SKITEMBEU ' 1015. 13 IKKM, ESTATE FARM A RAMI II L.dDS FOR jIALK FAHM HE At. ESTATfV NOHTlt SIDE hbaIj kstatf arBrmiAN iiral kstatr wtrnrnwAy rral estate srntnnAif iiralkstate srurrniAs V Ut.MM I. VMi ton MA 1. 19 Dundee. Ileadee. Deader. Dundee. Panama. Panama. If You Knew IT-IT T1 TIT 1C f'Vl.n.,lMVl IV . rat THK W:K: OMAHA, . Panama TOU WOULD INVESTIGATE TODAY We are offering land at $2.50, $3.50 and $5.00 or acre on ery easy terms. COMPARE THIS with prices in Hawaiian Islands, lsl- ci Pines, or at home, where land is selling for from $50.1H) to J t'1,w0 an acre. v "WHY IS ITT IS their climate better T " ... -.. IS their son better? No! IS their transportation ftTt facilities better? 1NU. DO they produce more "jVTJ per acre? 1 iU Panama is where these countries were ten years ago, with better location, cheaper transportation, better climate, better soil. The UNITED STATES expended millions to make this country great The reason this land is low in price, is because you don't know tihe existing condition a If the pec pie of Nebraska and Iowa were familiar with, this land there ould not be an aero left in 48 hours, It does not cost yon ono cent to obtain complete informa tion. Call or write Homeseekers Land Company, 526 BEE BUILDING, OMAIIA. FOR REXT Uomses mm Cottaares. West. For KentWest Farnam Furnished $45 Unfurnished $40 IjeavituT next Monday for California and must rent this place before then. I rooms, all modern. CALL. DOUG-. 6013 OR WAT out a. m B. 27th. -r., modem flnt, upper. .127.50 612 8. 27th. 5-r.. modern fat. lower..W0.U9 C. 3. CARXJJKRO. tit Brandels Theater Bldy. NICE 7-room modern, near depots. P.67W. FOR RENT 6-room house. HU3 Dorcas. MODERN 8-room house. 1024 8. 21st. $26. iROOM cottage. 1U S. 28th 6t. 16. Wat or paid. FOR RENT 12S a month. Hanscom Park District. 7-room. all modern, corner lot, hade, paved street, I blocks from car. AMERICAN SECURITT CO.. 17th and Douglas St a. Doug-. BOH. BIX larga rooms, first floor, mod. ex. furnace. sl 8. 3d. Phone Doug. 37S2. NEW 6-room house, strictly modern. 918 8. 25th Ave. Inquire 18. -ROOM house with bath, excellent cou dltlon. 830 B. 21wt 8t.. Ill Harney V7K. MUl"toi. J TV 1 Exp. Co.. moving, I , KPPfl Peekln storage. -vU tn Farnam. D. 6148. Maggard's rSsrS . In?, packing, shipping. 1713 Webster tit. Douglas 141M. FIDELITY !VTic FiiEE Phone Dot'glas 288 for complete list of vacant houses and apartmemts;, also for storage, moving, lilth and Jacksun Sts. (-ROOM house for rent. Inquire 609 8. bZi St. Tel. Walnut 2779. Ai Mason St., 8 rma. all mod 840.00 1012 Pacific St., rms., mod. ex ht Jtt.'Xl l N. 19th St., rms., all mod :. 1228 Poppleton Ave., rms., all mod.. $30.00 2fil Jones St., 8 rms.. all mod 128.00 lfioS Yates St., 7 rms., all mod $28.00 1738 8. 17th St,, rms., all mod 126.00 ,8715 N. 23d Bt, 7 rms., mod. e. ht.. 820.00 4123 N. 25th Ave., 5 rms., mod. ex. ht. M B&23 Emmet St., 7 rms., mod. ex. ht.. $17.00 1413 8. 16th St., rms., all mod $18.00 2212 N. 19th St., 4 rms., mod. ex. ht..1S.60 1008 Padfto St., 4 rma., mod. ex. ht.. .$13.60 BIRKETT & COMPANY. 4?a Bee Bldg. Doug. 631 413 N. 18th BU. S-r., all mod. fl.t $46 b0 S. 26th Ave., -r., all mod. flat ' 1110 N. 22d St.. 4-r. and bath $17 RASP BROS.. 108 Mofague Bldg. BEE the Central Furniture Store's FREE RENTAL LIST. TTnnono Creigh Son 4k Co.. Bee Bldg. xi ouaes Tn ,ft ptrt, pf tna elty Globe Van&Storage Stores, moves, packs, ships: 3-horse van and 3 men. $1.2S per hr.; storage U per mo Satisfaction guar. D. 4338 & Ty. 230. Gordon Van CaS 239 N. 11th St. Tel D 894 or Har. 19ST. ES07 DOUGLAS 4 rooms, main floor. $13; $ rooms, basement. 88; partly modern; excellent condition. Store, mm Offices. STOREROOM, about 22x80, Rood Shape, 1704 Vinton St, $18. BIRKETT & COMPANY,' 423 Bee Bldg. Doug. 638. Small Room on the Court For Rent Now. The Bee Building 120 Sq. Ft, $11.00. Water and Electric Light, Freo. Superintendent, Room 103. GOOD auto sales room on Farnam BL Very reasonable rent. Tel. Doug. 4089. FOR RENT Office space, desk room. with telephone. 636 Bee Elrtg, fcToRK room. Wl N. 16th. Conrad Young'. Douglas 1571. STEAM heated store room. Leaven- worth, $36. Conrad Young, 222 Brandels Theater. Douglas 1671. WAREHOUSE TRACKAOB. Part or all of one floor in large five story brick bulldlnjr. Large freight ele vator. Address J 18. Be. VV A NTEilrORKNT WANTED to rent or lease, with view of buying later, i to 80-acre farm within I to 20 miles of Omaha. Well Improved place, including water and barn. Address L IRS. Bee. . o WANTED TO BUT ' ' OFFICE furniture bought and sold. J. C Heed. 1307 Farnam. Dour. 434. Yale buys everything 2nd hand. Web. 'm. HIGH EST prices for old clothing. D.;U. ' c mom: yt7Ioan 3 I'HIVATE estate money tu loan on Im proved OntaAa properly. Aduicas E IM, B IlKAL tWTATt yAHM it AN I II LisDI I'UH SALW Iowa. Call form la. Live Oak Colonies, none better. W. T. aiU Co, 14-i CJlJT Nt D. 2U Cnloraau. WANTED Good car for 80 acres Colo rado land, clear. Address L. 181, Bee. IOWA BARGAIN Want to move to Omaha. Have house 'n East Dee Moines, new In 1808, good barn, two good sheds, brick chicken bouse (will leave the chickens In it), all three lots facing east, good location, two blocks from car, not too clone to town, some Improvements, will sell cheap for cash, will make arrangements for pay ments. Address U Via, Bee. blSSCMM, MO ACRES, 48 miles from Minneapolis. one mile from town; 1H0 acres under cultivation; balance used for pasture; can practically all be cultivated; heavy soil. Good set buildings, consisting of It room house, large barn, granary, corn cribs, windmills, etc.; the land will pro duce 60 bushel of torn per acre; tele phone In bouse; country thickly settled; Lomplete set of machinery; If? head of stock, consisting of 11 cows, belonoe 1 and 2-year-olds; six good horses, 26 hogs, chickens, one-half of this year's crop and everything on the farm goes at 800 an acre, half cash. Schwab Bros., 1028 Ply mouth B.d., Minneapolis, Mian. Moataka. MONTANA irrigated lands beat In the world for wheat, oats, altalfa and stock; close to town, railroad, schools and churches; $41.60 to $fc per acre on fifteen years' Ume; annual payments less than rentals on middle west farms; write to. day for particulars; Illustrated pamphlet and mtp free. Valler Farm Kales com lany. Box lOt'8. Vallor. Mont lllssoarl. FOR SALE 738 auras, 40 miles from St Louis on Iron Mountain railroad; depot; Well fenced; 8 dwellings, 8 bams, granary, silo, ennlne house and other outbuildings, orchard, several never-falling springs. Make a good dairy cr stock farm. IS. Hoffmann. Vlneland. Mo. Nebraska. LAND SEEKERS, ATTENTION. We are closing out the holdings of a land company in Lincoln county. Ne braska, consisting- of about 7,000 acres of choke farming lands In tracts to suit purchaser and at prices much below current value. Prices for good corn and wheat lands range from 820 to 860 per acre, according to location and Improve ments. In many cases a single crop will pay for the farm. Terms to suit buyers. No better crops raised in Nebraska. Let us snow you the land and the crops. Write us for particulars. BUCHANAN PATTERSON, Noith Platte. Neb. Nebraska. 135 PER acre for fine halt section stock and grain farm; might consider good stock of hardware op to 86,000. Write owner for descriptions. Route No. 4, Box 21, C'ambrldKe. Neb. Hay Land Bargain 2,400 acres. Rock county, Nebraska; nearlv all beat meadow land In state, 7 miles from town; some Improvements; ar te"' an water; hay pays big Income; low price, 825 an acre. The W. F. Shelton Co., Agents Union Pacific Lands, Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. o OWN A GOOD NEBRASKA FARM. A well Improved US-acre farm, 8 miles from Bounty seat town, central Nebraska, to exchange for Omaha property, PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, 6th Floor Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. D. 17K1. o TWO sections of land In Lincoln county, 8 miles from R. R. Price $8 per acre. In qulre. Mrs. L, B. Mitchell, Kearney. Neb. WUcoaala. FOR BALE Improved farm, good clay loam soil; rood buildings, fences and li acres under plow; one mile from town. Also tract of 1,000 acres improved marsh land: very cheap for quick sale. Owner, A. J. Arauadsun, City Point, Jackson County. yviBconalit. FOR 6AL.E Ve olfer selected hardwood ridge cut-over lands, all sized tracts, at right prices and easy terms; eoil clay sill loam; excellent dairy and farming region; land convenient to railroad in growing settlements: good markets for all pro ducts. Write for map and information. John Aruln I. urn tier Company, Orand Rapids, Wis., Kawmill Office at Atlanta, Rush Co.inty, Wisconsin. 40 ACRES level, good son, log houseT frame barn. well,. IX acres cleared, 14 cultivated. 4 miles from town. Price fl.OiO. 8Txi0 cash. Tom O. Maon, Shell Lake. WU UPPER WIS4CONB1N Best dairy ami general crop state in the union; settlers wanted; l)w. (or sale at low prices on easy terms. Atk for booklet 24 on Wiscon sin Central I -end Grunt. Excellent lands for stock raining. If interested In fruit lands aak for booklet on apple orchards. Address Land and Industrial Depart., Boo l.lne Hniwav. M 'm-enoH Mln RED LAKE county, Minn.. UO acres level prairie land; SO acres cultivated; bal ance tillabe; two iniies from two cheese (factories, well Improved district; price I f or quick sale 830 per acre; lands In this ' locality worth W to Td per aoie. auu acres I Bargent county. No. Dak., 860 acres cul- paMture land, fenced; eprlnj; water; heavy black soil: fair buildings; this Is a bar gain at 840 per acre. Reasonable terms; 6 per cent interest. It. 1. Mi Mahon, Com merce Bldg.. tit. Paul. Minn HA VIS TOU A FARM FOR aALttt Write a good des ripuou of your land and send It to the Mloux City, la.. Journal, "Iowa's Most Powerful Want Ad Me dium.'' Twenty-five words every Friday , evening, Saturday morning and every Saturday evening and buuday morning for one month, giving sixteen ads on twelve different dya tor 82, or 60 aords, 84. or 75 words, tfi. I.argest circulation of any Iowa news paper, ZjO.UuO readers daily In four great states. I can meet the requirements of home seekers and investors In small or lares trans of land and farm lit Nebranka, Minn.. Dak, Montana. Attractive pne.-s snd teriiiH. t'itv ir"",me taken n ex change. W. Ci. Tcml.n. 60s Bos Bldg. OWNER WANTS CASH and will sscrlffee his eqtiltv In a strictly modern 8-room house; living and dlnlnir room finished in oak; full cemented base ment under entire house; fine corner lot. 12fxl, overlooking Florence park. This Is one of the mt beautiful homes In Florence. If sold this week, will go at a blr sacrifice. VOOilOL KEATsTV A0KNCV. Douitlas 5SS1. 1016-18 W. O. W. Rldg. Last Lot Left in (llomlalo Addition On Florence Car Lino $1.00 Cash, $1.00 n Week No Tnteresti No Taxes. Flno corner lot, one block to paving, across street from new (5,000 home. Price only 8.100. HASTINGS HEY DEN. 114 Hsmey St. $500 Cash : Balance easy payments, will buy my home at 4433 N. 21st St.; t rooms and bath, all modern, hardwood finish, hot water heat, fireplace, bulltln bookcases and china cabinet, full cemented base ment with laundry sink and floor drain. For further Information call Web. UM. Price, 83,400. tne-half block to car. Corner Lot, $700 Three Mocks north of Ames Ave., on S3d St lias 60-foot frontage, city water, sewer and cement walks, .good location; must he sold at once; close to school, car and stores; fine place to build. HASTINGS & HEYDBN. 1S14 Harney Ft. BUILT 1 year. 7-room, modern hou.o, close to car line; lot 64x136; nice lawn, shade, oak finish. Any offer considered. 4407 No. 2Mh. Web. 6318. o TWO ELEGANT BUNGALOWS FIELD CLUB DISTRICT. Brand new. Just completed, large liv ing room and dining room, built-in bufret. butler's pantry, oak finish ; colonnade opening with boukcaw) pedestals, fine kitchen with maple floors. Thre fine bed rooms with dandy bath room upetalrs. When you buy a home get one that Is built right. These bunalnwa were built bv day labor and will bear close Inspec tion as to kind of construction and ma terials used. Can be bought on easy terms If desired. Telephone office for lpsteclnn and we will call for you. SCOTT & HILL COMPANY, Douglas 1009. 1 MUST SELL MY HOME I have an Ideal place, lot (11x288 ft., nice lawn and shrubbery, shade and fruit trees, all conveniences. Nice ti-room house, all modern and in good condition. Make me an Offer. 3203 N. 67th 81. Phone Benson 757J. OWNER offers $700 equity In .five-room all modern home, $4ii0 cash. Web. 1H99. PRACTICABLY new 7-room up-to-date house with garage. On one of the nicest streets in Kountze Place. At a big sacrifice; can show you nnv time. PAY N IS INVESTMENT COMPANY. Fifth Floor Omana .Nat'l Bank Bldg. ' Douglas K81 -o REAL ESTATE SOUTH SIDE 7-ROOM modern house, in good repair; large lot. fruit, shade. 83.200; eaay terms. ) B. 17th. Tel. Tvler 1J.S8. FIELD CLUB DISTINCT For Sale In Field Club district, near Hanscom park, 7-room while stucco house; two stories and attic; full cemented basement; also white stucco garaire and wide cemented driveway. Two lots each, Sox 182 feet; entirely surrounded by hodgo. Beautiful grounds, lawn, shrubbery, etc. House has large living room with fire place;, built-in bookcases; dining room has bullt-ln buffet; good kitchen and butler's pantry; 2d floor has 3 bed rooms, sleeping porch, bath and shower bath; oak floors throughout; screens and storm sash. This is one of tho most attrac tive homea in tho city. Will sell with one lot, $i,750, with both lots, 88,600. See owner, 3324 Walnut St See This Today If you want a real bargain. 1321 H. Mth Kt, a 6-room cottage, modern except heat, on a large lot, with shado trees, on paved street. This place must be sold, and at the rrice asked for it Is a r 1 banraln. Bee this place, then call Creigh, Sons & Co. Don't Delay Act Today Take a Look at the Beautiful Lots in the NEW ADDITION TO DUNDEE South of Dodge, West of 49th Opening Sale, Saturday, September 11th Salesmen and Autos on tho Grounds All Day Take Dundee Car to 49th and Dodge Sts. Ride Out in Your Own Machine if You Prefer Paved Streets All the Way Every Improvement Sewers, Gas, Water, Sidewalks, Curbing and Paving, Boulevard Lighting System. Close to Car, Near School, Markets, Parks, Good Fire Protection' No Addition Now on Sale Has, More Extensive Improvements, Nor Offers More Ad vantagea Building Restrictions No House Less Than $3,000, Some Blocks $4,000 There Never Was A Time in the History of Omaha so Favorable for Realty Investments. Omaha is the Center of a Vast Agricultural Empire and MUST GROW. Take Advantage of Future , Rise in values. Don't envy the man who "got in on the ground floor." You take fewer chances today than the man who bought ten years ago. The City is growing to the West at a marvellously rapid rate. Every advantage is to be dad i n this new addition. Don't put it off. Act at once. EASY TERMS LOW PRICES Phone Douglas 756 GEORGE & COMPANY 902 City National Bank Building REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS Dour las 00. 60 Bee Uldg. RE A Li ESTATE WEST SIDK Near Saunders School . $750 Cash and balance monthly for new square home, oorner lot, east front lot, MWlilf.. Price has been $4.K, but price Is cut 10 per cent for immediate aale. O'Keefe Ileal Estate Co., 101 Omaha National. Dome. Z716. An Opportunity For Investment Unusual Terms Wa v. . m 4. . w. -.a - i i . t ' ' " ' ' Juki unvv-u mMt wvirmi ivnini I proposition with all the requirements for I safe rental returns. The property con- I slats of two buildings, four apartments. wun grouna iuuxihz, located hin and slshtly on ono of the best streets In the I West Farnam district. Furthermore, the nuuniiiKS are new, rents are reasonable, the tenants are absolutely first clans and the location will Improvo steadllv. Total rental $M per month, 3,uS0 per year. Price f'l.MK), which Is a low cash figure and the unusual part Is $3.00 cash and $1:00 per month payment will buy this property. Investigate at once and he assured of, about 1 per cent of your THE NEW ADDITION TO DUNDEE THE NEW, ADDITION TO DUNDEE REAL ESTATF Ml SCE LLA VEO 18 5 Rooms-North $2,800 All Modern Newly Painted S rms. on 1st floor: 1 bedrooms and hath upstairs; cemented cellar, with good furnace. Terms, $100 down, (30 per ino. 8 Rooms West Farnam $5,500 Just painted, on graved street. haJ( block to car; In haunders school district; 4 bedrooms, bath and floored attic. TKKH.-i, JfAI CASH, fc Pl&R MO. 5 Rooms Boulevard Park $3,250 All modern; I bedrooms with bath up stairs; shade, flowers said shrubbery, TERMS. tlCM CASH, 14 PEJl MO. American Security Co. poug. boil. 17th and lutflss Bts. REAL. ESTATE HUUL'RUAN FOR BALE Hy owner, neat 4-TOom house. big lot. pienty of fr-U. I wit will take IUW within the next l-.o day. down. 116 per month. U1 Kpauitling. phone Benson 1!-J. rtereaes. BKK Kethaway for that farm. Flor. ttt. Apartments, flats, house and cottages ran be rented nuickly and cheaply by Bee "Fur itotit." money. Glover & Spain Douglas KttS. Il Olty National. RKAIi ESTATE FOR EXCHANGE NEW BRICK FLATS FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Double brick flat, on paved street, one-half block from car line; new and strictly modern; good tenants. Price' $7,000; mortgage, $4,000. Owner will take good unimproved land in Nebraska or a small cottage in Omaha for bli equity and assume up to $1,000, but no more. J. J 1. 1) II MONT & CO. 41618 State Bank Bldg. Douglas 690. t-ROOM modern bouse for grocery stock. Georun K.rse. Council liluffi. la. REAIi ESTATE LOAM C Consider This Tn a city the of property to almeat aoUrety ooatrolle4, ttnatX er tav directly, by its surroundings. THEREFORE In aeleotinar a lot en which to tattle rear fully what the surroundings are or may be. as the dlatrlot A ArrolopM. FARM 1XJANS. 6 PER CENT. I TOLA N D A TKUMBtlU... U Bee Bldg. $100 TU tl.ouu made promptly. F. D. Weed. Wesd Bldg , IMh A Sarnam fit.. CITY and farm loans, (, fcVi. p.r eent J. H. jiuniont A Co., 41 fetate Bank. A "tor bale'' ad will turn seooud-hand furniture Into ca.h. WANT Ki Good farm and city loan at low .at rates. P1ITEKH TRUST CO., W22 Farnam. CITY property, lrge loans a specialty. W. 11. Thomas 22 Slse Bank Bldg. MONET on hand for city and farm loans. H. w. Binder. City National Bank Bldg. vjMAHa homes. East Nebraska farms, O'KEKFK BEAI EWTATfc CO.. 10H Omaha Natlo ial. Phone Douglas Hit 8EK us first tor farm loans In eastern N.b. United Mates Trust Co., Omaha. CITT I.OANH, C. O. Psrlbarg. 110. a; n tt Brsndeis Theater Bldg. Very Desirable Printing Office ' Location with entrnnco from Court ul Una Building. W w 2 a c o g S In a New Addition A thoagtitfuny and .xterurlrely prepared plan of development redgoee frle ttern n chanoe as to the future to a minimum and affords tho purchaser In. the addition the greatest possible protection for bis Inyeatment. A -I-n-Q-U-A-T-B R-KV B-T-R-I-C-T-I-O-N-H In real estate spell PKHMANHNT VAJJJE. Cail up and let ua tell you of our plan for OoTeloplng EJVANMTON. What Other Real Estate Men Think of "Evanston" The Bvanaton district Is without doubt tho boat location in tho ettr for a highly restricted rwsldencs addition. Our Judgment la this ba boon bajoked up fry the feat that other real eatat. men with large holding In Duodeo hare davlopd their highest prloed and moat hlgliry restricted addltloa aoroaa th. street from Cranston. In other words, out of all tbelr property they eay to you "This s tho bestl" Other additions hays been and are being laid out In Dundee, but only In the Braneton district have experienced real estate men deemed tho location and naruraJ advantages of too land auoh aa to warrant Its dev.lopsnant oa tbo blghoet cla&a basis. What Other Real Estate Men Think About the Prices of Evanston Lots Men In constant touch with real estate valuea and ptioea, In this locality, har. looked through RvaJiston and declared to ua: .'"W. are anirpriaafl that you are sailing Uie Iota so cheap." (rur answer: "The lota are ortoed to sell." a large lot at a higher prloe la cheaper than a small lot at a lower prlco. But a Large Lot at a Lower Price is "The One Best Buy" You Can Get It in Evanston ES "JJVANSTON 1HK8T. Telopbaoo Doug-la tll. H. H. Harper & Company 1011-14 City National Bank Building". o a o 8 TI1E NE1V ADDITION TO DL'NDEE THE NEW ADDITION TO DUNDEE r Get into businew via the "Diuinet Chances