Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 13, 1915, Page 5, Image 5

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    THE HKK: OMAHA. MONDAY, SKl'TliM P.Kit 13. 11)1.").
"The Hour is Comc" is Topic
of Sunday Afternoon Sermon
"The Hour la Coma" was tha subject
Of the Rer. William A. Sunday's sermon
esterday afternoon. 11a apoke aa f ol
io wa:
The hour Is coma. It la very evident
to me that Joins knew that the Father
would understand what He mount when
he said "the hour Is come." Ho did not
any I have mot with a difficulty down
here In my mediatorial worK, something
Ho had not thought about, or expected
would ever occur, but, the hour Is come
for which 1 came Into the world, around
which all hours In the history of the
world would center. That hour meant
more for you and me and all ireneratlona
of the world than all the hours In the his
tory of the world. Jesus did not mean a
period of sixty minutea. It was many
daya after he uttered these words before
tho Incident to which He referred to In
may next text took plane. His cruci
fixion. The Lord knew of our (rreat
atruRKln with the powers of darkness and
tod had given Hla promise that the seed
of woman should crush the head of the
aerrent and the world had been looking
forward for many thousands of years to
that very hour.
Imagine what would have been the feel
ings of the people of Jerusalem If Jesus
had failed, as It had been prophesied He
would, to arise after three daya. I think
they would have draped their pulpits tn
mourning and nailed a black cross over
the door of hope If three daya had come
and went away and Jesus was still In the
tomh. But at the end of the third day,
as Ho snld Ho would. He arose from tho
grave and walked forth from the grave
a supreme conqueror from the dark do
main of death, and He lives forever with
tha saints and reigns and I am not wor
shiping a dead Jew In the tomb of Joseph
of Aramathea. but a living, reigning
Christ who alt at the right hand of Ood.
from whence He will come to Judge the
living and the dead. The hour is come.
I believe old Omaha la In the midst
of the greatest moral and rellgloua crista
it has ever known. When God called you
to this great building here, and in every
corner of your city people are talking
about this meeting, It shows there has
ben an awakening.
A man who slna places limitations upon
himself. Ho places intellectual limita
tions upon himself, physical llmltatlona
upon himself and if he Uvea In sin he is
a fool and a man who champions the
cause of the devil does not deserve the
name of a man and forfeits all rights,
in my opinion, to respect and decency
and I don't care a continental who he Is.
. The cross of Christ was tho connecting
link between tho Old and New Testa
' menta.
The f'hnrrta Is 'ot the K.nd.
1 don't Intend to confine my remarka
to the historical fact, beneficial aa It
mould be, but I would like to draw a
few lessons. First, the hour Is come to
realize that the church Is not the end.
The church is the means to the end, and
If you think when you come Into the
church that that is the end God have
mercy on you and the church If you are
In it. You are not In the church to keep
a little space seventeen Inches aquare
warm, but that church is in the com
munity and you are in that church to
make tho community a better commun
ity and overthrow the sin that Is in It.
And if you do not, the church la a flat
The hour is come; come for something
else. It hns come for plainness of speech
on the part of tho preacher. If you have
anything to antagonise, out with It;
specify sins and sinners. You can al
ways count on a decent public to right
a wrong, and any public that won't right
a wrong Is a good one to get out of.
i Charles Finney went to Eutopo to
preach, and in London a famous free
thinker's wife noticed a great change
in him; he was more kind, more affec
tionate, more affable, less abusive, and
she said: "t know what Is the matter
with you; you have been to hear that
man from America preach." And he
aaid: "Wife, that is an insult; that man
Finney don't preach, he Just makes plain
what the other fellow'a preach." I wish
to God you could say the same of me
when I leave here. For If preaching
could have you here in Omaha, you
would have been In heaven long ago.
You need eomethlng else, and by the
grace of G6d I am going to give It to
you. Now the foremost preacher of his
day waa Paul. What .he preached was
not so much idealism as practicality; not
so much theology, homolcttca, exegesis
or didactics, but a maner of life. I tell
you there was no small fuss about his
way of nreaching. When Paul was on
i he Job the devil waa awake. There la a
kind of preaching that will never arouse
' the devil.
I ii believer Is Condemned.
lie that belleveth not is condemned
already." He that has not believed In
Jesus Christ, the only begotton Son of
God, Is condemned where he sits.
Too much of the preaching of today
U too nice; too pretty; too dainty; It doea
not kill. Too many sermons are Just given
for literary excellence of the production.
They get a new adjective or noun, or
pronoun you cannot be saved by gram
mar. A little bit of grammar la all right.
but don't be a big fool and sit around
und criticise because the preacher gota
u wrong word If you do that your heud
Is filled with buck oysters and sawdust,
if that is all you can see in it.
They've been crying peace, peace.
There is no peace. Borne people won't
come to hear me because they ar afraid
to hear the truth. They want deodorUed.
disinfected sermons. They are afraid to
be stuck over the edge of the pit and get
a smell of the brimstone. You can't get
lid of sin aa long as you treat It as a
cream puff Instead of a rattlesnake. You
can't brush sin away with a feather
;n Ask the lartd Aboil Revival.
Go ask the drunkard who has been
m.ide sober whether he likes 'Bill." G.i
an't the girl who was dragged from the
niiHKinlre of shame and restored to her
mot her' a arms whether she likes 'Till.
o ask the happy housewife who gets
the pay envelope every Ksturday iilsht
Inkltad of it going to the filthy saloon
keeper whether ahe'a for "Bill." Some
leople Bay, "Oh, he'a sensational."
Nothing would be more sensational than
If tome of you were to suddenly become
decent. I would rather be a guidepost
than a tombstone.
I repeat that anybody who is decent
or want to become decent, will admire
fr'ou when you preach the truth, although
you riddle them when you do it. Tha
h ur haa come, my friend. The hour has
come to believe In rexivat Soma people
klo rot believe In revivals; neither coth
the dev. I; so you are like your daddy.
Kair Kverythla.- Devil Is Asaleat.
I am In favor of everything the devil
U against, and I am against everything
the devil ia In favor of, the dance, the
iioov. the brewery, my friends that have
taius in their . hmes 1 am against
everything the devil in favor of, and
I favor everything the devil Is against,
no matter what It Is. If you know
which side the devil Is on, put me down
on the other side any time. If you
haven't got religion enough to believe in
revival, get down osi your knee and
pray until you get it, or get out of tho
The Story of the .hepr.erd.
Pld you ever hear the story of ti
Scotch shepherd that drove hla sheep lnt
the fold and counted them over, one, two,
three 85, W, 97, and then came Into the
cabin and apoke to the collie dog lying
In the corner with her puppies, and he
said: "Cla, there are three of them gone;
you better go out and find them." She
Jumped to her feet and rushed to the
door. The storm beat her in the face
and she turned back to her puppies, and
he said: "Go on; I counted them and
there are three missing; get them." She
Jumped through the doorway and waa
gone. After a while he heard her at the
door. There she stood with two of tho
sheep. He went back to the fold and
counted a second time, thinking that he
had made a mistake. W, 95, 9a, 97, 98, 99.
He came back to the cabin and went
over to the corner where she was lying
with her little ones, and he said: "I
waa right the first time. There were
three. You found two; there Is one yet
out on the mountain. Go and get it.
Hurry up." She Jumped to her feet and
rushed to the door, and ahe winced and
turned back again to the little onca. Ho
said: "CIs, you won't let that aheop die.
will you? Go out and find It." She
looked at. her master and ahe couldn't
say no, and ahe bounced through the
open door In the teeth of the storm and
was gone. One, two, three, four hours
went by, and at last ha heard her scratch
ing on the cabin door. Ha threw it open
and there she stood, torn by thorns.
battered by the storm, torn by the ragged
rocks, but she had found the sheep that
waa lost and brought it back.
Tenderly the ahepherd took the aheep
In his arma and carried it to the fold.
Ho counted the third time one, two, three,
four 96, 96, 97. 98, 99, 100. He locked the
door and came In. Bhe attempted to
reach her little ones In the nest and had
fallen exhausted. He spoke words of en
couragement to her. He patted her wet
and drenched coat. She made a supreme
effort to reach her little ones and foil
dead. She was a dumb brute and would
do that for her master. Oh, God she had
no thought of Thee! She had no thought
only that she was willing to serve her
master; she only thought about obeying
his command. When Jesua extends His
handa and lifts His thorn-crowned head
and says: "They are not lost to the
church of God v Omaha. Go and bring
them In," we wince and howl and mur
mur and are not willing to do something
to bring them to Jesus Christ. The hour
Is come to aave Omaha for Christ.'
It would be a great thing if we could
sing the doxology, full meter. How
about It, RodeyT Let's have it.
(Copyright, William A. Sunday.)
Sunday Preaches on
Evangelistic Church
Continued from Page One.) '
tian Science. And of them all, that la
the worst fol-de-rol of the lot; the worst
tommyrot that ever came down tha pike.
I have read "Science and Health." Oh,
yes, I have read everything they have
ever printed.
Why Do We Kat
I tell you what Christian Science says:
'There Is no matter. Matter la non
existent, an Illusion of the mortal mind."
Then why eat7 Why wear clothe? Why
advertise in the newspapers? Why ask
the people to come around and buy your
comomdltles, to buy their groceries and
their meat from you? If matter la non
exlatent, and there la no disease, why
have Christian Science healers?
I have not been able to figure that out
yet. Christian Science aaya that man la
Immune from sin; the Bible aaya all have
sinned and came short of the glory of
God. Christian Science aaya that man Is
never sick; the Bible saya they brought
Him all maner of alck and He healed
their disease.
Christian Science aaya there ia no
death: the Bible aaya it la appointed
once to die, and after death. Judgment.
Christian Science says man la nonexistent
with God; the Bible says aa for man. Ills
days are aa grass, aa the flowers of the
field, so he flourishes.
Christian Science saya the Virgin
Mother Mary conceived an ideal of God
and gave him the name of Jesus. Such
an Insult to God Almighty. That Mary
ahould conceive the Ideal and name her
Ideal Jesus, and he waa Jesus because
she thought he was.
"Why, according to that, all you've
got to do la to Imagine your kid la Jesua
and It ia Jesua.
Christian Scientists say Mother Eddy
will come to life before the resurrection.
If Mother Eddy come to life before the
resurrection I'll eat a polecat for break
fast and waah It down with whiHky.
Saaday Bombards Haseellism.
We have Millennium Pawnism or Rua
sollliim .or the Watch Tower and Inter
national Bible Students, as they say in
their advertisements. They do not seek
to i on vert sinner to Jesus Christ, but
to pervert saints from truth. Why it
denies the divinity of Jesus and eternal
life of His followers. I've got eternal
life now, aa aura aa I'm standing on this
It makes God out a liar, offers no
present repentance, but aaya repentance
is possible after death. If you don't set
tle it now, and here, there's no chance
to do U after this life. With all IU
evangelistic belief, and no matter what
is calls Itself, It Is turning people from
And we have the pernicious influence
of fiction. I wish I could sentence to
death fifty popular writers who have
been turning the people away f ruin Jeua
Christ. Each one has some hair-brained,
fantastic idea of a religion which they
use all with the same purpose, to fight
Jesus Christ.
Marriage a laelallmen t Plaa.
You know a man haa printed a book,
and they buy it up ao fast they can't
turn It off the press fast enough, in
which he advocates that marriage should
not be a life contract, but on the In
stallment llan, like you buy furniture.
They see a girl that la pretty god
looking, and they go up and aay. "Sissie.
let's make up and try It for six months,
and If we like one another at tha end of
that time as we do now, wc will' con
tinue; If wa don't, we'll split up and
call It off." Thank God that such an
infamous. God-forsaken, hell-horn doc
trine will never exist as long a man
preaches God's word and woman will
hear It.
Another Influence against Christ Is Im
migration. There are multitudes of them,
a half million to a million every year
Just multitudes of them coming with Just
enough money and materials enough to
escape being paupers and criminals, and
they settle here and become a carbuncle
on the neck of the body politic.
America Is Karaite's Back 'Yard.
All over America there are patches of
Europe, until Aaterlca haa become the
backyard In which Eiurope Is dumping Its
pauera and criminals.
Now, I have not one word to say against
any man or woman who waa born or haa
come acroaa the Boa. We alt originally
came from across the sea.
My mother came from Scotch and Welsh
stock and my father was of Saxe-Coburg,
and I will be among the first to stand at
Ellis Uland and extend tho hand of wel
come to any man or woman who wants
to come here and assimilate our ways and
conditions, and live beneath the Stare and
Stripes, but, so help me, Ood, if I will
yield to any class or clique.
Hut If they don't like It here let m
go back to the land wh. ve they were
kenneled. Sixty-nine per cent of our
criminals are either forelgnera or of for
eign parents. You walk the streets ofi
New York or Philadelphia or Chicago and
not one out of three faces will have in
them the strains of pure Americanism. I
I ran go up on the Manhattan building
and In a radlua of twenty mllea see where
one-eighteenth of our population lives.
They turn our Idea of the Sabbath into
the continental Idea, with their beer
gardens and beer drinking.
Too Mach .Negative Preach lag.
We have listened to fifty yeara of
negative preaching. The world needs
the work and words of Jesus Christ
and Is crying out for him. He Is look
ing for some Moses to load it out of
bondage. In a labor meeting In New
York City once a man got up and cried.
"Let's give three cheers for Jcsuei
Christ." But we have many a preacher
who serves out some nice review of
fiction from his pulpit or tells of tho
wonders of science or a new discovery
until you can't toll whether you have
been to church or to a aoologlcal gar
den. There Is a crowd that give tia a
fascinating mixture of ethical culture,
higher criticism and new thought. The
Bible says there la nothing new under
the sun; it ia the aame old devil that
Inspires what you call new; It Is tha
same old stuff, only it has a new name.
The world la looking for aome Meat
to lead It out of bondage. I want to
tell you that the biggest mistake I
have ever made waa when I tempor
ised with the devil. When I have been
firm and true to God and refused to
bow and scrape and truck with the
world, when I have hurled anathemas
of God against ranks of sin; when I
refused to subsidize my fear of criti
cisms; when I stood four-square to
tho wind, I have been blessed.
Mast Go ftark to Old-Time Tratba.
We've got to get back to th old
time truths, hack to Jeaua Christ and
the apostles and back to the spirit of
our forefathers. Veneered gospel will
not grip the hearta of the people, and
everybody knowa the church has been
successful only In proportion thet it
has been evangelical. Any church here
that Is not evangelical owes Omaha an
apology, for It Is absolutely of no use
Science and all that atuff have been
trying to put a new dress on aln. They
have called the drunkard a dlpaommtac,
but he la atlll the same old drunken
kleptomaniac, but he's still the aame
sneaking crook. And they've called tho
adulterer Oh, no, they aay, that Is
merely an affinity.
We're going daffy trying to shove
people into heaven on the strength of
culture. Don't let anybody load you
astray like that. You need a new
birth In the spirit and not a new grand
father or new sanitation. There's a
three-fold tendency on the part of the
ministry. One crowd seeks to please the.
world, another Ignores the cross of
Jeaua and tries to make women and
men their own savours. The third
preaches without fear or favor, and
they are tho chosen mouthpieces of
Kays lie Is Dogrmatle.
I am dogmatic. I never use perhaps
In connection with anything In Bible.
You can't be a minister of the gospel
and not be dogmatic. When you -ei
down to trimming the word of God to
suit that God-forsaken bunch, you'll
have nothing left but a lot of Jurg i
thftt won't bu worth the paper if
printed on. And Just to please a lot of
mutts! Say, if the world is sgalnct
Jesus Christ, then I'm against the
You throw away your belief in faith.
the resurrection, the atonement and the
rest, you leave nothing for the alnner
but a reed that will break and run Into
his hand. Doweyllsm, Unltarlanlsm
Christian Science, and all the other In
sane delusions, are entering orthodox
homes. Ah, these false gods are getting
their recrulta out of the church pews,
because one-half of the people have no
experience In religion. The isms and
schisms have got your gang with their
tongue hanging out
Wa need a new article in our creed.
I believe In hell, not In hadea. or any
thing that tame. Plain old hell H-E-L-L!
The mouth of Jesus ha spoken It. Wo
need more ringing preaching of hell to let
the people know the danger of their going
Into hell fire and brimstone. I don't be
lieve In lying and humanity can't blame
me for not telling about It.
Of the Klaa-dora of Uod
Don't you have the audacity to Insult
God by sneering at my preaching and
calling it out of date. I know there are
thousands of ministers that can preach
oener man i can, out mere la not a
minister on God'a dirt that can preach a
better gospel. Nobody can say that
don't lov the church. T love the church
with every drop of blood In me. It haa
been twenty-nine years since I wsa born
Into the kingdom of God.
It'a next to useless to ask people to
Join the church when there are people In
the pewa with debts that have been out
lawed. I knew of a church In Chicago
that elected a man an elder who went to
every Sunday base ball game in the town
I player base ball myself as ap rofesaional
for eight years. I consider it the cleanest
name In America, Just as I consider horse
racing the crookedest. If there were any
thing crooked tn base ball, don't be afraid
that Iwouldn't let you In on It. I'm for
base ball; but I never will Indorse It
being played on the Sabbath.
Preacher Is Fired.
There was a church in Chicago that
had a a member a man who owned a
lot of real estate. Every house h owned
was rented out as a house of ill-fame,
and out of fifteen buildings ha owned
eleven of
n of them were saloon properties.
whet. It came to a U to put him
And when it came to a vot to put
out of the church there waa only one
vote besides the preacher's against him.
And that waa your I'n'le Fuller's. A
while later the preacher had to walk the
gangplank. They gave him the hook.
I have never bawled out a alnner In
all my lite, and nobody can make me hi
It. I'd lather lay my rlgnt arm on a
out.lier's block and let the cltavcr cut
It off than do It. If you had anything on
me, I know I'd he mighty glad to have
you keep your mouth shut. But I will
try to disgust you with your sin until
you turn away from it. That' my busi
ness. 1 believe all pews In tha churches
should be free. Some of you don't agree,
with that, and I'm worry. It engenders
caste and makea It harder to reach the
masses with God's word when you
charge pew rent An audience should
look all alike to a minister. It's made
up of Just saints and sinners. We ncc
more warm-heartedness and democracy
In the church. Also we need more
Christian philanthropy.
Believes tn Ihllaathreth v.
I believe In lodge philanthropy. It's all
right, but It Isn't Christian philanthropy.
The lodges Just take rare of the needs
of their own pellicular membership. If
tho church of God had done what It
should have done, it would bo doing the
work today that the lodges are doing.
And if Christians had given one-tenth of
their Incomes to God's work, the
churches would have endowments big
enough to carry on that work
I love the aweet old gospel songs, but
we need to have some like "HolJ the j
Fort, for I am Coming." The church
must be martial, and we need martini
(Copyright. William A. Sunday.)
Continued from Tage One.)
the festering sores, the fingers and toes
dropping off. He made telling use of
several anecdotes, one being that of a
boa constrictor which crushed Its keeper
before a music hall audience, an
that they heard his bones crack as he
screamed. This was to Illustrate the
power that bad habit gain over people.
Billy" hasn't been seen here in finer
fettle. He waa full of humor, he was
dramatic, he was vociferous, denuncia
tory, and he varied these qualities with
a touching gentleness aa he depicted sin
ners saved, drunkards bringing home
their pay and buying furniture and food
and clothes, girls of the deml-mondo
fleeing from the haunts of vice bark to
their homes and mother.
A ait of TaeolT.
In a little theological venture he dem
onstrated that angels can't preach to
men because they themselves have never
been sinners and never experienced sal
vation. 'If an angel had been Intended to
preach, there'd have been ono on the
Job," he said. "But Ood said to mo.
'Bill, I want you to go to Omaha for me
awhile.' "
Describing a red-headed boy. "Billy"
said: "He was ao red-headed that when
he entered a building they raised the
fire Insurance rates." The crowd roared.
and "Billy" grinned and chuckled. But he
had a better one In reserve. "Why," h
said, when he could be heard, "when ha
took an egg shampoo you could amell
burnt omelet a block away."
Hla description of Ben Hur's Joy when
Christ healed his mother and sister waa
better than General Wallace himself, who
wrote it.
Tells Jesus of Omaha.
After speaking for more than an hour
he concluded with a characteristic
"Billy-Sunday" prayer In which he began:
"Well, Jesus, aren't the people of Omaha
a fine Bunch 7 l Know. Jesus, aa you
lean over tlio battlementa of heaven and
look down, that your are pleased, and I
know the devils are mad. It's only a
week since wc come to Omaha and I've
tried to be fair and aquare with you.
"Now, Jesus, help, will you? Go to the
hotels and restaurants and the business
places and tha railroads, and bless the
motormen and the postoffloe bunch, and
the people at the city hall and the court
houao, and tha members of tho school
Electrical Clab Attends.
The meeting was preceded by an ex
tensive song servioe, led by "Rody." A
section of seats had been reserved and
were filled by 900 members of the Omaha
Electrical club and their wives. Fifteen
employes of the Union station had a
reservation. According to custom, each
waa asked to name a hymn, which was
then sung; by choir and audience.
"Billy" made a little talk about col
lections again, reminding them that they
had Invited him to coma here.
Little More Moaey.
"I didn't ask to visit you. You've been
begging mo to come for three yeara.
he said, "and when I said yea to you
I said no to fifty other cities. I could
be preaching in New York City right now
Instead of Omaha, If I wanted to.
The collection waa tha biggest of tha
week. 112.66
Rev. Oliver Keve offered the opening
Mr. Sunday also announced that the
mooting tonight will start when the
tabernacle la filled, whether that Is at
o'clock or at 7:30. If enough are wait
ing outside, he will preach a second
A thousand "Gideons" are expected
to, be In the tabernacle audience Satur
day evening, September 26.
New Order of Meet lass.
The meeting this afternoon will be the
last Sunday afternoon meeting open to
the general public. All following Sunday
afternoon meetings In the tabernacle will
be for men only. Other meetings mill
be held Sunday afternoons in other
place by other members of tha Sunday
party for women and mixed audience.
"Hilly" announced that some evening
thU weak will b set aside aa "dollar
night" and everybody that can afford a
dollar will be expected to drop that sum
in the collection. He wants the expenses
of tha campaign cleaned up as soon aa
possible so they may stop taking roU
Sunday's Palms
Resemble Rast)s
When Sunday rubs his handa together,
a favorite trick after he haa scored a
point, you can hear the acrape of the
palms rows off. Years of pounding the
fist Into the palm for emphasis have made
hla palms a hard a those of a brick
layer or an apparatus) gymnast. The
clash of palma wa quite audible last
I ? ,B,,WW w" ' to
1 ? " vn,at' " h -
Mugwi in vrvic Daiuraay nigni. I
fueaa you don't know me. Mr. Sunday."
h drawled. "My name la Harry Grass
brier of Waterloo, la. I heard you wore
In town and I wanted to see a good man
from that good old state."
Grassbrler came her yesterday on busi
ness, but he said that he like Sunday's
voice so much that he will stay on for a
few days.
Duty of This One of Sunday'i Com
pany to Tabulate All the
"Can I aond this parka, hero, by
parcel post?" asked an elderly woman
with a big bundle, hs she shoved tha
latter across the counter of the
"Billy" Sunday poslofflce at the.
tabernacle, Saturday night.
It waa then up to Frederick nuse,
postmaster, to explain that the duties
of the Sunday postoffloe are not ex
actly those of Mr. Wharton's institu
tion. "We have many such mistakes,' as
serted Busso later. "This Is only a com
mon occurrence. My principal duty now
Is to look after lost and found art Idea.
"Later, when the 'trail hitting' com
mences, I will go to work In earnest.
Krenlna (aril Index.
"Then each trail-hitter, hla name, ad
dross and tho church he wants to Join
are recorded by me, and these cards ar
ranged In each pastor's letter box. After
tho convert has been turned over to the
pastor our work cesses. No man Is per
suaded to Join any particular church.
In Paterson we had W0 Cathollo converts,
all going back to the Cathollo church,
and SOU Jewish trnll-hltters."
In the lost and found department are
all sorts of articles, from a large collec
tion of atraw hats to purses containing
money, umbrellas, coats, bonnets and ono
fine woolen blanket.
Baay Scenes at Nursery.
Thirty youngsters kept the attendants
of the Sunday nursery busy last night,
while their parents swelled the attend
ance at the tabernacle. Each ktdlet had
the time of Its life, according to those In
charge, the only outcry being made when
the folka came to take them home. One
t-year-old, evidently Innoculatnd with
some of Sunday's "fighting spirit," put
up a valiant battle with hla. dukes when
father and mother sought to part him
from a decidedly rocky rocking horse.
If you don't come now, Georgie, we
won't bring you back ever again," waa
mother'a shot of victory, to which the
little fellow Instantly succumbed.
Constipation Can lie Cored.
Start a two weeks' treatment of Dr.
King's New IJfe Pills today. Good for
stomach and liver. ifc. All druggists.
Bee Want Ads Produce Results.
Because of the presence of the Mra.
Patrick Campbell company at the Bran-
dels theater, the Edward Lynch Stock
company found It necessary to look up a
new place for rehearsal, securing the
convention hall at the Ilome.
Twenty-elnht of the members of the
Mrs. Patrick Campbell company ara
stopping at the Home. Mrs. Campbell
herself la at the Fontenelle.
1 1' "i
V Sea la tke Co sa kaUw with la aaa
w will mb4 r wita ear saaapliiswis
A . copy al tas raef A atuaa
cA iraaiaa Numkmr aaawbi mora
a Ql laaa 40 aatl eawns last fans
Jl fi tW ku amlucaJ fo ika Auluna
V JV ssataaa l 1 2.
VVf-V", Or. mar aasaiai easl
V VrvVV. V wh S- lulumm
YV sfstise
; " IVV lhrou,a Ike
' ''AW
C m VA t-V esm.eie.
1V.. sumbera
Chambers Back from Meeting- of
Dancing Masters and Tells of
Thing-s for Coming Season.
Prof, and Mrs. W. E. Chambers have
returned from OUlfomla, where Mr.
Chambers attended the meeting of the
American National Association of Dan
cing Masters In San Francisco. , Mr.
Chamber was rngsged as Instructor In
rhythmlo and classic dancing for this
That tinlfnrmllv In ronnl lan,.tiir
and simplicity In steps and figures or
changes I the keynote of the New York
Idea In modem dancing waa brought out
at the meeting. There are but three
dances being used, according to Mr.
Chambers. They are .he walk wslts.
which Is a combination of tho stop step
taking one step to the measure; the can
ter taking two steps to the measure, and
the old-fashioned reverse waits taking
three atop to the measure. The one step,
which Is dsncrd In four simple figures or.
changes, and the slow fox trot, which Is
danced In four simple figure a, la very dlf-.
ferent In character from the fast run
ning and hopping movomcnta which have ,
been used In the past. ' '
Mr. Chambers was one of the eommtttea
of five to select dances to be standard
ised. Many pretty dances wore shown,
of which three were selected, namelys
National one atep, a New York creation;
waits modern, and Ana Tox trot. Nov
elty dances that will be popular are El
('amino (ApanlsM, Jitney Jog (polka), ,
tango walls, wave fox trot by W. B.
Chambers, military and one and a half .
atop. I
Tho new dance, aaya Mr. Cltambera.
are pretty and simple to learn. The style
of dance I smooth and progressive.
There ara no fads.
lone F.qaal ta CinsHberlala's,
"I have tried moat of all the cough
euree and find that there is rrne that
equal Chamberlaln a Cough Remedy. It
has never failed to glva ma prompt re
lief." write W. V. Hamer. Montpeller,
In!. When you have a cold give thia
remedy a trial and see for yourself what
a splendid medicine It la Obtainable
everywhere. All druggists. Advertise
The following program of lecturea ha
been announced by tha Omaha Philo
sophical society, which meets Sunday
afternoona at S o'clock In the Lyric
building. Nineteenth and Farnam streets:
October S. "The Municipal Court for
Omaha," J. P. Palmer.
October 10. "Prosperity." W. F. Baxter.
October 17, "Inland Waterways and
Their Relation to Business," John W.
octobor 14, "Non-Resistance and An
archy," Harvey W. Morrow.
Octobor St. ''Efficiency and the Publli
School," Anson H. Blgelow.
November 7, "Itesponslvs Government,"
Cornelius FarrelL
November 14, "Tariff Barriers and
War." J. W. Woodrough.
November St. "1-aw and Ita Sanction,"
Francis A. Brogan.
Novemlier 2. "The Relation Between
Econohilc and Moral Conditions," lurle
J. y u In by.
Iiecemher 8, "Democracy and Effi
ciency." Elmer E. Thomas.
lieeemher 12. "Science and Religion,"
tr. Rabbi Frederick Cohn.
$2 Invested in Vogue
A Maji rVeavtoe) a jssav
Will Save
The gown you buy and nerer wear is the really
expensive gown! Hats, suits, negligees that just I
miss being exactly what you want, are the ones I
that cost more than you can afford.
Why take chances again this year when by simply i
sending in the coupon and at your convenience
paying $2 you can Insure the correctness of your j
whole Fall and Winter Wardrobe?
VOGUE suggests that before you spend a single
penny on new clothes, before you even plan your
Winter wardrobe you consult its great Autumn
Fashion numbers: .
ff Forecast of Autumn Fashions
The esrllett snd Bioat authentic fnrrcsst oi the Winter sioda. presenting
mors than lortr mods! gowns b? Ihs foremost couturiers of K. . and
tiiuwn lor I bo lust time in Aoi'rirs is this Iseus oi Voaus. The inunda
tion upon which to build Tour Winter wardrobe.
Autumn MilluMt-yNumbar Sept. IS
Tha beat ana hundred modal hats
Paris haa produce ur the Aututna
el ISIS. Modal aowna Iron) tha opric
mra and th aawset asodala in t ill
and toifluora
Tha Paris Openings October 1
The com plat a story ol the Psria oprn
int a tha aaccauiul cresiiona of aath
couturier which takea colleciitelr
establish lbs anode
Autumn Fattara Octobar IS
Working plans for Tour entire winter
wardrobe the neweat models adapted
to callers lurm. Yosue Panama
bridje the (ap between the limited
snd unlimited income
Winter Fashions NeTatnbar 1
Showing lbs mode in its winter cul
mination chsrmins models smart
ouluriers eolie lor their put ale
Vanity Number Narambar 15
Those frscelul little touches thst
mate the amsrt woman aniart. where
to (el them snd bow te uae lues
In the next few months during the very period
in which Vogue's special Fashion numbers appear
you will be selecting your entire wardrobe for
the coming Winter and paying out hundreds of
dollars for the suits, hats and gowns that you select.
Consider, then, that for $2 a tiny fraction of
your loss on a single ill-chosen hat or gown not
only may you have before you at this important
season these great special Fashion numbers, but
all through the Winter and tho coming Spring the
numbers that follow them.
Peoemher : "Msss Psychology The
Call of the Wild." J. .1. Points.
IwrfmtHT 2, "Co-operation, R.
Heeoher Howell.
The enthusiastic young man who was
cheer leader at the Sunday tabernacle
Friday evening for the Central High
school Is Koliert Patten, son of Altln
Patten of the city clerk's office.
itcsder Patten mounted a seat In the
renter of th tabernacle and the way
he led hla crowd with movements of his
arm won tho admiration of "Billy" Bun
day, who watched and listened with keen
It's Wonderful How
Resinol Stops Itching
To those who have endurms for yean
the itching torments of ecsema or other
such skin-eruptions, tho relief that th i
first use of Iteslnol
ointment and Resinol
Soap gives Is perfectly
Incredible. After all the
suffering they have en
dured and all the useless
trestments they havo
spent good money for.
they cannot believe anything ao simple,
mild and Inexpensive ran atop th Itch
ing and burning INSTANTLY! And
they find it still more wonderful thst
the Improvement Is permanent and that
Resinol really drives away the eruption
completely In a very short time. Terhaps
there Is a pleasant surprise Ilk this In
store for you. Resinol Olntanent an I
Iteslnol Soap ar aold by alt druggist.
Trial free, writ to Dept. 8-R, rtoslnu!,
Baltimore, Md. Advertisement.
The kidneys are the most overworked
organs of the human body, and when
they fall In their work of tillering out
and throwing off tho polsona developed
In tha system, things begin to happen.
One of the first wern.nga is pain or
stiffness In the lower part of the ba-k;
highly colored urine: loss) of appetite;
Indigestion; Irritation, or even ione in
the bladder. These symptom indicate
a condition that may lead to that dread
ed and fatal malady. Bright' Disease,
for which there is aaht to ha no cure.
You can almost certainlv find Im
mediate relief In. GOLD MEDAL Haar
lem Oil Capsules. Fur mora than lud
yeara this famous preparation haa been
an unfailing remedy for all kidney, blad.
dor and urinary troubles. Get It at anv
drug store, and If It doe not aiv you
almost Immediate relief, your money
will lie refunded. Prices, 85c, 50o and
11.00. Be ur you ret the OOJI
M EDA I, brand. None other genuine.
"That Economy
less aa an - a)
You $200
September 1
Chriataia Gift Dcrabr 1
Vufue's solution of the Christmas
ritt problem. A sew idea
Christ Number December IS
More gifts and prsctical ideas lor
liolidar eatertinuif
Listeria Number
January 1
Fine linen lor personal ass snd lor
the household
Motor and Souther a January IS
The sew fsahinas in motor cars snd
the new wardrobe lot th southern
Forecast of Spring Fashions Fab.1
Earlieel authentic news oi spring
sines. Fully illustrated
Spring Millinery February IS
Hits, bonnets, snd toques iron lbs
UmiHis milliners oi Paris
Spring Pattern
March t
Work ins models lor Tour Spring sn4
bummer Wardrobe