- MANY CITIES CALL FOR BILLY SUNDAY Baltimore Pays Sent on Tabernacle Site Orer a Year Waiting for Evangelist to Come. IS TO VISIT SYRACUSE NEXT If "Billy" Sunday could create ten other 'Bllly, Sundays, each like unto himself In look and gesture and gyra tion and Idiosyncrasy and personality and power, he could immediately as sign each of the ten to a big city of the United States to conduct a re ligions campaign. And after the ten had concluded their campaigns he could assign them all to ten other big cities. And so he could continue all through this year and part of next Just with the urgent requests be already has. But there's only one "Billy" Sun day. That is why such cities as New York and Boston and Chicago have to wait. That is why Baltimore secured a desirable site oyer a year ago and paid rent of $3,500 a year Just to hold it ready so that they can build a tabernacle on it when their turn comes. A letter haa.Juot bn ivoelved at the Sunday heaHquartera from the Men'a In terdenominational council of Duluth, J. If. Cook, chairman, statins that It had ae cured a dealrable tabernacle site and waa rolng- to pay rent for It until Mr. Sunday answers their call for a campaign there. i Syracuse, N. T.. and Trenton. N. J., are definitely scheduled to follow the Omaha meeting. Baltimore and Louisville are to be visited also before next summer. Baltimore waa to have come right after Trenton, but Mr. Sunday is likely to change this, taking; Louisville first ant then Baltimore, on account of cllmatlo conditions. Louisville being- likely to be more comfortable In February and March and Baltimore more comfortable In April and May. Hooalers Mast Watt. Word waa also received from the Church Federation of Indianapolis, stating- that all the conditions for a Sunday campaig-n have been complied with and asking Mr: Sunday to set a date when a committee from Indianapolis can call on him. The Indiana city has an unique or ganization of Bible classes, which is largely behind the campaign movement. It Is Impossible for the evangelist to hold a campaign there for at least two years. A telegram waa received from Fort Worth, Tex., etating that a delegation from that city will call on Mr, Sunday September 15 to lay the claims of ' the city for a revival campaign before him. Mr. Sunday has never held a campaign south of the Mason and Dixon line. His revival In Louisville, Ky., next winter will be the first In the south. The Fort Worth telegram is signed by S. D. May f'-cld and II. M. Dobbs. "MA" SUNDAY MAKES TALK BEFORE THE WOMAN'S CLUB Mrs. William Sunday waa the guest of honor at the annual meeting of the Omaha Woman's club, which waa given Thursday at Happy Hollow.' In speak ing to the club women at the luncheon Mra. Sunday said she and Mr. Sunday had the same object In view as did the women the object to do good at all times. Owing to another engagement for the afternoon Mrs. Sunday left Immedi ately after the luncheon. POLK MAN FOUND DEAD UNDER HIS AUTOMOBILE POLK, Neb., Sept. 10. (Special.) Chailea B. Harless, a farmer 40 years of age and residing three miles east of thla villa?, waa killed at 3 o'clock yesterday morning when his automobile ran off a bridge on the outskirts of this place. Mr. Harless had come in on the state fair excursion train and was on hla way home when the accident occurred. The automo bile waa turned bottom sldo up and the body waa pinned beneath the car when found at 6 a. m. It Is believed that death waa instantaneous. Mra. Harless had ac companied her husband to Lincoln, but did not return with him. Intending to spend a few days longer visiting friends. Ill hnt Waa Ilrakea. O. D. Wright, Rosemont, Neb., writes: "For about six montha I waa bothered with shooting and continual pains in the region of my kidneys. My rest was broke nearly every night by frequent actions of my kidneys. I waa advised by my doctor to try Foley Kidney Pills ani one KM-ent bottle made a well man ot me. I can always recommend Foley Kid ney Pills for I know they are good." This splendid remedy for backache, rheu matism, sore muscles and swollen joints 1 contains no habit forming drug). SoM vary where. Advertisement. Boy Raa Over by A a to. FREMONT. Neb., Sept 7.-(SpeclaI.)-Harold, the -y ear-old son of Mr. and Mra. Bert McOee, Buffered the fracture of hla right arm, the dislocation of hla left elbow and painful bruises on the body and face when he was run over by an automobile driven by Thomas Thursh on Main street. One wheel passed over the child's body. Ills Injuries, however, are not considered serious. Sundaygraphs at "Tab" as Caught by Our Cartoonist o- Goi Bless CIS .jfe Flowers 1 W fcH iA M Cod Bless b ItC zstZskU& Washwomen ItfO'l Ks -v 4 God Bless LENGTH OF ' ' Tosir HBIessiMm SUNDAYGRAPHS . "COD BLESS US EVERYONE' "Billy" Hits the Higher Criticism and Pleads to Have Devil Cast Out Most Ministers Only Try to Draw Crowds and Pay Too Little At tention to Satan. BEST SERMONS IT TE BIBLE Heard at the Tab Aaent Billy's atrictnrea regarding the tlag-laeae of people la church. ooUeo. tlona aaa their opea-handedaeea la other tUaga, there were flfteea people la the front row la the afteraooa at the tber aaele Thursday and twelve of them put aothlag la the eoUeotloa paa at I1L aCr. lunday will teat oa his weekly at day aext Monday by going to Lia ola with Mrs. Sunday and Homer Bodeheaver and delivering two ad. axaaaea la It. Paul's Methodist chorea. "Billy" says i Joha Jaooh Astofa parents wasted hint to he a uteher, out the commercial lastlaet waa too I atrangly developed la Joha, and he' creased the aeaa to America aad skinned Americana to lay the fouadation of hla j great loriuae.- "Xelea Keller waa Mlad, goaf and am slnoe she waa a haby, aad aha has got a elothsa basketful of diplomas. wtta oar example aeioro you, suit your wind-jamming aad go to climbing. It year pockets are empty, fill your heart with ambition." Bee Want Ada Produco Keaulta. Friday afternoon at the tabernacle "Billy' Sunday took his text from Mark lx:36, "Why could not we cast him out," words of the disciples asking Jesus why they couldn't cast out the devil. Dr. Sunday put the words of hla text Into the mouth of the church of today and told them why they fall to "cast out the devils of drink, licentiousness. Indif ference and so on. Ills eormon, waa as follows: y . . When Jesus came down from the Mount of Transfiguration with Peter, James and John and reached the valley below he saw the remainder of the disciples sur rounded by a multitude of people ques tioning them. There were the ethical cuj turlsta, the highbrows of the. day, the Pharisoea, who were the hypocritical churchy knockers, the Sadducees, who wer the herotlca and higher crltlca. Aa Jesus came nearer he noted a father who had brought hla little boy, who waa poaseased of an evil spirit which had thrown him In fire and water, had caugod him to have convulsions and made him to fall on the ground and gnash his teeth and foam at the mouth. The dis ciples had each tried to drive It out, but all had failed, and the devil was even then exercising hla power and had the boy writhing on the ground In such con vulsions aa he had never before had. Now notice. First, the disciples thought they had a big crowd around them. But what 'did It matter if there waa a big crowd and there waa no devil cast out? That'a the trouble with many today. They think that Ood Isn't within ten miles of a meeting unless there Is a big crowd. Cast Oat the Devils. I can see those diaciplea praying and talking and having a big time. There are many misguided ministers who are satisfied If they can only draw a large crowd. Some are as craxy after sensa tion as the yellowest newspaper that ever came off the press. That'a the reason we have these sermons on "The Hobble Skirt" and the "Merry Widow Hat" and other such nonsensical tommy rot If there wasn't so many March hare sort of fellows breaking Into pulpits you would have to sweat more and work harder. I wouldn't give that (snapping his fin gers) for a large crowd if there weren't any devils cant out. There are some of you right here today that have the devil In you. Maybe you don't treat your wife square. Maybe you cheat la your weights. Get rid of the devil. What dies it matter if you pack a church to the roof If nothing happens to turn the devil pale. What is the use of putting chairs In the aisles If there la no devil to chase down the aisles and out of doors? The object of the church Is to cast out devils. I hope Ood wtU never let roe forget that there is somebody In every one ot my audiences, big or small aa they may be, he wanla me to reach. The church never awlngs open her doors' and the pews are never filled without there Is somebody inside with a devil in him that ought to be caat out But how quickly all changed when Jesus came on the scene. It always does. The Scribes and the Pharisees atopped their quisling the disciplea when Jeaua came on the scene. So will you all. Then you won't look wise and nay: "Where did Cain get bis wife?" You'll stagger back In awe at his power. Tou won't pull his whiskers and split hairs over whether Paul wrote Hebrews, or bow many Isaiahs there are. The father saw Jeaua and he forsook the crowd. That'a what alwaya happens when any one aeea Jesus. The world will know that It's where Christ la. The people will alwaya flock to a place where Christ la being preached. Were you ever In the aame fix aa that father? Have you a boy, who la a drunk ard, a girl who la frivolous, friends who are going wrong, a husband or wtfe who la untrue? If you have some relative like that you will know how that father felt when he eald, "Have compassion." If a terrible calamity strikes you there la only one who can remedy It, and that Is Jesus Christ. You can go to all of your philosophers, critics, millionaires, but they can't help you. Nd one ever went to Christ like that and waa dis appointed. He knows what It la to be friendless, to have every one desert him, to not have a place for his head. He knows what it Is to be lied about, for they lied about him from the time he was born until the end. They could find no spot, no blemish on him, so they started a regular campaign of vllllficatlon. He knows what It la to be spit upon, to be taunted. No one ever had a harder time in thla world than Jesus Christ. It's a disgrace to humanity that he had such a hard time of It, that he waa vtlllfled and taunted so much. No matter what your lot. Christ will have compassion. The father was help less himself, so he eald. "Have compas sion." Can you Imagine Jesus Christ turning a deaf ear to such a plea? I can't The devil defied the disciples, but Jesus said, "I charge you to come out of him." (He not only drove htm out, but barred the door against his re turning) "and enter no more Into him." So he did two things. He drove the devil out of him and then told him to stay out. No more would that devil bother Mm. He might bear the scare caused by the devil being In him before, but it was now "Goodby, demon." So it Is with the drunkard. He may bear the scars he received before he waa redeemed, but the Ixrd can make him stay away from the boose. If the church of God would get down on her kneea and ask for the teachings of the Lord, the breweries and all the devils would have to work a lot harder for what thoy get. The deepest sorrow comes through our own flesh and blood. The highest Joy also comes through the succeanea and hleh achieveinenta of our own flesh and blood, of our friends. Think of that father, with his boy just delivered from the power of the devil, paying 26 cents per year for missions. Think of him alt ting In the pew, and when the plate waa passed digging down deep in hla pocket to look for a nickel or a cent The while the mother and father were rejoicing over the devil being caat out the dUclples came to him and asked, "Why could we not cast him out?" They didn't go anywhere else. They went right to Jesus. A preachers' meeting la a mighty poor place to go to find out why you have failed. Go to Jesus. Go to Jesus; he'll tell you why you have failed and will tell you how to succeed. I'm glad this lesson waa not left out of the Bible. If It had been left out I would never have known that the disci ples could fall. Just think, men who had Uved with Jeaua, had talked with him for years; heard him preach I We are apt to think that they were of a perfection not possible for us. But it is possible for ua to be as perfect aa the disciples or aa Paul. The disciplea wer Just common flesh and blood the same aa we are. We ran get a good lesson from this and can learn from the mistakes of other people. A fellow won't slip on the same ba nana peel twice unless he's a fool. Like some of you people you know you're not living to please God, and yet you're not manly, womanly or decent enough to ad mit It The trouble with the disciples waa that they were not getting the power from God to do things he wanted. If a aa ln posalble to pray right when your life la wrong aa It la to run an automobile with diahwater. Kearlaar Christianity. Christianity la not a mere ayatem of teaching. Christianity la a ayatem of teaching, plua living. Be not bearera of the word only, but doera of the word. Christianity is not a Scripture and creed, but Bciipture and creed, plus Jeaua. See? Don't expect Ood to do things for you until you tell him what's wrong with you. A doctor won't give you medicine until he knows what alia you. lie won't give you aulphur for a corn on your toe; that'a good for the Itch. Some of you. If you took no more care of your body than you do your aoul, would be wlsened and withered aa muuh physically aa you are spiritually. Some of you are no account, anyhow. You know that, prem-hera. You know that some of them are good enough only to count one more In your yearly report. Christianity 1 a new motive power. Man will never rise hlshrr than his Ideals. Man will never go further than his dynamic foce. There was an eld steamer on the Mississippi which always brought up the rear when the boats ramn In, an.t the people used to come down and watch It behind all ot the others. One clay It failed to appear and they waited and waited and the next time the boats came In It was leading them all. It was under full steam and had a brand new coat of paint. "Hey, captain," some one yelled, "dors that new coat of paint make you load them all?" "Not on your life," was the answer; "Its got a new boiler and a new engine. That's what' makes It go." So with Christianity. Christianity Is a new motive power. It gives a man power to pass boote and say, "Not on your life," liet Sermoaa from the Rlhle. If you're a preacher, are your sermons so much- hot air? Do you get your ser mons out of the ltlble or out of the magaslnes? Do you take dead aim at thj sinners In the front row? Are you In the pulpit because you've got a drag with the church offlclala and tliey want you there? Do you make it easier to do right and harder to do wrong? Do you make it easier to go to heaven and harder to go to hell? There la no failure so sure as that which comes when you try to do some thing for God without first getting the power of Ood. If you don't see that, you're aa big a fool aa the fellow who expects a trolley car to run when the trolley la ten feet away from the wire. I guess there, are church pillars here today, or, as somebody said, "pliler shams." Yes, I'll bet there are a lot of you going as straight to hell aa the bird files. This work Is God'a plan. The devil didn't have anything to do with the building of thla tabernacle. He didn't drive a single nail or lar a single board. So don't you dare lift your voice against God. You'd better have a millstone around your neck and get thrown Into the Missouri. What fools these mortals be. Old Kill Shakespeare was up on hla Job, all right. What hinders revivals? It isn't the dirty, vile, hellish, cursing, corrupted, sewerage, contemptible saloon gang alone; It Isn't the licentiousness; it isn't the redllght district; it's the quar rels and selfishness of God's people U God, pity you. It I didn't have enough religion In me to stop quarreling and stay stopped, I'd get It or quit the church. What would the disciples think of preaching? Each wanted to have the best chance, each wanted to be the big gest duck In the puddle, each wanted to be In the spotlight. Rod Is Blaaer Than Yon. All right America! Go ahead with your licentiousness. Cut loose and go as far aa you like, but see what God will do. Why could we not cast him out? Be cause they were scrapping with each other; In their selfish arbitration hey could not eee God's will. God will never hear a prayer when pride la the main spring. It'a hard to Imagine those disciplea fall ing out with each other. Imagine the fingers on your hand quarreling, the thumb fuasing with the little finger. Im agine the Presbyterians wrangling with the MethodjBta, the Lutherans with the Episcopalians. Imagine the hair on your head fighting the wheel In your watch. Christian people haive got to realise that God la bigger than they are, and they've got no right to fuse. I believe that aome time In the Ufa of every mart and woman there will come a time when they will pray. It will be In their sins, but because they will try to bribe God. When the Titanic went down every man prayed. I say there will come a time in the life of every one of you when you will pray. But God won't hear a selfish prayer simply because you want to bribe God and think he will hear It My eara are brass. Look at the Pharisee strutting up. the temple like a peacock, preaontlng himself like a bird of paradise, and In a sonorous oratory bellowing out: "I thank thee, God, I am not as other men. I thank thee that I am not aa thla publican here." Right then the recording angel dropped hla pen and gave up in despair. But when you come like a publican. "God be merciful to me, a sinner," then God will hear your prayer. Every man who humbles himself will be lifted up, but every one who exalts himself will be lowered. (Copyright. William A. Sunday.) Weddlnar at North Bend Today. NORTIf BEND. Neb., Sept. 7. (Spe cial.) Mr. Edward Ives of North Bend and Miss Bell Raltt of David City are to be married at the bride's home on Wedneaday at 1 o'clock In the afternoon. They will take an extended trip through the far weat and on their return In October will be at home In North Bend. C 3 1915 I FALL HATS (( VAfr .f5 U 7,MKNOX HATS 1 9 I S "A HAT FOR EVERY OCCASION" $3.00 to $20.00 Pease Bros. Co. 1417 Farnam Street MAYOR JIM MAY HIT THE SAWDUST TRAIL Declares it ia Hit Intention to Have the Dahlman Democracy At tend "Tab" in a Body. HIKE READS ALL THE SERMONS Mayor Dahlman has passed the word along that It Is his Intention to have the members of the Dahlman club attend one ot the meetings at the tabernacle en masse. The mayor also will expect that many of the city hall employes will Join. He explains he does not want to use his official position In Influence any of the city officials and clerks to attend, but he does believe all of his official family Bhouid hear "Hilly" Sunday. Bucy Taylor and Joe Butler, superin tendent of street llahtlna- and Ras com missioner, respectively, received a lot of copies of "Soiiks for Service," the taber nacle son book. These books are being; distributed throughout the city halt. Mr. Taylor'a favorite eon- la "ltriahten the Corner Where You Are." Thla selection appeals to the superintendent of street Hunting; because hla work haa to do with keeping; the gas lamps bright on many corners of the city. Mayor May lilt Trail. A strong belief prevails throughout the city hsll that the mayor will be among; the early ones to hit the "trail." These people are serious In their declaration that the mayor Is doing;, a lot of earnest thinking; just now. The trail Idea Im presses the mayor In that It brings baok memories of the days when he faced many hardshlpa among real western cat tle trails. City Attorney Rlne Is reading every published word of the Bund ay sermons. All are watching; the lead of the mayor and many express a willingness to follow the trail with him. Be Want Ada Produce Results. WHITE CHINCHILLA COATS Are Now in Stock $12.50 $15.00 --$16.50-- White Coats are strongly In favor this seaaon. They come In either V4 or length, and are belted styles tth large patch pockets and Ivory buttons. Some are bound with white silk braid. We are showing: some very snappy models at the prices quoted above. We're Showing the Smarte t Looking Fall Suits for Women to be Found jn Town In making- this atatemeitt we are merely quoting; what scores of pleased customer have told us. We have never shown aa large a line of suits, nor as varied nor have sult4 Wen aa attractive for sever il easons past. The prices throughout are atiprlslnglf moderate. Fur trimmed suits are very ronular; we have them from 120.00 up. Military suits are strongly In favor, aa are alo the boxy Jacket effects. Here you will find tailored styles or Russian hlounea and all the various types In between, lfn a truly wonderful showing1 of aults from I1&.00 up to $60.00. JiKW 81I.K nitKSSKS, SILK NKKUK 1HIKSSKS, New Kali Ntylea 811.75. 815. 817.50 NEW FALL WAISTS, Cteorjrette Crepe or lore Kffecta 85. 87.50. 810 rhoemlg llne for Women 75 J 5 a & DOUGLAS Phoenix Hose for Women Sl.OO JOHN A. SWANSON, President. AVM. I,. IIOLZMAN, Treasurer. 'What's New for Fall?" Is the question of the hour with every red-blooded American and this greater store is ready today as never before to answer this question right to answer it as no other Nebraska store has ever dared to meet the issue. The most magnificent selections of correct autumn fashions supreme in quality, in character, in value, await you our own expert's selections from unde- niably the world's greatest clothes builders. See here the cream of these famous clothes makers' fmll productions: Rogers, Peer A Or., New York. R. H. Fashion Clothe. Rochester, N.' V. Ievy Brow. A Co., Itocbeater, N. T. Ulckey Freeman Co., Rochester, N. T. i It. Artier Pros. Jk Co., Rochewter, N. Y. Rranrtegee-Klnrald A Co., uuc, n. r. and many others not on good style Is missing. J Tremendous Showing of ( Smart Suits, n5,$20,?25 Beautiful Bras Bum club checks and stripes, Olenjrary plaids, Brown, Blue and Green Francis Flannel, Fine Worsteds, Mabbett fabrics. Hundreds of new weaves. Scores Ot new models. $5.00 to 10.00 greater value than elsewhere. Finest Hand Tailored Fall Suits, 30,35,40 No need to pay double our prices and sacrifice time In try ons here are superbly hand-tailored autumn Suits In Imported fabrics, ready-to-wear and no guess work your own eyes to be the Judge of fit and style and our guarantee of satisfaction for good measure. Wonderful showing of Overcoats, $15 to ) 50. Koa'a aad Toaaf Man's Osothiag aeooaA floor. Your Store for John B. Stetson Hats Ntbratka'i Largest Showing at $3M to $10 Nebraska De Luxe Hats $3 That Foxtr-Dollar Look. Step Into our great modern Rat Section glance at the vast selections note the ' unmistakable newness experience the pleasure of real hat service by experts all these things go to wards giving us the Hat business of the state; we're here to serve you better. Men's Cloth Hats for Fall J5r Evtry New S(et80nt Sft or Derby $350 to $10 Nebraska Special JUti $2 Utuqu!ed Iat Valu. The new Tailored styles for smart d raisers $1.50 and $2 Classiest Caps in Town, 50, $1.00, $1.50 afala rioor Zaat Alale. Bartelle Pockets A Special Feature Nothing overlooked here to make your satisfaction complete -even the pockets of our men's and young men's clothing are specially designed. Atk for dtmontt ration mi BartolU Pmcktta Do not sag. lo not wrinkle. lo not gup. No more broken coat fronts because Bartelle Pat ent Pockets have an In genious fold In the Inside lining that puts the strain Inside the coat, where It be longs. More evidence of Alvy$ httter ttrvict at thit grtuter itort. SEE OUR SHOW WINDOWS Ti$ mort metropolitan display of men's and young msn't elotMnj that Omaha has known and all-new selec tions three to five times larger than the where to bach up these window displays. Inspect today a rare style treat awaits you. New Fall Shirts and Neckwear. jami a. swansonjhi. - ill ill ii rm n i.i i, r r-it x, i it itiwti? xt 1 1 nnni" irt CORRECT APPARBt, FOR MEN AND WOMEN. New Fall Regal Shoes for Mea,