Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 12, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 6-A, Image 10

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    You Must Have Faith in Your
Prayers to Have Them Answered
Tniy Sunday Declares that the
Greatest Blentng-t Come
Through Prayert.
buigioji snows on face
fatmday Mrmon yesterday afternoon
Wa a follow (Tt: Luk, x 'Teach
a to prr."):
Wa Ilva and develop physically bjr eer
eis. We are eared by faith, but we muet
Work out our ealvatlon by doing the
thtafe God wllla. The mora wa do for
God the mora Ood will do through us.
. Faith will Increase by experience.
Teach us to pray;" not to gossip about
or neighbors. "Teach us to pray;" not to
int. 'Teach us to pray;" not to preach.
Teach us to pray."
If you are a strsnger to prsyer you are
a stranger to the greatest source of
pawar known to human beings. If we
eared for our physical life In the same
lackadaisical way that we care for our
spiritual, wa would be as weak physic
ally as w are spiritually. Tou go week
la and . week out without prayer. I want
to be a giant for God. Tou don't even
Ing: you let tha choir do It. You go to
prayer meeting and offer no testimony.
Oreateat Bleaalac Throuak Prayer.
Tou ara a stranger to the greatest
fprlvtlega that is offered to a hmiutn
being. Borne of the greatest blrsslii. Unit
people enjoy com from prayer. In earn1:
prayer you think as thu I.oi.l nlinii,
and lose yourself In Him.
Soma people say, "It's nn i" to pray.
I Tha Irftrd knows everything, anyway."
That's true. Ha does. Me knows every
thing and has known It since before the
world was. Wa don't know everybody
who la going to be eouvertcd at tha re
vival, but that doesn't relieve us of our
'duty. Wa don't know, ami we must du
tha work Ha command J us to do.
It makes me sick to hear men and
women put their inflnltenltnal reasons
against tha wisdom of God. Everything
God offers us Is for our good, and w
are fools If we don't realise It.
Tb Lord knows you need salvation
but Ha won't crowd It on you, The lord
knows you need crops, but He won't
end down angels and yoke them to the
plow to work, while you sit in the shade
aucklng lemonade through a straw and
singing about the promised land.
Others say, "But I don't get what I
pray for." Well, there's a cause for
It, old man. Instead of cunning around the
I can tell which of you people are listen
ing to me through your projudloes, ami
which of you are listening because you
want to get nearer to Ood. I am a stu
dent or faces, I know them Ilka a Jeweler
knows the faces of watrhes.
Why, I can look Into your faces and
toll what sort of lives you live. If you
are devoting your time and thoughts to
society, your countensnre will show it If
you pray, I can see that
nrllKlon Show 1" Coanteaanre.
Two famous men walked the streets of
London one dsy. line wss Wllllsm Pen
nyfather, tha great philanthropist and de
vout Christian of J.ngland, and the other
was Hadcllffe, the famous Infidel and at
torney. Pnnnyfather ssld to Kadcllrfe
that religion could he seen In a man's
face, end lUd.Hlffe Jeered the Idea. ln
nyfsthor was too modst to offer himself
ss an example, but Just then a poor men
dicant, a street lKgr, approached, an.!
Ittidrllffe sell: "We ll try It on that fel
low." As the meiutlcant reached them
he looked Into the hard face of the In
fidel lawyer, heavily lined with his work
over cases arid with his sneers at religion
and turned away. Then he looked Into the
mild and gentle face of Pennyfather, and
In your face, please give m a penny i"
Radcllffe was staggered. "There must te
something In that." he muttered as ho
walked away. "That man didn't know
ellher of us. and he cldn't know what we
hnd been talking about."
We haven't had a genuine revival since
l1-. There have been revivals in differ
nit lll. s. hut we haven't had a
revival throughout the country since that
In 1W,7-H. That revival started In the
old John Street Methodist church. Oh
you Methodists! The Lord help you! Yoii
sia trying to ape other society churches,
and hava lout your religion. The Pres
byterians have taken your "Amen." And
Ood doesn't seem to be able to get to the
Pek,tbooks of you people. When you
Methodists and Presbyterians are bap
tised they put the water on your head,
and tha water doesn't get to your pocket
books. When you Baptlnts are blptlsed.
you change your breeches, so your
pooketbooka ara not baptised. I don t
know where you women keep your
purees. I know where Nell, keeps hers.
(Prolonged laughter).
Rlvaest Revival fttnrtrd hy Three.
That revrval started with threa men on
their knees In New York. It spread to
Huston and Chicago and Cincinnati and
j nisourgn and Ht. Louis and San Fran
Ma" Sunday is Mother to All
the Women of the Sunday Party
everything. Get at tha causa and you'll , Cisco, and It Jumped the ooean to Europe
be all right. Find out what Is tha trouble.
Does God's word abide In you, and you
la ItT If you ara sick and send for the
doctor ha pays no attention to the dis
ease, but looks at what produced It. In
Matthew I find it written, "Ask and It
hall be given." "fleek and ye shall find."
"Knock and It shall b opened unto you."
Mast Have Faith la prayer.
If your prayers ara not answered you
sir not right with God. It you hava no
faith, If your motive is wrong, then your
prayers will be In vain. Many times
whan people pray they ara selfish. They
ara not gripping tha world.
Many a wife prays for tha conversion of
bar husband alone, hoping that things
will be better for her at home. Pray for
your neighbor well as your own
family. ,
Teach us to pray" Implies that I want
to be taught. It's a great privilege to be
taught by Jesus. A friend of mine wa
preaching In Cedar Rapids, la., and had
to go to a hospital In
operation, and I was asked to go and
preach In hi place. Alexander wa lead
Aumrajia ana millions were con
verted. We have had little revivals local
revivals sine then, but not a religious
I don't care whether you read your
prayer out of a book or whether you
Just say them, so long as you mean
them. A man can read his prayer and
go to heaven, or ha may Just say hla
prayers and go to hell. Wa'va got to
faxa condition. When I read I find
that all tha saintly men who hava done
things from Pentecost until today have
known how to pray.
Soma pray. "Thy will be dona," then
go out and do something to block God'
will and keep HI kingdom from coming.
Matthew says, "But whan thou pray
eat, enter into thy closet, and whan thou
hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father,
which la In secret, and thy Father which
seeth in eecret shall reward thee openly."
All Mast Have Secret Rellgloa.
They say that tba root of tha trees
Chicago for an 1 rcn out for many . yards around tha
secret aouroa of. their outward strength.
If you hava no secret religion you'll hava
Ing tha singing and one
night Charie J no publlo religion.
called a little girl out of tha audience
to sing. Bh didn't look over 4 or I year
of age, though aha might hava been a
little older. I thought. "What' tha use?
Her llttla vole can never be heard over
tha crowd." .
But Charles stood her up In a chair by
tha pulpit and ah threw back her head,
and out rolled soma of tha sweetest muslo
I hava aver heard. It wa wonderful. 1
sat there and tha tears streamed down
tny oheaka.
That llttla gtrl was tha daughter of a
Northwestern engineer and her mother
took her to Chicago and to Fattl, who
waa singing In that city.
"Soma people say my little girl has a
weet o'c, ald th mother. "I though
you might Ilka to hear her."
Paltl Ulnae for Utile Girl.
Pattl took the little girl to on of her
suite of rooms and told her to stand there
and sing. Then she went to tha other end
of the suite and sat down on a divan
and listened. The little girl sang a cou
At the Chicago Young Man' Christian
association I used to haw to get minis
ter for tha noon meetings, and got to
know Dr. Armstrong. On day ha told
me of a call ha had road to collect for
mission work. When he rang at tha door
it was opened by a little girl. Ha asked
for her mother and aha asked, "Ara
you alokT" H said that he wasn't, and
ha asked, "Are you hurt?" Again ha
said no. Then she asked If he knew of
anyone alck or Injured. When ho said
no, h aald, "Then you can't see
mamma, for she pray from to 10
o'clock." Then, he said, ha knew why
that horn was so bright; knew why her
two son were In tha theological semi
nary and her gtrl wa a missionary. All
hell can't tear a hoy or girt away from
a mother Ilka that.
A friend told me of meeting In which,
when people war aaked to nam per
sona for whom they wished prayer
made, an old lady always jumped up
and asked prayer for "John." Bh was
aaked why aha always was so anxious
pla of hymns, and tha songs moved Pattl about him. and She aald that all of the
to tears. Bhe ran and hugged ana mesea
the little girl, and sat her down on the
divan and ssld to her:
"Now you sft here and I'll go over thera
and sing."
She took up her position where the
child had stood, and she lifted her mag
nificent voice and she sang "Home, Sweet
Home," and "Tha Last Rose or Bum
mer." Bha sang them for that little girl. AnJ
Pattl used to get fl.OuO for a song, too.
Hhe always knew how many songs she
waa to sing, for sue had a check before
ha went on the platform. It was a great
privilege to the little daughter of that
Northwestern ' engineer had. but It's a
greater privilege to learn from Jesu
Christ how to pray. "Lord, teach us to
When I was assistant secretary of the
Young Men' .Christian Association at
Chicago, Juhn O. Paton came home
from the . New . Hebrides and waa
lecturing and collecting money. He
was rstvlng money to buy a Sea-going
yacht, fi r l'3 work took him from Island
to island and he had to use a row boat,
and (omvitniv It was dangerous when the
leather was bad. ao be wanted the yacht.
We had hlin for a week and it waa my .
privilege to go to lunch with him. We
would go out to a restaurant at noon
and he would talk to us. Sometime
there would be as many as fifteen or
twenty preachers In the crowd, and now
and then soma of them were so interested
la what ha told us of tii work for Jesus
In those far-away Inlands that wa forget
to eat. I remember that be said on
Own Mark ta Karly Prayer.
"All that I am I owe to my Christian
father and mother. Uy father waa one
of tha moat prayerful men I aver knew.
Often In tha daytime ha would slip Into
hut closet, and b would hang a handker
chief outside the door. When wa saw
the white cenUnel w knew that father
waa talking with God and wa would go
autotly away. It I largely because of tha
Ufa and Influence of that same saintly
fother that I am preaching to tha oan
r.ibtUs in tha South Sea."
"And a ha prayed tha fashion of his
outitananoa wa altered. tLAOtea. da you
want to look pretty? If sum of you
wouiaa would apetul las fJUn ao dupo,
paaaaa and cold cream, and get down on
your kikee and pray, God would mak
you prettier..
"As ha prtrd his ooualaxauic wa
altered." Try it, women, and es If your
husband dun't fail ta Un with yea. Try
other member of her family were
saved, and that' from tha ttma ah first
took John In her arm and kissed htm
aha had prayed every day that ha might
be saved, too. She said she waa aura
that God would save him some day. Bhe
wa rewarded when John Morrow, cir
cuit court Judge, came down tha aisle
and accepted Jesu Christ as his personal
Savior. Go home and pray for your
husband, or wive, or sons or daughters,
and w shall hava a great revival.
Bay, pray In secret, wives, that your
husbands wlU hit tha trail.
Say, pray In secret, husbands, that
your wive will hit the trail.
Why, do you know that If you both
pray In secret for on another, you are
both likely to meat her fao to face and
go to Jesu together!
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The women of the "Billy" Sunday party
have leen organised into a gymnastic
clans by the ever-watchful "Ma" Sunday".
Tbia Is an entirely new health "stunt"
pulled off for the first time In Omaha.
"Ma" Is the most motherly soul Imagin
able. She Just ha to "mother" sonio
body. And with her two younger sons
going to school away off at Winona Iake,
Ind.. she looked around for somebody to
be a mother to. Hhs found the women of
the Sunday party.
"You've got to take cere of your
health," ah told them. "Your work M
mostly mental and of a sedentary char
acter. You don't hava time enough to ex
ercise. That won't do. We're going to
start a gymnastic class and It will meet
every evening between the close of thi
tabernacle service and bedtime."
And It was ao ordered.
The room of Miss Grace Saxa, Bible
teacher, waa selected for tha "gym" be
cause It Is tha biggest. "Ma" I the
"physical Instructor." Tha members ot
her class are these:
Miss Florence Miller, Miss Alice Oam-
lln, Mr William Asher and Miss Grace
"Ma" ha made a study of callathenlci
and has outlined, not without some a.f
ftculty, a splendid exercise which is
scientifically designed to fill the physical
need of tha hard-worked party of
Dlfflcultf Yes. Because tha four
women In her class are easily classified
ss heavyweights and featherweights. Mrs.
Asher and Miss Saxe are of generous pro
portions, while Miss Miller and Mln
Gamlln r petite and look as though they
could run a marathon In record time.
The exact details of the difficulty
"Ma" had In securing acceptance of her
course of exercises are not given out, but
with masterly diplomacy she carried
through her program and now the claas
meet promptly every evening and goe
through tha "one, twov three, four''
business. After lt' over the five go 10
their respective rooms for a sound nlKht's
sleep preparatory to another day' bat
tle for the Lord.
And every on of them 1 enthusiasts
about it already.
Powell's Cartoons Greatly Please
Both "Billy" Sunday and His Wife
Doe 'Billy" Sunday read tha papers?
You bet your bottom dollar, old top,
ha doe.
That' a bit of diversion reserved for
the evening, after th . tabernacle
And ha read them In tied, a he
transact most of hi business In bed and
receive visitor In bed, ao a to con
serve hla strength to tha utmost
lAt Friday evening, for example,
"Dllly" cam horn after tha big taber
nacle meeting, took a bath and a rub
down, got In bed and called for the
paper. ,
II ptcked up Tha Bee and hi eye
rested on "Sundaygrapha at . Tab', as
Caught by Our Cartoonist"
Tha great evangelist chuckled. Then
ha laughed right out, loud and long.
And h called for "Ma."
Mr. Sunday came and sat by tha side
of the bed.
"Look her, Nell, Isn't thl funny!
ha aatd.
One of tha cartoon was captioned,
"Ood bles us every one," these being
the word of Tiny Tim In Dtckena'
"Christmas Carol."
"That from Dickens', lan't ItT" said
Tha pictures were taken from "Billy""
famous prayer when ha prayed for tha
city officials, the to ankers, tha wash
woman and nearly everybody else. Bach
class was depicted by the artist In hu
morous style. "Billy" wa especially
tickled by tha "city official," tha
"banker" and "tha man who' read the
gaa meters."
Another picture that pleased hlra was
one showing a bowing, bald-headed
"hubby" with his hand on hla heart giv
ing a, flower to his smiling wife, thla
Illustrating tha evangelist' maxim,
"Don't heap flower on your wife' cof
fin Give them to her while ahe is
Yea, air, "Billy" likes to read tha pa
per. H read omnlvoroualy at night
In a recent sermon he aald, "while
you're aleeplng Pro. sitting up reading,
getting something to put into your empty
Apartment, flats, houses and cottage
can be 'anted quickly and cheaply by a
Be "For Rent"
Spilled When Auto
Goes Over, but is
Not Badly Injured
William Cole, day pressman on Th
Bee, and Harry Ktrchner of the Journal
Stockman, accompanied by their wive
and Misses Nina and Mabel Anderson,
all in Klrchner" car, made a trip to Her
man to visit relatives of tha party.
Returning after visiting Mr. and Mr.
George Paulsen, and after getting out
about a mile from their place, in crossing
a cement arch culvert, tha car missed
Its foothold and upset, going Into the
ditch. While most of the occupants sus
tained scratches and bruise, none of
them waa seriously Injured.
Finding (he's Nicho
"nooses aspeada npea th miad, aat
tha muscle. Tha sagiaser la hlggat thai
tha angina ha raasj the captain la bigger
than th ship."
"Whea Galileo waa 1 year of age hla
paraa'a wanted him t be a phy-l-laa.
but ha had ao liking for th clrsula Ion
and th hones and muscles, am ha Tsid
away and atudled hla Baolld.
"Tetany a hoy gets tartad at third ess
ad trie te ran th wroar way and 1
thrown out because ha go th wrong
way. Acknowledge that- yoa are Taaoa
of tauter,
X will tell yon, xoaay yeaaf people
are go& ta tha beginning, hut they -
ilk th fallow that wa kill by falling
off skyscraper thty p to .ales,"
"Th newspaper today is a better col
lar than Abraham Tuimoola had Jaat
tb newspaper. Th limb of th tree of
kaowladgw hang; ao close ta th ground
that tha nay or girt who la aaibtt aaa
eaa walk ay and plnsk th rrait away."
"Many a man oouldat tan wa tner 1
od wanted him to be a college pro
testor or an aaettonaer, Taut he may bar
had lnek aaongh t heap ant of th p.ier.
Taavsa because ha fannd sons girl who
was big aong'h, vtreag emomgh aat will
lag saeagh ta stead over a waahtnfe and
xaanlcnr her fin- naila"
When digestion is impaired you can
nearly always look to a lazy liver and
constipated bowels as the real cause.
When you think of the suffering after each
meal from Heartburn, Bloating; Nausea,
Headache it is ho wonder you have no
interest in mealtime. Soon you lose
flesh and are in a rundown con
dition. You must help Nature
correct such ailments so that
the body can be properly
nourished. This sug-
gests a fair trial of
"Pep" and Pepper
"Billy" ssyst
"I am glad wa bar th Fourth of July
whsa w eaa shoot Ilk a Comaaoha and
drlak red lemonade,"
"gqnar Jnt alway ' I guar In
little old Alfalfa town, but whan ha got
to th big city hs 1 Just Jones."
"W are big or llttla, according to
where w aTe."
"Tha man who walk home eber la
bigger than th drunkard.
"A midget In body can ba toad a fi
nancial asset In a dim museum, but
midget In character la oar bund on
tha body 0011110."
"Bt"p trying to b eogwhesl when
yon should b a whlstl."
"Do your best and yon will never waar
out your ahoea looking for a Job.
"Be a live wir. rill yonr vein with
gingar, tobasoo and pepparlno.
"It I sad day for a young fsllow
whsn he 1 o chesty that Ttft'i ooat
wouldn't make a test for him."
The railroad official report that all
through the west and central portions
of the state there Is clearing weather
and rising temperature. In Wyoming
this morning temperatures ranged from
4ft to SO and In western Nebraska, from
t6 at O'Neill to 76 above at Endlcott.
Bee Want Ads Produca Result.
For Your ikn House
. TlS&Pi
LSh inglEL.
Tlis roof has a tromondons job! It works day and
night, from January 1st to December 31st, year after
Your house is only as good ns its roof. That is
what stand1 between you und the weather.
There JB something new "under th tun,"
you will fi'.id upon inquiry and investigation that this
new (11 years old) jnaterial TEX-TILE is the right
thing for your house
Stato Bank Bldg.
Omaha. Neb.
Stomach Bitters
f ":.' Wi Til" "' tM
j s . i i V
f X-
w vy
1 " ' Ti-nn ! ,-i i - -.I
7 rti
n in Earnest
Let every Omaha Woman SEE
what Monday brings forth at my
establishmentprepare for a scr
ies of surprises on Fall Wearables
Cotdd I have foreseen the ways and delays of builders, carpenters, bricklayers,
ironworkers and decorators, -THIS announcement and THIS gigantic sales event would ,
not have become necessary. )
As It Is, I am In a serious PREDICAMENT,
but propose to "GET OUT FROM UNDER ; v
IT," hence tho "OUT FROM UNDER SALE"
The complete enlargement and transformation of this establishment was calculated
to have been finished during the past week. As it is, my entire store is in chaotio con
dition; in far worse shape than when walls and windows were first torn out This
iron beam and that iron beam is not ready; this glass and that glass has been delayed;
this support must be changed; raw brick and uninviting lumber piles greet the eyo
everywhere; it appears as though my "grand transfonnation'' must be looked for in
a matter of WEEKS instead of a period of DATS.
In the Meantime I Must Sell all of My
Constantly Arriving Fall Wearables as Fast
as They Arrive, at the Following Prices
"Out From Under Prices" on
Ladies' Fall Suits
Sulta that were to hare sold at $19.60
and $22.60. are offered to you at
only ,
Suits that were to hare sold at $26.00
rind $29.60, are offered to you at
Suits that were to have sold at $35.00 aai mm
and $37.60, areoffered to you at yUM.IO
"Out From Under Prices" on
Ladies' Fall Coats
Coats that were to hare sold at $12.60
and $16.00. are offered to you at
Coats that were to hare sold at $17.60 A f r
and $19.60. are offered to you at 3Jl0w
Coats that were to hare sold at $22.50 &4M flp
and $25.00, are offered to you at uXfleOtf
Fall Dresses k?s?j""$9.87 --"'-$12.87 $15.87
mm vuuvu now vw-a uea now V4iv ues, now. . .
Fall Skirls sar ...$2.93
$6.75 and
7.50 skirts,
only. . .
B" 'M
Fall Waists Sagg.41c Sff91c gUl
PelUcoats $1.37 Pellicoals $2.37
Omaha, Neb.
1510 Douglas St
mi " 1 f. if "ST mn "I"M
AkMtataly lumM
8sir than potoaa or drug
C J hi". tmmf
"F a mm
tit kr uil
f t I
rnmiosr, sown, rmu
Vrm Baits. Tnxrdos, Irimos
Alberts, BUS Mts. rsmps
11 tnodsist for sls or
Mstl Oittors a, BjUltr.
rsos d. sisa. ops etoui-.
riomsr Motol Kid-,
tO H. 17 lit Bv. OmsAa. Ms.
aiMJW BimiiriMHeL--