Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 08, 1915, Page 8, Image 8

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By MELLIFICIA. . Tuesday, September 7, 1915.
THE Ran Francisco exposition has Its fads and fancies as every tbtng
Just now, many of the wayfarers who are returning from the
coast are wearing the attractive scarfs that are displayed on the
grounds of the fair. They are made in one and two-toned colors.
This style Is, individually, a coast one and those who are wearing them
have been visitors at the exposition or are possessed of generously dispose
Mrs. William Lincoln Hyrne is wearing one of yellow and white, with
a trimming of Copenhagen blue stripes at the ends. Miss Edith Hamilton
has one of purple and white, Miss Florence Neville, a yellow one and Miss
Alpha Field one of blue and white stripes.
Franco-Belgian Relief Association
is Reorganized to Help the
War Refuge.
At Happy Hollow Club.
Dr. N. II. TUnmussen will entertain at
6 Inner this evening- at the Happy Hollow
eluK A large besket of aolden glow tied
with yellow mallne bow will decorate th
table. Ill B-ucU will be:
Miiiti. and Mesriam
Harry 8. VWIr. J. W. Carmlchs!,
U. C. Fowler, W. A. Picl,
l Hamlin. U. Hart.
Walter Oilier.
Irs. and Meadames
Ti C. Henrv, John Pulver.
Hudnlpn RlK,
He1ame Meedme
Ada eV Charlton. Nanry J. Moore,
yim Knons of Knoxvilfe, III.
Pr. PV Craven.
Mr. II. U Morrow.
.Mr. and Mrs. Harmon V. Bmtth. Jr..
will entertain at dinner this evenltif at
tha Happy Hollow club for:
Mr. and Mrs. I J. Heliy.
Pr. and 1r 1. A. Weddr.
Mrs. t'tmnbell.
Mre, C. K. Walrath entertained at
lunrheon today at Happy Hollow cluh.
The table was decorated with a variety
of garden flowers and covers were placed
for twenty guet.
Others entertalnln at dinner this eve
ning at the Happy Hollow club will be:
JL 8. Hamilton, who will have seven
g-ueeta; John Williams, two; '. S. Mc
Donald, five, and C. K. Williams, two,
At Sevmoar Lake Club.
Mrs. John Beklna entertnlned at lunch
eon Monday at tha fcymonr Ivika Coun
try club for women golfers. Mrs. L. M.
Lord was elected chairman of the Wo
men Golfers' association and following
tha luncheon a new club, tha fieymour
Lake Golf club, was organised with Mrs.
I M. Lord as chairman and Mrs. John
Bektns secretary and treasurer. Those
present were:
motor trip thrown Iowa, She is ex
pected home Thiiradsy.
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Harhtsn left Satur
day for California and the expositions.
where they will remain for threa weeks.
Mrs. Ada Yule JSroos of Kansas City
arrived tinday evening to Ix the guest
of her mother, Mrs. Anna Yule, for the
Lr. and Mrs. Charles K. Smith and
daniclitera returned Mornl.iv from the
C.laclT National park, whero they have
bi-an for the last two months.
Mrp. T. C. Hyrne. Mrs. Joseph Hyrne
an. I Mlaa Ophelia Hnyrten loft Sunday
evening for Oilcago. Mr. T. C. Hyrne
will go directly to Troy, N. Y.. to spend
soveral weeks with her daughter, Mrs.
William Fitzgerald. Mis Haydcn and
Mrs. Joseph Hyrne go on to Washington,
l. f.
Loral society women have reorgan
ized the Franco-Belgian Relief asso
ciation of last winter and will hold
their first meetlnng early In October.
Mme. A. M. Borglum Is the honory
president; Mrs. Warren Rogers re
places Mlsg Jessie Millard as presi
dent; Miss Millard Is vice president;
Miss Mildred Rogers is secretary, and
Mlsg Helen Scobie, treasurer.
Instead ef meeting several times a week
to sew for the war sufferers the efforts
of the women will b rathr toward collect
ing materials which wt!l provide employ
ment for refugee women on the thee
side. Meetings wUl be heid only once a
month. According to present plans the
December meeting will be given over to
sewing for local charities.
Small Bam Goes Uif Wir.
Contributions In money will be received
by Miss Helen Rcoble.
"The small sum of M cents will give
one-half day's employment to a refugee
who can In that time make a mattress
cover, the material for which will also
be donated. Pometlmea one mattress Is
all that a family of six or seven has for
bedding." said Mrs. Rogers.
The line of work to be follewed wss
outlined by Mlas Grace Sorbaugh, general
secretary of the British-American Toung
Women'a Christian association at Paris,
who addressed a meeting at the home of
Miss JesHle Millard recently. At the time
Miss Zorbaugh was visiting her parents
in Council muffs.
Among the women whore services are
enlisted In tha work are:
O. C. Hedlck,
W. C. Rhuiuin,
Harold Ulfford.
Herman Kountxe,
Thomas Kiltrlck,
Oeorpre Joelyn,
ITiarlea Off lit,
Walter I'axe,
B. A. Ben win.
John I-. Kennedy,
A. O. 8ml th,
Hilda Hammer,
Margaret Bruce,
Elisabeth Bruce.
Meads mea
C. N. I 'ton.
I n Wheeler.
Clement Ohaee,
Krank Hamilton,
KldKar fcrot,
K. VaniWaon,
Hen Gallagher,
John A. McBhane,
K. P. Ktrkendail,
J I. II. Bnldrige,
J. K. Rummers.
Lida Wilson,
Laura Scott.
Ottmar Tt. Bohaefer, aged 15 years, has
sued William A. tieet for 110,000 damogee
In district court, alleging that while rid
ing a bicycle he was run down and In
lured by the defendant's automobile.
Get License On a
Hoodoo Day and Now
Seeking a Divorce
diaries A. Seland and Mrs. Elisabeth
Rogers braved the hoodoo last November
and secured a marriage license on Fri
day, the 13th. Now they are in divorce
Flaunting defiance In the very teeth of
the hoodoo they secured their license on
the fsteful dsy. although they did not
get married until eleven days later, when
Rev. Charles W. Favldge performed the
Now Mrs. Seland la alleging that her
husband has been guilty of non-support
and cruelty; that he called her names,
truck her and pushed her.
It was Mrs. Scland's third matrimonial
venture. She asks the court to restore to
her the name of Ambler, which was that
of her second husband. After their mar
riage they lived at SfilS Reea street.
Ice Cream Day
Cream Caramels
Special Assorted Full Cream
Caramels Nut and plain
Regular 40c grade, Wednesday
only, pound
Brandeis Stores
Rent rooms quick with a Bee Want Ad.
W. V. I'hilly,
John fnilth,
.lamrs foiT,
t K. I'nraons,
Allen iMidley,
M. H. King.
I. K. Tohln,
lan Hlnser.
Henry Korster,
Jeoi e Francis,
H. J. Hell.
Harry Marling,
T. l. I'omba.
Catherine Worley,
Mary Conner.
W. B. Tairg.
II. M. Uaflerty,
Oeorge McDonald,
M. ( alklna.
1.. M. I-ord,
John Hrklns,
C. I Vollmer,
J. H. Parratt,
A. f. MMlam,
J. W. Woodrough,
J. J. MrAlllcter.
John Prion.
J mea Bednaf,
Grace Poole,
Irma HoK,
Mabel Meleher.
The cottagers entertained at a masquer
ade party Monday evening at the club
The annual harvest home dinner will be
given Saturday evening, September tu.
Mr. B. B. Combs and Mr. C. It Combs
and f amtly were guests of Mr. T. I
Combs over Sunday
The Misses Elisabeth and Mary Ringer
of Lincoln are Dean Ringer at his
Mrs. James Itednar. Mrs. Chrlstlncy
i.ti4 Mr. and Mrs. (?. Vincent motored to
K.t'inont Sunday.
i t the Field Club.
Pitting at the Field club last evening
vera It. C. Manlry, who had threo guesta;
A. V.. Fevfsra, nine; J. IV Fetters, seven I
J'sul Wernher, four; Frank Dole, four;
W. J. Coakley, six; D. V. Bltolca. two;
M. W. Cevaneugh. four; J. B. Furter,
foi'r; C. 3. Newman, four.
The closing dinner-dance of the Field
club will be given Saturday , evening,
September BV .. . .
Kotfi of Interett.
Dr. Frank M. Oonlln will leave Wednes
day for Boston, where be will take a
special course at the Massachusetts Gen
eral JtospitaL ,
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Crelghton spent a
few days last week with Mr. and Mrs.
John Daugherty In Greeley, Neb.
Mr. Frank J. I-ange of Helena, Mont,
Is the gueat of tils mother, Mrs. M.
1-ange, and sisters, after an absenca of
twenty years. Mr. Lang formerly resided
In. Omi.ha His daughter. Mlaa Virginia
I,ange, has been visiting In Omaha sines
April snd together . they wilt leave for
their borne 8unday.
Farty Tostponed.
The Orpheum party planned for this
afternoon by Miss Margaret Bruce In
honor of Miss Kllsa Halsey has been
Wedding1 Announcement
Word was received today from Chi
cago announcing the marriage of Mies
Annabelle Miller of Chicago end Mr.
William K. Bacon of Omaha.
Personal Mention,
Mr. and Mrs. Hetmer Nlalaon returned
Saturday from a two months" visit In
Mr. John Madden and small eon, John,
Jr., returned this morning from Iake
Aq New Tork.
Mlaa Margaret Bruce left Sunday for
Moorhead Cuts Off
One-Third of List
of the Jurymen
Twenty-one hundred Jurymen, selected
by Jury Commissioner Moorhead accord
ing to the law panned by the laat lefts
lature, will report for duty to lTeeldlng
Judxe Engllah when district court opens
September 30.
The commissioner estimates that the
Hat will be exhausted In a little ess than
a year of court work and that a new
list will have to be selected nsxt spring,
A key number applied to the registra
tion Hats and poll books yielded mors than
1.200 names, according to tha commis
sioner. About 1,100 names were stricken
from the Hat. The new lew provides
that Jurors shsll be "of proven Integrity;
and authorise, tha commissioner to strike
names of men for lack of Integrity and
other reasons.
"Only a few in proportion to the total
number were stricken for lack of In
tegrity," said the commissioner, "most
of the names being removed on sccount
of disqualification by age or occupation
In accordance with the law."
necomaneade C'namfcerlala'a rtl.
Cholera fin A Diarrhoea Itemed?,
"I never hesitate to recommend Vham
berlaln's Collo. Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy," writes Sol Williams, merchant,
Jesse, Tenn. "I sell more of It then of
any other preparations of Ilka character.
I have used It myself and found It gave
me more relief than anything else I
have ever tried for the same purpose."
Obtainable everywhere. All drugglata.
tTZ'Zr s rflFFFF. e .
"That Economy
At Brandeis Stores You Get More Intelligently Selected Dry Goods, More Carefully Made Apparel. Better
Values and Service, Which at Every Point Is the Most Skilled and Intelligent
Known to Modern Storekeenincr.
Dainty New Creo fe Chine "
Xade In soft clinging crepe de
chine, lace trimmings rnd
flounces, ribbon and silk flower
trimmings. Flesh and white.
Wednesday $3.03
fa iiiiams Jii M 'saMMSssas
Silk and Fiber Silk Sweater Coats
The season's greatest demand. Our
assortment of thsas very smart and
popular - garments Is of tha very
latest selection and coma In a very
blf assortment of colors and stitches.
Priced at
J JW, .3U, 1U. I0 IG JO
Exclusive Designs, Fabrics and Models In Our
We are able to exhibit a wonderful variety of Ideas. Most
every good liigli-class model brought over from Paris has a
representation in this assortment. Smartness of materials this
season will be a pleasing feature, new gabardines, peau de
sourise, broadcloth, kitten's ear, velours, poplins, etc.'
Prices range at $39, $49, $65 up to $169
Specially selected for Wednesday
Is a number of chic tailored suits, in
the nobbiest models, many copies
of expensive designs. Every new
color and material is used; all kinds
of snappy new effective fur trim
mings are very much QC
in evidence; priced at. . . . tPuJ
Nobby tailored suits of
the new fall broadcloths,
gabardines, poplins,
serges, etc., braid and fur
trimmings. Brown
ereens. plum, navy an
black. Excep- d1 Q
tional values, at. 4) A 1
Boudoir caps, special offering of many new and pretty dainty
boudoir caps of laces, nets, crepe de chine, allover laces, etc..
daintily trimmed with hand made flowers and Tosettes and
ribbons. Specially priced at 50c, 75c, $1.00 dC
and up to
Those New Combinations
The smartness of the new combination serge and silks can
onty be appreciated by a demonstration. The jaunty coatee
and redingote models are well represented and come in navy,
brown, green and black. Specially priced at $12.50, (ti A
$15.00 and .......t.eM i) LJ
New Silk Afternoon Frocks, $25.00
At this price we have a collection of 20 charming models,
made for afternoon teas, bridges, calling, etc.
The materials are charmcmse, crepe meteors, crepe de
chrne, natlns, etc, in tho pretty, soft colorings of field mouse,'
Russian green, Belgian blue, wistaria, blackberry, etc.
New fall skirts In effective new models, for walking and for dress
affairs. The new velour checks, silk charmeuse, satins, broad
cloths, gabardines, etc., priced at $6.98,
$10.00, $12.50 to.
Illy Sunday's Life and
Price tl 00 roatpatd. '
nun riOTO, ioe rowTVAXD.
me c&stry at rails, ra.
Tearlaa ana CI ease Care.
13.00 pet Sear. Doa. eMOt
awusa at MeranaaM Bete.
The two FAIRS and DENVKR'S
Nothing like DENVER'S MOUN
TAIN PARKS between the two
Write to tha ALBANY HOTEL
for a set of their beautiful booklets
KK'EK. entitled, "8irmaier Frollrg In
the Rockies." "One Day Scenic Trips
Into the Denver Mountain l'arks and
Resorts," "Denver and Colorado's
Mountain Parks and Resorts," "Short
Trips Into the Rockies from Denver,"
and "The Vacation Number of Den
ver Commerce. " Poetase prepaid
C I " - r
Something Different
for Dinner
One day cook Skinner
Macaroni or Spaghetti
with left-over meat,
another day with fish,
then with mushrooms,
cheese or tomatoes. -
There are over 50 wave I
preparing it Just think!
once a week (or a year and never twice)
the same. You have had macaroni ae
spaghetti before, of course but nee Skinner's always iiamoar'a
tUe taste tells the story. Fcr sole at Uading ftocsrs'.
Skinner Mfji. Co Omaha, Neb.
7k Ltugld MswarasW fswSsQi la Asssrisa
September Opening Sale of
Hair Goods
French convent hair, 22-inch beautiful switches. CSiA QktL
All shades. Values extraordinary, $6 values, at. 44a0
2 4 -Inch switches, all shades, 110.00 values,
Shampooing;, Massaging and Scalp Treatments,
Manicuring. All work done by experts.
Appointment made by phone.
For Good Values and Low Prices
Our Notion Department Is First Georgette Crepe in New Patterns
Bona Hair Pins. 26c values, bo. 5c
Good Bteel Crochet Hooka, special,
each 2'tO
Shoe Trees, apeclally priced, per
pair 50
Men's Neck Bands, all aiies, at,
c- 2tO
Inside 8klrt Belting, special, yd.So
Klelnert'i Sanitary Aprons, at.
eoh 12o
Klelnert'a Rubber Bheetlnf. worth
fl.OO. yard S0o
Yard Bolts Blaa Tape, epecial&a
Elastic Sanitary Belts, 15o values,
each 10o
Washable Dress Shields, pair... 6c
M. ft K. KnltUnf Cotton, ball... So
John J. Clark's Thread, special.
spool 2,iO
100-Tard Spools Oood BewlBf Silk,
One blf lot of Dressing Combe,
25c values ..-5p
Dressmakers' Ptn Cushions, peclal.
each Ko
Best Sanitary Napkins, Wednesday,
dot IQo
Kusi-rTooi urees Clasps, card... In
Wooden Button Molds, special, per
Adjustable Dress Forms
full Dress Forms with skirt, oaa
be adjusted to any height all laea,
St to 44. Each form la coUapelble
and may be put away In small box
when through using. Rerular $6 60
values, on sale tQ CO
Wednesday, only Ov'
Adjustable Dress Forms (four sec
tional!, can be adjusted at any part.
also skirt marker on every skirt.
Regular 110.00 in
Wednesday, only VT'sHi
New Fall Silks and Dress Goods
That Define the Maximum of Value
Velvets and corduroys for skirts, suits and separate coats are the most popuhir fabrics
of the season, and our range of qualities and prices was never so large. The popular and
practical Imported Boulevard Velveteens are shown here in all widths, at all prices
27-Inch Imported Boulevard Velveteen, yard. . . $1.00
27-Inch Imported Boulevard Velveteen, yard $1.25
30-Inch Imported Boulevard Velveteen, yard $1.50
36-Inch Imported Boulevard Velveteen (black), yard $1.9S
33-!nch Imported Boulevard Velveteen, yard . . . $2.25
33-lncl Silk Back Velour, yard $3.95
22-hscl Imported Silk Corduroy, worth $1.75, yard $1.00
22-IfrcU Imported Silk Corduroy, worth $2.00, yard $1.25
Plain Georgette Crepes are very popular
and scarce, but this great department Is pre
pared to show you all the newest street shades
and evening tints. Splendid d1 VLC
wearing fabric, yard P 1 eOU
42-Inch Satin Stripe Georgette Crepes, in
the new two-color combination; for your next
blouse or evening gown. QCl
Specially priced, yard Pat.a0
40-Inch Georgette Crepe In the new Pekin
itrtpes, navy and white and black and white.
Regular $2.50 value, special, QC
yard .LUJ
Silks of Authentic Character
Our showing of exclusive patterns includes
the beautifully gold and silver embroidered Pussy
Willow, with plain to match; also the new Satin
Stripe and Dresden Combinations of Gros de
Londre and Satin Mattlesse, Georgette, Chiffons
and Marquisette, in a bewildering array of new
colorings. Priced from, yard, C57 OCl
$3.95 to ij) ilD
Our showing of the new stripe is the most
comprehensive ever exhibited in the west. The
new self-toned effects and the two and three-color
combinations predominate; 36 (JQ
and 40 ins. wide. Yard, $1.50 to. . DOOU
We hava made extensive preparation for a heavy fall and winter business in -our newly en
larged dres goods department, and are showing all the new weaves and colorings for tu sea
son a wear, such as gabardines, French serges, poplins, tweed, fancy veiours, UVS-(7 1 QQ
dotha, tartan, Scotch and Frenefe plaids; price ixnja from $2.0 down to v 3 l7
How to Get a Stand
ard Pattern FREE
Stop at ear patters aeotion and
look over oar attracHv Fall Stand
ard Fashion Book. This book oon
talna nearly five hundred beautiful
ly Illustrated alvane style, any of
them can be reproduced by Stand
ard patterns. The price of this
book Is only 30c, and tha pattern
certificate la U (Ire you your pat
tarn FREB.
El-Inch aJQ-Wool Costume Serfe
la all tha new wanted shades, reg
ular ll.OS Tain. Vtl
yard. I 7L
10-Inch Oabardln Suiting The
season's favorite offering for suits
and dresses. Wide range of smart
colorings, at, t1 Cf
yard p 1JJ
60-Inch Extra Quality French and
Costume Serges These are the best
oa the market, very new, in all the
new wanted shades. QQ
Special, yard HOC
60 and 6 4-Inch Broadcloths
Sponged and shrunk. Very popular
tor this season's wear, la all th
new fashionable colorings; yard,
$160,116 t1 7Ct
and y Xif -J
36 to 60-inch 'Wool Serges, Whip
cords Checks, plain and fancy
granites, plaids and stripes. From
the famous Pacific mills. la three
special lots
59c, 49c ard 39c
A View f New Fall Rugs and Carp Us
The new arrivals for th fall showing of ruga and carpets are here, and wa extend you
a cordial Invitation to come In and look theui over. W are showing Hartford Hermans,
Irans. Saxonya and Blgelow Wiltons the best rugs that money can bay. While th manu
facturers have advanced the prices all along the line in textile products, and moat of th re
tailers have done the same, we are still giving you th same service and th same mer
chandise at tha SAME PRICES aa last season.
For our French WUtoa quality w ar sh owing th Hartford Karmaa. tha best par
worsted, hand-wd. six-frame WUtoa rug on th market Not the prleea for oar Royal
WUtoa quality. W show th Iran, also a pur worsted rug of the sam high quality as
ths Kerman. only a trin lighter la weight Not th price oa the rugst
Six 1x13 SGO.OoUtM $42.50
Bite ISxlM $55.00
Slse x9 $37.50
Slxe S6xl $9.50
Six S7x64 .....tQ.50
Six 13x104 S40.O0
su 1x9 $2T.50
SU 36x63 $7.50
Sit ITx6 tA.50
3t xl3 $35.00
Sit I JxiM $33.00
Six xt $22.50
Six 36x63 ....... S0.OO
Six ZlxU S4.0O
A Complete Line of M5w Fall Draperies
Oar Drapery Department la now complete w ar ahowlng everything that is new for
fall. Wednesday w will specialise In Curtain Goods."
Bungalow Nets. Filet Nets,
Quaker NetsA most beauti
ful assortment at yard
J9c and 65c
Crtetnee It weald be
lees to try to tell of th ex
clusive snd Immense assort
ments w ar showinK 1 fl
at, yard. 3c, 2e auJ.. Ae7W
Cable Cerd Marquisette
Whits and ecru,
Colored Veil Tbes ar
very fin grada, with pretty
borders; the kind that
wash. Yard, Sao and. .
Marquisette Trimmed with
linen lace. Complete assort
ment, at yard 45
Figured Drapery Silk
33 Inches wltHe, yard.
Drapery for Side Curtain
Will not fade. Special, q r
yard. 11.28, 16c and.....0)C
Deeply aVle-Colored tig
area and dot. Wednesday,
yard. 11
and , 1&2C
RlblXMi tdo Uarqsdawtt.
Ctajrtlrt mmi VU Over 00
pUoe to aesnet frrjrn yart
39c, 25c and 19c