! JJIK JlLti: U-WAllA. ltl.M)Al. NU'ThAlllhlt 14, Ivlo. IOK RENT llniitM and leittacee. West. MODKXf 1iVrvxir. furnished rr uofum larwd. .wn CVrltol A.. awner. Tel. Jtaroer4 WT RENT -One-etori cottage four rofus ard bain. pxvtlprTit : n lies'.. l.'O South Tbl.-ty-4Tourt?i rtreet. Harney 1'V1. M larellaweone. NICK 8-room detached houae; nil ccn Ton'.fvcM: In fine condl'lon; rent, ti rtwinth. Ml P. flrvh At' ?.RxiVL modocri house, sail Leaven worth.. r"V Wrh(rtf 2rV. .YV.4-VA rr.rn.,, n 61, orago. 6H,. FIDELITY rCmix VourM tS4 for coovxete tist of vtxauit hovawn and apartment; lo for V,r ye. nvii'lnn, i'l and .'nokmn Xti, r-Tjf t:e Centrel Furniture Scores FK.iE i! T.VTAL 1.1 ST. Him ana. CV-Un bone & Oo . Kce"Bldg. Globe Van&Storage Pct-roc. r.jvr. packs, ships; 4-horfe van and mar., l r,,r h; storage W per mc ba'n's-ul..n guar. P. Ty. fc Gordon Van Co. 525 iruj. g. Stores. iu'j sr. Tel. DIW or Mar. 1W7. 7'J St. Min't Aft., T-fKm modern house eatoen heat, fine tor rooraer. p. tu. Ifown m 4 orfioee. Small Room on the Court Tor Rest Now. The Bee Building 120 Gq. Ft.. $11.00. Water and KkWo Xicat. Tree. Suparintoadent, Room 103. GOOD auto sales room ou JTsrvuim Ht. Vary rwnntubie rr... Tel. D.v.ie, 4089. FOR RKNAOfflro spece, tleek roora Tlt? iphon J Pec EM j. Very Desirable Printing Office Location with entrance from Oourt of Bog Building. WARKHOVSB-TRACTCAOB. Part or all of on floor In largs fire Mtorr brlok building- Urft frtlght vator. Addreaa J 1S9. Baa. WANTED TO BUY OFK1CU furniture boufht and sold, J. C ItoM. 120! Fit mam. IVvur. M. Tala huyt everything 2nd hand. Wtb. UxH. HIGHEST price for old clothln. D 14. REAL ESTATE FARM A HANOI LANDS FOR 8ALR California. Ltva Oak Colonla, none batter. W. T. Bmlth Co., 9l-H City Nat BH. D. 1 Cnlnrmdo. IOWA BARGAIN Want to moa to Omaha. Hava houaa in liat Dea Molnea, new In ISO. Rood barn, two food bed, brick chicken houaa (will laava the onlokana In It), all tlirva lota facing east, good location, two blocKs from car, not too clone to town, aoma improvement, will aell cheap for Oaah, will make arrangemenla tor pay Oienta. Addreaa a tif. Bea.' WANTED Good car tor 80 acre Colo rado land, clear. Address 1a 11. Bea. MlBarattle. 240 ACRES, 46 mile from Minneapolis, one miie from town; 160 acrea under Cultivation; balance used for pasture; can practically all be cultivated; heavy soil. Good set buildings, consisting of -room house, large barn, granary, corn cribs, windmills, eta; tho lana will pro duce CO bushels of corn per acre; tele phone In house; country thickly settled: complete set of machinery; IT! head of stock, constating of 11 cows, balance 1 and i-y ear-olds; six good horses, ta hogs. ChiOKens, one-half of this year's crop and everything on the farm goea at 260 aa sore, half oaab. Schwab Bros., 1041 Ply mouth B.da , Minneapolis, Hum. Mlaalaaippl TWO sections of land In Lincoln county, 8 miles from R. R. Price 1 per acre. In qulra. Mrs. U B. MlUhelL Kearney. Neb. Missouri. GOOD HOMES In South. Missouri, cheap and on eiuy terms, write me for rrkuaa, J. C Wynkoof. MuuaLaia View. Mo. MONTANA Irrigated lands boat In the world for wheal, oats, alfalfa and stock: close to town, railroad, schools and churches; 241.60 to 260 per acre on fifteen years' time; annual payments less than rentals on middle west farms: write to. uay for particulars; illustrated pamphlet and mup free. Valler Kami Sales com pany. Bos 1002. Valler. Mont Nebraska. LAND BEEKJSRS, ATTENTION. Wo are closing out the holdings of a land company la Lincoln county, Ne braska, conalstlng of about 7,000 acres of choke farming lands In tracts to suit purchasers and at prices much below current valuu. Prices for good corn and wheat lands range from fM to 2u0 per acre, according to location and Improve ments. In many cane a single crop will Pay for the farm. Terms to suit buyers. No better crops raised In Nebraska. Let us snow you the land and the crops. Write us for particulars. BUCHANAN & PATTERSON, North Platt. Neb. VOn &AL& Best large body high-grade medium priced land In Nebraska; very little money required C Bradley, 'Wel bach, Nb. 50BUSHLS WHEAT TO TI1E ACRE Buy land In'Cbeyenno oounty. Nebraska, where (.lie crop pays for the land, prices. to 246 per acre. Good terns. Writs fur actual crop statistics. BKNTLKY LAND CO.. SIDNEY. NCa-o. Wlwvul. VTPKR WIBCONSIN-Beet dairy and genaral crop atala lit the union, settlors wanted; lauds lor sale at low prions ou easy terms. Ask lor booklet 4 on Wiscon sin Central Land Grant. Bxoelieat lands lor euaca. raising. If interest In fruit laada ask for booklet on apple orchard. Addrt I-aod and lndustrixj learU, Svo l.ln Hrtllway, Mlnneanolla. Minn FGlt a4LE We offer ealected hardwood ridge cut-over landa. ail slsed trails, st right prices and easy telioj, soli oiay silt loaru; excellent dairy eu4 tarmlog region; laud cuovenlsnt ta railroad In growing eettiements; feood nrkata for all pro ducts. Write for luap and Information. Johu Arpin Lumber Company, Grand Rapids, wis.; fcawmlll Office at Atlanta, Wi.hh Coumy. Wlsoonsln. .... MUstllaanai. UAVB TOU A yAPM FOR SALE "rite a good description of your land and send It to the aloux City, la.. Journal, owa Most Powerful Want Ad Me dium. Twenty-five words every Friday evening, baturday morning aud every Balurrtey evening and Buaday rooming for one mouth, giving aixlean ads oo twelve dlfferant date tor 81; or 80 words, 4 or 78 word. 84. Irtost cirxulatloa of any Iowa news f u'' ' rT daily la lour great I can meet the sfquirciMnU of home frJf."" fl M12'- u "mall or large MTi V Bl! 'f4 trm ,n Kebra.ka. Minn.. Dak., Montana. Attractive prices and tarn,. City income taken lit ex hsnge.jVQ. Ternpietua. eU Bee Bldg. REAL ESTATE LOANS) FARM LOAN E, a PER CENT TOIANU A TKik'Bl LU 44 1 He snrtB Jti TO 41.00U '..! prviaully. F. n. Weed. Wad Bldg, 11 h A i'arnaro fits. ' lT SJ 'rIn loans. 8. H. 4 por cut J. H. Dumeut A Co.. 418 CUU Bank. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wheat is Steady, No. S and 3 Grades SelliLg Unch&ngtd to a Cent Up. CORN DROPS CENT AND A HALF OMAHA, rpt. U 1918 Oini Mr oji off; the rwwjpla Wfrt axxxl, Vh -hiat nuirk4 u vnrv atiMflv to.lay. Ihn Noa. S and 1 grade aUlii unchhJXH'-il to 10 Mrl)fX. while tha oft greden euld pructloally uimhoniriHt. torn waa on, tno rweipta went anod. hut com sold low, d row wing HVtWo lowr. Data unld higher todny. aning tin rhangMt to a up, with a fairly active deinaiid. Tht Canadian fartnwm a wall aa tha trrdura of aprtng wheat in our country will benefit baoaua or tha heavy rain anu the entuquant damKae to wheat In the wsutawMC, arid It I more than likely fay will be auablm) to get better rtine than aUiarwIaa toay would have oWainL dearaaoee waa-a: Wheat, flour, ooru axid oata not quoted. Ivarpnol Olna: VtTea.t, Ho up to la lower: ooro, unuharvired to Ho tower. Primary wheat rwaipta ww l,lg,000 buahela aad aiilpment LU,aM buhel. Agalnrt rcJr'a cf 4,r7,A) b'lalieJ and alUpmanla of buahaui laat year. PvlinarY om rwoeipt want ?. b.rnbnl nd nlrientj 1.0u biiaiinJa. ayaituit retpt 4i Ul.CfO buehela and ahlpit.ente of Oi.OO) tuahalg laaC year. PMraary oau raoaa'va were l.an.OtS bualieUi and ahlpmetil r.f 134.000 buenela, acntr:t raoaima of l.At.iQ buahela and BhtpnaAnUi ui LrQtOnO buA.ela Uat year. UAH LOT RkX-KUTS. . Wnwtt. CXrn. OatJ". 01ilaw ;yi i? ). VlnueaooUa 1 U i rhiluth .L I Omaha 47 H W ivmi.iui dL)' 4K t it $. Lila 4 67 Vlntiiag- .....t.lU Tha aalea vera rrnnft.J tAfev 1 .1hett,T,No' J winter! 1M car. vT, i.u, a nam winter: 1 car, :.: 1 car. i01i 1 car, 11.00. No. 4 hard wtritar; 1 car. 9ho. J t-8 care, 7o; 4 oar, Wo; 5 tar. t. rwvrle; 1 enra, tKo; 1 tar. Mo; 2 our a, 7o: 1 car, hot. M6o. No. I pitiia-i 1 otA t.0l; t aara, 1100. No. S ouum mixed: 1 car. Mo No, S mixed Ourum: I or, 11.01. No. 4 mixed durum: H W U.W. No. I velvet chaff. 1 car, 1.0J; 1 car, 1.0i. No. ( velvet chaff: 1 oar. $1.11: cara, 11.00; 1 cara, light. 7o. No. 4 velvet chaff: 1 car. Mo. Com No. t White: t cars. Mto; 2 cars, 60. No. white: 2 car, 6oVo; 2 cars, 6S4o. No. 6 white t 1 oar, 6o. No, 2 yellows i car, 71o; t cara. 7Mo; 4 car. 70c, No. 2 yellow: 4 oara 7oc; 1 car, TOo. No. yellow: 1 car, 70c, No. 2 mixed: 1 car. e; 6 car, H7ko: 2 oar, 6tiiv; 2 car, 0M0. No. 3 mlaed: S oara, Wo; .4 cars, (He. No. 6 mled: 1 car, Wc. No. 6 mixed: 1 car, near yellow, WVto; 2 cara. 8c; t car. 874c: 1 car, (17 Ho. Sample: 1 car, (7r. Data No. 2 white: 1 car, 44 He. (Standard: 1 car, 240. No. 2 white: 4 oara, S4o; 4 car, V No. 4 white: 1 car. Vc; 2 cars, MWo. Bample; 1 car, 82Hc; car, poor, 2c. Rye No. : I car, Mho. No. 4: 1 oar. Ma Barley: Rejected: 1 car. 43c. Omaha Ch Prices Wheat: No. 2 tur key, 2l.02fl4.CkiH; No. 3 turkey, ll.OlHil' 1.03H; No. 2 hard, $1.011 CH: No. 3 hard, W4of7l.(B; No. 2 spring, ll.OOVtf 1W, No. rnng, M'rottgl.ni; no (trail n, MUi. Ooni: No. 2 white. OSOWtlVko; No. 5 white. C71Wc; No. 4 whit. 7V(y Wir; No.. 6 white, 743Hc: No. whlUs 67'iJ!7c: No. 2 yellow, 70H571e: No. 2 yellow. 70ki70Hc: No. 4 yellow, TOSIovio; No. 6 yellow, 624400; No. 6 yellow, IH&70o: No. 2 mixed, 6iMHc; No. 2 mixed, 67,ffitf;i4o; No 4 mixed, fi?HrRr; No. 6 mixed, aVHMo: No. mixed, 67fi 6Xc. Ovttc No. 2 whit. 4H6'4o; stand ard, M34Hc; No. 2 white, Mi; No. 4 white, UW&sVlHo. Barlay; Malting, 4Tp RKAIi ESTATE LOANS A "For Bale" ad will turn second-hand' furniture Into cash. WAN TEL Good farm and city loans at lowest rates. PETERS TRUST CO., lf.22 Faraam. CITY property. Large loans a specially. W. II. Thomas 22s State Bank Bldg. WONKY on hand for city and farm loans. H. W. Binder, City National Bank Bldg. OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farms. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1018 Omaha National. Phone Douglas 2718. SEE us first tor farm loans In eastern Neb. United fttatea Trust Co., Omaha. fiCtCITY IXJAN9. O. O. Carlberg, 210 u 12 Brsndels Theater Bldg. RRATj KSTATE FOU EXCHANGE -ROOM modern houae for grocery stock. Goorga Karges. Counoll Bluffs, la. llKAIi EHTATF ACREAGE FOR SALE Two acres In fruit, apples, plums, peaches. berries, currants, gooseberries, raspberries, rhubarb; 7uo grape vines In full bearing. New, strictly modern 6-room house, full base ment fitonn cave connected with base ment: t.&0. 'Will consider email cottage In part payment Phone Benson 389. REAL ESTATE: NORTH SIDE TWO ELEGANT BUNGALOWS FIELD CLUB DISTRICT. Brand new, lust completed, large liv ing room and dining room, built-in buffet, butler's pantry, oak finish: colonnade opening with bookcase pe.ieetals, fine kitchen with maple floors. Three fine bed rooms with dandy bath room upetalra. Whru you buy a home get one that Is built rlKht These bururalows were built bv day labor and will bear close Inspeo- tlon as to kind of construction ami m terials used. Can he bought on eaay terms If desired. Telephone office for Innnectlnn and we wl call for vou. SCOTT & HILL COMPANY, Douglas lfl"9. BUNOALOW-Ml.ST HELU 8-R., modem: oak finish: garage; near schools and churches. 117 Emmet. Owner. FOR BALE or rent -r. house, mod.' 1 blk. from Miller park and school. 6738 n. awtn Ave. 1 none owner. Web. 8W7. FOR sale or trade, -r. hours, lot 62xlJ8. 4?lJ Grand Ave Webster TM. Owner. A LOT foraaie. Lenox Addition. Ceil Webster tno. Owner BUNGALOW 22b AfTO AMF.fl 5 rooms, new and modern, price cut to 12.400. Small payment rlnwii. 828 Per htontn. Phone Webster 41. REAL ESTATE SotTTI SIDE BRAND NEW $100 CASH Just one block from street cr, living room, dining room, kitchen, pairry and bedroom on first floor; stairway to large floored attlo, with completed bath room: cement basement and walks, electric lights, gaa, orty water, sewer, oorner lot lit feet oa (1st 8t. ar.d 60 feet on Pleroe m. Prioe. MM Lovatad at iA 8. tut 0. 0. CAKLBERO, 313 Prandels Theater Bldg. BARAAAlNT7-r., mod ex. heat; home aeei 80th aad Vinton; tftO caali. balano rea sonable payment. 1412 Martha fit. T-ROfiM modem bouse, la good repair; '" t. iruiv. si: sue, w,suo; 1 terms. auo2 B. 17th. Tai. Tyler liag. REAL ESTATE WEST 8 LOB NKW, most modvrn. 4-R. house; sleep-' tng porch and garags; cethadraj dist Caah or acreage considered. Sit N. tilth. REAL ESTATE SCBCTtBAN 8foraee. SEW Nethaway for that farm. Flor. 22. REAL ESTATE MlSCEIXASTEOri NEW D-ROOM BC.'NUAIaOW. Equity of ll.UO to trade for good lot or Hut) ueah. li.on Webster 41A4. THE ART OF PELLJNil tH t'A."lT This little bnxbure explains fully ho we ran sell your ral eatate ur unoln.as for cash, no matter where located. We mean it. Writ Uxlay deacrtling what you have to sell, buy or exchange, ai d t O . 4S N . Walnut St. De Molnea. Ta.u R.Y; No. i feed. 4W4Sc. Ryo: No. I. tl.-; No. J, s44lMHe. Chicago range of prices furnished The, Bee by Log mi Bryan, stock and grain erokrra, 316 foulh Slx'.eenth street, Omaha: Artlclel Open. Ilighl tow. CkiM .I Saty. Whefcti I Sopt."rri,l tec. MV.VVJ Way.WTHI Corn. ( I Ixo,.M'uv.7 1 1V4 W 1 M. ; rm! tin 07H lien's S7 87iia Wav l7Vi' bSiTv1! Oat. p..pt lvc.. May. rork. Oct.. Ian.. !d. Oct , Jan.. Rlhs. tvt.. Jan.. fiAa 87 -ti s wiiy. fH' NAI !"l ,BHi2i'V aI S4 ' S8V4,I 13 K 12 20 14 K 12 14 P-'H 12 2 14 OCH t C7' 12 14 97 H 07H 2 1.7 i 14 HHj 8 (vffj 2 006 I OSH 61 H 1 Mi t T 254 HH1 I A Asked, n Bid. t'hl'-ago Cash Ir!ces Wheat : No. 2 red. tVimul.li; N.x 2 hard, 21.1S. Corn: No. J leuow. 7Vc; ethers rtnmlnal. (ats: No. 8 while. 24CJ4No; standard. rv. Rye: No. 2. .t. Parley, 60pioo. pd: Tira othy, llAfltW; clover. 8 Soft-Ul . rPovt- stonij rork, 312.20; Urd, ts.00; ribs, 7 83 l"rTR.R IQgher; oreemery, 21C34W. 1X1M-Hlgher: reoelpts 8.301 case: at mark, raaea Included ITHiflOJo; ordinary rirU, firsts. tSqjXSa. rHITATVkJH Higher; reor-lpt. 28 er; Michigan and Wisconsin white, 4W4&; Mlnn-nota, early hp, 27tr40v POLLrnT Alive higher; fowls. ISHcj awing. 18c. 7EW YORK. OBXintl MARKET Quotations of h Day on Veriest Commogtlles. NTCW TflRV Bnt It TTTj-TTne, -.,,.. Iprln patents. 8l.ati 70; winter straiiM patents, 8i.n.r0; winter straight. 14 Nut WHRAT f pot rstrotte; No. 2 rfd, r end No. 3 hard. 3i.v1. c. I. f.. New ork, Inks and rail: No. 1 northern On luth, li.(ki4. and No. I northern. Mani toba. l7Hc. c. I. ., Buffalo. Future, lirm; Brptemlwr. Ii.ll )RN Spot, steady; No. 3 yellow, HOHc, prompt shipment. OATS-Ppot easy; No. 3 rhlt, now, 40Ht. HAY-Qulot: No. 1, ll.VdM.W; No. U. ti lO'ul.KH; No. 3, 97Vcjl.O&; shipping. (tOfoO o. HOP") Quiet; fctar. fomrnon to choice. ISln, HW.Io; PacirlO Coast, ll'll. HfW; lfl4. l.'nMc. HIdEh Quiot; Bogota, HOtffOic: Central America, feo, I.KATH EH Firm; hemlock firsts, 83c; BO'ondM, (ttV'c, PROVISloNflUPork harelv atfrtdr; mess, 2is.wwi4.00j family, '1.ontl2.ob: short clears, 2l8.0fSil9.K. Beef, steady: mes. 3l7.tXti518.rtO: family. JM.S0tfl9.'0. Ijerd. ntilet; middle weet I.litf8.3i"i. TALl,OW-1ull; city, 6NHu; countr)'. 0T4itiUc; speolal, 6c, Hl'TTER Market barely steady; re ceipts, 7.13 tuba; creamery extras. Uft' 36Hc: first. tVaiic; second. SIH-VJVic. KKKJS Market ateady; receipts, caites; freah RBthered extras, isHliKi; extra flr.its, lWHV27!4c; firsts. 24'rft-Mc; seconilo, ZmyfRMc. CHHERro-Market steady; receipts. 1,187 hoxes; state, wholo milk, frfali flntu, white and colored, specials, H10c; averape fancy, 14Hc POl'LTRY Presserl, weak; western frnnen roastlns; chlcksns, SOfnCJc; freah fowls. Iced, ISmTVio; fresh turkey. Iced, lfrtllfto. k CtflCAGU r.RAIW AND PROVI2IO.N8 Feat ores of Tradlna- nel Cloalagr Prices on the Hoard of Trade. CHICAOO. Kept. 13 Fear that wet weather in the northwest might prevent t finely deliveries on contracts made the wheat market today average higher. The close was unsettled at a net advance of V'fHo to Ho, with September at !!Nc and December BuHc. Corn finished Na totfli down, oats off a shads to o and provi sions varying from liViO decline to a rise of IZHc. Wheat price showed a decided milgo soon after the opening, but not until a burst of selling at the start had car ried values values sharply lower. Tha temporary gag was chiefly due to big leceiot at the leading spring crop ter minals. Reports quickly became current, however, that such large amounts of spring wheat had been contracted for that a few days' delay from wet weather otherwise might make it phyilnally Im posalble to fulfill bargains. Assertions though that the ensuing advance had f riven serious check to export business ed afterward to reactions, In which most of the gains disappeared. Stocks of wheat failed to enlarge as rapidly mn many traders seemed to have looked for. In this connection a good deal of notice was taken of the fact that supplies afloat for Great Britain and In store at Liverpool showed a decrease very unusual at this season. In the dnmestla vis hie supply the Increase was consid erably lean than half tho gain at the rorrexpondlng time a year ago. Corn displayed weakness throughout the day. Many reports were received thst the growing crop was making wonderful progress owing to the Ideal weather. Oats sympathised with the bearish ac. tlon of corn. The government ruling against sulphured shipment apparently tended somewhat for the time being to reatrlct demand. Trading in provisions futures was at a stamlH'lll the greatter part of the aesaion. Cash demand nevertheless remained fairly active and- exports showed a henvy In cresse as compared with the previous week and a year ago. Kansas City Oral aad Provtalona. KANSAS CITT. Sept lS.-WHEAT-No. 2 hard, ll.OSfirl.OT; No. 2 red, 81.114ii.13; September, Wrt4o; December, 81VN May, ''o'oRN No. i mixed. 6Mge9c; No. 3 white, c; Pactember, 86ikc; December. M7c; Mar. bbc. OAT0-N0. 8 white, 8HCiJ7 He; No. 2 mixed. Si(jJic. BUTTER Creamery, 2Tc; flrtts, 2Go; seconds, IMc; packing, 19Vc. KOiS Firsts, 2c; seconds, lc. POULTRY liens. 12Vo; roosters. c; broilers, 14c, Omaha Hay Market. OMAHA, 8ept 13. HAT Prairie: Choice upland (none here), t10 00rio.W; No. L 2 6OW10.00; No. 3, 3T.00r.OO; No. 2. Ifc.ooftloo. Choice midland. l.00M.tO: No. 1. tS.OO'daOrt: No. 2. 2O.O0r(f.0O; No, 3, S00rt T OO. Choice lowland, (8.u0; No. I 87 Vni 2 00; No. 8. 88.0O3f7.06; No. 8, 34.00- 00. Btraw; One oar on the market. Choice, wheat is quotable at. 2b.s0; oat rye, 100 Alfalfa: Three oar on the market No. 1 choice, HLOftJULSO; No. 2, 33 0n10 001 No. I, taOutVCOu. ' Evaporated Apple aad Dried Kralts. aSvS.y,RTS "'P1 W -EVAPOnATEr APPLE.s Di ll: funcy. IKac. choice, tw prime, 7H7H DR. ED rRLlTK Prunes, easier; Call, fornias. OUOSyc; Oree-ons, 7iW0c. Aiari 00U. eaay. choice. 7N"c; extra rhulce. 8H0. fancy. tc. Pen. hes, rjulet; choice, 4,f6e; extra choice, Cge.r; fancy, llc. ICAiaina. stead f, louse nniHcatel, b-&7H'J cholre (o fiucy. eeeded, 7''i',c; seedless, irWc; London layvrs, $1.8uri.4o. Mlaaeapoll Grata Market. MTTNIlAPt)lJS. Minn.. Heat. 13- 440; No. 1 bard, R.OBVt; No. 1 aortbero. FibnAtichariged. HARLKT-ltSc. JJ YB-7Vr.ic. BRAN-16.00. CORN No. 3 yellow, rjV.rC3r. OAT-No. 3 whlto, aadte. KLAX-4i.87Sl.71. Liverpool Oral a Market. UVBRPOOI Sept. 13 -TmBA T-Bpot. firm; No. 1 Manitoba. Us UHd; No. 2lls fuVd; No. 4. lis kd.No. 1 northsra bu lutn. 11 2d. OORN-fcpot, quiet; American mixed, new, s lid. FLO I R-Winter patents, 41s 3d. HOPfj In London, Pad do coast. 4 XL t. Ioals Grata Market. BT. LOUII. Mo. rV.pt 12-WHEAT-No. !, T2' H lt; No- 1 i,"r1' LW: fcWptembar, 81.04H: December. rVS,a. .OGRK-No. 8. Weo: No. I white. T8 WZj- September 71Hc; December. 63So OATS-No. 2. iWic; No. 3 white, nominal. Oil aad Rosin. SAVANNAH, Oa. Sept. IX TURPEN TINE dtrongT b7HK7c; sales. JV7 bbls ; reoelpts. 411 bbia.; sl.lpnisiits, fcw bbls ' stock. ?1.174 bbls. ' ROSIN Firm; sales, bbls : receipts, It bbls.; shipments. l.Oi.1 btils. : stocks H4 Oltfe hhlS ll,m..llnn. A I, I. .rju . .' D. S"'; E. 31 07H F 811JH'- 1 II 12t7u.': $; &,. WW. U 90. OMAHA L1YE STOCK MARKET Cattle Receipt Hr-try and iTicei Steady to Lower Lare Sheep Ran and Lower Valnet. HOQS K0T FAH FROM STEABY Omaha, September 13. l!la. Ret-elpts were; Caltie. ituKa hne.-p. -t.iiiHie Monday io,vUu 4..i .:, frame uay last wk ii.aN 3,.. tnuiie 2 wpeka ago ..lv.lU .! v-e.me 8 wees bmo 8.414 4.1M ,H Same 4 Week aso . 4.i.vi Hams day last year U.I) 1.0i 2..M.' The following table shows the rvrelpt of cattle, hose and sheep at the Omni. a live stock niHikct for the year to date a compared with last year: 191. 1914. inc. Ottla TOr",Di4 t-J l'i Hogs ..t7.U L7;aitH 8..;.f Kbrep 1.931. 141 1.8U8,TnO 91. 871 The following table shows the aveiase prl-'a fur h(.a st "the Omaha live stuck market for the last few days with 00m parlsont: lete. I 1914. 11914. '1918. 11913. 11911., I910.il" Ail. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. ts,.pt. Sept Hept tept. Sept. Pt. Sept. Sept. Sept Sept. ept, Sept. Sept. Si l H' ! m NI 7i " 4 t.i 8 79i 7 8 68 I 8 71 7 4 WHj 3 741 T 3 181 7 OKI 1 W T Ui f ii 1 11 7 ou 7 t7 T-Ui Toil 8 91, 94i 8 Mi 7 15 8 To, 7 71 8 87i 7 90 8 Wi 7 t3 ! 7 119 8 81 8 0I T 7S 8 94 7 77 8 7 1 ? IK;7N 8 98j T 7 7 W a i TV "Jt 4 I 9 H 8 i 18 89 i. 2 2 4 4Hi 8 7 T " 3 94 7 4 3 34j T , l 7S (W 87 OKI 23 8 IT 8 34 Rlt! 8 721 7 3. 4 7. 2 9 8 U 8 tl 8 8P 8 17 8 08 8 91 ! 3 131 3 4 811a 4 7H 8 Ml 1 8 9a 897 1 TOlj 8 91 6 8 m 2 8 M 8 T 2 41! T 7 8 50' 3 81 8 KK! 2 9ft 8 39 101 Hi 181 18 7 Ml T M rr; 9 IK lndlcata Sunday. Hccelpta and disposition of live stock at tho I nlon stock yards In Omaha for twenty-four hours eudlng at 8 o'clock yesterday: RECEIPTS-CAR" Civile.! logs. Sheep. 1 1 '. . M. A St T 11 8 fS'ihnsh S Missouri Pacific .... t ., I nlon Pad Ho 88 1. 18 t". & N. Y., east... 8 !t 3 C. N. W.. west.. .137 Si J 3 C, S. P., M. o.. 4 4 L'., B. A Q., easU.. 1 3 '., It. & w., W est... ISO 8 9 1 C, R. 1. & P., east. 5 4 C, It 1. ft P.. West 1 Illinois Central .... 14 2 ClUcago G. W 10 .. .. 1 Total receipts ...441 V UA 2i DISPOSITION HEAD. cattle. Hop. Sheep. Morris el Co sow swift & Co 1.HI Cttdnhy Packing Co.... M.1. Armour ek t'o l,oo7 J. W, Murphy Lincoln Packing Co 20 ti, Omaha lacking Co. 1:1 H8 il,2N 672 4.444 KKS i.t.. lUti 4.4i IMU iv. x . j-ack 101 W. 11. Vsnsant Co. M Kenton, Vsnsant 4. L. . 3s 11111 c non y. It. Lewis Huston 4k t'o J. H. Knot 4k Co J. II. Bulla L k". 11 us Rosenstock Bros Kellogg Werttielmer Degen. II. F. Hamilton Sullivan Bros Rothschild A K Mo. A Kan. Calf Co... tlhrlstln 4M ill KM 1. lit! lD 7i) 244 t Mil 7 11 9 2t 8 i.'. a 312 411 1U litggln Huffman Roth Meyers GlHaabers Buker, Jones ac Smith. Tanner Bros John Harvey Cllne lfiinls dt Francis Other buyer , Totals 9,444 2,tW ;u.04 CA i'l Lttii Receipts were vory liberal this morning, although not go large as on Monday of last week nor a large as a year ago. Still, considering the con dition of eastern markets, there waa a great plenty not only here, but at all other selling polnta As a result tho trade every whore waa inclined towards dullness, with price showing more or less weakness. Cows and helfera, owing largely to tho fnot that there was no greater gui-plus of that stock, did not ahow much change, but sold at steady or pretty olose to steady prices. Cattlo of that description were among the first to sell In the yards. Stockers and feeders of good quality wore also lar from plentiful, and lor that reason they sold in about last week's notohee. The medium kinds, however, were very slow and any whore from weak to aa much aa lo'lfa lower. Beef ateera were In large supply and buyers started out at the very beginning bidding sharply lower prices. Beef steers were slow and weak ail the morning at prloes that were in many cases lutrl6o lower than last week. The de mand waa good at the deoline and aa the oat U kept Belling the most of them changed hands in fair season. ijuuiationa on cattle' Good to choice fed yearling, t9.0o&.7a; fair to good yearlings, 87.7Hj.nO; common to fair fed yearlings, 87.7fali9.00; common to fair fed yearlings. 34.76ii?.7&; god to choice hevy beeves, 88 0u.60; fair to good 00 m fed beeves. 8.2Nii 80; common to fair oorn fed beevs, K7b4j4.it; prime grass beeves, pt.OraJjtj.W; good to choice grre beeves, 37.rx.00: fair to good grass beeves, l.NW7.40; common to fair grass beeves, Mdod.Bf; good to choice grass heifers, 24. 6047.00; good to choice gross oows, K.00t3.B0; fair to good cows. 3K.2M.0n; common to fair cow a 84 003.16; prime feeding steers, l7.7Txia.tS; good to ohulce feeders, 87.4O4j7.40; fair to good feeders. 2.70tr7.40; good to choice stockers, 37 sVff fair to good stockers, S4.7A4P7.ko; common ti fair stockers, 3f'.Kft6 60; stook heifers, 88,0017 On; stock rows, K.&0b tt: stock calves, 34.0fsft8.u0; veal calves, .00 yiO.iiO; bulls, stags, etc., 35.0tty4.6fl. Representative sales: COWS. No. Av. Pr. No. 8 K 4 M I... 8. 8 eg 4... A. Pr. . . W 8 1 ..1UW I 90 .. 7e 00 .. 404 4 ft II use I 14 14... 11... 88... IU .UMt 8 7f HEIFERS. . Sr-t 4 hi 8 .1444 3 K CALVEB. , 841 IN t 4 . 84.. V 81 i4i f at 874 in " 8t6:KER AND' FEEi'ERa). 11 T u II tl TH HI IT frtl 4 a a 671 so 41 lout 7 1.1 .... 4 4 It. mo tea 31 M M 1WI 1 1 47 III HOQS Supplies were moderate, for a weak opener, about sixty oars or 4.0UU head putting In appearance. This is 1,800 larger than a week ago, slightly heavier than two weeks ago, and almost four tunes as large ag for tbe corresponding day last year. Good light were In fair demand thl IhArnlns r,.4 e..lft ee4tl e lust etwti.f I ateady figure, although prioea might have been a little easier In soot. Sorted bunches sold better than 87.60 in several Inatanoea, and one full load es well as two or three pteuea reached 87.70 the days top. Shipper buyers had orders for a number of mixed and bulcherwelght hogs, butchers weighing from 220 to 230 being among tho top sale. Packers started out in a very leisurely fashion making their early offers at somewhat lower figures. Tboy might have forced a alight deoline had not the shipper started buying good mixed and heavy hogs at fully steady price, but as It was killers were forced to vorno acroax, and In the end the bulk of the Packing hogs went auross tha scales at generally steady figures. Movement was very slow all through. Representative sales: A. Ik. r. No. M IM M .. . Mil 14... .W4 14 H 7... M 4 4 M... Af. 8k. Pr. ..y ... ..ITI ... M ..IM 40 ..111 ... . ! t0 ..14 ... ...& 4 ..u. ... . til ... . "l ... . .ltd 4 . iu ... ..241 ... ..ill ... f 00 t M I 19 t I T M T S 14 ! M t M t t t M T l. T Til T II . S 4 44 87.. .41 ... 4 In (M ... T Ml 4 "I M M IN HI IM 4 li... 44... ::: tw .. Ti... )(... 14... i fj a 1 a IT IU S It 4 CJ IM 4 M 111 I 98 Ill ... I '. M nu M IN II- , T. 7.. BMEEP-For the third tim In three weeks aupi.lle of sheep and lambs set a new high mark for the year to date. To day run of 161 car, er 42.IA0 head, 1 the latg. st sine last October, being 4 OOu heavier than last week. 6,0s) larger than two weeks sgo and a gain of almost )4.uu0 over tbe oorrvspoudtug Monday of a er so. As usual Omaha received the heaviest supply on the msp, the Im-ai run hrln sltnoat twice as large aa I'M raioa estimate. With lettrr runs at other markets than have been coming and the year a larvest receipts here all huyera were determined to bound values this morning K.nrly packer l.lda on good lantl'S weie fully a Mtiarter l-low last Friday's prices, and feeder buyers aakeil price reductions llial amounted to anyway Ulfl.V. The market turned out to be another all forenoon aeaslon. but sellers could not orfsel the eifnot rt the heavv run. land when the olfcrlntt" finally atarie.l si'iilewant, l.uvers had pr'ttv much their ; own way, tho bulk of the good tat lambs i selling at 8V40, which was V under Fri day's imirkct. or about steady with the prhes p.ilil last TlHtrsdny. There was 'a snrlrik llmr of the less deairatile stuff around 8s t.:; and some Iwlow thst but the big end of the aupplv went at one figure. U.ei. After a trading basis was ratabllahe.1 tho market became fair ly active and most of the slulf had betin catdied by noon. Vhere waa a slightly lower trend l fording la m be, prices ranging anywhere troin steady In some caaes to a dime lower In others. Packer found It llm pickings go far aa fat sheep were concerned, and pal! Mtetty close to steady prices for what ewes were on hand. stuff that sold at ft &VP4 40 was not a good as the kin., that went at o.40ti&.M last Frldav. Quotations on sheep and lambs; lmbs, good to choice, 8 U 40; la ml, lair to goo.L MlMia.W; lamba. feeders, IT. 7.u.Jt; jcarllnga, fair to choice, 3i7ntM.7t; year llnss, teeder. tlOolrTOti; wethers, fair to choice. 88Mr..8A; ewe, good to choice, t4.M; ewes, fair to gooit 84ftti6.uo; ears, feeders, M 4"w 4. tattle Weak Hogs F.aey sheep Weak lloaa F,asy 9heep Weak. CHICAGO. Sent. 11V CATTLE Re ceipts, 19,000 head; msrket weak; native beef, 3.(iin'10.)1 weatern ateera, 3i ft4 8 ;f.; cow a and helfet a, t-'.WKte.M. calves, ,s M8.(W. HikIS, Reoelpts, 81,000 head; market eaay St r0 decline; bulk of sales, l rl! ), light, t;.4oiii.2.'l: mined, l. u.i; heavy, ';'j7.75; rough, etl.M.h; pig", .l.W i7 tn. SIlKMP AND LAMBS Receipts, .(M0 heml; market weak: wethera. V..'(fii.N0; cars. M.tHi.; lambs, 8a.8'u8.8&. Kansas City Live gtock Market. KANHAS CITY, "Vpt. 13.-CATTI JS-R-celptsf 2T,O0t head; market lower: prime fed steers, f.4tKli'10.0fii d teased beef steers, i!.HH.:nij western ateera, l fc'.'Ok 7H ; slock rra and feeder. 8tl.tXn.i26; bulls, 8KMf 6.2.".; calvea, $i fttuff 10.W. HOGS Receipts, f.,600 hasd; market lower: bulk of sales, 24.5tKtjs.00; heavy, til rjjn 28; rckere and butchers, 27. list 7.!i; IlKht. r.xu00: pigs. 8.7M)7 10. IlKht SHEEP AND 11 MBS: Receipts. 2I.0O0 head: market lower; lambs, 8s0tV(j8Mi; eatilng. M.rvng) 7,011; wethers, i ien W; ewes, 4j.khw. HI. Lonls Live Stock Market. ST. I-Ol'lS, Sept. 1S.-CATTLE-n-celptg, 9.S00 head; market lower; native tecf steers, irfxtllO; yesrllng steers snd heifers. Ssfoti 10.0c; now tl.nrvb,ott; 1 tinkers and feeders, l.(afa.ln; southern Ht.-rs. 8i nrvftS.so; rows and hellers, 4.tAl tk.'iO: native calves, hi.CH u 11.60. IIO 1.-4 Receipts, i.tnW head' market slendy; plvs and lights. 11."I 23; lulled and butchers, . 8 toy 1.23, good heavy, Si.r.flT 7T.. SliiaEP AND I A MBS-Receipts, l.tVsl head; market atcadv; lam'1, H,mrnH.i.;.; sheep and ewea, V.Csttrf.HO. Slona City Live Stock Market. SIOUX CITY, la.. Wept. H.-CATTLM-Recelpls. 4.000 head: market 1tMir.c lower: native steers. 8il.SMf7.2ri; butchers. ft.tnitje.U; cows end heirera .tMjU.Jc; stockei-a and feeder. ..0W7.10; bulls, stna, etc.. $.'.lWi6.flt. HOCIS Receipts, S.onO head; market, firm; hoavy, 27.0vf(7..10; mixed, 3.VTisa'7.on; IlKht, SH. 40t(iil 70; bulk of sales, f':.7.1'". fHKKI' AND 1.AMU14- HeceiPtS, .(! hesd; market lower; ewes, 4.6ti).tiO; lambs. 8.rou.8t'. St. Joseph Live stork Market. ST. JOSEPH. Sept. IS. CATTIK Re ceipts, 8.100 head; market dull and lower; beef steers, rowu.fi0; cows and heifers, 84 WM0 00; calvea, Ifl.OOiJi '10.80. HOGS Receipts, 8. WW head: market steady to strong; top, 3 00; bulk of salsa Ht.WV.l7. 96. SHEEP AND LAMmt-Recelpts, 10,000 head; market lower; lamb, S.tT(4.40. Live Stock In Mailt. Receipts of live stock from tha five prin cipal weatern markets: .1.11. , . , nine, .nil'., Plirrji. South Omnha.. Kansas City . .St. Louis Sioux "lty Ctiluago Totals A fkl 11 lull 5.600 2.0.4) 7,f.) 1,000 S.OK) 4,000 31,000 22,000 ..49,8o0 36,0(10 W,4U0 OMtllt (iKNKRtL MARKET, FRITITB-Oranges. California Vals., 100s, 12tia, 2ttits, Hl'ls, Mis, t"..ti box; Call Airnla Vals., 1II, l'Ga, 2KN, 2ls, X3om, 85.60 box. lemons, extra fancy Golden Bowl, 3Us, 3..00 box; ". 84. 'o tx.x; extra, fancy Stinklat, 800m, 3s, 84.60 box; Red Ball, S4. box. Peaches, Cokrsdo El bert as, Soc crate; In large quantities, 600 crate: Washington Elberta. 0o rrate; in large quantities, A0u orate- Idaho, 81. 26 per buahel. trunes, Itsllan, Sl.oO crate; five-crate lots, 9fc Hungarian, Gross, Grand Dukes, 31.16 crate, i'ears. Washington Bartlctt, fancy, 12.06 crate; Flemish Beauties, 81.73 crate: Oregon llartlctt. 3-k&; California Hartletts, 82.00 crsle. GraiieN, Tokays, 31.60 rrate; Con cords, home grown, 2' basket. Bananas, medium fruit. 32.0OTi;.8 hunch; Jumbo fruit. Changulnola and Port Llmon, 4o per lb. Cantaloupes, California Mission brand, standards, 82.75 crate; ponies, IJ.Ij crnte: finis, fsic crate. VIX1ETA BLE8 Cabbage, home grown, IHc per lb. lettuce, head, 81.00 dosen; leaf, 6O0 doxen. Peppers, 60c basket. Tomatoes, market price. Onions. Wash ington. lHc tier lb.; Sanlsh, Sl.fio crato. Parsley. 8.V doxen. Green Pens, ;fo bas ket. Deans, wax and green, &0o liaket. New I.eetH. rormla and turnli. 4oo bas ket. Potatoes, Ohio, 00c bualiel. Sweet TK1atooii, 31.26 hamper; Virginia, barrels, 83.75. NITS No. 1 walnuts. Ho lb.: filberts, I mi lb.; fli axils, 12Ho lb.; petsrs, KV,0 Ih: slmonds, 2c lb. MISUKLI-ANITOUS-CrBckerJeck, rae, 83.30: H-4-aae, 31 76. Cornpnps, rase, 83 J6; H-caae. 2166. Peanuts, No. 1. raw. 4e lb.; roasted, 8u lb.; Jumbo, raw, 7o lb.; roasted, c lb. Watermelons, JV- lb. Apples, Wealthles, 82.60 barrel; Maiden Bluaii, $3.00 barrel. Honey, 31.00 case. toffe Market. NEW YORK, Sept. 18.-COFFKB The msrket for coffee futures waa very nulet today with prices easing off under a Utile scattered Belling which nisy possi bly have been Inspired by the easlor turn In the rate of Rio exvhange on Ixindon The market opened at a decline of I to i points and closed at a net loss of 1 to 8 folnts. Sales, 2.2uO bags. September and ictoher. 8 18c; November, 4 14c; Decern, her, 4.15c; Januarv, Z ; February, 4 26o; March. 4.80c; April, 8.36c; May, 4.40c; June, 4ftc; July. 4 600. Spot, nulet; Rio 7s, 8ic; Santos 4a, c. Coat and freight offer were about un changed, ranging around k.gOc to f.vta for Santo 4s. Rio exchange on Indnn waa 3-lt;d lower, Willi inilrels pii.-es unchanged. f'ottoa Market. NEW YORK. Sett. 18.-COTTON-Kpot market steady; middling uplands, )0.1&u. Wales, 106 bales. Cotton futures opened steady. October, 10.14c: liecember. 10.49c; January, 10.70c; March, 1094c; May, 11 23c. The cotton market closed strong at a net advari. e of from 26 to 40 points. LIVERPOOL Sept 13.-CslTTON-Spot. In a'Uve demand with a large bualneae: prices stsadv: good mlddlina. H 4U1: mid. ' dllr.g, 4 lid, low middling, i.tbi; sales. 16 OsJ bales. ar Market. NEW YORK, Sept. l.l.-SUOAR-Rsw, quiet; molssaes, .171c; centrifugal, 4 4o. Refined, easy; market 10 point lower; cut loaf, fe.t'ki: orualied, 6.1oc: mould A, A.7nc; cubos, 660c; XXXX powdered, G.4ro; powdered, 6 tor;; fine grnnulated, ft !v; diamond A, 1 30c; oonfecllonere' A, t.2uc; No. 1. 106a. Prlea of trade oil Advaaeed.' PITTSRUBIH. Sept. It-Five rents a barrel was added to the price of the principal grades of crude oil todiy, the South Pur.naylvaiila Oil company an nouncing theae pilc.es: Pennsylvania, II sr.: Mercer black and K'swess.l si u- 8r,oni 9,300 4.0(10 19.(H) t'slell, 31 tti: Corning. 31.W: Somerset,' tl . Rag land unchanged at bic. Dry (iuod Market. NEW YORK Sept. ll.-imy GOOD tton goods and yarns higher' law stlK h IK her; dress g.xids In good d.uiaud. TI. a trad., In dry goods li broadentrg per- t-rptibly. NEW YORK STOCK MARKET In State of Suspended Animation j for Greater Part nf the I Session. ACTIVE IN THE FINAL HOUR NEW YORK. Sovt. n.-Wsll street nbs.irbliiit intereMl In the diplomatic situ ation Bill the outcome of I ha impending rorelsn exchimue negotiations waa re flected in the dullness nf today's trading. The market waa In a state of eusondod animation for the srenter part of the ses sion, but became active and Mrotiir In the final hour on reports thnt Washing ton and Berlin had agreed t submit the main points of tho Arabic Incident to arbitration. Another favornl.le factor v. as the an nouncement of the placing of additional lar- orders for steel and inm by forwlgn lntrreata. Theae orders, It waa declared, are likely to he considerably augmented should a large Angln-Krvnch war loan be madn by our bankers. Metal stocks also made a derided Improvement their advance being associated with better inquiry for refined copwr. t'nltod states Slcel was not only the most active issue, but most potent In effecting the late rise, setting up IS fsilnte to Ti.t on the usual large Individual ransactinn. War shares again contrib uted a very Urge percentage to the total, but this group gsthered its momentum from familiar professional source. Bethlehem Steel vee a to 821; General Motors, H to ''?: Crucible Steel, 64 to l. and New York Air Brake, 8 to iw. Stocks of less prominence In the same else also were up a point or two. Railway shares repeated their variable or reactionary tendencies of rent dsys, every marked gain being soon effaced on profit-taking or bear pressure. Erie and ome other low priced tseire were the onl" striking exceptions. Rock Island made some ttpwsnl progree early In the session on reports that rovlalon had been imsde to meet forthcoming Interest payments on Its debenture mites, but lost all of its advantage later. Total sals of storks amounted to afiU,nrt0 shares. The uncertainly attending credit condi tions between this renter and loud on was Been In the unsettled slate of de mand sterling, which fluctuated between C4 and 4n4, closing at 14 ASH. Honda were irregular, a rnndltkut ascribed to further foreign offering. .Total sales, par value, aggregated 13,470,- 'ooo. 1'nlted Slates bonds were unchanged on call. The following quotatlona ar furnished) by logan Bryan, membere New York Stock exchange, 31A 8. IfUtv St: Opening. Closing. Union Pacific R. R...7 mn Southern Pacific R. 11 ., Northern Paiiflo Ry 10.4 Missouri Paolflo Ry 94. Canadian Pacific Ry IM" Great Northern Ry lut Atchison, Top. Santa Fe.T'U ' 8H 107Uj IS MS It"1 101' Chi., Mil. A St. Paul Ry Mt, 95 till.. Rork Island 4 Pacific- 'H 1 list l US l8 bo .!', 149. .10 60 Illinois Central Ri ion 'hi. Great Wealern Ry. pftl. ft N. V., N. H. A Hartford... 7v,. New York Central R. R ?vj I'ennaylvanla R. R Co lH'H ItHltlinore A Ohio R. R. Co. 82' Reading Co 149V Erlo R. It (9S Erie fil pfd 47 New York, Ont. A Western.. S"H Hoithern lly 1CT Missouri, Lens Txa.. 71 Kansas City Southern M U. S. tlteel Corpora' n. com . 744 It. S. fttsel Corp-ra'n. pfd.. Mi1, Bethlehem Steel frporat'n.8'4Mi Itepul.llo Iron A Steel 4I Republic Iron Ptoel, pfd. 10U, 4'olursdo Fuel Iron 44 American Ua?omotlv MH lYeased Steel Car el American Car Foundry fi7i Baldwin Locomotive Works. 1V, Great No, Iron Ore Property 4t Anaconda copper Mln. Co. 89H 4'hlno Copper Co 4Ih fNevada Cons. Copper 14S 14 W 7V 118V snfia 4.', mi H r.2 ti ko'.i 41 7tt', 4.M 14V Miami Copper Co,. Rav Onn. Copper 28 Utah Cons. Mining Co fH Inspiration Cons, t"opper Co. S4"ii Butte Superior MS Tennessee Copper A Amer. Smllg. Refining.... Nl Nntlonnl Iad &i Mexican Pelnileuin Co., Id. M'lj General Electric 1704 Westinghouse Air Brake. ...Ill Amer. Trl Teleg-aph 12 Weatern Union Telegraph... 7f.H Brooklyn Rapid Trenalt 81 Interborough Rapid Transit. " Central Leather Co 444 American Can t Goodrich (B. F ) Co '4t United Btste R'ibber 44 General Motors Co 1 Wlllvs Overland 18V Studebuker Corporation ... 117 Amer. Sugar Refining Co...l Amer. Beet Sugar Co r4;s 1st '4 81 V Mi K. 172 11VH 122 W 7.-AI 8.1H 44V 67 tiiH '.i 1S7 117 104 tit', I few York Money Market. NEW TORK, Paipt. 18. MWROANT1 LK PAPER a per cent. FOREIGN LXCHANGB Sterling: Blxty-dav bills, M.42; demand. 34 T; cables, fc.tKtfiO. Franca: Demand, 86.90; cables, fc 97. Marks: Demand, ICiV; rnblee, fi.'Hc. IJree: Demand, 4.4.1; cables, ft62. Rut. lee: Demand, 3V: cables, V.c. HlLVElt Bar, 4HV; Mexican dol lars. 8H0. BONDS Government, steady; raikroad, Irregular. TIME LOAN Easy; sixty days. 3'41 IV per osnt; ninety days. 2H4i per cent; six months, 83V4 per cent. CALJy MONEY l-ttaady; high, 2 per cont; low, per cunt; ruling rate, 1 per rent; laat loan, 2 per coot: closing big. IV per cent; offered at 2 per cent. Closing quotations on bond todsy were as follows: L'. H. ret. ta, .... IT M. K. T. 1st 4s.. Tw ....IT Mo. Pae. w. Is II .,..101 N. T. C. 4se. S,...1'H ....IKitiN. V. titr 4Ha 101 H ,...iu N. Y. Sute IHs. ...104 ....ieHN. T.. N. H. a H 4o ceupoa V. S. Is. re de fiouDen I', g. 4s. n rlo oouixm Psauna hi aoupos. 100H . Is Am. gmslUrs 4 . . .10 Nr., Psclfl 4 A. T. h T. ST. 4HI.I01U. do s . Its . 7 . MV .l3S . 97H . 9IH 1. Ml) . . 14 . ri, . M Armour a Co. 4Vs.. HSO. ti. I raf, Atrblson irsu. MV fu. T. T. la,. :'.Vrnn. can. 4 Hi ... 4H to srn. 4H 71 fta41u gsa. 4a.. "V L. S. F. r. 4 in So. Par. .. Is.... i lis rsf. 4 bai. 4 fihlo 4a Central l'. III.- 1st. Cbsa A Ohle 4H4-. C. U Q . 4s... (1 H I I P 4H I'. H. I. A y. r. 4s It a 8. raf. 4H ... 7 gn. rutlwar la n. a h. u. nr. Krta sn 4a ., 44 I nlon Pa. trie 4., H do ct 4 On. Klts-trla Is ...lot HI'. (It. Na. l.t 4s .. 94'4 1' Rubber 4a.. ft- Stsel la.... .isv ! .1.1 .IM . J 111 III. (n. rr. 4s. K. P Ho. If 6 L S. not 4a Bid. Wabash 1st Is UTS, -, I'ntn 4H . KHItal, Kite ev. la London Block Market. LONDON, Sent. 18-Amerlcan aecurl ties on the stock exchange showed signs of a recovery, though the political out look and tha uncertain exchange situa tion prevented any material expansion In business. SILVER Bar, SSt-lAd per ounoe. MO.VHY H'4 per rent. DIS04.UNT RATI-Hhort bill. 4 per cent; three months, 4Vfi4T per cent. Raak t'laarlacs. OMAHA, Sept. H.-Hsnk clearings for O mail a today were 33. tVA. 808.28. and ror the corresponding day last year. 38,497,. 391.83. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE WILL MEET ARCHIBALD WASHINGTON. Sept. 13,-Actlng under Instruction from the White House, agents of the Department of Justice will meet Jamea F. J. Archibald, the Amer ican correspondent Involved In the case of Dr. Dumba, the Austrian ambassador. when he lands at New York on the 1 steamer Rr.ttnrdam from lroltsn.4 av,.i ' bald carried Dr. Dumba'e letter to the Vienna foreign office disclosing plans to cause strikes in American munitions plants. It became known today that United States Attorney Marshall at New York ha been Instructed by the Department cf Justice, which takes the view that there is ground for considering whether Archibald violated s ktaHi i.m, iiuritlon of whether he actually knew the I contents of the papers he carried prob ably will h the deciding factor In what action the government takea. I g , I Bee Wart Ads Produce Result. , Zeppelins Raid British Coast' LONlHiX, Sept. 13. Another Zeppelin I raid w a made over the east coast of I Enulnod laat night. Tbere were ho casual! ties. The attack Is inscribed In the follow ing official statement: "The east coast waa again visited by hostile air rrafts last night (the 12th-13th). Bombs were dropped, but there were no caaualllle. and the only damage reported are that soma telegraph wires are down and some glssaea broken." DR. BROWN GOES TO COLFAX Appointments Given Ont by Bishop Bristol for Methodist Churches of Iowa. DE3 MOINES MAN TO THE BLUFFS f Front a Staff Correspondent.) DEB MOINES, Sept. 13, (Special Tele gram.) Rev. O. W. L Brown, for the laat two years the pastor of Broadway church at Council Bluff, goes to Colfax, la., next year, and Rev. M. E. Netherout of Des Moines, goes to Broadway, M. R. Tally of Oakland, la., succeeds Rev. Mr. McDade, aa aupeiintendeht of the Atlantic) district, and Rev. Mr. M,cDade cornea to Des Moines, aa pastor of Wesley church. Appointments for Atlantlo and Crest oln districts: Atlantic Dlatticl-M. R. Tally, aupertn leiideiil; Adair, F. W. Smith: Adel. G. W. , Canon; Antla, R. W. Swlrk: Audubon, .lackson Olddena; Atlantic, Fa la Handy;' Carson, O. A. I-ewton; Cey, K. It. Stroud; lieSoto, J. F. Davis; tiedham, 1 t. W, Peer; Dexter. E. A. Moore; Earl-, ham, J. E. Wtaon; Earlham circuit to he supplied: Elliott, D. U. ft. Prather. Extra and Buck Creek. V D, Cox ! Grant. I C. T. Smith: Grlswold, C. P. Johnson:: Grlswnld, circuit, to be supplied: Outhrtaj Center, J. H. Freedllne; Hancock, J. N. llostei; Harlan, W. E. Hardway:1 I lasting, W. H. Shlpman; Klrkman andi Irwin, 1. B. Holman; lwla, W. C Smith; Macedonia, II l. Glaasliurn: Msnnlnc. , C. S. I.ylea; Menlo, M. H. Kest; North Branch. .1. J. Bourne; Oakland. 1 K. Itllllngsley; Shelby. E. W. F. Requal;; Sturat, G. RoberU; Tennant. w. U liar-' vev; Van Meter Hnd Boonevllle, J. E. Slmhmers: Walnut, F. Waukee, F. T. Stevnson; I' fittveev Wlota. il. i.i Urlnier. Cretoh Iilstrlct Jay Klrkendall. super-. Intcndcnt: Aflon. C. B. Gueat, Arispe. F. N. It.dlnger; Binifonl. J. W. Oodseilii Briwidyxille, Alfred Knoll; Hildgewater.; J, W. Hat wood; Brooks. Fred Moore;, 'Carlson, to be supplied; College Springs. I ' Curl Prown: Omway, J. W. Taylor;, crestnn, K. C. Flntel: Cumberlanil., A. M., Heeling; Knieraon. M. 8. MoCartney; Uonlanello. J. O. Smith; Gravity. . W. PriH-tnr: Greenfield. J. E. Lombard; Hebron, to be eiipplled: Kent. W. K.J Sh'tgg; Knowlton. Fred Mend; Inox,. W. A. MorKim; lxrlmor, R. N. Sponncr,1 MaxbuioT. to be supplied: Massena. J. C.i iKarter: Nevlnvllle. I. R. Mllle; New-j I market. I . I. Howcr: Nodwsy, W. H. iDovIe; orient. 1. P. Goodwin;. Prescott. Issuer Weber; Red Oak Hl.an.bat. eli. J. T Nsvle F. 11. Willis Red. Oak, W. 7'i II Wl.ear- Slinminn Cltv. N. H. Jordan , Sharpehnrg, to he gtipplled; Vllllsca, E. S. Menchor: Vllllsca circuit, J. N. mc- Curtly; Yorktnwn, Joseph Penn. "Mayor Personally Ordered Votes Be ' Addedjo Tally" INDIANAPOLIS, Sept. 18. - Mayor Joseph n. Roll, who Is on trial In crlml-l nal eourt charged with election congplr-' acy, personally ordered votes added to a. so-called machine candidate's, tally In theJ primary of May B, 1014, according to. Prosecutor E. J. Ilucker, who continued' his opening atgtement today. The prosecutor at some length told how Mayor Bell, aailated by Thomas Taggart.j aucceeded In having the county 0ommla- sloners appoint the registration Inspectors named by Fred Barrett, democratic county chairman, after tha commissioners, had once refused to ratify the list. Bar-i rett is also under Indictment on the con J splracy charge. Prosecutor Rucker theiv told how legal voter were Intimidated by) policemen and slugger and prevented from registering In a number of pr-j clneta. OORPUB CHB.1STI, Te., 8ept. IS. A) new turn wag given the election freuda case on trial In the United State dts-i trtct court here when Matt L, Dunn w4 recalled today by tha government to eon 4 tlnue his testimony of Saturday In whlrh) he attempted to repeat an alleged convert aation with Tom Dunn, one of tha forty-t one defendants. He related his story and then finally said the conversation con-, cemlnr the supposed purchase of votea) had reference to the primary election ofj July 26, and not the general election In) November, which Is specified in the in dlctmenU on which the men are being) tried. Tha witness declared that he gought In4 formation a to votea-buylngr from hie) cousin, Tom Dunn, that be. might enlist the aid of federal authorities in purging elections of "crooked politician" it Nuecea county. Dunn added hi life waa not eat. Hel waa Interrupted by Judge. Waller t Burn, who asked him If there were noj hardware atorea In Cbrpus CtlrtetL Dtiai, replied affirmatively. Austrian Torpedo Boat is Damaged ROME. Sept. n.-(i 6t p. m.. via Pari 1 A battle between Italian and Austrian naval forces, the former assisted by a French aart.marine, occurred on Thursday last In the Adriatic sea. The mi rust rr of marine announced today that one Auatrlen torpedo boat had been danv aged seriously. The statement follow: "The French submarine Paptn, aa sleted by our naval forces, torpedoed en September in the Adriatic near Cape Plank a, a group of Austrian torpedo boats, on of which was seriously dam agod." WORK IS STARTED ON NEW DUNKARD CHURCH Excavation of the new Churoh of the Brethren was started yesterday at' Twenty-second and Miami streets. The members of thl church ar known aa "Dunkarda.' This new church wlH be of frame ooni struction and will cost 26,100. It wag r-j g an I sed six years ago and now h.a J active membership of ninety men audi women. Rev. M. R. Weaver U pastor. The1 difioa will be dedicated December 1. Postmaster Appolaled. WAB1IINOTON. Sept. 13.-Spoclal Tel-grsnO-Cecil 11. thellady has bten ap-i pointed postmaster et Gladwin. Louisa county, Iowa, vice Milton G. Jones reJ signed. INTKMNaTtOhaX. Hh.ll. AMI1J5 MAKI.Nt Muekhnldsi-s ru sttlsla tis.alv .oi.miiM ,,,,, 9Ciess-ls ef ths suisli, r,., ,i, , (. . ,4 olumn si TUB Ol.ll UlT IIV.:V. r.'h Itfhsd bv Jol.a kutr a- 1 u . tl n u . K- Yo.t. I'tiv ft i .e ertri . , .1 '- ....