10 TTIK BEE: OMAHA, F1UDAY", SEPTEMBER 3, 1015. Nebraska IIELLOR SEES HOSTS ATTENDING FAIR Billy Sunday Was Wonder When Schoolboy, Says His Old Teacher A. It. Pnlff. editor of the Missouri Val ley News, the man undrr whom BIHr Sunday received Mb high school educa tion In Nevada, la., la in the rltjr vlslt Inif Justice of tlie Peace Claiborne. Mr. Sniff waa In educational work for twenty veers and waa supcr.ntendent of the Ne vada achoola from ISM) to 1WB. "Billy Sunday waa atormy, Impetuous, Impulilve and alwaya In earneat." he JUDGE HAMER IS ON THE MENS j Ho little I n nature .7Uday ha. between boyhood and manhood. Me la Spendi Time Supplicating1 Weather Man to Give Week of Clear Weather. (From a Staff Cbrrefnondent.) LINCOLN. fVpL a. Special. )-The tat fair next week promisee to eclipse) all former ahowa If the weather man will only h ood and hold off hie rain drop until after the boys and girls have visited the exposition at Lincoln and the aame today a he waa then and that's one reaaon I believe htm aincere and In earnest. "Ida father waa dead and O. D. Dut ton, a banker, waa Ma guardian. He worked at Mr. Dutton's home for hla hare .11 lh. wnW. f K n.J,l l . . "' - .(armor Ol V i the eel itoo anow. Wrestling fane are waking up to the fart that they are going to have an op portunity to see one of the brat "raasles" that has been pulled off In the went Word oomee to Secretary Mellor of tho state board accompanied with a mil of lucre to show he means business that Ou Oueetenaon of Kllgore, Canada, will come to the fair and attempt to put the shoulders of Nebraska's young wrestling kins, Joe Btecher, to the mat. Ous comes with some back Inn and con tdnrable of a re pet at Ion. He th-cw Dr. Holler and wrestled a draw with Orrie- mann. This puts him In liool. also. He waa noted for his love of sports and was always and naturally a leader. He wa a very conscientious boy, a good student and a natural born leader In whatever crowd he was, whether boys or girls. I know that one of his fav orite girl friends thrre In those school days Is now the wife cf a banker In Council pluffa "One of hie favorite atudlea was what we called, "declamation' and he waa natuarally eloquent I think he Is de cidedly one of the most remarkable1 men alive today and It Is due to that nervous, Impetuous quality and to his natural lead ership." Mr. flnlff Is proud of the students", who studied under him and a remarkable num ber of them have attained high places. C. P. Curt's, dean of the Iowa State col lege, was one of his pupils. He Is a na tional figure In his line. Others are: Homer Sullivan, president of the Drat National bank. Cedar Falls, la.; Paul McLean, a banker, who has amassed wealth at Cambridge, la.; Judge Guy Graves of Pender, and A. Van Storm, romlnent In educational work. Nebraska Friaoy Sales or Keenest Interest to" Economical Buyers since Tuesday night, when the crime took place. According to the statements made by the boys, they laid In t for the gll, who had gone to a neighboring paeture to drive the cows home. The parents of the boys are respectable Norfolk people and are anxious that Jus tice be done. The girl bears a very good reputation. The bond of the Kane boy was fixed at 1 1. 000 and that of the Brlggs boy at 1000. The ball was furnished. This Store riow Open liven ing Till 6; Saturday Till 9 P. M. As Usu&J Many Big Sav ings Offered Friday. Ladies' Umbrellas Regular $1.00 values with good qual ity rain proof covers, fast black, good assortment: at. choice 49 Connie Mack's Uncle is Dead at Beatrice BEATniCK, Neb., Bept. 1 (Rpeclal.) James Iary, for the Inst thlrty-elx years a resident of Ilcatrlce and for about thirty years a constable at this place. JtlA VI'-. .... . . ... a class that "'i'1' ai ms nome in tnis city rill Insure the fans a good look at a "horny before it o'clock, after an Illness lively bout, and as Oua as deposited a r two J'ars, aged 77 years. During his choice sssortment of bones with HctT. ,on residence In Tie trice he hsd always tary Mellor that he will forfeit If he does not wrestle. It means that he be lieves he can alam the Dodge county husky on hla back. Qua weighs ZJG pounds. Forage Poisoning;. State Veterinarian Anderson has gone to Craig this afternoon to look up some Iraaea of forage poisoning which has taken an active part In politics and rarely misled attending a republican city or county convention. He waa an uncle of Connie Mack, manager of the Phila delphia Athletics. He Is survived by a widow snd one daughter. The Carpenter family held their re union in this city Wednesday, among those In attendance being Jeremiah Car- caused the death of five horses In that penter, aged 97 years, a pioneer of this locality and others are In danger. This Is county. There were present fifty-one CARDINAL CALLS ONPRESIDENT Baltimore Prelate Presents Message from Pope Benedict Regarding Peace in Europe. HE ALSO CALLS ON LANSING the same disease which caused so much fatality among horses three years ago. New Haaalltea Coanty Raak. Articles of Incorporation of the Mur 1 phy Bute bank In Hamilton county have been filed 'with the state banking board. The capital la given as $2S,000 and the board of directors consist of A. W. Hickman, H. E. Hickman. A. L. Hickman, W. L Farlsy, A. U Farley and W. J. Farley. te Ope Bids. Attorney General Reed and Land Com missioner Fred Beckmann left this even ing for St. Paul whera tliev will meat ! with State Engineer Johnson and the county board of Howard county In con sidering the letting of bids for a state aid bridge across the Loup at that point. Jada llawier Inyrevliig, Chief Justice Monissey went to Kear ney yesterday and visited a short time with Judge llamer, member of the su preme court who has been 111 for some ' time) Judge Morrlssey saya that the children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren of Jeremiah Carpenter. Officers were elected as follows: President, M. I Carpenter; vice president, Theodore Car penter; secretary-treasurer, Charles Car penter. The Dempster Mill Manufacturing com pany Wednesday announced a nine-hour a day schedule for Its employes with a complete shutdown on Saturdays. Rev. William F. Hssklns of Fairfield. Neb., and Miss Lona A. Davis of Blue Springs were married Wednesday at the home of the bride's parents at that place, Rev. R. N. Orrlll of Falrbury officiating. FARM HAND KILLED BY TRAIN NEAR ADAMS WASHINGTON, Sept. J. Cardinal Glbbong today presented to President Wilson a message from Pope Bene dict regarding peace In Europe. Later be taw Secretary Lansing on the aame subject After his conference at the White House the cardinal announced that ho had discussed the possibilities of peace with the president. He said taat he had conveyed a message from the pope on the question, but could not reveal Its contents at this time. Cardinal Gibbons declared that the set tlement of tho submarine issue between the United States and Germany had ! greatly aided the cause of peace and had placed the United States In a very ad vantageous position to be of service In bringing to an end the conflict abroad. He said hs had Informed the prealdent that he believed this to be true. TECUMSKH. Neb.. Sept. t. -Special.) Coroner K. II. Bush waa called to Ster ling today to hold an inquest over the body of Martin Wensel, a farm hand who was killed by a Burlington train Judge U looking nrettv well ami I. .hi. i .m? Um durln Tuesday night. Wen- to walk every day from his home to the!" t0 Uncoln and hotel, about seven blocks. He will Prob- f T VI .! ven,n tr'ln- A" ably not be able to alt with the court . J" ,,Y,d, b?ut hBl' V ..betw;n ,th at the coming session, but will oome ' I?0 ,of fT nd down occasionally for consultutlon and he tra'? A1Jun l'rted to wal,t will. If he continues to improve, be able!"""1 V1 , towaMl home- th, to attend regularly by the time the next bel? hut 7 0 c,oc ,n th " call Is made. i tr,ln" Passed during the night At . . . . . daylight the crew of an extra train dls- ..j-VL JT.?m- ! Vf: . . covered the body of Wensel along the " state ,!,,-, .,. . .,.. i .ki. county. He was a widower and leaves two or three children. Hla age is given as (1 NOFOLK bars ACCUSED OF ATTACK UPON GIRL auditor's department issued S.70S warrants aiuountltajr in all to i61,17.7t Last month the total amounted to '7,81S.M. .What Assessment Has Cost Counties InthoKccent Year NORTH PLATTE WOMAN CHARGED WITH BIGAMY Dlannar ........ JuUne ........ llox Butte... Soyd i ......... . 'Hrown K"urt S.S-vMBdlaon IHutler S.McPhereon (From a Staff Correspondent) JMfCOIM, Bept I (Special.) Aooord Ing to corrected figures furnished by B so re tary Bemecker of the State Board of Assessment, it cost the state of Nebraska 34,(3.01 to assess the property of the ptate this year. Two oo unties, Orant and tMoivm uiuxr. oia not report their ex pense of assessment Following la the (amount charged against each county; Adama ...... .t If? Kearney l.wi AniMon ...... a,i9Keiih M 1.0U Keya Pah..... 7 -KlmbaU 11 l.7ti Knox 1 JhA l.tllncUr 10.176 ! J.7W Mnonln S.Z2B . Loean 41 ShitftalO S,lJIoup (W3 I.VJMerrlt'Jt L70J t,U3Morrlll l.rfl tHlNanoe 1.T91 4.7a Nemaha 1 hlMV...LAll- ' -1 S ...... t ..... . ..wo riav t.7!Urtoe t.im fColfax as;l Pawnee 1,3ns a.wwKerina MI i.uDphlpe l.Wl Pieroe UH Platte s,Mvrvm t-K.d Willow. llKlchardsun . CHETENNE, Wyo., Sept l-Speclal.) -Mra. Julia Daley of North Platte, Neb., is under arrest here, charged with bigamy by Ira Balay, her first husband. She was married here August 14 to Prank Wright, a broncho buster. Wright la 21 years old and Mrs. Baley U. Baley, who came from North Platte to lodge a charge against his wife, states that she became Infatuated with Wright when the cowboy appeared at North Platte in high-heeled boots, broad hat and other conventional affectations of broncho busters. After their marriage here the couple went to Bear Creek, where Wright Is em ployed, and were passing their honey. t.Z3 ' moon when husband No. 1 and the shsr- ui appearea on me scene. 'Cass ... t eiav imiiiiM Chase .mm..... t'harry MrheyetUM Dakota IWM ......M . ... ... 1 "outfits , ... Si Valine K Din lore ....... s,4 launders am... S.240Hoott'e Bluff... rTonUer ... .... .1 Seward i'vrnaa ..!: Sheridan fGase ........ mternian kiartieUS ktaeper l.Thavee krrant (sot reported) Thomas n ireeley Uiall i lunllton ...... JiarUu. ....... Iliayee JiHuiioock Dtolt Olixker ......... lloward ........ (Jefferson ...... lohnsoa m i .OTH-ton .. Valley lbii Washington l.TU Wayne .... lJWebeter .... 1.4V. Wheeler ... 4.41 7 York 4 ?S Arthur two 1.3. A) Lut Total tU14,S2. Falrbary If ewe Mates. FAIRBURT, Neb.. Sept l-(8peril.)-Judge I M. Pemberton adjourned dis trict court to October 4, after trying a few equity cases and one criminal ease, lie granted a divorce to Earl and Jessie ehaw. ' IB-Senator John Heaaty was taken to a Sanitarium at Battle Creek, Mich., yesterday for treatment for asthma. Messrs. Lester Chllders, Hoy Riley, J, J. Hlokey and Ira James composed a party of Kalrbury aportamen who da parted this morning for Broken Bow, where they will apend a few days shoot ing prairie chickens. four ballast trains have been placed In service on the Itock Island. raaabrtdsje Wtae Revel I y. CAMBRIDGE. Neb., Sept. t-8pecial Telegram.)-Cambrldge won easily today. 10 to t. from Lebanon In a game filled with errors on both sides. The locals have won thirteen consecutive games in the last few weeks. NORFOLK. Neb., Sept ..-(Special Telegrams-Fey Brlggs an MarUn Kane, Jr., earh 15 years of age, were bound over to the district court by Justice T. V. Norvell here today on charges filed by County Attorney Powllng charging them with committing criminal assault on Winnie Parker, 15 years of age, daugh ter of Mr. and Mra W. L. Parker, well-to-do Norfolkans. The county attorney also filed the same charge against Emmett Hennessy, 17 years of age, who escaped from Norfolk and la thought to be In hiding with friends in Omaha. His father lives In Omaha and the Omaha police have been asked to help find him. A reward of $25 has been offered for his arrest All three complaints were signed by the girl's father. The girl has been confined to ber bed Uhy's "Gcts-lt," for Corns, Like a Kiss? Ilecaufte Everyttody Tries It, Every, body Like It, It's Palnleaa and Take but a Moment to Apply. "Oets-It" Is the wonder of the corn peetered world. Millions say so, because millions have used It. . That s what makea it the biggest selling corn remedy on "Kernels Ky life Saw Anything Ad Se) vteajy aad Magically as 'Oele-lU' " earth today. "Gets-It" will surely get that corn or callous you've been trying foi a long time to get rid of take It right off "clean a a whistle." Apply it in S sec onds put your vour stocking and shoe right over It nothing to stick, nothing to hurt. You nt-vv.u l lues Willi th.ck ban daiigen tht wake a imi'W out of you to. No knives, rasors and scissors, no tape, no troulle. It's simp Icily Itself sure, quick, painless. Try It also for bunions and warta. "Ueia-U" la sold at all drugglata. S5e r bottle, or sent d rert by Y Lawrence tt Co.. Chicago Hold 'n Omaha and rmm mended as the world's beet corn remedy bv ishvrnian & MuConnell Co' a. Htorea, ! OM4 for Slekc iiesdarfcee. Constipation causes sick headache and ST. King's New Ufa Pills will euro it. fTake a dose tonight t&c. All druggists. Advertisement ; EDITOR AND BRIDE IN 1 0MAHA0N HONEYMOON t Joseph Heine, pulblahsr of the Vsrdl rls CiUaen of Tsrdlgrts. Is In the city on this boneymooa with his bride, who wss UUs Elsie Hasen. daughter of Pr. Wll illanx Hasen of Crelghtoo. The couple were married Wednesdsy at ths Uethodlst parsonage In Crelghtoa by Hev. John Stopford. They wilt go on to Chicago and after an extended trip will return to Verdigris, where Mr. llclm 4uilt and furnUhed a cozy bungalow for Jhelr home. He has been publisher of Ua Verdigris Cltlsen for four years. iiwiils for Indigestion, as ths like the more you will ha rr lBiaates). Never take pepsin and preparations (containing pepeln or other llgetivs fer tile nvore you you will have to take. VhU U neevled is a tonic like Chainber kIu's TaLlets that will enable the atom Bvch to perform Its fuoctloas naturslly. UtitaluaUe everywherm. All druggUta .dvervrsinest S3 The Icbrcsha State Fair at Lincoln Gcptcmbor G, 7, 0, 9, 10 and 11' Bind Ccsserts Sunday Aflcrnoca izi Evening, Sept 5 De LLOYD TUOLIPSOIl & OARHEY OLDFIELO Champion Death Cheaters, in the Latest Automobile aeroplane Stunts, including the Famous Tumble from the Clouds. Every Day, Sept. 6-10. Ssvea A2l3s:li!o Rsces Es:b Cay, September 10 tnd 11 Speed Program, Sept 6, 7, 8, 9. Free Vaudeville, Band Concerts, Desert Joe the Trot ting Ostrich, Unequaled Exhibits in All Departments. JCE STECKEB, ChimpioTWrtstUr el the World, Sept. 7 tni I EILLY nxSAY-SepL I Omaha Day U Thursday, 8pc 9. Rpeclal trains cm all rat), roads. Admlealoa llfty CVots. IH shH Miaa Out on Nebraska's Ms ycat and Uet btata Vlr. roaZTM BOtun, aeaUeas. W. 1 Robbers at Superior Steal Wrist Watches UPF.niOR. Neb.. Bept I.-(Bpeclal Telegrawu) Burglars last night entered the Kendall drug store and attempted to get Into the Johnston Bros.' hardware store. A kodak, safety razor and a small amount of change and several wrist watches were taken from the drug store. At the hardware store they were fright ened away. Friday's Domestic Room Sal s on Homckeepers9 Necas Curtain Fabrics, the ftae grade of Maranlsette. 36 and 40 Inch, also chiffon and heavy wears mercerized eta mine, colors ecru, cream and white, the most desirable 26c material (or curtains, on sale at, yard . ...15 Towels, hundreds of Turkish and huck towels, gener ous else, each 5 Sheeting, full bleached, heavy quality, yards wide, 24t; 2 rds wide, yard 2;2 Muslin, bleached, fine quality, also cambric for under wear, yard 5 Long Cloth, Lonslale quality, mill lengths of S to 8 yards, 10c grade, yard 6V4g Comforter Covering, fast colors, silk finish, robe styles, yard GHg Dress Prints, lining fabrics, assortment or short lengths, Friday, yard 3 Blankets for Infants, soft, fleecy white blankets, pink or blue borders, each lOd Shaker Flannel, the heaviest double napped, full bleached kind, 28 In. wide, yard 10 Gray Bed Blankets, single bed else, three stitch bind ing, each .-. 25 Lunch Cloths, 86x36 In., ready hemmed, made from mercerised damask, each 29 jsapains, ready nemmea, aamasa patterns, 5 dos. each 5 WOMEN FR0F.1 45 to 55 TESTIFY To the Merit of Lydia E. Pink. ham's Vegetable Com pound during Change of Life. Westbrook. Me. " I was cassintf through the Change of Life and had pains in my back and side and was so weak I could hardly do my housework. I have taken Lydia E. Finkham's Vege table Compound and it has done me a lot of good. I will re commend your med icine to my friends and give you permis sion to publish my testimonial." Mrs. Lawrence Mas Tin, 12 King St, Westbrook, Maine. Manston. Wis. "At the Chance of Life I suffered with pains in my back and loins until I could not stand. I also had night-sweats so that the sheets would be wet I tried other medicine but got no relief. After taking one bot tle of Lydia E. Finkham's Vegetable Compound I began to improve and I continued its use for six months. The pains left me, the night-sweats and hot flashes grew less, and in one year I was a different woman. I know I have to thank you for my continued good health ever since." Mrs. M. J. Browneix, Manston, Wis. The success of Lydia E. Finkham's Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs, is unparalleled in such cases. If yon want special adrlee write to lydia E. Finkham Medicine Co. (confi dential) Lynn, Mass. Tour letter will lie opened, read and answered by m woman, and held In strict confidence. Hosiery Specials IN DOMESTIC ROOM. Women's Cotton Hose Extra sizes, plain black, or black with white feet; spe cial bargains in Friday's sale at, pair 10 Three pairs for . , 25c Woen'g 12 Ho Cotton Hose, in black or tan, all sixes, at 4 pairs 'or 25 Children's Cotton nose, black, white or tans, at 4 pairs for 25 ii:f!;!'i:irii:;ii;;::! I 3' t 1 'ML Big Friday Specials IN DOMESTIC ROOM. Laces, Embroideries, Notions Laces, worth to 16c yard, big as sortment, at, yard 3 Embroideries and Inserting, to 10c yard values, on sale Friday at, yard 3tt? 18 in. Corset Cover Embroideries and Skirt Floundngs, to 20 yard values, at, yard 0 Cotton Tapes, per roll 1 Hump Hooks and Eyes, card, 1 8nap Fasteners, per dozen. 2f Crochet Cottons, per ball ...2c Silk Thread, per spool ....2f Ladles' Neckwear, 2H and 5e Underwear Specials IN DOMESTIC ROOM. Dainty Corset Covers, Draw ers and Combination Suits, to 7oc values, good assort ment, choice 25c Gowns, Combination Suits and Skirts that sold to $1.50, slightly soiled or mussed, choice . . .49f) Children's Underskirts that sold to 7 Be, In two lots at 25 and IOC Women's Knit Union Salts, sum mer weights, to 60c values, at 10 and 35 Rousing Specials Friday in Domestic Room Suit Dept. l mitt nut... miiiin a n . . , . . . S. iniuiuEii Bins ai JSJJ.UU ouits mine to sell at $12.75 and $15.00, In most wanted fabrics, in eluding gabardines, plain and storm serges, new belted and pleated coats, full silk lined and pleated skirts, re markable values S0.90 NEW SILK D It ESSES, $3.98 and $5.00 A splen did lot of smart styles in silk poplins and crepe de chines, all latest colorings and in all sizes, dresses made to sell at $8.95; In two lots Friday, S3.0H and , $5.00 A RIO SPECIAL PURCHASE OF NEW DRESS SKIKTs AT 2.fl Maker's samples in silk noDllns. fancy crepes, wool poplins and fine serges, twenty different styles, In all colors, garments made to sell up to $7.60, choice, Friday , 82.98 House Dresses, values to $1.00, in percales, ginghams, etc., all sizes to 38, great snap at, choice 39c Bungalow Aprons, regular 60c values in ginghams and percales fitted and loose styles 29c All Children's Wash Dresses that sold to $1.25, Just the garments for school wear, to close Friday at 4S One lot of Children's Rompers, aprons and dresses, new styles, on sale Friday at 10c Remarkable Values in Dress Silks Beautiful Chiffon Taffetas 36-in. wide, in plain colors or novelty print warp weaves, in beautiful line of street and evening shades special at, yard 98? Satin Barred Plaid Taffetas and Messalines, 26 and 30-in. wide, broad assortment of these most wanted silks, in all new colorinsrs; at, per yard ...... .98$ and $1.18 40 in. All Silk Crepe de Chines and Bilk Poplins, great favorites for fall dress, regular $1.25 values, per yard 8Sc Remnants of Beautiful Silks, plain and novelty weaves. Including messalines, taffetas, poplins, fou lards, tub silks, etc., three big special lots, per yard, 18c. 38 and , 48c Mill Remnants of Dress Goods Over 5,000 yards of Atlantic Mills Dress Fab rics, in 1 to 5-yard mill lengths several rem nants of a kind, including French serges, storm serges and diagonals, fine Scotch plaids, black and white check suitings, etc., up to $1.00 yard values, yd., 28?, 38?, 48$ 52 and 54-in. Granite Cloths and all wool Bed ford suitings, $1.00 and $1.25 yd. values, in all new colorings, 50 pieces in the lot at, per yard , ....78$ and 98? SO-in. and B4-in. Tnrbaa Plaids New military stripes, novelty checks, Bannocburn Scotch mixtures, etc., splendid values Friday at, yard $1.18 and SI. 48 IjL;nai,asC - . t That GIVE SERVICE W. H. Merriam Shoes We have sold these con stantly for 27 years and have never had any regrets bo cause they've given univer sal satisfaction to our par troms. Once Tried Always Worn The W. II. Merriam Shoo Co. makes a specialty of good shoes for children and put in their goods all the sterling quality necessary to resist the hard wear incident to the children's school wear. Snappy Styles, Too. Misses' Shoes in all leathers and made for extra service, up from $2.00 Childs'. Shoes, plump don gola and gun metal, wears like iron, up from. . .$1.50 Childs' Sizes from 5 to 8 of the came kind as the larger ones, np from $1.00 Tho KRIDER line, made by good shoemakers in Penn sylvania, dongola and gun metal shoes with a reputa tion, up from $1.65 Hoys', Youths' and Little Cents' Button or Blucher shoes, $2.50, $2, Sl.Ci Try Uaydcn's First IT PAY8 AUTUMN HATS in th Latest Modes Special at $4,98 Velvet Hats just what every woman wants whether she wearsa fall gown or her summer frock. Hats Made of "Lyons" Velvet A beautiful quality, usu ally used only in much more expensive hats. The Newest, Smartest Fashions Shirred soft brimmed hats, shirred turbans, pokes, sailors, smart high crown blocks, etc The New Imported Trimmings Novelty ornaments, flowers, coque feathers, beads, gold and silver braids, etc. Quality and styles usually found only in $7.50 and $10.00 hats $4.98 Splendid Black Velvet Untrimmed Hats Large floppy shapes, in shirred velvet, sailors, tur bans, $2.50 and $3.00 values $1.75 s Ton WUI Appreciate xaese a avian oa Drugs & Toilet Goods X6o bar Shah of Persian 8oap....lte Children, get your Slate and School Spongse a !5o bottle of IJstarlns le 2(o bottle Hires' Root Beer IS Vis 10c bar Williams' Shaving Soap, 0 or I for 10e Five lOe rolls Crape Toilet Paper tie tl.oe bottle Lydia B. Finkham's Co n pound Ko bottls Sal Hepatlca .'....Its I(r Jar Mantholatum le tl.K Bath Brush Te (Oo jar Drars-Ut and Ramadel 's Cream ao (0c bottle Phenolas Wafers 6o lOo Jap Rose or falmollvs 8oap...ee I dos. (-sraln Asperln Tablets. . .tie Men's Furnishings Surprisingly Underpriced IX FURNISHING DEPT. High Grade Summer Shirts, made to sell to $2.00, soft French double cuffs, all most popular fabrics and color ings 79$ New "Bachelor" Hose, box of 4 pairs, guaranteed for 4 months, worth 1.00, on sale at . . . .594 Men's BUk Neckties, made to sell at 60c, all colors, desirable styles, at 25a IN DOMESTIC ROOM. Men's Summer Shirts that sold to $1.00; all sizes and colors, some slightly soiled or mussed, to close at, choice 35 Men's Medium Weight Underwear, shirts and drawers. Just right for fall wear, 7 So values, at, gar- ment 49 Men's lOo Cotton Hoae at ... .5 Men's 10c Handkerchiefs ....5 Head tit Big Special Grocery beat tor trutuy Qaaltty reo4s aad a sav- la of ait to AO by trea. las' at Xaydsa's (or Oro. eeries. tore Opea Vat t . at IT lbs. best lmre Oaas eraaalatea aaaar ....11.00 4-IO. sacks best Uign Urade Diamond IV Flour nothing finer for breat. Elsht t-os. oaas Condensed IJ-os. "jars' Pure "Fruit f re serves , aae Advo Jell for dessert, etc. quality goods pks;. . .TH W. O C or Krumblea, per k. .. H acLareo's Peanut Butter. pound .. ......... .is e niu. win. or hlmcutt. Tula Tall cans Alaska Salmon four la made from No. 1 for w v10 selected old wheat, the only lilrshsy's Breakfast Cocoa. kind at this season to make pound SOo ood bread, etc Tt -. Fancy Queen Olives. Qt aoe saek ttUi The beet Tea Silting. rr .V ,ba best White or pound lIHe low Cornineal S3e Golden Ban toe Coffee, p r IS bars Beat 'Era All or pound aOa Diamond C Boap He The Best Creamery Sat", 1 Iba. best Starch bulk Laundry eartea er bulk. Ik. ,..Se anuy No. 1 count r 4 lbs. fane Japan Rice or Cieainery butter, lb.... See Navy Beans S6o Fancy No. 1 Dairy Table i-lo. cans fanry Sweat bu- Butter, lb ses ear Corn. Wax. string. Ths best strictly fresh ...se New arsea or Lima Beans.. T Vie country Krra. dos.., l-lb oaoa Out den Pumpklu. Fancy Full Cream Hominy. Bauer Kraut or York Haked) Beans TVte Cream The beet Domeetio Maca- Cheese ronl. Vermicelli or Hps- Jmncy ahettt pkg te Cheese. Four 11-oa cans Condsns 'U Milk sap K. C, Corn Flakes. pkg...e White, Wisconsin or Young . Ajnerl 1 lb. SOe KuU Cream, New lb las la me year reaaaea, rears. rraaea aaa Craaapplea FOOD CHOPPERS Special Sale Friday at Reduced Prices These are the "Climax" Choppers for which we hare been exclusive) Omaha selling agents for many years. Hun dreds of our customers are sat isfied users. guarantee) of ' I 111 Perfect satisfaction goes with II II every Chopper. J I 1 Medium alie. regular price I II 08 Large site, regular price 1160 81.30 Small "RoUman" Choppers tor 49 Chopping Bowls lOe? 100 tjnopping Kaives 'or 5 1 Qt. tin Fruit Caaa. per dosen Large site White Enamel Kettles 40k Large sls first quality Blue and White Enamel Ket tles for 3fc lOe large Wooden Epoona 5 ..I It Payo-Try HAYDEW'S Flrct-lt Pays .