14 T1IK BEE: OMAHA, SEPTEMBER 1915. WANT ADS Want 1 received St any time, but to Insure prner classification must be pre- tl befr re 1J o'clock noon for evening edition r,d 7:45 nn av 4l r. m. for momlnf nn rhindav editions. Want ad ioIvkI sfter uch boura will be under the heading. "lot Late to ClsMslfy.' CAPH RATES. Seven e,a.cutlv timea, 1 cent word each li-sertlon. Two or mora consecutive tlm, 1V4 eenU ft word. One time, I cents word. rnARon rates. Seven mneecutlve times, 8 cents a line each Insertion. Three consecutive time, 10 cent a line each Insertion. One time, 11 cents a Tin. Count ell average worn to a Tin Minimum charge. 20 cents. An advertisement Inserted to M run until discontinued muat be stopped by written order. . . All claims for error must be mw within fifteen day efter the lat Inser tion of the advertisement Too can plae your went ad In The Bee by telephone. , THLEPHOrTB TTLF.R 101. DRATHJ AND rTHBRAL HOTTCE 9. IH5CKKR Rom, widow of Andrew, flhe is eurvlved by three Bona, George, Jo- eeph end Andrew. Funeral Saturday morning from resi dence. South Forty-sixth street, at I to aw m. to 8t- Ceea,la's church at a. rn. Interment at Holy Sepulcher ceme tery. m i it i it i Ann death. Births Qustaf and Ann Kamptnar. 11I Smith Eighteenth, girt; A. W. end Blanche BurmeHterr, 4423 North Twenty second, boy; Btly end Ann CVhn, 1317 Bouth Fourth, boy; M. F, end B. B. Doty, 2418 Hurt, glrli K. J. and Ethel Glnnane. '32,16 Emmet b 'iJarnee end Kmnrei Kadlec, 1400 South Eleventh, boy; T. W. and Marie McCarthy. 6917 North Yhtrtleth. girl; Con end Lucy Starr. 324 North Twenty-second, South de, girl. Dearhe-Joseph Janda, 26. 2ft South Ftghleanth, Bouth Bide; Mr Mary Vaeh tel. 87, BMW. X; Mary B Smith. 7S. ri7 Hamilton; Alfred Rtesrhl, , 1346 T; Victoria, montli CI North Thirty third. MARRIAGE) LICRNSRS. Incenses to wed have been laaued to the John Vt Har mm. Om-h. ... 1 Uanhk una Rare. Omah . 17 Frank Btlger, Arlington.. Rum Ijinta Pittsburgh. Pa- John W. Rounrty. Dwilap, Ia, oyer Ina R. Ten EVok. Dirolap, la, orrer. ... 21 Albert D. OIwbU. lilnooln. XI Amazllla RroDhy. Unoln 1" 'Mrm nr.ililu WM.ka CI Clemenaa. Walker. Omaha U BIII.PINU l-KKMITI. C. M. Reeaer, 1 Pomlnlnn, frame dwelllnir. $1 WO; J. O. Reno b21 North Thirtieth, hrirk KftraKe, rw; Klmer 8. Itedlrk. MS Pouth T itrty-flrt avenno. frame dwelling. 400; E. Bkorman, JMne, freme dwellln. U. srlr, Mr Rurt, frame dwelllnf, 13,600; A. Turynek, !T71 South Tw.-lfth. (rump dwelling, t;,Ro!; Joeeph Matejit. 1701-J Today's Movie Programs LANTERN el Idea for moylea. Bend your copy to ua. We can reproduce photo or will prepare your copy. We will color as directed. Bee Photo Dept. 101 Be Bid. Dowatwwa. EMPIlESa 15th and Douglas. HIGH CLA83 VAUDEVILLE. The City Tigers, Vltaffroph, S reel. Billy Joins the Navy, Lubln. Uroncho Billy Begins Life Anew, Ess. HearU-Sellg. No. 71. l'RINCESS. 1817-19 DOUGLAS. Four tleel of Good Picture. Korlt, 2201 MI LIT ART AVE, CLIFTON, The Great Lubln photo play. The Fortune Hunter, In 6 part Honaon and Deaf Inetltute car pent door. UK AND, irmi ANDBlSNEY SPECIAL FEATURE Mary Pickford in "An Eagle's Mate" Paramount Picture in five parts SID CHAPLIN SATURDAY, 2- REEL KEYSTONE COMEDY. LOTHKOP, 24th and Lothroix Francis X Bushman In Ambushed, ' Also Romance of Klaine. ftoatfc. APOLLO. 2824 LEAVENWORTH. Tlie Runaway Wlf. 4-reet Kalem. ORPUEUM, 24TH AND N. A l.over-'s Lost Control, t-reel Keystone, a vnua or me nun, uajeeiio arama. Shocking Stocking-. Ko oomedy. West. MONROE. 28S5 FARNAM, Vivian Martin In The Little Dutch OlrL a Bhubert feature. . Daily matinee, t to !:!) p. m. ktaia . 2TU AND.N. BESSE. Neal of the Navy, 1 ler Romeo, (-reel Lubtgi. It Was to Be, Lubln. A MOVIES a J FEATURES TODAY APPOLO, 1124 LEAVENWORTH. The Runaway Wlf. 4-reel Kalem. CUFTON, 2201 MILITARY AVE. The Fortune Hunter, in I parts. Bcneon and Deaf Institute cars pass door. GRAND, 16T1I AN DB 1 N N KY . Mary Pick ford tn An Eagle's Mat. Para mount picture. In part LOTUUOP. 24T1I AND LOTUROP. llomanc of FJlslne, MONROE, 2S66 FARNAM. Vivian Martin tn The little Dutch OlrL a Miubert feature. Dally luaUnee. l.H) to I JO p. m. ANNOUNCEMENTS mmmwmma mmm s-ssmssa Him ssnsnii ,an ,, snsasaaMsgeasaaBS Office for Rent September 16th On Beautiful Court of th Bee Building 216 Sq. Ft, with water. ..... f 18.00 Ask the Superintendent. Room 108. 1 luvt aiixale V. U. CA. out g park, summer. AXXrCT.MKXTH CU81NKHS COLLEGE 8TUUENT8 8AVE MONEY ON COURSES. For eele, with eood r.-aon for aelllnt. aVty of rourern In a reliable Hul- nee Kchool, one of the leadlns bulne, colleea of dmeha. Will be eold ery reaonable-way lielnw r-ular price. If you are considering taklnf a rourae Invretlnate thin at on-, mnce Fall tern beitlna eoon. Call office, Omaha Bee. Al'TOMOMLKrt TTRB3 EXrKNfR CUT IN TWO. We take two old tlrp and return ore Rood one. Price, $2 7ti and ii NlOt. DOURLE-TREAl) TIHE CO., r21, Farnam Ht Tl. Ionglaa 1&3. InduetHal OitrnRe Co.. 20th Harney pta. Whenever you are conaldrrlnr eellln or buying Died car and you want full value for your money or you want people who are willing to pay for what they are retting you will have no regret If you buy or advertise through the ud car coin tr.n of The Hee. 1'h one Ty I er 1"00. FOR Bale Hupmohlle S3 roadiiter. Will ecll for M"0 If taken at once. Call at Loyal hotel. Aak for Mr. Ireyfu FOK 8AL.K My u-1 UI)nmoblle touring car. In good condition, w0. Car can be aeen at I Farnam Ht. FONTENKLLR AUTf) CO.. 21 P. J'Kh St. Kxix-rt repairing; bargains In used eara, guaranteed aa repreeented Overton's forleaky radiator. Wo, dealer $10 HEWARI) for any magneto we can't repair. Colla repd. Raywdorfer. 210 N. 1 o NKMIAKK A Jlulck Service Ktatlon. 114 Famam Ht. I'hone Douglaa 721. nC8IXF.SS CHANCKS If your RuKlneai Chance will stind rigid InvfatlRatlun and la Juat what It la advertieed, or If you are looking to start In buaineaa for yourself you will be pur fcctly satisfied If you use the flualnes Chance column of The Hee. When buy ing or selling a buslne- flione Tyler 1000. Outside Office 17th Street Exposure In the Bee Building 9ftx20 ft ;...18.00 Partitioned for private office and waiting room. Inquire of Superintendent, Room 108. TKWHTBK 8 PALM. Stock cf general merchandise, $10,000 An Ideal locatlnr for a general store. 8 took In excellent condition. Will be sold at very attractive flgurea. Parties de siring a location for general merohandtee store wilt find thla worthy of prompt In vestigation. Address B. W. Andrluk, Trus leo, Wheaton. Kan. FOFI 6AIJC General merchandise stock. tx.ono. doing MO.0U0 yearly. Addreaa. Y 9X. llee. FOR BALPJ Jrocery and confectionery tore In good Nebraska town; excellent location and established business. Address Y. 7(0, Itee. I'ViK BAI,h-Dray line at Henderson, Neb. Income between 40 and tbO weekly. J. H. Loewen, Prop. OWNKRS-Llat your property with W. W. Williams, m Neviiie Rlk. O. 4407. 10 PELL or buy a bt'alneaa. call on Bii'ch AV Rorghoff. Frenter Hik. l, Ml Ti) UKT In or out of buaineaa oail on OANOKfrrAO, 422 Bee Hldg. lJoug. 8477. RMAl. F.-tate Buaineaa places supplied or hnndled; all stales. K. V. Knlnst. Omaha, BKK Omaha Theater Supply Co. for bar gains In established, shows U. g20. THKATKUH Huy, leaae or sell your the ater, machine and supplies throurh The:Vr Frxch. Co., 140 Farnam. J). 1H7. FOR HA 1. 10 or rent Dry cleaning shop. $ to (4& a week business: very good location; reasonable rent. Write for prop osition to City Pantorlum. Bchuyler, Neb. PA YINTreeiVeTai "store," 5,o) "stock ; 2,ono, balance land. JIM WHAT. SIOUX CITY. BAROAIN Best cafe, live Iowa town; act quick. JIM WKAY. SIOUX CITY. EDUCATIONAL FOR sale, the following scholarships In a first class Omaha Kualnees College: One unlimited combination business and rhorthand course. One unlimited stenographlo eotirs One tliree-montlia' business or steno graph lo course. win be sold at a discount at the office Of The Omaha Hee. Boyles College r . ... I Vl-l.l U .1. I ... .1 A t busUiees course, coittiMete shorthand or tenoiype course, uuiriNeui letrKmiHi oouiso, civil service branches and Kng lish. titucUints admitted at any time. Write, phone or call for 1916 catalogue. HOYLK.H COLLiOUli, It. B. 1SOYLKH. ITeeldent I T'-Pl11'?''' .i,'d.0!L,n??e', EXPK.RT lady stenographer will take points; snonnana, loucn. typewriting, spelling and punctuation taught. Individ ual tnatruotlon, 4W4 Uouglaa St. TeL u'.ih wn The VAN SANT SCHOOL STENOGRAPHY BOOKKEEPING. Day School for Young Women, Evening School for Young Men and Women. . . Saturday morning class tn typewriting. Ion C. Duffy, Owner and Manager. 308 so. Uth Bt Omaha, FOR SALE FOR BAUS Here Is a classification that Is of the utmost Importance to every reader, as this column offer some excep tional opportunities every day and a small want ad will sell your arilcl at Its full value. Phone Tyler luflO. Farnitare, Iteaseheld Oootfa, Kte. Tlrvol-c bought and sold. J. C. Reed. UeBKS JJirj rKniatn Ht. Douglas I46. BARGAINS IN FURN ITURBl AND IIAKUWARU 1R3B N. 24TH. WEB. 1)7. LEAVING city, furniture small flat. No. 16. California At, 17th and California, FOR PALB-Cheap, Call Webster to e. 1 Oak baaebu Horace a ad Vehlalea. FOR BAI.K. Two work and on saddle horse, I7S, (60, (40; call Bouth U). iSO Harriaon Pt. Bonth tiinaha. TEAMING gears, one or a carload. All Sites, two to six-ton csiwcuw.. i . "u the Studebaker, the Bain, the Peter fcvbutller. PeKin and Buerken Must evil 1U0 this month. Big reduction In Price. JOHN8vN-DAN FORTH COMPANY. Un.icai asiraiu.-uta. Phghtly usfd high grand piano. D. 2017 WILDTbELL MY EQUITY IN PRAO TIOA1J.YNKW STANDARD MAKE ti FRIGHT PIANO AT A BIG DISCOUNT FOR CASH. THIS 13 A BARGAIN. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION W1UTH P 167. OMAHA BEE. l-ueltry, Kv(a a4 Sepplles. MXD grain, 100 lbs. $15. Wagner, m K. 11 HaaaBlaaj lloeaes. JO R. HOTEL, with e-r. cottage In rear, furnished throughout: full of roomers: price reasonable, terms; leaving town. must sell. The Rose, Harney fit. STEREOTYPE matrices make th beat and cheapest lining for poultry house Tltey are 1713 Inch stronger and more eurauie men tarrea reit ana piaciicaiiy fireproof. ? a hundred at Th He olfl.: Typewriter. TYPEWRITERS. $1$ and up. ta Bee PUlg. TYPEWRITEFwS sITil, rented, repaired. Otntral Typewriter Etc. pso rarnam M l.cel la areas. HUPAUTOMATIC Mall axohangas la use on C a A. rail road; will Stt.1 $ t'w share prwferred exo K tor sow aeon. r. iwed uutuey, Addreaa H IVt. Ale Coal Direct to You. Tlie Very Lowest Prices. Get a Trial Car. I. M. COX. North riatte, Neb. I Oil KALE (T0 nnOoldi-n West Whisky. 4 fu rTN."! Xllijuaits boiled In bund, pr Vty,vy pel. I. facklej Bros.. Omah full pre- a. I' OK HA L.K CHKAP Rualnesa ( ollege Course. Full and cin:iilcte scholarship In on of the best Otnal a business schools. Onnd reaaon for selling; perfectly relia ble; worth full price, hut will be sold very reas.inthly. If Interested Investigate t once, because fall term beirins soon. Tliere are a variety of courses for sale. For particular inquire at the office of The Omaha Bee. FOR KALE High school cadet suits, . All si see. John Feldman, 204 N. 17th. Cor. t'apltot Ave. I'hone Douglas J12t. FOR HAI.E New end second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and howling alleys snd accessories; Lsr fixtures of all kinds; easy payments The Brunswlck-Balke-Collender Co., 4rt-4" ft. imh Ht. CA RPENTEH tools, shovels, sledge picks, Jackacrews, 10 penny match vend ing machine fflc, each. Horse, hemes wagon, I10O. On electrlo piano. J. C. ISH. 10TJI n. fMh Pt Harney UX Second-hand rmeiors, dynamos. lrA magnetos, etc., mechanical reilra. I Bron Klectrlo Works. 21-20 8. 12th Pt. o HELP WANTKII l-'EMALK lerleal and Office. BTRNO Good bright beginner; Com. High rraduate. togers Reference Co., 640 Paxton Blk. STENOGRAPHER BRIGHT, ENER OKTIC YOUNG IAIIT, WHO IS NOT AFRAID OF HOUR OR WORK. GOOD 8AI.ARY TO HIOHT PARTV D1VK AGE. EXPERIENCE. SALARY, ETC. ADDRESS O 1HH. BE. A rents, Meleantra and Solicitor". YOUNG LADIES for agent Tyler 20' Factory and Trades. OIRT, to learn halrdresslng. Oprenhens. TRIMMERS, MAKERS, BPT EHB KRiJK 11' rt, HU4 FARNAM. Iloesebeepers aad llomeatlea. THE Servant Girl Problem Solved. The Bee will run a Servant Olrl Wanted Ad FRKE until you get the desired results. This applies to residents of Omaha, Houth Omaha and Council Bluffs. Bring sd to The Bee office or telephone Tyler 10. WANTED A girl for general housework, q California. . WANTHi A good girl for general house work. Mr. W. C. Lyle, 604 Parle Av WANTED A girl for general house work; must ia experienced; references required. 141 B. Uth St. D. 404. OOMPB7TENT girl for general house work; must not object to children) ref erence H, tMK XiM Seward St. WANTED A girl for general housework. la Park Ave. WANTE1 Whit gtrl for general house work. 8301 Davenport Pt. liar. KeW. WANTH1 Housework by young lady. I'hone Douglaa WANTKD CJirl fo general housework. Har. HUt.' Address 1037 H. 23d St, WANTED Middle aged woman for gen eral housework; small family; references required. Call Web. 608U GOOD girl for general housework; I per sons In family. Apply 4WU Underwood Ave., Dundee. NH1AT .appearing girl for general house work; new apartment; I tn family; rleaaant room and good home. Phone larnev 4T.99 or call S. 4d Ht. WANTED A neat maid for general nouaeworn, two in family, h. imso. WANTED A capable white girl to do cooking and laundry work. Good (wages. I'hone H. 20Ui. 127 N. 42d treet. WANTED A competent second girl, ref erence required. Mrs. M. G. Colpetser, 402 H. gxth. Phone Harney 24. WANTED A second maid; good refer ence. 8718 Fsrnam. H. 16I9. WANTED An experienced white maid for second work: 8 In family. Reference required. 6"7 So. feth Ht. H. 2009. WANTED A good white cook. Refer ences reiiulrod, 3 in family- 607 So, 88th Pt. H. 3W. HIGH school or young girl to assist with house work for room and board: small wntf'e IV . 1 ri ii t 9'11 WANTED A good girl for general houee work; good wage. Wal. lttrt. 724 N. WANTED Competent girl for gen eral housework: good wages; refer ences required. !C3 No. S8th Av. Tel. n. ie. W ANTED Young gtrl to assist with housework. Web. 6M0, WANTKlMiood girl for general hou work. Phone Harney 17!A, Alex Gun ther, 8870 Farnam St. WAJSTED An experienced nurse maid; reference required. Mrs. M. u. New man, KM Howard. H. 8.118. WANTElv Young white girl to do second work end assist with children; one who ran go home nights preferred. Phono Walnut S2.r. or call at 4032 Hard Pt. WOMEN to look after Invalids; (6 a week, no laundry or lifting. 2421 Bo, 24. D. 71R3. W A NTKD Girl to assist with general housework, more for company evening, family of two. Web. 4S7". WANTED A girl to assist with house work. Good horn 12 No. 13th St. Web. 1JS. Mlevellanesaa, YOUNG women coming to Omaha a strangers are Invited to visit tne Young Women's Christian association building at Ht. Mary s Ave. and 17th St., where they will be directed to suitable boarding plaoes or otherwise assisted. Iok for our travelers' guide at Union station. WOMAN cook, good character; oppor tunity ror wiuow witn gtn to eaucat Apply at once. Tabor College, Tabor, la. WOMEiN WANTED-Oovernmeut Job List free. Write Immediately. Frank lin Institute. Dept. eTdO, Rochester, N. T. HELP WANTKD MALE Clerical as4 Office. HTGH-URADH: commercial position WEST. RKFERKNCK & BOND ASSN., 762 Omaha Nat ank Bldg. STF.NO. and bkpr., $0. WATTS RKF. CO., $40-42 BrandeU Th NIGHT clerk, hotel. Ho. bd. and room. BUSINESS MEN'S REFERENCE ASSN. ! woodmen of world. THE KEY TO THE SITUATION. WATTS REF. CO., H0 Brands! Theater. Bay. GOOD opportunity for brUjht boy must be 16 to 17 year Apply Cudahy'a of fice, Houth Omaha. A seats. Ralesmea aa lleltara. COAL agent wanted In vry town: get a trial car. I. sa. Cox. No. Platt. Neb. WANTED A good steady ganUenianly salesman to handle a Ward a wagon In Dougla county. No oxperleno n ceded. For full particular writ promptly to Dr. Ward' Medical Company, Winona, Minn, r-siaoosiivu i3t C1RCU LATION nianagera, big profit cutw ouiiiuinaitoiia, tuica aaiier Aa ls aourl Clroulatlng Co., Kansas City, Mot WANTED Several salesmen with autoe lor ovuairv wora: weea. J. II. Bamard. W 8. 2oth St. Phone Doua laa 6AL GOOD proposition for an employ travellng salesman. Fxpenenoed traveling salesman. Jewelry. Wanted An experienced lady alenog- raphnr. Experienced aratylen welder. OMAHA AGENCY CO., 8i$ Bee Bldg. THE first payment carries insurance to January 1, 114; great Inducement; call or writ Mutual Benefit Health 4k Acci dent association. City National Bank Bldg , Omaha. Neb. STATIC and county agent eve t tire. to handle the beet money maker ever. See demonstration, 1614 Capital Ave, U H. C. Gas Burner CVv Fwetery aa Trwdea. WANTED Men to learn th barber trade. We hav originated a plaa to teach It quickly and thoroughly. Wage paid while learning. Tool Included. Write for Illustrated ratalogu MOLER BARBER COLLEGE 110 S. 14th St. Drug More Snap loos Kneist, Bee Bldg. Positions Now Open. . Free Catalogue. AMERICAN AUTO COLLEGE. 2061 Farnam St.. Omaha. Neb. HELP WANTED MALE Faetory Bad Trade. LEAUN BAH13EH TIlADE Wares paid. Tools given. Positions guaranteed. Call or write for Information. Trl-Clty College, !?4 Douglas, Omaia. WE need men; had to turn down two lobs Per woek lately. Get in. Iearn by our method. Get one of these Jobs. Catalogue D. B. free. Nebrieka Auto mobile School. 34oS Iavenworth Pt. Miscellaneous. RAtliWAT mall clerks wanted, 175 month, Omaha, examinations coming. Pample question free. Write Immediately. Frank lin Inst tntee. Dept. 221G. Rtctiester, N. Y. WANTED & experienced hay men; also man and wife for ranch. S. C. Bliss, K4 F.xchange Bldg , Bouth Omaha. WANTED Names of men. is or over, wishing government lob PS month No pull necessary. Address T n. Bee. JEWFLER Hinge man preferred, with experience In handling Jewelry depart ment In drug store and able to wait on drug trade when necessary. Position open at once. Write, with leferencea and salary expected to W. 11. Raleigh 4V Co., Garden Grove, Ia. SITUATION" WANTED AFTER some years on Pacific coast, I return to Nebrai-ka, a poorer, but wiser man: age it. German (naturalized): have family; experienced farmei , engineer; cov ering ail modern details, including ice making and cold storage, electric light ing and power; good mechanic snd huva good recommendations; need work; make offwr. Address Y fi. Bee. SITUATION" wantedby young man of 1 with good education; prefer part outside work with wholesale or retail concern, shipping deportment or de.lverv. Can drive car. What hav youT 4812 Web ster Bt. Walnut fc69. WANTED Situation by young man at tending university. Have had S years newspaper experience and am good vlo llnlet. Can work half time, Phone Red fiOTO. NURSE wants position taking care of children. T. 13JW. MIDDLE-AGED lady will take care of two children, s hool age preferred; houMcke. ) nt. A.)dr?ss F 1JI, l!ee. WATtH MAKER end saieamnn: 15 years' experience; capable of taking charge of any department. Deslrca position at once. Address J lf3, Bee. WOMAN with little boy wants steady Job housekeeping; city or country. Room 120 Nevflle hotel. WANTED By experienced married gro cery clerk, position In southern Ne braska or northern Kansas. Address Y (39, Be. BITUATION as moving picture operator; t years' experience; any machine: now employed. Address B 158, Bee. SITUATION wanted by single and double entry bookkeeper with some experience In bank and lumber yard ofllce; best of referenoes; will start with reasonable salary. Address M 156, Omaha Bee. LOST AND FOUND Lost or Found ad In Omaha's Loat and Found mediums means the Immediate ro tuny of that article If atTVertised in The Bee, the Lost and Found paper. LOST Boston bull pup: ho one white snd on black eye. Call II. 636 or Tyler 1662. LOST Between 28th and Pacifio or on Park and Harney cars to aid and Charles St, one Shrine brooch engraved Nellie 8. Patterson. Return to hm S. 2ft h St. Rewsrd. Phone Harney 2348. OiuaiiA Ac CUiNiJiL BL,U'F,-J STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Person having lost some article would do well to call uo the office of the Omaha 4k Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left it In the street cars. Many article eaoh day are turned In and tne company la anxious to restore them to the -Ightful owner. Call Doug. 4 LOST Whit bulldog, black spot on back, long: tall and long ears; on collar name, "T. Q. Hossack." Answers to name of "Spot Reward for return. Har. 18t LOfrT Labor day. Miller Park, pair white flannel trousers, pair spiked shoes. Good reward. Forehead. 2217 Chicago St. LOST Lady's gold watch. Elgin. Ro ward. Paul Wellenslck. Lorton, Neb. PERSONAL GORDON, th Magasln Man. Tel. Doug. 71C2. YOUNG women coming to Omaha as stranger are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at Uth Bt and St Mary' Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding place or otherwise assisted. Touk for our travelers guide at mo tinita atatvm. THE Salvation Army Industrial home bo Holts your jld clothing, furniture, maga line We collect. W distribute. Phono Douglas 4186 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home, 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St. I WOULD like to meet lady $ti to 45 year of age who understands SUGGES TION and MENTAL SCIENCE. Address C. E. W P. O. ln . Atlantic. Iowa. FET STOCK YEAR-old white poodle. (15. Har. C57. SWAPPERS COLUMN Wanted to Swap. ITby not advertise something that you no longer hav any us tor and get something you really needT It costs you nothing to Join the Swapper' club and you will find It lots of fun swapping things. Write Room 101, Bee Bldg., or phone Tyler 1000. AUTOMOBILES For other automobile bargain see the "Automobll" classifi cation. BEDS Iron had Hav t Iron bed In fairly good shape; will trade for library table, or what hav you 7 Addre S. C. BOM. Bee. BKESE. 24th and N "Romano of Elaine." last chapter. BONE CUTTER No. 1 A-Mann., small power, or It can be changed to A No. handpower; cost $; u.-ed a few times: win trad ror a siiotgun or anything I can us Address 8. C. 116a. Be CHICKENS 75 thoroughbred Buff Or phlngtons; good color, large bone. What nave you I Address a, c ri, Be COINS 3t5. old American and foreign. from old Rome, 67 A. D., to Panama, 1904; Louisiana. 1732; flawed buffalo nickel. 1X14: Chines raisin and brvecbaa Coins; old Tartar and Mongolian coins. want old guns, swords, dagger, etc., or small niachln tool Dr. McMillan Jones. Acme, wyo. c i c Drrj urvn f om iv. . . , r . . t . . WILL TRADE OR BELL. ADDRESS B. C. 181, Be CHICKENS SOU chicken to exchange for lot worth not over $&0. Address S. C. too. ElLECTRIO deek light and small elec trlo stove to trad for what hav youT Anures b. tj. , ue FURNITURE Furniture of a good room ing house with rooms of very good furniture; a paying proposition. What hav you In exuhan? Addreaa S C Bee. FURNITURE li rooms of furniture worth $o; will swap for oonfectionery, bakery or a lot. Addreaa S. C. 6uu6, Boo. HAVE) a good, clear lot, exchange for second-hand lumber, automobile or truck, or something 1 can use; what hav you? S. C. UWu, B iuGH-GRADE Burr walnut player piano, used ( nios , cost (its); want to dispose of thla qui-kly; will sacrifice. Would trad for runabout or good lot. Will make t-rma on balance. S. C. iw. Roe. I HAVE a good horse, harness and Wagon, for violin or anything you have to offer. Address S. C. Hf4 Bee. KODAKSEaatman kodak, la good con dlllon, will swap for baby carnage or any household furniture 1 can uax, S. C Kkd. car Be FURNITURE; of 64-room hotel for trad; prefer land. Address S. C. 193, Be GOOD old-fashioned walnut cupboard, makes good bookoa: student' desk. Will trad on or both for small tent or tarpaulin or what have you? S. C. lm. le. HAVE a gaa even which will trade for something worth $3. Adduce a O. 6o I WANT a Harley-Davidsun motorcycle, nearly new: must be In flrat class con dition. Will trad pur whit diamond, set in platinum. Tiffany mounting, worth $160. Ad.lra S. O. lsVBe. JITNEY BODY-4-cjrlliider Jitney body to carry eleven; double Ignition system at water kent; Bosch high tension mag neto. Trade for Ford touring car. Ad dress 8. C 6, Omaha Bee. SWAPPERS COLUMN KOMAK-I'lil't folding pocket kodak; cost $10, together with new $5 de veloping tark, trsys, print frames, chem icals, etc. Will trnde complete outfit for good type rker; Underwood preferred. Ati.lrr P C. ITn. Hee. LOl'NOF Sanitary lounge in good shape; wi I trade for or full sixcd bt-d Ad dress t. . 5"4. Bee. MII.LIKRY store, doing good buaineaa, to trale for land or cltv property. Sick ness in family. Address P. C. 2"1. Bee. PHYHU'IAN'P set of lour PeVilhle" atom,.rs and stand, like new, cost about $1; will trad for anything use ful A.Mres P C. 1A. Bee. PIANO Genuine Brlnkerhoff piano. used 8 months; cost t-ijo; want to swap for a " I, i,u iiao yuu ! Adureas B;C. 6011, Bee. PlA.Nu -lio Klnsington piano. leaving city. Will trade for diamond. Address P. C. W. Bee. PI A NO Cost (W. to swap for a good au tomobile. I want a good machine and will pay any difference there is between the two. S. C. 7W. Bee. PIANO Entev make. In good tune. WlTl trade for lot, or what iiave youT Ad dress S. C. 6-9. Bee. PIANO Brand new J-nuUT piano: cost (T75. Will exchange for diamonds and give big discount. H. C. care Bee. TO PF.I.I, or trade your shotgun or rifle. Pee FRIEDMAN. 1211 Douglas REFRIGERATOR, show case, 8 feet in length; good as new; for sale cheap, or will trade for Ford chassis. Address S. C. 20-. Omaha Bee. SEWING Have Pinter sewing machine, in good repair, used only six months; will swap for anything I can use. Ad dress S. O. EflOt. Be STKNOTYPE Practically pew stenotype. TV IIM1. llttve yvui n ui 1 1 rnn . i . v. . SURGICAL Instruments and medical books; also filing case. All In good con dition. Will exchange for shotgun or something I can use. Address 8. C. 203. Bee. STOVE Ecllpso gaa atove; will swap for good buggy or surrey: stove used limit one month. M ix:t. Hee. TYPEWRITER Underwood, No. 4. In nnl 1Q ... H" III Ha ff nnnhl.. camera without lens. Address S. C. 198, Bee WASHING MACHINE Have good elec tric washing machine, used only on ver. whli h I will trade for kitchen cab inet. Addreaa S. C. WW, care Bee. RIFLE New 46-callber; will trade for a good revolver, any standard make, or what have youT Address S C. 1155, Bee. WHAT have you to pxotwnite for CecHlan player piano with 50 rolla of first-class music, and music cabinet will fit any piano; would take few good chickens or cook ranee. Address S. C. 199, B. . WF1 are sacrificing our new $400 Eetey piano for less than Hi would exchange. W hat have you? 8. C. 209, Bee. FOR RENT Apartments and Flat. The For Rent advertisement appearing In the For Rent column of Th Bee dally cannot be beat for variety that will pleas find fill the needs of any one desiring to rent, fnone Tyler two. HEATED APARTMENTS THE FICK. 106 South 86th St, A very choice brick dwelling In the most select residence district in the city of Omaha, consisting of $ rooms and sleep ing porch, with heat and Janitor services furnished. This place has great advan tages over the average apartment on ac count of having private front and back yards, private front porch, private front and rear entrances and private laundry room. Garage extra. Price, $60. THE LOOM IS, 1003 South 80th Ave, A very choice 6-room heated apartment In the Hanacom Park district, consisting of six large light rooms, exceptionally well arranged, all rooms being outside. This is a corner apartment on the second floor and has private front and rear en trances, urivate porch and tirivate laun dry, heat, hot and cold water and Janitor services lurniaried. onen Tor inspection. THE ROOT, $029 Pacifio St, A beautiful 5-room apartment, having; a targe reception hall, very large living room, brick fireplace, built-in bookcases and coxy bay window, finished In quarter sawed oak, large dining room wUh pantry and kitchen opening off of ! two large bedrooms connected by smnii hallway to tiled bath; plenty of closets, private porches, entrances, laundry and large yard; first floor corner; heat, hot and cold water and Janitor services furnished. Price, (50. Tim LAFATBTTE, Cbmer 17th Ave. and Jackson St 4 rooms, apt. No. 31, atrlctly modern and up-to-date; three large rooms, tiled bath and kitchenette; corner apartment, all rooms outside and very llgnt; flrst class condition, $33.60 summer and $U In winter. THE CARLYLH, 625 South ISth Ht. 4 rooms, apt. No. 6, a very choice apart ment on the second floor, south side, hav ing large light rooms, tiled bath, large porch. (35 summer, $45 winter. All the above apartments are open for Inspection. Go see them today. PAYNE & SLATER CO., 616 Omaha Nat. Rank Bldg. BEAUTIFUL, trlctly moo., apt. 16th and Yates Pt.; Janitor service: fine lawn, playgrounds, tennis courts and summer comforts. Tel. Web. B6TK or 432. Hamilton Apartments Fire Proof Suites of 1 to V Room With Bath, Furnished or Unfurnished. High Class Cafe lu Connection. Nth and Km num. D. 3546 LA RGE light 6 and 6-roora apt., in up-to-date apartment house; private garage. 2601 Sherman Ave. Webster 741 or 4626. THE BOSWORTH. TWO ROOMS AND BATH. 2217-19 HOWARD STREET. Fumlslied and unfurnished apartment Big living room with diaappearing bed, aood-sised kitchen and fine bath room. Best spartmenl at the money in the city. Call us at onoe for reservation Heat, hot and cold water and Janitor service the whole year; $27.U) summer rate, jiz iai winter rat ARMSTRONG-WALSH COMPANY. Tyler 1536. Btate Bank Bldg, FIVE-ROOM steam heated apartments, The Mason, 31st snd Mason Streets, $40, Conrad Young, SU Brandels Theater. Douglas ir.7 1 FOR RENT. new. 3 and e-room apart ments, dtsappvarlng bed pncuuiado cleaner, shower baths, first class In every particular. Flora Apt . 2561 Jones St. o 4 ROOM 8, 207 8. STH AYR The Hudson, semi-basement, nice rooms, strictly up-to-date, close in, (A yr. round. ilASTlNOS ft HEYDEN. 1614 Harney St $38.00 Ten-room brick flat; flue place for boarders and roomera; five minute walk to Union depot: on car line. AMERICAN SECURITY COMPANY, (Dougla WIS. 203 Bo. 17th St. BT. CLARE. 24th and Harney, (-room apartment Harney 647. E STAR ROOK Court, mod., sanitaryi one vacant; be quick. G. P. Stebbin MODERN, sanitary, steam heated; hot water free; oloee In. O. P. Stebbin VICTORIA, (-ROOM. 27th and Harney, choice location, ha built-in bod, cholc location, yr. round. $37.60. HASTINGS HEYDEN. 1611 Harney Bt. VERY cholc 4 or 6 -room, train-heald apartment on West Farnam St JoHN W. KOBBINS. UwJ farnam. I ROOMS, BEAUTIFUL APARTMENT. HUDSON. Within walking distance; close In. no car fare: oak finish, individual porch; nice light rooms; beautifully decorated; built-in buffet. $45 sum.: tn winter. See ' this at once. Located at W S. 2bth Ave.. HASTINGS ft HEYDEN'. 1614 Harney St. 1 Continued- on Col. 7, This Page) SwK' :r -W i Ready Reference Directory The following firms offer quality and expert service that will please tlie most critical: ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. REED ABSTRACT CO., oldeet abstract oillce In Nehraakn. llrandela Thea. Kerr Title Ounrantee snd Abstract Co., a modern abstract office. 3"5 S. 17th St. I'hone D. MM. ADVERTISING NOVELTIES. M. F. Bhafer A Co., 12th, Farnam. P. 7471 AMATEIH FI.1SHIQ. FITjMS developed free If purchased from Photo Craft Hhop, 416 Bee Bldg. DeptD. ACCOUNT JITS. E. A. DWORAK ACCOUNTS AUDITED Books opened and closed. Cost system Installed. Lt me call on you to explain the advantane of my udit aervlce system. Address, 433 437 Ramge Bldg. Phone Doug. 1M. ARCHITECTS. Everett 8. Dodds. 612 Paiton Blk. D. 29K1. ARTIFICIAL, I.I MBS. ARTIFICIAL Limbs, Braces and Trusses expert fitter Fitwell Artificial Limb Co.. 822 8. 16th St. ATTORNEYS. C. T. Dickinson, 6U Paxton Elk. D. 1804. AUCTIONEERS. Dowd Auction Co.. 1115-16 W.O.W. R. 3285. AUTO INSURANCE. AUTOMOBILE mITtUAL INSURANCE CO.. Douglas 2819. AITO RADIATOR RKl'AinS. Omaha Radiator Rep. Co., 2026 Far. D. 2001. H AKK.HIF.H. Z. H. REEDER. 1)6 N. lHth. Web. 8297. BEDDING. OMAHA PILLOW CO.. 107 Cuming, Douglaa 2467. Renovates feathers and mattresses of all kinds, maker feather mattresses and down overs. BRASS AND IRON FOUNDRIES. Pxton-Mttohell Co.. 27th and Martha Sttt. CARPENTERS AND CONTRACTORS. STEVENSON. 823 S. 22d. Douglas 6620. Lessard ft Son, 196 Cap. Ave. T. 1632. CHIROPRACTIC SPINAL ADJU'MTS Dr. J. C. Lawrence, 1 Balrd Bldg. D. 846t Dr. Hayes, 868 Brand. Then. Bldg. P. 626. CHIROPODIST. Carrie J. Buord, 620 pax. Blk. Red 45S7. DANCING ACADEMIES. CHAMBERS exsademy. classic. D. 1871, Summer rates now at Mackie's; private teutons dally. 1816 Harney. Doug. 6446. DRESSMAKING. Terry Dreasmak'g college. 20th ft Farnans IF yon are In need of a competent dress maker, call at 1055 Park Ave., or TeL Harney 1676. DRESSMAKING COLLEGE. Kelster-s Dressmaking Cot. 1628 City Ne. DYERS AND CLEANERS. STATE Dry Clng. Co.. 120 N. 12th. D. 6071 . DETECTIVES. JAMES ALLAN. 813 Neville Block. Evi dence aecurea in an cases, xyier iia DANCING. GENEVIEV1FJ HAWFLATRE, Rome hotel. DENTISTS. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 921 W.O.W. Bldg. Pyorrhea, Dr. Fickle T24 City Nat Bank, Taft Dental Room. 1617 Dougla P. 2186. DRUGS. - DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on $10 order; catalogues free. Sherman ft Mc Connell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb ELECTRIC PIANOS. Continental Nov. Co.. 119 N. 16th, Terms. ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIRING. CAHILL ELECTRIC CO.. Bee Bid, D 3879. ELECTROLYSIS. Uloa Atlender, 634 Be Bldg. Red 3065. EVERY TlilNU FOR WOMEN. ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst, box pleating; covered buttons, all sizes and styles; hemstitching, point edging. Em broidery, beading, braiding, cording, eyelet cut work, buttonholes, pennants. Ideal Pleating Co., 200 Douglaa Block. Douglaa lfcilrtj . FURNACES AND TIIfWORK. HABERSTROH. 4026 Hamilton. Wal. 2971, FLORISTS. BATH'S, florist 1804 Farnam St, D. 9000. L, HENDERSON. 1R14 Dougla D. 1258. Member Florist Telegraph Del. Aso, HESS ft SWOBODA. 1415 Farnam Bt A. PONAOHUE. 1622 Harney. Poug. 1001. GOLD AND SILVER PLATING. WE replete everything of metal. Omaha Plating Co.. 1220 Harney Bt. Est 18J8. INSTRUCTION. English. French, Instruction. 805 Lyrlo Bid J I' STICKS OK THE PEACE. H. H. CLAIBORNE, 612 Paxton Blk. Red 7401. Notary public, deposition steno. C. W. BR ITT, 801 Baker Block. ' LANGUAGES. Language taught; privet or classes. Web. 6564. LADIES' TAILORS. MAX SCHWARTZ Formerly with Miss Fox. Open for busi ness; satisfaction guaranteed. 407 Pax.Bk. LIVE STOCK COMMISSION. MARTIN BROS, ft CO.. Exchange Bldg. LIGHTING riXTLRES, WIRING. TlTntRTNT Thomas. Dougla 261$. iJUUIYJ.il 241 Cuming Bt MOVING PICTURE MACHINES. OMAHA Film EX.. 14th and Poug. Mo tion picture mac rune ana mm bargain MOTORCYCLES. HARLETY-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Bargain In used machines. Victor Roo "The Motorcyole Man." 2703 Leavenworth. MUSIC, ART, LANGUAGE. LANGUAGE taught by telephone and mall. Free trial lon. Vtbler 6664. NOTIONS. NOTIONS, new cigars, candy. 1S3 Paxil. OCULISTS. Fiyee examined, glasses fitted, par as you can. Dr McCarty. 1111 W. O. W. Bldg. PATENTS. D, a Barnell. Paxton Blk. TeL. Red TUT. H. A, Bturgea. 3l Brand el a Theater Bldg. OSTEOPATHY PUYsiciANS. JOSEPHTNFJ ARMSTRONa. 1S Be Bldg. fAINTING AND PAPERING. HUGH MM ANUS. 417 N. 40th, H. (731, PRINTING. WATFRP-FA RNHART Ttg Co., quality printing Tel. Doug. 21W. 624 8. 13th St, CENTRAL PRINTING CO., DOUG. $754. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Dougla 44. PLtMES CLEANED. lyed. made over. D. F.lsele, 1136 City Nat STOVE AND KIRNAtU REPAIRS. ALT. REPAIRS-Water fronts, furnace colls, etc. W'ilrk aervlce. Omaha Stove Repair Wks, 12"6-8 Douglas St Tyler 20. SAFE AND TIME LOCK EXPERTS SAFES st?J& repaired, eomh. E. Daven- 106 Ilodge. D. 1821. SCALE REPAIRING. Om. Standard Scale Co., 618 S. 12tK D.29H SHOE REPAIRING. FRIEDMAN BROS., shoe repair. BI a 11 Harley Shoe Re p'r. Co.. 2004 Fam'm. R.$44$ SEWING MACHINES, Tir rent, repair, sell needle and VV tJ Parts for all sewing machine "MICHEL'S," NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., 16th and Hnrney. Douglas 1662. STEEL CEILINGS. CARTER Sheet Metal Company. 110 8. 10. STORE AND OFFICE FIXTURES. DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, helv lug. etc. We buy. sell. Omaha Fixture ft Supply Co.. 414-16-18 8. 12th. Doug. 2724. TOWEL SUPPLIES. OMAHA Towel Supply. 207 S. 11th. P. 528. TAILORS. OH A 9. C. LANDERYOU. 108 N. 16th St TRUNKS AND SUITCASES. rRELINO ft STEINLE, 1806 Farnam St. TYPK WRITERS FOR RENT. nr n Oliver typewriter 8 mo. for (4. Oliver Typewriter Agency, 1905 Farnam. BUTT'S Typewriter Exchange. 31$ & 18th St All makes for sale or rent RENT a Remington," not Just a type- wrlter. LoW n;nt, can Douglas 1284. WATCH SPECIALISTS. Christiansen, 2d A. Paxton Bk., 11 yr. ex p. WEDDING STAJIONERT. Wedding announcements. Peeg. Ptg. Co. WINES AND LIQUORS. ALEX JETES, 201-3 S. 13th St Wine liquors, cigars. Plate dinner 11 to , lOo. HENRY POLLOCK LIQUOR HOUSE, 15th and Cptol Av Tn-cent lunoh. MEDICAL PILES, FISTULA CURED. Dr. E. H. Tarry cures pile, f Istula and other rectal disoasea without surgical uwn. guarantees and no monev paid until cured. Write for book RUITT1U irrTCU , . , A jam uieu euo:esBruiiy, re a'iiii.y,j. xr. pgwBgr, ail ise Jjidg. RUPTURE cured In few dava wlthn,., ra'n- Call or write Dr. Wray, $06 Bee Bldg., Omaha, Established 1894. o FOR KENT Apartments aadl Flats. 6-Room Apartment Tn the Field Club District at 8308 Pnp pleton Av Finely arranged. Three bed rooms. OH heat eaves all dirt (50 rental. Peters Trust Co., 1623 Farnam St Dousr. 898. 1813 Chicago. 8-r., roomers, $60. 2213 California, 8-r, near Crelghton. nice yro, $40. 119 Lincoln Blvd.. 8-P. uj m 120 N. 30th. 8-r., $32.60. . SQUARE HOUSEa 2816 N. 2Tith, near Maple, $-r. and hall. $25, 3625 Davenport, cor. 37th. -r. and hail, $35. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CtX. APARTMENTS . 2-ROOM. ROYAL 81$ S. 27th, NEW, semi-basement, very choice, year round, $27.60. vacant Oct L HASTINGS ft HEYDEN, 1614 Harney St $ rooms; AVALON. 28th and Dewey. 2d floor, walking dlet l nice, clean, large rooms, $22.60 and $27.60 HASTINGS ft HBYDEtJ. 1614 Harney St ANGELUS Apts., 85th Av and Doug. , e m mm a-njom apts. nar. ZU74.- Board and Rooms. Furnlehed Rooms that offer every mod ern convenience and comfort In private families or boarding houses of the high est class will be found In the Furnished Room column of The Be Phone Tyler THE ALDEKM, 316 S. 26th Pt, steam heat hot water, best of board. $5 to $7 per wk. Desirable room and board, 618 8. 19th St THE Chatham cotel for gentlemen. Rates to permanent guests. 110 S. Uth. D. 802. Farnam St, 2107 Nicely furnished room steam, heated; close in. Douglas 8713. WANTED Young congenial couple with good references to share nicely fur nished home In splendid community. Call Webster 4S0. SPECIAL LOW RATIOS . TO PERMANENT CUEISTS. HOTEL SAN FORD, 19th and Farnam. HOTEL HARLEY. 20th and Farnam. S13 8. 26TH Modern rooms by day or week; 6oo and up; Just oft Farnam car line. Rates by the week. Farnam St., 2107 Nicely furnished room teamjiested; close In. Dougla 8712. WELLINGTON INN, Farnam at Uth, 100 rms.. $1; 60 rail., $1.60 ft up; weekly ft monthly rates; oool. quiet, homelike, o llonaekerplas rtoums. FARNAM. 2S23-Two nice housekeeping rooms: electricity, steam. FRONT rooms, newly paperer, er hkJJ $1.50 up; suite'. $3.60. 9"4 in. itn. Furnished Houses. 20T N. 23 li-rooms, mod., $40 Doug. 4734, Hours aad cvitage. North. T-ROOM house, mod., close-in. Tel. D. 46$. ALMOST new 7-r. corner flat In Bends park, for rent, from Oct L 1011 N. 4th, $U 6-Rouiu,; wiIl snd cistern water; good" w' - .". hi. rai. 1414. BUILT 1 iari 7 -room modem houae. tiu w iiio, iul, oxio; nice lawn, shade, oak ttulsh; any offer considered. 4"7 N. rh. Web. 6U3. BRICK houae. Sherman Av. $13. W. 179. West. MODERN 10-room, furnished or unfurn lalied. ai Capitol Ave., owner. TeL Haniey 6564. FOR RENT-On-Tory cottage four Bjuth Thirty-fourth street. Harney 1963. 8-Room Arest Fa mam 8304 Davenport Bt, good modern horn Beautiful yard. Va'ant Oct. L Peters Trust Co., 1623 Farnam Bt Doug. 898, Jl