4 A rilK OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: SEPTEMBER 12, 1915. The Moral Leper is Grilled by Sunday at the Big Tabernacle Saturday Evening I ADVANCE AGEFT FOR "BILLY" SUNDAY LEAVES TODAY. Bayi that Moral Sin it Jutt the Sane m a Man Who it Stricken with Leprosy. GIVES WARNING TO THE YOUNG "Billy" Sunday preached laat night on The Moral Leper," taking his tet. "But th Man Wss a Lrper " The raa gvlist aaid: I hav sometime tried ta Imagine my self In Damascus on wlfw day. and have seen a man riding on a hnra richly caparisoned with trappings of (old and silver, and ha himself clothed In gar ments of the finest fabrics and th moat costly, but with a faoe ao aad and mel ancholy that It would cause the beholder to turn and took a second and third time And a man unaccustomed to aurh went might have been heard to make a re mark like Una: "How unequally Vod aecma to divide hla farorat There la a man who rides and othera walk; he I clothed to Crtetly garment: they are al moet naked while ho la welt fed," and they contrast the difference between the man on tha horse and the othera. If we July knew the breaking hearta of the poil we envy we would pity them from the bottom of our sou la. I waa bring driven through a suburb of Chicago by a real estate man who wanted to aell I no a lot, lie .waa telling' me who lived here and who lived there, and what an honor It would be for me and my children to poaeeea a home there. Wa ware driving part a home that muat have coat tion.ooo and ha aold: "That houeo la owned by Mr. Ro-and-eo. lie la one of our multl-mllllonalrea, and tie and hla wife have been known to Uva In that say? "ah. this U bo sudden.'' That la all a bluff; you have been waiting for It all the time. "ome Pointed qaeatloaa, Iut, girls, never mind now, get down to facta. When he axka you that nrrnt est question, the moat Important one that any girl la ever asked, next to the ealvatlnn of her aim I, Juat any; "Kit down and let me aak you three queatlon. I want to ak you the three uretlnn and If I am satisfied wlrh your answer It will determine my answer to your quratKin. 'I 'Id you believe mo to be vlr ttioua when you nm here to ark me to home of Infamy, where three montha later he died, away from hla wife, away from virtue, away from morality, hi nnme synonymous with all that la vile. What difference did It make that he hnd power over men when you might aum up hla life In my text. "Hut he waa a leper." What difference did It make? I pity that boy or girl from the depth of my aoul, who, If ynu aak, aro you willing to be a Christian, will answer; ".Mr. Punday, I would like to be, but If I tell that at home my father will ahuae I n .f, my mother will aneer at me. If I ! were I would have no encouragement to ptafut lnd flffht the hnfll " I nllv from be yovr wlfer " "Oh. ea. T believe you Ul dph, ,(f my ,oll ,hnt or tht to be virtuoua. Thate the reaaon I I tnBt h a ,,, ke that. With camo he re. VloleU dipped In dew would ! wonitn ,lk(, t,t i homc a ftf,v. be as cow fodder or.mpared to you." Tha j mother would be a God-send If aha had second quest lm: "Have you aa a young religion. man lived as you demand of me aa a I The Vnelean Life. girl, that I should have lived?" The rnc,Pan! m.ppoee every young man third nueatlnn: "If I. aa a girl, had lived I , ,,mHh. .ho . ,.-, i. .... ,m. pellet and compelled by aome uncon trol'ahle Impulse over which he had no power to make puhlio revelntione of hla aln' LKin the atreet he comes In hla j and done aa you, aa a young man, nnd you knew It, would you aak me to marry you?" t Will Take the toaal. They will line up and nlno time out of ten they will tnke the count You can lire them up, and I know what I am talking about and I defy any man on God a mo. auto and you apeak to him from the curbstone and he will aay: "Unclean! ITnolean!" Yonder he cornea walking down the atreet. Huppoae that to every rth to successfully contradict , ,nd woman ha meeta he la Impelled have tho good. The average ln'1 oompelled to make publlo rovela- j young man I more particular about the I tiong of the fact that he la a leper. company lie kee p than the average girl, ""I'l1""" erry young woman ia impciieu I II tall you. If he moHn aomebody on !,'nd compelled to make puhlio revelattone tha atreet whom he doesn't want t' meet lie will duck Into the first open doorway and avoid tho publicity of meet ing her, for fear she might smile or give fl IndlrMBtlitr, fh.t mhm ti.,1 ..M.n htm nnuohi.,! r.A ,.-.11,.. ik.t (the doorhell and aha cornea down tr.. j, i , . .aaya: "Unclean! Un n vu - wiaiv Bill fif--)ji aJUIIl' ggXW I . ; aaiaUXaaS at your church la read tha prayera." Abe' wife aald: "It lan't the church, 'l a the life we lead." And the devil aa-l to Abe: "Tou run thla ranch: glva or a blowing up; let her understand wet run thla thing." Hut the Lord aald "Abe, you are a preacher and your wife haa more religion In her little finger than you have In your old careaea. Y"ou are a preacher. He a man." Ho he went out to the anhhoppera. f Id you ever see one of thoae ahhoppera? It I a thing you build with four aides, amnll at the boitom land w.th an angle of forty-five degreea, and yon will fill It with hickory aahea. ann pour water on me aunt ana ine mater percolate through the aahea and make lye, and they make aoap out of It. A lot of folk can make "He" wlth oue uahe or aoap. They uc4 to make that kind of aoap when I waa a boy. Ho Abo went behind tho old aahhopper and aald: ' Kllra. forgive me. You have more religion In your little finger than I have In my whole body." He went back to the houae and threw hla arma around the old woman and klaaed her. And when the devil cornea around to , A he he aaya: "Aah-hopper! aah-hoppcr! aflh-hopper! On, my kneea behind th aah-hopper I fought the battle and bea. the devil." (Copyright, William A. Sunday.) houae for montha and never apeak to l panr wtlh young men whoae character of the fact that ahe la living a life of In. Homebody clae pa' for her clothea , nnd her board. Huppoae that aome young man who I Uvea a good life calla upon her and ring and do not coma near leat you be con taminated." There are lota of meral aleeping apartment, and montha coma nnd go by and they never apeak to one another." My thought hurried back to the little flat In Chicago that we called our home and where we have lived for aerenteen yeaia. I had pair rent enough to pay for It. There waan't much In It; I could load It In two furniture vane, maySe three, counting the piano, but I would not trade tho happinrae and the. )or and the love of that little flat for that palatial home and the aorrow and the thlnga that want with It. Aa you are driving along the atreet and a man mho waa Intimately acquainted with the akelotona that are In every fam ily ahould tell you the aecreta of them all, of that hoy who haa broken hla father's heart by being a drunkard, a lg-leg gambler, and that girl who haa gone aatray, and that wife who la a com mon drunkard, mnde an by aoclely, and the father himself, who waa alao a alnner. I.eproay and fin. v"But he waa a leper." That dlaeaae, peculiar to the orient, la exceedingly loathaome and aa I atudy Ita pathology f am not avirprlned that Hod used It a a type of ain. A man who la able to understand till dlaeaae. Ha beginning and Ita progress, might be approached bv a in a a who waa thua afflicted and might aay to blm. Hurry! Hurryl Show your self to the priest for the cleansing by the iloHalo law." "Why?" aaya tha man thua addreaaed, "what la the troutoleT" The other man would aay,' "Do you aee the a pot on our hand? Hurry and ahow youreelf to the priest." But the man auya, "That la only a feater, only a water blister; only a pimple, nothing more. There la no ocraaion to be alarmed. Tou are unduly agitated and excited for my welfare." Thoae aorea are only few now, but It spread and It ta flrat upon the hand, then upon tha arm, and from the arm It goes on until It laya hold of every nerve, artery, vein, with Ita allmy coll, and contlnuea until the rotten disintegra tion of the parts takes place and they drop off. nd then It la too lata, But tha man who waa concerned aaw tha be ginning of that, not only the and. but tha beginning. He looked yonder and aaw the end. too. That la the reaaon why you hurry when you . get evidence of tho dlaeaae. Bo I aay to you, young man, don't you go with that Godless, good-for-nothing gang, that blaspheme and aneer at religion, that bunch of character aaaaaaina; they will make of your body a door mat to wipe their feet upon. Don't go with that bunch; I heard you awear. I heard you aneer at religion; atop, or you will be come a etaggertng, muttering, bleary eyed, foul-mouthod, down and outer, on your way to helL I aay to you, atop! or you will go reeling down to hell. breaking your wlfe'a heart and wreck 1ng your children's Uvea And what have you got to ahow for It? What have you got to ahow for It? A Maralac tho Yaaair Don't you go, my boy; don't you laugh at that atnulty etory wtlh a double moan ing. Don't go with that gang. But you aay to me, "Mr. Sunday, you are unduly excited for mjo welfare. I know you email liquor on my breath, but I never expect to become a drunkard. I never expect to become an outcaet. Wall, you are a foot Tou are a fool. No man ever Intended to become a drunkard. Kvery drunkard started out to be simply a moderato drinker. The fellow that telle me that he can leave It alone when he wants to Ilea, It la a lie. If you can, why don't you leave It alone? You will never let It alone. If you could, you mould. My boy, hear me, I have walked along the ehoree of time and have seen the in atrewn with the wreck of thoae who have drifted In from the aeaa of luali and paaaion, and are fit only for danger clonal to warn the coming raoe. iu v " 11 ' II 'unr, VI IA lull vKH. I each other. They each have aeparate would make a black mark on a piece of B,' ,i JT , " , T.t apartment, each ha. a aeparat. retinue anthracite. Their character, are foul "-.V . S I h of aervanta. each a dining room and and rotten and damnable. ' I like to aee , , ",?A -,. a girl who Ima a good head choose rlKht Rnd fceip j, wlUl thero- Thty open Joy in religion, you have got a leak In beeauae it In right, never minding the th door to tne morhI lper mA h, corTHS, : your religion. Some haven't religion fellow today goea to church and Juat get religion enough to make him miser able, take an old fellow In Iowa came to me and aald, " 'Bill,' I have been to hear you every night and you have done me a lot of good. I ueed to cue my old woman every day, and I ain't cuaaed her for a week. I am getting a little better." The trouble with many men la that they have Juat got enough religion to make them miserable. If there la no that you left unpaid I might Jerk off a piece of clothing. If I did, aome of you fellows would not have anything on but a celluloid collar and a pair of eocka. Borne of you have not got religion, him if he will live the way you want I the father, there will be aln In the boy; him to you will go with blm. If you j If there ia aln in the mother, there will would take a atand Ilka that there I b aln In the daughter; if there la aln In wouldn't be ao many wreck. If our the sinter, there will be aln In the ale women and git la would lake higher ' ter; by your Influence you will spread It. erltldam. Choose tho good and be care- ' M(, ,,t, wKn your asU(,hteri ,n(1 mny enough to pay their debts. Would that ful of her conduct, careful of good com- . ot you Know th(lt they Br- morai i,pera. ' I might have a hook and for every debt pny ana gooa conauci ana Keep com- AtuJ many a fool girt will marry a biped pany ultli'a good young fellow. Don't , iju that go wtlh a fellow whose reputation la bad j rhrlm nre the thlnga we are up against Everybody knowa It I bad. and If you I nowaday that so-called "Modesty." nre cen wtfh him you Will lone your I Ij,Drov la an Infeetloua dlaejiae: It I reputation aa well, although your virtue the germ of aln. If there la evil in you ; TOUU" " "TO ranuiy prayer. . la Intact, and they might aa well take I the evil will dwelt In othera. When we of 'rou op, hven't got religion you to the graveyard and bury you when do wrong we Inaplre othera-and your j "S to take the beer bottlea out of your reputation la gone. If a man. like , Uvea acatter dlaeaae when you come In 1 J .eU' and , hrow them ijn .the alley that aak. you to go with him. My f, ' contact with other.. If there I. .In In roub,e w'h J? th".V y1,"' with making money, with your lodges, and each and every one is ao dependent on the other, that you are Beared to death to come out and live clean cut for Ood Almighty. You have not fully surrendered yourself to Ood. The matter with a lot of you people la that your religion ia not complete. You have not yielded yourself to Ool and gone out for Ood and Ood' a truth. Why, I am almost afraid to make aoma folk, laugh for fear that I will be ar rested for breaking a coatly piece of antique brto-ar-brao. You would think that If aoma people laughed It would break their face. To aee some you would think that tho eaeentiai of ortho dox ChrleUanlty la to have a face bo long you oould eat oatmeal out of the end of a gas pipe. Slater, that la not religion; I want to tell you that tho happy, smiling, eunny-faced religion will win more people to Jeaua Chrlat than tho miserable, old grim-faced kind will in ten year I pity anyone that can't laugh. There muat be something wrong with their re'.iglon or their liver. The devil can't laugh. Oh, laugh and the world laughs with BIG DEMAND. FOR EXHIBIT SPACE AT MADISON FAIT MADISON", Neb., Sept. JL Speclal.) A large force ot men and team have been busy all week putting the finishing touchca on tho race track and bulldlnga for the county fair, which opens next Tuesday. There la every Indication of the biggest fair In the hUtory of the aa aorlatlon. Request from horse, cattle and hog breeders are eo numerous that the regular atable room la now entirely exhausted and additional room la being provided. Show .tuff will be given the preference and aale animal, will take the temporary quarter. The poultry, farm produce, culinary, fancy work, art and achool department, promise to sur pass former yearsv and superintendents In charge have requested additional room for display purpoaea. Running racea and motorcycle racea will be a special fea ture. A fast game of ball will be played each day. Battle Creek, Newman Grove, Madison and Comlea contesting. These teams are among the strongest amateur teams In this aectlon of the state. Dr. Condra of the Nebraska Stale university will exhibit hla moving ptcturea. Th Madiaon Commercial Club band, led by Rev. Father Muenlch, will provide music A special prise of t-'O will be divided among the three rural echooi dietrlcts sending In the largest delegation In pro portion to the achool population. Any one residing in the district la eligible to be counted and credited to the district In which they live. The money will be divided aa follows: First prlie, H2; aec ond prise, t; third prise, K. oea frnn Beatrice. BEATRICE, Neb.. Pept. 11. (Special.) The Nebraska Gaa and Electric company will begin rebuilding and extending Ita llnea In Olenover, West and Bbuth Beat rice and North Ninth .tract In a few daya. Mlsa I -aura Mayer, who waa appointed stenographer for the Supreme Court com mission at LJncoln, Friday, la a daughter of Mayor and Mrs. J. W. Mayer of thla city. Frank Rartoa. ar., father of former Senator Frank Bartoe of Saline county. died at hla home at Wliber, aged SI yeari f. C. Crocker, a stock raiser of Flliey, Friday purchased one of the Duroc-Jer-aey prise male hogs at the atate fair fot hla herd. The animal ia 2 ycara old and weighs l.Ofl) pound. County Treasurer Andrew Anderaen If laaulng about BOO dlstresa warrants to cn force th payment of delinquent personal taxes. Ed C. Wille. a farmer living alx mllei north of Beatrice, waa called to Nortl Bend. Ind., today by the death of hii mother, Mr. Minnie Wllle, a pioneer ol that atate. She waa 73 years of age. The body of Mre. John O.batigh. a for mer Beatrice resident, who died Septan bar at Billing. Mont., waa brought hert Friday for Interment. Mr. Oabaugh re aided in thla city until 1896, when she lo cated at Billing with her husband- Bee Want Ada Produce Result Jul! & oons co. o)OGERS 1515 HARNEY I ,BBaasM,ll is., sfc f nf" ' sa uick Meal Ranges APEX ELECTRIC WASHING MACHINES Wa will demonstrate this ma chine In jxiur own home and If you axe not convinced that it is the best on the market we just haul it back. When buying a range you might just as well buy a standard make. The Quick Meal has been sold by us more than 15 years and has always given satisfaction. Today they are better than ever and they do not cost any more than you pay for some other cheaper make. Prlcea as low as $42.00. Sold on payments if desired. Radiant Homo Base Burners Look out! We may have an early Fall and you will want your stove In a, hurry. Better make arrangements for It now. We will deliver It when you are ready for it. I1 tanda and any, "No, no, we will not keep company with you unleas you llvs the way we want you to," tners would be better man. Iafeetloaa Disease. Iiproay la an Infectious disease like typhoid fever, emallpox or diphtheria, and goes through a community Ilk an epidemic; when on leper eomea In oon eact with th clean, he becomes Infected. And so It Is with sin. Bin begins In so called Innocent flirtation. The old, God forsaken scoundrel of a llbertln. who If you live th wrong way you will drag aomebody else to perdition with you aa vou go, and kindred ties will fa cilitate It. Street Fllrtatloaa. supposing all your hearts were open. Supposing we had glaaa doors to our hearts, and ws could walk down th atreet and look In and ae where you have been, and with whom you fcav been and what you have been doing. A great many of you would want stained glaaa and heavy tapestry to oover them. look, upon .very woman a. l.gltimat. 1 ould pu ! r?,h' nrev foe hi. lu.t. win ,t.mT.,... . ' PU rlng or push a button and community, on. drunk.rd .taggerln. and ! rd.UcV" "TL r pemon w, TZSTfiZt 'OWn ' and MrTr-Vfe-a; U ,7and he to perdition will debauch a town. i .,., .. .. Wht Bo with th. boy. H will .it at your I" ,,:,. ,.. bee.. tabl and drink beer, and I want to tell ,' ' " .1 w k h -r,k. Here you If you are low down enough to serve . . v. . . ,.. hnrae beer and win In your home, when yot .... , theM ap, the things that serve it you ar aa low down as th . m of Society saloon keeper, and I don't care. whether . -., n the street. you do It for society or for anything else. If you serv liquor or drink you ar a low down as th saloonkeeper In my opinion. So th boy who had not grit enough to turn down hla glaaa at tho banquet and refuee to drink la now a blear-eyed, a Utgger I ng, vermin-covered drunkard, reeling to helL II couldn't takea no not of flirtation on the street. It waits until the girl has lost her vir tue and then alams the door In her face. It take, no aote of that -young man drinking at a banquet labl; It wait, tintll he become, a binary-eyed drunk kard and then It will elam the door In hla face. It takea no note of card-play-little cream pitcher. atand the aneer. of the crowd: many" " - -m, it rJta until a fellow .tarted out to play card, for' m wer and then It .lama bean, and tonight n would stak hU dlK)r ,n your ,aC6. Qod says. "Look soul for a show down. Th. hols In the , ta ,h, ginning for tha thing." gambling UN to not very big; It la about .,. taUc, no not ot th beginning. a w ...v.v w uvumr uirousn, wrts untll it becomes vice, ana vncn but It la big enough to .hove your wife clvlo righteouaneaa cluba. through; big enough to ahov. your hP-alt xack. to the beginning and do your wa viirvugn, yvur nome mrougn; your salary, your character; Juat big enough to .hove everything that la dear to you In thla world through, th little .olid top of th tat) la. Tot. K lade of Leatrway, Llaton to me. Bad aa It I. to be af flicted with phyalcaj leprosy, moral lep- work there. and the rophet The aervant of Naaman entered the quill on papyrua. The servant down iow .nd aald. "The great and mighty Naa- , ,nn r.oialn of the hosts of the king ot rosy Is 10.000 tima. worse, I don't ear pyrla, awaits thee. Unfortunately h la If you ar th richest man In th town, . . ,, .nii ran not entr your auguat th biggest taxpayer In Douglas county, preMnoe. n has heard of the mlracu th biggest politician In th cnngreaelonal ,ou, curr, that you hav wrought and h district or In th atata. I don't car a hopt, to become the recipient of your rp If you carry th political vote, and ' power " The old prophet of Ood tells If you can change th vol convention' hlm. If after your worldly career is closed I .T'en hlm t0 dip seven time In the my text would make you a fitting p!Uph j jordan-beat It. beat it." Th aervant for your tombstone and obituary notice j clun(, out , Naaman. who was sitting In th papers, then what difference would It mak what you had don "He was a lepar." He wa a great politician but "II wa a leper." What difference would It makaT 111 tell you, I was never mora Inter eated in my life than In reading th atory ( My -Matter la nonexistent; It la an Illusion of your mind, my dear fellow. Why didn't you 'phone me from Datnas- cua and I would hav given you absent treatment." Poor old cua alttlng away "matter nonexistent you Just Imagtn you hav leprosy." Naaman waa wroth. Ilk. many a fellow today. God reveale to th sinner in plan of salvatlun and Inatead of thank- of an old confederate colonel who waa a sticker for martial discipline. One day h had a trifling caa of Insubordina tion. He ordered hi men to halt, and he had tha offender shot Thy dug the grave and he gave th command to march, and they had stopped Just three minutes by th clock. At the cloa of th war they made him chief of police of a southern city, and h waa ao vile and corruptible that the people aroq log Ood for salvation and doing what I ha . ihni in ,io. thev damn Ood and ordered his dUmlaeal Then a great d .v.rybody for bothering them, earthquake swept over the city and the , the time will come alien it will get you. I People ruahed from their homea and Titke it from me. lv, n't. to to that dance. Don't you know thut It 1 th moat damnable, low down liifelilulkiu on rtu face of Ood' mrth, tl.ul it causes mure ruin than anything this side of hell. Don't you go uith that young man; don't you go to I hat dame. "Ita are Sae w froaa Hell. That ta ahy we hav ao many whlp- thouaanda ot people crowded the street and there Waa great excitement. Hkrs "Alfcnrl" Failed. Rome asked, "Where ia the colonel?" and they aaid, "Vou will find him In one of two or three placee." So they aeanhed and found hint in a den of Infamy. He waa ao drunk that he dlda't realise the danger he waa In. They led him out. then put him on a anow-whll hore. put hla apura on hla boots and hla regtmentala Weop and you weep alone; I Ta eaav enough to be pleasant When Ufa goea a'ong with a song. Rut the man wrrth, while la the man who can emiln When everything goea dead wrong. j I wish to Ood tho church were as afraid ot imperfection as It la of per fection. The Flrat Grafter. Naaman dipped himaelf acven time. In tho Jordan, "and hi. flesh came again Ilk. unto the flesh of a little child, and he was clean." He offered Elleha of the store of gold snd other precious metals, but th prophet would not ts. any of It. But Oehasi. servant to Ellsha, counted the goodfl, and ran after Naa man. saying that Ellsha had changed hla mind. Naaman dumped a pile of It . L . . - - m.,k thla th 1en- hut of th prophet Ellaha and found him . rf Najnn ,nfectd Oehaal. He waa sitting on a high atool writing with flrK mttvr mentioned In the Bible. I aaw a woman that for twenty-aeven years had been a madam, and I saw her com down th alale. cloae her doore turn them out of her house and live for Ood. I aaw enough converted In one town where there were four houaea to cloa their door; they wr empty; they had all fled home to their mother. Listen to me and I am throuth. Out In Iowa a fellow came to me and spread a napkin on the platform a napkin a big aa a tablecloth. He said: "I want a lot of shavings and sawdust." "What for?" "I'll tell you; I want enough to mak a soft pUlow to hav something In my home to help me think of Ood. I don't want to forget Ood. or that I was saved.' Can you glva me enough T" I said: "Tea. indeed, and if you want enough to make a mattress, all light; take It; and if you want enough of the ' tent (I waa preaching in a tent them,, to make a pair of breechea for each of the boya, why take your scissors and cut It right out if It will help you to keep your mind on Ood." That is why I like to have people come down to the front and publicly acknowledge Ood. I like to hav a titan hav a definite experience la religion. Something to remember. , t'oafadlas the Devil. I one read of a preacher. who used to quarrel with hla wife. That waa before he became a preacher; no one can quar- , rel with hla wife after he becomes a preacher. Abe and hla wife used to fight on hla hone. "Well, ta he at home?" "He'a at home, but h'a a queer duck." Naaman thought that Ellaha would come out and pat the aorea and aay lit- cantattone. like an Indian medicine man, The Benson & Thorne Co. The whole of next week, (From Monday at 8 a. m. until Saturday at 9 p. m.) will be devoted to the Exhibition of New Fall and Winter Styles CVERY clerk understands; every stock AO IU uc ouuvvu, ejuyic ICllUCllUlCS Will U explained; Mirror fittings and other aids will be gladly accorded every guest. TVTE realize that women want to look V and study the details of their ward robe before making purchases a very necessary thing this year in view of the great variety of styes and we trust that this opportunity will afford them that convenience. IK & m IMHv1 I t w fWm -"asWsNaJSi.. VJ) 1616-18-20 Farrum Street. mr aim Tha "laa of rler (ome men ought to be hurled out cf society; they ought to be kleked out of churches, and out of politics, and every ther plac where decent men llv orUr1M Ab WM n E,,c0paUan anj I ortt'ill a-idows around the oountrv! thev married s-.m of these mutta to reform ! ' pinned a atar on his breast them, and Instead ot doing that the un dertaker got them. I aay. young girl, 6-n't o to that dance; It haa proven to bo the moral graveyard that caused more ruination than anything that was ever spewed out of ike mouth of hell. Don't ft with that young fellow for a joy rid and put a cockade on hla head and aald to him: "Colonel, 1 command you aa mayor of th elty to quell th riot Tou hav supreme authority." He rode out among the people to quell there, spurring th whll side of th hoi s until tha crimson flowed out, and ha rode In Hnd nut .maiiv tK. aiirv.n iti... rt at midnight, if a young fellow cam up 1 numauUy aud a.ktd my g.rl to tak her joy-Hding . H, out nictM h a u mldnliil.t, I would knock him oft tha command her- torrent r obacontty leee of ti. tarth. I tell you If automo- ' there and Id twenty-five minutes allllness U i.r,d carriages couat UJlt tbar would of death reigned In City Rqi.are. ir sjujfthii.g doing. . j irreatly did they fear him, ao wonderful riris, whn aome young fellow cornea hU piwer over lueu. lie Uien fjde out. i to you and a. you the greatest ' dismounted, took off hla cockade, tore the ...i.tla thiU you will ever be aaked or atar from hla breest and threw It down, . .. d "Vou U- gnawer, neit to the talva- threw off U'm r-rt'io-nlHl.-i. ti-ok off hU -.a tt auur ot awul, t.t would you jSv wrd. Imn lie ataa.ircd pu k to the asaoctat. And I want to lift tha burden tonight from th head of th unoffend ing womanhood and hurl It on the head of unoffending manhood. So ciety needa a new division ot an athemaa. Tou hurl the burden on the head of the girl, and the double dyed, licentious ecoundrel that cauaed her ruin la received In society with open anna, while the gill Is left to hang her head and spend her llfo In sham. iter is a man who wanta to be a Chris tian. What will he do? Will be go aak aome old aaloon keeperT Will he go aak some of thea old brewereT Will be ask aome of the fellow of th town? Where alll he go? To the preacher, of course. I la la the man to go to whn you want to be a ChrlatUn. Uo to a doctor whan you ar sick, to a blarkaiulth whan your bora la to b ahod, but go to a preacher when you want your heart fixed. tieia Tito Little Hellalaa. h Naaman goea Into the muddy water and the water be ins to lubrirale thoae old tores un 1 It t,.''n' to Itch, and be Mi.. "Hue, V.I.M." a )oun hla wife waa a Methodist. Abe aald t hla wife: "See here, all they do doan I i 1 i4r.ffik.4t.-,- LV5rrn:jr.T..iit:ni Chambers Dancing Academy 25th and Farnam Streets. The Home of 'The Dance" Opens Monday, September 20. Ak-Sar-Ben Dances .A'' ;' ',T' V W. . CHAMBEhS ' Enroll NowPhone Doug. 1871 To those who are desirous of learning the new dances Tor the Ak-Snr-Ten Ball, Mr. Chambers wight s to announce thnt he will give instructions at the academy at any time before the opening of tho academy, which is on Monday, September 20th. Call Douglas 1S71 for appointment. Among the new dances to be taught by Mr. Chambers pre three t-tandardizod dances, viz.: the National One-Stop, the Waltz Walk and the A. N. A. Fox TVot. Among the new novelty dances to bo given are the Jitney Jog, the Du Surkn and the Kl-Camino. Private classes can be arranged at the academy, in home and out of the city. Spe cial clases arranged for ladies, gentlemen and children. 5S