TI1K IIKK: OMAHA, KATCKDAY, SKlTBilBKU 11, I'Jl.l. BRIEF CITY NEWS I ar Moot 2r1at It Now fceacon Pres Xd-htlnf rtxtare Burgeai-Grandon. Motor to Xdnooln City Commissioner jTVIthnell and Tom O Brien motored t Xtncoln to witness an exhibition by th. (fir department of the Capital City. "Today Oompl M?t rrorram' classified section todar. and appears It. Tha Boa EXCLUSIVELY. Find out what tha Tarloua moving picture theater offer. To Safety Tlrat In Llf Insuranoi W. H. Indoe, -enerl axtnt Stat Mutual Life Assurance Co. of 'Worces I tor. Ma., on of the oldest, 71 year, and best companies on faith. per Military Avenue Military ave nue, Hamilton stret to west city limits, 'will bo repaved with vitrified brick block. Objections to this Improvement have been placed on file. Vow Obrvatlon-Bafft-X.oanlnjr Oar on the Northwestern Twln-Clly Limited, leaving Omaha at 8:0u p. m., due at 8L Paul. 70 a. m.; Minneapolis, 8:26 a. m. Fastest service to tho Twin Cities. Biff Ion Transferred The city coun cil formally ratified transfer of HO.OuO from the Intersection bond fund for use by th street cleaning department for the balance of the year. The money will be returned at the first of the new year. and Is Injured J. TJvlck. 255 South Thirty-second street, a Crelghton law student, sustained a severely lacerated hand when he let It protrude from nn open window of a street car and the car brushed a wagon. He was attended by Dr. C. B. Foltx. 2rw Big rin Frank Peterson, itinerant, sidled alongside of an auto standing near the curb at Fifteenth and i Dodge streets, and said "Hello, honey" 'to a woman occupant. For which pleas antry he was thrown Into prison and later fined 8T0 and coats. Perhaps it Was a Woman Petty Of-; fleer John V. Stauffer. who Is In charge i of the na'-y recruiting station at fltoux I City, reports that during the last week he j was forced to refuse an applicant for cn- j Hutment In the navy because the man 1 would not remove his clothes In order to j take the physics! examination. The ' Omaha office, of which the sioux City i . office is a branch, ia oil worked up over the proposition, and Boatswain's Mate .Dixon of tho local office suggests that the man who applied was a woman. MISS ELVA REED AND MISS DORA GRUICH, one an American girl and the other a Serbian girl, sailed Septem ber 1 for Serbia, where they will establish an American school for Serbian children orphaned bv the war, to be known as the Frothingham institute, the gift of John W. Frothinghara, his sister, Elizabeth, of Tarrytown, N. Y., and five Serbian friends. Showater Will Not Return to CreightoD Coach Tommy Mills of Crelghton led j his men through the first practice of the season Thursday afternoon. Karl Wise, "Dutch" Platx and "Butterfly" Karhart, regulars on last year's eleven, were out in uniforms. Coach Mills stated that training rules muat be strictly observed, giving the players the choice of cutting out smoking and late hours or of staying off the team. Word was received that Captain-elect Showater would not return to school this year on account of tho Illness of his father. A new captain will be elected In a few days. His lose will be deeply felt, aa he was a tower of strength on his side of the line. He played tackle opposite Shannon. Mills Is In communication with Shannon, who Is at his home in New Jer sey, in an effort to have him return to school this year. Shannon was a star In his position at tackle. "Bill" Brennen, captain of last year's varsity team, has returned to school, but dislocated aa arm in practice last night and will not be out for practice for some time. With both Brennen and Earhart back. Mills Is not worrying much about the end positions; irala of David City, a recruit, and Nigra, substitute quarterback on last year's team, are prospects for quarter back. Green, a big 200-pound --guard who tarred on the Campion college team last yoar, is out for a guard position. ( .vv W.43U.. ':: . 0 Or1 "Pay Stations" for Votes in Texas City i i t 'OR PL'S CHRI8TI. Tx Sept. 10-By 'he testimony of twelve witnesses, nln Americans and three Mexicans, the gov ernment In the ia of forty-one residents if Neucs rounty, charged with Irrexu. liirlttr in th 1914 general election, today might to pniv that "pay stations'' wet maintained In the Mexican quarter of Corpus Chrlstl wher money wa paid Mexican to vol for democratic candi date for county offlotr. BANK HTATKMKNTS Zoo Keeper Is Torn By Big Alaska Bear PORTLAND. Or.. Sept. 10 Charle Herrman, keeper at th Washington Park soo, waa seriously Injured today In an encounter in a pit with an Alaska black bear. Hardly an Inch of hi body es caped the teeth and claws of the In furiated animal. The flesh was stripped from his left leg. hi left arm and seal p. II was rescued by J. L. Prohaska, the assistant keeper, who stunned th bear with an iron bar and dragged Herrmann outald. reney, nlc kola and cents 1.47767 Note f other national banks ... 61,900 rdr I r r V e note i,OH0 IX) lawful money re serve. In bank Total ciin and certificates .... oW.CSTOO I. e m a I t e ndor notes 118.44600 'Redemption fund alth V. . tress. urer (not more than 6 per cent on circulation) Customers' llebll- Ily tinder letters of credit Total LI A HI LIT I K8. Capital stock paid m ILrtUotiO Suipltu fund W.WW Total capital and surplus t'mllvMed profits.. 1 1-1 . .. - U 7U IT iirppi i r lui m Av, I 1 1 ' n i tW.lW 7 l.es oiirrent ex lenses, liiteitsl and tnie uald ... UT.t.o.i-'. Orvulattng notes Due to hanks and bankers MWi.KOTT Demand Iierxlts Indlvldunl elHlts auhteot to check. 8.7W.J11 Oitlfkcates of dn lt due in loss than M days..... Certified checks ... Cashier chovk iut- t.ftW.SMT W.OllOOO M.HO.00 Iia.s'W.m; it $ l.eHO.0OOK HANK HTATKMKNTH DANK STATKMKNTt 1 om.nno on 6s.7.M 24tl.fJ7.78 S1.UT6 n CCVA RCD AND DORA arwrcH. Dubno Fortress is Taken by Austrians LONDON, Sept. 10. A dispatch to th Central News from Vienna says It I officially announced that the Austrian Jandwehr cavalry entered the fortress of Dubno in the Lutsk-Dubno-Rovno tri angle of fortresses yesterday. Dubno, with a population of 15,000, Is In the government of Volhynia, on the Ikva river, a short distance north of the east Oallclan frontier. Lutsk, another of th forts of the triangle, was taken recently. INDIAN AND WHITE MAN ARE BOTH IN SAME BOAT "I guess we're two of a kind, all right," said N. A. Barrlngton of Phelps, Wis., aa he was introduced to Frank Paige, Winnebago, Neb., Indian, at police head quarters. Barrlngton Is the man who "bought" a third interest In the Union Pacific rail road for 1110, and the Indian lost SOOO to pickpockets. Both ar penniless. They were staying at the police station, sleep ing on cots In the cells while th police are trying to recover their money. Barrlngton is married and has eleven children. He had Just given his wife $10 to take care of the children for a few days and was going to buy a home with the rest. The Indian was on his way to Minneapolis to take care of a sick sister. The Omaha police have two men in Jail, one of them Identified, In connection with the Barrlngton case. Detective Frank Williams and Officer Peterson made the arrests. The police are confident that the others will be landed also and the money re turned. No arrests have been made in th cas of the Indian, however. HOME, SWEET HOME, SUNDATS THEME Largest Congregation of the Revival He an Noted Evangelist Roast Poorly Managed Homes. MAIL MEN IN SPECIAL SEATS MAIL CARRIERS ENJOY THEIR ANNUAL BALL "We're carrying the males now," gur gled young miss aa sh crowded Into the Auditorium last night upon the arm ef a stalwart mall carrier. "I se you are," answered Charley frank, manager of the big building. "Something Ilk a thousand other young women are, too." Nearly 1,000 persons crowded the dance floor of th Auditorium at the annual ball of th National Letter Carriers' as sociation. Just be for th ball started th Women auxiliary of the local letter carriers' as sociation gave a.n exhibition of their skill at fancy drilling. They spelled out words, letters and made designs by stand ing in various formations. DANIELS WRITES EDISON ABOUT THE FIRST MEETING WASHINGTON. Sept. 10. Seeretary Daniel today wrote to Thomas Edison in quiring what date would t convenient for the first meeting of tho new civilian advisory board of tho Nary department. The complete membership of the board probably will be announced tomorrow. Members of "Billy" Sunday's, en tourage Thursday declared the crowd was the largest of the Omaha campaign. Before 7 o'clock George Sunday ordered the ushers, to. stop further admittance except as seating space could be found here and there. "Ma" Sunday busied herself arrang ing folding seats in places between the choir and platform, and some sat on the edge of the platform. Many stood up and many could not get within hearing distance of the mili tant evangelist. Mr. Sunday found much In hU subject oZ "Home, Sweet Home," to evoke laugh ter and to command serious attention. He did not find it necessary to doff his coat, but he managed to put over soma hot ones, which had enough heat units almost to incinerate the sawdust of tho trail. . Sections Reserved. A large 'section of the front seats was reserved for delegates who have been attending the national convention of let ter carrier. Postmaster Wharton filed In with th carriers. Another section was reserved for tho "key women," those who have the car of offlc building. Homer Rodeheaver took cognisance of the presence of the mall carriers by ask ing them to stand up, so everybody might see them. 11 said Carrier No. 19, at Springfield, O., hit the trail and passed the word along; tar other place where other carriers of the same number did likewise, the Inference being that Carrier iNo, lit of this city would be expected to take th lead her when the trail ia opened. During th song aervioa Mr. Rode heaver addressed frequent remarks tn the choir. He told them their seats would not be reserved for them after 7:30, but up to that time they would have the assistance of, the ushers and police in getting their rightful seats from wrongful claimants. "This is a period in your life which never may come again, so be on time and get your seats," he admonished. The choir leader won the approval of the women present by saying that th women of this city were better than other cities in the matter of removing their hats before they were told. He spied a man wearing his hat and pointed out the offender. He also invited all high school boys and college students to bring (heir yells and songs this even ing, when Mr. Sunday will have a special sernton for young people. )'r Al Kalibath Afteraooa. Mr. Sunday announced that next Sun day afternoon th service will b for everybody, but subsequent Sunday after noon services will be for men only. III his reference to th collection Mr. Sunday said, it should not b necessary for him to "nag and pull" to get the money. He declared 10,000 present should give 1 each, but the collection was 1576, an average of leas than cent each. Seated close to th evangelist was Ma jor Charles OsnU of PalrfUld, Ia., said to b th smallest man in th world. The msjor Is eighteen Inches in height and weighs thirty pounds. He 1 60 years of age and heard Mr. Sunday nine years age In bi horn town. Th dwarf Is Mulling his uncle, John T. Cants. iW Hickory street The peroration of Mr. Sunday's dis count wss a tribute to the writer of "Home Sweet Homo," at the conclusion of which the pianists struck up the fa mous tune and the choir sang th words. Mr. Rodeheaver won a share of the ap plause when he played "Ther Is Sunshine in My Soul," and Mr. Brewster and Mrs. Asher were well received when they sang "He Knows the Way." Purlng his remarks the choir leader hinted that it might be necessary to build another tabernacle here to care for the overflow. Blood Will Tell. "Billy" Sunday placed stress upon the thought that "blood will tell;'' that.'for Instance, Scotch blood stands for per sistency. He said Jewish blood begets tendency to acquire money. In that con nection he said Solomon could have hired Carnegie for a chauffeur. Rockefeller to cut ls lawn and Morgan a butler. He gave another demonstration of his histrlonlo ability by simulating the actions of a woman receiving at her horn another woman with a lot of children. Me showed how this host kissed the children of her guest. "I must go," says the guest. "Don't be in a hurry and don't be so long before you come again," replies the host. After the departure of the guest th woman discovers that her brlc-a-brac dog was broken and she asks her children which one did the deed. No response. Then one of the children "turns state's evidence and takes an immunity bath," said Mr. Sunday. "That mother taught her child to lie and then whipped it for lying," thun dered the speaker, rising to his full height as if to pick a batted ball out of the air. He struck a note of sympathy when h declared that teacher and preacher ar the poorest paid of the professions. He suld he aspired to only one public offlc and that was to be a member of a Board of Kducatlon. If elected he would pay every teacher for twelve months each year and would Increase their pay. He showed rarer recltattv ability when he read "Home, Sweet Home." He also was - entertaining when he showed how he doffed his hut to a cow at Sharon. Pa., in preference to a quartet of "young bloods In front of a booie Joint." Lutheran Church Aids German Missions HOC K. ISLAND, 111.. Sept. 10.-Th Hoard of Foreign Missions of th Gen eral Council of the Lutheran Church in America reported at the biennial con vention of the General Council her to day that, owing to the world war, th Lutheran Church in America ha been called upon to render aid to a number of German missions. The General Coun cil's Foreign Hoard has added to its care missionaries of the Oossner, Lelp slg. Schleswlg-Holstein and Hermans burg missions in India. Another ef fect of the war Is that a number of Lutheran missionaries who had planned to go out from America a year ago hav been kept back, there being a fore of fourteen missionaries who are waiting to be commissioned in some special serv ice. The proposal to establish a Joint semin ary at Madras, India, in which Luther ans of Luroiw and America, ar to co Ipcrate has been delayed, also on account of the war. The yeur IH17, In addition to being th fth anlversary of tho beginning of th Reformation, will mark the 7&th anniver sary of the departur of Father Heyer from Philadelphia to found th first Lutheran mUnlon In India. It is pro posed to mak th anniversary an oc. oaaion of a general missionary cele bration In th Lutheran church. The receipt for foreign mlastoa during the year war t215,&t No. a. Report of th condition of th Nebraska National Raaji. At Omaha. In th state of Nebraska, t th close of business Hnptember a, RijHOLKCbSL. Loan and dis counts tl,tS.KT. Overdrafts, u n e oiired a,H3f9D U. S. txjudi de Posited to s -our olroulaUoo (per value) 300.000 e Bond othar than V. a bond pleugwd to secure V. 8. deposits vonxet Securities other than IT. 8. bunds (not Ino 1 u d I n g stocke) owned un pledged M.4S M Total bonds, se curities eto 1XT.VWM S u b a c riptlon to stock of rVderal Reserve bank 16,000. Oft Lea amount un paid 7,W0 All other stocks. Including (iremluin on sam S.S26.O00 ,S2.0 Value of banking house (If unen cumbered) 7s,ft4l.TO Equity In banking fcousa 7MW.70 Furniture and fix tures io.itis.ao Real estate owned other than bank ing house 1000.00 Net amount due from Federal Re serve bank i,W7.70 Net amount due from approved reserve- airent in New Turk, Chi cago, and St. lxMiia n.J!S.l Net amount due from bank anil banker 270.S11.68 Eiiohin g for clearing nous .... xi.iw.vt Other check on bank in the same city or town as reporting bank.... 2.14S.86 Outside checks and other cash Item. 4.8U.I2 fraction a 1 o u r- r e n o y. ntcneis and cents I.81.8 7,700.11 Notes of other na tional bunks ,uw.w Lawful money re serve in tatk: Total coins and cer tificate W.etl.00 Leg at - tender note ju,ww.w Redemption fund with U. 8. treas- urer (not mora than 6 per cent on circulation). 10.000.09 standing rutted State de posits Time denoeits (pay able- after 30 days, or subject to M day or more notice): Certlflrat of de- i I"'"' v , Oinii.is ! Letters of credit IJ.Its 7U W eti.wo (Xi 260,000.00 42.079.04 M,OU0.00 Total 18,T,8".tt LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In I wu.vw.w Surplus fund 60,(M).00 Torni capital ana surplus Undivided profits... 74,66. 71 lies current ex penses. Into rest and taxes paid.... I1.6W 7 Circulation note. . . Dun to banks and banker 834,OM. Dividends unpaid .. 40.00 Individual deposit subject to check.. I.166.4W.07 Certificates of de posit due In less than 80 days J4.m Certified checks S,tV4.16 Cashier's c h c k s outstanding ls,884.H Tnlted States de- posit. M.2M.W Deipoiflts requiring notice of less than SO day , 47.066.81 Total deposit Certificates of deposit Total $2,726,908.6 State of Nebraska, County of Doug las, sa: . ... I H. W. Yates, Jr., cashier of th ahnve-namiid bank, do olemnly swear that the above statement Is true to th best of my knowledg ana neiiei. H. W. YATEH. Jr.. Cashier. Correct Attest : m. c. praTraiis, Li. W. SCHKdBBL, ' F. W. CLARK H, Director. Subscribed and sworn to before m this 8th day of 8eptemtr, uuo. Notary Public 8,1(6, 2K1.88 77,648.18 rork ( Berk Year Kali 'euh. Dr. Bell Pine-Tar-Honey will stop your cough and strengthen your luygs. Get a boltlu now. Only Xc. All drus gists. Advert Utement. Pee Want Ada I'roduc Results. ' Report of the condition of the OMAHA NATIONAL BANK at Omaha, in th state of Nebraska, at the oloatt of business Heptember 2, ial6 : IttLMOUttliO. Loans and dis counts , , Overdrafts, unse cured II. S. bonds depos ited to sucure clr c u 1 a t I on (par value) tt.000.00O.0G IT u, bonds pledged to secure U. 8. d e p o a i ts (par value) V. H. bonds owned Total $i,o.tsl7.17 State of Nebraska, Ctmnty of Dow las, as: I. J. DeF. Richard, cashier of the sbove-named bank, do solemmv swear that the above statement la trae to th best of my knowledge end heller. J. DeF. RICHARD", Oaaiiler. Corns fit At teat: J, " MILLARD, A RTHX'R C. KMTTTf. F. W. CAHPK.NTE.R, Director. mibaerlbed and sworn to befor me this 7th day of September. liMtj. L D. SCALPING. Notary PtiMlo. No. "79). Report of th condition of th ttra Rirhtat Natleaal Baak At Omaha, in the state of Nebraska, t th close of business Reptemher 8, 1916: RIOHOUROES. I jo ana and dis counts j,,BB;ao Total loan H.896.667.50 Overdrafta, unse cured 1S2.M U. 8. bonds de posited to secure circulation (par value) 187,600.09 Total IT. H bonds 187,60000 Bonds, securities, etc. : Bonds other than V. 8. bonds pledged to secure V. H, deposits 26,000.00 lmda other than It. 8. bond pledged to secure IKietsJ savings de posits 26,600.00 Securities othar . than U. S. bonds (not Incl u d i n g stocks) owned unpledged ST.86o.00 Total bond, securi ties, eto Bubitri ptlon to stock or Federal lie serve bank .... 81.600.00 Lees amount un paid 10 BOO On Furniture and fix ture Net amount dua from Federal Re serve bank 1.801 40 Net amount due from approved re serve agent in New York, Chi cago and St Louis 858,448.77 Net amount due from bank and banker 21T.4W.40 exchanges for clearing house 44.4M.6S Other check on banks In the same city or town as reporting bank.... 424.38 Outald check and other cash items.. 1114.26 F r a e t tonal cur rency, n I o k I a and cent Note of other national bank ... Lawful money re- serve in bank: Total coin and certificates ... 1 Sii Le'g a 1 tender notes II. m.(K 7W.616.98 Rede motion fund with U. a treas urer (not more than 6 per cent on circulation) ... 8,876 00 Due from U. 8. treasurer 8,00000 euritlea, etc....... Rtihffi-rlptl.iii t O stock of. federal reserve bank .... Le amount unpaid All olliei slocks, including p r mliim on same .. Value of banking; house (If unen cumbered i Net amount due from federal Re serve bank Net amount due fitm approved reserve agents In New York, CM case and St lxkula Net amount due from banks and bankers Kxi natures for clearing house .. Other checks on banks In the same ,-ltv or tov.-n as report ing bank Outside che.'ka and other cash itcim Fractional cur rency, nickels and cent Notes t other na tional bsnKs Federal Reserve notes Iji fnl nioncv re serve In bank : Total coin and cer tificates 1-mI tender notes llctlcinption fund with V. 8. Tress tvr tnot more than per tent on circulation) ,, Customers' liabil ity account of "acceptances' .. 17, aw M Hl'.OuU l 6.0m oy 46,Ono.W Utl.74fv.Vi-- T2H.74.1U rrm.rtou no l.Sat,T!,44 I.4I6..W7 64 274..1KJ .D6 29 77,iV75 70.000 00 4VoO BAXK HT ATI. Ml '.NTS Hills pHysblc. In cluding obligations representing mon ey borrowed l.'R.'XXI.flO Total ....8X.23.27 it fltst of Nebraska, County of fmugla : i, r rf a n. us tier, president Of the ftltove named bank An M,.irvnlw that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowlerlce and belief KRI..K it haK ICR, President. Correct Attest : P. F. PKTWRPFN, C. 8. HAV WARD. A. 1,. OLLKMKIKR. , , . Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 8th day of Hentemher. II11R. (Heal.) IIKHUmiT O. MILLER, Notary r'uhllf. No. JT8. Report of the condition of th I IT'"I ITtTKft VITIOIVAI. BAXK At timsha. in the Utat of Nebraak, " oi oiiatnnss September Z, 116: RBSttRCB8. nd dis- 76.4H6.16 6.14.60 Total. a Capital stock paid t Surplus Tumi Total capital and surplus Undivided profit, circulating notes.. Due to banks and hanker I iimnd deooslts: Individual deixistts stinieol to cheek. Cert I flea tea of de- porit due In leas than -Hi days Certified checks .. (Vishler's checks outstanding D. 8 deposit Postal saving tie-, posits LI A HlLlTliOH, K),W (10 26.001 MX) 8, St 00 106. M 814. 1 000.00 1 Total deposits.,. 810,766.08ft. A Certifies tea of de posit 1,4.T14.6 Other time de posit 8i4.071.T8- 18.418.861.68 Acceptsno baeed on Import and xport 10860 87,260.00 10,800.00 10,000.00 763.84 16,086.00 I 9,876.00 60,000.00 41.678.96 I 8,012.227.60 1.142.08 and unuladaed Total U. 8. bonds. . Total, bonds, se curities, etc S u b c riptlon to lock of Federal Reserv bank Less amount un-aid 200.000.00 8,100.01 1. 206.100.00 408,168.87 90,000.00 46.000.00 46.IM0.0O All other storks, including prainlutn on earn 148,400.00 194,400.00 Euulty in banking bouse 700,60000 Net amount due from Federal Re serve bank , 288.02886 Net amount du from approved reserve agents In Nsw York. Chi cago ami fat. Imis 1,760,60681 ... Net amount du from bank and banker 1MB,11.78 i x o n n ga lor clearing houat ... 861,666.20 ... Othar eh'ka on tanks In the same city or town a leiiortirig iHii.k.. 60,872 61 .... Outalde check and other rash Heme. . 82,182.89 ... F r a o llonal cur- Totai LIABILITIES. .Capital stock paid In 2 SOO.oftOOO Surplus fund Total capital and surplus Undivided profits.... Less current ex penses, inter t and tsxes paid.... Circulating notes... Due to banks and bankers Dividends unpaid... Demand Deposits: Individual deposits subject to check.. 1,067,896.74 Certificates of de posit du in less than 80 days Certified checks .... Cashier's checks outstanding VnltMl Stata de posit ... Postal saving deposit Time deposits (pay able alter 30 days. or mor notice): Certificates of deposit .82,446 861.06 t 860,000.00 l1.8A6.sa 80.822.28 187,600.00 187.6uO.0U C46.8W6. 76.00 8S.6MS86 11,767.68 22,162 71 16,666.71 60.698.44 1.8,08T7 28,426,801.06 County of Doug- Total Flat of Nbrka, las ss: I, K. El Emmet, cashier of th above named bank, do aoleinnly swear that th above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. & K. KMMETT, Cashier. Correct Attat : W. T. AIHJJ, J. HAYDKN, O. 8TORZ, Director. 8ulxerlbed and sworn to before m this kth dry of rVntwnber, 1915 THOMAS J. O'NEIL, Notary Public No 209. Report of th condition of th First Natloaal Baak of Osnaka At Omaha. In th stat of Nebraska, at th ulo of business 8ptmber 2. 1915: RHSOURCE8. Loan and dis count 68.7W.t20.tt total loans 600.000.00 1.0(10,(100 00 I l.frtMMO.M) IftMMia 1AMU8.K! 6U.OUO.00 60,000.00 6,217.460.14 2,M1,AK 77 274.062 78 B.IH2.04 1174 06 7l.tBU.s9 72,603.66 Total 14,12B 900.00 Stat of Nebraska, County of Douglas as: I. T. U Divts. capillar of the aoov named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to th best of my knowledge and belief. t. u. t'AVin, csanier. Correct Attest: O. T. KOtTNTZK, K. M. ANDRFkMBN, t t KOUNTTiK. Director. fill scribed end sworn to be for me this 8th day of September, IBIS. tSeal.) MAKTrN R. IjArtwuv. Notary Public. Loans counts Overdraft. unse cured V 0. bond de posited to secure clmiliitlon tpar ,.vlue 6 t.'K),00000 , " n. t o n d a ledged to secure n denos Ls tl ar alnc) 50.10) oj . Total I'. (. bonds Bonds other than V. f. b o n d a pledged to secure postal saving de posits lot.Wtf.OO , Securities) other than U. 8. lion, la tnot Including sttM'ks) owned un- l edged fcVt.000 00 Totnl bonds. - 'Urltl.a, .(,. 8 u b a c riptlon to slock of Federal It e s e r ve bank. M,otm.ou Less amount un paid, 84V,wi().Ui 4;,Onft.no All other stocks. In cluding premium on same 8,."n00n Value of banking hones (If unen c timlmred) Net amount due from Federal Re serve bank , , Net amount due from snproved re serve sgents In , New York, Chi cago and IrfllllS Net amount due from banks and bankers B x o h a ngee for clearing house , Ot lier cheeks on banks In the same rlty or town as re porting bank . Outside check and other rash Items 1,788.01 Fractional o t r- r e n e y, nickels and rent 7J0.S6 Notes of other na tional banks Lawful money re serve In bank: Total coin and certificate Iegal-t e n d r holes Redemption fund with T. a treas urer imit more than 6 per cent on circulation) , ('ustomera' lis Mi ll v under lettorw of credit ' I 6,42R.!M1.40 au.9C0.36 6b,0t.uO 1. 500. X) 1,418.80 No, 8406, Report or th condition or TIIK CITY NATIONAL BANK At Omaha. In th State of Nebraska, at the do of business, Hept. 8, 191s: RKHOI'RCKH. Ioana and dlscounts81.tsS6.814 .83-81.886,314.82 uveruratis. unse cured U. 8. bonds depos ited ito sevur clr o u I a 1 1 o n (par value) 800,000 08 17. 8. bond pledged to secure U. 8. de posits (par valus) U. 8. rxHnis owned ind unpledged ... Premium on lT. 8. bonds Bonds other than V. H. bonds pledged to secure II. 8. ds-poMts Bonds other than I'. 8. bonds pledged to ecure issstal sav ings deposits HemirlUfS othar than U. B. bonds (not including stocks) owned unpledged 8 u b c r I ptlon to stork or Federal Rserve Bank .... Lasa amount unpaid 834.466.X 10,000.00 1.600.00 2,966.86 2&.687.60 44,666.00 3U,6M.27- 222.888.77 84,40000 17,200.00 Overdrafts, un secured V. 8. bonds depos ited to sevur clr- 0 u 1 a t i o n (par value 60.000.09 V- 8. bonds pledged to seoure U. H. deposit (par value) 70,000.00 Total U. 8. btand. Bond othar than 1 8. bond pledged to secure poatai amvlng deposit lU6.OUO.0t Set.'uriUe other titan U. 8. bunds (not Including lock) owned un pledged 61,267 86 TV'tal bonds, s- 2 8.7U0,i24 6t 742 70 I20.0UO.66 All othar stocks, in cluding premium on same Furniture and fix tures Real as ate owned other than bank ing house Net amount due from Federal Ke serve Bunk Nut amount dus from approvad re erva gnt In New York. Chi cago and Kt. Louis Net amount du from banks and bankers Exchanges for clearing hous Other checks on bank in th same city or town a re porting bank Otriislde checks and other cash itsma. Fractional currently, nickels and centa. Notes of other na tional banks F e d e r al Reserve notes '. (.awful money re serve In bank: Total oohi and certificate Legitl tender note. Redemption fund with IT 8. Treas urer (not more than 6 per cent on circulation) 17.800.00 116.971.8b 184.171.81 68.819.0S 4.967.36 46,418. W 11737.76- 117,627.76 807,768.61 78.WJ.44 W.ISOOnO 700,006 00 831888.48 1166.541 64 808.74911 172.836.64 24.46842 2.468. N7 87,006.00 402,643.04 1S6.8JOOO 22.600 08 ".Tsn.flO Total 213.0l.tU7.7l LtABlLITlRK, Capital stork paid In si.x.nrn , ,,, Surplus fund . Total capital urulita Cndlvldcd nd profits, J0.QvO.i0 t 1.400,000.00 8.14. 404.60 Reserved for tsxes 6I3.M3.I7 M,4.Tf.77 Less current ex-, p e n s es, Interest and taxes 4ald.. 6.14.86 Circulating notes... 460,000.00 Less s mount on hand a n d In treasury for re dem ptlon or In ' transit 12,900 09 One to bank and bankeiw 4.W649.81 Demand Deposits: Individual deposit uh1ct to cheek. 6.843,016.06 Certificates of de posit due In leva than 80 dsys .... 13V 731. CeHlfled rhecks.... 19,449.77 Cashier' che o k outstanding 72,068.89 United Btataa de- oelt 48.664.98 Post si saving de- pcwll 70,188.91 Total deposit Certificates of de posit Letters of credit... 297.902 93 437.1O0.0C 10.765.o96.74 68S.8S6.ilfi 7.7HO.OO .118.661.627.71 Total fltate of Nebraak. County of Douglas, ss: I. W. H. Rhoadsa, csher of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that th above statement is true 10 th beat ot my knowledge and belief W. R. RHOADRft, Cashier. Correct Attest: C. K. YOHT, b 8. cai j:wf:lu ' W. A. SMITH. Directors. - Subscribed and sworn to before in this 9th day cf September. 1916. O. WILLIAMS. Notary Public. 1,000.46 722.43- 2,800.00 L. 784.88 16,000.00 6,000.00 13s, 261.60 40,000.00 10.0u0.00 10,000.00 600.000.00 1UU.0U0.W Total LIABIUT1K8 Capital stock paid In t Surplus fund Total capital and em-plus I'ndivided profits .. Keanrvsd for taxes. llustrvod for Intei cat on deposit.... ..$1 283, 279. 44 28.429 64 1.W7.W 600.00 2 600,000.00 Lee current expens es, Interest and tax paid Calculating notes .. Due tu batik and bankers Dividends unpaid .. Demand deposits: Individual deposits subject to cheuk.. Certificate of de- fuall due In leas ban 20 days Certified checks .... Cashier's c h e k outstanding IT. 8. deposits Postal savings de posits Total deposit .... Tim deposits (pay able after 8b day, or subject to 80 days or mor no-ta: Certlfloat of do- posit Othur time depoalta 8u.afc4 74 1-1 U-2t),0U0.viV- 679,127 46 18 74 SGt.OUl 43,078.87 8.147.70 81,600 46 4,6o2.28 28,909.87 11.004 08 XM.UOO.OO L689.677 87 80,687.41 637,140.04 667.687 46 Live Stock National Bank Upoi't of th condition of tb Live Htock National Rank, Union Hlock VnrtU, Omaha, Nebraska, at (lie close of liuHlneat, Ht. B, 15. RESOURCES Iioans Overdrnfts ... KtK-k in Federal Re- scrve Hank I'. H. Bonds at Par Hanking House and Fixtures ( aali and Kifiht Kx- 1,S4S,378.81 clumge 0,000.00 170,000.00 18,0O0.00 1,800,800.87 $3,000,701.74 LIABILITIES Capital f 150,000.00 Kurplus 50,000.00 I'udlTlded profit . 2A.78fl.B0 Urrulntlon 1 U.TOO.OO l)f posit a,720,lt71.at 3,000,704.74 Comparativo Heptmnher 2, 1 008, hH'jil ember U, 1000, September s, 1010, Hvptenilter 2, 101 1, Hoptemlier 11, 1I2, Bepteinber a, 1014, Kt'i't ember it, 191ft, Statement 4rva.034.n7 nn.H.uoH.sd Htil,080.A 1,202,400.18 2,018,880.85 2,030,803.01 2.7J071Ji4 DIRECTORS N'rXHOV KW1FT MORRIS Morri 8j Oimstny, OUoara. . t'. M. MAt'VAKLA.NU Trurf Morri Co., OhlaTo, It. t. KliWAHDH 8Canarr Swift k Oo., Omalia. K. A. KHAU T1e-JTldsat Tlx sTatloaal Baak, kheaa&tloaA, Iowa. W. I. ADKI.NS Jtolmea-Adkln Co., Omsk, V. F. MrfiKKYY Omaha. T. K. 4.LKHHII.L . Capitalist, Tort Orook, 8T, li. M. Uli! rrMidsat. w. a. t;. JOHNSOX Tle.2fraldat. F. W. 1HOM.48 Caahiar.