-12 A - TUB OMAHA SUNDAY I'.KK : FCTTEVBER 5, 1915. ASHES OF MORTGAGE No" Platte Man ki., in. ...ill "Loaned" Wife for I Celebration t i'ftnama-Facific Ex pedition Oyer Payment of $1,200,000 Debt. PAPERS BURN ON FUNERAL PYRE SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., Sept. 4. (Special Telegram.) San Francisco and Ita thousands of visitors turned out In foil force tonight to celebrate the exposition freedom from a debt of 11,100,000, which the exposition has been carrying since the first of the year, and to attend the burning of the mortgage. The celebration will" go down as one of the moat famous of the ex position's functions. This accom plishment of the company has estab lished a record, for no exhibition has ever succeeded In paring Ita Indebt edness before It was half over. Consequently there was reason for rejoicing and for the throng of 100,000 which gathered in the Court ot the Universe at the exposi tion tonight to bear President Charles C. Moore tell of the struggle CIIKYt NNK, Wyo., Fett. -Jperlal.) That her hiishand. Ira Haley of North Dafte, Ncl., "loaned" her to a Kansas farmer In rrtnrn for ro and a span of mulee, ta a rharga marie ly Mrs. Julia Haley, who la under arrest here on a charge of Msnmy, having married Wank I,eroy Wright, a hrqnche hunter, here August 14. 1 Furthermore, Mrs. Daley aaserta. her huahaml nude a practice of "loaning" her to other men, InMmctlng her to "got everything you enn out of them," and he mad her "warm tip to" young Wright before aha herama Infatuated with tin rowhojr and with him fled to Wyoming. Mrs. Haley's arrest followed a chargo preferred against her by Daley, traced her to Cheyenne and found that aha had married young Wright here. Tha cowboy also waa arrested and 'a held In tha ccuntr Jail In a cell near that of tha woman. Haley, however, has disap peared and It Is poeslble that the charges agalnat tha prisoners will not ba pushed. TIMELY REAL ESTATE GOSSIP Bricklayer,' Strike Hat Consider able Effect on Building; Activi ties Within City. FOREMAN WILT, FINISH. ONE JOB Von Hindenburg Takes a Dav Off "J .Thirty-third at L BERLIN, Fept 4.-Vla Iyndon.)-Oi-I though he Is conducting one of tha I greatest campaigns of history. Field Of the exposition against the xl gen- ' Marshal von Hindenburg found time this cleg of the European war, the wave 1 w"k t0. " toT h, favorite . . . , .w mi t i At i sport of deer stalking, of pessimism and the financial dls- . Monday evening at flchlp- tress that followed. penbell In East Prussia, near the scenes At the conclusion of tha speech, a of his two great battles-those of Tan pageant wound In front of the platform nenberg and the Masurian lakes, and down toward tha funeral pynv j Accompanied by Prince Dohna-Bchio-Alleaory f Araleyemesit. I bitten and Count Doonhoff, tha field The Indian, the Padre, the Cavalryman ' marshal hunted In the forest of tha and the Pioneer, representing tha early history of the west; Labor, represented by the carpenter, tha tramater, the painter, and electrician; Energy, Genius and Imagination, each took splendid part In the allegory of achievement as they have done In the material manifestation. The funeral pyre for the mortgage waa "lighted by Mlsa Illspah OFarrell, a beau- - V i 7 ... I Theodore noosevelt plans to start for m After the flames had burst forth and Borne little effect Jss been produced on the building activities of the city by the strike of the bricklayers, which occurred Wednesday morning. The bricklayers are still out wMh the ex ception of tha several Jobs on which the demanded scale of 75 cents was paid, or has been paid since the strike was de clared. The construction work of a good many apartment houses was dlrectlv affected by the strike. At least three big apart ment house Jobs of Hsstlngs & Heyclen " i are affected, and work Is at a standstill who i ..... . . . tn i nrrn. jnoei or ins apartments in men were already rented and leased from tha plans. Possession Is to be given at stated times this fall, yet the work remains at a standstill as the strike continues. Pyron Hastings of the Hsstlngs A Hey. den firm, has no disposition to worry about It, however, declsrtng that be be lieves it will all coma out right In the end. He does not look for the strike to ' continue long, end as the Job on one of the ouses, nsmely the Dewey, at rest, and pewey avenue wu nearly completed, he says that theVfore mt. of the gang he Is sure will cnmWete the work for him without the aid o a force of bricklayers. provide a continuous 10o-font street from Cuming to Pacific street llew t Aeeompll.h It. In connection with the Twrnty-fourth street project he recommended that Har ney street. Twentieth to Taenty-fourth street, ba widened to 10 feet by taking thirty-four feet from the south side. Ha further recommended a cut of from three to five feet on Ft. Mary's avenuo, east of Twenty-fourth, and a fill of six feet at Twentieth street; also lower Twenty f mirth strett three fevt at Dodge street and lower IXdge street ten feet at Twen tieth street Ta tMt Half Million. Mr. Green estimated that the expense of acquiring the property and buildings would be about t'W.t.Oj. His Idea of as sessment would be to have tha city at large pay half the expense and assess the other half equally on either side of Twenty-fourth street, allowing the prop erty owners ten years for payment oT their assessments. Heatir Ins; a New Addition. A new means of beautifying a new ad dition la being used by one Ormht real estate firm In a new addition on West Leavenworth street. Artistic brick and stone piers are being erected on each aide of the walks at the entrances from Leavenworth street This Is not only an attractive feature, but gives the ad. dltlon an exclusive appearance and an air of privacy not otherwise obtained. 'I IHg IsSWsaeiHMII WSlisaHMIIlaTWIWIs'lilM 1 ' "" ses countess of Rulenburg and killed two fine stags. No War in Sight, So T. R, Goes a-Hunting OYSTER BAT, N. T Bept. 4.-Col. were reaching high into the heavens amidst a rousing cheer, which echoed across the bay to tha hills of Marin county, ex-Prastdent William Howard Tart, who told to eongresa that . "Han Francisco knows how," and thus helped to aecure the exposition for Ban Fran cisco, placed the deed of trust and the mortgage upon the pyre. There followed a magnificent pyroteth month's hunting trtp In Canada, it was learned at his home here tonight. Perfect Score Made By Big Army Guns Nr7V YOItK, Sept. 4.-A perfect scoro was made today, It was seml-offlclally announced, In tho firing of twelve shots nlo display and sirens and whistles were from the twelve-Inch mortars at Fort blown throughout the city, j Totten at a moving target between 8,00) Aakre Hcattrrrd to Winds. J and 7,000 yards distant. When tha aahas of the mortgage had ' The moving target was a twelve-foot cooled, they were taken aloft by Charles square of canvas, representing a battle Nlles, the aviator, and scattered to the ship moving diagonally acrosa the line of western winds. The crowd then ad- fire. ' Joumed to the Zone, whose avenue waa tacked until midnight with a dense, fun mad crowd, who made carnival until midnight. This early clearance ef ej' . indebted ness by the exposition is due to an at tendance whloh has surpassed all ex A "For Bale" a wnt turn second-hand furniture into cash. MeAdoo Names Coran.lt tee. WA9HINCJTON, Sept. Secretary Mo Adoo today appointed a committee of nt.lnn Kw nM,l. JA - t ...... .o... iu ui.wut.m mil mini ' "- " reoommenaaiiona to plaoa that depart- total admlsstona up to tonight are ment on a more efficient, economical and U,833,Saa and the daily average for the business basts." last month waa 74.000. Thla daily - -1 age Is steadily Increasing . and the ax- traordlisary tide ef travel from the east shows no sign of diminishing. Pope Says Wilson in Position to Discuss Peace with Authority HOME, Kesit 4 VU Parla.)-Poie Benedict today expressed pleasure over the fact that the diplomatic negotiations between the United States and Germany hsd resulted In a promise from Germany to modify Its submarine warfare. The pontiff said President Wilson, having shown both groups of belligerents the fairness, firmness and rood will of the American government could now addreas them with authority and probably Induce them to take the preliminary steps which would gradually lead to negotiations for peace. The pontiff was gratified to lesrn of the cordiality that marked the conversa tion between President Wilson and Cardi nal Gibbons on Thursday, when the cardi nal delivered to the president In Waehtng ton a message from Benedict XV. The pooa said today ha hoped everybody both in Europe and the United States would be convinced that his constant prayer la for the ending of the war and that his work in this direction is en tirely d'sintereeted. being inspired only by tha teachings of Christ and his love for humanity. He added that he would be ready to give the whole support ot the Cathollo church to the person. Insti tution or country that 'undertook the noble mission of ending tha war. Lands Behind Enemy Lines to Save Mate PA HI 8. fcpt 4. Bertln of the French evtatlo eorpe has been cited in the or ders of tha day and awarded the deco ration of the Legion or Honor for alight ing behind the German lines and bring ing back In safety Adjutant Hoyer. who whs compelled to set fire to his machine as the result of an attack. v Both aviators ware engaged In s -outing expeditions In the same direction. Dertln'a landing point was about four miles berond that of Boyer. On return ing after executing tils mission, Bvrtln .saw Boyera machine In flames Ha landed tn face ef a heavy fire, picked np hla comrade and flew back to tha rrenou lines, wtta a fragment of a sh 11 In Us thigh. The aeroplane was tru ; In BH0ty-4ght plaoee by bullets tint , pieci of ahelL HE HIGHEST GRADE STOCKS and BONDS are not the best Investment for a person of small meant. WHY, Because they bear a low rate of Interest and the selling price Is manipulated up and down by stock brokers and the price may be at the lowest when you need to convert them Into cash, Home Builders' Preferred Shares are guaranteed to earn 7 and be come more valuable every year. , You ran Invest a large or small amount when you please, leave it aa long as you wish or convert it into cash on short notice. Bend for our new free booklet the New Way." It tells you all ab'out It. AMERICAN SECURITY COMPANY Fiscal Agents. HOME BUILDERS (Inc.) Corner I7th and DousIsb, Omaha. Will Delay Mtartlnsr Jena. Norrls A Norrls are completing a brick Veneer house they were bulldlpg when the strike came. They paid the S cents advance demanded, but state that al j though they bad several other Johs' planned, they will not begin them until some definite settlement is made In tha strike situation. Tha work on a number of large Jobs Is halted by tha strike. The Builders' exchsnga. an organisa tion of contractors, has Issued a state ment that It will not pay the cents increase demanded. Individual contractors, however, are paying It In some Instances. Widening; of Street Kadorsed). The project for the widening of Twenty-fourth street, started by the Real Es tate exchange several months ago, baa u.t received tha endorsement of the Federation of Improvement cluba. A committee waa appointed to make the rounds of the various Improvement cluba at meetings to oome and outline the plan. The committee consists of J. O. Palmer, W. II. Green. U V. Onye, II. B. Gladwin and M. O. Cunningham. W. 'II. Green outlined the plan to the federation. He had with him a tentative plan prepared by the Tleal Estate exchange. The widening of Twenty-fourth street between Cuming and some point south, of adflc is contemplated. Mr. Green's IPlan Is: Widen Twenty-fourth street fifty feet on the east aide, Pacific to St. Mary's avenue; St Mary's avenue to Farnam, forty-six feet on the west aide; Fsmam to Caas. twenty feet on west side; Cass to California, twenty-five feet on east side; California to Cuming, forty six feet on east side, all of which would LESH AND BURLEIGH CHOSEN AS CONFERENCE DELEGATES OORDON, Neb., Sept 4. (Special Tele gram.) The lay electoral conference of the northweet Nebraska conference of the Methodist Eplsoopat church met in the Presbyterian church this morning. E. E. Lrsh of Glen, president of the Lay men's association, whs elected president of the conference, and C. F. Stockwell of Bassett secretary. A number ot me morials to tha general conference which meets In May, 11)10, respecting proposed changes In church legislation, were pre sented. The convention then elected aa lay delegate to the general conference, E. K. Lesh. V, 8. Rogers of Alnsworth was elected reserve delegate. A resolution to consolidate the northwest Nebraska with tfie Nebraska conference was turned down by a narrow margin, after sulrlted hUecuaalon, In which a majority of the delegates took part Twenty-six lay dele gates are in attendance. At 1 o'clock p. m., the lay conferenc adjoumed, to meet with the annual con ference. In the ministerial convention for the election of a delegate to the general con ference, C. II. Burleigh of Marslsm won out after a spirited contest Eight-Hour Day for 25,000 Standard Men NDW TOIUC, Aug. 4. Announcement of the adcptlon of an eight-hour day by the Standard OH company ot New Jersey, waa made bjre today on behalf of the directors of that concern. Twenty-five thousand workers , were said to be af fected by the order, which would beoome effective September 13. ljriJiiii)Silr(ii Will Remain Open i a- ,V ' i Monday, Labor Day, Until 1 O'clock Seo onr Tuesday even ing advert! Pement which will guide the way to jtt traetive buying opportunities. Store hours are from 8:30 A. M. to 6 P.M. daily. Saturday w are open until 9 P. M. and orf Sun day we rest and plan tho fature. , v J it BURNS f" THE ' GAS I lis Urges Everybody to Pray All the Time CHICAGO . 6pt 1v-A call to prayer addressed to every individual In the coun try and carrying tha words: "fray, pray wlihout ceasing." was sent out today by he Laymen's Missionary Movement of the Vnlted Btetf and it la a prepara ln for a serlea of conventions, the first of , which will t held In Cbliago October it to IT. The denondnatlons which have entered into tha movement this year are: Hie mer1rn rn-ni. Iteform-a Pree-1yii-riii !aylt CVnN efition .Nntl,rmi, ) .(( it "iii . t-riiion utt.enii. 'nrl'ln ln.r li ('vnirTt-Kaiional rtmii'h, I'jai lpli-s .f Christ, K kima-lK-al b nod or Nm in .Am-!-! . I.Al'hxma, I'll TC'h, kltliol;.st M'i" : l ft'hul. h. Strfurmed ciiii-.-t. M i ! hrethtrfi lu Christ anj the L nslid 1 1 1 1 fch Ccrkiui. J Moat beater i oal con tains nearly .Kins nearly y . tl j -v. - as Inui'll KUS -. '-'( I),, : as rmi'oii. " lKin't let It :.:. ,'iiJ C-'-, 50 up tne if lu ''' flue, llurn . vv , 3 fi 1- - It snd rut l ' i V I '"' i-ofii cost. L: 'v' . La- j IT'S ALU 1 1 " in tha , UtGDIT 0aadtsOOT .7". tosnsUMieia NKSBIT warm. MOIST air la health ful It's Cl.l'AN aunt, gas, unokl ami dual la consumed. Nh;.iHIT lulu ti.al cost 15 to iO, 1 11 any fu-I you Imve. Write for inforiuatl o m'ioim the I'WI1IT ("enlra ft, Coi c.tT,te and WK1H All-Sieel Warm AW Heaters and name of your nearest dealer. T"aD lia"CS a s-Ut.V f!e 411-411 Conth 10th at , Omaha, '. Wo have the agency for the celebrated f Sherwin-Williams Paints &Varnishes. Vir-J s mcans wo havoti special high quality finish for every purpose or surface. Barker Bros. Paint Co. 1609 Farnam - - - - Doug. 4750 n TI o r! r r-i n r-t n r-r n r-r n i w w . M Icauy Hoisting -E.J. BAUSS 1212F2rraiSt. Tel. D. 353 o U o D o iS IS M o D o BEFORE BUYING Paints, Varnish. Staint, Enamels Pmint Specialties, Painter's Supplies Cull ot 1012 Fnrnam Street or Phone Doualaa 70IS C. R. COOK PAIM-aT CO. QUALITY T. E BEST. PRICES RIGHT O D o D o ,D o D D! n I u TTJtf omen Who Have 6oins-to Ke Will do well to advertise them in the Want Columns of THE BEE because in the immediate future, during the coming -weeks of early Fall, many hundreds of strangers will come to Omaha. Hotels will be lull, they must take rooms YOUR rooms if you guide them to your home. One need only to reflect a moment to realize the truth of the above asser tions. Firstly, hundreds -of students will be coming to attend our schools and colleges. Then, there will be Con ventions, Festivals, Carnivals, eta many of them. And they will all bring countless, visitors Hotels will be crammed and jam med. Anyway, many people prefer a quiet, restful room in a private home rather than to stop at a public hotel. These people will be busy they ' will have no time ttf run around looking for rooms: So you had better guide them to your place by a descriptive, " little want ad together with your phone ' and address. j ijnononononononoaonenenonoDononononfJ J DODDS, THE AUCH 1TECT I'boue IkugU UUA1. l'.XTON lUCK. . . . . . . .' . . OSUHA. rknd 50 Cent for My New PUa nook. And here's something that is JM PORT ANT: Everyone who advertises roohis for rent in the THE BEE gets listed FREE in our - s r Directory of Desirable Rooms This directory is ma'ntained at the offices of The Bee for the convenience of those who are rfesirous of securing rooms. But it is of equal benefit to those who have rooms to rent, because we maintain a file in which are listed all the rooms advertised in THE BEE. People coming to the city are invited to come to our offices and make use of this list in deciding upc n a place to live. Seo that YOUR rooms are represented in this classification. Phone Tyler 1000 r Jit