella Bnyriar. T 1, rl Baira torar Domlnloo OoaentJna. Vfty-flrt end J)oTm; Leooa, A. Bobanc. M.ho-Pti Wr. Loctn-ia n. wlloos. 4 14 North iSran- ty-fonrtn. Boutn piaa. MARRIAOH LICVMSBt. Tha foil ow to marrtaa Uoanaaa ware Ueued today: , Kama and Raaldenoa. Af "Walter J, Brown. Omaha.. ...... ......... 4 Theckla Kollaa, Omaha-... U Fred T. CHion. Nevlnrnia, Ta... Dor r. Olbaon, Proaoott, la. Alphona Hena, Peterburf J" Dinah Kvam. Feterbuin 1 .lullua O. Bnirelkerner. Nehawka J8 Tlllie Floeiter. Plattamouth M Joe Bhiikla Bonth Bide JJ Mary Karveleka. Bouth flldo John It. Murphy. Jr.. Omaha 0er Tl Ellen C. Anderaon, Omaha over U HUILDI!0 PRRMtTB. Frank Beylck. fit Dominion, frame t dwelling. 11,100; 8. P. Woolf. up North Klghteenth. frame dwelling, H.6u Today's Movie Programs LANTERN alldea tor morlea Bend your copy to us. We oan reproduce photoa or will prepare) your oopy. Wo will color I a directed. Bee Photo Dept V Bee Bid. Psirstvws, Strand Theater Last time this afternoon and tonight GEORGE BEBAN in "An Alien" Open from 1 to 11 P. M. Daily Coming Friday and Saturday, "Island of ltogeneration." EMPRESS. 15th and Douglas. HIOK CLAS3 VAUDEVILLE. Four Reels of Good Pictures. One performance only, the Vltagraph, I reels. Hesrat-Sell. No. 73. Essanay comedy, Broncho Billy and the Lumber King. (Jueenle of the Nile, Luhln comedy. PRINCESS. 1117-18 DOUGLAS. The Wolf Man. A wonderful Mutual maa terplcture. In 4 acta, featuring lllllie West and Ralph Lewi. InconnJto, a remarkably clever comedy. North. CLIFTON"." 2201 MILITARY AVE . Relnle Davie In "Sunday," in I parte. Fthel Harrymore great atage succeaa This play Is aoeolutely new, ICRAND. 16TH AND BINNEY. ilast Chapter of the Romance of Elaine. H lie Man and the Law. I reel drama. Pansys prison Pie. Comedy. Boatsi. APPOLO. t82 LEAVENWORTH Four reels of good picture. The Diamond from the Sky, No, U. The Scar. Vita. Besse, 24th & N "Tito MirUi of a Nation" "Charles Chaplin" And His 4 Bobbins of Bliss. BESSE THEATER NOW ORPHEUM. -4TH AND N Knight of tha Trails, K-B, drama. A Ctild Impersonation. Re. drama. Weaiy Wulker'a Woes. Fa comedy. Meet. MONROE. 1855 FARNAM World Film Corporation presents George fan In I lie li.ttun King, A. Hrady feature. William WA.NTEI-)iloUr Irouwj Zil VtouaToTunT! Cu h. u to Z. cutis Lyck, shows and concessi l air, Swpienrkwr M Hei.Kin, Neb. A N NOUNCEStEJKTs Office for Rent September 16th Oa Beautiful Court of the Bee liuilding 21 Bq. Ft , with water 111.09 A.k the Superintendent, Rouui 101. MOVIES A FEATURES "Vf TODAY aPOLLO tli4 LEAVENWORTH. The Diamond from tha Bky, No. It, Vita, Besse, 24th & N "The Mirth of a Nation" "Charles Chaplin" And His 4 Bobbins of Bliss. BESSE THEATER NOW CLIFTON, 2201 MILITARY AVE Retnle Pavlea In Sunday. In I parte. Ethel iiarrymore a a re at atage uoceaa. Thla piny la absolutely new GRAND. 16TH AND BINNET. Tha Laet Chapter of tha Romano of Klalne. MONROE. 2656 PARNAM. World Film Corporation preaenta Ooore Naah In "Tha Cotton King." a William A. Hrady feature. ORl'HEUM, 2 4TH AND N. Diamond from the Bky, No. 1. PRINCESS, 1317-19 DOUOLAB. The Wolf Man. A wonderful Mutual mus- terplclure In 4 acta, featuring Blllla Weat and Kalph Lewis. ANNOUNCEMENTS Miss Nellie Green Pupil of Mr. Chambers well known dancing master of Omaha, announce the opening of her studio at the Prairie Park club house, Mth and Amea Are.. Sept. XL Harney e$3. fiUSlNKSH COLLKQB STUDENTS SAVB MONEY ON COURSES. For sale, with good reasons for sellmg, variety of oouraea In a reliable Bust neaa Bcbool, one of the leading business collegea of Omaha. Will be sold vary reasonable away below regular price. If you are considering taking a courae Inveaturate thla at once, alnce Fall term beglnw soon. Call office. Omaha Bee. Investigate T. M. C.A. out g park, summer. AUTOMOBILES Whenever you are considering selling or buying a used car and you want full value for your money or you want people who are willing to pay for what thny are Celling you will have no regret If you uv or advertise throuah the used car column of Tha Bee. Phone Tv'r 1000. T1RK EXPENHHJ CU1- r TWO. We take two old tlree and return on good one. Price, UTS and up. NBTH. DOUBLE-TKKA D TIRE CO.. RM Famam Ht Tel. Donglaa 1U. FOR BALK My used Oldsmoblle touring oar. In good condition. ItiOO. Car can be seen at M Fa rnam Bt. Overton's for leaky radiator. IQo, dealera CARTER coupe, nearly new: fully equipped; run less than 1,000 miles; less than to per cent of cost cash. Address F 161 Bee. iluo RKWARD for an n.asneto we can't repitlr. Colls repd. Bsysdorfer. 110 N. 1. o NEBRASKA Pufck Service Station, vn Farnem Ht. fhone lougiaa 711. rONTENELLK AUTO CO., Ill B. ISHh St. Kxpert repairing; bargalna In used cars, guaranteed aa represented. Industrial Oarage Co.. KOth A Harney Bta. ONE 111 Cadillac roadster, 60-11. P., In splendid condition, 1900, Can be seen at ltA Fmrnam Ht. GOOD (-passenger Overland for cheap. 414 Barker Block. Omaha. sale BUSINESS CHANCES if yon oar Business Chance wftl stand nvastliiatlon ana la lust what It Is rigid lnv advertised, or It you are looking to start In business for yourself you will b per fectly satisfied If you Use the Business Chance column of The Bee. When buy ing or soiling a bualne-s Vhona Tyler 1000. IVli LEASE - A hotel cafe, doing good business In heart of business district; 110 will han dle place. Write 8 110. Bee. SALOON Money maker. Nebraska' beat town, never dry. Jim w ray, nioua uir; HK.STirH.iNT and rooming house With a small line of grooertee; doing good bualnesa; bargain if taken at once; other business, white lunon tmuunra, N. 4th, Omaha. Tel. Webster 4iU. h t rirat calas restaurant In live Nehraska town, hq agenis. An dres V II. Be. Stable 'for Sale A Money Maker Boarding and livery; best loca tion in Omaha; a payin; business; good reasons for selling. Applv liosenblat; Cool Co., 122:1 Nicholas St. Outside Office 17th Street Exposure la the Bee Building ' IttXiO ft ....118.00 Partitioned for private office and waiting room. Inquire of Superintendent, Room 103. Kestaurant futures; reasonable price. IX 4th Ave., Co. Bluffs. Tel. HUck 1M4 WILL sell or rent lunch room completely furnished. Small payment duwn, bal ance weekly. Apply It. J. McCarthen, Montreal Cafe, Vi 8. 14th St. J J ST EN Only restaurant. Iowa town 600; pricet0. Jim Wray. Sioux City. BARGAIN Only drug store, Iowa town; pr ce l-'.Uii0 Jim Wray, Kiuux Ctty. A i'HL opportunity for the mkIu party. Tailoring A cleaning establishment for aale. Kcr further Information call D. 24?1. THH REST HAVEN, known as the finest ftvir and billiard parlors in the state. . muat be said at once; party leaving terri tory. Mrs. K. K Miller, isortuik. Neb. lKil'UI.K bowling alley, fully equipped. for sals cueau. Julm Spec cut. feirang. Net, TOK 6ALE-Clroery aad conl i tur 00l Nebraska town; jo,.., on an astabiUhed bulnesi rocery aad confectionary excellent buslnesa Audress Y 7nl. Hee. OWNEHS-Llst your property with W. W. Wllltama. KM Nevt.l Blk. I) 44 lO SKLI. or buy a bcslneia, call oa Buk'Ii Rorxhoff. Krei-kr ink l. Uia TO (JET In or out of business oaii on Q ANGKSTAD. 4tl bee Bldg. Dou . U rj. RE.4L Estate Buaineae places supplied or handled; all stalea K. V. Knlest. Oiuaha SEE Omaha Thaater Supply Co. for bar gains in established shows f '-.0. TilEATlthS Buy. leaaa or aril your the ater, machine and supplies fhrourH Ti. eater ExcU. Co.. 14 Farnam. I . IkW. asatlsg Hsssm las Heal. IV R. mig. house; well turn: splen, loo.; us) sash, taL mo. Ma Duds a, Apt. e EDI CATIONAIj Hie VAN 8 A NT SCHOOL BTENOORAPHT-BOOKKEEriNa Day Brhool for Toun Women. Kvenlng Behott for Younf Men and Women. Saturday morning elaaa In typewriting. I ona C. Duffy, Owner and Manager. Or Bo. IRth Pt. Omaha. Tlio Fall Term of Boylcs College IS NOW OPES In both the day and nlht aeealnna. Yet It la not too late to enter. Kealn now to get that mental ril clpllne and buslneea training that will double your earning capacity. Complete roureee In all commercial bnuichea. Hook keefilng. Hhorlhand and Typewriting, Htennlypy, 8Hleainanhlpt Telegraphy and Civil Hrvlre I'oaltlona found fur all graduate KRF.K I'lacea furnlnhed to work for hoard while attending. Aak for free catalogue at once. BOYLES COLLEGE, 11. B. Boyles, President. Roylea Rlrig. Tel. D. 1 Omaha, Neb. FOR lale, the following scholarship! In a first cls Omaha Kuslnea College: One unlimited combination buaiueaa and rhorthend course. One unlimited rtenoirraphle Course. One three-months' business or ateno- graphic course. Will be sold at a discount at the office Of The Omnha I'ee. EXPBRT lady stenographer will tske pnplls; shorthand, touch typewriting, palling and punotuatlon taught. Individ ual Instruction. 4624 Douglaa St. Tel. Walnut xxn. FOR SALB FOR BAlra-IIere 1 a claastricatlon that la of the utmost Importance to every reader, as thla column offers some excep tional opportunities every dey and a small want art will eell your article at Ita full value. Phone Tyler 11 Karattare, lloasekold (iooda, Kte. D-.l.. bought and gold. i. C. Reed. l-t.BKO 1W Farnam HI. Douglas 14. BAROAINS IN "fUr'NITURE AND II ARliWARH 19 N. MTH. WEB. 1T. OAK ban burner for sale cheap. Call Web. W71 llnraee a a 4 Vebtelee. TEAMINCJ gears, one or a carload. AH alaes, two To six-ton capacities. We sell the Studetiaker, tha Bain, the Peter Bcnuttler, pekln and Buerkeng. Must sell 10 this month. 'Big rertuctlon In nrioe. JOHNSON-DAN FORTH COMPANY. Noncnoi HORSEJ AT OITT POUND. Ona white horse about II years old: nine hundred 0) pounds, taken up Sept. I, 1916, and now at oity pound. Will be sold at publlo auction to tha highest bid der for cash at aald pound at the hour of 10 o'clock In the forenoon on the 10th day of September, II6, unless redeemed by owner before anld date. A. WAOOONER, Poundmaster. BOLD Maaleal atrasaa.aita, Closing Out. Sale of Pianos J. Lw Urandeta A Sons are going to oc cupy all of the Boston Stores iildg., In which we have been located foi a num ber of years, making It necessary for ue to oloae out our entire stock by Oct. 1st. Wo have some of the best piano In the world. Including tha famous Henry F. Nlchola, Strlch A Zekller and other standard makes of pianos and player pianos; also a number of slightly used pianos. All will be sold at prtoes un heard of G. H. Harr Piano Co. Third Floor Old Boston Store Bldg. S'lghtly ascd high grand piano. D. ttlT. tewTi'LAYER piano and 1 150 worth of muafo. cash bargain. Web, 408. Poaltry, Kaars aa fcavplles, MXD grain. 100 lbs. Wagner. K1 N. 1 BTBHEOTTPU matrices make tha best aad cheapest lining for poultry houses. They are 17x21 Inches, stronger and mors dura i hie then tarred felt and practically piTtof. 7 so a hundred at The Itee office. fare FOX terriers, I months old; 1 male collie. l year oia1 Aaares a. i.T). care tea Type writ era. TYPEWRITERS, 111 and up. EM Bee Bldg. TYPEWRITERS sold, rented, repaired. Central 'typewriter kxo. iw ramam. 8TENOTYPH for sale. Reasonable. Call Webster 6ftul. o Miscellaneous, FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; bar fixtures of all kinds; easy payments The tirunswick- Ralke-Collender Co., 407-41 h. 10th Ht. a. an a A m n A m a dunsmns PW magnetos, etc.. mechanical . . w . , repairs. L Bn ron Electric works. Uk-sn b. istn St. Coal Direct to You. The Very Lowest Prices. Get a Trial Car. I. M. COX. North Platte, Neb. FOR 8ALR CHEAP Business College Course. Full and con.pleto scholarship In one Of the best Omaha business schools. Good reason for selling: perfectly relia ble: worth full Drlce. but will be sold very reasonably. If Interested Investigate at once. Because ran lerm negina aoon, Tl.are ara a variety of courses for sale. For particulars Inquire at tha otflos, of i ne umana dm. FUR HA1J-Hu(h school cadet suits, Jo. All sixes. John Feldman. 204 N. 17th. for. Capitol Ave. Phone Douglas 31M, CARPENTER tools, shovels, sledges. Dicks, iackacrews. 10 penay match vend. Ing machines, boa each. Horse, harness. wagon, livo. One electrlo piano. J. C. ISH. 1014 8. th St. Harney MS. $3.20H Oolden West Whisky, 4 full arts bottled In bond, pre- Cackley Hros.. omana FOR SALE Genuine buffalo robe, Indian tanned: Inltned In Al condition; square T feet: winter Mile, i yeara old. price 1A. Bos Ki. ura. neo. HKIJ WANTED FEMALH Clerical mm Offlva. WANTEIv-Girl to do office work and answer telephone: must have referenoe steady work and good pay. Call between I and 4 p. m., r leaven worth. 1'EMONSTRATOIt. bookkpr.. It. Wstts Ref. Co.. 8;tt-40-4 Hrandel Thea C'Nht all-around machinist and w aider, blenugrapher, nest, fast. Omaha Adi iuy Co.. Ill Rca Hldg aVTENO. Bright accurate, rapid young lady lor wholesale house, splendid chMiue fur sdvancement: give age, ex- pertvnee, references, salary, stc Address r. lie. STENO., law offlco In town of 4,vj0 Pop ulation: muat be a No. 1 steno., wlll'-g to stuv on lob: salary. t-A to start: ra.d advance to th right party. Addresa S. W, He. Paelery sal Trades. OIRI. to learn halrdraealna. 0tnhlna tluaar-rr srrs a4 liouat-al tr a. THE Servant Girl Problem Solved. The ltee will run a Servant Girl Wanted Ad FREE until you get the desired reeulta Thia applies to reakUnte of Omaha, Suulh Omaha and Council Kluffs. Bring ad to Th le tifflc or telephone Tyler 1. WANTED Competent girl for general housework. Mrs. Frank K. Clark, 11. UL GIRL for general housework. C. I.yle, 6.-4 Paik Ave. Mr. W. GIRL for general housework. Kublnson. ls N. suth St. Mra S. EXr-KKlENi ED alrl for guneral house work; small family; good wagea 114 N. Sth Ave. H. H.H A GIRL to a slat with housework: expe rlence unnecessary; uuat so beat. H 113 N. tuh JSt; WAMkill-Competsiit girl far gwnarai huuaework; two in fauulyi uo Washing. Kill vtoolwurth Ava. WANTED White girt for general ho work; small family; good wage. sMot racing tL Phoae Harnay fli. IlKM' WAXTKD FKMAIJS lloaeekeeaera aad raaeatlew. OIRL wanted for general housework in femlly of two. No waehlng or Ironing. Muat I einerienced, comiwtnt, good oook. clean, reliable, not afraid ,.r work end t.lo to f irnliih good reference. Kal err H. Mra. F. O. Farrlngton, S. '-'iW oolwo rl h. WjONTUAh enperlencM nurae maid; reference required. Mr. M. B. New- man, Sf Howard. II. Mil. WANTKt A girl for second work; aleo to axnlnt In care of t-year-cld child. 101 So. Kth St . WANTED-An epeiienred general hoe work girl; muat be good cook. 137 8. Wth St. n. wia. COM PETKNT girl for general houaa work; reference required; I In family. 11M 8. .Td. H. I. A tiKU or middle aged w general housework. Fi omen to do Franklin Bt. OIRL for general housework; apply ninmlnKS or evenings. Mrs. liaflra, i- S. th St. WANTED A good girl for general house work, camornia ex. WANTEI-iA girl for general housework. 110 South Mth St. OIRL for general housework. Mrs. W, C. I.yle, 64 I'ark Ave. Mlsellaaietaa, yoiINtJ women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to vtntt tne Young Women's Christian association building at tit Mary s Ave. and 17th St., where they will be directed to suitable boardlnif places or otherwise assisted. Ixiok for our travelers' guide at Union station. LADIES make shields at home. HO for loo; work ent prepaid; no canvassing; send stamp, lvanhoe Mfg. Co., St, Louis, Mo. WOMEN WANTKr Oovemment lobs. Lint free. Writ Immediately. Frank lin Institute. Dept. erG. Rochester. N. T. HELP WANTKD MA LB Clerteal aa office. 16 or 20 retail salesmen. U a day. Ul'HINESrt MEN'S KKFKKENCE A8N. 14J Woodmen of the World. BUST commercial positions. Rogers Reference Co.. 640 Paxton Blk. In LI. 1 NO clerk; Monarch machine; ex perlenca. Omaha Agency Co., Ill Bee. STKNtx One familiar with land values. for land office In small town. Must be A-l Address K. M. Bee. BILLiNU clerk typist, rapid and accur ate, $40 to start Address O. 12, Bee. BIX clean-cut furniture salesmen; one oheese salesman, Omaha Agsnoy, ill Bee Bldg. BTBNO., law office' small town; bright, clean cut young man; io0 per month. Address J. M. Bee. lilGH-ORADH oommerclal poaltlona WEST. RKFERENCB A BOND AS8N, 7t Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Aareats, aleeaaea s4 Seltcltera. COAL agents wanted In every town; get a trial car. I, M. Cox. No. Platte, Neb. "BILLY" SUNDAY'S message. Author Ixed. Oreat opportunity for man or woman. We will pay you 1120 to distrib ute It and take ordera 60 daya' work, spare time may be used. Universal Bible House. 101 Winston Bldg.. Philadelphia. , THIS first payment canioa Insurance) to January 1, 1816; great inducement; call or write Mutual Benefit Health A Acci dent oaaoclatlon, City National Bank Blilg., Omaha, Neb. INVESTIGATE our accident and health poll -y, all old and ten new features: pays ! month; local agent and district man I agera wanted. Merchants Life and Cas ualty Co., Plymouth Bldg., Minne apolis, Minn. AGENTS Wanted W will put the ener getic, upright and reliable man In posi tion to make money selling Oregon grown stock; experience unnecessary; give refer ence as to character. Address Dept. L, Salem Nursery Co., Salem, Ore. o SUBSCRIPTION agents wanted, every where, to place our catalogues; exclu sive . territory- Sherlock Circulation Agency, 434 Flynn, Des Moines, la. o Factory aa Trades. 1 WANTED Men to learn the barber trade. We have originated a plan to teaoh It quickly and thoroughly. Wages paid while learning. Tools included. Write for Illustrated catalogue. MOLKR BARBKR COLLEOE. 110 S. 14th St. WANTED To get In touch with all around printer, capable handling coun try weekly. Married man preferred. No booser. Work to start about January L Address, T 6i, Bee. Drug (-tore Snaps, Jobs, Kneist, Bee Bldg. Posltlone Now Open. Free Catalogue. AUS.tUt.Ar4 AUTO COIjLEGB. m Farnam St.. Omaha. Neb. LiiAHN BARBER TRADE Wage paid. Tools given. Positions guaranteed. Call or write for Information, Trl-Clty College, 1124 Dougl&a. Omaha. WE need men: had to turn down two jobs per woek lately. Get in. Learn by our method. Get on of these lobs. Catalogue D. B. free. Nebraska Auto- mohlle School. 2e Leavenworth Bt. Mlsoellaaooas. RAIL WAT mall clerks wanted. 171 month. Omaha, examinations coming. Sample question free. Write Immediately. Frank lin Institutes, uent. Hl( ii'-heater. N. Y. WILL start you In the mail order busi ness ir you win handle my good a CREST CO., B, AtlanUo City, N. J. YOUNG Dane wishes a steady lob of any auio. rxpenencea as janitor. BOber ana nones i. Aaaress A 142, Bee. MEN, with common sense education, who wtah government jobs. 170 month. should apply Immediately for full Infor mation. Address Y &, Be. HELP WANTED MALB3 AND FEMALE!. EXPERIENCED lady solicitor, and commission. salary lady stenographer, good sals arv. Expert accountant- splendid salary. Ait all around bench man. Clean-out Ctrl for ronfMilunarv dent Experienced, capable machinist, and other opening a Would do well to have you rait on ue If you are out or work, su juee mag. WANTED A good lady olllctor' to so licit for weekly paper In Omaha: rood salary and commission. Apply 640 Bee "ANT ED Lady Bookkeeper, furniture; innma preierrea. tutaimn, eev. era! good opening's. Lady atenograDhera. beginners or experienced. Shade and arapwy man, must T a Mo. L 111 Bee Bldg. TEN bright and capable men for furni ture aajeamen. i wo onght saleswomen. one expert machine man. Good all a rouna Doy. inning riera Monarch ma- ohlna Experlenca. Must be clean cut ambitloua. Omaha Agency Co., all bee xuiiuing. SITUATIONS WANTED YOUNG lady, age U wlahea postUon as stenographer; 1 years experience In dif ferent lines of businuess; excellent city references; win oonsiaer anytning. Ad dres F IM. H. YOUNG man desires DosKlon as rh.uf. feur with piivate family or business concern. Fully competent of handling and taking care of any make of car. Can furnish the best of reterenca t Har ney pt. u. iwi STEADY work by man experienced In nardware, drugs, gen I mdae . groceries good carpenter; prater real estate office - l retereiic. i noua eve. ben. l'C-W ask for Ed. SITUATION wanted by good oook. meat or pastry, aaoresa u 11, care Bee. WANTED Poaltion doing stenographic wora at noma, nenry aesscia xutaa. reo. WANTED Situation, by first das. aiound butchar In a country town. Ad' arvaa v m. , YOUNG lady wanta position. Have ex perlence ana rererenta on the follow Ins: aienoarapher, typist, clerical work. cushler and soliciting. AdJrwss I UT. Bee. SITUATION wanted by a colored man cook. In or out of city. Addresa lit, bee. YOUNG lady wvuld like position as cashier or rooming nous proprietress. or would take ss housekeeper. Call Ksd 471 or a n. ma St. WANTED Situation ; mlddls-aaed man re.iaUe and trust wormy : knows farta work; would work at anything la or out c me oity. Aaaress r leu, Me. SITUATIONS WANTED PRACTICAL nurse would like a position aa nurse strL or wmild taJte poaltlon as housekeeper. Call Red Wi, or X North lth St. 8TENxRAPHKR with alx years' ex perience In real estate and insurance work. (nod reference. Wants poeltlon with responsible firm. Telephone Loug- Ina t'.A. Yol'NO Dane wlnhe a steady Job of any kind. Experienced as janitor; sober and honest. Address A 142, Bee. - LOST AND FOUND Lost or Found ads In Omaha's Lost and Found mediums means the Immediate re turn of that article If advertised In The Bee. the Lost and Found paper. FOL'Nl In the Omaha Electric Power t'o.'e office, lady's ring. Mr. Zlmnan will be pleased to return It to owner. OMAHA c COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having lost some article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whethor they left it In the street cars. Many articles each day are turned In and the company Is anxious to restore them to the -Ightfcl owner. Can Doug. 4ft 37ST-ROHTON BRINDLB BULLDOG. REWARD. HARNEY 4171. LOST Boston bulldog, male, dark brtn dle except white cheat: reward. Phone office Stanley Roeewater. D. SWT. LOST Lady's gold watch. Elgin. Re ward. Paul Wellenslck. Lorton. Neb. PKIISOJIAL OOKDON, the Maaaxine Man, Tel. Doug. 7163. YOUNG women coming to Omaha aa strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Chriatbtn naaoclatlon building at 17th St. and St. Mary's Are., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assiated. Txxk for our travelers' guide at the Vnlo.i station. TI1K balvalion Army Industrial home so licits your Jld clothing, furniture, maga sines. We collect. We distribute. Phone 1oukIss 41 snd our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home. 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St. SWAPPERS COLUMN Wanted to Swap, trhv not advertise something that you no longer have any use tor and ret something you really needT It cost you nothing to loin th Swappers' club and you will find It lots of fun swapping things. Write Room 104, nee mog., or pnone -lTier looo. ARCJIITECTS LEVEL This Instrument was mads by David White Co. and has only been used a few times; has polished hardwood bos, trtpod and rod; oost t&u, Will swap for office furniture or some thing I can use. Address B. C. Ill, Bee. AUTOMOBILES For other automobile bargains sea tha "Automobile" classlfl- cation. BUSINESS CHANCE Have cigar and confectionery store, other business. Will swap for auto or what have you. Ad dress S. C. 1324. Bee. BUS CHANCE Must sacrifice account of health a small manufacturing busi ness In city; trade established In every state In the U. S.; no competition. This Is a wonderful chance for some one. Will exchange It for land or other property of about $6,000 that will not require my time. Address S. C. 117. Bee. CHICKENS 75 thoroughbred Buff Or phlngton; good color, large bone. What have you 7 Address 8. C. 207, Bee. COUCH Sanitary couch and til baby buggy to trade for good bed and apt-inns. Address S. C. 223, Bee. CHICKENS I have thoroughbred Buff orphlngtone. will trade for a gal range or diamond. Address S. C. HI, Bee, DIAMOND Pure white diamond H-1-1-18 carat. Tiffany platinum mounting; worth 1150. Will trade for Ford runabout or other light roadster. In first-class con dition. Address S. C. ZZ1, Bee. GASOLINE ENGINE Have l-horse power gasoline engine; will trade for small 110-volt motor or tinners' tools. Address B. C. Ill Bee. GRAPHOPHONHS Four-minute graph o- pnone and a utanaara. Jiacnaiuje. ao- ress d. U 1323, Bee. HAVE good gold . filled watch, Elgin maae, gooa umoKwiwr, win iraua j rig. Address 8. C. 2X6, Bee. HIGH-GRADE Burr walnut player piano. used a mos., cost iuu; want to aispoae of this quickly; will sacrifice. Would trade for runabout or good lot. Will make terms on balance. S. C. 208. Bee, HAVE) a gas oven which will trade for something worth tl. Address B. C W.e, KODAK-SUx4Vt folding pocket kodak: cost 111.60, together with new IS de veloping tar.k. trays, print frames, chem teals, etc Will trade complete outfit for good typewriter; underwood preferred, Address 8. c. 170. km. PHYSICIAN'S aet of four ' DeVllbla' atomisers and stand, like new. oost about M; will trade for anything use- ui. Address s. C 188. Bee. MOTORCYCLE Harler Davidson motor cycle, two-speed, twin cylinder; good as new ana looks line new; ivi4 model, win exchange for Ford runabout or other light roadster. In nrst-claas condition. Address d. J. wo, ee. PIANO Cost 1460. to swap for a rood aa tomoblls. I wsnt a rood maohlna and will pay any difference there Is between th e two. a. in, nee. PIANO Eater make. In good tune. WU1 trade lor lot. or wnat nava vouT Ad dree 6. C. I0MX Bee. PIANO Have I standard used nlanna Franklin and a Reed, and want a good auto, late model. Addresa 8. C. 218. Bee. PIANO I have an almost new Estev piano and need a late model Ford. Ad dresa s. c. nib, bee. PIANO Have brand new, high-grade oiano mat 1 win axenanaa tap omiriina- 101 or aiamonaa. b. c. zz, care bee. PHONOGRAPH Edison electric with amberol attachment and 100 records mahogany cabinet with six drawers and concealed horn, and worth I12&. Will trade for anvthlnc to tha value of 17S mat 1 can use. Aaaress a c. zu. Bee. PHONOaRAFlI-Edlson and 12i reoorda; Coat I1U0: exohanc for diamond rlna aaarosa o. j, xz, oee. RIFLE Will trade a 26-shot 21-eal., lever action Mariin nrie for a pump action !l-caL repeating rifle. Addreas S. C. 114, nr. ROOMING HOUSE Oood, established trade: furniture and fixtures in first class condition; close to business district, to swap, for city property. Address 8. C, niiz. care umana nee. RESTAURANT and rooming house with a small line of arocerlea dolna- rood Dusmeaa v nai navw your Address S. C ixu, bee. SMITH PREMIER typewriter for chlok ens or ntui or pird nog. or what have you. Addree S. t 226, Be. TTPEWR1TF R fimlt h Premier and best make mandolin exchange for diamond ring or equal value. Address "t, U. ai, bee. Omaha. TO SELL or trade your shotgun or rlfla oee rm rl'm ain. 1211 iougias. WB are aaorlf Icing our new )j0 Esley piano tor leaa (nan "; wouia oxenanga What have youT S. C. M. bee. FDR RENT Apartxasats aad Flats. Th For Rent advertisement appearing la the Fur Kent column of The Bee daily cannot bs bast for variety that will pleas and fill th needs of any one desiring to rant. J none Tyler iota BEAUTIFUL, strictly mod. apts . llih and latee au. janitor service; fins lawn. playground, tennia courts and summer comforts Telephone Web. M7 er 4&H. ANGELUS Apt., Ava. and Doug las. -- snd e-room apt. Har 174. o WE will have a fin I-room, also 4-room apartment. Oct 1. In the Nathan apt., eor. Miermaa Ave. and tspruue St. These apartments ars especially desirabU In every respect and will go quickly. See Janitor. Act L or eall effloa. SCOTT AND HILL CO, Douglas 100. HEATFD APARTMENT. ST. OFORGK. ui n. ntrr ave. Daady five rooms. In bast eondHloav, Only on left Ul 60. ARM STRONG-WAIJH CO State Hank Bldg. Tyler MM. MODERN, aauliary. steam hasted; hot water free) close in. u. p. srtettua (CaUnued oa Cel. T, This Page) Ready Reference Directory The following firms offer quality and expert service that will pleaso the most critical: ABSTRACT" OP TITLE. REED ABSTRACT CO., oldest abstract olflce In Nehraska. 2 Brnndela Thea- Kerr Title Guarantee and Abstract Co., a modern abstract office. 8. 17th St. Phone D. 6487. ADVEHTISIKU NOVELTIES. M. T. Shafer A Co., 12th, Farnam. P. 7471 AMATEIR FINISHIXQ. FILMS developed free If purchased from Photo Craft Shop. 411 Bee Bldg. Dept D. ACCOUNTANTS. E. A. DWORAK ACCOUNTS AUDITED Book opened and closed. Cost system Installed. Let me call on you to explain the advantages of my audit service system. Address. 4JJ 437 Ramge Bldg. Phone Doug. 7i. ARCHITECTS. Rverett 8. Dodda. (ill Paxton Blk. D. Wa. ARTIFICIAL LIMBS. ARTIFICIAL Limns. Braces and Trusses; expert fitter Fltwell Artificial umo Co.. t!i 8. 16th Bt. . ATTORNEYS. T. Dickinson. Ell Paxton Blk. P. 1804. AUCTIONEERS. Dowd Auction Co.. 1118-1 W.O.W. R. 2. Al'TO IMURAMB, A UTO MOB T3 MUTUAL INSURANCE CO.. Douglas AUTO RADIATOR REPAIRS. Omaha Radiator Rep. Co.. JOM Far. D. 2001. RAKRRIE. Z. 11. RETEDBR. 1W6 N. 18th. Web. 87. BATHS. WOMEN only: vapor and eleetrln batha nil Lake St. Phone Wehster nil. BRASS AND IRON FOUNDRIES Paiton-Mltchell Co.. 17th and Martha Bts. CARPENTERS AND CONTRACTORS. STEVENSON. C8 8. ad. Dougl s ' 53). Lsssard s Son. 10 Cap. Are. T. 1H CUIROPRAOTIO SPINAL ADJV'Htl Dr. J. O. Lawrence, 1 Balrd Bldg. D. MSI. Pr. Hayes, 868 Brand. Then. Bldg. P. B42S. CHIROPODIST Carrie X Buford. 620 Pax. Blk. Bad 4E37. DANCING ACADEMIES. CHAMBERS' academy, olasslc, D. U7L FALL term open at Mackle'a Doug. B44I. DRESSMAKING. Terry Pressmak'g college. 80th A Farna DRESSMAKING COLLEGE. Kelstefe Dreesmaklny Col., ICS qr nvERI AND CLEANERS. STATS) Dry dm-. Co.. UP N. 13th. D. W1X DETECTIVES. (lUTs 1T.T.1N all Kavtlls Block. Bri' sanos eeourea in aii cmw. DANCING. GT5NETVTEVE HAUFLA1RE. Rome hotel. DENTISTS. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 921 W.O. W. Bid Pyorrhea. Dr. FlcRlea, T24 City Nat Bang. Taft Dental Room a I61T Douglaa P. 218. DRUGS. DRUGS at cut prices: freight paid tm $10 orders; catalogues free. Sherman A Mo Connell Drug Co.. Omaha. Neb. ELECTRIC PIANOS. Continental Nov. Co.. llN.I6th. Terma ELECTRIO MOTOR REPAIRING. CAHILL ELBCTRIC CO Bee Bid. D.I87. ELECTROLYSIS. tnoa Allender. 64 Bee Bldg. Red WW. EVERYTHING FOB WOMEN. ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst, box -i.,.. i. mnrat buttons, all slxe and styles; hemstitching, point edging. Em broidery, beading. braiding, cording, evelet cut work, buttonhole, pennants. Ideal Pleating Co., 200 Douglas Block. Dougl as FURNACES AND TIN WORK. HABER3TROH. 4026 Hamilton. Wal. WTL FLORISTS. BATH' P. florists. 1804 Farnam St D. 1000. U HHJNDERSON. 1814 Douglaa. D. 1181 Member fwnn Awosiava . . HCBS A SWOBODA. 1411 Farnam Bt A. DQWAOHTm 1H Harney. Poug. 10W. GOLD AND SILVER PLATING. WT3 replete everything of metal. Omaha Platlna- 1 o. . lzau narney 01. jvav. INSTRUCTION, Blngllsh. French. lntrucOon. 80S Lyrio Bid JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. H. H. CLAIBORNE, Ul Paxton Blk. Bad 7401, Notary public, deposition steno. C. W. BR1TT. 101 Baker Block. LANGUAGES. Languages taught; private or Web. 64. cl A.ADIES' TAILORS. MAX SCHWARTZ Formerly with Mis Fox. Open for busi ness; satisfaction guaranteed. 407 Pax. Bit. LIVE STOCK COMMISSION. MARTIN BROS. A CO., Exchange Bldg. LIGHTING FIXTURES, WIRING, TiTrrfrTTN Thomas. Douglas JSla JJUKTU-XM 41 Cuming Bt MOVING PICTURE MACHINES. OMAHA Film Etx., 14th and Doug. Mo tion picture machine and film bargaioa , ' MOTORCYCLES. HARLET-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Bargain In used machines. Victor Rooa, "Th Motorcy ole Man." I70S Leavenworth. NOTIONS. NOTIONS, new a cigar, sandy. IMS Paris. Oil LISTS. Ttr examined, glasses fitted, pay as yea can. ura v mn y . uu w . j. w. 15 in PATENTS. D. O. Bam ell. Paxtoa Blk. Tel. Red TUl H. A. Bt urges. 34 Brands! Theater Bids, OSTEOPATHY PHYSICIANS. JOSBPHINIj ARMSTRONG, all Bae Bldg. PAINTING AND PAPERING. HUGH M'MANUB. 41T N. 4etb. H. IM PILLOWS AND REDDING. OMAHA PnJW CO. Mattresses made to order or ramada 1U07 Cuming. D. Hal. PLUMBS CLEANED. Dyed, made over. D. Elsela list City Nat PRINTING. WATERS-BARNHART Ptg Co.. quality prtntluc. Tel. Doug. 210. 624 8. Uth 8u CENTRAL PRIM TING CO.. DOUG 7U COUOLAS Frtntltui Co. Tel. Douglas 44 nEPAIMf. ALL REPAIR8-Water fronts funuiea ooils. etc. Wilrk serlre. Omaha Stove Repair Wks. 1- louglaa St. Tyler 10. IAFB AND T1HB LOCK BXPERII SAFES Opened, repaired, eomh. changed. F. B. Uaven- port, 1 Dodge. P. 1821. ICA1B REPAIHIMO. Om. Stsndard Scale Co., R1J 8. lltK D.BU SHOE REPAIRING. FRIEDMAN BROS., 'shoe repair, ttl & 14. Harley Shoe Rep'r. Co.. m04 Farn'm. R.UH SEWING MACHINES. TIT nt, repair; sell needle and V C Prl" roP s'l sewlni- maohlnea. "MICKEL'S NEBUAS1CA CYCLE CO.. 16th and Harney. Douglas 10. STEEL CEILINGS. CARTER Sheet Metal Company, 11 ft W. STORE AND OFFICE riATCRES. 1 DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, shelvx us. cm. rva ouy, eeli. Omaha Fixture St Supply Co., 414-18-18 B. lath. Doug. 1714, TOWEL SUPPLIES. OMAHA Towel Supply. 107 S. Uth. D. CIS. . TAILORS. CHAS C. LANDER YOU, 10 N. Mth St. TRUNKS AND SUITCASES. rBELINQ A STEINLE. 1W Fsrnam Bt TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT. RENT an Oliver typewriter I mo. for 14. Oliver Typewriter Agency, 1106 Farnam. BUTT'S Typewriter Exchange, HI 8. Uta St. All makea for sale or rent. RENT a "Remington," not just a type wrlter. Low rent. Call Douglas 13M. WATCH SPECIALISTS. Christiansen, Id A. paxton Bk., 11 yr. earn. WEDDING STATIONERY, Wedding announcements. Doag, Ptg. Oe. WINES AND LK4UORS. ALEX JETES, 2m- B. 11th St Wloee, liquors, cigars. Plate dinners 11 to I, lOo. HENRY POLLOCK LIQUOR HOUfTHl, Uth and Capitol Ave. Tan-cent luaoh. MKDICAIi PILES, FISTULA CURED. Dr. l:. R. Tarry cure piles, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgloal operation. Cure guaranteed and no monev paid until cured. Write for book; on rectal diseases with testimonials DR. E. R. TARRY, 240 Bee Bldg. RHEUMATIS-t treated suooessfully, re urts guarantea. ur. Bowser, si Bee Bidg. RUPTURE cured In few days without pain. Call or write Dr. Wray, 101 Bee Bldg., Omaha Established 1S&4, o FOR RENT Apartments asul Flats. TrTRETB-room apartment, Bt Clare, CaA namey m. JBSTABROOK Court, mod., eanltaryi one vacant; do quick, u. r. H ten bins. 7-ROOM FLAT. I3&. Large rooms, near car. suitable for roomers; steam heat furnished, No. Uil Maple ft. . ARM STRONG-WALSH CO. Tyler. 1636. State. Bank Bldg. li-ROOM modern Hat 1707 Dodge, 131.60. vey at Bommer Bros., zxtn at ramam. Boarel aad Reeasa. Furnished Rooms that offer every mod ern convenience and comfort in private 1 famine or Doaroing nouses ox tn high est clsss wl(l be found In the Furnished Rooms column of The Bee. Phone Tyler 1000. Nicely f urn. ; excellent board. 421 8. Ktht WALKING distance, 15 per week. 2662 Bt Miryi Ave. FARNAM ST., 2&S7 E xoeptlonsil y nice rooms, wltn excellent noma oookina. on Farnam car line. Neatly furnished rma quiet home, break- tast u preierrea. sua sit Marys Jkrrm. BOARD and rooms, to wa. 2X11 Douglaa THE ALDEBN, 111 8. 26th St. steam beat not water, pct or board. V to ; par wk. THE Chatham note! for genUemea. Rates to permanent guesia uu d. utn. 1A sua, Farnam Sti, 2107 Nloely furnished rooms. mm neateq; close in. uouglas IflJ, SPECIAL LOW RATES TO PERMANENT GUEtiTS. HOTEL SAN FORD, llth and Farnam. HOTEL HARLEY. 10th and Farnam, 111 8. MTH Modern rooms by day er week: too and uo: lust off Farnam au Una. Rates by the week. Faraisaed Rooaae. I NEAT rmi., l per wk. up. 407 8. 20 Aye. Nicely furnished, close In, 1704 Farnam St. Neatly furn.. quiet noma 2662 Har&ey. Nicely furn.; private home. 6ul 8. toth St. NEATLY fur, private home. 1080 Har. St. Furnished neatly for YOU. ICd 8. Mth. 4 ROOMS en suite, nicely fur. 661 8. Mth. NICE, large furnished room for one or two respectable acntlemen: nrlvata f am. fly; breakfast If desired. I3u8 Web. H. AMI. Klogantly furn.. quiet home. 2224 Howard. Hoaaekeeatxtar Hoonae. FRONT rooms, nswly paperer, or hk.. I1.U up; suite, !2.t0. VA N. lth. DAVENPORT. 201S-TWO OR THREH NICELY FURNISHED FRONT HOUSE KEEPING ROOMS. Fwraisbed Hesses, "West Farnam Furnished or Unfurnished, $40 and $45 7 rooms, all modern: Dlano-Dlarar. ate: aved street; half block to car. ouglss 6013. Webster 1455. o. ALL modern 6-r. bungalow. 2711 Blnney. W. J. Iloaees aad Cottagea. North. 1104 N. 22d., 4-room flat; steel range, gas Stove, kltuhen cabinet . " -i , v waver palu M North 17th, 4-r., all mod. apt 12T1 RASP bROS. Douglas 1651. water paid. 17. 740. MOD., t-r., sragej 110. H. 1414. 707 N. 13d. 1614 CUMING ST.--r. mod. Doua IM T-R.. modern. 8317 Seward. Tel. H474T t-ROOM, modern house, newt half block to car; atoO. Phono Walnut Let t-ROoM house, mod., close-in. Tel. D. 46. BUILT 1 year. 7-room modern house, olose to car line; lot, MxUs; nice lawn. i?d?i f,n',h: snv offer considsred. 47 N. lath. Web. Mil BKH K home, Sherman Ave.. 111. W. 17x1. -ROoM cuttaae modern except heat Wl N. 14th St Benson M. Kay at bf!h h .orenca Blvd.. I tloi k aaat t-ROoM buusw, ail luodern. la best of condition, screened porch? nice yard, tots of shsde, I rooms snd bath on sec ond floor; 1 rooms, hall and pantry on first floor; t-mtnuts car service. blM N. ta St Webstar !. CUMING ST, JlV-l-room spartin.nt: private ba'h. gaa electrlo light; f 12 per month, lilt Ramge Bldg. CONTINUED ON PAGE ELKVEN. COLUMN ONE.) STOVE AD FfRJIACB HI. ;! i i i i 1 i ee-a ' X.