THK OMAHA ' SUNDAY iYkK:' siTFAIUKU ' J2. wfo. SOCIAL CENTERS IN THE SCHOOLS i YOUNGSTERS' CHEERING MAKES HIT WITH SUNDAY The enthusiasts young man who u cheer leader at the Sunday tabernacle Friday evening for the Central High I school Is Robert Patten, son of Aivln Eecreation Board to Bequest School ! Fatten of the city clerk-, office. m-mrnyt-f I Bum im.ulllt'U ill inw center of the tabernnole and the wajr he led his crowd with movements of his srms won the admiration of "Blllr" Sun day, who watched and listened with keen Interest, rmnrC fV Tlir nMTP.PnflM Wednesday evening. Dancing anj card vi liiu nniirnvvut pi playing were the feature of the evening Mr. Hoatwkk. the new district manager. made his first appearance and mad, a t... r. r xn reserve, the nr" pp viuifi ... ,ort Ulk. CnBr.t Hackly, captain of the Board for Use of Five Build ings for That Purpose. OPEN THREE EVENINGS A WEEK Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of Its Organization. "That young chap Is no cheerless The Recreation board Will go be- loader." remarked a man near the press fore the Board of Education with a section. request for the use of five to eight ; school buildings for social center pur- H iTllK WAR HOHSK nr.. dnrlnv a iwrinil nf flva tnnnths 11 U Vl 1J II fill llVllUlJ " " " - " " - , leglnnlng next month. If the school officials grant the rt quest It Is the purpose of the Recreation board to suggest that the janitor service, heat and light be fur r.ished by the School board and the Recreation board assume responsi bility for care of the school property und furnish supervision and direction for the various social center activi ties. The plan Is similar to that adopted In other cities. It Is proposed to organise dramatic clubs, choral societies, neighborhood or chestras and other groups as neighbor hood conditions may suggest. The plan contemplates keeping these renters nnfn thrpA vpnlnE a week. In a measure these Indoor social centers I order s P"ha.P the largest ever under ORDER COMES HERE Ben Franklin Returns to Omaha with Instructions to Secure $300,000 Worth, FOR ONE OF WARRING NATT0N9 Three hundred thousand dollars' worth of horseflesh Is the order brought back from Denver by Bon Franklin, Omaha and St. Louis horse nan who lives at the Millard. Franklin went to Ienver last week to dicker for the business and he came back nlsht. wreathed In smiles.. The degree tram, made an xtcndiMl addrew. I on Yeomanshlp. which met with the 'hearty approval of the members of lA .. . . - . , ' Next Wednesday evening Omaha home- MAMX lUJUUtiWlfl AULflUJUH-I. .tead will give the first of Its winter j scries of dances In Rnrlght hall. ; Beech camp. Modern Woodmen of ' I America, observed 1U silver anniversary Med ere, V ne4siea at Assert. ' last Friday ntKht. the affair closing with ; n . . a bumiuct at the Hotel Home, where cov ers wer laid for somo 4"0. Among those about the board were several of the char er members. Of these a counted the early days of the camp an' R. M. camp No. C, modern Wood mn of America, has a committee at work preparing for tho largest and most prv- number re- ,'",,ou entertainment la Its history. Th e camp and dM h not brrn but the event nine place some time nct month In one told of the Initiations conducted under 1. k , . .V . .. . . . .tt c,lt r ,n ordinary stunts will be pulled t the time was the organ.ier and state . , . , , , At m"tlnit 't Tuesday evening will replace the recreation centers which have been maintained In the parka the last few months. TVi j now irhnnl hnlMlnva tiavik AMem- My room, and social center organisation. ; fnk11? w" " y to aay , ' . . ,. . , . . 2,000 animal, will be required. Iw l a . c utril 1 11T 1 1 1 1 Q III BC.riBI IIUUI, V I a year and more. The Uea in Omaha started at the Monmouth Park school. taken by a s ng e horsebuyer In the coun try since the war. The an. i). sis are to be sent to one of the warring nations which one Mr. About required, however. and Mr. Franklin expects to pay a f.g ure In excess of the market In order to have them ready for lmmedate delivery. He will assemble his horses at Omaha and ship them from here. The military agent with whom Frank lin dealt Is making extensive purchases of horses In the southwest also, but he left tho bulk of h.s business with Franklin. Various Affairs in Social World During Last Week The wedding of Miss Christine Jose phine Swanson and Mr. Wllhelm Otto LilJenBtolpe was celebrated Wednesday evening, September 8, at the home of the bride, at Forty-first and Ixard streets. Hev. Mr. Larmar of the Lafayette Luth eran church and Rev. Mr. Llndberg of the Immanuel hospital performed the ceremony In the presence of relative. r v Thw wh ,Kmh and a few close friends. The youag Qmaha a hort af(j on an auto Wp Mrs, William Thaw is Visiting Here; to Remain Sunday Mrs. Mary Copley Thaw, mother of couple left the same evening for the west. They will be at home after Octo- 11 9. In flm aha Mr. and Mrs. C. C. H.ll of Nebraska I"1'8 aKA" Ccka' hartn. com. direct City celebrated their sixtieth wedding an- fromJ Ptbh Dr. A. B Marshall nlversary Monday evening at the home President of the Presbyterian Theological of their daughter. Mrs. John B. Summers, nilnary. to which Mrs. Thaw has .ub and Mr. Summer.. Mr.. W. W. Hills and i crlb vtry met ner l tna Fon- Mrs. T. II. Wilson were the Omaha jtenelle. where she Is .laying, and took to the Pacific coast, has arrived In Omaha with Mrs. KdwanJ Stoner and guests. Mrs. T. B. Norrls announce, the en gagement of her daughter, Edith Gordon, to Mr. George W. Pratt. The wedding will be celebrated In October. Cosmos lab to Met. Mrs. William Haas will be hostess at her with her party to the seminary. 6 he met the faculty and board of direc tors and their wives at the home of Rev. Marshall yesterday afternoon, and will probably stay In Omaha over Sunday. Mrs. Thaw refused to aay anything to the newspaper men who tried to see her the meeting of the Cosmos club Thurs- at the Fontenelle, merely remarking to day afternocn at her home. The olub will . them as she entered her auto that she be reorganized for the coming year at this meeting. Tho Le Mars club will give a series of dances this winter. The opening party j will be given September 29, at Turpln's I academy. Those in charge of arrange ments are Messrs. Adrian Lund, Jack McCarthy, Jay Collins, Robert Heath and Vlnce Smlthro. ' 4 th '-l-ld rinb. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kelly entertained six guests at dinner Saturday evening at the Field club; H. O. Edwarde, twelve; never talked to reporters. Mrs. Thaw is probably going to tho coast to Join her son. Negro Under Bed Causes a Racket The home f Jerry Connelly, 2250 Pierce street, waa entered last night by a negro, , who got away again, but not until he had A. V. Khotwell, four; L. M. Pegau six; caused lots of excitement. J. W. Hughes, four, and Joe Shlreman, I Mr. and Mrs. Connelly, with their four. Mr. and Mr.. E. H. Howland enter tained at dinner lost evening at the Fle'.d club. Covers were placed for: Meser. and Mesdames Alex; ndrr Buchanan R. B Rogers. J. L. Buker, . William 11. Wood. H. O. Csborne, Mrs. "W. Wood, Chicago. At th" c.nniry C'lnh. Others entertaining at dinner last evening at the Country club were: H. O. Moorhead. who had six guests, and O. W. Wattles, six. daughter, Margaret, have their bedroom, on the second floor of the bouse and on the first floor a bedroom 1. occupied by Harry McQuade, a boarder. About 6 o'clock this morning, Margaret, awakened by some noise, called her mother and to gether they started a still hunt for the cause of the racket They did not call Mr. Connelly, but in the hunt they chanced to look under hi. bed and there they beheld a huge and very black negro. They immediately lifted their voice. In piercing shrieks and Mr. Connelly was deputy fr Nebraska. While Reach camp has had many tips and downs, it Is now one ot the strong est ramps In the Woodmen order and Is on tho high road to prosperity. Woodmea of the Wrl4. A union meeting of all camps In South Omaha I. scheduled for Wednesday even ing at McCrann's hall. Twenty-fourth and P street.. Each ramp ha. secured a large number of candidate, for this Joint Initi ation and the Inspiration of a large gath ering of sovereign, of this kind will be a ney sensation for South Omahta Wood men. The Benson drill team will be on hand to do the work, and sea that new members are started properly on the road to perfected woodcraft. It will be a red letter day for Woodmen In South Omaha. Member, of Lithuanian camp No. M enjoyed their picnic at Hlbbler'a park, last Sunday, a large gathering ot Bouth Omaha Woodmen, representatives from all of the camps, being present. The usual social game, were participated In and come real oratory d splayed when expounding the great principles of Wood craft Schiller No. 804, Is arranging for an en tertainment at Its next regular meeting at the German Home. 4 South Thir teenth street, Thursday evening, next F. A. Klenke I. chairman of the committee of entertainment and promise, a royal time to all who attend. Nebraska Llpa No. 1X3, will meet Thurs day evonlng at Thirteenth and Dorca. A large class will be initiated. Sobleskl No. 75 will meet tolay at tl. new hall. Twenty-ninth and Walnut streets, for work. This camp promises active oo-operatlon with other Polish camps in Omaha and South Omaha, Royal Neighbors. Ivy camp. No. 2. and Pansy camp. No. 10, Royal Neighbors of America, will en tertain Douglas County camp Wednes day evening at the Modern Woodmen of America hall. All Royal Neighbors are Invited. Ancient Order Volte Worlnifi, The Ancient Order of United Work men central committee will hold Its flret Joint meeting with Union Paclflo lodge. No. 17, Friday, next, at the temple. Willis E. Reed, attorney general of Ne braska, will be the speaker of the evening. Pythian Knlvhta Meet. Nebraska lodge No. 1. Knights of Pythias, held Its first regular meeting of ( the fall lat Monday evening. The re- j port of the Boosters' committee was ao- i cepted and the recommendations will be i followed. The card contest for the Knlghls only will be started within a few weeks. The lodge plana to start a . membership campaign. The booster com- , mlttca plana to extend to all eligible citizens within the Jurisdiction a per sonal invitation to become members of the order. Dr. Wood, one of the oldest members of the order west of the Allegheny moun tains, made an excellent speech and fin ished with a beautiful poem, which Illus trated that a true Pythian could be of great service to the community In which. he Uvea, Next Monday evening there will be a short session followed by cards and musio. All members should be present. The rank of esquire will be conferred on several candidates. j Amerlean Yeomen. j Omaha homestead No. 1401 of the Broth erhood of American Yeomen gave a watermelon eocl-U at Barlght's hall last the ramp Initiated another large cIhkb of candidates and transacted muth Im portant routine business. Its club moms In the Bee bul.dlng are always open to Its members and all visiting Woodmen. Ladles nf the Mseeabeea. Gate City Hive No. $. ladles of the Maccabees, will hold a apei. meeting at the hall Wednesday afternoon, September 15, at I o cluck. All members are urged tc attend. A MOST KNJOYAUM1 Tltll The two PAIRS and DENVER'S MOUNTAIN PARKS. Nothing like DENVER'S MOUN TAIN PARKS between the two oceans. Write to the ALBANY HOTEL MANAGEMENT, DENVER. t'Ol.O., for a set of their beautiful booklets, FREE, entitled. Summer Frolics In the Rockies," "One Day Scenic Trips Into the Denver Mountain Parks and Resorts," "Denver and Colorado's Mountain Parks and Resorts," "Short Trips Into the Rockies from Denver," and "The Vacation Number of Den ver Commerce. Pontage prepaid. This Factory-to-Home Pi' Sale Saves Yon khml Half Exchange i Pianos Vow A Son, Kn"re a-JOO Hoot A Son 2.V Ariun Sit." 27.1 Miiiloll $11!0 $400 Sclumtllor & Mueller BIDS $.v WcImt SILT aioo HrhmolW & Muollor S1T0 $:I7.1 Stener .V Son 817I t rainer St 50 S!75 Mueller $13." $4o Kmerson $200 fOOO A. It. "ha., (iinnil. .$200 ft, 10O (dickering & Sons, Urniid HOO Mehlin, tJrami $525 fOOO Nrhmollcr A Mueller, riajrer $3?iO fl.OOO Aeollntt Player. . .$150 -f'RFK NTOOU FKKK SCARE FKKK LIFE INSIKAXCK. This treat Piano Bale ha already arraed. In lth sale and Importance, any sale that we have hitherto held. People were qnlcfc to renlire Hie fact that by eliminating all the middlemen's prof lis we nero able to quote price on New Pianos from $75.04) to $130. less thun usually charged. Every llano In tli.s nale, no matter how low priced. Is abso lutely and unconditionally guaranteed. Act promptly If you ned a Piano, n ctcry dny sec some of these Pianos sold off. New Upright Pianos Of Established Reputation. Sweet Tone and Delight ful Action. Latest Style Mahogany, Walnut or Oak Casei. FACTORY TO HOME PRICE $175 Sold on Small Monthly Payments. New Player Pianos From the World's Greatest Manufacturers Completely Equipped. The equal of many $550 Players shown else where. ONLY $395 Sold on Small Monthly Payments. Our enormous Mock of Pianos and Player Pianos Includes snch great makes aa Welnway, Weber, Hardnian, & Son. Emerson, MePhnll, Untie man ft Hons, SrhinoUer a Mueller, and the complete line of Aeolian lliuiola llanos. ISchmoller & Mueller Piano Co. 1850 The Oldest Piano House in the Middle West 1915 Headquarters for Victrolas and Orafonol&s. 1311-13 FARNAM ST. 11 i . i t 1 aw iwtBa:7bAtAa "' ' 'T ' jf! "" snawa iSMi Sfc. i.i,ianist Hi assi Si i Ss ms aAsatasa1 I liTMiSiiiif 1 1 lr- r -MiirtTii I rn i i- r -itstsSI i -ttti ini n mi -n - - ) m r -im m n 1 -i r" --f - i -i - i 11 n ! Ji Our Mammoth New Fall and Winter Stock Now on Display W announce the arrival of our mammoth new 1916 Fall and Winter display of home furnishings. This Is, in every way, a wonder ful exhibition. It Is the large-H collection of new furniture, rugs, car pets, etc.. In both designs and finishes ever shown In America, anil Is on a scale characterise of the Hartman Furniture & Carpet Company, Probably no stock of furniture was ever selected with such great ears, or subject d to so many tests before being offered to tbe public. Our floors are now a vnst exhibition ground, and it will pay you to look them over before you Invest a dollar for furniture. It Is a duty that you owe to your home to get the greatest possible value for your money. We cordially Invite inspection and comparison. Make it a DUTY to get our prices UEFORIS you buy. The fact, that we are the largest buyers and sellers ot home furnishings In the United 8tates arms us with n mighty purchasing power which no other concern can command. It accounts for our superior values In every Instance. Below sre a few sample values. lxok them over. c SPECIAL EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS GLADLY ARRANGED ON ANY PURCHASE mm . I I Judtre and Mrs, D. M. Vinsonhaler had I ' . - .. Jl 1.., I nt the Country dub: Senator and Mrs. Gilbert M. Hitchcock. MIhh Pnth Hltcl-cock. Mr. and Mra. John w. Towla rave a MASSIVR HOTAt. CIRCASSIAN WALNUT PRINCKS3 DRESSER. Tha finish Is ao finely executed that It Is Impossible to tell it from the senulnn. Unse has four roomy drawers, full swelled front and plank top. Mirror la of large sixe. French beveled r- si plate. A wonderful I j value at only THE FAMOUS KROEHLER DAVENPORT BED AND SOFA COMBINED ONLY 22.50 DAVENPORT S5Z I TAWAf f duopold Terms: $2.50 Cash $2 a Month We are offering for this week at an unnsuHiiy attractive pries this Mh grade Bed Davenport. This piece of furniture answers tha purpose nf (im essential pieces; namely, a davenport by iay and a roo-riy, comfir aile 'el at iiIkIii. Kiaue Is maile ol Kfrulne soldi ok and finished fumed. Ths urholstorins; used Is Bpamsh srtllklal le;itluT, over full steel . c f i enHA jRuzurs uy j ejvjUo uso IMi3 V uoiionjjsuoa Supds f nil at this price sV AN BXCKPTIONAI. BAROA1N. IN A STRONOLV CONSTRUCT KD MISSION ROOKK1C Frame Is mails entirely of solid oak, finished fumed. Ilaik aid sent are u-hn'sterd In a-uaranteel Im perial H punish leather. Very roomy and clerlitodly i comfortable. A rocker that win erece any noma, worm double the price we ask for It, and quoted special for... '4.98 Anyone Can Stop Pimples Easily from his downy couch and Into a far corner of the room Just as the unwelcome tsltor emerged from his hiding place. Th negro brandished a revolver and dinner of twelve covers last evening at Connolly made a grab for the nearest the Country club. thins; he could throw. It hapened to be Mr. Robert and Mr. Herbert Connell a large bottle of vaseline. With all his entertained at dinner Saturday evening strength he let It fly. and it struck the a t Vi a rVkiintew ellllt MmnllmpntATV to nm nilftpnlw Ih. k.n K. I Miss Mildred Johnston of Chicago, the and allowing the contents to smear gen- FACXaOB aCAXlVD fill, truest of their sister, Miss Reglna Con- erously about. The aerial bomb had no When a face Is covered with blotches, nell. Covers were placed for twenty ; other effect, however, than to encourage ,,vrr P,, Plmp'es. blackheids. etc,, clients. I the man in, run Tn.n enn.n. .i,. Btuarfs Oal lum Wafers wlU act like ur. jonn J. uieason nas reiumru irui.i jjcQuads. who lumped from his KA grabbed his revolver and as tha negro dashed down the steps aimed deliberately at him and pulled the trigger. Again and again the hammer snapped, but the pesky revolver refused to shoot, and the prowler escaped Into the cold gray morning. a two weeks' visit In Jackson, Neb. Congressman Eeilly Breaks Speed Laws; Congressman Thomaa I RelHy of Massachusetts, who was here as one ot the speakers at the convention of the letter carriers, violated the city speed ordinance of both Omaha and Council Bluffs before he departed. However, there were no arrests. While here Congressman Rellly made FORMER OMAHA WOMAN DIES ON ANNIVERSARY Word has been received In Omaha of the death at Fontanelle, la., of Mrs. Van Antwerp, wife of Rev. W. H. Van Ant- a hit with the carriers and all who met '"P. rector of Trinity cathedral pariah. him. Friday afternoon, with railway and , Omaha, Irom ii4 to IW8. Mrs. Van Ant sleeper tickets In hla pocket, ha went to werp died on September Id which was the fnlon station to board a Orcat West-; the fifty-third anniversary of their mar em tra'n for Chicago. One of the con-i rlage and also Mr. Van Antwerp's eighty ventlon bands went along, and Inside the third birthday. station a selection was played for the de parting cor-gressman. When the music ceased he was forted to respond to the calls for a speech, and while he was talk ing the train pulled out for the east. Tha U. P- TO RUN SPECIAL FROM CENTRAL CITY TO THE "TAB" Union Paclflo officials have completed I Try Rtuart's ('air lum Wafers and fiee All Skin Eruptions Vanish Quickly. some magical charm. They are nature's own way of cleans ng the blood and pre venting it from filling tbe surface of the "ppy as a lark I Bkla as Fuze as a 14 y by Taking gtuart's Calcium Wafers I" j body the akin with pimples and little skin eruptions. j The abolishing of all skin disorders must begin with tha blood. Lotions, salves, ! cosmetic, etc, will do no material good. A GREAT BARGAIN IN A a-INCII CONTINUOUS POST DED COMBINA TION. Bed has ten fillers and beauti fully enameled In Vernls Martin. The springs are heavy angle Iron with san itary wire fabric top. The mattress has soft' cotton top with durable tick ing. Complete combina- tQ QQ tlon specially quoted & ft I i n i w.Msr.s7fcTl fi W 1J i i i imm mm, J P---4iVtfcJ rl n SOLJD OAK ROLL DOOR WHITE EN'AM- 1 EL LINED KITCHEN CABINET. Has all the K special features shown In the Illustration with the exception of the small drawers be low the flour compartment. This cabinet never sold for Icbs than $36. We will place U a limited quantity of these on rr r". K sale for this week, complete VXX Sfl U with full set of spice Jars, only, . awswe w IT NKAT PERION TUBTTI.AR BTEET, BABT CRTR. I P IOKT S INCHES WIDE BY 4 FKET INCHE.t IXNU. Has high sliding safety slide and equipped with heavy sanitary steel spring. Can be had In either white enamel or Vernla Martin. f r" t r Priced extremely low for tbla week's ? ailing at . j, . A. ..ll .h,. th. i . . oisovery u . " . J' detal s for the running of the 'Billy" Bun. time the train reacnea me ona.,e. jnen dy tram Bundajr September 1. from The trouble eomee from wlthm and there the congressman beat It for the viaduct. cntra, clty lntermedlata poInU by ,ha remedy miaU be applied. If you 4e- where he caught a Jit bus and at a speed way of gtromibuig, Valparaiso and VsJ- "lre action and at the same time a approaching forty miles he was whirled ,ey Th- traln wl , Central City ommon senae, natural, barmleas blood away to Council Bluffs, where he caught ,. , lh. moPnin m., r. ... purifier, then Stuart's Calcium Wafers 1 UIs train. Farm Society is Suine: County The Donglaa County Agricultural so ctety has brought suit for $2,A3.40 against lougIaa county. In district court. at 12:10. Returning It will leave Omaha at 10:30 o'clock at night CALVERT RECUVtRS FROM INJURIES AT DOUGLAS. WY0. The correct and best blood purifier known to science U Calcium Sulphide. This great cleanser Is contained In proper quantities In Stuart's Calctum Wafers and that la wby all Mood trou bles and skin blemishes rapidly disappear after their use. roe BJruim omcra nave received Bvery firsiilasa drugglat la this coun word that Chief Engineer Calvert, who try carries Stuart Caelum Wafers. svasb fkrAm fmm hanrfiae In a..a - i & i a. . The county board. In accordance with ""LT" .-T". ZT? rM .anf advice that a new statute orovldlnv for 1 fc-a -. - urosen """"w oenie m oox. aiatl Iributl: o77 Anu for'each 'inhabU h.r H" Wow ' bedstds ef bar busband. SAN ANTONIO WANTS TO HEAR "BILLY" SUNDAY. TOO tant of the county. esMma'ed according to the last vote east for congressman, was unconstitutional, declined to pay the entire amount asked by the society. The society asked a payment of 16. 071 but received only SII&.C0. the board fol- j lowing an older statute directing a con- a letter was received Saturday from , iriMitlon of I cents for each Inhabitant San Antonio. Tex., asking Billy" Sun- - The new law Is said to be unconetltu- aajf to MaU the earliest date when he ttonal on the ground that It Is an amnd- can conduct a revWal there, han An- i i. ut t t a nwasuxe previously dec-Urod tonio din't Wand much -show'' fur UixaU'l soeial trs at Itut. mim FrooTrial Coupon T. A. gtaart Co., goo tHaan 'f . Marshall, Mich, Send m at onoa. return mail, a free trial package of Stuart's Calcium Wafers. Kama Htrcet Cttv Ktats . . . . MAGNIFICENT 4H-INCII TOP COLONI AL. LIBRARY TABLE. Support! d r handsome colonial Ivre-at-aped scrol it. The design la very pleasing an 1 de cidedly aitrsctlve Tour choice of Im perial Mahogany er American quarter sawed Imitation cak, f . . , -at the special low I V fl.S price of w v V-r "T l '" ,tsasr--- Tf Vw.-4mrJ ssr-j -v w LT V JUWf r (-) NOTE THESE BIG 0 ttm RUG BARGAINS ttT. " T. : v' v iff I llf t x FT. URL'S. hKLH Itril. H . rial y priced for On'."yW".K-.J6.83 9x1 3 FT. BRl'S SKL8 Rim. Ltk assortment to at Only''.?"'. $10-88 xll rT. VELVET Hl'U. 11' h illo and lieautlful color coniiblnu- ,1-. t.."s. only1''0 ftxl2 FT. AXMIN HTKR. RUG. Very Hile-h grade nuallty. Newest 11 do- r,nVtp":.5ii.75 ELKOANT 7-PIECE PINING ROOM 8ET. A rare bsrgain In a high grade dlDlog room set, consisting of six large chairs with heavy saddle seats, and broad pnnel backs. Table has large tl-lnch top, extending to 6 ft. and supported by heavy square pedestal with four colonial turned feet. Entire set Is made of selected American quarter sawed Imltstlon oak, and our very low prlc for this complete set tl Q JC for this week, only JOe0 NEW 11 MODEL MERIT REGENT STF.EL RANCJE. Mads full stse. with large oven and sli-hnle top. Stove res is on sanitary ateel base. Elahor.titv lili'UcI trimmed. Including rdi krl towel bar. Fully guaranteed J fit and spi- tally pi Iced tt UU AMERICA'S LARGEST HOMEFURNISHERS 1414-1416-1418 DOUGLAS bT. LA ROE SIZE SOLID OAK bTORAOB rHUlVINllLlt. Made with large, roomy base, live drawers, fitted wltii wood pulls. Kpleiidnlly constructed through out and beuutifu ly tlnlsheJ tn golln. A lirge and roomy iilece of a g r furniture of feral at the ex-S tremely low price of only . cacai