Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 04, 1915, Image 1

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    Omaha Daily
Call Tyler 1000
If Ton Want to Talk to The tx
or to Anyone Connected
with Tho rn.
VOL. SLV NO. 07.
Oa Trains, at Hotel
Riwi btaade, etc se
11 El 17 II I
Only Extent of Damages Arising
Out of Lusitania Sinking Can
Be Placed Before
Probably Will Be No Opposition to
Fixing Amount of Dam
ages Thus.
WASHINGTIN, Sept. 3. The
Americanpouitlontoward a method of
fixing reparation for Uvea and prop
erty lost in German submarine opera
tions, scuh as the Lusltania and the
Arabic, has not been finally deter
mined, but there probably will be no
opposition to fixing the amounts by
Aa arbitration, however could cover
only the extent oC damagea and not the
question of the principle that unarmed
merchant ships must not be sunk with
out warning and opportunity for the es
cape of nonoombatants.
Berlin dispatches, apparently officially
inspired, saying Count von Bernstorff,
the German ambassador, has wide dis
cretionary powera to apeak for his gov
ernment in the final negotiations over
submarine warfare, have caused a large
measure of gratification among American
officials, who have had many evidences
of the ambassador's efforts to prevent
a break between Germany and the United
Police Officers Use
Their Clubs During
Crane Strike Riot
BRIDGEPORT, Conn., Sept. 3. A riot
In which hundreds of persons took part
took place outside the Crane Valve com
pany today, and ten police officers were
forced to use their clubs to regain con
trol of the situation.
During the scrimmage two pistol shots
were heard, vnt as no one was reported
hot, it is supposed aome excited person
fired into the air. The trouble started,
according to the officers on duty at the
Crane plant, where a strike of machinists
has been in force for several weeks, when
several men tried to prevent others from
going in.
Two men, alleged to have been leaders
in causing the disturbance, were fined
and given sentences of six months in
jail. Three policemen were injured in
Colorado Dry Law
May Be Taken Direct
to Supreme Court
DENVER, Colo., Sept. S. The state au-
r, -..-a. . a. -
jiiuu junnuuuun in Bdiuii amitiiH iw en-
Join offlclala of the city and county of
Denver from granting- saloon licensee ex-
tending beyond January 1, 1916. it waa
announced today by Fred Farrar. attor-
ney generaL "
Colorado-a statewide orohlblUon constl-
,.i .r.i.
(utiuiiau aiuciiuiiiciH ufTviuca cai.tvj via
that date. City and county offlclala of
Denver will Join in the request.
The attorney general will base his re-
The attorney general will base his re
quest on the ground that every phase of
the prohibition situation presents const!-;
w... prevail un.ea. there is a speedy do-
clslon by the supreme court
CAJFH HAITIEN, Haiti. Sopt S. The
American cruiser Tennessee, arriving
from Philadelphia, debarked 100 artillery
men, with machine guns, today. General
jcacos, the revolutionary leader, and his
followers declined to lay down their arms
and retired in the direction of Hlnohe
and Gonalvea, They left behind them,
however, troops which took up poaitlona
, outside the city to shut off communica
tions with the Interior. '
The Weather
Forecast till 7 p. m. Saturday
For Omaha. Council Bluffs and Vicinity
e-Partly cluudy; not much change in
' Tenpertlin at Omaha Yesterday.
6 a. m..
a. m..
7 a. m..
8 a. m..
9 a. m..
10 a. m..
11 a. m..
12 ia
1 p. m..
I p. m..
3 p. m..
4 p. m..
6 p. m..
0 p. m..
7 p. m..
5 p. m..
. 64
'. M
. &
. 73
. 76
. 80
. 81
. 83
. 83
. 83
. a
. 78
. ,v
Contnaratlve Local Record.
lH 15. 1918. 1912.
llbrheat yesterday M si W M
I lowest yesteiday ..... M 67
Moan temperature .... 7t 69
frecipltation Ou .00
Temperature and precipitation
torea from the normal:
Normal temperature
kcm for ihv dnv
76 68
87 76
M 76
Total deficiency since March 1...
.v,lll ,rvuitiiBU')n..t. ,
ON Inch
jiericiency lor the day.
OS inch
'Otai ra.nfull wnr MmwI, 1 tl IT ln.h.a
T:xcaa since aturch 1 .08 Inch
ef lc encv for cor. period. W.l 4.K6 Inches
Xefluiency for cor. period, 1U 6.0 Inches
mcporta from Stations at T P. M.
t'on and State Tm High- Rain-
ITheyenne, cloudy 68
Tavenport clear 76
Cienver, cloudy w
odge City, clear 74
I .and or, cloudy M
(North Platte, clear 7
ximaha, clear ,.7S
lueblo, part cloudy .......78
Waptd City, clear 70
Salt Lake City, cloudy, ...Si
Santa Ka, part cloudy 63
Sheridan, cloudy ij
louX City, clear 76
, M)
Aalentlne, clear 78
' 1 A W I
L. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster.
LEMBERG'S STREETS DON THE ROBES OF PEACE Lemberg was captured by the
Russians during their great advance, and recaptured several months later by the Aus
trians. On both occasions the city was under fire and starvation threatened the inhabi
tants. The remarkable elasticity of the Aus 'rian temperament is illustrated in this photo,
taken after the Austrian reoccupation. Except for a small squad of passing soldiers, busi
ness and civic life seems to have resumed its normal state.
, -"n ---. 1
Tel Jed Sokol Athletet Gather in
Omaha and Begin Preliminary
Tel Jed Sokol athletes of the prin
cipal states of the west have begun
competition for the western cham
pionship at the South Side field at
Twenty-first and U streets. More
than seventy-five athletes engaged in
the games and trains are bringing
the remainder of the 150 or more
who are scheduled to take part In
Preliminaries were begun at once. Work J
on the parallel bara, the running 'nigh
Jump and pole vaults were the principal
conteata of the morning. Teams from
Kansas, Iowa, the Dakotaa and Nebraska
Hor Beata ltlch Jamprra.
"Skin" Krecek, ivycar-old member of
the Omaha Tel Jed Sokol division, proved
wonder at the high Jump. Breaking his
record of fi feet I inohM. h axHai. vn
the -foot &-incli limit, but failed to go
yona me nex xracuon in tnree man.
Te South Side record for adulta was 5
. I "ch. Th. state record among the
hlh "chools Is S feet i inches. .
Rce ahot-put contests will be
staged next. The real lniere.t of th
. - - - - -
tournament will come when the finals In
I " events are etagud In the spacious hall
! of the South Side union.
Sterner Mny t Come.
I Z taparT ThT ws na Sut
uled to take part ' The wrestling chanv
, k. !u . I. ... I, !
probable that he will be unable to ap -
pear. A wrestling engagement In Chi -
,.,B.,,. w.i.. .....two coais, nanging on me wan, naa ueen
engagement at the State fair at Lincoln
Is the cause of his hesitancy.
Three Balkan States
Consent to Revise
'. Bucharest Treaty
ROME Sei't. 2. (Via Paris. Sept. S.)
Revision of the treaty of Bucharest haa operators, were out of the building get
been agreed to t xp..cltly by Serbia, Rou- i ting their luncheon.
mania and Greece, according to reports J l" u 'n one corner of the parlor ad
recelved here, but it Is said these coun- 1 Joining tho rest room on the Bcott street
tries are not willing to sutiafy entirely
Bulgaria's clalma to territorial conipen-
satlon tor participating in the war.
But Bulgaria's pretensions arparently
are Irreconcilable with what its neigh-
liors are willing to grant, and the lm-
presaion Is gaining ground there that It la
Iprolonglng the negotiations with the aim
" nADn,,n1 th. An, when II
rcach a d cilon.
CHEYENNE, Wyo., Sept. S.-(Speclal )
The truthfulness of the guarantee of
the maker of a brand of overalls that
the buttons cannot be torn off caused the
death of R. Arisuml, 28, a Japanese oiler
employed In the local shops of the I'nlon
Pacific. Artsuml was sent to a manway i badly frightening the operators and caus
above a large flywheel to oil a heated t lug them hastily to leave the bulldlng.
bearing. A piece of wire projecting from
the wheel caught a button on hit overalls
and he was jerked from his footing and
whirled around" in the wheel for nearly
a minute before me macninery couia be
stopped. With each revolution hla body
was battered against a brHk wa'l. Every
strip of clothing. Including his shoes, was
stripped from hla body and nearly every
bone was broken. After the machinery
was stopped the button, still attached to
a large piece of the overalls, waa found
held by the wire.
BERLIN, Sept S. (By Wireless to
Tuckerton.) Emperor William has con
ferred upon Field Marshal Von Macken
sen the Order of the Black Kagle, the
highest decoration within -the emperor's
gift the Overseas News agency an
nounced today.
Firebug at Council Bluffs Makes
Four Attempts Thursday Night .
to Barn Down Exchange.
Police detectives of Counci
Bluffs and Omaha are aiding th.
officers of . the Independent Tele-,
phone company, Council Bluffs, In
the effort to solve the mystery con
nected with the attempts made
Thursday night to destroy the Coun
cil Bluffs central office building.
The determination Is not ; only (to
solve the 4 mastery, but to diftcoVer
the party who placed in jeopardy not
only the building, but the Uvea of
the young women operators and
other employes of the company.
Mysterious warnings had been given
that the building was to be de
stroyed. ,
There were four attempts to destroy
th building, and th cunnlnr And bold
. . . . .
neM displayed resembled the Bucceeidve
7, . .. l ,. .
Men Chrtatta. association building in
J "?Vr?1 crm
' utaequntly confessed by W. E. Cot-
trl- crUrrof the aaaociaUon.
in0 onler uinerence in tut two cases.
i . .
however, is that th Investigations mado
yterday have completely exonerated
i ono of th Pr3"t employe of the
J Beil company, and made it certain that
the firebug la an outsider, acquainted
! . tL,? ... k...,
' DOUl W o-ciock Thursday
, night, when a fire was started In the
; southwest corner of the basement, where
saturated with gasoline and fired.
The Second Attempt,
The second attempt was after 11 o'clock,
when another fire was started in the
northeast corner of the basement, where
some inflammable fluid was poured over
a pile of Insulated wire, and aet afire.
The Insulation burned and both firea
required the presence of the firemen,
The third fire occurred during the rest
period at midnight when all of the era
iPWea, except lour of the young women
of " Duuaing. t-wrtains torn from,
th windows were thrown upon the floor
and surrounded by some of the heavy 1
"Kftn chalra and set afire. The smoke I
Quickly filled the bulldlng. After em-
"" w"i-rn
suppressed the flames the metal hangings
of tho curtaJna were found In the pile
; of (mber ne o' thB chairs was badly
vimrr.u anu a. new ju carpei rug waa
i unicu. f iiicrn nullum uciuiv iiiu iirv
was discovered a dozen of the young
wemcn wore In the room, and it la
thought the firebug slipped In a moment
after they left.
Ilrt'-rtlvra Arc Not Talkta.
The fourth attempt was made when the
large tarpaulin In the rear of the main
switchboard was partly lowered, but not
fired, although prvparationn for doing ao
were evident. With the exception of
Omaha'- next distinguished
"top-off" guest is Rev.
"Billy" Sunday. And. as
Bishop Bristol say, he i$
coming' to hold his revival
here not because Omaha ia
a bad town, but because it
i$ such a good town.
(Continued on Page Two, Column Two.)
Oil L ' V
we are
n g to
it in Sterling
I .. nt Ten te. . lMjowed
Vilt tJ Close f
Ten Ce
PE,yuJ - u waF"
v.r iv'- t
Great" Watt "e". a ptfm-
IH. V - .tV-aP.
inary ' Vain '"l Z ortfy
to tldeV" Ait loan
stem the t,reBBln u . .
exchange , dowtivftra w i
i , - . ntll j
creau iota t ai,ftle . ViCTf
Foreign mone. te.nv'" ar)rom
low to high and bac talyatle
and erratic fashion toi'tiy. All bal
last was thrown overboard at the
opening of the market and values
under the leadership of sterling shot
swiftly upward, for an extreme rise
of 10 cents over last night's quota
tions. Within an hour they had set
tled, with many falls and rebounds,
to within 2 cents of yesterday's close.
. v .... .
In their spectacular flights values
held only to a general sense of direc
tion upward.
Opening Quotations.
Opening quotations on sterling were all
the way from 14.70 to .T5, the latter fig-
ure belnyr qouted In only .one Instance.
(Continued on Page Two, Column One.)
At $472 it was reported there were sev-
ersl transactions. The next quotation to
! nnnr ,.n ik. iil.,. u .
" mf t0 -
Jn a market where aenaatlons have
,UCceedcd one another daily, no such
martllng variations of valuations had
evvr bee recorded before as that of t-
day. The confusion of the first hour
pointed clearly, in the opinion of local
i bankers, to one thing: That values, up-
- ward bound, were groping Mindly for a
1 'table raaltlon. Analysts of financial
! matters attributed the quest for higher
! levels chiefly to the theory that both
, hero and In London tbe apeoulators had
realized simultaneously that they bad
J lng overstayed their position' and wars
m-iiitig to cover.
Tno rising value of the pound sterling
waa reflected in. tlie stock market by
(ewer foreign salen of American securi
ties. Shortly before noon sterling was quoted
at It.M. The market waa then eaay.
Francs were quotea at J5.91, a gain of
4 cents overnight; relchsmarks. at 80,
aa againH last night's cloae of 8014 and
Urea at 6.48. a losa of X cent from yes-
London Market Erratic.
, LONDON. Sept. .There were further
.' erratic fluotuatlona In American Eachange
, thhi morning and the market was nervous
j f0f time
Cable transfers opened un
settled and considerably higher than New
York at 14.65 to $4.67. The quotation
jumped almost Immediately to $4.70, sell
ers, there being few buyers.
At about noon there were some cover
ing operations which caused a decline
to H ti4.6t4, where the quotation stands
tor the present.
The rise already haa had a detrimental
effect on the market for American se
curities. American railroad stocks are
t to S points below yeaieiday. Although
more stock Is coming out, there Is not
the same Inducement to sell as when the
transfer rate stood at H&0.
SHENANDOAH. Ia., Sept. t-(8peclal.)
Punching the price of a clgar on a
meal ticket In violation of the cash ays
, tern waa the cause of a heated argument
at the Elk cafe at supper time Sunday
. night, which has resulted In a suit for j
j 11.000 damages brought by M. E. Beach, 1
j Nice president of tbe American Llv.
. Stock Powder company and city council,
man, against the management of the
cafe. He charges In bis notice of suit
that O. W. Griffith, one of the pro
prietors, unlawfully assaulted him and
used abualve language. The trial will
come up In the December term of the
superior court. O. W. Brown Is attorney
for Mr. Beach. .
Recent Rumors Hare No Founda
tion in Any Steps Taken by the
English Government, it
is Learned.
United States Will Make No Further
Efforts Until Both Sides Indi
cate Willingness, ;
Bl l.l.KTIN.
LONDON, Sept. 3. In high offi
cial circles here It is learned authori
tatively that recent rumors of peace
have no foundation In any step taken
by the British government or in any
statement Issued here from author
itative sources.
No member of the government
would allow himself to bo quoted in
discussion of the pence rumors which
recently have gained wide circula
tion. The Associated Press, however,
was authorlied to make public the
foregoing explicit denial.
United States will make no further
efforts to bring about peace in Eu
rope until it has received informa
tion that its good offices will be wel
comed by both sides In the conflict.
This was stated unauthorltatlvely
here today in official discussions of
the message from Pope Ilenedlct, de
livered to President Wilson yester
day by Cardinal Gibbons.
From the fact that the Vatican Is
in close touch with Austria, the con
struction placed by officials on the
pope's message Is that the Germanic
powers would be willing to discuss
peace at this time. It was stated by
those in closest toucn with the ad
ministration that similar word will
hav4 to be received from Great
BrHiln and its allies before the pres
ident will make any further move.
Original Offer Stands.
President Wilson had made It clear sev
eral tlmea, that hla original offer of
services to bring about peace still stands
and that he will do everything possible to
further the movement. The vl'nlted,. mandtr. at Rrcat-Utvvak. aa nencerortn
Btatea, however, will do nothing l1k7Tyho armies M the two commanders wore
to n dagger its position as a friend to
all belligerents, it was said authorita
The noDe'a meaaaae' will not ba md
public by thla government, although there
would be no objection If Cardinal Gib
bona gives it out. Enough of the con
tents of the message la known, however,
to give basla for indicating that Aus
tria, Germany and Turkey are not ad
verse te, discussing peace.
- 1
Five Per Cent of
British Merchant
Vessels is Lost
BERLIN. Sept. 3.-1 My Wireless to
Tuckerton, N. J.)"The Cologne Qasotte
publishes statlnlks showing that the
jlosncs to British shipping during the war
I at the minimum amount to i per cent
ofthe "whole tonnage," aaya the Overseas
I , '.i. ., inn
an average of one In twenty of the Brit
ish fleet has been lost."
The German Economical association for
South and Central America, of which Dr.
Bernhard Dernberg haa been elected pres
ident, was formed by combining the Ger-man-Argentlne
Central association and
:the German-Brazilian Commercial asao-
elation. The constitution of the new or
j sanitation defines Its purpose as to foster
. relations, especially of a commercial and
economical nature betwoen Germany and
the countries of South and Central Ai.ier
1 tea; to collect In the countries In ques
tion and distribute among the member
'of the association, ond to the press,
! Oommerclal, financial. Industrial, shlp
! ping, luglslatlve and administrative news.
News Writer Held
in Jail in Vera
Cruz to Be Released
VERA CRUZ, Mex., Sept. J.-Henry W.
' Francis, a newspaper correspondent, who
: waa Imprisoned here August 10 by order !
of General Carranxa, charged with dis
tributing news in the United States un
favorable to the Carransa party, Is to
be released tonight. General Carransa
I having Issued orders to that effect No
I explanation as to the circumstances
; which led to the Issuance of the release
j order have been given.
I The State department at Washington
has twice made demands for the release
of Francis. The most recent representa
1 tlons, on August 27, were said to have
1 been of a vigorous character.
Francis Is a British subject, lut was In
Mexico under employment by au Amer
ican concern.
Tomorrow the Best
Tbe Sunday Bee
Hindenbnrg Makes Still Further
Progress Toward Rus
sian Port.
HER LIN, Sept. 3. The German
troops which are advancing on the
important Russian port of Riga on
the Baltic have made a further con
sequential gain. Official announce
ment was made here today that they
captured a position noorthwest of
Frledrlchstadt, which Is about forty
miles from Riga.
The army of Field Marshal yon
Illndenburg has captured Grodno,
the last of the strong Russian fort
resses to hold out.
Announcement was made at army head
quarters today aa follows:
"Field Marshal yon lilndenburg'a army
conquered Urodno after rapidly forcing a
pnsaage of the Klemen and fighting the
Kusalana in the streets of the city. The
Oennane reached the Nlemen between
the Augustuwo canal and the Hwlsloci
lxnnewarden line. German cavalry ad
vances to the northwest and west of
Vllns. The Russians attempted to oppose
our advance, but failed, suffering extra
ordinarily large losses. Southeast of
Mereca the Russians were thrown back.
Ueneral von Gallwlts' troope broke the
resistance of the enemy on the Aleka-syre-SwInlnca
road. Field Marshal von
Itlndenburg's army raptured more than
3,onfl Russians aa well aa one oannon and
eighteen machine guns.
llnrnrlnne Basy.
"The army of Prince Leopold ef Ba
varia Is still engaged in battle north of
"The army of Field Marshal von Maek
ensen, pursuing the Russians, reached
the Jaslulda river near flllnek and
Iterexa and also In the district of Anto
pol, east of Kobrln. Austro-Hungarlan
troops are advancing to the east and
south of Holoto and Duttowje,
"Southeastern theater of war: Oeneral
Rothmer'a army ia advancing and la
fighting In the Rereth district.
"Western theater of war: Naar
Souchea attarka delivered by the Frenoh
w'th hand grenadea were repulsed. In
Flnndera and the Champagne mine Were
exploded auccessfully."
To fJo Sonth.
lWrOV. Sept. S. Ths German and
Auatrian arnr.loa on the eastern front are
about to part ccmpany, according to a
dispatch to the Exchange Telegram com- i
pany from Amsterdam. This quotea a
meaeoge from Vienna announcing that
Field Marshal Archduke Frederick, commander-in-chief
of the Austrian armies,
today bade t.ffk-lnl farewell to Field Mar
shal Von Mackcnsen, the Oe,man cam-
to 'cense co-f p rating,
The messaire says It Is believed the
Auslilan armies that have boon operat-
1 Intf In Poland shortly will te removed In
1 o direction of Serbia.
Japanese Diplomat
Says Carranza
Can Save Mexico
GALVKSTON, Tex.. Sept. S.-The first
direct news from Vera Crus since the
recent hurrlcone which broke the Mexican
cable, came today ,ln a cablegram which
Htated that Japanese Minister Adatchl
I had left Mexico City and was enroute
to Japan. Illness cnuncd him to break
his Journey at Orlxaba lust night, but hit
secretary, Senjlro Ohashl, continued to
Vera Crus and In an Interview said:
"The situatltn has been horrible In
Mexico City until recently, but due to
, . lml L.-,i .-
i ths constitutionalist administration and
ilia iinimi ,.. w -
sales, matters are rapidly Improving and
normal conditions roon will be reparted.
The people were disposed to be un
friendly to tho Carransa government In
the beginning, but now they are con
vinced that he Is the only man to save
the country. They are waiting his ar
rlvai to greet him with enthusiasm." ,
ADA, OkL, Sept. l-Angry worda were
passed and threats made yesterday when
Postmaster M. W. Llgon removed from
the federal building ssveral confederate
flags, which had bees placed there In
honor of the slats encampment of con
federate vetertana, now lh progress here.
Excitement was intense for a while, but
the postmaster stood pat on hla declara
tion that none but the Stara and Stripes
ahould fly from the poatofflce.
The Day's War New
IIHROU!UI.0 OF Important parts
of tho TorkUh, foreea oa tae Ualll
oll penlnsnln by troope of tho en
tente allies la reported la aarleee
front Athens to a Paris news
Ht RSIalf RESISTANCE to the Her
man pre.s.r. I. tho north eon tin
ner strong and Petrograd la Its
latest atatement claims an ad-
Tllna lino.
tloa. Tho Rnaalaaa defending
point near tho fortress hare
rroaaed to tho right bank of the
Klemen, tho Hasalan war offleo
ears, bavin held tho position lona;
enong-h to sernra tho safety of tho
retregraao operations. 1st tho
eatral and soothers porta of tho
lino tho Rnaalnn retreat eontlnnea.
baa been ooatlaaaneo of the not.
hla artillery activity that has
been la evidence lately,
GRODNO, LAST of Rnealaa strong;,
bold In Poland, baa boost cap
tured by tho Germans.
DMPATtlt FROM SOFIA, tareagh
Hrrlln, reports the alaklngr of a
British transport, which slrnek a
mine at the entrance of the Darda
nelles, with the loan of more than
l.feOO men.
Official Report Admits that Troon
Are Bcintr Withdrawn from
the -Right Bank of the
Niemef River.
Further Local Successes Claimed
Near Vilna and Elsewhere Ger
man Progress is Slow.
DERL1N. Sept. i. (By Wireless
to Tuckerton.) The army of Field
Marshal Von Illndenburg has cap
tured Grodno, the last of the strong
Russian fortresses to hold out.
LONDON, Sept. 8 The evacua
tion of Grodno is under way. Petro
grad admits officially that Russian
forces are being withdrawn from the
right bank of the Nlemen.
The loss by the Russians of the
last of their strong fortresses has
been expected and the report that Its
evacuation la Imminent caused no
surprise here. It has been evident
for some time that Gran'd Duke Nlch
olsa had no Intention of allowing a
number of men sufficient to main
tain a long defense to be penned up
in any fortress which could be In
vested. Along the Gallclan border General
Ivanoff continues to retire, but not with
out Inflicting heavy loasea on the Aua-tro-German
forces, which have been
shaken several times by vlgoroua counter
attacks. In the center and the extreme
north the Germans are making little
progress. Tho ItumlanB claim another'
local success near Vllna.
ireat Artlllerr lael In France.
The great artillery duel contlnuea
along the western front held by the
French. The ultimate purpose of this
activity Is atlll becure.
The British prese la not greatly pleased
at the reception by the United Btatea of
Germany's promise to modify Its subma
rine campaign, it complains that a
promise which doea not Include protec
tion for merchantmen la Inadequate.
Negotiations between Turkey and Bui.
carta concerning railroad concessions to
the latter are again under way. It la
not expected In quarters favorable to
the entente allies that hy "Wilt prove
' French Official Report.
PARI 8, Bent I The French war off lea
this afternoon gave out a atatement on
the progress of hostilities, which reads
aa follows:
'In the course of laat nlaht our artuinrv
displayed the same activity aa haa been
ine case recently, without notable inci
MAISON CITT, la.. Sept t (Special.)
Here la a new way of getting a spouse.
Miss Christine Larson liked America and
desired to live In America. Across the
water in old Denmark lived Nils Larson,
no relation, but a man bearing the same
name. She loved him and he loved her,
but his grit failed when he faced the
ocean. Miss Larson waa braver, and on
June M ahe sallel for Denmark, hunted
up the man she loved, brought Mm to
this country with her, arrived In Mason
City laat evening, hunted up a clergy
man and the words were spoken that
made them husband and wife.
an misMa
Tho beot thins; (or you to do
If your wants you would fulfill,
I to iut an Ad In Sunday's papeo
You'll find they fill tho bill.
Your house will be rented,
Your business will surely thrive,
But get your Ad in early,
We cloae at BKVEN IlTY-FlVi5
The Omaha Bee will chearfully
take your Ad over the phone for lia
big Sunday oarer until 7 li 8a.tur-
day evening.
"J'eiepnone Tyler U0
is ow