Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 14, 1915, Image 1

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    The rare way to aatlsfy
your wants is through iae
of the want ad patfe of The
Dee. Try a Dee want ad.
he Omaha
VOL. XLV NO. 75.
Oa Tnlni, at Hotel
Mews Staads, to., M
Evangelist Addrenei Two Large
Audiences Early in Day
St. Paul's Methodist
Ma'' Sunday Speaks Briefly Each!
Time and Recalls Visit of !
Years Ago. !
18 P.- Meetings la shops and stores,
a p. m. "BlUx" Sunday at the taber.
130 . b Central Klgh aohool fir
at rirat Methodist church. Miss Miller,
ut Mr. Bodeheaver.
a p. m. Miss Base's Bible olass on ,
Tabernacle rostrum.
3:S p. m. Meeting for boys and girls r
at Banaon rresbytertaa ehureh. Mies,
Oamlta. . 4
4i30 p. m. Meeting for boys and glri!
at Dundee Freabyterlan ohureh. Miss ',
ami In.
7i3o p. m. "Billy" Sunday at the;
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Neb., Sept. 13. (Spe-i
clal Telegram.) When "Billy" Sun-!
day reached St. Paul's church at '
J 0:16 thla morning he found Jt filled ;
with a seething, sweltering mass of :
humanity, all women, while a i
thousand more disappointed ones ;
stood vainly at the doors, finding U :
Impossible to get In. It Is estimated
that there were fully 4,100 in the
church, the aisles being crowded
until there was not standing room
Mr. Sunday and hla party, consisting of
Ma" Sunday and Meaara. Brewster and
Xlodehearer, arrived over the Burlington
at 10:10 and were free ted by the Lincoln
representatives of the OAiaha papera, the
receiving party, headed by Mr, Bryan,
not getting- there until after the Sunday
party bad left the train. In the Bryan
"party were W. J. and Mayor Bryan, Mrs.
Charles Bryan and Mn. T. 8. Allen, a
delegation of Lincoln mlnlatera, Messrs.
JBoye, Jeffrey, Rogeral Young, Oettya,
Harmon and Hull, and Secretary Luke
of the Young Men'a Christian. association,
E. P. Snavely and Charles Btrader.
Mr, Sunday addressed a congregation
Of 1,000 men at St Paul's church this aft
ernoon at 1 o'olook. He spent the last
twenty minutes Of hla address In relating
Ms experience a a base ball player and
became so Interested In his theme that he
nearly missed his train. He had but
twelve minutes to reach the station when
he left the church. The crowd was not
quite as large as at the morning ser
vice, as the fire department ordered the
doors closed to prevent crowding the
" MM" Recalls Old Times.
The meeting for women only waa
opened with the singing of "America"
by the audience, led by Mr. Rodeheaver.
Dr. Jeffrey of St. Paul's church offered
prayer. Mr. Bryan then Introduced Mrs.
"Ma" aald that her mind reverted back
twenty years, when she and "Billy ' were
In Nebraska and held meetings in several
towns of the state and were in Lincoln a
part of the time. She was glad to be
back again and hoped that the people of
Lincoln would continue to be interested
In their welfare and the auccesa of their
In Introducing Mr. Sunday Mr.. Bryan
Mtarted with "Ladles and Gentlemen,''
hut corrected himself when the crowd be
gan to laugh. He said he was glad to
be on the platform with a man who was
doing ao much to make his fellows better
men and women.
Billy" Haa liar Fever. .
Mr. Sunday was not In his best form,
his voice waa badly out of condition.
caused by a bad cold and a severe attack
of hay fever, but he soon warmed up to
his work and kept hie audience well en-
Ha said that . the foundaUon for the
(Continued on Page Two, Column Two.)
The Weather
Forecast till 7 p. m. Tuesday:
For Omaha, Council Bluffs and Vicin
ityShowers; cooler.
Temper tares at Omaha Yesterday.
Hours. Peg.
s a. in...
a. m...
T a. m...
S a. m...
9 a. m...
10 a. m...
11 a. m...
12 ra
1 p. m...
t p. ni...
S p. m...
4 p. m...
5 p. in...
S p. m...
7 p. in...
S p. m...
Cntyarsllrt Local Record.
1!'I5. LtU. Ilil3 isi;
Highest yesterday 7 7 7
xxwat yesterday 63 63
Mean temperature 7 71
iTwUplLation (W .U
Temperature and preci)iatiuti
urea irom the rjrmal:
Normal temperature
Kxceas tr tne day
Total dwIMrn.-y e,ice ilrch 1..
Aoimal pre. Imitation
JMfiCit-nCV fitr tfiA Ho..
& Ml
.0J .U
.13 inch
.13 Inch
Total raUifall atn.-e March 1..22.CS inrhoe
Ijefiotency li,ie Marrl, I hi in h
per c ency lor cor. period. 1014. l.:6 im hee
Wlciency for cur. period, 113. 7.1b Inches
Rrporta from Itatloaa at T P. M.
Button and Bute Tmp. High- rUin
of Weal her 7 n m ..n
v.uv)BDna, cloudy bO
uavenport, clear 82
Jenver. cloudy j
Lea Moines, clear &2
Dudtce City, cloudy H
lender, cloudy '."4
North Platte, rloudv ,j
Omaha, aitly i-ionly ... M
Pueolo, clear li
Rapid C1t. clouly &
bait Lake City, cloudy... h
rianta Ke. elr t
Mhertdan, clouiiy 46
hloul 1ty. cloddy t
Valentine, cloudy 6s
T ludicatee liaoe or preoiplUuoa.
L. A, WLli. Local Forecaster.
out soup for a company of Italian troops in a captured Aus
trian garrison.
a aw ii mini im jmmmmmmmm!srnmmmummmma sjisiassswr aaaaaaw
1 1 f.hv I
t a
Mexican Bandits Attack United
States Border ' Patrol Few
Miles Above Brownsville '
BROWNSVILLE, Tex.. Sept. 13.
One United States trooper was kiUed
and two others wounded, one proba
bly fatally, when a gang of Mexican
bandits early today attacked the
American patrol of seven men at an
Irrigation pumping plant several
miles up the river from this point.
The soldier killed was Private Kraft,
who received a wound through the head.
Private Forney was shot through the
back and la expected to die. Private
Walsh also was wounded, but hla con
dition is not considered serious.
The firing was heard by nearby de
tachments, who located It at the pumping
plant on the Los Indlos project, but as
sistance, which was rushed to the be
leaguered men, came too late to prevent
the casualties. The squad of troopers
was fired upon from the darkness by a
gang estimated at forty. It Is thought
that the bandlta have crossed Into Mexico.
Qnarantlne A Ion or Border,.
BAGLB PASS, Tex., Sept. IS. A strict
quarantine against all passage from
Mexico Into Texas, except with the per
mission of the United States military
authorities was put lnto effect today
along the lower Texaa border by state
health officials. The quarantine order
' was designed to aid the border patrol In
1 . . . . . . k
! keepmg out of the state persons suspected
; of h, vlnB. no legitimate errand In the
unit-i Rt.ta
The first result . of the order waa to
stop virtually all traffks acrosa the In
ternational boundary. In consequence
much Inconvenience waa experienced
here today. Numbers of Mexicans who
make their homes In Pledraa Negras are
employed by local Industries. V. E. Mo-
Farland, sute quarantine officer., tele-
graphed a protest to Governor Ferguson
against operation of the quarantine order
here because, he said, there has been no
evidence of serious troub.e in thla region.
It was reported that several Americans
had been detained on the south side of
the river by the quarantine order.
Vllllataa Mali l',or Showta.
department advlcea from 'i'orreon de
scribed as coming from an unofficial but
reliable source, aay Villa troops In all
the recent encounters with Carranxa
forces In Northern Mexico had made a
poor showing. In many caaes, It was de
clared, the Villa soldiers cast away their
arma and abandoued tow us apparently
without any real defense.
Secretary Lansing announced today
that the next meeting of the A. B. C.
confer to discuss the Mexican situa
tion probably will be held In Washington
either Wednesday or Thursday of this
week. The secretary todsy discussed
with President Wilson Oeenral Carranxa'a
must note.
Unofficial reports have reached
that a supplementary note is to be sent
from Carransa sources outlining In de
uil what might be made matters of joint
consideration. This would Include war
Indemnities and guarantees to foreigners.
- MARSEILLES, France. Sept 13 Six
hundred workmen from An nam (French
Indo-Chlna), have arrived here and wUl
be employed in munitions factories at
Tarbe and I'au. Minister of instruction
Kurrault, who formerly waa governor
general of Indo-Chlna. delivered an ad
dress welcoming th Annamitea and
thanking them for ooming t help in th
defense of Franc.
Weather Heavy and Captain Was
Unable to Identify Ship, So He
Fired at It on Suspicion.
WA9HIN0T0N, Sept. 18.-;-Crer-many's
explanation of the unsuccess
ful attempt to destroy the Cuhard
liner Orduna on July 9 Is that the
submarine commander violated his
instructions, which were not to at
tack any liner, but that because of
the weather he was unable to make
cut the class or nationality of the
The Orduna, bound from Liverpool to
New York, with some 200 passengers, of
whom tweaty-two were Americans, was
attacked by a torpedo, which barely
missed It. and then was shelled by the
submarine until It was out of range.
To substantiate the statement that the
German commander was Inclined to fol
low his orders. It is stated that he soon
after allowed the steamer Normandie,
carrying a oargo of lumber, to pass un
molested. The German explanation, which comes
In the form of a note, was laid before
President Wilson today by Secretary with the Connell herd at the time Con
Lansing and may figure In disousslon of noil was shot, he testified, and he told
the submarine Issue with Count von of toeing Porter leave his house, where
Bernstorff, the German ambassador. J ho was seen standing in the door Just
Three Officers Hurt
in Anti-American
Riot Near Portland
13 Pnlica
PORTLAND, Ore., Sept.
CaDtaln C. A. Beattv. Thnmn Himnuri.
,ev a police detective, and Joseph Rotose.
( , iab0rer, are undergoing treatment here
. todar for njurPi an,i WOunds received
Rt nlgh !n a rlot precipitated by mill
I hamJa at Linton, a suburb. Rotose was
shot through the abdomen and the police
officers were hurt in their efforts to sub-
due the rioters.
According to the police, the men had
been drinking and an anti-American
demonstration folowed.
Lyceum Managers
Plan to Eliminate
All Propaganda
CHICAGO, Sept 13 Elimination of prop
paaanda for political purpose, a,nd aub
sldles of all kinds, Is expected to b the
general eubjert of a aplrited conie-t at
the thirteenth annual convention of the
International Lyceum aaawlatlon. the ; to the correspondent In the city of Turin ,elv" mor U' fr600-000-first
seaalon of which waa held here to. j gtampa. The measures are said to be,,., . TT , .
dav. Bealdea the. regular leaidailv ; an analogous to those employed by the M lSSQUri XlUntinf?
sessions, there H1 be da ly pr gra na of Oermana to assure their recent mlllUrv O
fiiouei ciiBuiaui'jH. Among none at tne
open:ng session were Judne Ben B. IJnl-
ey. iormer en naior t annon or ttah.
Governor Ferris of Ml-rlgan, and Con
gresaman Richard P. Hobaon.
Negro is Drowned
by Missouri Mob
LOUISIANA, Mo.. Sept. J3.-A new
form of lynching -by drowning was the
fate met by Love Rudd, a negro who
was taken from a constable by. a mob
from Clarkavtlle. Mo., several days ago.
This became apparent when Rudd'a body
with a big rock tied to the feet was
found In the Mississippi river tonight
Rudd was taken from th sheriff after
hi arraat oa a chars t robbery.
j Rail Magnate Asserts Flotation Is
vital to Prosperity or tne
United States.
NEW YORK, Sept. 13. Flnin
clers of the west and northwest came
to New York today to lend a helping
hand to the Antio-French financial
romlssioners J-''elr task of arrang
ing a wa-?' 'ch Great Britain
and Fr- . ''C,,''y' for the hundreds
ftN. dollars' worth of lm-
oady shipped abroad ana
amounts contracted for
j& contemplated.
I The first of these arrivals waa James J.
Hill, railroad builder and financier of St.
' Paul. Mr. Hilt waa said to be provided
1 with data upon which he based his be
' lief that the flotation of a mammoth
credit loan here to Great Britain and
France la of more vital Interest, perhaps,
to the United Slates than to the two
countries seeking the loan.
Festus J. Wade of St. Louis, prominent
in financial circles In the west waa an
other out-of-town banker who waa reg
istered here today. Bankera from Ohl
i cogo and Cincinnati also wero said to be
j In town on. their way here,
I The commission, It la understood, waa
j not all heartened by the reault of the pre
I Ilmlnary canvass of financial Institutions
j throughout the country a few weeks ago.
This canvass showed, according to relt
! able reports, that not more than 1100,000,
i 000 or flGO.ono.OOO could have been sub
I scribed toward the proposed foreign credit
j loan at that time. The minimum amount
I sought by the commission la STiOO.OOO.OOO.
I Ilecently the talk haa been of a il.000.0oo,-
000 loan.
I Aid, therefore, from out of town flnan
; tiers and a general realisation of the cloae
; communion between the establishment of
i the credit and the continuance without
j check of the great volume of Amertoan
exports were welcomed by the commit.
Mon and local financiers alike. The sen-
tlment voiced iln Wall street today waa
that the time had come for the bankers 1
of the country and every one elae inter
ested In the continuance of American
prosperity to help the commission in ac
complishing 1U Uak.
The cotnmisslon cloaked its movements
today and even Its whereabouts with se
crecy. It waa said that a meeting was
being held, but where or with whom waa
not divulged.
; Later in the day It developed that the
meeting was between the oommlsslon and
J. P. Morgan, Henry P. Davidson of the
Morgan firm, and, Frank A. Vanderllp,
president of the National City hank.
Messrs. Morgan, Davidson and Vanderllp
called at the Hotel BUtmora, where the
Commissioners are staying, and were the
commissioners' luncheon geata The con
ference lasted well Into the afternoon.
The commission late oday deviated
from IU policy of having American
financiers call to see them at their head
quarters by . sending Sir Babblngtoa
Smith on their behalf to the office of
James J. Hill, railway builder and finan
cier, to obtain from him his views on
the proposed big credit loan.
Witness Testifies
Porter at House
When Shot Fired
LAS CUUCE8, N. M., Sept 13,-(Speclal
Telegram.) Jamos t Porter went from
his house to a small building near the
road just as Kalph Connell waa passing
the Porter house, where he was killed,
Jowo Duran, the star witness for the
state in the Connell murder case, testi
fied today.
His evidence Is considered by far the
most Important yet developed, and the
stato bclkves it has made a case with
Duran's testimony. Duran was riding
;wlun the shot wus fired.
"I was riding near the head of the
; herJ and Connell toward the rear. As
J we paioi d l ortcr'a house, I saw Porter
' go to the little house and stand within
i the door until Connell came opposlU to
the door of the little house. I saw
j Porter step to the south-side of the door
' and I saw Connell fall after I heard a
"I ca'led to Porter and said, Tou have
!got him now.' Porter did not answer,
but returned to his residence."
Nothing lira yet been obtained on what
the defense haa planned, except that an
j effort will be made to ahow that the
f bullet ranged downward and that Porter
could not have fired It.
J W. J. Connell, father of Ralph Connell.
s in charge of the case and Is making
an exceptionally strong chain of evidence.
Entente Will Make
Radical Changes in
Conduct of the War
ROM E, Sept. 12.-Via Paris, Sept 13. -The
next meeting of the Italian cabinet
will deal with new measures on which the
quadruple entente allies have decided for
i .v.. .v.-
( guccc sses.
I The Agenda Libra says that the recent
. visit of General Joff re to the Italian front
j and Umpcror Nicholas' assumption of the
active command of the Ruaalan army are
Indications of raaical chaagea which are
Imminent In th conduct of th war.
Submarine Sinks
Norwegian Ship
LONDON. Sept U-An attack with
gunfire on a neutral ship by a Herman
aubmarlne Is reported in a dispatch from
Christiana to Iteuter's Telegram com
pany. Th submarine la said to have
fired on the Norwegian ahlp Presto, with
a cargo f wood, last Friday. Th crew
waa saved.
French Fabre Liner With Fighting
Men Aboard, Reported on Fire,
Declared Not to Be in
French Steamship Which Called for
Aid in Mid-Atlantio on Way to
Aiores Under Escort.
NEW YORK. Sept. 18. The
Fabre line steamship Sant' Anna,
which wan on fire In mldocean, ts
safe and proceeding under escort to
the Aiores, according to a wlreleaa
message received at the line's local
office today.
The message was from the captain
of the Sant' Anna and came via Cape
Race. It read:
"Fire In hold 2. Fire Is out. Pro
ceeding to Aiores escorted by An
cona." ,
NEW YORK, Sept. 18. The local
offices of the Fabre line received no
vord during this morning regarding
their steamer Sant' Anna, bound from
New York for Italian ports with more
than 1,600 Italian reserves and a
large cargo of foodstuffs, which had
been reported on fire about 960 miles
southeast from Halifax, N. 8., In n
wireless message received at the lat
ter point late last night.
The mesage received at Halifax stated
the Sant' Anna was on fire, In distress,
ana needed aslsstanca. Us position was
given aa latitude 40.23 north, longitude
47.80 west. Thla Is approximately WO
miles southeast of Halifax and as the
Snt' Anna radio equipment waa not
powerful. It waa thought the meaaage
had tieen relayed by a steamer much
nearer Halifax than the position given
for the Bant Anna.
hip Searched for Bombs,
It was said today that the sailing of
the Sant' Anna from this port waa de
layed twenty-four hours to permit a
thorough search because the suspicions
of 1U officers had been aroused by ru
mors that a bomb had been placed
Flra was discovered In No, i hold of
the Pant' Anna while it was lying at Its
pier in South Brooklyn September' tl,
1914. AU the goods In that hold were
destroyed by fire and water and the loss
was estimated at 1100.000.
The Sant Anna, reported on fire In
mid-ocean, la a two-slacker steel stem
ship of 14,000 tons, built in 1900. Mr. and
Mrs. T. J. Fltimorrls of Omaha and Mrs.
fleorge W. Parr of Nebraska City were
among the passengers on the Sant' Anna
from New York to Naples In June, 1!14.
Commander Pavy was In command then
as now. He la a reserve officer of the
Trench navy, of medium height, atocklly
built and about M years of age. He ex
hibited to a marked degree friendly solici
tude and genial companionship toward his
passengers, particularly In stormy
weather. On these occasions he would
make the rounds of the decks with the
ship's physician, cheering the unwell and
giving medical aid where needed. Pas
sengers confined to their staterooms were
attended by nurses. In fine weather the
commander and his officers were untiring
In providing various amusements, suoh
as concerts, movies and dances on the
saloon deck. At the same time so far
as landlubbers could observe, discipline
was perfect, and no Incident other than
mal-de-mer occurred to mar the pleasure
of a twelve-day voyage.
More Arrests at St.
Louis in Connection
With Incendiary Plots
ST. LOUIS, Mo., Sept. U. Julius R.
Bench, vice president of the Bersch Fir
Insurance Agency company, was arrested
today lust after he had given 12,000 bond
In the circuit court to answer any charge
that might be placed against him In the
Inquiry Into alleged incendiary plota.
The arreat of Bersch waa the sixth to
be made In the Investigation of tne al
leged Industry of promoting flrea
Bert Keeney, In charge of the detective
bureau Investigation of fires, said today
that the circuit attorney has stenographic
reports of converaatlons which Bersoh
and Herbert O. Baker, arreated Sunday
reUry of the Chrtaten Bellows company,
on the matter of increasing his fir in
surance preliminary to the starting of an
incendiary fire.
Chief of Police Young said today that
Baker had made a full confession and
that the police are looking for another
man. Bersch la Baker's employer. Ac
cording to the police an organised band
comprising Insurance men, property own
ers and "human torches" or active Incen
diaries have operated In St Louis during
the last few years and have netUd t hem-
for Smelter Trust
JOPLIN, Mo., Sept ll.-MIn owners of
southwest Missouri, testifying her today
at an investigation to determine whether
a smelur trust exlsU In Missouri, gave
Information regarding pricea paid In this
district for sino ore. The hearings, which
began today before Frank MoAllster, spe
cial commissioner appointed by the sUte
supreme court. Is being conducted by W.
T. Rutherford, assistant attorney gen
eral of the state.
Mine operatora recently made represen
tations that sine ore pricea were not In
keeping with the record rise In spelter
quotatlona. Allegations that a combina
tion of smelter concerns fixed prices
caused the attorney general to order a
full Investigation.
Lines Defending Dardanelles Said
to Be Greatly Weakened and
Position is Precarious.
ATHENS, Sept. 12. (VU Paris,
Sept 18.) An American Cltl
sn of standing In Athens has re
ceived advices from Constantinople,
which, he says, are trustworthy, that
the situation of the Turkish army
and government Is unfavorable. Ac
cording to this Information, the posi
tion of the Turkish forces defending
the Dardanelles Is precarious. It is
aid' the Turkish front, thinned by
the heavy losses which the fighting
lias entailed on both sides, is finding
it Increasingly difficult to hold the
lines against the French and British.
Turkey's poeltlon at aea la described
aa dlaadvaatageoua. The former Her
man cruisers Poeben and Bres au are
said to have been Incaplcluted, while the
Russian fleet preys upon Turkish sh.p
ping. Triumvirate la Coatrol.
According to this Information, Turkish
affairs are under the control of a tilum
vlrate with autnrrallo poweis, O. Mint
ing of Knver Pasha, mlnlsttr of aar
Taalat Bey, minister of the Interior, and
Bedrl Hey, chief of polloe of Constanti
nople. Usaatlsfaotlon among the Mos
lems Is reported, and tt Is aald Sheik TJl
Islam waa dismissed because he did not
approve of measures taken against the
Armenians. The committee of union and
progress Is reported to have been v.r
tually superseded by a secret Oommlitee
which Is responsible to the wishes of the
Armenians Are Massacred.
The American's Informant states that
Armenians are being shipped to concen
tration camps at vailous pol.ita, being
driven afoot or forwarded In box cars.
He adds that the earlier massacres at
Christians In Asia Minor aie being du
plicated In the present Instance and that
In some cases only a comparatively small
Part of the expelled Armenians reach the
concentration camps alive. '
Henry Morganthau, American ambassa
dor at Constantinople, has exerted every
effort to protect the Armenians, but ap
parently his endeavors have been un
availing. It is stated that American
women who attempted to go wl.h the
refugees to look out for Armenian chll
ren were turned back and that a num
ber of young Armenian girls, who were
studenU at the American oollege at Con
stantinople fell Into the hands of the
Capital Short of Kael.
Owing to the Interruption of sea trans
porutlon It Is atnwh Impossible to pur
chaea coal in Constantinople and wood Is
being used for locomotives. The crops
were good, but It has been almost Im
possible to harvest them. ' Petroleum
costs Si a gallon and the price of sugar
haa Increased seven-fold.
The American' Informant states t'
an agreement, aald to have been reached
between Turkey and Bulgaria has not
effected a definite settlement of rela
tions, but that to the contrary, the Turks
are hastily erecting defenses against the
Tarka Oestror Calaaoaa.
Amsterdam and London, Sept IS.) The
following official statement was Issued
today at the Turkish war office:
"In the Anafarta aectlon our artillery
on the right wing destroyed some enemy
caissons while that on the left wing di
rected a heavy fir against enemy
Nothing of Importance occurred yes
terday near Art Burnu.
"Near Seddul Bahr two enemy cruisers
and a torpedo boat fired Ineffectually
at our various positions."
German Ambassador
Has Conference with
Secretary Lansing
WASHINGTON. Bept IS. Count von
Bernstorff conferred with Secretary Lan
sing at noon today. Mr. Lansing before
aeelng the ambassador, went to th WTilts
Houae to talk with th president It la
probable that th ambassador will bar
an audleno with th president later, hut
th time haa not been fixed.
Ambassador Bernstorf t s conference
with SecreUry Lansing lasted Just half
an hour. At Its conclusion as he left th
State department he told Inqulrera
"I really cannot say anything about
what I aald to the secretary or about
what ha said to ma That resU with Sec
retary Lansing."
The ambassador made- It clear, however,
that th situation had not com to an Im
passe. From his manner some of his
questioners inferred that his conference
with th secretary forecasts a favorable
outoom and that probably arbitration
might be agreed upon.
Secretary Lansing, Ilk the ambassador,
refused to discuss his conference In any
way. The Inference which officials al
lowed to go out was that th negotiations
were, so far, proceeding amicably and
were awaiting further development be
tween Washington and Berlin.
Physician Who Was
Watching Self Die
is Out of Danger
DENVER, Colo., Bept IS. A four-day
wait for death terminated today when
Dr. W. W, Kenney was declared to have
entirely recovered from th effecU of a
hypodermto Injection of poison which he
took through mistake Thursday morning.
Pr. Kenney took th poison, which ordi
narily kills In a few days through action
on the kidneys. In the belief that It waa a
aleeplng potion. Discovering his mistake,
he summoned medical aid and settled
down to wait for death. In the meantime
atudytng with scientific Interest the
action of the drug on hla system. For
four days th Irsue of life or death hung
In the balance, but the physician's system
finally threw off the effects of th poison
and h waa pronounced out of danger,
Anstro-Oennan Forces Are Adranc
ing Slowly at All Points in
the East Except in
General Buisky Says There is No
Danger of Capture of Petro
grad This Year.
BERLIN', Sept. 13. (VI Lon
don.) The armloa of von Uindeti
burg, by a terrific battering' offen
sive, hare at last set foot on the
Kovno-Petrograd railway, between
Vllna and Dyinsk. The entire Aue-tro-trman
forces have been strivtnjr
to (rain this railway since the fall of
LONDON, Sept 13. -The Austro-
Oerman armies on the eastern fron
tier, still striving for definite re
sults, are making progress every
where except along the Gallclan fron
tiers, where the Russians report a
further success.
In the north, where the Russian
line has been straightened by a
withdrawal of forces. Field Marshal
von Inndenburg Is directing a vio
lent drive toward Dvlnsk and a
crossing of the Dvina. Ia the center
Crown Prince Leopold hag forced his
-ay over the Zelwlanka and In the
vicinity of JSkldel. in the southern
field Mackensen, on both side of the
Plnsk railroad, is preening eastward
toward the town. These movements
have resulted In the capture of sev
eral thousand Russians.
The final objective of th central
powers la this campaign Is still a matter
Of conjecture, but Oeneral Russky, com
mander of th northern Ruaslaa army,
declare positively that there Is no danger
mat retrograd will rail thla year before
th guns of th invaders.
On th other fronts there Is little to '
report It appeara to b esUblished that
Bulgaria has struck a bargain with Tur
key, and Premier Radoslavoff, In r- ,
spons to an appeal of th Arm en tana, '
staUd that Sofia Is now on the most
friendly terms with CuastantlnnopU.
in im KtinN. k k ... n.iw .
' " mot. . m IUIRUI1 H,
again currant or an Aostro-Oerman of
fensive movement toward ConsUntlnopI.
English newspapers daveta much space,
to th announcement of ' David Lloyd
ueorga, minister or munitions, that the
nation must increase fu efforts greatly
if victory for th anient allies la to be
French Official Report.
PARIS, Sept. lS.-Th French war of
fice today gave out a aUtement on th
progress of hostilities reading as fol
lows: "Several hand grenade combaU were
reported during th night near th
Bethune-Arraa road and an enemy stuck
was easily repulsed to th north of th
Souches aUtlon. At the same time there
was artillery activity on both side.
"The mine fighting proceeded oontlni
uously and stubbornly to th south of th
Somrae before Faye. There was vlolsnt
uuiiiutuwug in in, aeciora Ol Armancourt
of Beuvralgnes, as well as on the plateau
of Quennevteres and Nouvron. Intermit
tent cannonading took place In th
Chamange and In the Argonne. ffn th
Lorraine front our batteries directed an
efficacious fir on th German trenches
and organisations In th neighborhood of
Kmbermenll Letntrwy and Ahaarvlller.
Enemy groups which left their tranches
and advanced up to our wire entangle
ments were dispersed by our Infantry
. ...J, -,4iw, EVlh lAlo, IOUOW.
ing official sUUment regarding th oper
ations of th Belgian army waa Issued
"There waa a tight bombardment along
th entire front Our artillery dispersed
Germane working near Milestone No. U
on th Tsar and near DlsgraohUa."
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