2-1? TITE OMAHA NtTXDAY UlA,: iSKlTKMJJEU 5, 1915. EOCIETY GOES IN FOR MUSIC Smart Folki Will All Be at the Opening Concert to Be Giren by Boston Symphony Orchetrm. ROME OF THE OTHIS LOIKOS Mortal Calendar. H'NPAT Supe-ve at Ooonlry. Field, Happy Hrl ow and Carter l-as. it-oa; Jilily Bunds y opening at the tnbei narle. anseet lia tie and No. a Pred, twoplion for Mil, tilancn MonheiL l.(i.N'l)r-ir.. '. C. Allison, plcnle for .Ytst Johnston: librarians of ttia public tinrary, nutlng In honor of M.ss Han na.i I ton l f.DAy-Mr C. W. Martin, Pret ili Mlie tlnlf cub. evan.ng party at bar bom; Mra. C. T. WalrB.h, lunrh- tn at the Hapt y Hollow e.ui. K'DinK.-1A V Annua, tag day for tha Ylai.lng .Sura- a-not In lion; regular l.n.heon at tha Country and rVld lui, dlnner-dantea at the Meld and Gentry rluba: Mlsa Reglnn Connrll, nlnner for her guest, .Vls. Johnston. THLH.SDAY 8rnd married folks' dln- nr at the Happy Do low rluh; laulee' day luncheon at the Happy Hollow and F eld nuba. FR.DAT-'IHnner dartre at the Seymour !. Country club. SATl'RDAY llnner-danree at Ciuntiy, Field. Happy itoilnw and Carter Lke clubs. Tha Charity Concert course for tha year immt will open Thuraday evening. October 7, at tha Auditorium, with tha itoaten Symphony orchestra, under the direction of Dr. Karl Muck. , Thla will be tha first of five roncerU to be given during tha year and bo tea are on ante for tha entire season. We may row have a season of music hers as Interesting as an opera season In New York and many have engaged bores for the year. Among these are: Meaers. and Meadamea George Brandela, Lou la Naah, )L H. Beldrtge, J. M. Raldrlge, T. U Kimball. Rdgar Moraman. Jr.: O. W. Wattles. A. L Reed. Oeorge Joaiyn and Ir. and Mra. B. B. Davis. Un parties will be given by: M roars, and Meadamea mn Hastlnsa. John I Kennedy, u'alle II. rViulre. W. R. Wood. JmiM Ive Pal ton. r. r. wmnrr, V. F. Hter Fl P. Peek. Tt. H. Howell, I.uthcr Knuntae, Kara Millard. J. F. frofnot. Palmer Klnrtlev, C", P. Oeoree. J. W. Orff'th. Forest Richardson. Charles F "y Oeorae M. Rertlrk. Fdwln T. Bwobe, W. D. MHugh. . Mm. V. M. : a-ue, ' W. A. Redlck. W J. Hvnee, AHh'i' Mti. A. P. Foment. A. f . Fitchensn, A. P. Cl-vd. W. H. Koenlg. H. O. Hteel. H. B. Illlken. Kdgar Poott, drone H. frtnt, Charles Mlack, J. J. lltnlahen. H. (I. I,onmla. Carroll Helrten. II. M. Rorera, K. II. Iavla. .Frank T. Hamilton. K. M. Andresen. H. O. Hwi. 8. H Caldwell. Arthur Kmlth, W. C. Shannon. Kreek HeMer, C. F. Weller. John R. Webster. A. ft. Ktor-a. Charles D Hetn. Pernar'' Mrrvrmolt. DeFot RVbarda, CJeorireW. Haver- J. M.M-"""-'). irk A w ."rls. J. K PrenU if. P. W It more A. O. Person. F. a Cowglll. M. . Coloetaer, H. K Paeron. N. P. t pdtke. , Oiari Mets. Fred Met. T. J. Vahney, Natha1 Merriam. r?. C. Alllaon, J. W Towle. Douglss M. Welp- John T Tatea ton Oeorge it. Thummei.W. T. Burn. V-. A Penaon T. A. Frv. Charles O'Neill Rich. T. U Ptwa!t. O. W. Meaeath. John R RinirwaU. n. W. Holilrego, V. 1. Wead, A. J. love. W. F. M'lroy. Partnn Millard. !VV. A. Henneeey. A, P. HanclU. J. 3. .Hee, Frank IJvereet, John A. MrBhane,' John Pdl"k, W. J. Fova. Mesdame Krne-1 Iddred J. kiTVetlf. J. F. Carpenter. R. ft. Hall. "",ow yn'oe Prltrhtrd. F.iola We, Jesaia Towns, Joae'-h Parker. r. W. MrOaketl, F. W. Jurtaon, ('. M Wllhelm. F. P. Horhetetler, II K. Wyman, Victor White, II. A. Q'Unn. W. H. Tnidley, E, p. We-t brook, A W.- rancla, -John O. WooAwturd, J. 11 Cfrenra;, Frank Pinner. '.. Walter dttilman. Mesdamaa Ro'-er 'ntgoBry, J. R Booble,. R. W. Nah. Herman Koontua, Arthur Remington, K'endall. Plenche Kmaler, i'elen Bom era. largare Kaelln. Nvaa of Intereit Judga and Mrs. W. A. Redlck r pending the week at Wast ham pt on, L L Mrs. Harley Moorhaad arrived boma Monday from OkoboJI, aooompajiled by Mlas Margaret Bastroaa. Mrs. W. H. Clarke of Manila, who has been tha guest of Mra, George W. Doans and Mlaa Doane, left Wednesday for New York. Mrs. W. A. NesUt and children, who wera at Oalveaton during tha atorm. hare left thera and bare Joined Captain NesMt at FVrt Leavenworth, where they have been ordered for tha winter. Colonel and Mrs. 8. S. OUrtla and) Miss Curtis have left Kennabunkport, Me., where they hava apent tha aftmmer. and have gone to New York. Colonel and Mra Curt! a are expected In Omaha about tha middle of September. Among those who hava taken apart ments at the new Colbert, on Thlrty elglith and Farnam. are Ur. and Mra, B. M. Fairfield. Dr. J. B. VpdegraXf. Dr. J. M. Banister, F. N. Bristol, U M. Cohn. Marrta Vuvy and J. A. Munroe. Mra. Z. T. Lsndsey returned Wadnea day from two months' .visit with Mrs. George N. Peck at Molina, lit.. Chicago and Spirit Laka and Is again at her home In Hanson. Mra. Llndsey'a sister. Miss sTvans. whose health has been somewhat poor, la now at Martha's Vine yard, where she Is munh Improved. Omaha, people are interested In the news of the marriage August 11 at San Francisco of Mrs. Frank King-Clark, formerly Miss Maud Oakley of Lincoln and well known In that city and Omaha, to Mr. laaar. Vpham. a well known dub man of that city. Mr. and Mra Uphara ate apendlng their honeymoon at Monte rey, Cal. . Mr. and Mrs. August Moths Borglum and son. Paul, returned yesterday from the east, where they have spent the aum n er . They were gueeta In Wash'ngton of Colonel Vlgnal, brother of Mrs. Borglum. Mrs. V la sal has Just recently returned from France. Lsiter Mr. and Mra. Bor glum vtalled Mr. and Mra. Solon Bor glum at the seashore and spent aavsial weeks in Boston. Mlaa Ethel Springer has returned from spending the summer with Mlaa Frances McHenry at Ottawa, Canada. While Mlaa McHenry was leading lady at the Boyd Theater Stock company last spring. Miss Hpringer ded'estsd a song to her. Mrs. E. R Bhersey of Muscatine, la.. Is apendlng a few days with Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Mickey on bar way home from the Pacific coast and Canada. Mrs Khersey Is a member of tha White Shrine club of Muscatine, and she was guest of honor el tbe Sojourners club of the Whits Bhrme Friday afternoon. At Hbtby Hollow Club. Mr. and Mrs. Frank U. Clark enter tained at dinner Saturday svenlng at the Happy Hollow club. Their guests were: Mrasra. and Meadamea R. 11. Ininhnm. K. H. Hastings, rm rl atikal. P. J. Nortoa. 1. A. Mcaiar, . ldrdaae Mesdamee-. J T. lUmUton. Catherine Jackman. Mm Mary Van Wasnun. Mr. and Mra. T. W. Blackburn entar- taiued Un cuaata at dinner last even ing ft tbe Happy Hollow club. John JUDuuald had aia guests; Ueorge A. Rob- Girls Who Will Tag for the Visiting Nurses on Wednesday ' j frV Cormell Men Infwzrscii arts, three; W. O. Lyle. fire, and a A. Abraham, six. Dr. and Mra E. C. Henry and Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Wiley will have gusats at dinner Thursday evening at the Happy Hollow dub. At the Country Clnb. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Mc8hane enter tained at dinner last evening at tha Country club In honor of Miss Grace Whiteahlra. who la tha guest of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hamilton, Covers were placed tor: Meaara. and lliilimu- O. C, Redlck, Daniel C. "tapteton. O. W. Wattles, General lianlra, C. B. Keller. Dr. W. O. Bridges. Frank Hamilton, i Meadamea Mesdsmes Warren liogere, Arthur Remington, ias May Munchort. Meaara. Meeara Walter Page. Luther Drake. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Towle had as their guest at dinner last evening at the Country club: Meaara. and llMdinuu John W. Btout, VM. H. Buhols, it. u. cawarda. Mr. i lament Chase. Dining atih Mr. and Mrs. W. H. MoCord at the Country club were: M. and Mra. Victor CaldwelL lr. Paul Talbot. Mra. Cuarlea Offutt. With Mr. and Mrs. A. U Reed at din ner Saturday evening at the Country club were: Meaara. and Umdiinu. O. M. Wllhelm, ttenator and Mra Gil ' r-wa. twrt Hitchcock, Dr. and Mra. A. F. Jonas. . Mrs Clark, Denver, Mr. Frank liurkley. Mr. John Caldwell entertained at d toner laat evening for: Mlaaes Mil FWfcina Connvll, Enia Kred, Miwirvd Johnston of l lilcago, Clara Hart of CouncJI Bluffa, Joaephine Conguon, Helen Ljtatmaii, Virginia offutt Meaara t.iiaatietb Itoed. alaj-ion Towle. Naomi Towle. Claire DauNherty, Uih Allison, lent-1 VlnaonhaJer, MMsia Henry Hart Frank Kliclton. of Co. .mil Bluffa, llurlelte KirkendaU. Judaon l.iiln-a, Paul Hhlrley, Kdward I Munl.erty. Al ("lllrnan. Charlea Allison, John CaldwetL Jack Hun.iiura, Charlea Allison. Casper tlffull. Phillip Chaae, Among othurs entortalning at dinner last evening at the Country club were: Mr. and Mre. Harry Ioorley. who had eight gueeta; D. M. Vlnsonhaler, four; Harry A. Tukey, four, and Mine Mildred Butler, twelve. The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Omaha Country club will be held at the club house Saturday. 8tUmter U, at p. m. Three director will be elected to serve three year. At the Field Clnb. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Wagner entertained at dinner last evening at the Field club In honor of Mr. and Mrs. James Farney, their house guests. Ten guests were en tertained and tha affair was glvea In honor of Mr. Parney's birthday. Mr. J. W. Hughes bad four guesta at dinner Saturday evening at the Field . . j I ) ( . 4 ' . ; - j J ' . v y) t Jhzth Ai-nslein club; Mrs. C. J. Mcrrlam, twelve; Haw thorns Daniels, six; C. F. Crowley, six; Joe Shlrman, four, and Thomas nelly, four. , Mr. and Mrs. Guy U Kmtth entertained at a beautiful appointed dinner last svenlng at the Field club. Tha table was decorated with a huge mound of pur pie and lavender asters and quantities of clematis. The mound was tied at either end with huge bows of purple tulle. Placs cards to maVh marked the names oft Messra. and Meadames ' Alex Vlck, Harry Steel. . Deo Millard. Paul Wenhner. lister DrUhau, , Dr. and Mrs, B. OL William Deet, Henry, Clifford Calkins. h Guy D, Smith. Mr. and Mra. F. EL Schweitzer enter tained at dinner at the Field olub Sat urday evening. Covers were placed , for: Meaara. and Meadames: H. H. McCluer of Kanxas City. A. U fcflgll n of Council Bluffs. F. HI. Buhweluer. SHal Affaire Planned. The Thorplan Athletic club will hold Its annual dance at Chambers' academy, Oc tober 2. Mrs. C. C. Allison will give an Infor mal picnlo Monday for Miss Johnston, tha gueat of Mlse Reglna Connell, and next Wednesday Miss Council will entertain at dinner In honor of her guest Tha Woman's Foreign Missionary so ciety of the First Methodist church will meet with Mrs. J. O. Philllppt at her home on California street, Monday after noon at l:3f o'clock. The Vesta Chapter Kensington olub will meet Thursday at tha home of Mrs, M. Nordquls , f06 North Thirty-first street The hostesses of tho afternoon will be Mesdames Wl J. Hunter, Walter Gra ham. J. F. Dean, W. S. Bakln, Thomas Matteraon, William Haas, Charlea tavn atron, George Morris, Ella Ambler, J. M. Marti and John Forest of Norfolk. Neb. A program .will be given during the afternoon by Mlaa Mildred House, Vir ginia Plxley, violinist; Emily Clevs, violinist; Helen Presson, a vocal num ber, and Gladys Ambler, pianist Arnon?; the Visiton. Mrs. Joseph Click of Nashville. Tenn is the guest of her son, Morris Click. Mr. and Mra. William Maurice Q unlock and daughter, Nathalie, of Chicago ar rived Saturday to spend the week with Mrs. Oun'ook'a parents, Mr. and Mrs, Andrew Murphy. Prof. H. U Keed, Instructor In tha eoo orrE or the brides or early SEPTEMBER. ti I I Irtw ki f' ' ' : - . U - 't i . f r '1 - i ; . i : " 'v. : 2trsMbJUrA.3uily -'ttWn, ANN OfFFORD. ANN OfFFORD. nornksa department of tha New York uni versity, has been the guest of Mr. and Mra. O. a Bolden for the past week. Prof. Reed leaves tonight for a short visit in Iowa before returning to the east. Mlsa Mary Brown, who has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. a R. Belden for the summer, left Friday for Belolt, Wis., where she will visit before returning to bar home in Madison.. At the Brandeii Theater. Among those who already have reser vation for the opening of the season at the Brandels theater next Saturday, when Mrs. Patrick Campbell will be the attraction. In repertoire, are: Dr. A. p. Dunn. c. F. Crowley. H. A. Tukev. L. L. Kounlse, William J. Hajmes, J. J. Hannlghan, 8. H. Caldwell, John A. Mctthane, K. T. Bwobe, B. P. Peck, Prank Hamilton, F. H. Gaines, B. Rosenthal. Mesdames ll.rma r. k'nntu Dr. LeRoy L'rumraer, Dr. Bumney, A. B. Warren, Dr. A. P. Condon, Samuel Burns, Jr.; W. T. Burns. Lester lleyn. Wt, L. Harris, B. la Potter. Mesdames N, L. K eat on. W. E. Khoade. Max Lemer, J. H. Smith. J. D. Kendis, MlKaes O. Miller, Rohlff. J. M. Metcalfe. Charles Johannes, Charles Offutt, Frank Binder. ' Pallia I vine. Pleaiurei Pait Ula RUeen Duirnn entertained at an Orpheum theater nartv rvidav .v.nin ior hiss cathrrn Clarke of Council Bluffs, who wUI leave thla evening on an extended eastern trip. Eight uesU I were present. Mrs. Herbert North entertained Satur day afterooon at her home. . Her guests were: Misses Misses Kay Lyman. Kuie PJerron, Rhsabeth Krstr. Kathryn Flynn Marjorle O Orady, I-ram i, Mulhoil'and. Minnie Brooka. JesM.e liellla, Huh Wliifsard, Curtis. Kathryn Devltt. Mnv 1L Learning. Weddin-; Announcement. Cards have been received announcing the marriage of Mr. Ceonre M. Tunison of thla city and Mlas Otia Wakefield Hasaler of Pawnee City, Neb, The mar riage tix k pi are on August 4 at the First Presbyterian church of Portland, Ore, Mr. EVgene Brookinga, fraternity brother of Mr. Tunison'a. and Mra. Gra ham Mitchell, wife of Prof. Mitchell of the Oregon College of Agriculture, were the only atti-ndenta. The bride Is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Neaaley Haasler of Pawnee City, fthe Is a graduate of the University of Kebraaka and Ui-ntiflt-d with the soror- i Ity of Kappa Kappa' Gamma. The grooom. who la a member of Delta Upailon fraternity, graduated from the ; State university In 19ut and from ths col. I lege of laws In X. Its is junior member of the firm of Jefferts Tunison, at torneys of this city. The marriage of Miss Cora McCormlcfe and Mr. Walter A. gutley was celebrated in Omaha Thursday. After an extended trip In the western part of the atate, the young couple will be at home In Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Tunison will oe at borne to their friends after October I at Uli Webster atrvet. Announcement Is made of the marriage of Mlse Frances J. Miller, daughter of Mr. Vernon 8. Miller of Hloux C.ty. and Mr. Bdwln J. Hoeenberg. son of Mr. and Mra A. Rosenberg of this city, which '. r V If" - v' v 0.A V UjJ waa celebrated Friday, August V, at the ' bride home. The bride attended school at Cornell. ; Jowa, and taught for two years at Bron I son. Is, Mr. Rosenberg Is a graduate of j tbe Omaha High s hon and tho Uni versity of Michigan class of IIHS. He rep resented the local school In many debates and won oratorical ri at Ann Arbor. The young couple will make their horrfo In Hloux City. Engagement Annonnced. Mr. and Mra. Henry O. Strelght an nounce the engagement of their daughter, Hnrrlct Helen, to Mr. George Eldredge Hnmlln of Chicago. j Dr. an4 Mra. H. M. McClanahan an- nounce the encasement c.f their daughter, Katl.ryii, to Dr. Jo-cpli A. Henske. Mlsa I , McClanahan is a graduate of Brownell Hall and La Salle academy. She made : her debut several year ago and la one ' of the expert woman autolsta of Omaha. She diivt's her car back and forth each year to hnr summer home at Lake Oko boJI. The wedding will be celebrated this fall. Stork Special. A daughter, Theresa Louise, was bom to Mr. and Mra. Ben Newman of M I waukec. Mra Newman was formerly Mlas Louise Gross of Omaha. "ttieit Mile Club. Mrs. J. C. Ludeke haa been called to Wayne, Neb., on necount of the serious Illness of a nephow. Miss Vivian Pyrd has returned from throe weeks' visit at Henderson and Mal vern, la. Mrs. I. A. Bray ton and son, Howard, of Red Oak. la., are visitors at the home of A. D. Northrup. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Emerson and: mother qre returned from their summer home. 'Emerson Lodge," Tsle Royal, Mich. Mrs. H. B. Liggett Is visiting her daugh ter. Mra Hlgby. In Lincoln. Mian Alfreda Seeck of the Methodist hospital la spending the week as the guest of Mra F. N. High. The Ladles' Prettiest Mile Golf cl lb will hold their noxt meeting at the resi dence of Mrs. Charles Martin, 4823 Flor ence boulevard, Tuesday evening, Sep tember 7. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Oration and son, Gcoree, returned a few days ago from a months' outing In Colorado. Mrs. H. S. Wllber has returned munh Improved from the Thermopolis, Wyo hot vprings, where she has been taking the baths for rheumatism. TTnr College Girl. Miss Kelon Horton entertained Thurs day evening In honor of Mlas Ruby Da vidson, who leaves Friday to enter Iowa Rtate college. The evening was spent In pLaylng games, giving Miss Davidson good advice, and muate. "Wienies" and, apples were roasted over a large bon fire. Those present were: Messrs. and Mesdames W, I. Horton, H, a Horton. N. C. Wood, Misses Ruby Davidson, Hadya Oglebay, Kathryn Mataa, Auaiiata Nelson, Messrs Albert Dowllng, Albert De Waal, Carl Evans. Harry Matxa, Mlsse Lois Collier, Ruth Clark, Olive Brown. Helen Horton. Meaars Robert RusseL Irving Horton, David Horton. Edward Cndahy, Jr., to We4. The engagement of Mr. Edward A. Cudahy, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward (Continud on Page Three, Col. Three.) r Combs' tl Diamonds For over 25 years tho f-tore of Combs haa been fort-most in diamond stock. Beautiful stones of all sizes and at prices very reasonable await your most rigid inspec tion. Every diamond sold is guaranteed to be just exactly as repre sented. 25 years of fair est dealing is the reason why our diamond busi ness has grown by leaps and bounds. ts&(h .ftTAfliewt -s TTssl WIT I Wll. .LV XlEWELERS iaao noueju r owaha White Furs Cleanup po they look clear and bright as new. It costs $1.50 for the average set and we guar antee perfect satisfaction. Send them in now before it sets cold. White Polo Coats Cleaned, Dyed or Bleached. If you have failed to get sat isfactory work elsewhero, try us. Pantoriura work is different. We know how, r.nd we take time to do it right. Now is the time to havo all your fall clothes put in shapo to wear. Phone for ns to call. The Pantorium "Good C3enetw and Dyers." ieiS-ll-17 Jones 8treeC Phone Doug. 163. Branch Office, 1018 Farnara St. South Bide, (18 No. 14th BL S. B. W pm v pmnet pt m ava en mil mmt e 1 eersi re'ers. Writs fur srwes. mm CLOAKS. SUITS O MILLINERY Women's Garments Low Priced I DIRECT siKH-ial attention to my very exceptional collec tion of Woman's New Foil Suits. Tliree of these suits are illustrated above. There are many other models, ail stunningly styled, ali poplarly priced. Suits at $15 IN Men's wear serge, poplin and mixtures, about 15 to 20 dif ferent models,, all sizes and all new shades, many sam ple suits in this Suits at J 22.50 IN this lot you will find broadcloth and poplin, the result of a very interesting buy of high class tailored suits In effects, fur trimmed box coats and military collars, are nary blue, green and brown rx cicoo Women's and misses' to $25.00 sizes . Suit at $24.50 to $39.50 IX this grand assort ment you will find beautiful models, no two alike; some are samples of the finest makers and worth to $60.00, at $2450to $3950 Dresses ONE of the biggest s e 1 e ctlons of dresses I havq ever offered beauti ful afternoon dresses in the new Russian tunic effect, in silk,' silk and serge combi nation, poplin, etc., at $5.95 to $25 EXCLUSIVE SHOPS AND SPECIALTIES FOR WOMEN Embroidery, Beading, Braiding, Cording, Scalloping, Eyelet and Cut Work, Button Holes, Pleating, Buttons. Ideal Button and Pleating Company V 107-9.J1 So. 16th St. Phone Doug. 1036. Omaha, Nebraska. L0RETTA DE LONE Ooaoert Sarplst and Teacher. Studio tot Lyric Building. Tel. Douglas IT04. XAmra rnimixD fob VatACTZCS. ARTISTS' MODEL CORSETS 1 f .OOODW,,r coms DWYFR Rr CO , v -AXTT. AV rr 1 lti UC V V I have Juat returned from tha east 17th and Douglas fit. Mon. 'n'coraeU th n,we,t cr- 208 lialrd lildK. New Location 66 Brandela Thea- Tel-phone Dou.lM 3708. Phone D. VuftorAPPolntment V v M 53.0IV1 vl EK BKO i HERS ntroBTzs Airs dohxstzo omooEmzas. rhona sTarnsy 188. , t8th ana rarmam. 1 RALAIS ATKINSON CO. (ronnerly wit HartaU) GOWNS Announces the openlnr of his Ne- W. are now. fully prepared to exe- Phop for -xclualve Ladles' Tailoring. cuta orders for the Fall and Winter Ottawa Block. seaaon of 115-116. J tth and ramasa. rhore oug. 4841. leoa Taraam. TaL B. toaa N 1 -v Kaoisnriag SSe. Kair Sreealae', hamnoolaa;, racial aad lealp Massage. Brillhart Culture Shop , 838 raxtoa Bloek. B. eaaa. witohss ataaa (ti.ro ap ARNOLD'S PHOTO Any moll rilm Develop, te. Prints Ouaxanteed Not to Fade. Ic to to Fach. Southeast Cor. JTth and mrnam Btreets, Miss Hartell Aaaoaaeee that she wU remra from the east is wltl a fall Use ef Ckarmlme; Kodeis, r re no a aa4 Ong. i. sUI tne iatesa lattrioa. ISO Capitol Ave, Osoaha, Beta. LrCt The Bee get you a good job. "Situations Wanted" ads are free HISS' Skirts- EYRYTHlfrU that is new you will find here ; sizes for small wo men and stouts. Prices $5, $0.95 and $7.95 Waists GEORGE T T E crepes, pussy willow and crep de chine, at $2.95 $3.95 & $4.95 Coats NEW Fall Coats in medium weight corduroy, also white chin chilla coats, at $9.85 to $16.50 the new belt .$22so 'JTaSOTZ TTffl Phone Douv 1J55 Fontenelle Hotel, j WEDUIXU INVITATIONS, . MARRIAGE ANXOCXC1D1ENT8, DEBUT CARDS. The N, C. Leary Company 716 So. Ifith 6U Phone D. INtK) SHOP Rag Time Piano Playing Everybody la learning to play Rag Time In twenty leasona via Christen sen system why not youT Call er write for free booklet now. MM Cnsalas: Bt, rhoae Wal.' tST. 1114 Douglas Bt. )