iTTR OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: SEPTEMBER 5. 1015. 8 B v -.s , (.i f . Yv- V- ' ,-r f : V J- ..! iHl vV V." : V fcvv; H.r :;v'.' '. I'M jfi., I JonclT?(?rjnc Frances JiToTdsfrom k&MVi U I' ! Y W i- urn ?: - -C .-v Vj.. I II etta-Iavondre and company and Bl and I j 't ' 1 At the BrandeU MAIIA will set two ohanoM In one day to see the emhiont Mrs. Pat Campbell, a really remarkable concession to the Importance of the city aa a center of ctrlllaed aootal ao- O Tins tlvlty. if you don't belter thla, Juet look at the map and aee the larce number of tlaoea that will not have the opportunity lo eee Mr. Campbell at alL Mrs. Camp, fcell will play "Th Beoond Mr. Tan jueray" at a matlne performanoa on Saturday and In th rnln, as Rllaa Soollttle, th heroin of th maoh-UUked-ahotit Oeorre Barnard Shaw play, PyicmaJlon." Thl will be the first Im portant dramatlo erent of th aeaon, nd after th volnc of Mrs. Pat. Omaha lll wait a fortnight for th openlnc of the sason at Boyd's, when th run of the. 8hubert show will start there. In Jili meantime th stock oompany at the Iirandels, th Orpheum's .vaudeville, the Gayrty'a burlesque and the Kmprees' xaudp.villo will be reinforced by pictures at tie Tioyd'a. the Hipp and th Strand. wM'-li Is to open It doors a vw!; from Tuesday, and th folks will have plenty jf places to (o, aside from th Sunday revival meetings. The opening attraction at th Ittrand theater, Tuesday evening, geptambar 14. v.111 be Clrorge Beban In "An Allan," an auaptlon of his well known vaudeville sketch "The S.'gn of th Rosa." There are nine reels to this wonderful story, each and every on of them being full pf the punches so necessary to pro perl rut over a featura picture. This produc tion was made under the personal super vision of Thomas H. Ince, and ran for months at the Astor theater In New Tork at a dollar admlaaton pr'c. All the New York dallies are especially loud In their praise of thla picture, whloh U baaed on the greatest themes, mother and frther love, and which affords Mr. Beban the greatest characterisation of h'a career. Program will ha changed very Cund'ay. Tuesdny and FVdsy at th Mran'l. the aecrm.l production being Hev, Cyrus Townsend Brady's well known novel. "Ijle of Fleseneratlon." llifc lone McOrano, the popular lead ing lady with th Udward Lynch Play, ra at th BrandeU theater, returned from her vacation last Wednesday, In time to take part In the rehearsals of Nobody' Widow," which wlU be th bill for the first six day of the week baglnnlng tonight with matinee Mon day, Labor day, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. "Nobody's Widow" was originally pro due 1 by Iav1d Belasco, with Blanch Bate and liu Mcltae In th leading I'oloa and Mc mere statement that It was at one time a Uolaaco undertaking la almost recommendation eoough. Th story concern a beautiful Ameri can girl, who, whil traveling la Surope, meets and marrte a aoblemaa and eo the very night of thatr marriage finds him kissing another woman. 8fa leave htm, return to America and announces that her husband I dead. Later the two meet at th bom of a mutual friend and just a th wife had decided to gtv her gallant lord another trial, ah dis covers him embracing their charming hosleae and th run starts all over a-aln. Th production thla week will be on of the moat elaborate and attractive of th Th atook company will enjoy a vaea tlon ant Saturday, wteea Mrs. Patrick Ckoipbetl will be the attraction at th ItrandM thaatar for on day euly, maU Ba and eventng. Mr. Pairtek OampeaU and her exea. lent eompaajr will appear at th Brejs del theater oa Saturday, September U. In Ueraard kthaW InlmltaW "Pyg- tnaUon." Mrs. "Pat," who baa hereto fore entertained u a the lachrymoa and hectla heroin of Plnero and Ibeoa, is a delight a a comeAlenae. Usr pr formano of lflla UootltU. th flower girl, give her opportunity to show bet quality a an aotreea, disss a a great emotional artrsea, bat wb earn pta) Comedy with tha sooet aoisd sjotaedlenne V r ! the only lady Impersonator of great V -$ m hi men. HJ and Mary Btebbln the pair id fr Br i ?3W2V in 'The, Heart of Jennifer -At the. Hipp - ef th stag. "Pygmalion' furnishes a fin two hour and a half of amusement It' a striking comedy, trifling In action but a gala array of wit and novel phil osophy with a Jolt in It for all It topsy-turvyneaa The story la well known. Henry Hlgglna erratic, reatlesa, a nervous bundle of egotism and rudeness and a crank on phoretlcs. eeaay to create a duchass-Uk creature out of Hlia Dooltttle, a messy young flower girl who' been kicked out by her fifth stepmother to shift for her self. The life satisfies her well until sh learns to speak the Kngtlah language and conducts herself magnificently at Hlg gtna mother's "at home." aid later on garden party, a tea and at th opera. That la. she oonflne her topic to th weather and everybody's health and get on very wall. She even manage to explore further and succeeds In using th hocking English euaa word "Moody and aotually get a guest at Mrs. Htg gins' to adopt It as th "new maa talk." KUaa Is all right until she begin t fit Into th new eleganc and to yean: for a bit of affection. Sh can't bear then to be talked of as a piece o furni ture, which la th genial method .em ployed by Hlggtn and hi friend Pick ering la discussing bar. Wherefore she rise In her newly aoqulred might ef education and eeme culture and rail at Hlggtn and behold, h finds that h I net as bored by her as he tola Pickering In her preaeno be vu and he like her. And then. "PygmaUon" will be th play on Sator. day night. At th matinee A. W. Plnero I remarkable problem play, Th Second Mis. Tanqueiay," will be given with Mrs. Campbell In her original role of Paula Tanqueray. An unusually good hill . U offered at the Empress for the first half of th week, be finning Sunday. Tw tftaadlla attraction ar offered ta VTrea Orb- IV I naze i etta-Ivondre and company and Bt and Mary Etebblns. Mme. aravetta-Levvon. dre la a ret European transformlst and the only lady Impersonator of great men. HI and Mary Btebblne, th pair that have nuvde millions laugh, ar bet ter known as "Barnam tt Bailey's rubes." The Corr-Thomas trio ar first rat tromoplln funoaltles, and tha bottom place Is held down by Madison and Mac In a singing skit entitled "400 Pound of Harmony." "The Masked Danoer" 1 a three-reel Broadway Ffcvoiite play and drama, full of oriental mystery and pas sion. An assorted program of short otory films complete th bill. . Bo many have been tha request for a return engagement of Mary Plokford In AHI'IEMRHTI. '5w4te4eTTV mm am mm ft y iiibutibnibsi A that have iiiiuIb million, lauch. ara hat- I I 1 EST" Program Promptly at 2 p. m.vpH Gatas Open at 12 Program Promptly at 2 LABOR DAY MONDAY IR" SEPTET! X V V $20,000 ENGINES SMASHED INTO SCRAP IRON ADMISSION INCLUDING CRAND3TAND AUTOMOBILES PARKED FREE Children Under 12 Years Accompanied by Parents or Guardian Free. Secure Tickets Now at the MERCHANTS HOTEL aw We Dash Together at Sixty Twliles an Hour Two 80-Ton Giant Engines With Tondors Attached POSITIVELY tho SUPREME SENSATION of tho HOUR The Distance of Point of Collision from Where Crowds Will Assemble Renders the Event Free from Any Pos sible Accident, GREEN'S A Full Afternoon Program This Race Will Bt from the Stock Yards, South s . Remember, Only Given Gnco on "Rags" that the Hipp theater will show th popular photo-lay for three days only. This 1 a tylcal rick ford picture and shows "Little Mary' at her best. For three days, starting Monday, Haiel Dawn will appear In "The Heart of Jennifer," written by the author of "Rags." Miss Dawn portrays a prett and popular society girl who give up AMUSEMENTS. nsiai ami sa m bsusiisijibi siiisin amea sftuiiiuuLniJ bAiiiuiuuu tutu suiubu m wuxim EK1UBK3E r-t Taken at Inatant of Ooutact by New York A DUEL FAMOUS BAND WILL FURNISH MUSIC of Harness and Running RaceJ er life of enjoyment for the society or ithe noiikern woods so that her father may eprape the danr of financial ruin. James Kirkwood Is Miss Dawn's leading man. John Hnrrymor will be th attraction for th remainder of the v.eek In "The IneorrlnlMe LHikane," a unlqu combi nation of drama, comedy and romance. Hl work In thla plav atampa him as a jacreen comedian uticxcrlled. Tn the history of the American stare i no Ma'k-fare comedians havo met with (more popular iiPirnvd than Mclntyre land Heath, to be nccn tl work as th Igtellnr fenfire of I ho iip)n'iim. Tor their j ent,-a ment hie tlic fainoiis roinrdlan ! are to present three one jict c .mod ies. j Their openlmr Mil will he ' Tho Georgia jMlnatrela." This will l aeen Sunday, i Monday and Tueaday. "Weilnt lay srvl j Thursday they v.111 off' r "Tlic Man front Montana" Friday and Saturday, "Walt i Inn at the Church" Will he their vclil-le. jAaaoclated with Melntyre and Heath th' aeaaon Is a comedian scarcely lem prontl j nent than the Hirs. Otto T. Johnaonc. iOther feature calculated to wnatltuto n well balanced, rmatt and varied program I are: Rnlne Davlcs, prima donna come dienne and "the lady beautiful of vaude ville;" Joseph M. Norcroa.i nd Colon I Samuel Hold "worth, two famous mln atrela of the (,ld day, the f rmer 71 m l tho latter M ai of age; Krances Nord atrom, Vllltam Plnkham and rnmpany In a nualnt little comedy entitled "All Wrong." Hen Peyer and company, with clover whcelmanshlp, and Hans Hanke, world's pianist. The Orpheum Travel pictures will take you for a trip through the lsUnd of Madeira and to a boy eeouta' farm In France. Harry Homiinl. known th world over as "The lilu.lve American" and the mas ter of escapp, has been engaged for a tour of the Orpheum circuit. This king of mystlflers will appear her th week of September 12. . The remarkable advance In the charac ter of musical burlesque performance In Illustrated In the entertainment to be given by the "Hastings' Big Show," which will come to th popular Oayety theater, beginning this afternoon at 1 I lane Coleman the principal, a finely quipped comedian of natural humor, and Miks Jean Leonard has true perception of the spirit of burlesque, and ah pos sesses a dash and wears costumes that are the equal of society play stars. A two-act snappy, bright and sparkling burlesque Is presented. "I'll Follow Tou." Phil Peters, Charles Bovls, Palmer Hlnes and Will Henry aid In the comedy scenes. Florenc Parley, a prima donna of note, and Alma Bauer give oapttal character portrayals. In the olio wilt be seen th Henrys, singers and dancer; Phil Peters In a comedy, dainty Hacel Lorraln In character Impersonation and songs, and ether noveltlees. Tomorrow's holtday matin will start directly after th let ter carriers' parade ha passed the Oayety. Ladle dim matin dally, starting Tuesday. CHICAGO LIBRARIANS ARE VISimiG IN OMAHA Miss Hannah Logass, formerly of tha public library staff, and now librarian of the high school department of the University of Chicago, la the guest of friends until Tuesday, when she leaves for Lincoln to visit her sister. Miss Ixgasa Is accompanied by Miss Lenora Abt, also of the library staff of the Chicago university. The local library staff la planning an outing for Monday In honor of Miss Logasa's return. AMUSEMENTS. LLDS01Tn3 'I:: i ' It. K i v Amrricaa at lirlghtoti llach Itace Track, faid A din anions, lo.lMrO. XO THE DEATH Stock Yards Derby Relay Rax Omaha Motorcycle Races. Collision Last Event. C Account of Prodigious Expense AMI F.MK.T.1. Phcn Dong. 494. Th Only Hlrfc Class Tandvill Cite ilt. Mats. Dally 9:15: Evsry Wight :13. WEEK STAilllilG (TODAi) Sunday, September 5 HScIHTV and REiNE DAVIES & COMPANY The Lady Heautiful of Vaudeville. NQRf.nO S & HOLDSWORTH Two OM Cronies. Col. Samuel Holflsworth. A" 4. Old' est l.ivlnir Ml istre . Joa. M. Norcroes, Ap. 76, Oldest LIv Irs; Slocer. Combined Akcs 160 Years Young. IRANCES NORDiTROM WILL IAM PINKHAM & COMPANY In a Quaint Cniedv Kntitled "AL1 waoiro" Hy Frances Nordstrom THE STEINER TRIO, Come ly l!ar Marvels. Just Hack om the War Zone BEri btYEH h COMPANY In Their Clever Cycline- Voveltv HANS HANKE "World's Violinist" Prices Matinees: tlnHery, lflc; Pest Seats, 25c, excejpt Saturdnv anl Punday a few at TOc. Nights, lOo. 26o, 60o and 75c. TODAY SI and MARYSTEEBINS Sab Travelers. MADISON & MACE 400 X.b. of Harmony. CARR-AMORE-CARR Trampolln rnaosltlss. Mme. Erayetta-Lavond.e & Co. European Transformlsts. An Assorted Program of Fhoto Play Including "THE MASKED . DANCER" A 3-Part Broadway Tavorlt Drama Full of Mystery and Xiots. A OABTOON COMXDT BEASST.8EIIO HO. 70. IHETK WPWT OTTT NEW SHOW THURSDAY am sjbs Ann h a s ! 5 p. m. CS SEE. 6 s n -t.. All Horses Entered in V HE HEATH AMI K.MF.T9. ssat"ii v i"fvwg'X .yV; vl ---" , i iZthDlG WttK l15-Btock Ssason-ll. OHIGHTtK (Except Bat. Hut ana ST&'r ) Pavid Bclasco'i i?uccerfu Corned r. NOBODY'S WIDOW" Ml-l MrOrane In th iMdlnf PpeeUI MAtlnvc Mon n1 Wed. Itsxt Week "The Shepherd of th Bills." Sat., SepMllh SEATS NOW MrvLLIfNG And Complete London Co. SAT. MATINEE AT ti30 "The Second Mrs. Tangneray" SAT. NIGHT AT 8(20 "PYGMALION" MiL 50o to $1.50, Etj., SOo to $2 "okaju's run czbtxxv &jcu r jf xuy natsiB-ao-ooo WlrZAf' Brna-, 15-88-50-760 PnrposelT Booked for OoBrentloa Weak ElHTpil! CM. U KUBICAXt XABTinaa'DIU dnwil BUKIObSQUB CAN CULEMAH B1 Oompeay bHIl liULlKIHH In "in Follow Too." An Isle of Oorffeousness, Fun and Music Wh.nvr or Whnwr Ynu ut Oir LADtBS' DZKS KIT, Wl SATS. BASEBALL Omaha vs. St. Joseph ROURKE PARK. September 6-6. a Game; 1st Gamo Called 2 P. M. KRUG PARKi".:.i; DANCING iSSS Z, A DTP'S OIClBSTSi, OTHEB ATTBAOTIOITS rBi mtrm MOTION FICTXrmiS O'BtOs BIO LASOH DAT BURT FIOITIO. E.M.JONES Piano Studio Reopens Sept.. 23th, 1915. Cmirseg In Harmony. H'etory, Kar Training and IMirht Ree'llnf AJeo Branch rilierwood Muslo School, Room 4, We aid Building, 18th and Farnam. Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday. Dellevue College, Tuesday and Friday EFFIE STEEN KITTELSON ART OF EXPRESSION Technique of the Speaking Voice, Physical Culture, Pantomime, Dramatic Art Classes Now Being Regis tered. 313 Baird Building, 17C2 Douglas Street. Phone Tyler 1413. Cora Schwartz VOICE WlU win Tsaotalaff BeptamVe etx 80 sVyrl Bldf. Paoas Ked M48. B0SGLU.V1 PJAHO SCHOOL 681 Dona-la Street. se-cpea Sept. (ta, August nnrKlum, Madame Bsrslum (Puplis of Water Swayne) 8o1fese-8chvarti Method. Paris Hsrmoay fxibUo m m J I