Tim TIER: OMAHA, SEPTEMBER IHj-. WANT ADS Want ad received at any time, hut to Insure proper claaelflcatlon must he pre sented befr re 12 o clock noon for evenlrg amnion and 7:4H p. m. for morning ana funda editions. Want ada recelviil after auoh hours will ba under the heading. "Too Lata to Uaaalty." CASH RATES. Bven mnserutlv time. 1 cant word Men li-ertlon. Two or mora coneecuf lv times, 1H cent ft word. One time, I cant word. CHARGES RATES. Seven consecutive time. 8 canU a una each Insertion. ,. Three consecutive time. 10 cent line aarh Insertion. Ona time, 1! rant Una. Count six verage word to line. Minimum chsrse. 80 cent. An advertisement Inserted to b run until discontinued must t toppel by written order. . . All claim for error must b made Hhln fifteen dava after the last Inser tlon of the advertisement. Vou can place your want 4td tn The Bee by telephone TELEPHONE TYLER lOftt. DHITIID A NO ri-NBRl NOTICES JOWKIb-Mn. John. gd U year. Funeral Saturday, September 4, at ' a m., from lamlly residence. 1913 South Tenth street to St. Patrick church, 8 a. m. Burial In Holy Sepulchor cemetety. BIRTH ANU DEATHS. Births M llton and Ma"l Mach,s-l South Thlrty-etahih avenue, f,fifr;nt ceeco urni Guleeppa Miiaclo, ufi Pacif.e, girl; Mathlaa and Anna Bau,'.r -.??',; South Eighteenth, girl; Isaac and Stella (Jard. M North Thirty-fourth, B'rt, John and Bessl Pltlotin. at North Eighteenth. South Bid". boy. . . Death a-Mra. Mary Hayee 46. hospital. John L. Nlcholon, 85. hospital. uiDimnti MrRlHIRI. The followlns marlage license have been granted: Name and Residence. Age. ' Archibald K. Kelley, Omaha Jl Joerphina llhodni, Omaha Auatln I Vlckery, Omana. over 21 Jannla Oofer, Omaha, over 1, Samuel Kantr. Tulaa, Okl 22 Hoee Miset, Omaha Z Jo La) Km, Omaha J? lassie Chaloupka, Wilbur, Neb 3a Mltr RogiiUrh. Omaha M Mileva Hokanlsh, Omaha 44V Alfred P. Marti. Cherokee, la 83 Kvn J. Rising, Cherokee, la. 84 Harold S. Avery. Avoca. la. tt Jennie B. Fryo, Avoca, la l Truman Parka Ithron. Mo t Hclan Smith. Lathrop. Mo 1 ITU'DINd PRRMITR. A. 8. Joanph. M:A Nahraaka avenue, frame dwelling, .'0j; William McKenni, 1SGU Kmmct, frame dwellln. tSiKi; B. Lt. Ilanforth, 21l Poppleton, and I Hoijth- Thlrty-aecond. brick apartment. $oriO; Jacob P. Vltek, ZiM Brown, frame dwelling, 21'; Oaborne Kealiy company, f-"24 North Nineteenth, frame dwelllnK, 12.600; Joaeph Bait, California, dwell. In, l.fii: Home Bulldera, 2177 Corby, frame daelllnn, IJ.SCO; Home Bulldrra. I4ncoln boulevard, frame auto ahed, $i; ('. B. Parr. l 'U Hall avenue, frame dwell lnK, t2,M. Today's Movie Programs LANTERN glide (or movie. Bend your copy to aa. We can reproduce photo or will prepare your oopy. We will color M directed. Be Phot Dpt 1M Be Bid;. Dawatawa, EMPEESa 15th and Douglas. HIQ1I CLA.B3 VAUDEVILLE. HearCVSellg. No. 7 "Mjr Lost Ona," S-rwal Vltagraph. "Tn M Uuard." Uibla. . 'Her Return," It an ay. PRINCESS. 1117-19 DOUG LAB. "Monsieur Laooq, a Mutual maaterpleo) in 4 wonderful acta, etarrlng Floranoe I A Badle. Oreen Apple,' oonaedy eoprulaloa. 0IU.ND,. llTH AKD BINNET. " Romance of Elaine," Ho. K "Big Jim' Heart,'' reol drama. "Mixed Wires,'- oumedy. LOTHROP. J4TU AXO LOTHROP. Betty Nan son and Bftward Jos In "A Woman' Kexu-roUoa, I real. Beat. APOLL.O. tSU LEAVENWORTH. V.tnk-taph: "The Liltl Runaway." Miatmnph: "Th Klsa" Two-fe.l feature, "Th Diamond Front (he Hky." No. 10. Seat ia. BES3E. I4T AND N Vitagrnph' "Mr. Jarr and' Clrcumataa- tiHi Events." i:u-ariay! "Th Car of Thunder Cloud." J , ours ph. Twice one. OHFUKUM. I4TH AND N. The Mystic Jewel. Th IJttl Boy That On-e Washed, Rellano drama. We.ghed In the Balance. Than, drama. What' In a Name Beauty comedy. MOVIES FEATURES TODAY -A APOLLO. 18 J 4 LEAVENWORTH. Tlie Diamond of th Bay. No. 10. CI HAND. 16TH AND BINNe'Y. Romance of Elaln. No. Si LOrHHOP. iTH AND LOTH HOP. Betty Nanon and boward Jo in A Woman' Haaurrection, reel a. I'lUNCKsa. 1I17-1S 1X3 UU LAS. "Monsieur liOcoq." a Mutual mastarplo- ture In n 4 wonderful acts, varrtug Flor La Badte. vjic AN B OUNCKMENTg BU61NKSH (JOLLiCOlS STUDENTS SAVE MONEY ON COURSES. rr ala, wltn good reason for eel I Ing. ariety of courae ID a reliable Buai neaa School, one of the leading bualue coliesea of Omaha. Will b aold vary reasonable away below regular prtca. lt you are considering taking a coura Investigate this at once, since Fall term trrptoa aoon. t'all office. Omaha lie. PAINTI-KS' IXCAL NO. I xx-a.1 union Jsix lc wl.l march in Labor uiv parade. riecuie your umfonn at Lttbor temple Saturday, Sept. 4. 1 to i l. in., or Lbor car, to 10 a. m. Parade atari at lu a. m. Flu wbi b tmpued lor not parading. ir-sued 1 IAImjR DAT OOMMITTEH. I I.I.I S C. CHOSUY. undertaker aad em-t-atiiuir. new location, 3tll-2u:3 N. iih bt Tlie must up-t-lala, inndern undertak. log Par lore tn the rity. TeL Web. 47. ATTENTION, HUNTERS Rorky Point ruiillng ramp opens Scptenibar 1: best dm k end game country In atate; Ideally situated; comfortable quarteia; expert eul chef. Write Maryott and Black. Ost kosh. Neb. Invesilsal Y. M. C.A. out g park, lununar. AlTOMOULEa l.enever you ar considering selling or buyu.ic a uad car and you want full vl . for your money or yuu want people wiio are milling to I y for what they are t-iiiil yuu v. til have 110 regret If you uy or d.erti tlirouli the uae.1 far coiuii n of 1 tie Hce. Phone Tyler !. F'lt liAI.lv Wy uued OliUiiioblie touruTg r. in K'x'l condition, (rxM, Car caa be . :i at - 4 -rt.ao bU AtTOMOUILFS TJRK BXPE.NKR CUT IN TWO. We take two old tlrca and return ore food one. Price, 1 2 7 and up. Nftl. nntlBl.E-TKEAO TIRK CO., S?1 Farnum Ht. Tel. foulae 1M FN7KNKI.LK AI TO CO.. ?1 H. Ih ft. Expert repalrlna;: barn-alna In uaed cara, auumnteed aa repreacnted Overton e forleakr radiator. 60c, dcalera. Industrial UarnKe Co., voth Harney Hta. l'0 REWAItU for any masneto. we can't repntr Colla repd. Hayadorfcr ?1" N. 1 o K'r nilASKA luiick 'Hcr Ice Station, l'14 Farnam 8t. I'hone IvxiRlaa 72L BtSIXESS CHANCES If your Htmineaa Chance will atind rltcl'l lnct(rti.,n and la Jtiat what It la advcrtleed, or If you ate looking to atatt In bualneaa for youraelf you will ba per fect! antMled If you una the Buaineaa Chance column of The lu-e. When buy Ing or aclilrig a bualnaaa Pliona Tyler info. CANDY kitchen, excellent location, good flxturee and alt utenalla for making Ice cream and candy. Reaaonahle. Tel. Urn 4 4 OWNEKrt-Lint your property with" W W. Wllllama. WO Nevble Plk. t 44W. RBSTATTRANT for aaJe cheap if taken immediately; railroad terminal. Bog ff Manley. la. jlONrt. anoa . jrd. Clark a Hon. D. HTX. 13 SELL, or buy a bt'eliteee, call on nuat'h a Horenorr. r reciter n a i. mi Tt) UKT In or out of buaineaa call on OANOKfrTAD, 422 Bee Bldg. lKug. 3477. KHAl, Eatale Buaineaa p.ao a aupplled or handled; all atatea. K. V. Knlcat, Omaha. PEE Omaha Theater Supply Co. for bar galna in eat a bl Is tied ahowa. D. THKATKKS Buy, lease" or aell your the ater, machine and auppllea hrourh Theater K'xch. Co., 1408 Farnam. 1) 1S7. V HIJV8 eatabllahed buaineaa, eppor tunltlea big, capital required email. Ad dreaa M HIT, care Boa. FOR 8AL.E Grocery and confectionery; i large living rooma; rent $13. Webeter tm. BAKERY buaineaa. A good paying bakery In Iowa town of MOO. Wlfl atand Investigation. Addreaa, T 6M, Bee. BRTNlVi STORE MGRflT WANTED. ManhKa a Betay Roea Candy Store In your city aa part of our national system. Profitable, refined buaineaa. Men and women with buaineaa ability, good ref encea and email capital required. Betay Boss Candy Co., Betay Rosa Bldg., Dept. t... Chicago, 111. FOR SALE Flrat claaa bath and maaaage parlor; excellent location. Mlea Walton Room J?4 Nev'Pe Block. Omaha, Neb. RESTAURANT and rooming house with a email Una of groceries, doing good buaineaa: living rooma In rear; bargain If taken at once; other buaineaa White I.unch Restaurant, 4104 N. 14U, Omaha. Tel. Web. 470. Roomlna? Iloaaea for gale. MUST Sell at On re Rooming houaa of 10 rnoina, all full, two hlocke from P. O. Furniture and everything modem; rent, Inclm'lng heat, water and Janitor serv ice, iv. Will aacrlfice Call l, 47. V RMS. of ateady roomers; large barn; chickens; cheap rent. Tel. Web. 110k. EDUCATIONAL FOR sale, the following scholarships In a flrat claaa Omaha Buslne.a College: One unlimited combination buiiiteaa and rhorthand course. One unlimited ptenngraphlo cottrae. One three-montha' buaineaa or steno graphic course. Will be aold at a discount at the office of The Omaha Pee, Fall Term Boyles College Day echool, September Tth. Night chool, Heptembar (th. Complete buaineaa oourae. comnlata shorthand and stenotyp couraa, complete leiegrapny courae, civil aervlce pranche and English. Write, phone or call for ltlS ealalogu. Boyles College H. R. ROTTEH, Prealdent. Tel. Te7. 158. Boyle Bldg., Omaha, Neb. The VAN SANT SCT100L STENOGRAPH YBOOKKEEP1NO. Pay Bchool for Toung Women. Evening; Bchool for Young Men and Women, , Saturday morning class In typewriting;. Ion (X Duffy, Owner and Manager. 304 Bo. Uth Bt Omaha. EXPERT lady stenographer will take poplie; shorthand, touch typewriting, spelling and punctuation taught Individ ual Instruction. 4ti4 Dougla St TeL Walnut 3327. FOR SALE FOR HALTS Here la a classification that la of th utmost Importance to every reader, thla column offers some excep tional opportunities every day and a small want ad will sell your article at Its full value. Phone Tyler luno. Farattar, Haasrholal Goods, Ete. Dnal-K. bought and old. J. (?. Heed. J-CBAO m yarnam Bt. Douclaa I40 BAROAINS IN FURNITURE AND HAHUWAHU 1S N. 34TH. WEB. 1607. -Horse aad Veklele. FOR SALE. Two work and on aaddle horse, $75, BUI tiA cell Month ',ri wa lfa-.u,.n St. South Omaha. CARLOAD of Minnesota beat milch cows for sale. Carl Peterson. 1103 8. 45tn Hi. i Tel. W alnut H67. ITEAMINCi gears, one or a carload. A 17 I aiaes, two to six-ton capaultlea. We sell the Studebaker, the Bain, th Peter tH-outiier. fcaua ana tue,aen. Must wll 1U0 this month. Big reduction In nrli-e, JOH NBON-D AN FORTH CAM PAN Y. M ua.,es irataaHslai Slightly uaed high grand piano. D. JJI7. Pwaltrr. klass aa4 Saaallea. MXD grain. VP lb. Il.te. Wagner, 801 tt. 13. BTEHEOTYPK nialrtoea make tne beat ana cneapeei lining (or poultry Douses. Thay are UjUJ Inches, atrongar und nior durable than tarred felt and practically Htepiovf. lio a hundred at Tb lie otfic-u. Tyisrwrltrre. TYPE W RITER8, 3H and up. t Be Bldg. TYPEWhlTEKB sold, rentol. repalredT Cai.lral Typewritar Fxo. 1 Farnam. Mlsrellaaeaaa. $3.20? Golden West Whisky. 4 full uaru bottled In bond. pro- Id. Cackley Bro.. Omaha Coal Direct to You. The Very Lowest Prices. Oct a Trial Car. I. M. COX. North Tlatte, Neb. 7 tw:ond-hand motor, dynaino. 1KW loagneto, etc, m'haiilcftl . . airs. I Bron klectno "iirsi 3l-f n. utn M. 0 FoK SALE New and second-hand raroiu and pouket billiard tablea and bowling alley and accessories; bar fixture of all klnda; easy payment. The Brunswick- Balke-Collender Co., 7-) H. Hah St. FOR SAIJHtah school cadet anils. K All aisea. John Feldman. 'At N. 17th. Cor. Capitol Ave. phone Dougiaa SIL1 1 OR HALE CHEAP Fusions College Courae, Full and Oll.oleta sholarahlu In nna I of the beat Omaha business schools. uood reason for selling; perfectly relia ble; worth full price, but will he aold very re&sontbly. if Interested Inveatlgate t once, becaus fall term hslna aoon. Tl.ere are a variety of courae for sal. For partloulai-K Inquire at the ofilc of Tlie Oniahajle. j UELP WANTED F EM ALU Clerical aral 0(1 lee. 8TF.NO. AND BOOKKEEPER ITS bTr-.NOGHAPHEK WATTS REF. CO., fcH-aO-U Brand. Til. EXPHKIENCED law aleuog. for good position out of town) must o neat, bright quick aad rapid atsnog. : lv aae, ex per nee, salary ato. Adirva B. M8. Ilea WANTED Girl for temporary clerical woik; experienced clerk preferred. Call Room lsi,Kennedy lUdg. BTHN'OG. COMPTOMETER OPERA TOK: brlKht. neat appearing young lady, experlenoed, rapid; aalary to suit abl Itv; giv aae. experience, salary, etu. Address A. W7. Bee. HELP WANTEIa FEMALK Factory ana Tradee, OfRt to learn halrdrealn. Opfnhetm Wanted Pressers on Ladies' Garments Dresher Brothers 2211 Farnam St. Call Tyler 345 linear keevera aa llanrallea. THE Servant Ulrl Problem Solved. The lice will run a ilcrvatit Ulrl Wnntcd Ad FhKB until you got the tlc-Mred reaulta. Thla appllrq to reaidcnta of Omaha. Boutl. Omaha and Council liluffa. Bring ad to The Bee office or telephone Tyler !'), W A NT E I - Second "inaid, with refer encea. Farnam. H. 1B1. A CilKI, or middle-aged woman for light houaework and nuralng; no waahlng or Ironing, frit S. 3ftrt Ave. L. IIT.1. COMPETENT white girl for general nouaewnrk; 4 adulta In ramtiy; F. per ! week. t" N. 41at St. Call In person. WANTED Competent general'slrl; 1 In laiiuly; referencea required. H. (S14. 12T, 8. 38th St. WANTED A competent girl for general houaework; must like children. ' 3414 Iewey Ave. 11-141. U1H.L, for general houaework, 646 So. ioth Ave. I). 1)61. ItOOU gbi ior sinera. houaework. Mra. w, c. I.yle, 6,4 I'ark Ave. WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral houaework; must be goood cook. Where aecond g rl ia kept. Ul S. 36th Kt. Harney .HH3. 4) POSITION earned by ml .d.e-iiged laJy doing houaework. Call Weh. 70m. WANTED A competent girl lor aeneral housework; good wages. 116 8. 34th St. Harney StT WANTED Competent aecond maid; ref erence required. Apply 206 B. 82d Ave. Phoi,e Harney XA. EXPERIENCED girl for genera) houaa work; n laundry work; good wage. tm Burt Bt. WANTED A girl for general housework, 3 In family; wages 1:6 a mo. Mr. Oeo. Barker, Jr., K! Lafayette Ave., Phone Walnut 2452. UIRI, wanted for general houaework. email lamuy, is in. auin bi. WANTED AT ONCE, OIRlj FOR OEN ERAb HOUSBWOltK, HMAI.L FAM ILY, tloOD WAC.ES. PHONE UAH.NEI 741. CALL AT 14 8. WITH BT. A CAPABLE cook. Mr. K. C. Barton, SMS Harney Ft. WANTED Olrl for general housework at 620 N. 2,'.th, Houth Omaha. OIRL for general houaework; references required. Apply morning, 128 8. 8ulh St. H. MM. WANTED Neat, rellnble colored girl for general housework; must hnve good references; trtrty go home at night 4205 Imlir ft. I'hone Walnut 174. Mlai'vllaaraaa. Wanted a checker, an examiner and a presser in ladies' de partment. Dresher Bros. Dyers and Dry Cleaners, Hatters and Tailors, 2211 Farnam Street. WANTED Wrappers; young ladle from 13 to 18 years old; good salary and permanent poaltion. Apply Superintend ent, Brandels Store. YOUNG women coming to Omaha as stranger are invited to visit tn Young Women's Christian association building at St Mary's Ave. and 17th St., whar they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' guide at Union station. HELP WANTKT) MA LB Clerleal ss4 Office. fBTENOORAPIIER, out-of-town corpora tion; must nave executive and sale ah.l.ly: caisahle of handling large variety , or worn; aiary situ per montn; giv age, expeilenoe, referencea, eto, Addreaa B-eti, Be. KXP. CASHlliK. COUNTRY BANK, 1NV ,100 EAP. BANK CLliRK, CITY 3j BOO J.ltaR KF. CO., D40 1'aJton Blk. EXPERT AT FIGURES. .6 PbUl MONTH; APPLY AT ONCE, 131-u WoOuMEN OF TIIIO WORLI. Salesman, A-l proposition. WATTS REF. CO., 8JK-40-O Brand. Th. SH1PPINO CLE RkT ASSISTANT MQR.I NKaT. BRRlllT. CLEAN-CUT YOUNll MAN OF UUul) iilTo; Ktr'nH ENCES. ETC.; PREFER KNOWLhUaJU CF ailOfcrtY rl'a.iEla; MUoi' kid A BI.K TO LEAVE TOW,N IN NEAlt FUTURE-; GIVE AGE. REFERENCES. hALAHY EXPERIENCE ETC AD DRrlW.S S. Bts). BEE. Young man, study law; downtown even ing -jioiis, uw Oc pi. L.Nlvb.KITY OF OMAHA. Nominal tuition. See u C. Thoniscn, 4uu Omaha National Bunk, HlOH-tiRADHS commercial positions. WEST. REFERENCE BOND ASSN., 7(12 Oinnha Nat. Bank Bid. Ageats, Halessaet a4 Solicitors. WANTED An experienced men's hat salnsman. Apply Superintendent, Bran dels Stores. M TO IM made weekly selling Flexible Rldere and starters for Ford csrs. Call or write. Phillips V nets. 411 Bee Bldg. THE first payment carrtoa insurance to Jsnua'-y 1, IMlfi; great liiducemant; call or write Mutual Benefit Health 4k Acci dent naaoclaUuii, City NatWnal Bank Bldg., oniuliq. Neb. COAL aaeiit wanted In evary town; get a trial car. I. M. Cox, No. Piatt. Neb. Boya. WANTED Office boy by manufacturing concern. Address A-87, Omaha Bee. Factory as4 Trade. WANTED Men to learn ;he barber trade. We have originated a plan to teach It quickly and thor ughly. Wage paid while learning. Tool Included. Writ for Illustrated catalogue. MOLEB BAWBFK COIJ.EOE. 11 S. 14th Bt. W A VPS D At one, barber who I aolo Hirnel player. Addreaa J. 1L Swart, Arapahoe, Neb. Drug Mure Snapa, June. Kneiat. Bve Bldg. I j:AtN BAHUEIt TJiADK Wage paid. Tool given. Poaltion guaranteed. Call or writ for Information Trl-Clty College. 1134 Dougiaa, Omaha. WE need men; had to turn down two Jobe per woek lately. Get in. I .earn by our method. (Set one of thea Joh. Catalogue D. B. free. Nebraak Auto mobile School. 2403 Iavenworth St M leecllaaewae. WANTED Namoa of men, 18 or over, wishing government lob. K month No pull necessary. Addres T 4nt Bee. STUDY LAW AT HOMEi A large university tn directly advertise Its extension law department will place a limited number of comiillnittiUrv law Hceoiarshlpa hi (TVs atate. Aimllcant must be of ag and furnish references. Aj'p.v to Mr. Ives. Fontenetle Hotel. RAILWAY mall clerks wanted. 873 month. Omaha, examinations coming. Sample question free. Write Immediately. Frank lln Inst tutee. Ter.t. K1G. R Chester, N. Y. WANTED Four good baying handa; must know the bualnesa. Call on 9. C. Bliss. t&4 Exchange Bldg.. Bouth Omaha. 81TCT10XS WANTED EXPERIENCED night watchman, with beat of city references, waul posluon. A Jt A V, ,ttt 1. . Bir.AM r-rtui.ir, oianiry fv-nurw- EXl'KR.ENCED nlht Janitor, wltu gooit power steam engine, suitable for ma refervncea, mania position. Addle Marine engine. What have yuu to offer In (1'JS. ba uade? Address 8. C. 17. Bee. SITI ATIOXH WA.TKI WANTElJ By wlilta girl, light work on one floor. Weh. 4-sll. IIh Willy Jack on. 3fi Camden Ave. YOUNfl man atenoaraphar, experienced, dcairea poeltlon; guod referencea. Ad drpaa E T. Bee, I WANT a Joh during afternoon. Am attending tmlverelty and will conxldar any kind of work, l.ut prefer atenographtc position aa I am an ex(crieiiced atenog rapher. Addreaa (i ITS. Bee. POSITION wanted aa Housekeeper. Call at Mil Ieavenworth ft. CHAL'FFKI'K dea rea i.lme; irivate nm Hy; ran fumleh releremea. Call Doug. 12-Ji. Aak for K. W. Pcteraon. A LAUT, 32. without Incumbrance, de alrea poaltion aa houackeepcr. Addreaa J HI, Bee WANTED Position aa salesman, live wire, five yearn' experience aa road man and brunch manager with larite corpora tion. Best rraeon for sel -prompted icsig natlon. Address L, 83, Bee WANTED A position an collector to work on commie, ion basis. Address H WBee. Mil HARRY I,EA BERRY, care Paxton hotel. Omaha, wl-hes to negot ate With a firm of repute to represent aame. He now la dlaengaKeu through the war In r.urope. fan give hlKhest crelcntlala. YOUNO man (Dane) wishes a-steady po Itlon aa Janitor or anything. Will cut grass or anyth ng. Hoher and honest. Hana P. Petersen. .V H. Zth. Harney 3;4. WANTED Position aa housekeeper, lady with one child. Mra E. Endhott, Bom 4. Arnold. Neb. WANTED P j' tlon as housekeeper In country home by neat an I trustworthy lady. Please address HousekeepT at 307 I.yrlo Bldg. LONT AT FOUND Lost or Found aus in Oun.ia a Ixist and Found medium inuns the linuieniaie re turn of that article r udvertired In Tho Bee, the lx)t and Found paper. OMAHA ac CXJUNClL HLirr"F4 STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having lost some article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha & Council Bluffs Ktreet Railway company to ascertain whether Ihey left tt In the street cars. Many articles each day are turned In and the Company U anxiouj to restoro them to the -iKhtful owner. Call Doug. 4.H LOHT Black and tan female hunting dog. Phone Bouth 2W6. John Novg. BTRAYED or stolen, lriah setter pup, vt elnlty of 24th and Leavenworth. For re ward call Web. 4M. Tag No. llffl. LOST OR BTRAYED Sootch Collie, i alout 10 a. m. Sept. 2, irom -"44 Fowler Ave; license tag No. :Wi; age, t months. i ni uog ia ao piayma.e to sinall cuild, who misses It very much. He ward; no question asked. Tel. Oordon Deutman, Web. 3873 or Dougla 6493. PERSONiTi OORDON, tne Magazine Man. Tel. Doug. 713. YOUNG women coming to Omaha aa strangers are Invited to visit Hie Young Women' Christian usaociation building at 17th St and Ht. Mary's Ave., where they will be dire-.ted to suitable xardtng placea or otherwise assisted. 1xok foi our travelers' guide at the Union, station. TDK iM.Ht.Uoii Army industnal home so licits your jld clothing, furniture, maga zines. We collect. We distribute. Phon Douglas 413S and our wagon will call. Call and lnict our new home, J 110-1112-1114 Dodge 8t. SWAITERS COLUMN Wanted to Swap. Why no', advertise something that you no longer have any use tor and get something you really necdT It cojla you nothing to Join tha Swapper' club and you will find It lota of fun swapping things. Write Room 104, Bee Bldg.. or phone Tyler 1000. AUTO 4-cyllnder car, equipped with bus body to carry 11 People, for jliney bus; has double lnnltlon, Atwater-Kent and Bosch magneto system; will swap for Ford or Hupp '83. Address S. C. 1313, car Bee, AUTOMOBILE 1 have a good Lyon 11)14 model 6-pasaenger touring car; thla ia In flrat-class running order; coat $1,600 last year; will trade for furniture that la In good condition. Address 8. C. 1318, care Omaha Bee. AUTOMOBILES Fur other aulomoblla bargains aae the "Automoblia" claaalfl tailun. BRAND new 4 m nute cylinder records for 10 or 12-1 n. dlso records; one elec trio p.ano, horse, harness a. id wagon, to exchange for good Ford car. or any other make of sruHll car. Address S, C. ITU, care Omaha Bee. BOAT What have you to trade for 18-ft. boat equipped with ld-hore-power steam engine and boiler. Address S. C. I7. Bee. ; CASPElt WVO.. LOT IN OIL FIELDS WILL TRADU OR B&LL. ADDRESS B. C. I8L Bee. CAMERA Eastman 3'x4,a folding' out ing camera, ivr films or piates; latest Improvement and new: will awap for larger plat camera. Address S. C. 17H, Be CAMERA One Minute Post Card camera, laleat model, coat tViA; a money making proposition for young man making fairs and carnivals: fcr anything I can use. Ad dress S. C. 177, Bee. DUMB BELLS 43 lVlb dumb bells, all new. What am I offered? Address 8. C. 1R. Bee FINE 8 and 1-room apt. no Junk, to ex change for equity In 4 or S-room cot tage. Addrena A IIJU Bee. FURNITURE Have Vernls Manln bed and springs. Will trade for oak china cabinet Address 8. C. 1317. Bee. GUITAR to trade for kodak or, what have you? A'a thre-n arter bed. tne full else, and cheap wicker baby carriage for chickens, any age. Address 8. C M, Bre. GUITAR and case to exchange for a library table, or, what have you? Ad dress f. t. lai, nee HOTEL Only hotel In a town of 1.200 population, aoing a gooa si a oay business. Will trade for automobile or city residence. Will trade furniture of hotel and lease on building. Address 8. C. 1319. car of The Omaha Bee. KODAK 8x414 folding pocket kodak; cost I18.&0. together with new 35 do . veloplng tank, trays, print frames, rhem I Icala. etc W 111 trade complete outfit for good typewriter; Underwood preferred. Address n. . 1 10 nee. LIBRARY Buaineaa library of 10 larg valumea. never been opened, direct from a noted correspondence university. Want office or typewriter desk. Addreaa 8. C. t ai, nee. NURSERY STOCK First class nursery stock doe to Omaha. Will trade slock ror paiui.ng wora, a aouna wen Droit work horse, used auto or fence post. What have youT Address 8; C. 1313. ORPINGTONS Thorouahbied Bulf Or- plngtona. i In all; well marked; large bone; make me offer. Addreaa S. C. 13i, Bee. IIUO-COURSE of Stenography, (6x7) Cam era and outfit. Prefer cash; will con sider twin motorcycle. Addreaa Y t. Bee. o. PERCOLATOR Will swap brand new 7 oup copper percolator, alcohol, for baby' bed or h i:h chair. ddres S. C. IM. tie. PIPE TOOLS-New pipe toola, ell klnda, for old model auto or motorcycle. Ad dreaa H in. Bee I'll VtK ,,..; 8 aet of tour "DeVilbla" atomisers and stand, like new, oust about . will trade for anything Use ful Adilresa S. O. !.. Bee. KOADSTKU BODY-Have automobile roadster body to trade; mak offer. Ad dreaa S. C. 174. Bee. TO SELL or trade your ahotgua or rifle. See FR1 EDM AN. 1211 Dougla. SIDEBOARD Large, niasaiv quarter saed oak sideboard. What have you to offer In trade? Addreaa 8. C. 171, Bee. SEWING MACHINE 8. ner. coat $-'. looks like new; in good condition. Might trade for chickens, or what hav you? Ail. rea H. lk. nee. SHOTGUN-Rll'le. kodak, saddle, hand carved meerschaum pipe, over 103 yeara old. What have you to offer In trade? AfMress 8. C. 173. Bee. SHOWCASE! have an 8-foot refriger ator showcase; been In uae about 1 year; Is In good condition: will swap for 3d tiand Ford. Addreaa 1. C. 1314. Be. SPANISH' and civil war relics. 3 aword nd Uth century revolver. Tea Indian rel ca. W hat have yea gut, Address S. C. If". Bee. BWArTEIW COLtMV TiHil, CHEST One lan y tool cheat; madn of hardwooda; value What h-M vfi ' vrtreei P. C. Bea. WATCH. ETC. One high-grade 17-Jewe watch; one ateel and fller-'ound trunk; ono leather handbag. Trade. What have you? Addreaa 8. C. 190, Bee. Apsrlmrslt aad Flata. The For Hent advertisement appearing In the For Kept column r,f The Bee dally cann .t he heat for vnrletv that lll please and fill the needs of any one desiring to rent l"hon Tyler 10HI l'-r. mod, flat, aultatile for roomr. R LOW RENT I Cl.ofE-IN FLAT. ! m N. lth St.. -r., new; all modern ex- : cept heat. Price reduced to 332.60. H. A. WOLF, I M4 Ware Block. Doug. KWI. MODERN, close In brick flat. 31H N. 2.td; ' newly decoraird, fXi .no. Tel. Harney 2',l !. l'REPARE for winter. .Secure fine Eta brook apt.: close In. O. P. Ptchb ns. MODERN Steam heated: close In; low rent. O. P. Btebblne, lfilO Chicago. Aogelu Apt., I and 4-room apt. H. 20f4. o llamtilton Apartiiieiit9 Fire Proof Suites of 1 to Rooms, With Bath, Furnished - or Unfurnished. High Class Cafe tn Connection. 24th and Farnam. D. ?M ANOEU'8 Apts., 2'ith Ave. and Dnuvla. 3, 3, 4, o-room apts. Phone toug. 2"i4 o FIVE-HOOM Hteam heated apartments, The Mason. :lst and Mason Bts., Ti.5U rind 340. Conrad Young, 323 Brandels Thciter. Doug. 1B71. 3-ROOM apartment, St Clare. Call Har ney 347. BEAUTIFUL, strictly mod. apts. 16th and Yates Sis.: Janitor eervice: fine lawn, playgrounds, tennis court and summet comforts. Tel. Web. f.TS or 4323. I 613 8. 27TH, lower, a-r., mod. flat SW bin b. i;tn, upper, e-r., mod. nat..i-i.iw C. Q. CARLBERO, 812 Brand. Th, Bldg. Board aad Roocaa. Furnished Rooms that otier every mod ern convenience and comfort In private families or boarding houaes of the high est rluss will be found In the Furnished Rooms column of The Bee. Phone Tyler ; nw. TWO .beautiful rooms, mod., gentleman preferred; board optional. 1018 8. Slat fi, Til Mrnov BOARD AND ROOM AT HOI 8. 83D ST. , PHONE HARNEY 84TiO. Desirable room and board, 613 8. 13th St 2.V.J 8T. MARY'S Ave., walking distance, ? per week. Famished Room. If you do not ee anything that suits vou In the way of Furnished Rooms you ran call at Room 104. Bee Bldg.. and ask , for the Free Furnished Room bureau and we will gladly refer you to a high class rooming or boarding bouse In any part of the city. i WELLINGTON INN. Farnam at Mth. WO 1 rms.. $1; 50 rma 81.50 A up; weekly & monthly rates; cool, quiet, homelike. o FOR "RENT Furnished room, well lo cated. Addresa K 37. Bee. THE Chatham hotel for gentlemen. Rates to permanent guewta. 110 B. 13th. D. 82. 313 S. MTU Modern rooms by day or week; 60c and up; Just oft Farnam car line. Rates by the week. NEWLY furnished rooms, strictly mod I em, reasonable, walking distance, 21i2 m. aiary s Ave. Hoasekeeplasj Reosaa. 2.V9 St Mary' Ave., 8 and 3-room suites, mod., walk, distance; also sleeping rms. NICELY furnished rooms (or ladles or Rents, walking distance. 213 8. 2Mb Si. SPECIAL LOW RATES TO PERMANENT GUESTS. HOTEL SAN FORD, 19th and Farnam. HOTEL HARLEY. 20th and Furnsm. TWO nicely furnished haaement rooms, 3100 per week. 213 8. 26th St Uoases aad Cottage. North. 5-ROOM cottage, just mad modern ex cept heat In good condition and loca tion, near school, stores and three car llnea. Webster 4Mt 6-R. COTTAO E. Tel. Walnut 2603. SIX rooms, entirely modern. No. 417 N. ftth St. 3'23 a month. Inquire next door. 7-ROOM house, mod., close-in. Tel. D. 4w. feol N. 24TH ST. First claaa. all modern, for rent. Tel. owner, Walnut 2:M1. oath. I-KOOM, modern house. 840? Jones, 832 08 per month J. I. Kemp. Dougla HCT. 6-ROOM house, modern. So. &!d Ave. Sl Wright St.. 318. Phone Harney li15. C-ROOM cottage. 1U 8. 28th St, 1J. Water paid. Wr-av- MODERN 10-room. furnished or unfurn ished. 2W1 Capitol Ave., owner. Tel. Harney 6564. . WEST Farnam, 7-r. atuceo, 8l N. 8Sth Ave... vacant Oct. 1. 346. D. 8947. Mlaeellaseaas. 413 N. 1TH ST.. 8-r., all mod ,.345 bM S. 2th Ave., 8-r.. all mod fW 1108 N. 82d St.. 4-r.. mod. ex. heat... .417 RASP BROS., 103 McCague Bldg. DON'T MISS THIS. 8-room modern house, excellent lawn; rents for i per month. Don't tall to see this bargain. 8407 Jones. Phone Doug. ,H'7- J. T- KEMP. 7-H.OOM modern houa. S14 I-eaven worth St., 3.15. Webeter & Vacant Sept. 20. 312.60. FOR COLORED. 2323 & 16th 8t, 5 rooms, toilet, gss. !-R. MOD. house, close to good car line; possession given whjn desired H. 441. SEE the Central Furniture Store' FREE RENTAL, i.mr. FIDELITY bervtcb FREE Phone Docgla 238 tor complete Hat of vacant house and apartmeiau also for aiOraSC. n. llti- n 10 J ,,vn..n 7-ROOM modern house. 3614 Leavenworth St.. .ft. Webster TT mi ana Crelgh Sons A Co., Be Bldg. 1IOUSCS i ,u p.rt. 0f the city. Globe Van&Storage mill,., HitfTri, 11,,', . " and 3 men, 31.26 per hr.; storage 33 pei .1 . .1 , ;.M M. Tl 9111 mo. na tisiaci ion num. r Gordon Van Co a Storms. Storage. 21W N 11th St Tel D 334 or Har. IH7. MaRgard's j? !, aa..nL... aklluilnar a. V&n and Stora for pa- far mnv. Ill ft t UdvRIIUl! wiiijLri'iiar, ITU Webter (St. J.CReed Exp. Co.. moving, packing A atorsge. 17 Farnam. D. 14tS. atwrea Office. GOOD auto aale room on Farnam 6t Very reasonable rent. Tel. Doug. 408. SPECIAL IV STORK RENT. 818 N. 16th St.. v.'x so. full basement. Price reduced to Iti 50. H. A. WOLF. 614 Ware Block. IVu M Wareaaaiea. WAREHOUSE TRACKAGE. Part or all of one floor tn large five story brick building. Large freight ele vator. Addrea J 138, lie. WANTED TO BC1 HIGHEST prices for old rlothin. 1)4,14. OFFICE furniture bought and aold. i Reed. 17 Farnam. Dour. 4144. 1.1. "rT',' . 1 (Yale buy ever) thing 2nd band. Web, 4mm. Redely Reference Directory The following firms offer qnnlity nrxl cxtort service that will please tin? n;ost critical: ABSTRACTS OF TITLR. REED ABSTRACT CO., oldest abstract ! e in .mi i.iihM. i t hr mil' n Thea Kerr Title Ounrantee and Abstract Co., a modern abstract office. 36 S. 17th St. I'hone D. WS7. AUVERTISI.4U NOVELTIES. MP. Phafer CoWh, Farnam. D. 747.. AM 4TKI rTf1419HI.U. FILMS developed free If purchased from Photo Craft Hhop, 41( Bee Bldg. Dept D. ACCOl JITAST3. E. A. DWORAK end closed. Cost svatern installed. Let me call on vou to exp'aln the dvantages of my sudlt service tystein. Addresa, 4ol 4;.7 RnmgeBldg. PI one Doug. 7I8. ARCHITECTS. Everett S. Dodds. 611 Paxton Blk. P. IS!. ARTIFICIAL LIMBS. i ARTIFICIAL Umhs. Brace and Trus'es; expert fitter Fltwell Artificial Limb Co.. 323 8. 15th Bt. ATTORNEYS. C. T. Dlcklnaon. 511 Paxton Blk; DJSfM. A t t'TIU.MF.ERS. Dowd Auction Co.. 1116-18 W.O.W. R. 8285. AlTt nil lit M K, AtTTCMOB'LE MUTUAL INSURANCE CO.. Do'ikIiis 2S19. AlTtl H AIHATOR HEPA1HS. Omaha Radiator Rep. Co., 2026 Far. D. 2ufl. HAKFRIE Z. H. REE1ER. 1 N. l'th. Web. 3297. IIATIIS. WOMEN only; vapor and electric baths. 2121 Lake St. Phone Webster 1111. BEDUI.Xi. -V MA HA PILLOW CO., lJrtT Cuming, II Dougiaa 2447. Renovates feathers and mattreaaea of all kinds mkaa feather mattreaeea and down overs. BRASS AND IRON FOUNDRIES. Patton-Mitchell Co.. fTth and Martha St. CARPENTERS ANU CONTRACTORS. STEJVENSON. 823 8. 22d. Dougla 6620. Leacard A Son. 1906 Cap. Ave. T. 1G3J. CHIROPRACTIC SPINAL ADJU'MTS Dr. J. C. Lawrence. 1 Balrd Bldg. D. S48t. jDr. C. Hi BrUir 2323 Harn iv. Red 77111. CHIROPODIST. Carrie 3 Buford, 620 Pax. Blk. Red 4",'!7. DANCING ACADEMIES. CHAMBERS' academy, classic. D. 1871. Bummer rate now at Mackle's; private lessons dally. 1819 Harney. Douir. 5440. DRESSMAKING. Terrv Dresamak'g college, 20th A Farnam DRESSMAKING COLLEGE. Kclster Dressmaking Col., 1(28 City Na. I DYERS AND CLK4.NERS. STATE! Dry Ong. Co.. 120 N. 12th. D. 6071 DETECTIVES ' JAMES ALLAN. 332 Neville Block. Bvi i dence secured in all cases. Tyler 1136. DENTISTS. ! Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 921 W.O. W. Bldg. Pyorrhea. Dr. Fickle. 724 City Nat Bank. Taft Dental Rooms. 1517 Dougla. D. 2183. DHIU8. DRTTQS at cut prices; frelerht paid on $10 orders, catalogues free. Sherman ft Mc Connell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. KLECTRIC PIANOS. Continental Nov. Co.. 118 N. 15th. Term. ELECTRIC MOTOR REPA IRINoT" CAHILL ELECTRIC CO.. Bee Bid. D.W78. ELECTROLYSIS. Uloa Allender. 624 Bee Bldg. Red 8065. KV EH Y THING FOH WOMEN. ACCORDION, aide, knife, sunburst, box pleating; covered buttons, all sixes and styles; hemstitching, point edging. Em broidery, beading, braiding, cording, eyelet cut wrork, buttonholes, pennant. Ideal Pleating- Co., 200 Dougiaa Block, Douglas W FIRNACF1S ANU TIN WORK. II A BERSTROH. 4026 Hamilton. Wal. 29TL FLORISTS. BATII'B, florists, 1804 Farnam St. D. 8000. U HENDERPON. 1H4 Douglas. D. 1258 Member Florist Telegraph Del. Ass'n. HESS A SWOBODA. 141B Farnam Bt A. DONAOKUW. 1622 Harnev. Doug, lftfll. GOLD AND SILVER PLATING. WH replate everything of metal. Omaha Plating Co.. 1?20 Harney St. Eat. 1S38. INSTRUCTION. English. French, Instruction. 80S Lyrlo Bid ICE. Lakeside Ice Co. FOR ICE3 TELEPHONE WEBSTER (18 General Office. 13th and Maiiderson St'. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. H. H. CLAIBORNE, M3 Paxton Blk. Red 7401. Notary public, deposition ateno. C. W. BR ITT. S"l Baker Block. 1 LADIES' TA1LOHS. Max Schwartz Formerly with Ml ic ,"n East Dea Moines, new In lis, good business; wttlsf action aVarantei" Y Paxton Rlk t-axton hik. LAUNDRIES CHICAGO LAUNDRY CO.. Dougiaa Sm. LIVE STOCK 14IMMI99ION. MARTIN BROS. A CO., Exchange Bldg. LIGHTING FIXTIRE9, WIRING. DUllfTIN Thomas. Douglas ja. MOVING PICTURE MACHINES. OMAH Film Ex.. 14th and' Doug. Mo tion picture machine and film bargains MOTORCYCLES. HA RLET-DA VTD8OM MOTORCTCT.Efl. J?war;?ln ,n u,Hl r hlnea. Victor Rooa, "Th Molorcyc e Man." r.0 leavenworth. MUSIC, A HT, LANGUAGE. LANGUAGE taught by telephone and mall Free trial It-ason. W ebster KR4. NOTIONS. NOTTONS. newa dgara. candy. lSn Park. OCULISTS. ne-MvJf?TinmtvaP?v??u Pre. McOartv. 1111 SV. O. W. Bldg. can, PATENTS. D. O. Barn ell Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. II. A. Bturge. 633 Brandel Theater Bldg. OSTEOPATHY PHYSICIANS. JOSBPHINB RWSiiNO. . Bo, Bid, FlIXTIXO AND PAPF.RISO. Ht'CH M MANt'ft, 417 N. 4ftth. H. B72.1. PI.TI.Nti. Acme Plating. Ill 8. tfth Pt. P. R777. fLlMKS iLKANEI). vd. made over p. Elaele. 11M City Nat PK1TI.NU. WATERfBARNHART Ttg. Co., quality printing. TeL Doug. 219ft. 624 8. 13th St. CENTRAL. PRJNTINO CO., DOUQ. JT54, DOUOLA8 Prlntltur Co Tel. Dougla 44. !TUU: AMI FIRMACK REPAIRS. AlAf. REPAIRS-Water fronta. furnace colls, etc. Oulck service. Omaha Wove Repair Wks. l2-8 Dougiaa St. Tyler 20. HIBB..VK COMP4..11ES. NEBRASKA RUBBAGE CO. Thla I th man to call If you have any ashes or tin cana to haul Phone Webster oblS. SAFE ANU TIME LUCK EXPERTS SAFES Opened, repaired, comb, iiaiigid. F. E. Daven urt, 14 Dodge. D. 1(1. slAtK HEPAIRIMU. Om. Standard Scale Co., 513 8. 12th. D.291I MHUK HUPAIU1MG. FRIEDMAN BRoS., shoe repair. Ol & 14. Harley Shoe Rep'r. Co.. AA Farn'm. R.344Q SKWIX1 MACHINES. "ITT rent, repair, sell needles and VV Z Parts for all sewing machines. "MICKEL'S," NEBRASKA CI CLE CO., 1'th anl Hu iney, Douglas 1H62. STEEL CEILINGS. CARTER Sheet Metal Compsny, 11 P. 10. STORE AND OFFICE FIXTURES. DESK 3, safes, scales, showcases, ahelv Ing. etc. We buy. sell. Oniaua FUiun & Supply Co., 414-1S-18 8. 12th. Doug. 3734. TOWEL SUPPLIES. OMAHA Towel Supply, 27 S. 11th. D. 523. TAILORS. CHAS. C. LANDER YOU, 103 N. 16th St. THINKS AND SI 1TCA8ES. FUELING A STEINLE. 1805 FSrnam tt TYPEWRITERS FOB, BENT. RENT an Oliver typewriter 8 mo. for $4. Oliver Typewriter Agency, 13U6 Farnam BUTT'S Typewriter Exchange, SU 8. 18U St All makes for sale or rent RENT a "Remington," not Just a typ wrlter. Ixw rent. Call Dougiaa 124. WATCH SPECIALISTS. Chrlatianaen, 2d fl. Paxton Bk.. 18 yr. ex, WEDDING STATIONERY. Wedding announcements. Doug. Ptg. Co. WINES AND LK4UORS. ALEX JCTES, 2m-3 S. 18th St Wine, liquors, clyars. Plato dinner 11 to 8, lOo. HENRY POLLOCK LIQUOR HOUSB. "m sou uipi(oi at. 1 en-cent lunob. MEDICAL RHEUMATISM tieated eucuessfully. re ult guaranted. Dr. Bowser. 314 Bee Bldg. PILES. FISTULA CURED. Dr. I:, it. Tarry cure pile, fistula and other rectal disease without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no monev paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseases with testimonials. DB E. R. TARRY, 210 Bee Klda. RUPTURE cured In few day without Pain. Call or write Dr. Wrav. 806 Bee Bldg, Omaha. Established 1894. o WANTED TO RENT WANTED Board and room In private family; breakfast and dinner; for two gentlemen: no other roomers; two rooms needed; must be modern In every respect. Address C-, care Bee. WANTED to rent 7 or 8-room houa. fur nished, modern. In West Farnam or Dundee. Referencea exchanged. Phone Harney 4E8. REAL ESTATE FARM A RANCH LA a, na FOH g-ALH HAVE YOU A FARM FOR SALE? Write a good description of your land and send lt to the Sioux City, la., Journal, "Iowa's Most Powerful Want Ad Me dium." Twenty-five words every Friday evening, Saturday morning and every Saturday evening and Sunday morning for one month, giving sixteen ads on twelve different day lor i; or SO words, 34. or 75 words, 3U 1-argrat circulation of any Iowa news paper, 250.0U0 readers dally In four great tates. I can meet the requirement of homo seeker and Investors in small or large tracts of lands and farms In Nebraska, Minn., Dak., Montana. Attractive prices and terms. City Income taken In ex chanare. W. G. Templeton, 64 rtee Bldg. CaHforalaT " Live Oak Colonies, none better. W. T. Smith Co.. ?-14 City Nat. Bk. D. 2819. Iowa. IOWA BARGAIN Want to move to Omnha t T u. kro,.- ?n- ." "beds, bri-k chlck.n "" ini leave toe cnicaen in itK an ?n ,ot uang eag, location, two blocks from car, not too cio.-e to town, on. iiiiprovenieiiia. will sell cheap for caah, will make arrange mints (or pay nient a Addreaa G IMa. Be. Idaho. FOR BALE 280-acre farm In Bemhl Co., Idaho, t miits from It. R. and postuf flce; l.iO A. under cultivation; l'w tons liay, ti A. in grain. 1 A. In potatoes. 35 head of cattle, 18 horses, all machinery and Implements; 3700 per acre. Including everything. For particulars, addrea . G Farnsworth, Dillon, Montana M I Meata. 140 ACRES, 4 miles from Minna poll. one mile from town; 160 acre under Cultivation; balanc uaed for paatur; can practically all be cultivated; heavy oil. Good ael buildings, consisting of a room bouse, large barn, granary, com cribs, windmills, etc.; th land will pro duce CO bushf.a of corn per ac re; el phone In bouse, country thickly settled: vomplct set of machinery; '1 bead of stock, consisting of 11 cow, balance 1 nd I-yar-old; six good borsea, 'A hog, chicnena, one-half of this year's crop and very thing on the faun got a at tuO aa ere. half caah. Schwab Bros.. 103 Ply mouth b.dw . Mlnneapolia, la tun Ssataaa. I UnVTIVA lerlirst k- . .v. 1 wot Id for linn, nut, Ml u -mA . i. Iclcae to town., ral road, achooi and chu"-.h": Ml.ou"to 3u per acre on flft"n yeara' time; annual payment leas than rental on middie west farms: write to- uay lor particulars: illustrate nd map free. , Valier Farm pany. Box lm'3, Valier. Mont Nrbrataaua. 80 . ACRH-t Improved fruit and pasture land, situated 3 miles from Vmra M-l. MrWt!SS32tiZl A I