TIIE BEE: OM UIA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1915. By MELLIFICIA. Thursday, September 2, 1915. WEDNESDAY, September 8, Is to be 'Tag Jy" for tho Visiting Nurse association. This la tho association'! annual benefit and the only request for help that is made during the entire year. The coffers at this time, the beginning of a new year, are naturally somewhat depleted, and Just now the work for the coming year Is being organised. The debutantes and school set will sell the tags and a special request Is made that you donate your little or large sum with a smile. In other words, Join the Proverbial Smile club for the day, as the girls hold a par ticular horror of a frown especially when It comes from a man. Mayor Dahlman will present the keys of the city for the day to the directors of the work at the city hall on Wednesday morning, and he has likewise ordered the Welcome Arch lighted for their success. Among those who will sell tags Wednesday are the Misses Reglna Conner! and her guest, Mildred Johnston of Chicago; Mis, Helen Ingwer aen, the Misses Marlon and Naomi Towle, Miss Ann Olfford and Miss Isabel VlnsonhsJer. LADY HOPE NELSON, formerly Miss Isabel Valle of St. Louis, who wa3 called "the most beautiful American ever seen at court" by the English press, will soon ester a French hospital to nurso wounded soldier. At Happy Hollow Club. Mrs. IS. Hoblsun nloritinotl at luncheon today at the Happy Hollow club In honor of Mrs. James Karnry of Kan sas City, who la the s"iiret of her par ants, Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Robleon. A large basket of Klllarnoy roses decorated the table and covers were placed for nineteen guest. Mrs. X. A.. Medlar entertained rive aots at luncheon at the Happy Hollow olub; Mrs. Joerph Weeth. ten; Mrs. V J. AfcCuIley, (Ik; Ml. Mllroy, twenty.. Mrs. E. M. Oarratt, six, and Mrs. M, M. Robertson, two. Mr. W. C Blackburn and Mrs. Prank E. Clark will entertain rueata at dinner ! Ann 1irtrr. Saturday evenln, at the lliiw Hollow j Ann Mll,"r '- A reception was held last evenlns; for Mr. and Mrs. Armatrotis; at the home of Mr. and Mra. White. After a short weddlns; trip Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong will b at home at 479 Uoyd street Lawn Party. Mr. and Mra. Hen Milder trave a lawn Party Wedcnaday evenlnn for Mine Rose Btudna of Kansas City, the mieat of Mine Ann Milder. Thou preKent were: M lares Htudna, K annua ' 1 1 y : SmIIs TaxniHii, Hook iKlnml, SUITOR VOOS GIRL BY SWING OF FIST Would-Be Bridegroom Strikei Girl of Choice in Face While Parents Look with ApproraL WEDDIHO LICENSE IS EEFUSED club. Dining with Mra. W. II. Rhode today at the Happy Hollow club were: IC'errle Donovltx, I Messrs. - MlrM Molllo Wolfe, llene Urodkey. IOttla Hnrti. !ra- Mualikln, Millie l'reil. Nor I'red. Uutli Uroes. Harry I tussle, Kleanlna;, Hodnny Bliss, V, K. Warce. V. H. Watson. F. W. Macon. K. C Henry, W. N. Ulller, C. V. Mara hall, Mm Fromkln. ;' ""m wilder, Hyml Mll.ler. William I'erlnian, Mia Mari'im, Nathan Mtiahkin, Hnrney Ku'akofskv Mess-a. and Meadamea J. Milder. nen Milder Morris M. Milder, Meaars Jakn Molaalin' k. I hllllp Romnneck, Herman to!dmlth. Merman Ktalmaater, Hernard Mlelne, Btimrt Donovlu, Meadamea- Meadamea C. K. Jialbach, H. 8. Welier. A. P. Ptokea. W. Hardlns, K. McOoy, Hoy Beealey, K. J. Kills, K. W. counell. At the Country Clnb. Mrs. Warren Roger, entatained (our guest, at luncheon today at the Country olub. Illu I I. -1 . ' I I . . . y ineuiiuaier eniercainea 1 . m, .. eight auesta at dinner last awanlnar at the 1 "101181 Mention. Country club; Mr. and Mrs, Ed Bwotoe Ml"" Klnora Lmbrecht leaves today had four gueet.; Harry MoCormlck, twos , tat n ""nded trip to the coast Walter Roberta, two; Elmer Cope, two, daughter was born to Mr. and Mra and F. W. Clarke, two. , F. C Johnson Tuesday at the CWkeon Mr. A. C I'otter wlU give a dinner of boapltal. Uteen covers this evening at the Coun- Mlaa Mary E. Cooper has returned from try club and Saturday evening Mr. and the east, where she took several courses s o. u. r. wuvvm win inunun xor ten j in oanrlna, sTueats. In and Ont of the Bee Hive. Mlaa Leeta lloldreae. accompanied by her coualn. Mlaa Nathalie Bontecou of Kanaaa flty. has returned from a trip to Home Ike. Wyo. ii-- - .11 A storr of cruelty that takes one back to the time of the cave man has come to the light through attempts of the parents of an Omaha Italian girl less than 16 years of age to force her to marry a man much older than she and whom she does not love. The parents, the girl and the would-be bridegroom came to the desk of Marriage Clerk Steubendorf last Friday and the groom asked for s license. The girl burst out crying bitterly and all the threats of her parents could not stop her tears. The psrents declared she was over 16 years old and that she must marry I the mah of their choice. i "I am not yet 16 and bealdea I do not love him," she proteated. Mr. titeubendorf then had the pleasure of refusing to iasue the license. The party went away, but returned aaralri on Saturday, and about the same srene occurred. And on last Monday they came In aroln, the girl showing the signs of much weeping. Mr. Steubendorf t ld the parent they would have to bring a birth certificate, that their word was no proof that tho girl ws over lfi. Tall rrobatlnn Officer. They then applied to the prlet of their pariah, and he turned the matter over to Trobatlon Officer Miller. Mr. Miller went to the girl's home and there the most brutish exhibition of the whole drama of Ignorance occurred. The Good-Bye, Girlsl "Here's tome Made ia Omaha When Nata on Vacation goes. The conversation Bwtftly flows. -a. a. T. Z. When Laura on Vacation goes, She exhibits Her sister's hose. X. When Flora on Vacation goes. Nothing attracts Her but chateaux. -r. It. When Sally on Vacation goes, She does not lose Her adipose. When Carrie on Vacation goes, 8he carriers all Her furbelows. BELLKVIEW. would-be bridegroom struck the girt In the face with his flat right before the probation officer and. It Is said, the par ents looked on with approval. So far, at any rate, the girl has suc ceeded In sticking to her new world Ideals of picking her own ltuaband and marrying at a mature age, at least to the extent of not marrying this pre-hlstorlo suitor. Names are omitted at request of Proba tion Officer Miller, because the girl says she fears for her life However, If the man gives her any more trouble he will find that he has burly policemen Instead of girls to deal with. and the Fels-Naptha way together will wash clothes quicker, easier and better than they can be washed with any other soap or in any other way. Fels-Naptha cuts out all the hard rubbing. Just as wonderful for all household cleaning". Doa't li Towr Cold Get Worse. Bell'. Ptne-Tar-Honey will cure your cough and give you restful sleep. Good for children, only 2So. All druggists. Advertisement. COFFEE" FOR 2 LB. CANS "That Economy Coffee' MERCHANTS TAXI CO. I Tonrtng and Closed Cars. 93.00 per hour. Song. 4500, Btaad at Kerohaats Hotel. TIIE OMAHA BEE THE HOME PAPEE. At the Field Club. Mr. J. Miss Helen Metktn has returned from a three weeks' stay at Salt Lk City and Orden. B. Monro bad two gueata at' tp ... . .. & Ianlela, two. i , Tho annual Merchants' dinner will ba! "r' "nl Mr- 'Ph W. Hmoreon have given' this evening at ths Field ciub. , " h,01' ulln Un covers wllf be placed for about MO. ' Roj,,Je' The last children's matinee of ths' Mr' "ncsn M. VlnsonhaW returned season will bo given tomorrow afternoon j thu mornlna' from Kennebunk Beach, at the Field club, whero she spent tha summer. Mrs. c r. Moore, formerly of PenTer, IAOY HOPE USLSQtf At Carter L&fce Club. Mrs.' A. W. Coulter was hostess for a dancing party given Tuesday evening at Carter Lake dub for Mlaa May Corn well of Chicago. ' the guest of Miss Qeorge Trimble. Those present were: Mli May Comwell Martha Clark, Maud MagilU Meaars. Wllaon HrySna, Hobert Clark. 1'aul Honxale, Kdward ZiDfei. Mrs. A. W. Coulter. Misses lyorena Travla, Marlon Hanson, Koherta Ooulter. Meaars. Ferald Iovejoy, lifter Hanson. Charles Morlnrty. Pleasures Fait. A luncheon and shower was given Thursday at the Dutch Mill In honor of Mlaa Margaret Pike, a September bride. Those present were: Misses Anna Andreaen, Mary 1'loekoeel, Mary fearson. Mary Cllnes. l.llllan Carpender, ltone Bchmltx, l.llen Brown. T'raures I'losKOCel, May tSmlth, Hasel Carpender, Mesdames Ttotrt Young. Hdward Kelley, Misses TjoIIu Hushes. 1'aullne llanaen, Marie Peal. Citrtrude Kennelly, Kdna Williams. Helen Vom Weg, Cecil MK'auley, Margaret Pike. Maude Olehe, Mellie Ortrrtlh, Meadamaa I. Kdaon. A. Uoolne. ITtf s nf Interest News cornea from Washington, D. C, that Mr. and Mrs. WUUam Uayden and family, formerly of Omaha, will leave Washington the first of October for Bir mingham, Ala., where they will realdo In the future. The Misses Clara and Helen Hayden have been guests In Omaha frequently at the home of Mlaa Ophelia Hayden. Engagement Announced. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. P. Hume announce the engagement of their daughter. Clare, o Mr. Peter- MacDonald. ... Meeting Postponed. , " Ths meeting of ths Jewish Ladies Be tl society wUI be postponed for tha non th of September on account of vaca ton plans. Wedding Announcement. Announcement Is made of the wedding If Mlaa Beulah Rausch of Omaha and Mr. Harry Adamaon of Bonsoa, whloh Iras celebrated In Lincoln Monday. The young people will make tlielr home In Smaha. At the Br andei Theater. Theater partlu. at the lirandels .fdneaday evening were given by Mrs. C. Nordine and Mr. Pickering. Among those entertaining today are: tli sdames A. Lancaster, Paul Ellis, E. M. Vflimsn, C K. Myers. Frank Brawn, ' . (. Silver, Sammla. O. M. Ribbel. X. d. Burnett; Meaara. H. K. Kiulth, J. 1L fCovnan. D. Crounse; Mlasea V. 1. Mus S .ve, Helen Hibbaid, Maloy. vi of the Wayfaren. luglatering at tha Hotel McAUln from )'iiat a during the last week have bn -sars. U. W. Vpdlke and Oeorge W ;n. Armitrcng-Eathhun. The wedding of Miss Carrie Rath bun Hid George Armstrong took place I t-dnesday afternoon at the home of Mr. l.d Mrs. U V. White. Rev. R. H heeler of tlut Boutb Bids Presbyterian Vurcb performed ths ceremony. The hride wore a gown of white satin riximed ith white chiffon and prhiceM e and carried a shower bouquet of (Wf'i rosea Mlaa Maude Davie, was 'i biltniaald. Hlit wore a pink satin n tnd carriod KUlaruey rosea. f ' I't-njamln I a nl.au in us beat man. Is the guest of relative. In Omaha, while her new home In IJncoln Is being com pleted. ' . Mrs. W. Bock, accompanied by her father, Mr. Ellhu Meyer of Tonkawa, Okl and her i hum en, left by motor Wednes day for Tonkawa, Okt. This Is tho fifth trip Mr. Meyer has made this summer by auto from his home town to Omaha. Mia. Edith Tobltt, librarian of tha Omaha Publlo library, returned yester day from a two weeks' yacatlon at Btur geon Bay, Wis. On her return she vis ited Chicago and spent two days at the libraries there, taking note of changes and Improvements. Funeral Services for Patrick Garvey Pioneers and ths grownup children of pioneers mingled with later friends of the family In paying tha last tribute to the lata Patrick Glarvey. the Omaha pioneer of 1SS7, whose funeral took place Thurs day morning at ths family home. 815 North Fortieth street. Ths body rested In the parlor surrounded and covered with flowers. Services wars held In tne nearby church of Bt. Cecelia, which was crowded to the door.. Requiem high mass was cele brated by Rer. D. P. Harrington, pastor, assisted by Rev. Father Btenson of Bt. Philomena's. and Rev. Father McCarthy of ft Peters. Rer. Father Oately and Rev. Father Fltsgerald. A mixed choir from several churches rendered ths mus ical part of ths mass, nndsr ths direction of Mis. Mary McShana. Rev. Father Btenson pronounced the eulogy. - Interment took place In' Holy Bepulchrs cemetery. The pallbearers were: John Price, r. o. Hurley. P. F. Frensar, William Baumer. T. J. Fltamorris, T. J. Donahue. SCIENCE FOR PUPILS IN COMMERCE HIGH This ia Flan Advocated by Principal Adam for Consideration of the School Board. WOULD TEST ARTICLES OF FOOD Principal Adams of the' High School of Commerce will recommend to Superintendent ' Graff and the Board of Education the Introduction of a science course ln.connectlon with the regular commercial education of the school. It the plan Is approved It Is the Idea of the principal to start on a modest and practical basts. 1 He would test the provisions bought for the Bchool lunch room and In the case or milk a test would be made for butter-fat and solids. - "We found." said the principal, "that commercial chemistry and practical phy sics were appreciated at the Springfield (Maas.) Commercial High school. Juat as a practical llluatrutlon, I. recall that one of the pupils asked his father for the amount of the coal bill during the pre vious winter. The father said It was $81 and agreed to let the son have a like sum for the ensuing winter. The boy cut the bill to $'12 and saved the difference for himself." Locker keys will be distributed Satur day morning. Next Tuesday morning the pupils will be assembled and a mu sical program will be given as part of the opening of the new school year. V Basement Bargains for Thrifty People i Brandeis Stores are now open inil 6 P M., daily, and until 9 P. M. on Saturdays. Special lot of Girls' School Dresses, many different styles, all new fall models. 75c and $1.00 rj r values, at wJt New Fall Fashions at Very Low Prices Buy a New Coat Now Pall weight matsriala suitable for wear right now. Hundrsds to se lect from -whit, costs, corduroy coats, serge, satins, mixtures, di. agonsts, etc dozen, of styles, all new, correct fall models. Price, 43.95, $4.05. $6.96 "P te $14.85- Children's Rain Capes, made of fine checked msterlal, with hood, striped rubber lining. Ages 6 to 14 years. Regular $2.00 values, $1.39 Children's Rain Capes, with hoods, mads of good quality striped rubberised material. Ages to 14 ysars. Specially Pi-Iced at R9o Women's, Misses' and Juniors' Suits $9.95, $12.48, $13.85, $1485 . . W w"rlng sereral handled comet stria new fan salts at tfcaao spa- eta lew arlees. Iteaena et Brett? aww effects, fitted and box-back styles, masv for trimmed Tamil length seats, aew plaited and wide flan skirts. Thrm.'A mwsdeloth, aO-wsol poplin, serge. i-.Nwdtae. whlpcwra, neveM? e lot fas. twe-teae clothe, et., la the new colors Africa brown, new arms bine, field mease grar. new gnwn, ate. Belted salts, braid trimmed salts, fas trimmed salts, plain tailored salts. These salts are all eepia. of high priced models, reprodaeed te sail at a low mm. I W. m!a"r7!hjr"eiJ' -" workmonafaJpTTl.. . f ZtTZi Women's and Misses' Dresses 4.95, 6.95, $8.95ip to H4.85 New fan and wtatev striae are here, all copies of higher priced favorite models A wonderful selectloa at each price, man? different atrloa, all new fralnrri allli ..Vl serge and satin and serge com bl not Ions, taffeta with chiffon aleeres. all-sUk oonllnT plala and fancy serge dresses, etc. ki, Ton earn select new from a good mmnr hand red different dresses, an new nam ear. Girls School Wear Bring the eiria to the new Annas and oat fit them for srhejl at grant savings. We are new a how Ing great Una ef Dismal, Oeata, Raincoats, etc.. Jnst what ran need, at extreme low pi lees. Take year choice frees " over SOS eplcndld Coats for gtrla, ages $1.95 1 to 14 rears. Daaena anQ ,f l' ail fme ma O f rf mixtures, i nmoeaO aud . moots jm terials aeries, fine covert clothe weight gar -Jest rigot for school wear and immediate ase. TaU es to se.ee. . New Fall Serge Dresses for Girls, ages S te 14 rear. Vary special, at fl.4S, Sl.vS, $t. 48 and 2.3 Girls' Dresses, many different styles, new plaids and fancy combinations, for girls S te 14 years. HpUmlld school dresses made ef heavy wash materials, semi-wool fabrics, etc. Special Friday S7o and Il.tS , ' I Apartments, flats, house, and cottages Can vm rented quickly and cheaply by a , wee -r-or Rent." i ft White and Colored Wash Goods 25c Kxtra heavy and highly mercerised vreas t-opiia ror nomas m dresses and children's school frocks SS tnee.ee wide. Wk - One Irre Bargain Seaare ef Fine De asostle White needs, btelndlng (eahatw dlne. Loco Cloth. FUot nkkrtlng, m f Froneh Crape, ete'srerth I llr to toe, yard AVC SS-Iawh sfaahattaa Naineeek, fine soft SjaalKy and pare white, fs f lor nadermasUaa. IS-yard RM rrmted Silk ami Cotton Crepe and Colorod Batme, 4S-lnch Bordered Fteanctngs, rrintod Velio. SS. 40 and 46 Inches wide. Worth te SSc, yard White rajama Fla Chocks, slightly Imperfect a amalrty which cells rega larly fee ItHe. SS Baches wMe. Friday, off the boH, yard Oood Qaallty White ToUa with lattlo. work border, for eartausi 4V tnchee wide, reralor too vml- no, Friday, yard 7ic rhtly 5c ttlee 12jc School Children SliotiU hare their eye. carefuDy exavmined before school betfn. See FUTT0N--he frreg chiLiiea hi penonal Attention. 16uVSL SSi'P"". " AooJk fW (as SmmrkUnt Jpaa ......... , The Victrola or Grafonola Keeps the Children at Home and Happy... Brides entertaining thom it de- v veiops tneir ransical tastes; it not . i .a I oniy maKes nome more aitracuvij for them, but provides musio and entertainment for the entire fam ily. The Victrola or Orafonola Is a Ponree of pleasure which every home, con enjoy. This is the only store in Omaha where you will find both tho Victor and Cblum bia Talking Machine in great va riety, from d $15 to $200 Yictr, J Com in and we will gladly demonstrato XI them and tell yon about our evetem of $100 VI easy tenns. S chmoller 8c Mueller Piano Company 131 1-13 Farnam Street 1 1 y Three Big Linen Specials Sc and 10c Towels, 2c SOS mu Bad rWeae of Bach ToweK with fancy herd era, hemmed ra enda, ready te nooi foe kitchen se. Specially priced, each 10c Turkish Towels, 6c Full blesched Turkish Tew. Is, soft finish hemmed ends, ready te use. Special Friday, each 75c Table Cloths, 59c go. Fall Blanched Table hoaasaod ready te aoei made of fine awaitty merooriaod damaoh, 1H yarae bang.. .Friday, e . evo Cloths, 59c ..6c Good Quality Cotton Fabrics JjS-Ijach Drcm Ferealee. Calico. Shirt, mg, rrtnta, Btc lengths ap te IS yards. eaaUy matched. re i Talaos ap te Sc, Fat- At day, yard siC Best Grade Genuine Indigo Dye Stand ard Apron Olnghnm, la ail the wanted blao and white checks aad medium tweedy effects. Se valas, a t ZZ"??:. 4ic Of sarde af Mammae Week Matartalo sarh as tT-lnch Printed Lace Cmths. Sheer Printed Organdies, SS and eS-lnch Tellea, etc.. the final eloanap ef light-weight ma m terialei valaea U lSo S f Friday, yard C ri-mch niohly Mercerised Fengee. beoallfel prim lose I aiaw 7 -inch fancy Brocaded balttnsa vai I yr.t!..l.,.v?rr.r:.y: 9ic o-moh Tnbleachod MasUa, sxt pwdo. soft finish saatly bleached. Sc valae. ynra SS-Iaeh Fmeet QoaUty S4i4 Dress aad Wrapper Percale, In Urht aad dark groands, meat dota and fig day, yard s, meat acta and fig. i xJs:r.:. oc Boaatlfal Oartala Scrim, ta pUI wiuto, cream, eera aad other print oil Borner onecisi longtDe real I j maicaco. vaiaee te ipo, ys .7.. The Ooaetae "Fratt-of-ho-Loore, Bleached rnmbrlc, Se-mchaa wl.lo. Highly mercerised, lastroas finish) -sr. one oKier mafia. sveaomr isc vaiae, special Friday, yarn .., 9ic Flneot QaalHy Dross lephjis Disc Bell and Everett grades, la a choice inseejs Of new ISU styles. ISo valae, spec 11, yard 7ic FUIow Tablng. 4t and 40 tnchee wide. Boaatlfal pearl bleach, eoft finish, free from dress Inc. Hearmlar price 15c, sale price, I llf e w Vjs e Buy These NotionsSave Money 44r sr ' - ...9c Scissors and Shears, spe cial Frldsy, pslr Bone Hslr Pins, spa- elslly prlcsd, box ,.iC John J. Clsrk's Machine nt , Thread, spool ,.jCV2C Good Dress Shields, r washable, pair ,OC Inside Skirt Bsltlng, j- epeclel, yard i)C Dressing Comes, all rub. t ber, worth 25o, at t)C Klslnert'e Sanitary Aprons, 1 see vaiae. nit 100-Yard Spools Good Q1X. Sewing Silk, each OC Best Dsmlng Cotton, 4 m spools Frldsy for uC Wssh Edging, all fast -a colore, ysrd 1C 12-Ysrd Bolts Bias Tap., m epeclsl, bolt ......OC Hslr Hets, all shades, specie I, esch 1C One Mg lot of Combe, Barrottes asm aids Combs, worth te See, c special Friday, each c kolsd Ooed Flatod Beaery Pins. C toe varaoe. each " School Wear Bargains for Boys Just arrived a large shipment of New Valour Fsbrle 8ults. with two pslr of pants, splendid $5.00 a a. ft values, very specisl, at epJ.5U All parants who know tho wonderful wssrlng qualltlss Of this popular fabric will take advantage of thle offer. All new fell shades, smart new models, plcsted or patch pockets. Every also, to 17 yeers. Boys' Blouses, 25c I Knee Pants. brand new bat ef tbaee splendid Ft' LI. ( I T II louse Waists, light aad dark stripe effects, plain bias, r m white and black. AU made XK with open caffs, rpertal. at. ...' A boot SSS pair of odd knickerbockers. nany oas or oaiio ana run liiMd. many wen a fi.ee, no a pair worth Ices then 16c, very special r ruler, pair 49c ; The Sale of the Pierce Shoes Continues Entire $39,000 Stock of Fine Fall Shoes From the S. A. Pierce & Co., Council Bluffs Thiok el Men's Fall Shoes worth from $3.00 up to the bih rrsules worth 15.00 ai 16.0O tor 12 no re. Women's Fall Shoes worth from $2.50 to $5.00 and eren more, for $1.50 to $2.50! To say nothlnjr of thousands of nairs of miscellajteous shoes, rvhoer footwear. eJippert, etc, mtich lower in price. And jrou wLU tlven understand that this is a very exceptional sale at a very timely niomenL You will make no imstalte in coo is Friday and Saturday and Urine in a ouddIt of the shoes won vmII n iKis fall .r , I