Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 05, 1915, EDITORIAL SOCIETY, Page 3-B, Image 15

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Women Are
Doing in the World
CI ah Calender.
TUESDAY d?oard of trustees. Old Fon
?' Home, Touna- Women Christian
eoolatlon 10 a., m. U W. Grant Wo
ma a Relief corps. Memorial hall,
W..S.DAT-V1,,u,n Nurae aasocla
nCZ Ta8 Pv- Omh Woman's
Ml!?"""-l.Trmp,,'rB'' union. Yeunr
Jfrr,.trl"tUn oration, Sa m.
THURSDAY-Omaha Woman'. cluto an.
ft'ial luncheon. Hapry Hollow club.
Bnnn Woman's club. Mrs. John
eedle. hostess. Emma. Hoa aland
Flower Mission.
r&PA Nebraska chapter, United
fKetea Dansrhters of lgia. Mra. O 11
Sir- Scottish Rite Woman a
Cljb, Scottish Rita cathedral.
(NotJoea for this column should be
walled or telephoned to the club editor
before Friday noon.)
HE current number of the Ne-
raeka Club BulleUn. Just off
the prase, contatna the pro
gram for the annual meeting,
of the Nebraska Federation of
Women's rliiH whlxt. will K
neld at No-folk, September to October
1. " Distinguished guests at fhe conven
tion will be Mra. Percy V. Fennybackor
of Austin, Tex., president of thOenral
Federation rf Women'i club; Mrs.
Thomas Winter, preeldent of the Min
neapolis Woman' club and general fed
eration chairman of literature, who
visited In Omaha last year, and Dr.
Rache Yarros of Hull Houae, Chicago.
Mra. F. H. Cole of Omaha, general fed
eration chairman of civil service, will
1alk on "'Women's Opportunity." Other
'Omaha women on the program are Mrs.
N. M. Graham, Mra C. W. Hayes. Mra.
! Mr D. Cameron and Mrs. K. R. J. Ed
lolru, Mrs. Harry L. Keefe of Walthlll. re
cording aecretary of the general federa
tlon, will alao attend the convention and
take part In the prog-ram.
Twenty-one new olubs have Joined the
state ' fedoratthn In the last year. Only
one. the Association of Collegiate Alum
nae, Is re 1lered from Omaha. "
Mrs. N. H. Nelson, president of the
Omaha Women's club, has been selected
to give the address of welcome at the
annual meeting- of the Nebraska State
Association of Graduate Nurses, which
will be at the Young; Woman's Christian
association October 19 and 20. Miss Carrie
Xouer Is the state president
Mrs. N. J. McKltrlck. president of the
Omaha Woman's Christian Temperance
union, and Mrs. Fannlo Manning- attended
the Washington county Woman's Chris
tian Temperance union convention, which
was held at Blair Friday. Temperance meetings will be held every Sunday
In Washington county during; the prohi
bition campaign. It was decided.
The annual luncheon of the Omaha,
Woman's club will be held Thursday at 1
o'olock. at Happy Hollow olub. An In
teresting program will be given in con
nection with the meeting. Reservations
must be made to members of the house
and bona committee before Wednesday
noon. Mrs. James Uddell Is chairman and
has the following- assistants; Mesdames
F. & MoLafferty, Georgia Swoboda, J. 12.
Pulver, T. R. Ward. Louis Mttwr,
Dresner. A. X. Northrup, T. H. Tracy,
XX K. Sterrtcfcer, W. d Nloholaon, El B.
Ransom, Jerome A. XJlUe, C. A. Sher
wood and Miss Helen Phelan.
The Soottlsh Rite Woman's olub will
resume, meetings by holding- a kenslntf
ton Friday Afternoon at the cathedral.
In the absence of the president, Mra
John Simpson, the viae president, Mrs.
William iBerry, will be In charge of the
meeting-. Mrs. Z. D. Clark and Mrs.
Frank Patton win assist her.
The South Bide Woman's Christian Tem
perance union was entertained Friday
afternoon at the country home of Mra,
I C. Banner. Reports of the county
meeting held at Elk City Tuesday were
given. Miss Bessie Rhyno. one of the
medal contestants at the county meeting,
gave several musical selections, and Miss
Marie Berry gave readings. This was an
all-day meeting and a number of new
members were announced.
The board of trustees of the Old Peo
ple's home will hold the regular monthly
meeting- Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock
at the Young- Woman's Christian asso
ciation. Business with regard to the new
'building; will be discussed.
Announcement is made that a national
convention of the Needlework Guild of
America will be held In the clvlo audi
torium at San Francisco Monday, Septem
ber 13. The local organization, of which
Mrs. J. J. Stutobs Is president, is hopeful
that Omaha members who may be visit
ing the exposition at the time,' will at
tend the irectlng.
The first meeting of the Dundee circle
of the Child Conservation League of
America has been postponed from Sep
tember U to September 27. It will be
bald at the home of the president. Mrs.
Nv K. Sype, 6108 Burt street.
U, 6. Grant Woman's Relief Corps, No.
104,. will meet Tuesday afternoon at 3 p.
tn.- In Memorial hall at the court house.
The Omaha Women's Christian Tem
perance union will meet Wednesday
morning from to 10:80 o'clock at the
Young Men's Christian association, Ha
perta of . the county meeting: held at Elk
City Tuesday and election of delegates
to the state convention at Grand Island
September & will be the principal busi
ness. The following superintendents of county
work - have named: Mra John Blake,
evangellstlo wbrk; Mra F. 8. King of
Benson, franchise; Mra Harry Parven
der,' Flower mission, mercy and relief;
Mrs. O. W. Ahlqulst. jail and priaon;
Mta. F. A. Follansbee, juvenile court and
child labor; Mrs. Alice Mlnnlok, legisla
tion; Mrs. F. W. Butts, mothers' meet
ings, Mra Kdlth Bhlnrock, medal con
tests; Mra Edward Johnson, parliamen
tary usage; Mrs. H. E. Longatreth, peace
and arbitration; Miss Blanche Van
Kuran, press; Mrs. Frank Cocaine, so
cial meetings; Mra E. Noyes of Water
loo, tUbbath observance; Mrs. Pawold,
Sunday schools; Mrs. C. Nichols of Val
ley, Union Signal and Crusader; Mrs
Flora Hoffman, soldiers and sailors;
Mrs. Carrie D. Scott, young people's
branch; Mrs. H. J. Schmidt, Loyal Tem
peranos legion, and J. A. Dalsell, tem
perance and missions.
The Nebraska Society of the United
States Daughters of UU wUl hold Its
first meeting of the year Friday after
noon at the home of Mra O. H. Scott.
IKS Blnncy street Mrs. George B. Darr
Is honorary president and Mrs. J. J.
Stubbs active president of this society.
The ' first meeting of the city federa
tion of the Child Conservation League
Women Workers With the Billy Sunday Party
AfceMtiam Garni in , " ,
i - pXi W - 1
Grace Saxe 5 if
of America, which was announced for
the first Monday In September, has been
poatponed until Monday, October 4. The
meeting place will be announced later.
"Russian Art" will constitute the year's
study for the art department ' of the
Omaha Woman's club, which has Just
Issued its program. Mrs. C. J. Roberts
is leader; Mesdames J. C. Hammond, Q.
C. Bonner and A. O. Peterson, assistant
leaders, and Mrs. W. 8. Heller, secretary
treasurer. Meetings will be held alter
nate Thursday mornings at 10 o'clock,
as last vear.
The Benson Woman's club met Thurs
day afternoon at the home of Mrs.
George Jradaie to decide postponing
meetings till some future time on ac
count of the Billy Sunday campaign.
A number of the members will be
otlvely engaged in the work, but as
the program committee had Issued the
year book the olub voted to open the
season as usual and the first regular
meeting will be held next Thursday
afternoon at the home of Mrs. John
Speedie. with Mrs. Mrs. Oeorge Aradale
as leader. The program will consist of
papers on "Russian jturopean rw
antry." by Meedamea O. S. Brooks, W. A.
Wilcox and R. S. Beaaley.
Roll call will be anawered with cur
rent events relative to the subject studied
by the olub.
Vm. j. W. Welsh will be chairman of
Benson day for serving lunch on Sep
tember 18 at the business gins m
class meetings. The three cnurcnes oi
Reneon and Clifton Hill Presbyterian
church are united in the work.
The Benson Women's Christian Tem-
Jt a 4hjh
perance union was repiwni -
n. invention held in Elk City Tues
day by Mesdames C. II. Stephens, E. J.
Whistler and J. P. Bailey. Friday after
noon a special meeting waa held, when
Mrs. Whistler gave a report or me con-
ventlon. and the program ior mo
Ing season was planned.
The B. L S. olub of Benson met at
the home of Mrs. Harry Post. After the
business session a card party was given.
The West Side Women's Christian Tem
perance union will meet Thursday after
noon at t o'clock at the home of Mrs.
Fred Jensen, 1919 South rirty-tnira
The thirty-fifth annual convention of
fho Nebraska Woman Suffrage associa
tion will meet In Columbus, Neli., In the
Methodist Episcopal church. October 13-
14. The executive Doara win essemDie
early Tuesday, October 13, for prelimi
nary buslne
The first session will open at a o clock
Tuesday evening, with Mra Draper Smith
of Omaha, state president presiding.
There will be brief addresses of welcome
from Mrs! M. Bruegger, representing
suffrage Interests and other Columbus
onrantsatlona Edgar Howard, editor
of the Columbus Telegram, will address
the convention.
Business sessions will open at the
church Wednesday morning. county
chairmen or their substitutes will report
in the order In which they enroll at the
convention. County reports come first
that all may be recognised.
Mra W. E. Barkley, publicity chair
man. Is corresponding with notable suf
fragists, some one of whom wUl address
the convention.
Methods of finance and other business
will be thoroughly dlacuased. lime per
mitting, there will be a symposium" on
"preparation for cltlienshlp," presenting
biographies of famous suffragists, suf
frage history and parliamentary proced
ure. Flection of officers will be conducted
similar to election methods nf political
partita A primary will be held Wednes
day forenoon to aelect candidates. Elec
tion will follow the next day.
Dr. Liuclle Eaves, besd of ths sociology
department of the University of Ne
braska, has gone to Boston to make her
home. Miss Eaves has been active In
sociological work since she came to Ne
braska tn 10T and waa In great demand
as a suffrage speaker during the last
Rent rooms quick with a Bee Want Ad.
Stroma; Winds Blearavlgla.
Don't suffer, get a 25c bottle of Sloan's
Liniment; It penetrates to the pa'nful
parts at once. Kll's the pain. All drug-gluts.-Advertisement
(Continued trom Pa ire Two.)
A. Cudahy of Chicago, formerly of
Omaha, to Mlaa Ida May Swift was an
nounced today in Chicago. The wedding
will take place in October.
Motor Tripi Popular.
Walter B. Graham and family have re
turned from a two weeks', motor trip
through Iowa and Illlnola
Visitor Return Home.
Miss Welty and Miss Susie Welty of
Fremont, who were guests of Mr. and
Mrs. J. B. Haynes, have returned home.
Mrs. Karl Sohmtdt of Deshler, Neb.,
who have been visiting the last week
with the family of the late Balthas Jet
ter, left for home Friday.
Ne.wg of the Wayfarers.
Mine Mayme Hutchinson, . who has been
in California all summer, visiting both
expositions, Is now sojourning at the
Grand canyon in Arlsona.- She Is ex
pected home this week.
Children's Matinee Dance.
Miss Marguerite Fallon, the small
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Fallon,
entertained thirty-five guests at a danc
ing party at the Field club Friday after
noon. Garden flowers were used in the
decorations for the luncheon table.
Give Bridge Dinner.
Mr. and Mra F. E. Schweitser gave a
bridge dinner Thursday evening at their
apartments In the Knickerbocker, com
plimentary to their sister, Mra H. H.
McCluer, and Mr, MoCluer of Kansas
City. The guests were;
Messrs. and Meedameev
el. In. r, William MoAdams,
Mlsaea Misses
Giare McAdama Ella M cA dams
i of Detroit, or lJetrou.
Personal Mention.
Miss Helen Nleman has returned from
Mrs. G. S. Guild has taken an apart
ment at the Helen. .,
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Barker, 2d, have
taken an apartment at the Sagamore.
Mr. and Mra. George Barker and Mra.
Barber have returned from Estes Park.
Mlsa EUn Falk of Des Moines Is visit
ing Mrs. Carl Changstrom, 1004 Glenwood
A son, Judson Bates Niece, was born
to Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Niece Tuesday at
her home In Lincoln.
Mr. Robert Forgan arrived Friday to
remain over Sunday at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Isaac E. Congdon.
: Miss Mary Munchhoff, ' who has been
visiting tn Chicago, has returned home
and reopened her studio at her home.
Mrs. John W. Murphy, accompanied by
her tiro sons, John, jr., and Owen, of Bl
Paso, Tex., are spending several weeks
Bohemian Cook
One thousand recipes of famed dishes of old Bohemia, now translat
ed for the first time into English directions and measurements.
Bohemian cooks gurpaas even the French In preparation, of dishes
delicious and dlfestlble.
This book provide you with the opportunity of terrlng unique din
ners to the family and to meats.
Contains also standard American dishes. '
Price $1.0D NET (By Mall lOo additional)
Telephone or Wrlto Tour Order Direct to the Publishers
TeL Douglas 1008. 500 12th St., Omaha.
Also on Sale at
' Brandels Stores, Book Department.
W. H. Matthews. Book Store, 121 S. 16th St.
Kleeefs Book Stole, Y. M. C. A. Building.
Merest h Stationery Co., 1421 Farnam St.
Fat, Hard
TJorence CffMer
with Mrs. Murphy's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Owen McCaffrey.
Mra. J. E. DeQroodt and small daugh
ter of Red Wing, Minn., have Joined Mr.
De Groodt to reside here in the future.
Mr. and Mra. T. E. Htevens have taken
the apartment at Hyland Court, formerly
oocupled by Senator and Mrs. Hitchcock.
Mr. and Mrs. N. L.. Guckert, Mr. and
Mrs. Alvln Johnson and Mrs. C. C, Rose
water have returned from Clear Lake, la.
Mrs. J. R. Soden, who has been the
guest of her sister, Mrs. F. A. Brogan,
left Thursday for her home In Emporia,
Mrs. O. P. Robb and son, Edwin, have
returned from Minneapolis, where they
have been the guests of friends and rela
tives. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. King and Miss
Guhlsdorff of Minneapolis are the guests
of Dr. A. A. Holtman en route to the
mountains. .
Mr. and ' Mrs. Charles T. Kountse
readied Westhampton Wednesday, after
a motor' trip from Cleveland and other
eastern points.
Mrs. Bam Becker left Thursday evening
for Detroit to attend the wedding of her
nteoe, Mlas Flora Becker, to Mr. ' Louis
Gllok of that city.
The Misses May and Eva Mahoney re
turned Thursday from California, where
they visited ; both expositions and other
points In the west
Mrs. F. B. Southard left yesterday foe
California to visit friends In Los Angeles
and San Francisco and the. expositions.
She will be gone several weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Wilhelm. who oc
cupied Mrs. Llndsey's home during her
absence this summer, are now back In
their apartment at the Colonial.
Miss Catherine Lacy, who has been In
New York at the Hotel Knickerbocker
severs! weeks, returned home, accom
panies by Miss Keith of New York.
Miss Loretta Dellone has returned from
Minneapolis and Christmas Lake, where
she has spent the summer, and has re
opened her studio In the Lyrlo building.
Dr. Mary Strong returned Thursday
evening from a trip to New Hampshire,
where she went to attend tho 150th anni
versary of the founding of Orford. N. H.
Miss Corlnne Paulson and Miss Louise
Stors return today from a six weeks'
trip to the coast They spent the last
week end as the guests of Mrs. J. H.
Even of Berkeley. Cal., formerly of
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hern hare returned
from Estes Park, Colo., and Denver,
where they have sepent a month. Miss
Winifred Traynor, who accompanied
them, la visiting friends and relatives In
Miss Ruth Elolse Ogle lef Friday for
Williams Bay. Wis., where she will Join
college friends for a ten-day outing at
Lake Geneva, after whloh she will go
on to Greencastle, Ind., to oomplete her
senior year at DePauw university.
Miss Gladys Chandler, who has spent
the summer with her parenta, Mr. and
Mrs. W. A. Chandler, returned to New
York this week, where sne will continue
Book in English
to Fit Tfilri, Still Worse
Any Flg-ure Perfectly Fit Is Our Guarantee.
Pax too Block.
her musical work, coaching with Josefs (
raatemark, formerly musical director of
the Metropolitan Opera company.
Mlsa Kllslth llarnhardt of Harris- ,
burg, Pa., hi has been the guest of her '
i brother, Mr. E. W. Karnhardt and fam
jlly since last February, left Friday for
. California. Miss Barhhardt will visit both
j expositions and will return to Omaha
I October I, for a short Visit before leaving
j for her home. j
J In and Out of the Be Hire. j
I The Mtaaea Klssllng returned Friday i
1 from Chicago.
, Miss Welle Iewey Is visiting In At
lantic City and New York.
I Miss Gagmar Borenaon returned Frl- !
lsy from the Pacific coast. 1
Mine Myrtle Brady returned last evening !
from a visit In New Tork nd Chicago, i
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Gerber of Lincoln ,
have moved to Omaha and will reside j
at j0 Dodge street.'
The ttnaea Pauline Rauth and Guaata 1
Racklund loft Thursday for a month's
atav on the Pacific ceast.
Miss Helen Jhirnam of Fairfield, 111.,
will arrive today for an extended visit
jWlth her alstsr, Mrs. Im Hill.
Mra. Kdwln Klein and amall son. Mil
ton, returned Thursday from Atlantic
City, where they spent a month. j
Mr. and Mra George 11. Kelly , re-1
.turned Wedmaday from a visit In At
lantic City and Charlevoix, Mich.
Mr. and Mra. F. L. Campbell loft Bat-
urday for Glenwood Borings and San
Francisco, traveling via Kansaa City,
j Mr. and Mrs. David Gross and daughter.
I Mlaa Inn a Gross, are expected home to
! day from a .wo months' vlalt to the
The Misses Dorette and Holen Kendls,
who spent the summer with relatives in
Omaha, left last Week for their home In
lot Angeles.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter M. Baker, accom
panied by their son, Elton, and Max,
have returned from a month's tour of the
Pacific coast.
Mra. Thomas Moonlight Murphy and
amall son of Kansas Cltv are vlslttns
Mrs. Murphy's parents, Mr. and Mrs. O.
V. Thompson. '
Miss Mildred Rogers returned Monday
from a weatern trip, the last month of
which she spent at Miss Bwett's dancing
camp In Colorado,
Misses Stqlla and Dorothy Abraham re
turned Thursday from California, where
they spent a month. The young women
visited friends In Bait Lake City and
Denver on tho return trip.
Mra. A. H. Benton left Friday for Min
neapolis, where she , will vlilt her sen.
Ward, during the month of September.
Mrs. Benton will be Joined by her son,
Mr. Andrew Benton of Nes York City.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tukey arrived
Wedneaday from a motor trip through
the northern lake country, stopping at
Minneapolis and Bt Paul They were
aocompanled home by Mr. and Mra
Samuel Burns, who Joined them at Lake
Okoboll, where Mra Burns has spent
the summer.
SJubmltted by Mrs. W. A. rtllsbary,
Sas TonteDslle Homier are, which wUl
he served September 0, from IS to
80 p. to., in ear 7Be Baaday Sinner
mean contest. -
Tomato Hlsque
Cream of Chicken
' Croutons
Stuffed Olives Hadlshes Celery
Broiled Halibut. Uauce Tartare
Choice of
Curry of Young Chloken, Boiled Rice
Koast LKln of fork, Apple Hauoe,
Urowiiftt Potatoes
Breaded Veal Outlets, Brown Gravy
Boast Ieg of Mutton, Currant Jelly
Mashed Potatoes
Browned Sweet Potatoes
New Corn on Co4 Creamed Cabbage
Hot Parker House Rolls
Combination Vegetable Salad
Cheeae Straws
Peach lie a la Mode
, or
Cantaloupe Sundae
Coffee Tea . . Iced Tea Milk
Saeh week a M book of meal tickets
will be rlvea away for the baat maun
submitted for the 7 So Sunday dinner.
1508-10 Howard Street
The Silk Shop
211 City Nat'l Bank Bldtf.
Extra Special
for Monday
42-inch Chiffon Velvet, all
Bilk, in tho season's moat
popular shades, $5.00 val
ue, special Jlon - (f a
day, at fTr
Nature does not produce coarse stub
born growths at superfluous hair. They
are caused by the unwise use of so-called
I air lemovera
The only way te arotn control of such
growths Is to oVrvltallse them. Xt Is Im
possible to aouumyllah this result with
pastes and rub-on preparations because
they only remove hair from the surface
of the skin. I e Miracle, the original liquid
depilatory, devttallsns hair by attacking
It under the akin as well aa on the akin
Imitations of DeMlracIe are aa worthleet
as pastes and rub-on iimoaratlons becauae
they lack certain Inaredlwits that DeMlr
acle alone rontalus which give It the
powr-r to rob hair of Its vitality Its life
suslalnlnaT force. i
Insist on the genuine DeM'rerle and you
win get tne original uttuia hair reniover.
fHhers are worthless IiultaUoas refuse
IJeMlrncle la sold tn SUM and $2 00 bot
tles. The larger slae (a the most eoon
oniloal for dnrmatolorsta tuid large users
to buy. If your dxaier will not supply
ou order dlreot from ua. lltn truth about
the tma'meuit bf superfluous hair mailed
In p an enaUad envelope on request. L)e
Mlracle Chumlual Co.. lpt C, l'ark Ava
unit lfh Ht , New York Ad.-ertlnnt
Teacher of Piano
1034 Oeorrla A vat. Tel. Karaey SSssX
Pupil of alaz I eyidow arid Holder of
Taau.'her's itrtltkate frum Peebody
ronservatorr of Muslo. baJllmorm. 1.1
.1 ..1. . ..A - .,
t ". -- ' -
Vr'i f.-'' :fi'4 W it I
Send for Free Instructions
for Crocheting
exquisite KLOSTERSILK Yokes in the striking new designs
, now bo fashionable for nightgowns and corset covers. These
instructions are so clear and complete as to enable even the
beginner to enrich her wardrobe and gifts at small expense
if the correct Crochet Cotton is used.
Crocheted 'Yokes which will oufuear lh $armrnt which after downs of
' laundering will be unahrunken and clean-cut in design can be mad only
of KLOSTERSILK the Arm, smooth, "lastingly lustrous" Crochet Cotton,
made In whit that ttayt whit and coors that last recommended by the
foremost crochet' authorities. '
Clip, the Shopping List shown below it will enabt you to specify to your
dealer exactly the right kind of KLOSTERSILK Cotton to use for any article.
Send aelf-addreeaed. itsmpad envelope) today tor
' frets) crochet Instructions for dee lane Illustrated
The Thread Mills Company
' Shopping List '
Talis wkat Threads te use
Fr Crthttinf 4
HandktrrhlH nlrlnr. In
eartionl nd'Utlins, un Art.
ft Klnntrrtilk , lotdoBiiet
Borll,- blli. j,
1 nini, . Inierrlons, ear
lnr. etc., um Art. Sra Kluc
tcrMlk l'tt(. mall hulls. .
lowel rdirlnsa, , and .all
tieivr crrH'hft. Art. I4 KIob.
tsrkUk'Perls.lana bails, Art.
7..mH rtml la, nr Art.' "a
KlostnilkParls,Urga skeUia
Boudoir opt, bsbr bootret.
Art. tio Kloiterailk batin
. Gloat, whits, colors, spoola.
Infanta Jarkcta, Art. Tit
Kloatsrailk Crochat Flochs,
white, balls.
For tmbniJtrlnt
Crnaa atltrh, Inlttalt, Art.
7T Kluatsrallk Moulin. col
or, whita. akclna.
t rem li knot, hsT Initials,
Art. Son Klottrnllk trle,
colon, whita, akeina.
Frtnrh rmliroirirry, Initials,
Art. ?M Kloattrallk flochc,
wlills, akaina.
.' Women of fashion
mBMEN Hairnet 5cC
' For the Unishine beauty-touch
a Carmen the Quality' Hair Net strongest, wears longest.
Ja'' 7
.v -I ." lf".V-'- 11 S' IIL1 I ... O.I.. t II.t
r.Tif I It,
Hr .?TW I dreBKlnir it't free. Trr Strlc
,WJ ''.,v-rr.
We ahew above the Carmea enaloae
fee your guidance la knifing hair aeta
' "That Economy
" . Coffee" .
Asaelstelf Ssarasieea
Safer tbaa polaoa or drurs
OCltbirdeiie, srwy
US' a Separtment steeaa
35 by
r- . " efc-, rmrtwvnmm atsjaa-si wmm su.
A country home, near. Omaha,' for
limited number of children under 11.
Individual attention given each pup'l
Kindergarten, manual .' training, eto.
For terms and Information address,
Mrs. M. U, Care of .Bee Office.
Rent rooms quick with a Bee Want Ad.
furniture Into cash. ''
Persistence is the cardinal vir
tue in advertising; no matter
how good advertising may be
in other respects, it must be
run frequently and constant
ly to be really succcessfuL
Thread Salae Dept. X
W. Adams St, Cbieaaw
Eyelets and mnnoframs,
Art. Hoi Kloatnailk Ureder
6pclal, while, akeina.
Padding snd solid am
broidery. Art. ya( Klottmilk
Jeannette, colore, white, balls.
Miadnw work. Art. ?!S
laterailk t lochs, whits,
S Kioatrrailk Ivory wliite,
akeina or Art. 14a Klostareilk,
whits, holdera.
Colored embroidery. Art.
4l Kloaterellk India or Art.
Sj Klotterailk Rope, holder.
on all occasions, wesr
style for every coiffure
ft- X
a shade for any hair.
Ask your dealer fur the "Carmen
Carmen, elastic tord, fine mesh.
AAs. aTafkl thm
Sc each at YOUR dealer's
4 Tnaedos, Prlaos
yrl ISIS models for sals er rent.
II 211,r slpeolaltT.
Phone D. 81B8. opea BTealaeTa.
aioiei siaa.
BOS IT. lTth Bt., Omaha, sTsh.
Tearlasr aad Oleeea Oars.
3X0 pes hew. Xroac. 4S00bi
aiaaa aa BCeroaaasa Xetela
San Francisco
Bellevue Hotel
10 minutes to Exposition without
transfer. Built of concrete and
sleel. Private bath to every room.
First class In every detail.
Rates from $2.00 up.
H. W. wilIDJ, Kama re r. .
(Mem bar of Offlolal Xapesltlos
Motel Bureau.)
gunortAN PLAN. SI .SO AND UPwAagt
PStgC Auto Bus Moots Trains and Steamers
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