10 Tim BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, tSEPTEMBEK 17, 1915. HUNDREDS LINE SAWDUST TRAIL Two Hundred StrentrEight Hit the Trail in Response to Sadden In vitation to Come Fordwtrd. DRAMATIC SCENE AT THE TAB "Billy" Sunday opened his famous sawdust trail at 9:15 Wednesday, at the conclusion of tbe regular service, ahlch was attended largely by the working girls and women of the city. Two hundred and seventy-eight men and women signed the printed cards, while as many more shook the evangelist's hands during the traiV hittlng period of tbe evening. Miss Bertha Kraft or Keosho, Mo., working In the home of James Mc Kenna, 41 5 North Twentieth street, waa the first Omaha woman to hit the trail, while T. Lewis DaUy of I7S5 Seward street, coal wagon I river, waa the first man. Trail Ori Saea1r. The event rame with much sudden ness, although many were on the qui vlve. After his discourse on the sub ject of backsliding, Mr. Sunday asked those who wanted to be remembered In bis prayers to bold up their hands. Nearly everybody held up their hands and then the evangelist 'offered a abort prayer. This Is a magnificent gathering of womanhood." was an observation mad by "Billy" Sunday. Thn hs asked those who wanted salvation to com forward and shaks hts hand. That was the cue. The ushers and secretaries of the trad Immediately fell Into line to open the trail and keep things moving1. "Juet as I Am" was the selection sung by the choir, followed by other sons. O. A. Ooss and Frank E. dark took their posts Immediately In front of Mr. Bon der and as the trall-hltlers came forward they expedited matters by raising; th outstretched hands and passing the pen itents on to th ushers who pJared them In th front rows of seats. Th evan gelist's atrenuostty has not been excelled during bis Omaha campaign. He braoed on leg against th pulpit and reached out both hand, grasping first on by bis right hand then another by his left hand, exhorting th b ok ward on to more forward and urging the ushers and sec retaries to keep th trail a-gomg. Then he fell prone on th platform and found that a better way to reach th hands of those who moved forward. In th mean while "Ma" Sunday was working among seme who. showed particular signs of re ) tic. 6h placed her arms around two women who war crying and talked to others. Sceae t'anaaally Teaee. In th rear of th tabernacle many stood up on th seats to get a view of th Intense seen being;, enacted at th front. Th choir continued singing softly and Mr. Bunday waa well nigh exhausted when th last of th Un had been reached. Over WO shook his bands In about flftean minutes. After th trail-hitter had bean seated In the front rows and things bad quieted down the sec ret arias passed th cards and whan they had been filled they were collected and turned In te O, O. Eagerly, who announced that 17 bad signed thee declaration, which read I "I new aooept Jesus Christ as my per sonal Savior." with spaces for name, ad dress, church prefereno and pastori els a same reading, "If roonsoraUon put X In bar." Over la Half aa Hoar. After th trail-hitting- Incident, others preased forward to shak hands with "Billy" Bunday as b started to leave for hts hotel. He started out alone, but "Ma" Sunday soon caught aright of him and pushed her way to his side. A private detective opened a way to. th weet aid of th tebernacl for Mr, Sun day and his wife. Th whole proceeding took leas than half an hour. Mr. Sunday concluded th trail featur of th evening by praying for the working girl and women of th various activities and industries. Aa the audience was leaving, Mr. B. C. Eagerly, head of the tra.l serrvtar as, ceiled his aiJea together and nave thm Instructions for future service, it is ex pected that th'.s part of th service will run smoother beginning this evening-. There was some difficulty last evening keeping things moving while "th spirit ' was moving thnso ho had an Impulao to corns forward. George Sunday stated that the Bum ber, who signed cards was exoeptluneliy gratifying for the first evening of tb trail hitting. He said Omaha bad dun very well as a first-nighter. -Bitlr'a" rreaal latere. To each of tbe card signers was dis tributed a circular bearing a picture Of . Mr. Bunday and with this foreword: "Dear friend: You hav by this act of coming forward publicly acknowledged your faith in Jesus Christ as your per sonal savior. No on could poaalbly be more rejoiced that you hav don this, or be more anxloua for you to succeed and get the tuoet Joy out of tbe Chris tian life, than I. Therefore, I ask you to read carefully this little tract. ' Cor dially your. "W. A. SUNDAY." In the tract than point are m- rtaslsfd: Study the Bible, pray much win someone for Chrtet, shun evil com panions. Join some church, gtv to the support of th Lord's work, do not te cum ciacoiuaged. Tbe secretaries of the tril occupied e t lu a reeerved section at the fr nt and to the left of the plat form, ao th' y might be readily accessible at the ap pointed time. Stuns were rather uncer tain at to their work at first, last even ing being their flret erpartene oa th trail. Several times did Mr. Sunday hav to coach them, while he graspad hands r'sht and left. W lilt lee Trail. In tbe crowd of trail hitters were men and women, oil and young, aom w th faces blanched and other lees aerl ua Two girls were noticed gll ng aa trey walked away from the storm center. On womaa sobbed bltterlr. Another wonitn ltd her busband to the front and still soother women brought her young son to th front seats "BUly" auncay acknowledged at th clue that he was tired. Hi voloa tad not been In good form during th even ii4f and many believed he would not oiea the trail until this evening. He made n roferenc to th "trail ' ee auch. His actual opening waa roere'y an :nvltatln to oume forward and shake bis hands, tut the large audlnc quickly eoed tLi aa coming and expectea' y grew so a. Reports of Warm Weather in State Drop Corn Prices With reports from Now Tork that large quantities had been bought for ex port to Europe, wheat on th Omaha market advanced a cent yeaterday and eold all the way from M rents to fl.M per all the wsy from M cents up te tl 04 per bushel. Receipts were twenty-one ear- loads. Com hsd a quick advance at the open ing of the market and gained H cent. but reports of clearing and warmer weather In Nebraska, Kansas and South takota sent prices bank and before the market closed ths advance was wiped out and prices dropped off a full cent. Prices ranged around SMT?. cents per bushel. The receipts for th day war aeventy two carloada Oats were steady to H cant up, selling st 8S8fl, with twelve carloads on ths market ! DANGER OF FROST HAS PASSED AWAY Warming' Out in the SUte Warning- to Secure Seed Corn for Next Tear. Methodists to Meet in Omaha Next Week When the Nebraska eonferenc of Methodist Episcopal churches Is held bere7 Raptember SO to tt, ths GOO attending ministers will hold their seeaton at the First Methodist church, whlls ths First Congregational church, on block distant, will be used for th meetings of the SO) lay delegates. This has been arranged by Iltshop Frank M. Bristol, head of th Nebraska conference, and Rv. Tltua Low of th First church, who Is directly In charge of srrangemente. Hlshop Bristol will pre side at all th aeaslona of ministers, rormer Bishop W. F. Oldman of New Tork, now a chief mission worker, has been foured to make two addresses. 1 Bualneaa aeaalons of th oonferenc will b held only In th mornings, to allow th delegates to attend ths "Billy" Sun day meetings In ths afternoons and even ings, i A Fall ( osah Harts th I.aaa-a. Pr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey stops the cough and prevents your cold getting) wore. It's guaranteed. Only Ski. All druggists. Advertisement. Des Moines People Coming Saturday DOS MOINE8. la.. Sent. -ftnaolall -It waa atated her resterder that nrah. ably STO Dea Molnea people will leav here Saturday evening at T o'clock on a ape elal train to Omaha to attend the "Billy" Bunday meetings next Sunday. Th Dea Molnea people will apend th entire day In Omaha and will not atart back hm. until after midnight Sunday night. Diarrhoea Qalekly Cares, 'About two rears aao I hail a attack of diarrhoea which lasted for over a week." writes W. C. Jonas, Buford, N. D. "I becam so weak that I could not stand upright. A druggist recommended Chamberlain's Coll a. Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy. Th flrat doe relieved m ana within two days J was aa well aa ever." Obtainable everywhere. Ad ver- SEWARD STREET GROCER RELIEVED OF HIS COIN Samuel Ooldware, operating a srrooarv and residing at 1609 Seward street, Wednesday evening was held no tor a negro Just aa he waa closing the store for the night The Intruder took U.S0 and a collection of old '.colas. Tbe description given to th polio cor responds with other descriptions of a holdup man who has been aotlv for three weeks. WEATHER CLEARING IN WEST Reports to the railroad offices In dicate that danger of frost over Ne braska hag passed so far aa the pres ent Is concerned. According; to the i all roads, there wag no place in Ne braska where there wag frost Wednesday night. In nearly all portions of the state there wag light tain last night, with clearing weather today. Out In the state yesterday, accord ing to the railroads the temperatures luring the morning ranged from 60 to 70 degrees, gradually growing warmer as the day advanced. leok for Speed1. A special bulletin was received yester day by Forecaster Welsh of the local weather station, from Prof. C F. Mar vin, ehlef of the weather bureau. It concerns the corn crop and reads as fol-i lows: "WASHINGTON, Kept 15Ow1rig to the generally backward state of this year's corn crop In many of th northern, but Important sections of th belt, there I danger of Injury to the crop by killing frost, th occurrence of which may be expected st any time. It Is, therefore, Important that every effort possible te mad to secure good seed for next year's crop. ' Where any last year's corn Is left it should be gone over and the best ears saved for seed. Moreover, ss eorn ma tures unevenly It Is posalbl to secure eeed from th early ears befor the rest of th crop Is mature. llcw-Vay Wonder for Corns, "Gcts-lt" The Itlg Surprise for Corn Owners. It'a hurts Simple, Me, Quick. listen to the wee atorv of 'at-I " th world's greatest corn remedy. It's a short story only about two feet "Mary had a little "(Jets-It.' and corns upon her toe; and every time site put on 'Ueta-it,' 1 ? S 1J to Misery- and Bmharraesmrat Llm Vbis With aUaaple, Jtasy "Uete-IU" Two Are Hurt When Train is Derailed II. X Combs of Auburn, a railway mall clerk, and F. J. Shepard of Falls City, express messenger, were aiightly Injured when local No. IS on the Missouri Pa cific running between Omaha and Falls City waa derailed near Dunbar Wednee day night and the mall and express car In which Comba and Bhepard were rid ing turned ever. The mall and express car was the only one to turn over. The engine and the other cars of ths train remained upright, snd no passengers were hurt. Several feet of track was badly torn up by the accident and the train was delayed about flv hour In making its run. To Keep Your Skin Fret From Hairs (Beauty Topic.) If you are willing to spend a few min ute tlm In your room using a delatone paste, you can easily banish any ugly, hairy growth without discomfort or In Jury. Th past is made by mixing some water with a little powdered delatone. This Is then spread over the hairy sur face and after about t minute rubbed off and the akin washed. You will not be dlaappointed with thla treatment, pro viding you get real delatone. Advertisement. was sure to go." Mary, like a, uaea the corn thousands of others, used to be a heroine. Buffering martyrdom, using painful ban- qagea, irritating aalves, etlcky tape, to harness, blood-bringing raaora and. aola- eorel Hhe aava now there's nn sense In 4t. Use "Gete-It," epp led In S seconds, .aey, simple, new way Ju-t painless com mon sensei Millions are doing it. Never falls. You wear amal er shoes now. Ton don't have to limp around any more, or walk on th aid of your shoes to try to get away from your cornel Teu know for sure before you use '(Jets-It" that the corn or callous is going away. For corns, callouses, warts and bunions. Oets-It" is sold by sll drugslsts. 25o a bottle, or sent direct by H. Lawrence A Co., Chicago. Bold In Omaha and recommended aa the wnrld'a best corn remedy by Sherman McConnell Drug Co.'s Stores. ion cannot over-estimate tlie vaiue of a dependable Watch. An unreli able time-keeper la often a detriment. A few minutes late at a bualneaa ap pointment may mean the loaa of con siderable money. Tou ax always stir of exact tlm when you pur chase a watch at to rna B0.a OO. We guarantee every watch we sell, and our prices are always th lowest; Sae.Ladtes' Ring, 14k solid gold L. o f tla "Perf eo- tlon mounting fin brl I 1 1 a n t Diamond, era w for. as a Month, STo, 4 Men's Dia mond King, prong Tooth mounting. Ilk tftft solid sold ai.es a Weak. SOLID GOLD THIN MODEL SO.OQ z5525 $01.50 A, Month T f STo. Ua Illinois, tilgln or Waltham Watch, full Jeweled, 14V solid gold case. Fits In the pocket like a jefcrj liver doller: special sale price '''"' TSSKSl ga A MOSTK, Open Bally T1U S V. SC. Saturday 3Q Cell er write tor CiUhi No. s. Pboa DotifUs 1444 and oar aelxmia wilt eeli. k 1 VS Cndlt Jewelers ERQ3Ca?Ie$- no r? ii "Keep v the Paper nn o Don't r.liso It! Bt ..LUon't Intcrcct You Unless You C-3ave o Few Dollars-So Save BaSIy Papors U Yell Vou TJore Bargain Day All Over This Big Store Friday 20c Embroderies 9c A fine assortment of 18-in. Corset Cover and Skirt Floun cing Embroideries. Choice bargains for Friday. $lso Umbrellas 98c Men's and Women's, with Par agou frames, American Taffeta, cover, fast black and rain proof, choice 08 Ladies' Under wear Specials In Domestic Room. Ladles' Union Suits, medium weight, Ions or short sleeves, high neck, ankle length, the 76c quality garment, jjC Summer Weight Union Suits, all sites, up to 85c tal- 1Q ues, on sale Friday, at. X eC Outing Flannel Gowns, gener ously proportioned, all AC sixes, Friday specials Women's Lisle Vests that sold to 19c, all sizes, on sale, at Children's Underwear in fall weights, vests and pants, spe cials, Friday at, per garment, only 7ic 19c Big Special Sale of Dress Goods Remnants Friday Hundreds of 1 to 5-yard mill lengths In Sertrits, Panamas, Checked and Striped Settings. French Somes, Diagonals, Storm Serges, etc, wrrth )nre than double tho special tale prices, for Friday, at, per yard, only 28. 38 m 48 New Fall Dress Fabrlca to $1.60 yard values, In Ms s bortment of weaves and color ings, per yard. . .78 nd. OSc All Wool Plaid Suitings, 48-lnch. to 64 Inches wide, all the most popular styles, on sale, at per yard 08 nd 81.18 lteauttfi.1 New ClcukinkS. Including tebelines. chinchillas, diagonals. plaid, sport coatings, etc, at per yard 81.50 -nd tip Just a Few of the Numerous Millinery Specials Which We Offer Here Friday. A special purchase of 150 high class Trimmed Hats from o leading Chicago maker, every one a beauty and would be big values at $1 0.00 and $12.00. ; On Sale Friday $750 a- see On Sale Friday $750 0- Paradiae Special Our regular $7.50 number, on sale Fri day, at, only $5.00 Untrimmed Hat Special About 200 of the season's most popular styles, good quality velvets, regular $2.49 and $2.98 value?, at, only $1.69 $1.50 Feather Novelties One large table including some twenty different patterns, in white, black and col ors, on sale at 98 Misses' Sport Hats With soft stitched brim of velvet or plush, in black and a number of bright colors, hats made to sell at $1.50; our sale price Friday, only 98 $1.00 Butterflies, Jet Bodies Friday .69 Fancy Goods and Notions la Domestic Room New Pearl Buttons, big assort ment, at, per doien. .. .2Js 11-lnoh Embroideries, will he worth double, per yard..7$se Val Torchon and Shadow Laces, pretty patterns, yard . . . , 3 Ladles' Hand Bags at. . . .30 1 00-yard Machine Threads. 2 Pillow Tops, big Hue for selec tion, at, each. 104 Children'! Hose) Supporters, at, per pair Kg Fancy Drees Buttons, big line for selection, per doso,2H Hosiery Special Friday In Pome tic Room. Women's 16c Mercerised Lisle and Cotton Hose, pair . . . 10c Women's 16o Cotton Hose, black, white and tan, at. per pair latt Women's Cotton Hose), llnt or medium weight, black or tana, at, 4 pairs for. . 25 Children's school Hose, up to 20c per pair Talnee, light or medium weight, pair .12H Children's Tan Hose, regular lOo values, broken lots, pair .60 Share in These Special Domestic Room Sales Friday This great Domestic Room, one-half a city block of selling space, offers hundreds of splendid Bargain Opportunities Fine quality pure Bleach Muslin, dependable 8 He quality, per yard. .B94c Amoakcag Flannels, plain colors, all white or neat stripes, per yard 100 Shaker Flannel, pure sanitary1 bleach, heavy qual ity, per yard H Curtain fabrics, the fine 2 60 grade, mercerized marquisettes, ecru, cream or white, per yard . . loo Cotton Datts for comfort filling, pure unbleached cotton, weight 8 pounds, unrolls In one sheet 72x 80, at. each 8Bc Comfortable Cowering-, full yard wide, allkoltne, printed or plain colore, also soft finish woolette, oholce, yd.,10o Comfortables, pure cotton fining, full else, coTerlnj 'n Persian dealgna, faat color fabric, each Sl.85 Blankets, extra large slse lt-4, grays only, $1.76 value, each J S1.SJ Blankets, wool napped plaids, 11-4 alae, ft. 00 value, at, each SS.S5 Ureas Prints, lining cambrics, robe prints, remnant lengtlia, per yan) SVn Towels Hath towels, buck towela, nam towels, room towels, alight Imperfection n weave, each So Splendid Savings in Silks Plain and Novelty Dress Silks, to 6 inches wide, up to $1.00 yard values, including messalinee, foulards, taffetas, pongees, poplins, etc., all colors, yd., 38 and 68 $1.25 Chiffon Dress Taffetas, 40 in. all silk crepe de chines, satin stripe tub silks, nov elty messalines and fancy check taffetas, at, yard 88 New Satin Meteors and Georgette Oepea, In every new fall color, choice, values in Friday's sale, yard 31.25 nd 81.50 44-lnch Imported Velvet Saltings Note the width, elegant quality tor suits and dresses, exceptional at, yard 32.50 80-inch Black Chiffon Dress Taffetas and Mesu- itnee on sale Friday, yard 08 C ' Hayden's Famous for Silks. ( .' . Sample Furs Sent us by America's beet makers for Inspection and selection of stock now On Sale at 25 Less Than Retail Worth. Fur Coats, Fur Scarfs, Fur Sets, Fur Muffs, In almost endless vari ety. Why not buy early and in sure yourself this big saving on fur garments? OXLY A FEW DAYS MORE ACT QUICKLY. Make a small deposit and we rill hold furs tUl wanted. Another Slump in Fruit Jar Prices Buy a Big Supply Now. Ball Mason Fruit Jars, pints, per dor en 30c Ball Mason Fruit Jars, quarts, per dozen 88o Ball Mason Fruit Jars, 2-quart slse, per dozen 03c White Crown Mason Jar Caps, 35c donen quality, at. per dozen. . .9c Santa Mason Jar Caps, regular 10c per dozen kind, per dozen.... Be "Sure Seal" Mason Jar a. Quarts, per dozen 05c Pints, per dozen 59c 10c Jar Rubbers, 2 dozen . . . .15c 6c Jar Rubbers, 3 dozen for. . ,0c On Fourth Floor. Specials in Drugs and Toilet Goods $1.00 8al Hepatlca 09c 60e Jar Men thola turn. ..... .c SI bottle Diozogen 09c -26c bottle Lysol ;....il9c 5 bars of Ivory Soap 10c 4 bars Peroxide Soap SOc 6 10c rolls Crepe Toilet Paper.BOc 35c can No. 1 Welche's Wisteria Talcum 23c $1 box Dewltt's Kidney Pills, 69c 11.50 box L Trefle or Asurea powder. at So '75e set Military Hair Bruahas. . . .BSo IRc Tooth Brushes for 10 10a bar Jap Rosa or Palm Ollv Soap for o 11.50 Auto chamola SS rStfDAT. i v I ; ; A Great Purchase of Blue and White Enameled Ware. Less than Half Retail Worth A spolal paranaa that enable aa te give soma vary rare bar gala a. Tola lot goes oa sal rrtday an Setaraa. J and 4-quart Uotfee.l ots 6 and 8-quart Coffee Boilers 6, 7 and 8-quart Tea Kettles 8, 10, 16-qunrt Preserving Kettles.. 10 aud 12-quart Water Pails Values to 98c Choice 39c For 14 and 17-quart Dish Pans For 6, 8 and 10-quart Berlin Kettles For 2 and 2-quart Klce Boilers For 10-quart Chamber or Slop Pail For Dinner Palls For Cuspidors Taeee are aartaialy Varg-a t aa better we aav aa4 for a loaar time. 18 i OUNDS PURE GRANULATED SUGAR FOR $1.00 Taa near Market la atreager. Wj Want every liouaewii in umana to try a eats, of our famoua llainond 1 Flour. Nothing better for bread, plea, caaes, or bleculia, tt-pound aao (or. 1M Utah sac lie tea Oaaalag, nsav, per orate 6e bushel basset fancy Utah Elbertav. S-rlday, aer bushel Si -00 Larae mar set baakaia atatflav rears (er oaaalag-. Pee- basset 6 le-puund aaaa pur Can Oranulatwl Pugar tor. . aajtS IS bars beat-Bra-All or IX en mood O aoap SS 10 pounds beat wblt or yallaw eorn. 1 pound bulk laundry Starch.... 4 rails ll rardjnea Yeaat Foam, rer package E. C Cornflakes, per package Milliner's Idacarooi. Verpaloelll, S5 Sfte Spaghetti, par package TVie A lua. Fancy Japan Klc or Tapti4 for ..: a 4 lb, best hand-picked Navy Bean for see 31-os. Jar -ur Fruit Preserve. .SS Fancy yueen Olives. or viart Im I -lb. caua Fancy Waa, String, Growl or Uma beans TH I -lb. can tHy June Pea. . . . . .'.TVs All regular lo Cooklea, Friday.. SV, Tall can Alaska Balluoa 10 Herehey's Hreakfaat Coooa SO Ool'l.n 8antoa Coffee, per lb SO MJmmm xm no war ao a rocso There's a fight on . with th Hutter trust. Juat as soon aa they get to gether butter wtil go up aaaln. Bay aow. The heat Oeamary Butter, Carton or bulk, per pound..... sea Fancy No. 1 country creamery butter, per pound aae Th beat fresh country Eggs, dos.S4 t pounds gno1 Butlaiine Saa TMJS TIOITULS AID TMVtt StAJMLST OV OaUIA TOM to noru. li Iba. best Cooking Potato ....IS It lb, fancy Cooking- Apples ....IS rniand your weight; th law re quire It. 4 heada fresh Leaf lettuce S . bunches fresh Hadlahe Se I lars heada Cabbage 10 Fancy Wax or String Beans. lb,..tU iinloi t. eiery t-aooage a 4 large bunches freah Beet or Car- roia . t large Roup Bunches . . . Fancy Lima Bean a, quart I Summer 8'iuaah , .. t large market baskets Cucumber, go 4 larre Cucumber for raocy Sweet Com, par dosed ....10 .. .is i ...TWa Kip or Jslly Oraaea. basket i i ai R vats rur mxTomn TATM