Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 08, 1915, Image 1

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    The ture way to satisfy
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Omaha Daily Bee
,VOL. XLV-XO. 70.
Ob Trains, at Hotel
Kiwi btaada, sto., Se
ITCcholas Second Announce! in Mes
sage to Foincare that He Will
Lead Russian Armies in
Communication Does Not State
, What Will Be Done with Strat
egic Grand Duke.
PARIS, Sept. 7. In a message to
President Polncare, Emperor Nich
olas announces that he has placed
himself In command of all the Rus
sian armies.
The message was sent from Tisar-koye-Selo,
the emperor's residence
near Petrograd, under date of Sep
tember 6. It follows: '
"In placing myself today at the
head of my valiant armies, I have In
my heart, monsieur president, the
most sincere wishes for the great
ness of France and the victory of its
glorious army.
(Signed), 'NICHOLAS." j
President Polncare sent the following
response today:
"I know that your majesty, In taking
command of your armies, Intends to con
tinue energetically until final victory, the
war which has been Imposed upon the
allied nations. I addreea to your ma
jesty, in the name of France, my moat
cordial wishes.
Since the outbreak of thn wax. ClranA
y IDuke Nicholas, cousin of Emperor Nich
olas, has been In command of the armies
of Russia. ' -
The measage of Emperor Nicholas to
President Polncare does not make it
clear whether Grand Duke Nicholas has
been superseded by the emperor. Dur
ing the last few weeks there haa been
(tevere criticism of the conduct of the
war by the Russian authorities.
Forty Aviators
Drop 400 Bombs
! On Saarbruecken
BASEL, Bwltxerland. Sept. 7. (Via
Paris.) The aerial bombardment of -Saarbruecken.
recorded in-yesterday's official
statement from the French office, was
probably the moat notable operation of
Its kind during the. war. --
.... Forty French and British ' war-aeroplanes
circled low over the town and
accurately threw bombs on the small
arms factory, the barracks, the railway
station, the engine sheds and othex mili
tary buildings. Several hundred yards of
.railroad trackage were destroyed and
many recruit In the barracks were VUUed
or wounded.
Saarbruecken is not provided with ar
tillery for high angle fire, and an
armored train that had been summoned
from Mats, bringing aerial guns on
trucks, arrived too late to Interfere with
the operations jat; the aviators.
All forty aeroplanes, after discharging
about 400 projectiles, returned safely to
Magnolia Man Hurt
' When Auto is Hit at
Belt Line Crossing
An automobile, driven by 3. D. Lens
f,t Magnolia, la., waa struck and demol
ished by a Missouri Pacific switch en
gine on tha Belt line at Fifty-eighth and
(Center streets. ' I. J. Bedsall, also of
sUagnolla, who was riali.g in the car
(with Lens, sustained a broken collar
tone, several fractured ribs and Internal
Injuries, and, was rushed to the Lord
Lister hospital, where his condition is
tegarded as aerlous. Mrs. Lens and Mrs.
Bedsall, who were also in the car, and
Mr. Lens, were merely scratched.
Lens, who Is hard, of hearing, failed
to hear the signals of the approaching
witch engine. As he crossed the track
tha collision occurred and tha Lens car
was propelled down a fifteen-foot era
tankment at the track and demolished.
The party was traveling by auto from
Magnolia to the State fair at Lincoln.
Berlin Admiralty
Announces Loss
a oi f tt r r-i
S oi ivdDsea u-z
BETtLIN, Sept. T.-(Vla London.) The I " " "J vuui
Adinlralty announced today that the 1 pany.
German submarine U-ST sank a small j The 800 conductors and motormen
;r"iB" "urrr: ml "7, r ..,
August io, the admiralty also says, and ! 4y "d" this morning a similar num
jrrobabiy is lost. j ber from the Troy local struck in
jne announcement ionos.
it met the l'-27 on the high
seas after the latter, about August w,
tad sunk a small British cruiser of an
del type west or tin; IkLr de lflauaj ton
4 he coast of Fcbtlandi. The U-27 haa not
sine returned and muat be regarded as
Harman Will Pay in
Fees of His Office
CPYom a Staff Correspondent )
LINCOLN, Sept. T.-(Speclai Telegram.)
-Pood Commissioner Harman will not
, kep fees of !ls office to pay expenses
i of running the department, but announoed
) i today that he wl l ay In the tTi.KH on
1' JVhand. following out instructions of tho
I W governor, who he coioe to the conclu-
M slon that the Gerdes Is w la a pretty good
J law after all. notwitliestanding the at
f toroey general has declared It anconatl-
"BILLY" SUNDAY PRAYING When the evangelist
approaches the throne in prayer he shows a confidence
that his words are being heard and that his petitions will
be heeded. His prayers are followed by his hearers more
closely than his sermons.
I t jsCJri'J"'1 I
Employes of Lines in Troj, Cohoes,
Westervliet and Green Island
Quit Work.
ALBANY, N. Y., Sept. 7. All
street car traffic In Albany, Troy,
Cohoes, Watervllet and Green Island
lg tied up today because of a strike
of conductors and motormen over the
method of suspending employes for
alleged rule infractions. About 1,600
men are involved. The lines are
mwmA V 4V. TT-f.-,a T M
walked out yester-
(keeping with their working
j ment w,th the Albany local. The
Troy men operate the cars in Water
! vliet. Green Island and Cohoes, cities
near Troy.
Fear Is expressed that the Schenectady
locul may walk out today or tomorrow.
No serioua trouble haa been experienced
In any of the cities where the atrlke la
In effect.
A conference between the two sides waa
aet for today.
SIMLA. India. Sept. T.-VIa London.)
Tha Gaekwar of Baroda has contributed
five lakhs of rupees (tl60,vi) to prortde
aeroplanes for use on ill Uritlsh front
Last December be purchased the steam
ship Empress of India as a hospital ship
for Indian troops. Soon after the war be
gan he offered all bis troops and resources
to aid the British.
.! ' . ,
SlX Inches of Rain at Iola, Kan.,
Does Damage Amounting1
. Hundred Thousand.
IOLA, Kan., Sept. 7. Hundreds of
persons were made homeless and
property damage estimated at $100,
000 w as done as the result of a cloud
burst, which inundated the east and
south parts of Iola today. The gov
ernment weather bureau announced
that 6.10 inches of rain fell.
Sleeping residents of the flooded sec
tions were warned by telephone, the dis
charge of flrearma and the ringing of '
fire alarms. Scores of men worked all
n;elt rescuing peopla from houses and '
titts. CoriAiTjl Louis Lrak of the Iola J
siKiuil coi's rescued ten pemons by
swimming hU horse through the current j
no iLkniHi were quai tcna in j
i churches, public hails and the police sta- i
Elm creek, which caused the flood,
was a mito wide today and Its current j
that ttOO persons were rescued from the
flooded district
Hundred Marooaea at Port Seatt.
FORT SCOTT, Sept. T.-Mora than 100 ;
people In the lower parts of the city are j
marooned on housetops hers today as a
result of a six-inch rainfall which caused j
the Marmaton river and Mill creek to I
flood the town. Brldgea over the river i
are waahed out or are under water.
AH available boats were being uaed to
rescue the refugees. Four feet of water
was running through the Missouri, Kan-!
aaa Texas railroad depot today and ';
passengers In marooned trains were being j
rescued with boats and ropes. No fatali
ties have been reported. The retail busi
ness district is under several feet of
rmn mux
V - iiis jaeuioas in vigorous
beraon and Attacks Those
Who Oppose His System.
Christians See People All Around
Going to Hell and Never Try '
to Stop Them. J
The first weekday afternoon j
meeting In the Sunday tabernacle
saw the auditorium of the building
a little more than half filled and no
one on the platform except a num-!
ber of ministers and their wives and I
less than fifty In the choir chairs.
The audience was estimated at 8,600. j
But this was no disappointment to j
those in charge. In fact, It was said .
to be a good showing for a weekday
afternoon when most people are at
work. In Des Moines the weekday
afternoon meetings were not nearly
so well attended, especially at the
start of the campaign. The choir Is
never used at the afternoon meetings
except on Sundays.
The sun beating down on the vast
low roof of the building made the
temperature high Inside. Most of
the men In the audience took off
their coats.
Keeps oa Ills Coat.
"Billy" didn't take off his coat, though
the perspiration rolled from his face and
soaked through the back of his ooat from
shoulder to shoulder before he had fin
ished his aermon.
The audience sang several hymns, led
by It. C. Brewster, who sang a solo also.
Mr. Sunday atood at hla pulpit all through
the singing, and then sailed Into his ser
mon with a vigor that defied tha heat
It was a defense of religious revivals
and an attack on those who don't believe
In them or aneer at them. Such he called
'fools" and "mutta" and "chumps." The
church needs a revival, he said, beeause
of Its Indifference to the evil of the
'T am amazed as I go up and down In
the world and see the utter Indifference
of the Christian people," ha declared.
"They see people all around them that
are going to hell and never try to stop
Ho delivered straight, shots at" the
church people and attacked their short
comings. . , .
Sv ? A Prayer lacgMtloa,
"Don't Job-lot your sins In praying," ha
! said. - ."Make a list of thorn and Pray
God to deliver you from them on fey
one." . ,
He was especially bitter and contemptu
ous against the proud and the envious.
Drawing himself up and with a lordly
gesture of the hand, he haughtily ex-
I claimed:
I "(Jet out of my way, Ford, j drive a
Then he laughed and shook his head.
"My, my, it's a good thing for some
folks that I'm not God for about fifteen
minutes," he chuckled.
"You're envious, lots of you, because
your neighbor can pay $20 for a hat and
you only S3.4K. If 13.4S suits the slso of
your pile. It's more honorable to wear
that hat than to buy the 130 one and go
Into debt. Bean soup Is better than por
terhouse steak If beau soup suits the sise i
of your pile. Patches are more honorable j
than pawn tickets."
Promptly at 3 o'clock Mr. Sunday closed
his sermon with a prayer, beginning,
"Well. Uod, we thank You for this splen
did meeting." . .
Carranza to Help
Put Down Bandjts
WASHINGTON. Bept. T. Today's ces
sation of raiding on the lower Rio Grande
and the announcement that General Car
I rim. httrl nrituriid bis commander at
.Montamoras to co-operate In a campaign
Mexte" bandits, left officials
'here to believe that the gravity of tha
'border tltuation has been aomewhat re-
aIMj Tne 4000 American troops In the
vicinity atill had orders, however, to be
ready to handle any emergency.
J Carranza'a denial, announced through
I his Washington agency, that hla troops
XREES hae participated in the raids, was re-jrel'-ed
here after General Funston had
forwarded reports from Brownsville In
dicating that Carransa soldiers had fired
across tha border.
Ellseo Arredondo, Carransa's Washing
ton representative, after announcing his
chiefs denial, urged that the United
Statea government inveattgate the origin
of tha border disturbances and Intimated
that they were started by Americans.
Funniest of All!
JY King of the Comics
See Today'. Sport Page.
Further Needs of Religious
Revival Arc Given by Sunday
"Pllljr" Sunday, at the tabornnclo Tiirs
day evening, speaking on the need of
rellirlous revivals, said:
"Listen to me. In the economy of
nature Ood provides for an occasional
copious downpour of rain. You would
be a fool to growl because it didn't rain
all the time. Ood hn arrnned his spir
itual kingdom so that he haa a copious
downpour of 4ritual blraalniia. Ood Is
rolling In spiritual wealth as well aa
material. It la not thoiwht unwise to
have a revival In business, oh, no every
town has Its Commercial oiub. It is not
thiuiKhl unwlao to Itava a revival In
politics oh, no,
' Some ihiH'Io are scared to death that
somebody mUht bo saved from hell by
out-of-lhe-ordlnary method.
"Political leaders wilt hire loaders,
newspapw etiltors, publishers and will
spnd money for (voters In order to get
thoao who are indifferent to the pollilfil
situation intereated that la nothing un
der heaven but a political revival and you
don't hear anybody growl about it.
"in tho business world, listen. In the
business world man must make tha Mar
ket as well as the goods for the market
He must make the goods, then he goes
Into the market. He's got to do both.
You've got all these institutions to create
a demand for tho products these are bus
iness revivals you have auto showa,
they are auto revivals you have country
fairs which sre nothing but revivals
where they show cows, pigs, chickens,
broad, butter, homes and all tha producta
of the tnrm. Then what the revival la
to business, what the election Is to poli
tics, tho revival Is to reunion; what
health Is to the Individual tho revival
is to rollsion. Martin Luther saved Eu
roo from spiritual death a spiritual
revival under Martin Luther waa the
caum of tho Reformation, nothing but
a revival, and why any Lutheran will
snap, snarl, growl about a revival when
his church was born of a revival, 1
don't know.
Saved from Herniation.
"Wesley and Whltefleld saved Knulind
from tho French Revolution. Kdwards,
Finney and Moody lifted America from
degradation by revivals of their day. The i
prophets were all evangcliHts; John tho
Baptist, the greatest man ever born of ,
woman, wna an vangellHt The church
of Pentecost was born In religion In a
time of revival. You turn up your nosns
at a revival, when the very religion
whloh you love wsa born In a time of
revival. I wonder Ood don't knock you
over. Taul was an evangelist, and when
ever Paul was to preach or wherever
he went they had to call out the police
to protect him: he had a revival or a
riot everywhere he went. You cut tho
day of Pentecost out of history; you out
Peter, James and Paul out of history,
and what you have left would not make
a decent rummage sale.
"Any boy can throw a stone and break
a stained glaas window, but it takes an
artist to make one; any fool can build
a fire and burn a building, but It takea
a skilled mechanic to reconstruct It; a
mob crucified Christ, but It took Ood to
raise Him from the dead; any fool oan
sneer at a revival; any fool can do that,
and you are a fool If you do.
"But you say by and through a revival
we acknowledge we have backslidden.
Mayor's Attorney
Says Prosecution
Is a Political Move
INDIANAPOLIS, Ind.. Sept. 7. The
trial of Mayor Joseph E. Boll, charged
with conspiracy to commit felonies In
connection with the election of the pri
mary of 1A14, was begun here today.
Charles W, Miller, chief couuse) for
Mayor Bell, after arguing the low In the
case, made a plea for fair play and as
serted that tho ense was die to politlca.
Prosecutor Alah J. Ruektr denied that
politics In any form had anything to do
with the case, so far as the slate wss
Mayor' Bell and tho majority of the
men Indicted wtlh him, Including Thomas
Taggart and Chief of Police Bnmuel V.
Perrott, are democrats, while Prosecutor
Rucker and the majority of tha county
officials are republican
WEBSTER CJTT, la.. Sept T.-(Ppoctsl
Telegram.) L. L. Treat, a resident of this
city since 1RG0, aged 03 years, and one of
the founders of the .town, dld laat night
of paralysis. lie was closely allied with
banking Interests here and had been a
partner of Kendall Young, an early
pioneer, who left hla entire eetato of
1360,000 to Webater City for a library and
When you lift your hand against
a revival you're a fol. I don't
rare who you are or where you
came from. Vou haven't Rot sense
enough to pound sand In a rat
bole. You can't saw wood with a
'It isn't Ood's Intention that
the saloon shall triumph over the
church.. To hell with the saloon.
I'll gt them the lst scrap for
(their money they ever had.
. Thls Is a time when you'll have
to show whether you are yellow
or white, a man or a mutt,
whether you side with decency or
with the sneering gang of thugs
that mock at Ood.
, "You may say, 'Mr. Hunday, you
don't conduct a revival the way I
would.' No, and If I did I
wouldn't be worth any njore than
you are.
. "If I had come to Omaha a souse
or with a string of race horses
they wouldn't have tried to peddle
a .bunch .of black-hearted lies
against me, as they have. And I'll
hurl tt Into their dirty teeth.
. A woman said to me, 'Mr. Sun
day, I know I often lose my .tem
per, but I get over it In a minute.
Ho does a galling gun.
Well, you don't put the community In
possession of any Information they have
not already got. You say It Is temporary;
so was the war, but the slaves are free
today. You say It Is temporary; bo Is
rain, yet nature feels Ite refreshing power
for weeka afterward. Exalt tha evangelist;
it does nothing of the kind. Tiie evan
gelist haa his place In Ood's economy aa
much as the preacher. Ood has special
men to do special work In special times.
Many a man who la a success as a i
preacher would be the worst failure you
ever looked at as an evangelist. The
preacher has hla place In Ood's economy
and I have got mine. I believe Ood Al
mluhty calls me to do what I am doing
aa much as Dr. Ilaya or any other
preacher. I could not be a pastor. I have
received several Invltatlona and have had
some flattering offers of salary, but if I
accepted a pastorate I would buy a
round-trip ticket A revival Is a convto
tion of sin, a conviction of sin on the
part of the church.
"If they wish to begin anew with their
responsibilities and obligations to Ood,
they must begin at tha door of the ohurch
of Ood, at the house of Ood, not at the
saloons and not by the breweries and
groggtiriea and red-light and stinking
dance halls.
Ashamed of Yoaraelvea.
"You men are ashamed of youraelvea
even now to think that you have not
done mora for Jeaus Christ than you did.
You Just beat a path to the store or of
fice and iioma, went to church on Sun.
day and back to tha store, and that la
all you did, and you call that serving the
"When Is a revival heeded T A preacher
said to me In Iowa, 'I thought I had done
my duty when I held up the bleeding
form of Jesus Christ and dilated upon
His precepts, but I find that I must talk
upon sin.' You bet you mtist; many an
old sinner Isn't fit for the balm of
Ollead until he Is given a good, old
fashioned fly blister and the currycomb
of the law. And some old pachyrems
will 'sit In their pews and, one shake,
like a flat-tailed aheep In the rain, on
shake, and they're dry.
"The spirit of Ood flies from the scenes
of strife and discord. You might aa well
expect a mummy to speak and bear chil
dren; you might as well expect hell to
sing the doxology. You might as well try
to batter down Gibraltar sheeting green
peas with a popgun as to expect that.
"If there Is a woman I pity, It la the
society woman who lives for a few
empty-headed, beer-soaked grass-widowers,
Jilted Jays with cracked reputations.
When Revival la Needed.
"A revival Is needed when the worldly
spirit la In the church of Ood. It Isn't
necessary to do something Inconsistent.
A ship s all right In the sea, but all
wrong when the sea la In It. Tho church
of Ood Is all right in the world, but all
wrong when the world la in the church.
Some people come to church on Sunday
morning and on Monday morning they
take a header Into the world, and the
church never sees'them again until Sun
day morning. They squat and taks up a
littlo spaoe In the pew. and stay there j
and put a little money en the plate, but.
(Continued i.n Psgo Two, Colum.l Four )
Aeroplane Dashes
Into Crowd and
Twenty Are Hurt
WASHINGTON. Sept. T.-Twentr per
sons were Injured, three fatally, when an
aeroplane dashed Into a crowd or people
at a Labor day celebration here late
yesterday. Oscar Cook, a Chicago aviator,
lost control of his machine when he
landed after a short flight He was not
hurt. Joseph Singleton. 11: Mrs. Vincent
Jones, 3fi. and Mrs. Mable Tsylor. 17,
suffered fractured skulls, snd physicians
any there Is no hope for their recovery.
CONGERS. 1. T., Bept. T.-Oeorge
Windier and his bride of a few days
were killed and three men and a woman
seriously Injured In an automobile acci
dent near hers today.
The Injured are Mrs. Louisa Benson and
James Brophy of Haverstraw, Robert
Brophy, and William Curran tha chauf
feur. The party was returning, from a danos
at Weat Haveratraw. Tha machine skid
ded In a sharp turn and crashed Into
an embankment
The Day's War News
a to Presldeat Polaears
of France, aad It known that ho
bad takea aaprcsaa eoaaaaaBd (
the armies ef Kassla.
sians aeeept battle la the dls.
trlel bftwtts Prnsaaa aad Wol
kewysk, aertbeast of Brest
LHsvik, and Prlae Leopold's
furrrs era attaeklaaj seecesaf ally,
Berlin reports.
4,noo.(oa vessel, baa beea tor
pedoed aad sank off tb western Praset. Tbe erew waa
taken off.
alone front la France, to
which the official reports from
Paris reoaatly have been almost
aeloslrolr devoted, eontlnne.
CERMAN AVIATORS twlee dropped
bnmba oa Uerardmsr. la tb Vos
gs, bllltna two persons la their
second ntlnek, Parts reports.
today that a small British ernlser
of aa eld type was snnk several
rlao L-3T eft tha Hebrides. Tho
submarine Itself, however, doubt
less Is lost, tho admiralty states,
aa It haa not beea heard from
alnee Aaanst lO.
by land aad aea ef Turkish posi
tions at Ana fart a aad Scddal Bakr,
a the Gall I pel I peninsula, la re
ported by Constantinople.
land today unanimously adopted a
resolution agulast oeascrlpt lua.
Indications Are that Riga is Now
the Objective Point of the
Teuton Campaign, in
Swamps and Rivers Make it Diffi
cult to Bring Supplies Forward
as Army Advances.
VIENNA (Via London.), Sept. T.
A defeat of the Russians over a
front of about twenty-five miles la
the vicinity of Brody, eastern Oa
licla, Is reported officially by tha
Vienna war office tonight. The Rus
sians everywhere evacuated the po
sitions they held, according to the)
report, and are being pursued by
the AuBtro-Hungarlans.
LONDON, 8ept. 7. The lmae
diate objective of the Austro-German
coiupalgn In Russia becomes clearer
with the growing Indications that th
Invaders need the Baltic port of Riga,
not only as a base for present opera
tions In the direction of Petrograd,
but as winter quarters In case the at
tempt to reach the Russian capital
should be postponed .until next
Field Marshal Von Hlndenburg is
experionclng great difficulty In bridg
ing the portions of the Dvlna held by
the Germans. The current of tho
river is too swift for the construction
of pontoon bridges under the Rus
sian artillery fire. As the rainy sea
son comes on It will be more diffi
cult for the Invaders to bring up sup
plies for their advancing forces, and
consequently Riga as a base becomes
more vital to the success of Von Hln
denburg's plana.
Paris Paper Order.
The urgent necessity ot capturing Riga
Is Indicated In an army order which a
Paris newspaper credits to General Von
Buelow. The general exhorts hla troops
to one mora great effort. to capture the
port, making it their winter Wme pre
paratory to marching on Petrograd next
spring. '. " ,
Along the other sectors of the eastern
front the impetus of the Austro-German
rush has been considerable checked.
Vienna admits that fierce counter attaoka
by the Russians have brought tha ad
vance along tha Gallolan border almost
to a standstill. The light wins; of the
Austro-German forces Is said to be con
templating an attacK on Kiev, with Field
Marshal Von Mackenaen in command.
No exceptional actions have occurred
on any of the minor fronts. The great
artillery bombardment of the French con
tinues along the western Una.
No official report haa yet been made on
the circumstances attending tha sinking
of the Allan line steamship Hesperian.
There has been no change In the figures
given out yesterday by the Allan Una,
Indicating the loss of twelve paaaengors
and thirteen members of the crew.
Near Paale la Petrora.
BERLIN, Bept. T.-(By Wireless to Say
vllle.) The Overaeaa News Agency re
ports that a panlo was caused In Petro
grad yesterday by rumors that the Rus
sian Baltlo port of Riga had been cap
tured. "The Lokal Anselger publishes private
telegrams from Stockholm," says the
news sgenoy, "stating that the Russian
capltol was thrown Into confusion by re
ports that ths positions on the Dvlna Una
had been captured, that Russian armies
had been destroyed, that Riga had been
taken and that the German advance upon
tha capital would be no longer hampered.
Immense crowds gathered In front of ths
newspaper offices. There was great ex
citement and many arreats were made.
Toward evening papers published extra
(Continued on lse Two, Column One.)
i All Stlshts R ma.
Opportunity kaooka but onos,
o runs tha old, old tale
And If yoa Ao not fraap It fnlok,
Yoa are sural y doomed to fail.
Why la IS some mea bare big stores.
While others work for wages
Boms bars thai money left to thorn
Borne w a toil the want ad page a.
Tor opuortnalv Is found
lm inaay elffsrent raises,
If yoa watch the want ad a daily,
You'll find soaay Ma supnacs.
Your business can ba very profit
able advertised by a liberal use of
Try a classified camnalgn for tha
fall season and watch lb ree ills;
you will be iwiri than pleased wlt'i
your venture. Telephone Tyler 100S
gMUonai .