Tilt: tir.fi: oMAIIA, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1915. WANT ADS Want 1n iwlwi at any time, but to Insure proer classification muat be pre sented befcre It o clock noon for evening edition end Y:45 p. m. for morning and Punaar editions. Want ads received after such hours will be under tha heading. "Too Late to Classify." CAPH RATE3. Seven mneecuttve t'mca, 1 cent a word ech It-aertion. Two or mora consecutive times. 1H cent word. On time, I cents a word. CHARGE RATF.S Beven consecutive tlmea. 8 cents a line earn Insertion Three consecutive ttmts. 10 cent a line each Insertion. One time. It cents a line. Count six average word to a Una. Minimum charge. W cents. An advertisement Inserted to he run until discontinued must be stopped by written order. . . All claims for errors must be made within fifteen days after tha last Inser tion of the advertisement. You ran place your want a4 In Tha Ilea by telephone. TELEPHONK TYLKR 1""" Today's Movie Programs LANTERN slides for movies. Send your copy to na. We ca.it reproduce photos or will prepare your eopy. Wa will color as directed. Bee photo Dept. lot lies Bid. EMPRESaTsthTnd Douglas. HIGH CLASS VAUDEVILLE. The Feature of tha Whirlpool, l-reel Essanay. Tha Hlren, Vitagraph. The Fable of Hascl s Two Husbands and What Hecume of Them, George Ado. Hearat-Sellg No. 72. PRINCESS, 1317-19 DOUGLAS. A Leap for Life, t-r. drama, Jenks' High Jinks, comedy. Out of tha Sea, drama. When His lough Waa Cake. North. GRAND, 16TH AND BINNEY. A special featura In I parts. Tha Un suspected Isles, featuring Fanla Marl-no''- , Shocking Stockings, clover comedy, and ona single real. LOTHROP 24TH AND LOTUROK Robert Edeson In Tha Call of tha North. -rool Alaska . , CLIFTON. 2201 MILITARY AVE. Lew Fields In 'Old Dutch," with Vivian Martin, Charles Judels, George Hassell and an all-star caat. A Bhubert feature, t acta. oath. APPOLO, 2824 LEAVENWORTH Ryes That fee Not, 8-reel Oeanay, Haps and the Experiment. KaJcm. West. MONROE THEATER, 2.V)5 FAIiNAM. GEO. KLEINE PRESENTS THE CELEBRATED COMEDIAN, HOWARD ESTABROOK In tha MelodramaUo Farce, "OFFICER GG6." l)y Special Arrangement with Cohen ft Harris. oath tide. BESSB, J4TH AN N. Tha Legacy of Folly, 8-reel Kalera. Mixing It VP. Kalem. HESSE, 24TH AND N. besse,24&N The Blindness of Virtue 0 Soul Stirring Parts Starring Miss Edna Mayo and Mr. Bryant Washburn This masterpiece presented .Monday afternoon and evening. Mntinee, all Beats, 10c. Evenings, all seats, 20c ORPHEUM. 24THANDN. Weekly. A Question of Honor, Am. dra. A Bully Affair, Beauty comedy. When tha Call Came, Oan. comedy MOVIES FEATURES TODAY CLIFTON, 2201 MILITARY AVE. Lew Fields In '"Old Dutch," with Vivian Maitln, Charles Judels, Oeorge !Iasell and an a 1-star caat. A Bhubert ft.-e.lure. h ecs. LOTHROP, 2 4TH AND LOTllltOP. Robert Edeson In The Call of tha North, B-reel Alaska. MONROE. 2 656 KARNAM. aUeorge Klelne presents the celebrated comedian. Howard Kstabrook. In lha melodramatic farce, "Officer aaj."s ANNOUNCKMKNTs Office for Rent September ICth On Beautiful Court of this Bee Huilding 216 8a. Ft., with water 118.00 Ask the Superintendent, Room 103. BUSINESS COLLEGE STUDENTS SAVE MONEY ON COURSES. For aala, with good reasons for selling, vark-ty of courses In a reliable Huai. ness aVhool, ona of the leading business colleges of Omaha. Will be ao!d vary ltM)inljW-ir below reaular Dhi. If you ara considering taking a course invvMKKie una at once, since rail tens IK-Kli.s soon, ( all office. Omaha Bee. InvcstlKala Y. M. C.A. out g park, auminer. AUTOMOllILKS Whenever you are considering selling or buvu.K a usd car and you wan', full value for your money or ou want people who are willing to pay for what U.ey are tiling you wlfl have no regret If you uy or advert b-e throosh the used car column of The Bee. Phone T l r VrfKi FOR 6ALE-X used Gidamobite louring car, la sood condition, tvuu. Car co be se-n at l r'arnam bt Ovei tun's for leaky raaialov. &0o, dealers. T.'KE EXPENSE CUT IN Two! We take iwo bid llrs and return ore toi.d one. Price. 12 76 and up NEB. DOUBLE-TREAD TIRE CO. ' ' Furmm h' Tel. Itonslas sVllltAfcKA Buick tWrvl, BtaTilon. UiT r n nam St. Phone UotislMS 721 ilt CADILLAC touring car. for ssle or iisiit, f ,r roadf,-r inj cash, or for good rciucMw lot Aa .i K Jwi, Be. AITOMOMLKH FONTKNF.I.LE AUTO CO., 21 P. It) Xt. Fxprt repairing; bargains In used cars, guaranteed as represented Industrisl Oarage Cv. 20th A Harney Sts. IllSINEHS CHANCES If your XiiKlnes, Chance wfll stmd rigid ln extlgatlon inn is lust what It Is edertlsed. or If you ate looking- to start In business for yourself you will be iier fcctly satisfied If you use the Ttuslriest Chsnce column of The Bee. When buy ing" or selling a business Plion Tyler loon. Outside Office 17th Street Exposure in the Bee Building 94x20 ft $18.00 Partitioned for prlrate office and waiting; room. Inquire of Superintendent, Room 103. FOR HA LE First calsa restaurant In live Nebraska town. No agents. Ad dress V (1. Hee. FOR HALF; Orocery and confectionery store In good Nebraska town; excellent location and established business. Address Y 7, Hee OWN F. RH- List your property with W. . wiinsms. qj rnwuia nm. i. em. lO SELL or buy a bi'sfneas, call on Bused St Borshoff. Krenser Hlk. t). Ula TO (JET In or out of business rail on OANOEFrTAD, 422 Bee Bldg. lnug. 8477. RHAI, Kstnte Business places supplied or handled; all stsles. F. V. Knlost. Omaha. SEE Omaha Theater Supply Co. for bar. galiw In established shows D. 3120. THHATKRH Buy. leaae or sell your the ater, machine and supplies ttiroush Theater Kuch, Co.. 1406 Farnam. 1) lKfr. I'AUTY able to invest 11.000 In a local business and take active maneitement, eiini- lady or gentleman. Address E. 162 Bee. A DEfllRARLK party to Sahara studio by Ort. 1. Address, O 14, Bee, For Rent A good tO-room hotel In fine location for business: can be filled all the tlmo wlthjhe right man running It. Between the n Inols Central and Northwestern depots In Council Bluffs. Everything in flrKt-clHss condition; every room, closet, and hall in the building with new paper and paint. Rent reasonable. CJEOROE O. CLARK. 18 Pearl Street. Council Bluffs, la. Telephone 174. 20-R. HOTEL with 6-r. cottage In rear, furnished throughout: full o' roomers; price reasonitble. terms; leaving town, must sell. The Hose, 2020 Harney St. EDUCATIONAL FOR sale, the following scholarships In a first class Omaha business College; One unlimited combination business and rhmthand course. One unlimited rtenographla course. One three-months' business or steno graphic course. Will be sold at a dlacount at the office of The Omaha Bee. EXPERT lady stenographer will take poplls; ahorihand. touch typewriting, spelling and punotuatlon taught. Individ ual Instruction. 4024 Douglas St. Tel. Walnut S32T. The VAN SANT SCHOOL BTENOORAPHT BOOKKEEPING, Hay Wchool for Young Women. Evening Hchool for Young Man and Women. Saturday morning class In typewriting. Ion C Duffy, Owner and Manager, 306 Bo. Uth Bt Omaha. FOR BALE FOR SALra Hera Is a classification that Is of tha utmost Importance to ovary reader, as thla column offers soma excep tional opportunities every day and a small want ad will sell your article at its full value. Phone Tyler 100ft KaTHitare, Haasvhold Goods, Hta. Ilaal-a I'ought and sold. J. C. Reed, IISK0 117 Famam 8t. Douglas 14. BARGAINS IN FURNITURE AND HA RDWAHR 13 N. UTli. VEB. 107. LBAVlNa olty, furniture small flat. No! It. California Ajts., 17th and California. Ilorsea and Vehlelee. TEA MI NO gears, ona or a carload. All alses. two to six-ton capacities. We sell tha Studebakor, tha Bain, tha Patar Bi huttler, lkln and Bueikens. Muat soli U0 thla month. Big reduction In price, JOHNSON-DAN FORTH COMPANY. SOLD Mmi atiskrsiuiviifs. Hiightlv used hitch grand piano. D. J017. WILlTSELL MT EQUITY- IN-VKAC-T1CALLY NEW KTANHARD MAKE UPIUOHT "1ANO AT A Bid DISCOUNT FoK CAH1. -HIS IS A BAKUA1N. FOR FURTHER lN FORMATION WHITE P 157, OMAHA BBB. IStallry, tisii lspll. MX D grain, Hsj lha. 11.86. Wagner. 801 N. 11 Rsorslsg Hum, BTKREOTYPMJ matrices make tha beat and cheapest lining for poultry houses. They ara 17x23 Inches, stronger and mora durable than tarred felt and practically I trepi uor. no a nunoreq ai i ae ie otnee. Trpevrrltera. TYPEWRITERS, tl and up. T2 Bee Bldg. TYPKWRITF:K8 sold, teuted, rcpulred. Central Typewriter Exo. 1 rarnam. VKACTHTAI.LY new Remington No. 10. SM4 Cass Ht. Iteasonaiile. M tsrel aeoaa. HUPAUTOMATIC Mail ezohanga; In use on C dt A. rail road: will soil Slow aharea orfrra l k for ti0 eaoh. Need uuxiey. Address a ! , eta, FOR MAI E New and aecond-hand carom and pocket billiard tablea and bowling aheys and accessories; bar flxturea of all ainaa; esay payments The Brunswick- Balke-Collender Co.. 47-4 a. 10th 8t. Coal Direct to You. The Very Lowest Prices. Get a Trial Car. I. M. COX. North Platte, Neb. FOR SALS CHKAP Business College Course. Full and coir.ulete euhoiarahlp In ona of the test Omaha business schools. Uood reason for selling; perfectly relia ble; worth full price, but will be sold very reasonably, if Interested investigate at once, because fall term heglna aooa. There are a variety of courses for sals. For particulars inquire at tha offtca of l ne ununi oee. FOR KALK Hlsh school cs.de t autu K All sites. John Feldman. A N. 17th. Cor. Capitol Ave. Phone Douglas 312. CAKPENTF.K tools, shovels, sledgea. pu ks, ack.'rea, 10 penny match vend ing machines, 6tlo each. Horse, harness, wagun, lluu. Ona ele-trla piano. J. C. LSH. 10H B. th St. Harney Ml. 0?O OACuidn 'est Whisky, 6 full th-'i XllquarU botCed In bond. pr "l..).!. Cackley Bros. Omaha FOR 8ALK Genuine buffalo robe. Indian tanned; Inllned In Al condition; squsru T feet; winter hide, I years old. Price il0X Box 124. Ord, Neb. W A NT EX Everyone in end nearby Omaha to get one of "The Man and Hia Message," by "Billy" Sunday. If you havs never heard or expect to hear him, get this 600-page volume of his ser mons and illustrations of his actions. We .give one 36-foot cloths line reel with .every order. Regular price of book alone I 33. our price book and reel tl.W. Wa guar I ant.e book or money back. Hart Co., ; Burlington, la. IfbuO PLAYER piano and 1 160 worth of , music, cash bargain. Web. 4w. j H F.r.jVA NTEIFEM A LE I 4 lerleal as Utile. BILI KR H. P. mach t) o.MI-T iMKTEM OPR JoJ WATTS RtF. CO., aa-40-4X if and. Tuta- HKI.P W A T K D FK l A I .K ler'esl mil otriee, WANT competent, exoerieneed and neat appearing lady strnoKraplier, some k HO leilt; of ItliiHHf J .S. e. n III i'fiTs lili', but not absolutely essential. Phone Tyler Uxa. SThMn'.IMI'HKH- HK1IJIIT, KNER OKTIC VOI NO LAIY, WHO IS NOT A K ItA 1 1 OF HOI KS OR WORK. Oool) HAI.ARY TO RIUHT PARTY OIVE A(IE. KXPERIENCK. BAIARY. ETC. MiDHFCS a im, vv EXTFRIKNCFD meat salesman, road work: one good city solicitor, sslnry and commission: competent eleotrlclnn. some civil experience; stenographer, neat, fast In rhorthand; two experienced road salesmen, automobile; shede and drapery man. exnerleneen. 312 Bee building. Omaha Agency Co., 8TENf Brlaht young lady for law office In small town: salary tV to start; splendid chance for advancement: Klve nge, eier;ence etc. Address M 1M, Bee. trnl.. t " - TOUNO LADIES for agents. Tyler 26 l artory and Trades. OIRL to learn hairdreeslng. Oppenhelm. WANTED Experienced laun dry girls. Apply Adams Laundry, 1813 California St. Monday morning at 7:M. WANTKI Experienced ladles' tailors In alternation department. Burgess-Naati Co llnaaekeepera nnd Uomrillrl, TH K Servant Girl Problem Solved.' The Bee will run a Servant Olrl Wanted Ad KRKK until you get the deMred results. This applies to residents of Omaha. Houth OniHha and Council Bluffs. Bring ad to The Bee office or telephone Tyler lilnO. A GIRL to assist with general house work. H. 73. WOMAN for general housework In family of 6; no laundry work. Apply Mrs. 8. B. Htewart.. Ill N. lth Bt. WANTED At once good girl for gen eral housework; Bohemian or German preferred. 1024 N. Ittd t. H. 3f. COMPETENT girl for generol house work; references, l.'io N. 22d Ave. Har, 172D. WANTE1 A girl for general houaework; no washing. Inquire at 416 B. 42d Bt. Walnut H!6. YOUNG girl for general housework. II. 6443. WANTED Reliable housekeeper. Onk Ht. H. 4a7. 8017 WANTKI An experienced white girl for general housework, where 2 are kept; good wagea. H. 2OU0. 127 No. 42d Ht. WANTED-A competent maid for cooli Ing and general housework. Small family. 13: f. JIMh Ht. housewotk: reference required. II. 3W9. 607 B. 3Mh Bt. ; W A NTI01") Competent girl to do general housework; good wages. References re quired. Mrs. Leonard A. Hpaldlng, SuSO Harney fit. Tel. Harney SU2. OIRL for general housework: 2 In family, references required. Mrs. W. B, Roberts M4 S. Wlh.H. 408. WANTED Help for general houaework on farm; wanes to. Mrs. John 8. John sen, I nderwood, la. WANTKJD A good white eook. t In fam ily; reference required. 11. 30U9. 6u7 B. 88th St. MIDDLE-AGED woman for general housework. Call Webster tutil. WANTED A girl for general houae work. Prefer reference. ltil N. kith St., Bouth Omaha. WANTED-OIrl for general housework. two In family. Mrs. J. E. Rugg, No. 4. The Normandle Apts. WANTED Olrlfor general housework. German or Bohemian preferred. Wai. 84. 4:tll Dodge Bt, WANTEI A girl for general housework. SOU Call fornla. WANTED-A good girl for general house work. Mra. W. C. I.yle, bM 1'ark Ave. WANTBU A girl for general house work ; must be experienced: references requl red. 14i H. 11th Bt. V. 40M. WANTED-Competent girl for general houaework; family of two. iU Wool Worthy Ave. Telephone Harney 24sQ. COMPETENT girl for general house work; wagea, pi; no washing; pleasant room, with private bath; references re quired. 33 N. SSth Ave, it. UMI. COM PEfrKNT glr for general house work;' must not object to children; ref erences. 11. KMX SCU4 Keward Bt. WANTED A girl for general housework, 1.VI2 Park Ave. WANTED Lady about 3a to keep houae In country, large family; American. P. Box lemurs, la. WANTED White girl for general house work. .Wl Davenport Bt. Har. 29. VANTF?lAwhlte girl to do general housework, two In family; must b neat and able to lurmxn gooa retorences; no washing; good wagea. Mra. V. J. tat rliiglon, vuo wooiworin. iiarneyi. WANTED A good girl for general housework. 11.141. 8416 Dewey Ave. WANTED Housework by young lady. Phone louglaa 6of". GOOD girl for general houaework: I per sona In family. Apply 4MU Underwood Ave.. Dundwe. WANTED A neat , maid for r gem II. 2"tf. enera.1 housework, two in family, WANTED A good gill for general house work; good wages. Wal. Iii02. 724 N. S6th St. W ANT El Competent girt for gen eral housework: good wagea; refer ences required. &!3 No. 8Mb. Ave. Tel. H. 1. WANTED An experienced nurse maid; reference required. Mra. M. U. New man. &M Howard. H. 3:116. HteeellatMoema, YOUNG women coming to Omaha as atrangars are Invited to visit tne Young Women's Christian association building at bt Mary s Ave. and 17th Bt., where they will be directed to suitable boarding plaoss or otherwise assisted. Ixiok for our travelers' guide at Union station. LADIES make shields at home, 810 for 100; work sunt prepaid; no canvassing; send stamp. Ivanhoe Mfg. Co., Bt. Louis, Mo. WOMEN WANTED Government Jobs. List free. Write immediately. Frank lin Institute. Dept. b3G. Rochester, N. Y. HELP V ANTTIl) MA LB Clerical wad Office. HIOH-ORADK commercial positions, WEST. REFERENCE Si BOND ABSN., 762 Omaha Nat Pauk Bldg. STBNO. Bright, capable young man who would appreciate a chance to learn law In an old evtahlished offlcs In growing country town. Small salary to start, but aiilendid future. Addresa P Ii9, Hee YOUNG man, clean-t-ut, wldo-awake, who can Invest I3,U) to it.W In a good busi ness; only on giving A-l rrerncea as to liablts. ability eto. Splendid chance for right party. Give age. experience, refui encea, eto. Address 8 74. Bee. THE KEY TO THE SITUATION'. Watts Ret. Co.. HO-42 Brandels Theater. THE KEY TO THE SITUATION" WATTS REF. CO.. 640 Brandels Theater. COAL agents wanted In every town; get a trial car. I. M. Cox. No. Hatte, Neb. THE first payment can-toe insurance to January 1, 114; great Inducement; call or write Mutual Benefit Health Acci dent association. City NalWnal liank Bldg. inaha. Neb. STATE and lounty agents, everywhere, to handle the beat money maker ov.r (Ree demons ration, 1(16 Capitol Are. O. rt. t. oa Burner Co. I STOCK aalrsmen wanted tu sell stock In 1 aa Oklahuuia oil company, small capi tal, large acrvage In proven terr.tory, at tisitivs comiiUkKlons. Addles F. M. Wulkcr, Sua lieu. okL I II KM' WAXTKD MALK j Inrtnry mn Trades. I 'WANTED Mm to learn ho barber tts'ie We have originated a plan to 'tenrh It 'lUl-'klv and thormglily. Wages ;;!. 1 while learning. Tools Inclu ed. Write for lllrstraled catnlogue. MOLEK , HARHKR nil.l.HIK, 110 a. Hth St. Irug rture Sn:ips, Jobs Kne at. llr Bldg. I Positions Now open. Free Cataloguo. ' AMERICAN ! AUTO COLLEGE. TnSI Farnnm St. Omaha. Neb. LKAHN liARBLUTlUUE ' Wases paid. Tools given.. Positions guaranteed. Call 'ir write for Information Trl-Clty tTollege. 1!?4 Douglas. Omnha. WK need nun; had to turn down two Jobs per w.-ek lately. Oct in. Iearn hy our method. Get ona of these Join. Catalogue D. B. free. Nebraska Auto mohlle Rchnnt. 24ofi I-avenworth St. M larrllaneoaa. RAILWAY mall clerks wanted, 175 month, Omaha, examinations coming. Hample question free. Write Immediately. Frank lin Institotee. Dent 2?1G. Richenter. N. Y. WANTED B experienced hay men; also man and wife for ranch. H. C. BUsa, Exchange Bldg., South Omaha. WA NTF7D Nnrnca of men. H or over, wishing government lohs. fo month No pull ne-eswiry. Address T n, Bee. WANTED A marker and assorter for bundle work that can produce results; must have reference with first applica tion atatlng experience etc Address Ntw Method laundry, Hloux City, Iowa, SITUATIOXS WANTED AFTER some veara on Pacific coast, I return to Nebraka, a poorer, but Winer man; age 36. German (naturalized): have family; experlenc. d farme., engineer; cov- enn ail modern details, including ice making and cold storage, electric light ing and power; good mechanic and have good recommendations: need work; make offer. Ad(lreHYi.S'i, Bee. WANTED Hltuntion by middle-aged lady In rooming houae or family. In vicinity of 21st Ht. and Cass; come home nights. Doug r.3,",6. LADY deidies work which can be dune at home. Call Wchster 70O1. BOOKKEEPER Twenty years' experl enoa In railroad office. Call Doug. ''. SITUATION as moving picture operator-, 6 years' experience; any machine; now employed. Address 8 liA Bee. SITUATION wanted by single and double entry bookkeeper with some experience In bank and lumber yard of I Ice; best of references; will start with reaaonable salary. Address M 166, Omaha Bee PERMANENT position wanted by young laxly, experience P. 1). X. operator. Harney MM. WANTEI Position doing stenographic work at home. Henry Kessels, Yulan, Neb. YOITNG man wishes a steady Job as Janitor, or anything- Is clever and Sober. Have worked In hospitals before. Addresa, O 161, Bee. YOUNG married lady wishes position; am competent stenographer with 3 years' experience; can furnish excellent city reierence as P B. X. operator; replya confidential. Address C 127, Bee. LA DY manatjer wanta position to man age hotel or large rooming house. Have had management of hotel In city until sold. Can give best reference. Address J It. Bee, EXPERIENCE! chambermaid wants po sition In or out of town. 412 N. 18th Bt. LOMT AND FOUND Lost or Found ads in Omaha's Lost and Found mediums means the Immediate re turn of that article if advertised In The Bee, the Lost and Found paper. LOST Boston bull pup: has one while and one black eye. Cali 11. &36 or Tyler 1662. LOST Between 28th and Pacific or on Park and Harney cara to 33d and Charles Bta., one Bhrtne brooch engraved Nellie B. Patterson. Return to ltitk) S. feth Bt. Reward. Phone Harney OMAHA Ac COUNcTLBL,UFK.S STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having lost some article would do well to call up the offlco of the omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left It in the street cars. Many articles each day are turned In and the company la anxious to restore them to the -ightful owner. Call Doug. 4S LOST 'Last week, bracelet watch In brown pocketb'k; liberal reward. Wal. 717. LoST Lady's gold watch. Elgin. Re ward. Paul Wcilrnsick. Lorton, Neb. PERSONAL GORDON, the Magazine Man. Tel. Doug. 71M. YOUNG women coming tu Omaha as strangers are Invited to vlult the Young Women's Christian usaoclatlon building at 17th St. and Bt. Mary's Ave., wheru they Will bs directed to aultabla boarding places or otherwise assisted. lAiok for our travelers' guide at the 1'nlvi station. THE Halvtuioii Army liidualn.il home so licits your jld clothing, furniture, maga tines. We collect. We distribute. Phona Douglas 4136 and our wagon will tall. Call and Inspect our new home, J110-lir3-1114 Lodge St. PET STOCK YEAR-old white poodle, $15. Har. 6157. THOROUGHBRED Irish water spaniel pups. Greatest hunters and water doge. Webster, 6307. 2014 N. 19tli. BWAPPEItS COLUMN Wanted to Swap. TTIiy not advertise something that you no longer have any use for and get something ou really need? It coj'.s you nothing to Join the Swappers' club and you will find It lots of fun swapping things. Wrl'e Room 104, lie iiiug-. or inone i j ier anni ARCHITECTS LEV EL This Instrument was made by David White Co. and has only been used a few times; has polished hardwood box, tripod and rod; cost 350. Will swap for office furniture or some thing I can use. Address 8. C. 212, Bee. AUTOMOBILES For other automobile baraains see the "Automobile" classifi cation. BEIISIron beds. Have 2 Iron beds in fairly good ehape; will trade for library table, or what have you? Address B. C. Min, Bee. AUTOMOBILE 113 Cadillac touring car, for sale or trade for roadster and cash, or for good residence lot. Addresa L lti7, Bee. BUB CHANCE Must sacrifice aecount of health a small manufacturing busi ness In city; trade established In every state In the U. 8 ; no competition. This Is a wonderful chance for some one. Will exchange It for land or other property of about 36.00U that will not require my time. Address B. C 217. Bee. CHICKENS 75 thoroughbred Buff Or phlnstons; good color, lurn bone. What have youT Addresa B. C. 207, Bee. COIN 8-345. old Amerli from old Rome. u7 A, an and foreign, D., to Panama. 1!4; LouUlana. 17:2; nickel, lai4, Chinese rat flawed buffalo In and breaches coins; old Taitar and Want old guns, swords, small machine tools. Dr. Acme, Wyo. Mongolian coins, daggers, etc., or McMillan Jones, ELECTRIC dusk light trio stove to trade for Addrera S. C. Jul. Bee. and small elec hat have you? FURNITURE Furniture of a good room ing house with rooms of very good furniture : a paying proposition. What have you) In exchane? Address S C 6uu7. Pee. H.HMII KK-ll rooms of furniture worth .ijO; will san for confectionery bakery or a lot Address S. C. 5ou6, Bee GASOLINE ENGINE Have 2-lwse power gasoline engine; will trade for small 110-volt motor or tinners tools. Address S. C. J:8 Bee. HAVE a good, clear lot. exchange for aecond-liand lumler. automohiiM truck, or aomethlng I can use; what have you? 8. C. Uks), Bee. 1 HIGH-tlRADB Burr waluut plaer piano, I used 3 1110s., cost li'Jo: want to dispose , of this quickly; will sacrifice. Would! trade for runabout or good lot. Will niase lerina on Balance. . '. 2IK. Hee. KODAKS-Eastman kodak. In good con dition, will swap for baby carriage or any household furniture 1 can use. 8. C. 6- 2. care Bee. HAVE a xas oven which will trade for I a,methuig worth 12. AilJrcta B. U. atML HWAITFIIS (flLniX JITNEY BODY--cyllnder Jitney body to carry eleven; double Ignition system at water kent: Bosch high tension mag neto. Trade for Ford touring car. A drees S. C Omaha Bee. KODAK a'!1 folding pocket kodsk; cohI 118 SO. together with new V de- eloping tstk, trays, print frames, chem icals, etc. Will trade complete outfit for good type liter; Underwood preferred. Aiilr" 8. C. 170 Bee. LOIW'OK Sanitary lounge in good shnpe; wl 1 trade for or full sixid bed. Ad ilreps S. t.-. W4. Bee. M 11.1,1 Kit Y store, doing good business, to trade for land or city property. Sli k neos In family. Adrtre(q p. c. 'jni. Bee. I'HYSICIAN'S set of lour ' DeVllbls" atomixers and stand, like new, coat about 3'!; will trade for anything use ful. Addrens H C. 11. Bee. PIANO XrO Klnslngton piano. I-av.ng city. Will trade for diamond. Address P. C. 202. Hee. PIANO Genuine Brlnkerhoff piano, used 8 months: cost t-lM. want to swaD for auto c iiul nav youf Aduies p. c. wit Bee, PIANO Cost t.r.0, to swap for a good au tomobile. I want a good machine and will pay any difference there is between the two. S. C. 7. Bee. PIANO Eetev make. In good tune. Will trade for lot. or what have you? Ad dress 8. C. 6o"9, Beev PIANtJ Cost 340, to swsp for a good automobile. I want a good machine and will pay any difference there la be tween the two. 8. C. 7S6. Bee. PIANo Have 2 standard, used pianos, a Franklin and a Reed, and want a good auto, late model. Addresa 8. C 216, Bee. PIANO I have an almost new Estey piano and need a late model Ford. Ad dress 8. C. 215. Bee. I 'HO NOG RAP II Ed Ison electric with amborol attachment and 1I0 records; mahogany cabinet with six drawers and concealed horn, and worth 812f. Will trade for anything to the value of $75 that I can use. Address H. C. 213, Bee. PHONOGRAPH Edison and 125 records; cost IliO: exchange for diamond rinit. Address 8. C. 222, Bee. RIFLE Will trade a 25-shot 22-cal., lever action Msrlln rifle for a pump action 22-cal. repeating rifle. Address S. C. 214, Bee. REFRIGERATOR, show case, 8 feet In lemcth: Kood as new: for sale clieau. or will trade for Ford chassis. Address B. C. av.. Oma ha Bee. ROOMING HOUSE Good, established trade; furniture and fixtures In first class condition; close to business district, to swap for city property. Address S. C. WH2, care Omaha Bee. SEWING Haive Singer sewing machine. In good repair, uaed only six months: will swap for anything 1 can uac. Ad dress S. C. 6001. Be. BTENOTYPE Practically new stenotype. What have you? Addreag S. C. 608. ft TOY E Eclipse gas stove; will swap for good buggy or surrey; stove used about one month. S. C. 183. Bee. SURGICAL instruments and medical books; also filing case. All In good con dition. Will exchange for ehotgun or something I can use. Addre." ; S. C. 203, Bee. TO SELL or trade your ahotgun or rifle. See FRIEDMAN. Ull Douglns. WASHING MACHINE Have good elec tric washing-machine, used only one vear. which I will trade for kitchen cab inet. Address 8. C. 600-1. care Bee. WH are sacrificing our new 3W0 Estey piano for less than '; would exchange. What have you? S. C. 209, Bee. FOK RENT Apartments and Flats. The For Rent advertisement appearing In the For Rent column of The Bee dally cannot be beat for variety that will please and fill the needs of any one desiring to rent. Phone Tyler loco. 10 Dandy Rooms 615 N. 20th St. Open today. PKAUT1FUL. strictly moo. apts. 16th and Yates Sta. ; janitor service; fine lawn, playgrounds, tennis courts and suinmet comforts. Tel. Web. 678 or 432S. LARGE light 6 and 6-room apt.. In up-to-datt apartment house; private garage. 2.'.01 Sherman Ave. Webster 7641 or 4M6. ST. CLARE, 24th and Harney. 3-room apartment Harney 647. EST A BROOK Court, mod., sanitary; one vacant; be quick. Q. P. Stebbins. MODERN, sanitary, steam-heated ; hot water free; close In. O. P. Stebbins. VERY choice, 4 or 6-room. steam-heated apartment on West Famam St JOHN W. KOBB1NS, 18ui FARNAM, STANDAltl) FLATS. GOOD STFiAM IIKATED HOMES. A few vacancies In these desirable. 6-room, steam heated, modern apart ments; private hall; bath, ranges; free hot and cold water, Janitor service; walking distance; good location, on great north travel way. T. J. HOOK, 1101 N. 18TH 8T. Board and Rooms. Furnished Rooms that offer every mod ern ionvtnlence and comfort In private families or boarding houses of tha high est class will be found in the Furnished Rooms column of The Bee. Phone Tyler IHOrt. The Shriner Rooms alngle or en suite. Excellent board. Stoam heat. Rates reasonable. 321 K. 2nth. Nicely furn. ; excellent board. 422 8. 2bth. WALKING distance, 3o per week, 2&i2 St. Mary's Ave. THE ALDEFJN. 316 8. 26th St.. steam heat, hot water, best of board. 3o to $7 per wk. Desirable ooinaiid board, 616 S. 18th StT THE Chatham notel for gentlemen. Rates to permanent guests. 110 B. 13th. D. M. W'A NT ED Young congenial couple wfth good references to share nicely fur nished home In splendid community. Call Webster 410. SPECIAL LOW RATES TO PERMANENT UUFJHTS. HOTEL SAN FORD, 18th and Famam. HOTEL, HARLEY. 20th and Farnam. 813 8. 26TH-Modern rooms by day or week; 600 and up; Just off Famam car line. Rates by the week. Famam St., 2107 Nicely furnished rooms, steam heated: close In. Douglas 8712. Karalsked Rooms. 2 NEAT rms., 13 per wk. up. 407 8. 25 Ave. 2721 J ACKSON. 8 nicely turn.; prlv. home. SOUTH front room In Dundee, furnished or unfurnished. Phone Walnut 2517. 2602 ST. MARY'S AVE. Sti Icily modern voin, cnoap, private ramtiy. Meaza.i. Nicely furnished, close In, 2704 Farnani Bt. Neatly furn.. quiet home. 2662 Harney. Nicely furn.; piitalu home. 6i2 8. 2th St. NEAT LY fur. private .home. 2W Har. Bt. SINGLE modern room In private family Hanscom Park district, for lady. 2,uJ Wooiworth. WELL FURNISHED rooms, near FonU nello hotel. 172a Dodge. Housekeeping r.ouai., FRONT rooms, newly paperer, or hk.. 31 6 up; suite. 3J.Sc, 9.-4 N, isth. Furnishes lloa.ra, &7 N. 23 8-roorai, mod., 840 Doug. 4724. 6-RO0.M, modern bungalow comletely furnlihed. to adults. 1m1 rlnkney. iiustci aau .wiagva. North. T-ROOM house, mod., close-in. Tel. D. 45. ALMOST new'i-r. corner fiat In BeiiUs park, for rent, from Oct. 1. loll N. 34lh. 811 6- Room; well and cistern water; good condition. 4oJ6 Rlmiev. Tel. Wal. 1473. BUILT 1 year. 7 ri modern houau, oloae to car line, lot, 64x126; nice lawn, shade, oak finish; any ofier considered. iu N. 2tli. Web. 6. IX BRICK houae. Shoniian Ave.. 313. W. lTyg. FIVE rooms, first floor. li26South 3-d St., Hsnsoom Park district FViH RhLT e-rooui housn, 2U17 N. lath, lUrwy 6l. . i-HOU.M cottage modern excel t heat 818 6411 N. 24th St Benaon 3 Key at f3-5 Flortnce Blvd.. t blocks east. Foil lltiXT-6-room modern house at ri8 North 2Mh Bt Lr. J. C. Moore. Phone Web. 1.V64 5-ICihjM coltaiie, modern except heat, 1HS4 Emmet St. Web. 4:S. (Culinuetl oa CoL. 7, TbU Pase) Ready Reference Directory The following firms offer quality and expert service that will please the most critical: A HTIf CT8 OF TITLE. REF.D ABSTRACT CO., oldest abstract o. th e In Nehraskn. 2 '. Brandeis Thea. TIUo GunrRntee and Abstract IVHr I Uo., a modern abstract office. S6 8. e7th St. Phone D. 64K7. auvi:htbimj .novelties. M. F. Shafer ft Co., 12th. Farnam. D. 7474. AM ATEl It Vl.MSIIIU. FILMS developed free If purchased from, rnoto craft Shop, 418 Bee Bldg. Dept. u. All ot JIT NTS. E. A. DWORAK ACCOUNTS A UD1TED Books opened and closed. Cost sstem Installed. Let me call on vou to explain the advantages of my audit service system. Address. 4.U 437 Ramge Bldg. Phone Doug. 7408. ARCHITECTS. Everett B. Dodds. 618 Paxton Blk. D. 2981. ARTIFICIAL LIMBS. ARTIFICIAL Limbs. Braces and Trusses; expert fitter Fttwell Artificial Limb Co.. 322 S. 15th St. ATTORNEY'S. C. T. Dickinson, 611 Paxton Blk. D. 1801 AUCTIONEERS. Dowd Auction Co.. 1115-18 W.O.W. R. 328S. ALTO INSURANCE. AUTOMOBILE MUTUAL INSURANCE CO.. Douglaa 2818. AITO RADIATOR REPAIRS. Omaha Radiator Rep. Co., 2026 Far. D. 2001. Z. H. REEDER, 1508 N. lMh. Web. 3297. BKDDIMG. OMAHA PILLOW CO., Ij7 Cuming. Douglas D467. Renovates feathers and mattresses of all Kinds, makes feather mattresses and down overs. BRASS AMD IKON FOUNDRIES. Paxton-MltcheJl Co.. 27th and Martha Sts. CARPENTERS AND CONTRACTORS. STEVENSON. 823 S. 22d. Douglaa 6620. Lessard ft Son. 1!H'8 Cnp. Ave. T. 138. CHIROPRACTIC SPINAL AUJl'UTS Dr. J. C. Lawrence. 1 Balrd Bldg. D. 8461. Dr. Hayes, 858 Brand Then. Bldg. D. 5126. CHIROPODIST. Carrie J. Buford. 20 Pax. Blk. Red 4587. DANCING ACADEMIES. CHAMBERS' academy, classic. D. 1871. Bummer rates now at Mackle's: private lessons dally. 1S1J Harney. Doug. 6446. DRESSMAKING. Terry Dressmak'g college. 20th ft Farns IF you are In need of a competent dress maker, call at 1065 Park Ave., or Tel. Harney 1676. DRESSMAKING COLLEGE. Krister's Dressmaking Col., 1828 City Ns. DYERS AND CLEANERS. STATE Dry Clng. Co.. 120 N. 12th. D. 5071 DETECTIVES. JAMES ALLAN. 312 Neville Block. Evi dence secured in all cases. Tyler 1138. DANCING. GENH3VIEVE HAUP I.A1RE, Romo hotel. DENTISTS. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 821 W.O. W. Bldg. Pyorrhea, Dr. Flckles. 724 City Nat Bank, Taft Dental Rooms. 1517 Douglas. D. 2188. DRUGS. DRUGS at cut prices; frelsht paid on 110 orders; catalogues free. Sherman ft Mc CJonnell Drug Co.. Omaha, Neb. ELECTRIC PIANOS. Continental Nov. Co.. Ill N. 15th.Terms. ELECTRIC MOTOR HEPAIHINuT" CAIIILL ELECTRIC CO,. Bea Bid. D.3S79. ELECTROLYSIS. Uloa Allender. C24 Bee Bldg. Red 3055. EVERYTHING FOK WOMEN. ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst, box pleating; covered buttons, all sizes and styles; hemstitching, point edging. Em broidery, beading, braiding, cording, eyelet cut work, buttonholes, pennants. Ideal Pleating Co., 200 Douglas Block. Douglaa liiM. Fl KN ACES AND TIN WORK. II A BERBTHOH, 4026 Hamilton. Wal. 2971. FLORISTS. BATH'S, florists. 1804 Farnam St D. 3000. L. HENDERSON. 1814 Douglas. D. 1258. Member Florist Telegraph Del. Ass n, HESS ft SWOBODA. 1415 Famam St A. DOKAOHUE. 1622 Harney. Doug. 1001. GOLD AND SILVER PLATING. WFJ replate everything of metal. Omaha Plating Co.. 1220 Harney St. Est. 1SJS. INSTRUCTION. English. French, Instruction. 805 Lyric Bid Jl S I II ES OF THE PEACE. H. It. CLAIBORNE, 612 Paxton Blk. Red 7401. Nctary public, deposition steno. C. W. BR1TT. 8"l Baker Block. ' LANG CAGES. languages taught; private or classes. Web. 64. X.AD1ES TAILORS. MAX SCHWARTZ Formerly with Mls Fox. Open for busi ness; satisfaction guaranteed. 4C7 Pax.Bk. LltE STOCK COMMISSION. MARTIN BROS, ft CO., ExchangeBldg LluHTlXU KIXTIRES, WIHlNtiT I)I.rltIT' Thomas. Douglas 2511. MOVI.NG PICTIRU MACHINES OMAHA FUra Ex., Hth and Doug Mo tlun picture machine and film bargains. MOTORCYCLES. HARLEY-DAVinaON MOTORCYCLES Bargain In used machines. Victor Roos "The Motorcycle Man." 2701 Leavenwort h! Ml SIC, AR T, LANGUAGE. LANGUAGE taught by telephone and mall Free trial lesson. ebster 6564. NOT i osi. " NOTIONS, news, cigars, candy. 13" Parg. OClLISTS. Eyes examined, glasses fitted pay as you can. Drs. McOartv. 1111 W. O. W. Bldg. PATENTS. D. O. Barnell. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. H. A. Bturges. 638 Brandels Theater Bldg OSTEOPATHY' PHYSICIANS. JOSEPHINE ARM3TRONQ. 15 Bee Bldg I'Al.MOG AND rPEHIG. HUGH MM A NUat4IT N. 40th, H. 6721. PLIMKS CLKANED. Dyed, made over. D. Elsele. 113 City Nat PRISTIXQ. WATFnS-BARNHART Ptg Co.. nuallty printing. Tel. Doug. 21!. r,24 8. 13th Bt CENTRAL PRINTING CO.. DOUO. J754. OOtTOLAS ITInttng Co Tel. Douglas 644. 81UVE AND VI H. At E REPAIRS. ALL REPAIRS-Water fronts, furnace oolls. etc. yulck service. Omaha Stove Repair Wks, 12o6-8 liouglaa St. Tyler 20. AMD TIME LOCK EXPERTS SAFES "k w Port, 11 repaired, como. F. E. Daven- 46 Dodge. D. LS2L SCALE REPAIRING. Om, Standard Scale Co., SIS S. 11th. D 2911 SHOE REPAIRING. FRIEDMAN BROS., shoe repair. 211 a 14. Harley Shoe Rep'r. Co.. 2O04 Farn'm. R.3440 SEWING MACHINES. Xr rl'nt reP8-lr. cll needles ana Wc Pas for all sewing mschlnes. "MICIvEL'S," NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., 15th and Harney. Douglaa 1662. STEEL CEILINGS. CARTKR Sheet JdetaTcompany, 110 B 10. STOKE AND OFFICE FIXTURES. it ; c'1(', showcases, shelv- lng etc. Ve buy, sell. Omaha Fixture ft supply Co.. 414-HM8 S. 12th. Doug. 2724. TOWEL SUPPLIES. OMAHA Towel Supply. 207 S. 11th. D. 528. TAILORS. CHAS c. LANDER YOU, tr N. 16th 'St. THINKS AND SUITCASES. riiHGgLVL,E. I80S Farnam St. TYPEWRITERS FOB KENT. R'm T a5 ollver typewriter 8 mo. for $4. Oliver Typewriter Agency. 19u6 Farnam. BUTT'S Typewriter Exchange, 316 S. 18U et All makes for snle or rent. RwH.r ;'Re,nl"Kton. not Just a type writer. Low rent. Call Doualas YVATCH SPECIALISTS. Christiansen, 2d A. Paxton Bk., 1 yr. eitp. WEDDING STATIONERY. Wedding announcements. Dojg. Ptg. Co. WINES AND LIUUORS. ' ALEX JFn-ES. 2TT. 13th St. Wines, liquors, cigars. Plate dinners 11 to 3, 10c! HKNTtY POLLOCK LIQUOR HOUSR. loth end Caidtol Ave. Ttn-rent iunch. MEDICAL PILES. FISTULA CURED. Dr. E.. R. Tarry cures piles, fistula anl other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no monev paid until cured. Write for book n cta 1 diseases with testlmoniala DIt. E. R. TARRY. 240 Bee Bldg. RHEUMATISM treated successfully, re sults guaranted. Dr. Bowaer. 314 Bee Bldg Apartments, flats, houses and cottages can be rented quickly and cheaply by a Bee "For Rent" FOK RENT Houses and Cottages. Sooth. NTCE 7-room modern, near depots. P. 5709. FOR RENT 5-room house. 1613 Dorcas. MO D KRN 8-room hou ne. im4 8. 21st. J6. 6-ROOM cottage. 1U S. 2Sth St., $13. Water psild. SIX-ROOM cottage, all modern except heat. 1741 8. 10th St. T ler 1: W. Maggard's grS Storage ea v- lng, packing, shipping. 1713 Webster St. Douglns 14!M, West. MODERN 10-room. furnished or unfurn ished, 26C1 Capitol Ave., owner. Tel. Harnev 6664. TWO COTTAGES, one three rooms and basement, with city water, $8.5i. Other two rooms and small barn, 16.00. Both new and at 45th and California. DEXTER L. THOMAS, 412 BEE BLDG. FOR RENT One-story " cottage four rooms and bath: gaslight; no neat. 120 South Thirty-fourth street. Harney 1963. Miscellaneous. NICE 8-room detached house; all con veniences; In fine condition; rent, $40 month. 641 S. 26th Ave. 7-RiaM modern houi. 3614 Leaven worth. f35. Webster K90. J I X) rrA --"P; . Co-' moving, sL. Keed ,anfnai -ra. FIDELITY 8"fc FREE Phone Douglas 288 for complete list of vacant houses and apartments; also for storage, moving, Kin and Jackson Sts. Sf;K?Jle.?elitrRl Furniture Store's FREE RENTAL LIST. ITniiqPfl cre'fh Sons & Co., Bee Bldg. "In all parts of the c It y. GlobeVan&Storage 8tores. moves, packs, ships; 3-horse van and 2 men, $1.25 per hr.; storage 82 per 1110. Satisfaction guar. D. txs At Ty. M0. Gordon Van Co. 3S Storage. 21S N. 11th St. Tel D 894 or Har. 1KJ7. 2uJ St. Mary a Ave., 7-room modern housu exce.pt heat, fine for roomers. D. 116. Stores atad Offlees. Small Koom on the Court For Kent Now. The Bee Building 120 Sci. Ft.. 111.00. Water and Electric Light, Fre. Superintendent, Room 103. GOOD auto sales room on Farnam St ery nsaonb:e ri:. "ei Doug 4089 Very Desirable Printing Office Location willi t?ntrnuce from Court of Hop Building. Warehvaa WAHEIlOlgR-.TRirif inn I art or all of one floor la large flve siory brick building lrg freight els vaiur. Addresa J Li ta.