Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 08, 1915, Page 2, Image 2

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Erufeliit Alone to Determine the
Moment to Start the Great
he works up a full head of
steam and gets a 'going
'Billy9 Sunday Tells What a Revival
Is and Why It is Needed at This Time
Just when "trail hitters1' will be
railed for at the 8unday tabernacle
in Omaha Is not known. "Billy" de
cides that for himself, and he knows
just when the "psychological mo
ment has arrired.
It varies greatly. In Philadelphia
the first were called to "hit the saw
dust trail" the latter part of the rint
week. In some elite the time has
not been ripe nntll three weeks had
passed. The evenagellst decides the
time himself, and his own party will
1; as ranch astonished as anyone
ouUide when the first call Is given.
Siwclal tor Friday JHabt.
A big erowd U expected at the taber
nacle .n Friday even Inn the ovan
gHWt will preach for th epeclal benrNt
of the young folk on "Forces That
Win." The hlgn school students ere
Pucud to be there with their yells and
Iwiirirrs and the avarisrllst bus alvcn
the word that ths meeting will b thrlrs
snd they can yell to thulr heart' con
tent and march and fling thnlr banners
Another special night will bo Thurs
day nlsht when hla famous sermon on '
"The Hume ' will be delivered.
Dps MoftiM U Interested.
The following telegram was recclvtd
from Dea Moines:
"fcli?. Ma and Party: Greetings trota
twenty hi all school impel Barn ,,.
truslaate. Are we (lad you came to Dea
UolnesT Tea, bo. Are we coming" to
Omaha September 1T Tea, bo. We are
having a tabernanle songfest at (ioodell'a
home, our motto Is: 'Prayer Plue Push
Knuals Tower.' Wa wlnh you godspeed.
With love. "TOUR BUNCH."
Cincinnati Waata II I in Meat.
Cincinnati wants Billy Sunday and
wants him with all Its might F. N. lllalc
a repreaentatlve layman of Cincinnati,
arrived In Omaha Tuesday morning and
called at the Bunday headquarters where
he talked for an hour with Mr a. Sunday
presenting Cincinnati rase and pleading
to have It put on the schedule. Ths sched
ule la filed for nearly two years ahead.
Hyracuae. N. Y, i Baltimore, Md. j Trenton,
N. J., and Loulevllle, Ky., coming after
the Omaha campaign. Mr. Sunday Is
reluctant to go to Cincinnati but there la
a possibility of his being won over,
it. Vmr !;- miia.
B. Fay Mills, famous evangelist of
twenty years ago, stopped In Omaha a
few hours Monday evening and vlalted
Billy" (Sunday.
Mr. Mllle held a big revival In Omaha
In the old reposition building wl.lch stood
on ths very spot where the Sunday tab
ernacle now stands. That waa twenty
two years ago "Billy" was In Young
Men's Chrlstlan'aasoclallon work in Chi
cago at that time and his name was un
known to fame except In be ball.
"Billy" had Juat resigned a $4,000 job on
the Pittsburgh base ball team to accept
an WOO Job In the Chicago Young Men's
Christian association.
Mr. Mill, fell away from' the Preaby
tertan religion and got Interested In Unl
tarianlsm and occultism. But h "saw
the light" again recently, came in from
the Paclfto ooeat and went before the
Ireabytory in Chicago and asked to b
reinstated. His request waa granted.
Monday evening he came from his train
to the Loyal hotel, where "Billy" re
ceived Mm In bed, as he receives many
callers, ualng this means) of conaervtng
his strength. Mr. Mills sat en the foot
fin "
I v. if
1 Evang-eliit Talks oa God's Orders to
j Chriitiam to Get Ont and
Work Personally,
Mr. Sunday's sermon yesterday after
noon at the Tahornacle was as follows;
"What is s revival?
"It Is a purely philosophical result of
the right use of the divinely appointed
means. It la not a miracle; It la not de
pendent upon a miracle. Bellglon la the
most common sense thing In the world
"There Is a cause for evtrj thing. You
have a headache, the cause la generally
In the stomach, and the pain In your
head la just a signal that something Is
wrong. All ths stuff you rub on your
head won't take away the cause. Bellglon
can be traced to a cause.
"to you know there Is only about
twelve months' provisions between the
people and starvation? If summer or
winter should continue several months
longer than their usual period the people
would starve to death within a year.
There la only a year's provisions -between
the people and starvation. See how de
pendent upon Ood we are, yet we don't
stop to think about it. We plow and w
i plant In the spring, hopeful for good
Icropa. and w care for them In a com-
Juat as common sense as plowing and
I planting.
"A revival always includes a convic
tion of aln first In the church, a new be
ginning of tho old obedience, the re
newal of faith that breaks the power ot
tli world over the church, of sin and
the devil over the church, so that Ood
can muster more at prayer meeting than
the devil at a card party. Some people
are carrying their religion In their
clothe, anyway.
Many Are Afraid.
"Some people seem to be afraid of
tackling a revival. They seem to be
afraid that the Lord might revive them
too much. Others are too lasy to fall In
with God's liana
'There are Just as many people In the
churches as out of them who don't like
to get a move on and Jump Into the mid
dle of a revival. Say. you folks, don't
you know that there are a lot of hulka
who don't want to go to the trouble of
saving their soula?
"Then there are a lot of folks who
don't know how to use plain, unvar
nlahcd, dyed-in-the-wool, straight-from-the-shouldcr,
horse sense In dealing with
"There are a lot of stair, petrified, mil
dewed, up-atage religious know-nothings
who think they ran go to church, hold
down a seat, throw a dime In the collec
tion plate and then attend ths rest of the
day on the golf links or sitting In the
pallor In front of a fire with their eyes
fixed on the windows at their neighbors'
"When is a revival needed? You take
medicine when you are sick, you call
tho fire company when your houae is
on fire, you use water when you are
dirty or thirsty. Whin do you need a
revival? When you are going to the
chapter of Ieuteronomy. If you don't
mind It, you re bound to lose out.
"When people are willing to make sac
rifices, then there will be a revival. Sup
pose some one has alandered you, called
you a backbiter and gossip. Btand out
for Jesus. Forget what your neighbor
says and think of them with charity.
The church Is one big family, l'ont
allow anybody to Insult the church. The
.m-d lovea to see Christiana with grit
ind backbone.
"You can tell when a town needs a re
vival when Christians are willing to let
Clod go ahead as He sees fit, and when
lh"se Christians will not balk at Ills
orders to get out and work personally.
We are only the earthen vessels for these
revival fulfillments. It Is a great honor
to be ambassadors of God. If Ood should
send His Son to this town and He should
ssk, 'Do you want a revival? Are you
willing to let me promote it as I see fit?
there would be the greatest stirring up
this city has ever seen and the biggest
religious awakening.
Mast Prepare Ahead.
"But thnre would needs tie some
pre)aratlona for a revival. First, It
would be necessary to break the fallow
ground. Do you know what fallow
ground Is? It Is ground that has never
been plowed under spots where old shoes,
old corsets, rubbish and junk heaps lie.
This fallow ground must be stirred up
in a religious aense to give God a chance
to do something.
"Look Into your psst life, see your
sins. You don't go to prsyer meeting,
you do this, that and the other thing that
Is worldly. Confess your sins; confesa
them one by one you committed them one
by one. Confess them just as publicly as
you committed them.
"Hindrances to a revival? First of all,
sins of omission, things you don't do that
Ood commands you to do. You say, "I
don't lie, I don't steal, I don't dc this and
that.' But do you love thy God with all
thy heart, with all thy soul,' and 'thy
neighbor as thyself?" This is one of the
greatest faults of the church.
Neglect ( the Bible.
"Hindrance? Neglect of the Bible. For
weeka or montha you never read the
Bible. You take great care of your phys
ical health, but not of your spiritual
health. You never pray. No wonder the
church has become merely four walls,
with a roof and an organ backed Into the
corner. You go to church and stand when
you should, sit when you should, sing
when you should and then go borne. But
you don't pray. It makes me sick.
"Hindrances? Neglect of prayer. There
are tlmea when you omit your prayers.
times when you are not In the spirit of
prayer. You see men and women going ,
to the devil and you never protest. There 1
Is a want of love for the aouls of men. I
No wonder the community Is going to the
devil. The trouble Isn't to get the fellow
outside the church, but the one Inside.
"Hindrances.. In your own life. You
sin openly. .
"Hindrances? Pride. Pride la ancestry.
fon't puff up because you can trace your
ancestry back to the revolutionary war.
God won't open the door of heaven to you
because of that. My ancestors fought In
the revolution. I'm proud of that, sure I
am, but I don't put that pride above pride
In Ood. You pin a B. P. O. E. button on
yourself and strut. Oood nlghtl When i
your husband works for a living you talk
like common people, but when be gets a
little money you swell up, you shake
Babylon, you will have the judgment of
Its yet Revival ta Not Over.
"Men say the day of the revival Is over.
Fellows harp on that In the Methodist
conference. In the Presbyterian meetings.
In the Baptist associations. In the Con
gregational associations the dsy of re
vival Is over. No, It Is not. No, only
with the fellow who vomits out the senti
ment: but It Is not over with God. Their
day of revival Is over. Ood Almighty
leaned over the battlements of heaven
and looked down Into the coal mines of
Wales and said. "Oh, Iloberts!" and out
of the depths of the coal mine came that)
grimy, soiled man, with dirty face, with I
a little lamp In his cap, and he aald, '
What la It, Oodr And Ood said, 'I want
you to go and shake up Wales,' and he
gave Wales the greatest revival that ever
swept over this land since the days of
Pentecost. There was not a college pro
fessor or preacher In Wales that God :
would trust with the Job. I
"The days of revival are over, they i
said then Ood called Tony Alexander
and told him to go, and he went to Tas
mania, Ireland, Japan, China, England,
Scotland; he went around the world.
Aaalaat False Doetrlae.
"The days of revival are over then
Ood railed Glp ou( of his little tent In
England and out came that Gipsy boy
and shook New York, Boston, Chicago,
Los Angeles. My friends, the days of re
vival are not over.
"No man has ever heard me say an
unkind word against the minister. . I'll
preach against any minister who Is
preaching false doctrines. I don't give a
rap who he Is. I'll turn my guns loose
against him, and don't you forget that.
Any man who la preaching a false doc
trine to them will bear from m.
"Nobody ever heard me ridicule the
ministry, but I want to say that the re
sponsibility for no revivals In our cltiea
and towns has got to be laid at the doors
of the ministry. Preachers sit fighting
their sham battles of different denomina
tion through their cussednnss. Inquiring
Into fol-da-rol and tommy rot. and there
sits in the pews of the church that mis
erable old scoundrel who rents his prop
erty out for a saloon and Is going to bell;
and that other old scoundrel who rents
his houses for houses of 111 fame and Is
living directly on the proceeds of pros
titution ; and he doesn't preach against
It. He Is afraid of hla Job. They are a
lot of backsliders and the whole bunch
will go to hell together. They are afraid
to come out against It.
(Copyright, William A. Sunda?.)
re -mm
devil., .
MUDDXOlX IfUnII "Wb'n a revival needed? When
llJjDIliiUlvA. WiillUA thr im wa,,t of "Hjr "v, when
" W,4WV" you have gotten far from Ood. Nowa-
day people are trying co divert atten-
Dampness Has No SeDressin? Effect tlPn trom tnc,r own pusiiisnimous pus- hana wltn two fingers. That kind of po-
... . r . Unanimity by knorklna- other neonle. pie have a brain of bulk oysters and saw-
There is really more wrong with the
knockers than the ones thsy knock.
"When Is a revival needed? When H
la manifest that the church standara u
too low. I was over In Butler county
last year helping the temperance people.
The candidate of the whisky gang is a
Upon Attendance at the
Big: Show.
(FYom a Staff Correspondent.)
Where he Omaha Bee
Uni ersal Animated
Weekly May
, He Seen '.'
Thompson-Belden & Co.
Here Is News of Special
Interest to Omaha
Women Wednesday
$2.75 Imported Novelty
Dress Goods, Wednesday Yard
Every piece worth its full original price of
$2.75 a yard. Not a fictitious value actual reduc
tions from the standard price of one of the finest
fabrics manufactured.
Dress Goods Section Main Floor.
New Silks in the Autumn
Shades of Blue Now Popular
The brilliant Belgian blue peacock shades
Copenhagen in plain and shot effects navy blue
and so on down the scale to the deepeet of all
midnight blue.
Taffetas the new corded effects satin, me
teors, crepe dc chines and satin crepes.
' . Silk Section Main Floor.
New Buttons to Adorn
the Fall Suit or Coat or Dress
The latest novelties in all the new shades of
green, brown, blue and gray all sizes and shapes
to suit every f;iney. '
Notion Section -Main Floor.
Thompson-Belden & Co.
Logan Inn-
JNC?N ,N?" .B,Pt. J-11''-1 church member, yes. a Bunday school
bl rtau',y n,ht superintendent When Is a revival
aV-in1it liana tMAst s4 Uau ftla.
of the bed while he talked with the rreat 7" Z1 "V. Til V.,. . JZZZ
evanellet and thejr duwusaed the doc- .h. r tk. r. , i.- . I
.t- ,j . i '
trines to which the older man has re
Talks sf Affinity.
stood second to the record breaking' " nu rnn comln toT
first day of 1511 when 24.S30 peonle passed 1 "" " " "Tou hare a temper. 'Oh.' you aay. 'It's
through the rates. Tho records tor the I , 0p" JWsalons. When qulck M over tn mlnut. so U a
rirat ri.v tnr h r-t v.n I "" t-Jiurch Man. are keeping a .hntmn hut i t,in. v.1-- v....
KM); ma, 13.JU; 1913. U.OS; lli. 14.W WT" B il "VJ" b.urn4ftae" 'th" It. The telephone girl gives you the
and this year. U.714. . ' "" " wrong number, and you ny off the
The department devoted to the bettor I ,.!.ur , ' . , , I handle. You get after the butcher If he
babies show of course la a popular place. '
dust. Be like common folks. Ood likes
them. The devil likes you when you are
puffrd up.
Hob God of Year Tlaae.
"Why don't we have a revival? I won
der that Ood doss as well as He does
with the crowd He has. You rob Ood of
your time by squandering hours In vain
things. We've got to have amusement,
jyes, but Oreat Ood, when the theatei
i and a leg show can muster more than a
prayer meeting, what la the old world
"When is a revival needed? When aln-,
sends you porterhouse steak with bone
(Continued from Page One.)
edltlvos carrying offMal denial of thM
'Wf-nvt taitee are examined every " , ,V " V " " and fat on it. Why. be bad to pay for It,
morning and then the rest of he day Zl hppB ,f th churrh not usedT t, Um9 ut
Is dereted by the examiners and their as- What roua you "y " flr- company why doI.t w have a tTvt; b,,,,
alstants In cheeking up the examinations. "un4 a table aad played cards. w (M.k th prevaulng spirit of prayer.
The aasmlnationa will rlaaa Thuraibor Played seven-up, when an alarm waa rvinf... . .,
rumors and saying that the Russian U- j morning and after that it will be rioter.) sounding? You would say the men were nnt(il youP ,ln, n'
feaaive positions were still Intact. How- Unl who are tho luckr kiddies. " od. What about yourselves? You Uk.. ... ,.. ... . l-.l
Mrs, M. B. Vance la superintendent ef theaters, sit around and what prevailing prayer is. then you will
the department and la assisted by Mrs. , fud- nd the sinners are becoming , know from MMrl.BM th
ever, the spread of panto at tho capital
and reports of Emperor Nicholas' trip to
the front are only a pretense to eoQ the
removal of tho omporora resodenos to the
rswoeh OffWrtol msort.
PARIS, dept. 1. Lau n'ght saw a Cn
tiauaaos of the v Intent artillery ex-
It 1 Bleeth. chief clerk, and eevsiol a- mor unconcerned.
"Whan may a revival be expected?
When ths wickedest of the wicked be-
riv and ti LfltrsjiBBan thtm churoh. Vnn hi - h
By I o'cJok this art ernoon tho grounds pp,. ft caUouii apoloceUo
excuse, blaming economics rather than
Oroooda Well Fillro.
were well filled. Pelxyd Thompson, as
changes along the French lino.
to the ofrtclol eonununloaUon given out " , y Jf the erurnoon and a HU mttltU(i, toward sin. but you change
b th. , r .w,. . " . 1 ! coupls more before the day was cwtr
i Copyright by William A. Sunday.
by the war office this afternoon. The
righting took place around Bono hits and
near Neuville aad It was particularly
severe In the region of Roye. oa the
plateau of Quoanovterea. aad . aeat
There was also eery spirited artillery
fighting In the Champagne district aad ta
the Voages.
German aoroplaaea have made two at
tacks on Oerardmer. The second resulted
In the kill log of ,two persona. The text
of the communication follows:
"There was cannonading aad fighting
with booiba aad hand gTonadeo during a
portion of last bight around fioucbes and
la the vicinity of NouviUe.
"To the sou lit of Arras, la the region of
Agny aad around Wailly. la the region ot
Roye. as well as oa tho plateau of
Quenaeviores aad of Mouvron. a vtoleat
bombardment of our positions brought
forth affective repties from our batteries.
"Ia the Champagne district, between
Auberlve and Houala; near Beausejour.
. and ta too Voagea, to the regioa of
l.uaao, both the Wench and Oormaa er
ttiUry abowed great activity. The night
peaacd without tncldoat oa the remainder
ut the front.
"llwrruaa aviators yesterday and this
morning flew over Oormrdmer, in the Veo
ges, near Kt. Die, and threw dowa ooraua.
The first attack waa without effect; the
second resulted la the killing of two
yesterday, made one of his sensational Hn.r.nrht mB ni k...
HU .rave with Barney Oldfleld was a hair ; taik as If I had something
iieuanmenis or me lair were'. .... . .. k mornlnr I tti vil i h.ii. k.if . .,.
WJssg-a- va asj twvilliriU w " " - oa-soaa va, vsso
(Continued from PtvT One.)
'Si'1 ii . i hi is s i i.s. ii i .
Certainly It is; It Is so old that It ou "ever see them again until Sunday
I'nrk Cloaea Sunday Mht,
SciKember 12.
Free Feature Photo Plays
Every Evening
"The Lure":
A Shutort Feature, In Fire.
Acta, Presented by World Film
Program ChanifM Kvesry
and Other Attractions.
A .1 .lsaM.U..4aa 0 k.,
M .H hf!!' .fAJ tZ "n'ury pple think Ood ought to make "hu members could die and the church
for T. x. r. JJ M fPW'-tlon. Ood never changes srouldnt Icoo anything of Its spiritual
Z. 1 .1 . k T . Hta atUtude. but the people change theirs. ": " "ould lose them In numbers.
Kcsrstf Votee ravin lioads.
KKAKNKT. Nsb.. EepL ?. (Bpoclal
Telrgrmm.) The M.SOO paving bond Issue
vvud upon he ertoday In a special elec
tion carried by eighty-two evtea. There
was but Utile Interest maolested la the
electum and the total vote polled was
teas than sua. These bonds will create a
fund fur tho paving of Intersections la the
paving districts doalgnetod by ths city
Borlloatoa Kasploro Hart.
HASTINGS. Nb.. T. 8perU4 Tel
nrraiu. Kied Lapp, a Burllngtoa i;jv
liue. aa nearly killed whea a fralght
tar repaired fall oa him ta tho
rdj4 this aflarnoun. Bewral ribs and
that tho present one la far ahead of any
they can remember.
Block Judging began yesterday and ia
bolng carried on aa fast aa poaalble. With
nn mhcic rTRSiv aut,nso
1 1 fill II U . I as J T . vgs .as
w nxATxm I Ml Will ElCtpt Stt
Th Wmr He Preaches. I
Sumo folks seem to be scared to death
at the way I preach. I want to tell you
1 .k.. . . , . w 1 Information It nMMll Mfrinnlnv Wm mw
1 'V" -Tr.v-. I haren t got started yet. I ..?" to the dev., over culture club a.
I "t It wouldn't lose anthlng in spiritual Edward Lvnrh AaS Associate
Power. I tell you. my friends, we bmcI w FlayeroU
a panle In religion; the world don't need ?omxuT mwCCM "K0m0I' V
Job for the Judges to get over the list.
but they will finish In good time.
flood Machinery Display.
W. B. Banning, superintendent of the
maohlnery exhibit, says that his depart
giving you a chanoe to get your mental I u th rld needed Informing; It don't
adjustments. aee anytning or the kind. There are
-When I begin to hand out the hot shot ' P0! wo r to church and go to a cer
you'll either bo not afraid of It or you'll Uw oenomlnation because their wife goes
beat It. Whea there la a want of thr- They got their religion and their
ment Is filled better thaa before la the brotherly love or you have gottea far ' Property in their name. They go to that
history of the fair. The bis fallows who away from Ood you are afraid to lumlu : church.
stayed away last year are still conapicu- I "ur hearts. It's then you are afraid to
us by their absence, but their places face ths plain talk I am handing you.
have been filled by others and nothing , and that 1 am going to keep oa handing
"I am getting tired of you folks trying
to saddle things oa Ood, things he has
has been lost by their being away, ex
eept possibly what they may have lost
themselves by their actions.
Much Interest centers around the
WTeatltng contest which will come oK
tomorrow evening. Uus Ouestensea. the
KUgore wonder, is on the grounds with
his manager. Mr. Cobh. He is a big fel
low, wen built, and ef a quiet disposition,
aad whlls aot claiming anything, ta of
ths opinion that bs caa maks Joe Btecher
stretch himself before the match Is over.
KEARNEY, Neb.. Sept. 7 (Special
The county fair thla year promised to
outdo anything that has ever been
pulled off in this section. Beside the
large exhibits In all lines of production
and manufacture, there will bo a fine
three days' racing program and. many
fine entertaining attractions. The aortal
oorpa of two machines has boon secured
for a two days' exhibition and will fly
Feele to ho Chaves).
"Xjook at the Bunday school. The Bun
day school ought to be a constant feeder
Into tho church. Why Isn't It? Because
we have Sunday school teachers who are
absolutely good for nothing; they help
nothing to do with. Some of you seem to nobody but the publlshsrs. They don't I
illitiiiU, UIJ.II
f atlases, . 16o-8( STag tSo-3Sn-Bo
Vest Wkt 'Ths Bbepherd ef the MX Is"
SAT., SEPT. 11
atatlaso at tiSO,
Brenla at aiSO,
PRTpfTQ BTatlaoo. Boo to tl.SO
a veala. boo to a.cO
cross country. Joe iKecher has boon ar
ranged with to pull off a match during poor S preacher, as you.' I answered.
think that the church la a third-rate
amusement bureau. I don't blame you
"Soma of the biggest devils 1 have ever
known were In the church and some of
the biggest four-flushers this side of
perdition In the church are the ones who
pray the loudest. I know guys who know
their catechism backwards and front
wards and yet they don't trot square
with the Lord.
"gome of these felloes think 1 am vul
gar. They won't be In it whea they get
up there; they'll find out that all Ood
wants Is the truth.
"becrtftce In business.
"The old world Is going to hell. When
the Christian considers the methods em
ployed in fighting the forces of evil it
seems that the church does not care. Tho
apathy ot Chrlvtlaa peopes to tho ulti
mate fata of tho sinner la deplorable. In
Iowa a preacher aaked mo why I did aot
preach like be did. 'I would then bo as
the fair. September n 24. A new build
ing has been completed for'tbe exhibition
ef school work, the money being raised
is titst wort orvebed. Us soay soosveawby tte svaoola aa ta Count
'Never mind who wrote the Bible.
There Is a great deal of argument as to
how snauiy Isaiahs there were.
' aJad it at aosa wrote the last
sit down to study. They don't prepare.
They go to Sunday school and try to i
teach, and on Monday they are at some j
leg show, and on Tuesdsy night they are
at some dance, and they don't pome near I
the church again until Sunday morning.
"I want to say if a public school
teacher knew no more about ths work
and methods of teaching than the average
8unday school teacher knows about the
will of Ood aha would aot bo oa the pay
roll fifteen minutes,
"Go down to the dance halls, the
nickelodeons, the picture show, ths
cheapskate dance halls there you will
find young Klrla with dresses to their
shoetops. I ask you, why! m tell you;
the spiritual destitution of tho multitude.
Thousands never darken the church
doors. A revival la needed whea sinners
are careless, licentious. A general revival
of religion has got to sweep over this
oountry or it will mean tho dissolution
of the church, the home of the nation. I
don't care a rap how you fortify your
shores; how many ships you baud; Amer
K has got to have a revival. Wealth
and culture never saved Rome, Babyloa
W Nineveh, aad it row hare the etna si j
Xkr AM This VhI: RId
Uartes a Ce.. Nurercas a
Hie.rth. twM Sat,
mrvm. Warn. a C ,
Tk otalMr Trte. kwa Barer a
('., liana. Haaaa aaS UM Or
Imb Travel Weakly.
Prluae kUUseaa. iSo aad Me, aura Satarday
aad 6un4ay. rear aVaaie Sao. Kigata IS. Va,
tCrilx." JiJ ajly ata,ia-S-50s
re.rpo.elv Booked for Coaventloa Wee.
kiktipn tlii Va musigax,
jfAaiuKsa' DIU null BOsuasQira
Acting upon numerous rqneetg from
. onr local clientele that ladles be admit
ted to the more Informal dining rooms
of this hotel the doors of the LOGAN
INN cafe, located on the club floor, hare
been opened to the ladlea between the
hours of Three and Nine P. M.
Entrance either from Eighteenth or
Doaglaa streets.
The usual Fontenelle aerrloe par ex
cellence will be maintained In this dining-room.
7hla Is not a hotel for men alone, bat
for ladles as well.
Hotel jToKrimLE
i iiijH -rrs a
1 yj
The Beneficial Chew
"When I'm preparing a
peech, ' ' says tne statesman.
fl like to chew 'PIPER'. Ita
rich flavor and wholesome
quality help me to think
more dearly."
The world's highest type
of plug tobacco made of the
choicest leaf, aged to mellow
An Isle of Ooraeousnees, fin and Muelc.
Wlaeaver ee Wiwnm Vae le. Jeat Uir ..
xvasuBa xxcb mat. vms bats.
V 4 A Dollar 3hoi
10c Dime or So
Dime or So
aVeflasd Yeeaevtlle
aad S'hoie-pkaya,
dealer's name, and we'll
send a full-el xe 10c cat of
"PIPIB" and a handsome
leather poach FSZK, any
where la U. 8.
The tobacco, pouch, and
mailing will cost us 20c,
which we will gladly
spend because a trial
will make yea a steady
rot " PIPES."
Caswaaf Tsaetcs Cssasifss Flavor
"PIPER'S" unique
"Champagne Flavor"
hits you right where
r j. t.
your tasio a. its
supreme deliclousness
will make you a "PIPER "
cnewer xor iuc.
Sold by eUeUre overywhoro
ia So aad 10s cU aaai
tary, foil-wrap peJ, to pro
re the "firtx flayer.
tw Teas;
TURPIN'Q OAriCIMC ACADEMY. 28th aad Fintim
Oyoaa aleaday, Sept. lath. Adult begiinara Monday and Thursday. P. M Ad ilLS
aavajioevl, Tuoaday. kief t. 14. I P. M. (Noi .mlf new danreo taugbt in tola ciaao.
H1SB scJteea B-aen' ears susrea, ateev. iir.a fupus Joining t assis oa antuni
lani.nw rentes oa smsj. liaraay