THE KEE: OMAITA. FKTDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 101. V By MELLIFICIA, Thursday, September 16, 1915. GCESSINO on next winter's festivities is about the only pastime for society Just now. In a manner it amounts to counting chickens before they are hatched, or Insisting that the original number of fluffy youngsters will lire along to the broiling age. (Apologies (or speaking so frlvously of one's Sunday dinner). However, this Is not a circumstance of so hazardous moment, In com parison to prophesying the number and kind of next winter's gayetles. Even the most Informed, which designation is meant for those who are pretty good In starting things themselves), would not dare venture an opinion at present which might tn the light of future events not increase their reputation for superior knowledge. Going to debut parties will not koep us busy, at any rate, for as far as can be surmised we will have but a small display of buds this season. , The Subscription Dancing club will continue this year just as last The parties of this club proved to be the most successful and gay of last year's affairs. The first of their parties will be given early In October, and the date is soon to be announced. At Happy Hollow Club. Mrs.-. W. Hamilton entertained at luncheon today at tbe Happy Hollow club In honor of Mr. Frank Olney of Minneapolis, The guests ware: Meedsjmee ' Mesdames Onley, ' Hoimton. Texae: Charles Prase, Chsrlas O'Nell Kioh, Charles Harrnll, Hfinry It. Itinera. Mrs. FYank I Weaver entertained In formally at luncheon today at the Happy JIollow club and Mrs. E. T. Ifeyden had ttrrlT-ft shiest a. At the Field Club. Dr. and Mrs. W. P. Wherry entertained fifteen guests at dinner Wednesday e ren ins at the Field club and C. J. Ctasson had four guests. Sinners will be given Saturday evening j at tht Field club by Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Crowley, who will entertain sight ruesta; J. W. Hushes will have four, and W. II. fonroe eeven. For Brlde-Eeot Mrs. J. MacMIUen Harding entertained elgHt guests at luncheon today at her hravie In honor of Mies Roe Bmyth. a fcrlde of the month, quantities of pink stars deeorated the table and covers wsrs placed for elsht Entertains at Luncheon. Mis Josephine Cnngdon entertained at luncheon todsy at her home In honor of Mlas Madeline IMckey of Kansas City, the truest of Miss Elizabeth Rend. Oar den flowers decorated the table and covers were placed for: Ml Mna Misses Madeline Turkey, Grace Allison, , tsanfHUi 1117, t-ongaon. EniMtielh Reed, Mnmr. Imwrenre Plckey, kanM City, . . Thornton Fray, Messrs. leano Carpenter, Jr., John Loomls. On the Calendar. The Twinkle club will hold Its opening dance at the Hotel Roma ball room on Tuesday evening, September tl Dances will be gtven every two weeks, as last season. . At the Brandeis Theater Parties at the Brandeis theater Wednes day evening were given by Mr. Jacobs. Mr. Oscar l. Besi and Mrs. C. J. Orson. Those entertaining today were: Mes- ROOUAHIA WILL EHTER WAR SOON Telegram Printed, in Berlin Indi cate Its ' Participation it Ex pected Any Minute. ' BULGARS ASK IF EXPLANATION LONDON, Sept 16. A Copenha gen dispatch to the Exchange Tele graph company saya German news papers were permitted yesterday to publish sensational telegrams Inti mating that Roumsnia's participa tion In the war may be expected at any minute, ' The massing of German and Austrian troops on the Roumanian frontier has re sulted tn the Balkan nation making prep arations for eventualities. A large part of Its army already has been mobilised and reservists in other countries have been ordered hotue,' ----- - ...... j A steadfast refusal - of Roiunanla to permit the transportation through Its ter ritory of military supplies for, Turkey la supposed o hava aroused the animos ity of the central empires.. , I Recent advices from Rome were to the effect that negotiations were under way for the formation of a new Balkan league, to be composed of Roumanla, Serbia and Greece. Uulnaria. It wss said, was not included In the negotiations because of her agreement with Turkey, by which It will obtain possession of territory along the Dederhatch railway. Montenerro probably would act In accord with the other three powers, as it already is, ar rayed on the side of the allies in the 'war. ... Bslrarla Asks Kiplnaatlon. ROME, Sept. U. (Via Paris, Sept 16.) Because eg the concentration of Greek and Roumanian troops on the Bulgarian frontier, the Bulgarian foreign minister has instructed the representatives of that country at .Athena and Bucharest to re quest an imimullate and definite ex planation, according to a Sofia dispatch to the Clornale D'ltalla. NEBRASKANS come to . OMAHA TO BE MARRIED Mitts Tlilie rioeser of Flattamouth and Julius KntCelkcmelr of Neha-4ia were married AS'ednesd&y afternoon at I o'clock by Rev. Charles W. Savlle at his office tn the Brandeis theater building-. I Traveltaa; tammm Ksserlenee, "In the aummer of USS I had a very se vere attack of cholera morbus. Two physicians worked over me front 4 a. an. to p. ra. without giving me any relief and thea told me they did not expect me to live;. that I bad beet telegraph fur rcy family. Instead et doing so, I gave the hotel porter M cents and told blra to buy ma a botti of Cbatoberlsln's Colic, C'hulsra and Dtarrboea Remedy, and take bo subsilti'la. I took a double doss ae coraii.f to 1 e directions and went to aletp after the second dose. At I o'clock the lit it inoiiJiif i called by my ordor and touk a train for my next stop. ylut point, a weil man, hut feellns rather shaky from the eeverlty of thu attack," wries H. Ws Irt !n'i, I.iuIh ill-. Ky. 4, evert heie.-Advertisemciit. ? dames M. Lerner, It. 8. Weller, lfolll day, fihrlngley, J. H. Coulter, Mr. B. E. Smith. Mr. A. Wallare, Mrs. Beadls and Miss Weeks. At the Country Clnb. Mr. A. B. Warren entertained at dln 'ner last evenlnr at the Country club. His guests Included. Messrs. and Mesdsmes: Joeoph Marker, Humid Prltchett. Minima Mlsaee Margery MoOrd, Charlotte Callahan, M r. J mes Al rOnrd. Mr. and Mrs. It, L. Huntley entertained at dinner last evening at the Country club In honor of Mrs. Jerome Mares. Covers were placed for eleven guests. Dining with Mr. and Mrs. Louis Nash last evenlnr at the Country club were: Mrs C, Y. "with, Miss Clair Helens Mr. fltorkton TTeth, Woodard, Mr. I. K. Crofoot. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Judson will enter tain at dinner Bat unlay evening at the Country club, and Mr. and Mrs. 8. 8. Carlisle will entertain ten guests Sat urday evening. Complimentary to Mrs. John Kelly, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Stapleton, Mr. A. It. Reed entertained at luncheon today at the Country club. The gueats were: Mesdsmes Kelly, DanUl C. Stapleton, John Ia Kennedy, F. P. Klrkendall, Mesdames A. F, Jonas, Albert Bwaxts- lander. Warren Rogers. Pleasures fait . The B. T. O. O. club wss entertained yesterday afternoon by Mrs. A. . W. Oland at her home. Mrs. Globe was the guest of the club. The members present Included: Mesdames Mesdames A. it. ttWiam. V. A. Nelson, W. J. Ourhwatte, . K-dwsrtl Todenhoft. Frederli k Harris, N. Huberts. C. A. Irklns, Personal Mention. H, A. Raapks has returned from a two weeks trip to the east, Mr. Louis R. DsJs Is registered at the Hotel McAlpIn In New York City. Mis, Alpha Fay Field left yesterday for Dana Hall, where she will enter her first year. at Is Charlotte B. Graves) and brother have Just returned from a trip to Den ver. Colorado Springs and Manltou. Messrs. Wilson Bryant, John . Mettlln and Deyo Crane left today for Lincoln, where they will enter the university. Sunday Activities "Billy" Sunday and Mrs. Sunday vis ited th sick after Mr. Sunday's lecture at the Joslyn home, I-udun with his boqueie of flowers, they went on thotr ?'?Klly.. '7,.nd- -Tney visited "Grand father 'Miller at Immanuel hospital and to. N. Oroh, a returned missionary from Honduras, at the sum huspllal; alxo Martin Case, tbzi Hamilton street, and Mrs. Balne, 4114 Charles street. The Wirt KVirh T. . .1.1. .1 . . - - . . .. ...... ...... urirHiin inni came here to invite 'Hilly to that city . - uwianio unr ins sermons mat they will remain here over Nunday to hear him as often as possible. J. J. Stauffer. Maaon CltV. la., pre sented 'Hilly- with a framod motto, wtilnh reads as follows: "If you don t want to be crltMsed, "Say nothing, "lo nothliiK, "Us nothing." "Blliy wftl probablv speak at Bellevue enllere some time during his Omaha cam. palsn. President Nlcholl has written ask ing for a date. , A detention from Athllnn Van milt arrive In Omaha Haturdav nn ilu'liniu. less mission of trying to Induce Mr. Kun iny to come to Atchison and speak some Monday, becretary Mathews Iiaa wired them twli-e that it la useless, but they say they'll come anyway and If they can't bring the mountain to them, they will come to the mountain." with a n- clnl train filled with Jayhawkers to hear iiuiy preacn. AGED MAN FACES JUDGE , . THIRD TIME IN A WEEK i. H. Hartley, itinerant, ared s years, was arraigned in police court tor the third time within a week, charged with being drunk. This time he was sentenced to sixty days In the county hospital. 114 jtlxxtuioeriELo I fTliat smile f sati faction continues to broaden as you continue to eat mora and more pleasurs-jving snd health building los Oram especially when you art tart, for your , own oJ, that U't V LZLK& U teos OMAHA GERMANS EHTER PROTEST Adopt Resolution! Against Local Bankers Assisting in Billion Dollar Loan. MAKE CALL UPON THE BANKERS Omaha citizens of Oerman descent and sympathies have adopted resolu tions protesting against the f 1,000, 000,000 loan to the allies by Amer ican bankers and have demanded that local bankers refrain from par ticipating In the gigantic deal to give the rranco-Ilrltlsh nations new financial stimulus. However, the bankers here are divided upon the question and Incline toward consid ering the proposition from a purely business standpoint, without regard to neutrality or sympathies In the war. So far officers of the Mg national hanks of Omaha profess to know nothing more of the proposed It, 000,000,000 loan than has appeared In press dispatches from the east. But a rumor spread among- local German-Americana was to the effect that at least one Omaha bank wss preparing to subscribe to the loan. A committee headed by Val J. Peter, German editor, called upon the directors of the bank in question and was assured that the allies' loan had not even been considered here and that the rumor was without foundation. Condemns the IOaa. Omaha Lendwehr Vert-In, the local Oer man veterans' society, held a meeting Wednesday evening at the Gorman Home end after stirring patiiotlo speeches unan imously adopted resolutions condemning the proposed loan to the aJllns and) call ing upon Omaha banks to refrain from joining In the big deal. "It New York Sympathisers of the allies sacrifice their money If they will," declared Val Peter, "but let us keep our money here in the west." Sneaking of the unfounded rumor that Omaha bsnks might subscribe to the loan Cashier T. K Davis of the First Na tions! bank said: "We hardly believe the allies loan will be offered in thewest, at least not through national banks. "It probably will be more of a bond Our Special Corset For stout figures, msde'wrth adjust abls abdominal strsp; extra wide front steel; four good gsrters attached. Sizes 20 to 36. Specially ff ff priced, at pi.UU Fall Goods Styles. v Women's and We bare added many new derful lots that wej are showing, $9.95, $12.48, $13.85 and $14.85 Visit the new basement annex scot store, select a right up-to-the-minote suit at a great tarings copies of higher priced models reproduced to sell for a lot less. Fine workmanship, all-wool material, dozens of pretty styles; all the new colors and ma terials. Of Interest to Stoat Women We are now showing an excellent assortment of Stats, Coats, Dresses, Skirts, lioase Dresses, Petticoats, etc all new fall styles, la sixes 39 op to 58. Low prices. V Wash Goods 36-Inch Highly MeroerUed Poplin, heavy quality, for cell, drsn's school dresses; Ct 40c value, yard JujC ' Largs assortment of Windsor Kimono Crepe, all new fall de signs and colorings; 80 inches wide. Regulsr 25o vslue, 4 Q Friday, ysrd IOC - 38-1 noh Chiffon Silk, In evsry wsntsd shads for blouses, slips, foundstlon, draperies. Sells regu Isrly for 25c, special, r yard IOC 32-Inch Whits Pajama Check for undsrmusllns, children's dresses and aprons. 18o value, apeolal, off the bolt, JQC White Corded Dlmtty, fine quality for children's aprons and dresses; 27 Inchss wide. n Special Friday, yard SlUC - Superior English Los gc loth, . pure white, contains no filling; very soft, for undsrmusllns. 38 Inchss wlds. Spsclal, 7Q Notions In the Basement Friday Lat Battks ef OseS lea chine Oil, each ls-Tars Baits ef Base Taste, 5c 5c One His- La f Masfciua Thssa4. ...rr..rrr?.2c CklldiWs GaeS Base 5c lc r l4rse nun et Valasa, aa P aatws; Pails, c4 )- B ky. saca st a K. K-attkU; O '. 3c Is Larse Uate Mete, eaca Stsl rraoast Baoka, Aajr, aaca.X 2Vac tUd GoM rta44 Wsaaty Fins, sat S-V.rd BHs af TwiUae 5c Tape, Saw V Sunday Meetings MXETIWOSl TtyDAT. 10 a. xos neighborhood prayer meet, ings. 11 a. m. tl I p. m. Basis ess w-omea's aooa meetings and lanch, isos-li Tar. tun street, SCss Miller. Boon Jtle ralUnoant Creamery company, Ondahy Facklsg company, Paxttoa tj TlerUng Zroa works, leaders, Mrs- Asher, Mrs. Bodeheaver, Sr. Kc. CMktn, Mr. Brewster and D. Smith. p. m. ajnnday at the Tabernacle. p. to-Bible' class at Tabernacle, Kiss Baxe. Si4B p. m. Boys' and Girls' msetlng, Florence Presbyterian chorch, Miss Gam 11 n. 4 p. tn. Bible elass for school teach, era, rirst Methodist church. Miss Rase. 4 ilS p. m- Commercial Xlgii school girls at T. W. O. Miss Miller. Ti30 p. m. Maaday at the Tabemaole. p. m Bible class at Tlrst Coagrera. tlonal church, Coon oil Bluffs, Miss axe. house proposition, or one for big private bankers In the east." "It bas been and will be our policy to loen only in Omaha's territory." said Vice President Clarke of the Nebraska National bank. "We have no money to loan to New York or Europe." "We never cross a bridge till we come to it," replied Cashier O. E. Haversttck of the United Btatee National. "We are all Americans here, anyway." "I cannot form an opinion until I know the conditions of the offer, tf one Is made to Omaha banks," explained CashWr J. DelT. Richards of the Omaha National bank. "At any rate, the German-Americans here cannot complain If Omaha banks should join In the loan to the allies. Banks out here have already loaned money on German bonds." WnaM Stlmalate Business. That the floating of the Immense loan to the aJUes would be a great stimu lus to American business, was asserted by a prominent banker, who refused to have his name used. Some local bankers, In discussing the matter, asserted that If a loan Is offored to them for sub scription, they would consider It purely from a business standpoint, as to rate of Interest and security. They said they would not hesitate to loon money to sny of the warring nations. If safe collateral was offered and the profit to be reaped from the Investment was attractive. Try This for Nearalata. Neuralgia is a pain in the nerves. Sloan's Liniment penetrates and soothes the aching nerves. Get a bottle now. All druggists. Advertisement. Lend a Snap to Our Big Basement Assortments and Prices Misses' New styles to the won Extra Sale of Dress Goods Two Cases of TrareWs' Samples of Dress Goods, salt able for all purposes would sell to $1.00 a yard 1A off the bolt, choice Friday, each piece, 15c and. .v. 1 C Remnants of Dress Goods, in lengths of 2 to 5 yards; all the new weaves and colors, suitable for skirts Q and dresses. SoeciaL eacb Look These BOYS' TWO-PAIR PANTS SUITS Splendid weight suits in new fall shades; two pair of pants with eacb suit, both pair lined and fl"C C A seams i all Uped. sua. in the . t $5.00, Knickerbocker Pants A brand new lot of heavy weight caselmere pants In nest grays and browns; worth 78c and $1, !:.49c Vail diss, rrwsy, pair. r. When You Can Buy Shoes at These Prices They Deserve Attention Women's Shoe, la patent, gun metal and Vict kids kin leather; button and laoe styles; high and low heels. Values to do ft A M-00, pair spZ.UU Boys Ssrvlcssbl School Shoes, built for hsrd wear; button or lac styles, Siaea 10 to 13V4. no $1X9; slssa 1 to 8, Women's Kldskln JullsU. In plsln or tipped toes; rub- ft fi ber keei. wpeoial . rUiy.. . VUL V Thompson and Bryan Both in Washington (From a Staff CbrTespondont.) WASHINGTON. Bept. 16. tSpeclal Tele gram.) Simultaneously with the arrival of ex-Secretary of State Bryan In Wash ington, there appeared on the register of the Willard hotel the names of W. It. Thompson of Orand Island and C. W. McConnauRhy of Holdrcre, president of the Trl-County Supplemental Water asso ciation. Mr. Bryan came east to see his new rrandchlld, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hsrfrraves, Mrs.'Bryan having occu pied the home on Calumet Place for sev eral weeks. Judge Thompson of Grand Island, who is a strong candidate for the vacancy on the federal bench of Nebraska, came to Washington not as a candidate, but as couneel for the Trt-County association, of which Mr. McConnaughy is president, snd through hla efforts a conference will be held with Secretary Lane of the In tiirior department tomorrow looking to the construction of a canal from a point near Lexington, In Dawson county, with a terminus In Kearney county, for the pur pose of utilising the flood waters of the llatte river for irrigation purposes. An engineer of the Interior department has surveyed the ground contemplated for Irrigation, and it wss for the pur pose of emphasising the report that Judge Thompson and Mr. McConnaughy decided to see the secretary of the In terior. When It Is considered thst a million-acre feet of water goes to waste In the Platte river every year. It Is no wonder that the people living in Gosper, Phelps and Kearney counties on the Platte river want some of that water it they can get the government interested In constructing a canal from a point west of Lexington to a point In Kearney county on the Platte river, using the water that Is otherwise dumped In the Mississippi watershed, they expect to make that section of Nebraska a garden spot. "Instead of building great reservoirs as contemplated In the Newlands bill, we plan to lead the waters off Into the seml-artd sections of the west," said Mr. McConnaughy, "and use the soil as reser voirs. Then you have the ideal reservoir at Infinitely less expense, but with larger opportunities to those who locate along those water course "We want Nebraska to be a pioneer In this matter, and that Is why we are here for a conference with Secretary Lane. Ex-Secretary Bryan will be with trs In our conference." Are All to Your Advantage Fall Suits Are Arriving Daily Yoa wQl need a coat for immediate wear risit the basement annex coat store, you wQl find it mere. The new White Coats, with A wide belts and big pockets, at $5.95, SQ Qk $6.95, $8.95 and. Coats of plain serge, fancy . n plaids and mixtures, new rough ma- Na 1 A terials, etc at $4.95, $5.95, up to. .V A UcF Women's and Misses' Dress Sklrta, over 1,000, not this season's styles but good practical skirts for many oc casions a purchase Just re ceived sli-vrool serges, fancy eheoka, plaids, mix tures, eta, 2 ta 4 values, cheloe, at. $U9 remnanL 69c and. .ot SeJl Over, Boys! lot worm to V -i"" tw. Sweaters for Boys A special lot of sweaters In vari ous styles and colors, te fit ages 8 to 14 years. Worth to $1.60. spe cially priced for Friday, ...85c at .... Misses' and Children's School Shoes, patent and dull leathers ; button styles. 84 zee 8 te 11, Sf!.?.,T.:!S.?$1.59 Men'e and WomWa Bath Slip pars, mad ef TurtUsst toweling, wKh carpet eotea. r Special, pair IOC Infants' Shoes, In black or tan; button or lac styles. QQ Sixes t to S, rlr..,..M....y0C ARRESTED ON CHARGE OF . HAVING DOPE ON PERSON At the request of Wllllsm Hoist, deputy collector of the department of Internal revenue, the police have arrested C. O. Butts, charging him with having forty grains of morphine In his pnsesslnn un lawfully. Butts Is a resident of Omaha and Is said to hare had the morphine tn his possession on September 13. He Is now In the city Jail, and his bearing hss been set for today, before fnlted States Com mlssloner Daniel. What Brand of Matches Do You Use? Who makes them ? Are they poisonous or non-poisonous ? Are the sticks long and strong or short and weak ? Do the heads fly off or do they stay on ? Do they burn evenly or explosively? If people knew as much ' about matches as they should, they would use Safe Home Matches made by the Diamond Match Company. 5c. All grocers. Ask for them by nam. The Diamond Match Company 'mfcWKasHPe-" I H OH POllgo rl gjjj I Good Wearable Corsets Corsets made of extra strong cloth, guaranteed rust-proof; medium bust and long hips. Slzea 19 to 30. in 8pcial Friday ...'C J A vary special lot of Chil dren's Dresses, good practi cal everyday play and school dresses, all new up-to-date styles. In plaida, checks, plain and stripes. Sizes Z to and to 14 years, S9o and 75c vahtee, specialty priced, at 48c Domestics Mill Bmnult af CaUeaM, rrinta, ChsiUss. ate Usat asui dark rrsandst lenftks easily ssateksd. Hpeetal TtUmj, 2C SS-Inck ' Dtms 'Pereais.' 'sslli ' ma. aaata. 4xS4 riot a, llsht and dark shlrtU( aajrlMi asat dots, sirtpss aad Scans, la valaa, Jl - yafd TT. 4C SS-Iach Blaarhsd BfasUa. sxtrm Sne eaallty, sort aaish) loafths te IS yards. Valoas te Sc. sooclai r trtdmr, ard C laas Uaalltr Rloaoaad aad Faary OaWrod Oattas rionool. asar I will anion, beautiful ouft aap oa both sMos. Kosaiar e Taias, rl - OjC ot Urads Dress Kophria, sack as York, Applrwob, t-Tcrrtla ud other otopU saakos. la all ths waatod stripe., rkorks aad ar tall plaids, lor and II Vi alaoa, spa- 71. elal rrtdar, sard JC Tkoasaads ( Yards (Mill Ksa. ants and thprts) at riala atomvisod and ranor tlsand Poplla, la a sholos aoaortssont - - of Boat colors tons l.nsihs, klshlj snore oris sd. CI Valoos tofoo (tkoios, yard O JC S aad 4e-Inek Rlikiy Monorlud Blark tiatooa, kaad loom vrovoo. poo at blark. lSe Taleo, 1)i . ndo7. yard loVjC SS-laeaj BaasaUw CVotoma, la a rkolro aoaortmont af SWal. Csaf. Fonlaa aad ortratal dcslfasi 1 1 11 stl rai lor armpory aad eomlorto eo.or- wwr 7ic . soils. nf. srfiiu tea Friday, yard BoMtlfal Cottoa matlaw, 1-lb. porfortly hand rollodi sort, flatr. saallary Bottom Wy spwsd. CO. - ltise bx-kos. 70s a)aa, roll O JC Itxse-lneb tUoackod S aorta, Bwda fosa s;ood eaalily -t blraehod cot ton, sort Sul.a 1 a-lack bnnn see ST-.T1?. : 32c ead tSsis lark HWkod'rillow Wlpo. ssado taras rood srads 1 rnasUa ta asatck skoota, enck. . . . J C Exceptional Bargains in ' Blankets and Comforts A Want SS pairs of nul koaTy, tall lad. say rot ion boaukets, oxtra kwss also. 1HSS lackost saads by laa wail-knowa Naakna stills. Vtartk tram ss-es ta s se. t alls tkk) 1 -q lot Insts. Jhrtday. pair o1.4ir Hpacaal Baaia Tabla at riao Caan "no. ail Simoon, aaada ta soil Bp te .. Tat) bMbi kaoaa as tnetory atoaaap' anas a yaar tko fsxaory oalaj as all tkst skoot Was armors tboa ara tram laraa to l.rin at aao kind. Ik la yaos ara aoaanilid as sta tin a ory apiandat tat naat eas yoa Baiaatsktod ckaaoa. waUia S rrt S bairn last, amok '. I.i(J BkMM k am aaata, kaaT aamaast nn tn Im m law stao. aamay ase a tko aad (ray. tksas. kpirkil JTrtday, J9c Cocoanut Oil Makes A Splendid Shampoo If you want to keep your hair In S""'t ! condition, the Iras soap you use ilia J better. Most soaps and prepared shsmpoos con- a tain too much alkali. This dries tlie scalp, makes the hair brittle, and Is Terr harmful. Just plain mulelfled cocoanut oil (which Is pure snd entirely grease- " less). Is much better than soap or sny- thlru? else you can use for shampooing, ss this can't possibly Injure the hair. Pimply moisten your hair with water snd rub It In. One or two teas poo nfuls will make an abundance ot rich, oreamy lather, snd cleanses ths hair and scalp thoroughly. The lather rinses out easily , and removes every particle of dust, dirt, dandruff and excessive oil. The hair dries ' quickly snd evenly, and It leaves It fine and silky, bright, fluffy and easy to man- ' age. You can ret mulalfled cocoanut oil st most sny drug store. It is very cheap, and a few ounces Is enough to last even -one in the family for months. Advertise ment. to o 7 "No! I Said Calumet!" "I wint what I ask for I know what it would mean to go home without it. Mother won't take chances she's sur of Cshimet sure of light, wholctoma, tasty bak ings of positive, uni form results of parity snd economy, loa try CALUMET 1( Baking Powder 1 1 lay aside your a' tavortta brand onca I and you'll never go back to it. calu met Is the world's best Bakinz Pow der it's moder ate in price." RaootrodHIshoat Awards JfewCMlBMf Vm Sat lily fa Anas' Can. COFFEE FOR Z LB. CANS "That Economy C0FFEE"( i0i Furs Made New Out Vrloe Tux aVamodsllas Ittllntnj and Claanlng. BatUfacttoa Ooaraa teed Sam Kneeter Ladles' Tailor and Furrier Mail Orders Solicited, littldrlge Bids. 1 D20 Famans St. Telephone Red 6834. I an . 77t quality printer ergtt Ids customer to spend money for good engravings, because it is money well spent. The best printer in the business cannot get rt- tits out of an inferior est We make them to suit the Iff i r i't - e