Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 09, 1915, Page 2, Image 2

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Henry D. Eat&brook Says Nation is
Powerless to Repel Any At
tempt at InTaiion.
PRATTLE. Wash., rVpt, 1 Henry D.
Betabrook. a New Tork attorney. o
rlarrd in an address before the Amertrsn
Bankers association hrre today that It
would te better for tha Vhtl State
I arrap every nn and warship tt now
owned than to attempt to resist Invasion
by a nation prepared for war.
"No nation threaten ui In to many
word"." said Mr. Estabrook. "but who la
obvious to hint and Intimidation that
peek louder than words. We boaat our
strength to repel attack whan we know
we are weaker than dlnhwater. White
every other nation ha been preparing
for asrression wa have not even pre
lared for self defense.
errrder Waald ). Cker.
"I would heartily advocate Mr. riryan'
Quaker pnllcy of non-re1tance rather
than a policy of half-preparedness. 1
had rather sea every anm and warahlp
wa own scrapped If wa ware not to add
to them. For h" wa ware without
strength to repel Invasion wa could claim
t leaat the privilege or the weak and sar
render without losa of life. Whereas, to
f1-ht inadequately armed and certain
of loelnf would be nothing short of mur.
der for which every taxpayer In the
I'nltcd Rtates would be measurely re
sponsible. "To say that wa are too bis; or too
proud to f lent In self-defense la absurd.
To aay that a mob of a million or so un
trained cltlaenry would leap to arms and
put to flight the bullet-tested soldiery of
Asia or Kurope I perverse stupidity."
Mr. Kastabrook strongly advocated
placing the militia directly under con
trol of tha regular army, and at tha
same Umo providing adequate military
training In all school.
t notes Gaorsje Washlna-ten.
Tha speaker said Washington's con
tention that a free people should be
armed and disciplined according to some
wall adjusted plan was mora true today
than aver before. Mr. Kstabrook bald
that tha essential factor In defence for
tha United etataa was a big navy. Ha
aald It should at Inaat be aa large aa any
other nation In tha world; ehould Include
ail tha latett and best naval dev slop
menu and munitions for tha year's cam
paign always In reserve.
Mr. Estabrook said a atandlng army of
UO.00O, which would be a "skeleton that
could quickly take on flesh from tha
militia," ahould be sufficient In conjunc
tion with a big navy. Ha declared a
large standing army waa frequently a
menace to a nation, but that thla waa not
tha case with a large navy.
lie urged that the seaman'a act shou d
bo repealed; that official and politicians
should brave disapproval from certain
sections of the country and do every
thing poaalbla toward tha establishment
of an adequate merchant marine, which
would be a naval auxiliary.
(Continued from Page One.)
know that lots of you pastors hava a
bunch Ilka that to deal with," he cried,
turning toward the mlnlMera and laugh
ing. And the ministers laughed, too.
An augophona had been erected ever
Oie pulpit. It Is a concvm h aped affair
that tends still further to Improve the
acoustics of the building.
The afternoon audience yesterday waa
at leaat one-third men.
Hymn books were for sale through tha
audience for the first time.
Mis Grace 8axa will hold her first daily
nible study class on the rostrum ot the
tabernacle after the' afternoon meeting'
I.oel Aofdeagartea.'
rttJALXALA. Neb., 8ept S. (.Special
Tflegram.) Louis Aufdengerten, aged Of
years, died at Oshkoah, Neb., yesterday
and will be burled at Ogallala tomorrow.
He was one of the earliest settlers, com
ing here forty-eight years ago at tha
building of the Union Paclflo railroad and
opened a store. He filled the office of
county clerk for Keith county twe terms
when the connty waa first organised. Ha
had been In the mercantile business at
Oahkosh for nine years. .
The Day's War News
east roast ef Easjlaad last wight
tea stnws were killed nad forty,
six iajared.
MERLIN AilXOCIiriEl the sr
af the city f Wwlkewysk by the
Teatoale armies which have heeat
engsgtng the Raastama stertheaat
ef Blalystek.
fr-REXlIl AXD BRITISH aereplaaaa
have hosabarded the Ocnssa a vl
tloa ramp mt Oatead aad a Frearh
air aaadrea haa dropped hosshs
a the avlattea field at St. Medard.
GERMAN AVIATORS hosabarded the
alaisevtlle alateaa aad the city ef
Naaeri 1 Prases, taer helasr
ease tetlaaa of hasaha la Ike lat
ter place, Farts reparta.
bee a at the kead s( the Raaataa
arsalee ataee the heirtaalaa; f the
war aad directed their saeveaaeats
la the greet eaaspalgrma aa the
easrra freat, haa heea transferred
by tCmperwr Nlchelao to the Cao-
eaaas, where the ooaiparatlvely
aalaiportaat epe-ratleaa
a-elast 1
the Tarhe are ta piegnss.
takea wkea ke assessed eoataaaad
of al Rasala's armed foreee oa
that ke kad placed hi -as It at the
head of Ruseta'e aar ml aa well aa
Its military feroee.
the French ateamer Gsattaala, af
0,1S teas, off Relle Ulead. The
rrew escaped la heeta.
Gl'N FIRE, presumably from a tier-
ssaa aehmarlae, aeak the 1,00.
tea British steamer Deere. Its
rrew waa aaved.
Haaebe eoaltaars
re Us arttvtty is
rf ton ta break
frla operatleau oa the le
rlt haab J
fejh slvrr.
Substitute Will
the True Religion of Jesus Christ
"Billy'' Sunday Preaches on the i ou h'lV nt ,0 ,now "". and i had ud the Publican to ?,nTZ?JZi:ttx
Draw a Strong; Lesson.
HIIIv Pundny's sermon at the
tabernacle yesterday afternoon o
Pharisee and tha Publkan." Ha spoke aa
1 want to talk to yoii this afternon
on true religion and not tha sham substi
tute which some people Call religion.
There arc some people wltrt whom for
mality seems to make up for true re
Union, like the Pharisee.
'In every community there are people
like those carping critics aa In tha daya
of Jesua Christ. The Pharisees' religion
wss a religion of form and observations,
of forms and rltuala. They made a great
hubbub. Christianity doea nrft consist
of forms and ritual, do not forget that
for a minute. There are a lot of people
who never had religion of the heart; Ihey
never had a religion experience. You did !
not have a religion experience If your ro- .
Ilslon is reduced to a lot ot forms snd I
rltuala I am going to show yoti today '
the two purposes of Ood In his parable:
"First To show some people who think
they are religious that they are not.
'Second To show why the prayers f
mi(t ipuyio nrw enewerrn nnu some are i
not. Borne people are omniotent when
they go on their knees.' The prayers
of some are never answere. they never
know what It Is to have a prayer an-
swered, from Ood.
"A parable la a photograph, a picture.
It la a picture of two beings that eon-
trast 1 hold up my thumb, and yau say
yes. I see It in else and location. I hold
up my finger and you say. yes. I see It
In slse and location, I bold up my
thumb and finger and you take It In.
It Is two beings, opposite In character
and form, directly opposite In every way.
Vaa tit VVk.t v- i.mL av...
"8o theae two men came to the temple !
to pray both received what they came
for. You always gel what you are
looking for anything you want. Tou
are not disappointed. You always get
what you are looking for. If you are
looking for a scrap, yon get busy and
you will get what you came for thla
afternoon. Did you come with your
pride puffed up like a poisoned pup, or
did you come to hear somothltur that
will make you better men and thought T
might aay something you didn't like, and
then you would go out and talk about
ItT They, by the help of Ood. sister, you rtlk' re
will get what you are looking for. It j "Don't try to bring anybody to the
I have to go out of my way to give It ! church. The church might be filled that
te you. You always get what you are
looking for In this world.
"Bo these two men came to pray the
first waa the Pharisee. He waa ntca nad
smooth, and his attitude waa nice and
smooth, and he seemed to gay: 'If you
want to know how to do It, ask me, for
I'll show you.' There are lota of Chris.
Uaaa like that today, and it you want to !
one, look In the glasa and you fill
find one of them when you go home.
Pretty Nice aad Smooth.
"Bo you will notice his attitude while
he was praying waa pretty nice and
smooth. that remind me of a minister
whom I met In Chicago, and he didn't aay
thla to criticise; he waa a good man, but
he eald te me, 'William, I have listened
to you preach and pray, and t am inter
ested In you, and I would like to make
a few suggestions te you that I think will
Increase your effectiveness.'
I said. 'Thank you, doctor. I am will
ing to stand on my head In a mud puddle
If you can give me something that will
Increase mr Dower to save alnmn and
get tham to follow Je.u. rhrt.t if 1
you've got anything to offer, go ahead.'
"He said. 'When you pray make an !
ecroetle on the words AcU. I always do I
that.' He said. The letter 'A' stands
for adoration, and' when I pray I adore
Ocd. XV I think, stands for Theology.' I aald. 'Doctor, we'll Dart oomoanv
right there. I know no ntore about theol
ogy than a Jackrlbbtt doea about ping
pong or an elephant about crocheting.'
" 'lie said whenever I pray to make an
aerostlc on the word Acts.' I said, Tha
Ijd bless you. doctor; yoa are all right
If f ou can follow a form like that, but
'f 1 should I would not get any higher tha gas Jet You fight the devil
your way. and I'll fight him my way, but
don't growl at me because I don't fight
your way, because If I did I would not be
any better than you are," and if I
preached as your preacher preaches, 1
would not be any better than your
preacher is.'
Leasjth af Some Teagaes.
"Tou can't thank Ood with one breath
and turn around and run down and vlllify
and assassinate somebody's character
with the next You can't thank Ood with
one breath and gossip about your neigh
bor with the next. yea. hang over the
back fence, with a shoe on one foot and
a allpper on the other, and 'On, have you
heard the latest r Their tongues are so
long they can alt in the parlor and lick
the skillet In the kitchen.
"It you read the first seventeen chap-
tare ot Luke, and. by the way, you ought
to read them before you read the ;
iCTMiu. uoi i reaa me mole like you)
read a novel-th last chapter first. And '
I want to say to you If you read a novel
in the eame milk-and-water, older-end-
chalk. Indifferent way you read the Bible, '
you would get Just aa little out et It aa
you get out of the Bible.
The Pharisees were the church gang
of that day, tha churchy gang In the
daya of Jesus. Kvery church, so far aa
my experience goea. la cursed with three
or four men who want to run the busi
ness. You go to the devil! Yen h..
HA Mnra ia aos a h. .a.., m . ... . 1
', , " -"ner ,
What to do, and here la ana that wnn', :
let you tell him what to do.
., . , . , - ; -.iw
Rellgloa All Right.
"Lots of people go to church tu add a
little to their social stand Ins: lots of o-
pie Join the church' for the same motive i
that a man blows up a sate: for whet !
" ri ou' of i
"I used to plsy base ball. I used to fire i
on the railroads. 1 have been an athlete, I
and I have loaned thousands of dollars
I can say thousands, to ball players and
actors and actreeses. and all the money
I have ever been beaten out of In
itw vwn ptiaien out or in my
life I have been beaten out of by church
"Religion la all right. Christianity is
at fault. It la the hypocritos who wo-
It that are at fault
"We are goiug daffy over culture. It
Is all light In tu place, but It U all
wrong when you make It take the place
of Christianity. America needs a tidal
wave of religion; a gycione of redemption !
aad culture in the world wen t educate
anybody out of halt
"Wlea nu a.t -o ..
ther. i. rlhin' ., ,V; . J .
"Whea I started In to preach I aald tb
trusble witn the people 1 In the htadti
Answer for
' 't the Encyclopedia Hrltnnnlca and '
, Webster's t'nabrldged I 'k-tlonary, and rnt
wo,," ""'nee long enough to 1
i make the Jaw of a Sreek professor squesk !
for a week afterward If he trlM to pro-1
nolmc om "f them, but one day I said '
nijm-n, wmi, i poi mis ming nopua
out wrong, there Is nothing the matter
with anybody, but they got the devil. I
got out my old gun and loaded it with
Ipecac, dynamite, rock salt and railroad
spikes, snd I pulled the trigger and the
gang haa been hunting their holes and
the feathers have been flying ever since.
Personality, !Vot t lothes.
"Ood la not anxious about your rlothea.
lor whether you rome In a limousine or
in hoof, he wants your personality; you
can't place a little money on the colleo
lion p1at on Hunday and then go to the
devil the rent of the week. He doesn't
want you to rome to church today and
let your boy and girls run the street
all hour of the day ot niglit the ret
f the week.
i "If you want to break up a church
I don't come: If you do come, alwsva come
'late. If It' too wet. or too Ant n I
1 cold, or too windy, don't coma at all.
The preacher can't be eloquent to wood
and varnish. Ifcm't imagine the front
seats were Intended for you; people
l"""nl '"" r.m were conceited,
"T" nfm 1 knm ' to tire on a
r"r,,a,l. d wo used to put the loaded
c"r ,n ,ront ""d tn empty cars behind
,,u" When you do come, come
' boun'1 '"lt. and don t for the
1 w,tM v" th,nk "bout Pator or
,h"r''hS r' will help Mm If you do.
n' "u ""nd like a bump
,on lo- Uoo1 nulc will give the devil
BoM ,"t- 1 aupposo that la the reason
n"in'r r"P In the choir loft
I r,m't tl"l prayer meeting, and If you
Ao- don t uk" n,irt- Tou fan alwayi
iJ" '
that women ahould keep still in meet.
Trlllae; Paalt.
"Well, that doesn't apply any more te
yon today than wearing sandals on your
foet. Don't encourage the patr, but be
euro to tell his faults to everybody at
meeting. If his sermons help you. never
let him know, but If he saye something
vou don't like, be sure to tell him about
it. If you see a stranger In the audience
don't vhake hsnds with him; if you do he
mlisht come back again. Qlve him tha
Icy hand, the marble heart and a Klon-
way. Lot the pastor do all the work; be
haa nothing special to do. Preaching la a
picnic; ha haa nothing to do, only two
new sermons to get up every week, run
prayer meeting, marry people and bury
them, make church calls, pray for the
dying, take the church subscriptions;
nothing to do but Just wait on you and
com" n' v,"lt V011- ihllt "alary
aiways oeninu. rie aoesn t have to
eat like the rest of you. God sent the
ravens, and he's got plenty yet If ha
doesn't visit you aa often aa you think
he should, treat him coldly. Ha has noth
ing particular to do but call on you. If
there Is anybody that Is wll'tng to carry
on tha work of Ood, be sure to find fault
with them and call them bold and
forward, "
la Year Owa Ileaae.
"Don't be particular how Ood church
looks. Be sure and have your own home
fine, with Persian and Axmlnster rug.
&rlo-a-trac, candelbra and everything
of the finest. Be sure and have your
own hvme fine. Don't care what Ood
hou ,ook k- Don't care If It look
llke rummage sale or a Junk shop.
aod en,ltl,, th t church that
c'n bullt 1 don't believe In worshlp-
na uoo in a utile cnicaen coop, un
palnted chicken coop.
"You will spend three or four thousand
dollar for an automobile, and I don't
begrudge you that I wish everybody had
an automobile that can afford It But
you won't put anything In the collection
box. You women spend more for a hat
than you would give to the cause of re
ligion In a lifetime. I don't begrudge you
the hat, but when you sweep down the
aisle with a SSOO hat and a S?Ot dress and
put a plugged cent In the collection box
I do begrudge you that
"I wan t to tell you Ood don't stand
for that kind of thing, either.
"Insist on your views being adopted In
all things; don't give In to the majority.
This government Is ruled by a majority
government We run thla government by
majority, and X would like to run every
body that way, too. But the church
Isn't run that way. Let the tail wag
the dog."
(Copyright by William A. Sunday.)
(Continued from Page One.)
belween a grumble and a chuckle aa be
ro " awung her into his chair and
ated himself on another chair beside
v r-
"0i ht to've been here to watch
nlm" ' Mathewe. "He's Just bee
"'"rounded by pretty girls with their
arma UP over his shouldws getting
tagged by the Visiting Nurses,
But Billy didn't enter Into the Joke.
Stalled the Glrla.
"Well, I waited for you," he aald. "till
ten mlautea after It I stalled 'em off
that long."
' Ma" pulled her chalf up In front of
ner nuauana to take a close look at his
out ner help, since she had already gone
r.. .... .. .... "
iuhi muni oeiore ne waa up.
VNfiy. that Juet looka fine!" aha ex
claimed, and Billy was as pleased aa a
boy with a pocketful of marbles.
Tie go all right with thla shirt, doea
,leluT" "
"Juat fine,' she said.
"Vhlch la the beat newspaper In the
cUy - " Koueheaiver wanted to know.
Tn B' 'd "MO smiling at the
rpr",a"v of th great moral dally
n1 ftr,d companion.
"ut UUly' fu" of lesa, ex .Hal mod;
1 n,y all good. Juet fine. They're
uumg wonaerrui work. They re running
ne.'k-end-neck. Whenever 1 send any
away I have te aeud a4 three."
LONDON, oept l-The Brtturi, .Kin
1OUTO hmm hMn aiiRb ft.
sumshiv f . .K . ,7. llL
Th rw,,,.. ,
, . ? ' tons grosa, was eaned
' 'n Uae ot London. There
A "For Kale" ad will turn second hsud
furulturv into c'
I a-a i 'V-.: U
Chief Clerk National Pick Benefit Asso
ciation of National Asxoclstlon
of Letter Carrier.
Assistant Secretary of National Asso
ciation and Member of Elec
tive Board.
(Continued from Page One.)
being to be col looting mall f rointho" bor
la nevertheless a carrter. and the law
fixes the salaries of carriers. Roper has
ohoaen to make thla distinction without
warrant of law, and he la getting by
w,ul "a rod"1" lot of good men
T UTOBr n ai-onrary ciaaairication."
i iiuuintg nim lunner tor ms ruling
on the matter of the rural carriers. He
denounced the two-horse requirement of
Roper for rural carriers aa not being a
requirement of the law. The law merely
says that a man carrying on a standard
rural route ot twenty-four miles shall re
ceive SI,S00 a year. Mr. Roper haa made
a ruling to the effect that he must carry
given an.ounta of mall, specifically speci
fied, and that he must have two horses
for the service.
Congressman Lobeck of Nebraska made
a short address.
, Coateet Eada la Ceaventlea.
Although the fight for the presidency
of the convention never got on the floor
of the convention, a contest was In prog
ress from the time the delegates got to
Omaha Sunday untU the nominating
committee finally agreed upon a set of
men and reported them upon the floor.
Then all was harmony. A dead calm
fell. Not a nomination for an important
orrioe wag made on the floor. The report
of the committee waa abided by as
though the storm bad never struck.
Ed. 3. Cantwell, present secretary, let
It be understood that he waa against
Gainor for re-election. He let It be un
derstood, also, that he had no ambition
for the office, but that if It were neces
sary to beat Oalnor, he might enter the
race. In other words, he had no par
ticular man for the presidency that he
had pledged himself to.
Al Tharp of New York wanted the of
fice, and the New York deleaatlon
wanted him -to have It But there were;
not enough other delegations that were
f the same opinion, so he could not be
reported out ot the nomination committee.
C P. H anion of Boston waa talked of
for president, but It was soon clear there
would not be support enough to make It
worth while to push his candidacy.
Galaer Staya la.
Charles Duffy of Chicago was In the
race, so far as caucus work went, and he
and his friends were hoping that when a
good fight should be precipitated on the
floor he could be galloped In aa a dark
horse to carry oft the prise.
John T. Mugavtn of Cincinnati was also
enthusiastically talked of for the presi
dency, especially when for a time It
looked as though Oainor must step down
te pacify Cantwell. Oalnor stubbornly
refused to get out of the way because
Cantwell wanted him to, but finally said
Ve only man he would get out ef the
way for would be for Mugavln.
For a time It looked aa If this would be
the program, but when the caucus waa
unable to find a good office to give the
retiring Oalnor, it waa decided to drop
the Mugavia Idea again and to stand by
Gainor, despite Cantwell' threats ef aot
serving aa secretary.
Dallas, Tex., was chosen as the aext
convention city.
W. II. alaher ef Omaha was elected
member af the executive board.
Cot tea Glaataa- Reaert.
WASHINGTON. Sept. l-Cottoa of the
a-rowta of sinned prior to September
1 amounted to esUaST bales, co untitle round
aa half bales, the census tmreau today
We make your welt a ti make oar
Welch repairing by master workmen.
Jffcrt s , Jewelers. Optt -tans. SOS Broad
way, i
I I mm ...uin I.. .1 , , iiihiiiiih,, 1
" V I
v I
I "-'-A
$ . . t I
S I ' I
) (v. y
. A
I ,-:.v-i
II 1 " I
( f . v ' I
V i
Homer RocfeAesrer
(Continued from Page One.)
tlons of American munition plants. The
ambassador explained that his govern
ment had instructed htm to give widest
publicity to a decree making It a criminal
offense for any Austro-Hungarian to be
concerned In the manufacture of muni
tion of war for hie country's enemies.
80 far as waa known the ambassador
did not disclaim his action nor did ha
disclaim having reported on the project
to his home government in documents
wlSVh were found on the American corre
spondent The flute department takea
the view that there la no precedent to
cover his caae, but It regards the uae of
an American passport for messenger to
one of the belligerent governments as
Secretary Lansing heard all Dr. Dumba
had to aay and let It be known that he
would present the ambassador's explana
tion to the president. It is known that
officials regarded Dr. Dumba' a statement
Be Sura Yea Oa
ms omamAL
Tha rood-drink for a!l Ages
Fot Infanta, Invalids aad Growing children.
Pure nutrition, upbuildin g the whole body.
Invigorate the nuTwng mother and the aged.
Ricn milk, malted gram in powder form.
A spick ioncb prepared ia a rniante.
Take a Package Home
Union yoummy "HORUOICS"
you may get a mubmtltute
It's Safer to Pay by
Have you ever mislaid
a receipted blUT Ever
have a dispute about a,
blU that you were aure
you bad paid, but neg
lected to retain tbe re
ceipt? It'a safer and more
convenient to pay person
al and household ex
penses, by check and a
canceled check Is always
Indisputable evidence ot
TKaATmtOAZ. ftOWVI, roll
Dress Suite, Tnxedee, rriaos
Alberta, Bitk SLate, ajays
ISIS moaels) for sale or rant,
afall OrAers a KvMialty,
raeme B. S1S8. Opea Xvealars.
riomu Ketel Bids'.
SOS ST. irta U Omaaa, M
Where ike Omaha Bee
Uni er sal Animated
Weekly May
Be Seen
"Sao Woaela aad the rioev ITalaaar
icirmanT ft sxanris
Heavy Qemeeiaaa.
"OteeeseeS Tea.
aTM naTa aaaTal,
De SVea Aeeeira.
' "Til cttt naawna."
A S-real t satare ef Sawtaee X.eve aad
a Seceloele araaMi taa TseaaU
fally araeeate a striae; saaraL
aty aeeestaaeas ef a kit atorUa.
msasreaa smm lOe Sstra.
r-.C-f- J?
that he had acted on Instructions of hi have sent oer. There Is nothing new
government s making the situation more at aU "
grave, as they previously had assumed ' President Wilson was aaked If there
that he was acting for Mmself. i was snything new In connection with
Frreldeat's Retarn Trip. j Ambassador Oumna'a roe.
After spending fifteen minute with the ! "Nothlnij at all." ho said. "The secre
secretary, the preMriNmt started hark for : tarr 1 handling that."
I the White House. The State department
I corridor by that time was thronged with
clerk eager to get a glimpse of the
jptesndent on such unui-ual occasion. N
(attempt wa made to keep them hack and
as the president moved on he was sur
j rounded by correspondents who asked
I him about hi talk with the secretary.
"The state I not tremb;mg," he said,
"t Jut brought cvet some papers of a
routine nature, which ordinarily I would
Ihompson-Belden & Co.
Save $2.50 a Yard
Pay $1.00 a Yard
for Handsome Autumn Suitings
Stylish two-toned Ottoman Suiting, 56 inches
wide, now selling at $1.C0 a yard, instead of $3.50.
If you are thinking of a material for your autumn
suit, be sure to see this most unusual value.
The Store for Shirtwaists
A special offering of Fall Blouses, the new
striped effects and plaids, in addition to many
tailored and novelty waists, $5.95 and $6.50.
Broadcloths, Gabardines, Poplins
The Three Most Popular
Fabrics for Autumn
Many lovely new shades await the woman
choosing her fall materials. The showing is now
at its best.
Most Modern and Sanitary Brewery in the West.
Family Trade supplied by WM. JETTER, 2502 N St.
Telephone South 863.
Nebraska EVlilitary Academy
TOUR BOT must be properly educated and developed The NEBRASKA
MILITARY ACADKMI (Inc.) la a school close to borne, where vou can seni
him and be sure that he s;ete what you want him to have. Thla SCHOOL
understands boys and deals with them individually. Prepares for collate and
buslneaa. For Information talk to our patrons, visit the school, phone or
write for catalog-ua. Address,
1 Lincoln. Neb.
Lake T.lanaiva
Park Cloana Sunday Night,
Sept. 12.
Thursday, September 9
"The Mystery of
Edwin Drood"
By Cltae. IMcketta.
A Sbubart Feature Presented by
World mm Corporation. Five
CUange of Program Every Even
ing. Dancing, Boating
Roller Coaster
'And Many Other Attractions.
A Liollar iihow
fer a
Dime or So
eflae4 YaeaevUle
aaa FSe.e-piaa
ii -
TURPiri'G DANCING ACADEMY. 28th tal Ftnan
jseaa Bteaday, eyt. Utft. Adult bes"1nners Monday and Thursday, Aaulu
edvauoed. Tueaaajr. aept. ii, ir. a. tixoie)
Him erhool tMaii-nere VaturOar, Bent, la,
eate wiu ee (lvea i reaucuoa ea twaec
Later It wa learned that the paper
which President Wilson took to Secre
tary la ruling included a copy of th-
letter Ir. Pumba had sent to hi foreign
office end which was found by the Brit
ish secret service men. Photographic
copies alo had been sent to the Btsti
department by Ambassador Page In London.
Key to the Fltuatlon-Bee Want Ads,
i K-
, , .
u nsina I l Week Except Sj
-tm btocx rxBrsor.a
Edward Lynch
cokist svocssa N0D03J I WlOOff
"t L?0 "aa SBe-3Sv40e
sst Wki "The Shepherd ef tha JUls"
SAT.. SEPT. 11
Cetlase at StSO,
Braalaa; at S:S0,
"f rMALI0"
PRICES Matinee, BOe te m
riViVCO livsalne-, Boo to
MMin Deily Steele . I n. aT(rr mg
nher Acie This '
Uevlea a
Ca . Nreruee
rnacee Nora.
Tke -Ulaer Trie, arer
nene neuhe ens
,kua TrTl Weekly.
aea SunStj.
Mw end IWu
ISj s4 Ibe. eiMst elartfar
r beau VK. Nksais-lSu, Jte,
i . . M j , au aCata.,leaaJoe
v Bvaa-a- ia.aa.ea.tae
rarpoeelv Beed for Oeaveattea Weak
af ,ft tu u Muticu
atAii0S' Dill uwn auajuieQtns
tAH CtLlMAfc ffeSTS-
An Isle of Goraeousnesa. fun and Music
WKwm er Wnww Yoe le .'uet Otr.,.
iniy new dances taucht ta tala eleaa.
t P. M. Puplla )ulutns rl.Mn oa epenina
Aoucauoa receirea aeer. uarae Site.
4 '
t i