Tim BEK: OMAHA. RAT ITKDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1915. w AS anything found this year at the country clubs? If Interested, ask clerks and hear their side of the question. Indeed, every thing has been found. Can you Imagine a man. going to the club and returning home without his hat? And, still more shocking, his own very good oxfordsT Jost the same, these hare been found at the Country clubs But "they were called for. There might hare been a kn understand ing between the finder and the loser, for the topic Is a thing of the past One would hardly believe the society would miss such a Tain little piece of humanity until the countless vanity cases numbered among the "found" articles this season at the club were brought to notice. The finders of the little gold and silver affairs are now wondering if every rosy' cheeked matron or maid Is a gay deceive!- but never mind, there are lots of vanity cases which have never been claimed. Perchance their owner would rather sacrifice her lost article rather than to let out the secret t With all the rainy dayi, there are two very good looking silk umbrel las of the feminine type still to be called for at the Field club. Entertains Oolf Club. Mrs. Charles W. Martin entertained the members at the Ladle Prettiest Mile Oolf club at her home Tuesday evening: The hostesses assisting were: Meariames-. Mesdamee Vincent Haacail, K. K. Mosor, H. R. Burke, C. W. Martin, W. T. Bra tier, O. HJSwobod. M. W. i-owcli. MUs Oretoheo flwoboda. Thoae present wer4 Meednmes Oeorse W. Covert, M. P Brrd. Frank Huaaell, li W. trthfT, ( J. Parrott, 1 Tower, William J. XAioas, Little. H. W. rort. A. TU Northrup, Kurta, John eon, T. N. Hlsh, Oeorre U Jk3wer, K. M. CrJie, Ch.rlee Thlesnen, r. Oeedon, Downey, YOUNG MATRON RETURNS HOME FOR VISIT. Meadamee Ct motion, rtWIns. A. N. Hmlth, Ulatq Smith. CL M. fc?ortenn, V. H. )(wk, W. H. Flrnn. &MeOanchan, CL Morrison, Kay KeJrvbolt, H. R. Lisirett, U Z. Uoi'klns. Oerr, W. E. Taylor, a a HiddLston, J. M. Cutoff. T. W. Koa-ers. Ktaaereon, ar. R W. Kmsrson. Ml ea . Ml rirnn, lwena Leha, TJUtaa Panl. Uraoa Northrup. Btta Smith, ' M The following program waa rendered; sjolo... Mra E. R. "fto-rite Handing. ...... ..-..Mil's 1 polo ........ Mta Lillian Pul Badtng MIm Cora Brunsdon Kensington for Scottish Rite Women The Scottish Rite Woman's club met this afternoon at the cathedra) and the afternoon waa spent sewing. . Plans for the coming year were discussed. It Is possible that the meeting of the cinb during Ak-Sar-Bcn will be- omitted, but this announcement will be made at a later date. The dlnhna, which have been ordered by the club a a gift to the mem bers of the Scottish TMe lodge, are ex pected soon. ' ' Where They Are.- , Miss Naomi Towle-' Wt last, evening for the east, return to sohoot. Mtaa Ioutso Fort, daughter of Mr. and Mra. Oerrlt JTort.of Chicago, fortnerly of Omaha la the guest of Mls Virginia Pliley for tew dare, Mr. ah4Mrs. ' Isaao Douglas returned the first of the week from a motor trip thro-och Michigan and Indiana. They spent seven weehs driving with Chicago friends. Mrs. J. W. Towle and daughter. Miss Marian, and Mrs. W, II. Buchola mo tored to Lincoln this morning t attend tbe state fair. They will return this eve ning, j Rummy Club Entertain.. The members of the Rnmmy Card club met at the home of Mrs. J. WV Hood Thursday afternoon, when the slab was reorganised for the coming season. Fol lowing the business meeting In the after noon the husbands were the guests of the club at dinner and the evening waa spent at cards. The centerpiece of the table was a basket of red roses and the rooms were abloom with spring flowers. The prises were won by Mr. and Mra Alex Jetes. Mr. and Mrs. D. K. Lovejoy, Mra. W, a Lores and M. N. Kilns. The guests Included l Mmjm end Meadamee 11. rl Newton. MRS. RTTINICY U" SMITH. NEE DOROTHY DALE. v San Diego and everywhere met scores of Nebraskana At Long Beaoh, Cel., they attended a reunion of former real dents of Nebraska end Iowa, where there were XI, COO present, having come from' all parts ef California. At the Country Club. Mr. and Mra J. W. Towle will enter tain at dinner Saturday evening it the Country club, when covers will "be placed for thirteen guests. - W. A. Bmllh, P. slehrwna, W. a. Lome, J. W. Hood. Joseph lingers. Joeep! M.N. K II lie. ILL. Underwood, J. F. IMmloa, Alex Jetes, P. O. Urowne. Orpheom Party. , . Mrs. Walter Meyer and Mrs. Arthur Jones entertained the members of the W. p. K. club a an Orpheum party Thurs day afternoon. Those preaent were: B, Dansherty, lr. Tr uner. V. g. Bpellman, V. Meyer. A. Jones. S Mesnnmea MesdHmee 1. lHilphlo. K Hlsh. K. I. Allyn. M. Morell, At Happy Hollow. The local members of the Delta Oemme sorority entertained at luncheon at Happy Hollow today In honor of the members who are soon to return to college. Covers were laid for twenty-five guests. Among those who will entertain at dhv iter at the club Saturday evening are Howard Goodrich, who will have twelve guests; O. L, Howell, four; Joseph Crowe, five; Norris Brown, four, and R L. BoMaon. four. With the Visitorn. Mrs. 8idney L. Smith of Hartford, Conn., formerly Miss Dorothy Dale, daughter of Mr. and Mra John T. Dale of this city, arrived this nornlag to spend a month with her pareuta. Mra Binlth was one et the special maids to the queen of Ak-Bar-Iien twe seal ud and wilt be numbered among the eut-of-town guests at tbe call this year. Mrs. Glenn T. Wllhela of Oeivaston, Tex., arrived this morning to spend month with her sister, Mra B. P." EUla Lieutenant WUhelm Is stationed at Brownsville, Tex., with his regiment Club Dances. The Twinkle club. Hurry Churchill, president, will give its dances at the Home hotel this winter. Fifteen dances are scheduled. The rxa Vlrp club, V, Bradford, presi dent, has made arrangements to give Its dances at the Rome this winter. At the Tield Club. Among those who wnl entertain guests at dinner Saturday evening at the Field rtub are J. W. Hughes, who will have four gueeta, jtd J. W. Bhlroraaa. four. Toe Crelghton Dental college will enter VJLa at the first of a series of dances at the Field elub this evening, when 1 STueets will be present. With the Traveler!. Mr. and Mrs. Jiunea H. Iwar have returned from three muntha spent on the Pacific oout, Tiny visiid at all of the itliicllei points between Portland and The contract for the erection of the Eagles' new hall waa let Thursday night and the building at the southwest corner of Eighteenth street and Capitol avenue will be started at onoe, the Intention being to have It ready for occupancy early net year. The new home of the Omaha Eaglee will be a brick - and stone, two stories high, with dimensions, 80x83 feet W. K. Stockhant Is the architect! Charles & Nelson, general contractor: Bchallman Bros., plumbing and heating-, and Thomas Dirkln, wiring. The total cost will be S3&.0UO. The brick will be of dark matt and the structure will be fireproof. The club rooms and rest rooms will be on the first floor, with the second story occupied by the lodge rooms, the largest of which will be 60x80 feet. The furniture for the club and lodge rooms will be new and modern. It being the Intention to move little. If anything, from the old ball. It la asserted that for club and lodge room purposes, the new hall will be one of the most up-to-date In the country. ontract Let for New Eagles' Hall On Capitol Avenue SWANSOH MYSTERY IS HOT YET SOLYED Captain Sempsey Not Able to De termine Whether Patient at St Louis Hospital it Wanted. CLEWS ARE NOT CONCLUSIVE 8T. LOUIS, Mo., Sept 10. Cap tain Dempsey of the Omaha, Neb., police force, who came here to aee the city hospital patient who, it was reported to the police, had confessed that he murdered Ada 8 wan son in Omaha last May, was unable today to determine whether the patient was the man he wanted. The man who was registered In the city hospital under the name of Wil liam Herrmann was arrested last night at the request of the Omaha authorities. It has not been decided whether he will be taken back to Omaha. Ilerrmaa Denies Char. ST. LOUIS, Mo., Sept . (Spe cial Telegram.) William Herrmann, 28 years of age, a giant In stature, a mental and physical wreck, following several attempts to end bis Ufa re cently, Is held In the observation ward of the city hospital for the police of Omaha, who wish to Inter rogate him In connection with the murder of Ada Swanson at Omaha, May 21 Hermann, who Is also known as George Williams,' Is' said to have confessed to O. B. Stewart, a fellow workman here, that ha killed the Swanson glrL Police Captain Demp sey of Omaha Is now on his way to St. Louis. "I never heard of Stewart," de clared Herrmann at the hospital to night. "I, was never In Omaha. I know nothing of the affair there." Two weeks sgo, Stewart, who Is from Knoxvllle, Tenn., told the looal polios that Herrmann, with whom he was work ing on a Missouri Paclflo Railway com pany construction gang, twelve miles from here, , confessed the Swansan mur der to him. Tried to Kill Himself. The day Stewart gave this Information to the police Herrmann tried to kill him self by slashing his wrlirts with a raaor. ; He was taken to the Missouri Paclflo 1 hoopltal, and then transferred to the city hospital observation ward. Hermann is a preaafeeder by trade and, according to his step-mother, Mrs. fjharles .Herrmann, he left here last De cember and did : not return until last April. ' She declares he has been here since, 'but has appeared mentally unbal anced. She said as soon as he reached his home, after his four, months' absence, he insisted that the doors 'and windows be kept closed all the time.. ' ' Victim la Labor Wr. . "They're after me," -he would exclaim. She said, he told her he had been In Chicago, at' Work' for, a nonunion plant and that the union men 'had been after him. She said he made, several attempts to hang himself and that' she kept a Close watch on him. For the last few months he haa been, working ' with the construction gang,, and at home, would remark frequently that "They" were after him. and that he was afraid of Them." Ifow Mala!' Sllenee. Since his arrest, local detectives hare tried to talk to Williams about the Omaha affair, but he either maintains a stubborn silence or declares he waa . never In Omaha, that he never heard of the Swan son murder and that he never . knew Stewart. Another effort will be made to get him to talk tomorrow, when Police Captain Dempsey Is expected here. . Dempaey to Iaveatlarate. New Interest in the Ada Swanson hatchet murder mystery is aroused by the srrest In Ft Louis of William Here, mann, who Is said to have confessed the crime to snolher man. Chief of Police Dunn obtained sufficient Information from the ft. Ixiuts police last night to warrant sending Captain M. F. Dempsey to Bi. Ixnils to Investigate. Dempsey will arrive there st 10 o'clock this morning. Mra. Byhes' Tlew. T don't take much stock In the con fession." said Mrs. Joseph Sjkes last night when newspaper men asked her whether she hed ever heard of Ads Swan son being acquainted with a man named Herrmann. "Ada had only a few male friends, and those she did go about with had names that were obviously Swedish. I sincerely hope, however, that I am wrong and thst the St Louis police have captured the fiend that killed our poor little Ada." thst from the speakers' platform the signal would be given by busier fifteen minutes before the close of each meet ing. With this Information the road mas ter would call the several bams and have plenty of cars on hand to take the crowds away as soon as they came out of the tabernacle. The road master Is on hand esch night, say the street rsllwsy officials, but he doe not get the buizer signal, hence the lack of cars. House on Fire as They Discuss Need of Fire Insurance Claude Callller, Union Paclflo engineer, and Mra Caillier were discussing the needs of Are Insurance at their supper tabls Thursday evening when a stranger rushed Into the house and announced thet fire was consuming ths home. Mr. and Mra Caillier and four children Im mediately busied themselves until the lire aepsrtroent arrival!. Th ki... started In the atUo, but the cause Is not known. The loss was placed at 600. No insurance. COLORED LAD SHOOTS PART OF FINGER OFF WITH GUN Thomns Bates, ag'Hl 12 years, shot away port of the Index finger of his left hand while playing with a loaded re volver. The boy Is colored snd lives st 101 North Ninth street, where the sccl dent occurred. He wss attended by Dr. J. A. TamlMea. bbSsbSE2iSSsSsS53s v P P Not Enough Street Cars at Tabernacle Omplslnts that there are an Insuffi cient number of street cars st the taber nacle when the Sunday meetings olose at nignt, assert the street reflway officials, is ne fault of theire. At the office of the secretary of the street railway company It Is asserted that a road master is stationed at ths tabernacle eadh night, occupying one of the telephone booths. Before the open ing of the meetings It was understood Commencing Saturday, Sept. 11 Our Dining Room Will Be Open After the Theater. Excellent musical pro gram 10:30 to 12 p. m. "We are specializing on Oysters, Sea Foods and tabty Chafing Dishes. Our Steaks are famous GANSON'S CAFE 1503-10 Howard Street THE NEWEST FALL FOOTWEAR STYLES ARE ALWAYS - SHOWN FIRST IN WALK-OVER SHOES... FOR MEN "Hp I FOR WOMEN Nerer before has our fall line of Shoes for Men and Women been so complete and contained bo many exclu sive stylet as this year. See the new "Midnight Blue," "Cop per Color," "Frisco Tan." "Mahogany Bronte." etc! ALL LIVE ONES. Everything new and snappy is shown first at this classy shop. Let us show you. $35? to' $70 13 . I B f I a PHOENIX Guaranteed Hose In all Colors for Men and Women We Are Sole Agents in Omaha for GROUND GR1PPER SHOES WALK-OVER ...BOOT SHOP... 317 South 16th St. AHUIBMENTI. School Children Sisould har their eyes carefully examined before school begin, RAILROAD MEN HURT WHEN HANDCAR JUMPS TRACK A 000 rains to Information received ' at Burlington headquarters at ' Dougtaa, Wyo., Chief Enstneer T. EX Calvert of the road sustained one b rosea rtb and waa considerably bruised when he was thrown from a aasoltne Inspection ear on which, he was riding. ' Itoadmaater Con way of the Wyoming division, who waa with him. was slso thrown oft and ' slightly Injured. Mr. Calvert la la the hospital at Doug-las, but Is expected to be out in a couple of days. Ths two Burlington luea on a gaaollns car were riding over the system. At the east end of the Douglas yards otndere left by a passing? engine were open the track. When the oar struck these cinders It Jumped the track, carrying both men with it. The car turned turtle with the men beneath. , See FUTTONksj em children tut personal attention. 16th St SKS MAYOR BELIEVES BENSON WILL MERGE WITH OMAHA During the council ' meeting , Mayor Dahlman expressed the belief that Ben son will be a part of Greater Omaha, la two or three years. . The matter In consideration was an ap proprtetloa of U.000 to help oon acting the south of Benson sewer system with a septie tank In Dundee. The appropriation wtU be made next week. Mewapaper Maat Btsawaaaaeeds It. R. R. Wentworth of the Bu James, (Mo.), News, writes: "Twe months ago 1 took a severe cold which settled la my lungs and I bad such pains la my lungs I feared pneumonia. I got a bottle of Foley's Honey snd Tar and It straight ened ma up immediately. I can recom mend It to be a genuine cough and lung medicine." Many mothers write this reliable medicine cured their children of croup. Hay Vever and asthma sufferers say it gives quirk relief. Sold every-! where Advertisement. i i, f i '1 ' COFFEE FOR 2 LB. CANS "That Economy Coffee' Boyd Theater Oca Week "Commencing Sunday Matinee 2:30 Victor Hugo's Masterpleoe iserable Ths Crtstest Hstfon Pietsro Ever f!ai Cxily Katintes 1Qe, tt 2:30 Rilhts 10e, 2508:15 AMCSEMKlfTS. as Mssakaass Ketel, rkeae Sens las Where the Omaha Eee Unireml Animated Week! Mty Be Seen FAKNAM THEATRE CAMKRAPHONE -OEM LOTAL PASTIME LYRIC MACHO II AN SCO M ARBOR IVY PALACE DIAMOND HURT ALMO OMAHA, UKXSON . FLORENCE Advanced Vaudeville MATINEE TODAY Si 15 I5& TONIGHT 8:05 SHARP. OMAHA TVn CZBTTKaV KaB-lB-ta-SOe BTaa-a. lae-eo-TSe I.A&T TlnflE MAT. TODAY aoobsQira tarUag- Toaifni it iM IHU . O S PTC D tUAWt Srae ifta s vmm I kit u 11 w if kV&IUsr- aca.T. Shiimini.rwrl a Dollar fihni 10c BATS. 1 ata. lOe intra' A Dollar Show fee e Olmo or So Bertae TaedevUle saa rkete-piera. Lake anaiva Park Close Sunday Night, Sept. 19. FREE FEATURE PHOTO PLAYS EVERY EVENING Saturday, September 11: Cecil Spoonor In "Tli8 Dancer and the King" A Blaney Feature In 5 Acts, Pre sented by World Film Corporation. 8unday Evening: "Uncle Tom's Cabla," featuring Irving Cum mlnga as Harris and llary Eline, The Thanhouser Kid, as Little Era. Danoing Boating, Roller Coaster And Other Attractions BRANDEIS THEATER tcsat cur jrca MRS. PATRICK CAMPBELL This Afternoon at 2:SO, "TIE S ICC KB MSI TAIQ3EEAY" Tonight at 8: SO, "PYCMALICsT PRICES Wetimee, BOe te fUO riVllJ T.aia-, aoe te s.M SEPT. 12 wnasi Baonraroro roMoavstow miojct. tu vtocx raasraor EC.YAI0 LTXCH "THE SHEPHERD OF THE HILLS" lee, as; Bvra, tse, Ue, Me At the UNION OUTFITTING CO. This 10-Pioco Sot of Old nglish Ware With Every Sale of $25 and Over 10 piece Bet THIS SET IS EXACTLY AS REPRESNTED ABOVE, This splendid set consists of 1 large dish pan, 1 skillet, 1 long-handled sauce pan with cover, 1 preserving kettle and cover, 1 baker or roaster, 1 combination nance pan. The entire set is heavily enameled and is finished in old English gray. First quality Old English ware. The en tire set is given away FREE and will be delivered PROMPTLY with your purchase. No waiting no delay. Remember, IT'S FREE WITH EVERY SALE OF $25.00 AND OVER. l iyijj ' Oil 7C For This Massive 3-Wt Ull.lO W W Pedestal Pt&2Z&s I Table 814.95 Splendidly made and fin ished in American Quartered Oak. Circular top fitted with FOR THIS SPLEKBID 6 foot BlldeB- $21.00 BUFFET Just like the illustration, of a superior make and finished in American Quartered Oak; ona drawer plush lined and has canopy top with French plate mirror. LOWER PRICES Easier Terms. Better Service. 87.50 FOR THIS JACOBEAN LIBRARY TABLE Just like the illustration, made of solid oak. Fumed Finish. Haa the twisted or turned legs and concealed drawer. Easily worth $12.60. fin 1 rn For ths Union's Ul4.uU Special Steel This Range Freight Paid 2C0 Miles RTrpnt rvn is an especially godd. low-priced range. The large specials, firebox is fitted with duplex grates. Guaranteed first-class baker, complete with upper warming closet. Goods Sold Out of Town on Easy Payments. Write Us for Full Information pecials From tlia Rug Oept. $9.75 111.00 Tapestry Bruss.ls Hues, rood duality, 81. price $It.OO Velvet Rugs. ft. In slsa ds- airaDi. patterns, R-ooa wearing" quality. Hale price , . . 515.75 S6.75 For a $10.19 BSESSER Well made with three large drawers and French Plate mirror. TURPIN'G DANCING ACADEMY, 23th tni Far-am Oaeas MoaSay, S.f t. ISta. Adult bealnn.rs Monda. end Thursday, I P.M. Adults savam.it, Tuesday. 6.t. 14. P. M. lNoi Only n.w dance taught In this claa Hlh school bvsli.ners Saturday, S.rt. It, I P. M. puplla Joining classes pa opanlng dai. IU be slven 1 reductiua on ticket. Awlicatloa received now. Harney Hit Union fittiTicrri OMA11A Opposite Hotel Rome. r ) Let The Bee get you a job, "Situations Wanted" ads are frees j