THE ni:E: OMAHA, THITHSDAY. SEITF.MRER 2, lOl.'i. IRITISH EXCHANGE DROPS TO $4.50 BrtU of Fm Cent More Orer Ifight Cansei Greatest Anxiety in flew York. MAY CHECK EXPORT TRADE NEW TORK. Sept. 1. English money, already depreciated to fit urea without parallel in tbe history of finance, took another phenomenal drop today. The pound sterling sold down within the first hour of deal ings to 14.60, a break of 6 rents over night and a downward plunge of 11 cents within two days. The drop earned the gravest anx iety as to Its possible effect on Amer ican export, now at top figures. Continued and unchecked deprecia tion, it was thought, would affect lens of thousands of American work men, possibly by ultimately closing down factories now supplying Great Britain with commodities. Before that could happen, it was ex plained, there would have to be cancella tions or curtailment ot foreign orders to Amerean producers, a, present total Ins hundreds ot mi::icna of doilara, and treat dlmunltlon in the value of new orders. Both the latter contingencies were exported. It was said, la raae atari Ing ahould go much lower. The Immediate effect of the treat drop since yesterday's cloae was the virtual paralysis of the foreltn exchange markets. Fear, amount na; almnat to conviction, that sterling would go much lower yet. checked trade and held the b.g factors ia New Tork's International money markets apprehenalve and awaiting the day's developments. There seemed little doubt that buyers la Great Br. tain would soon refute to bear the heavy burden of exchange. Rumor Japan May Assist in Campaign "Wilson is More Clever Thin Unlucky Bryan or Astute Roosevelt" BERLIN, Sept. l.-HVia London).-The Nation! Zcltung publishes today a lead ing article under the heading, "Wilson, nryan ana iiooeeveit. which Is note worthy for lis friendly tone and for the ungrudging admiration expressed for President Wllaon. The article begins by earing that dls cusalons of the Arabic affair have been in a quieter tone alnce Count von Bern atorff, the Oerman ambssaador at Wash ington, presented hla request to the American government to delay action unt I Germany has had the opportunity ef preeentlnt Ha aide of the raae. Even the anti-German newpapra admitted the jus tice or this request, the article aaya, and there now remalna no obatacla to friend ly dlacuaalons of differences which, whllj real, are by no means of surh a nature aa to prevent a eatiafactory compromlee. The personality of Pres dent Wllaon has been Illuminated more atrongty than ever before, the National Zeltung aaya, dur ing the exciting daya through which America hna Just passed. The president will appear to many In a new light. Never waa his position more difficult than dur ing the AraMc crisis, "when Mr. Bryan waa ca.llng upon America for peace ot ' any price and Colonel Roosevelt waa sum moning them to war agalnat Germany." President Wl.aon la pictured In the art cle as standing between the two rivaia, whoae activities threatened to orine; about auch a situation that the president might make hla attitude toward Germany dependent on domestio political considerations. "That President Wilson withstood temptation and may be counted on to withstand It further muat be acknowl edged," the newspaper aaya, notwtth atandlna the fact that the nmn pie certainly have reason to be dlssat-' lefled with Ms attitude In the matter of aubmarlpe warfare." I Mr. Wilson la characterised as a more clover than "the unlucky Bryan and the astute polltl Ian Roosevelt" The article la concluded with the statement that Germany has always desired to maintain the traditional friendly relations America and that It may be hoped the Arabic rasa will serve to clear up misunderstandings on both silos. It must be possible, the srtlcte aya. to reach an understanding, Inasmuch aa the points, In Olspute are matters of principle andj not of conquest, victories or defeats. HEAD OF THE USHERS FOR THE BILLY SUNDAY MLETIKGS. am KM OOJ 000 i'V yj RC3 gj is 2S nnrK"n"ar""naanBnnannRanBnn P5l " w km usi r:a oiw .khI km m n I r.wi nwm mn rwi . wrs bk m oooUooouccjUoooUfluoUpgoUoooUoooUooodooQ THOMPSON, BELDEN & COMPANY 'B C3 3 a CI 3 A 15 OS i o la ; o a a a KAISEE ACCEPTS VIEW OF WILSON ON SUBSEA WAR (Continued from Page One.) aunk the Arable has been destroyed by a British rstrvl boat, the exact circum stances may never be determined other than by testimony from Hrltlah and American sources. The German governments statement that before the alnklng of the Arable the submarine commander had been or- flerea to sink no more paaaenger sIiIds without warning may be taken aa a dis avowal of that set. The question of reparation for the Americana who loat their Uvea on the Lusltanla, the Arable and other shlpa which have been torpedoed probably will be the next step In the proceeding. Secretary I.anstn has steadfastly re- fused f n Aimrnmm lh. f ji.ii.kI. . i . u . . ' vjwrnmn nmuuuiwr Unill me AraDIC m tu8 uardaneiies i?cMnt 'p"j of. now h (. be. wlJ , Ileved the way ha been opened for eon- slderlng the Lus: tenia. PARIS, Bept l.-What appears to ba Apparently the American government aa Intimation that Japan may co-operate has secepled the Oerman declaration as In the campaign to force the Dardanelles meeting Its attitude toward the treat la contained tn an Interview with Baron ' ment of at) neutral shipping as well as Hayashl. Japaneee ambassador to Italy. ; paaaenirer carrying veaala. sent to the Petit Parlelen by Its Romei it la generally acknowledged that tn correspnnaeni. ! agreeing to the contentions of the United I cannot say much about that." the States. Germany expecta President Wll baron I quoted as saying In reply to a son to renew his representations to Great question regarding the Dardanelles, "for Britain against Interterencea with neu we muat not allow our enemiea to profit tral trade. The president has ateadfastly by Information about the movements of declined to conduct one negotiation In a troops." I relation to the other, taking the position vueuaame m par jin nua piayea in mat the diplomatic negotlatlona of the OROZCO'S BODY JS IDENTIFIED (Continued ,frori Page One the war, the ambaaaador said "We have not oesaed to collaborate with our allies to the extent assigned to ua. Tbe world will be astonished when It knows what we have done, what we are doing and what we are wllilng to do. The Russians are nearest to us and we can be most useful to them. Rest as sured It Is the greatest desire of Japan te assist ia the sacred cause ot civilisa tion." . , ., ? ;-. . Adolph Pegoud, Noted French Flyer, Killed PARIS, gept l.-Re porta of the death of Adolph Pegoud, the famous aviator, have been officially confirmed. The news caused sincere sorrow among the French peop'e. who regarded him as a hero, Pegoud, who waa only 16 years old, served fve years In the rrench cavalry, fighting In the Morocco campaign. At the outbreak of the preeent war he Joined the aviation oorpe as a private .but soon gained a sub-lieutenant's commission, be cause of his skill and daring. Ills ex ploits won him the mil iary medal and the military cross. Pegoud brought down hla sixth German aircraft en July 11. Adotnh Pewd arslned renown in 1U when be originated the feat of flvlng upside down in aa aeroplane and looping the lop rn t r e i r ' be Joined the Fren-h aviation squadron and several times since has been men tioned in dispatches for valor. The laat exploit credited to Pegoud was In April when tie was reported to have attacked and brought down a Oerman taube near Bt Menehould. veers. At the warning, every ranch hrmee became the sv-ene of activity and preparatlona were mads to ride to the ranch attaoked. The raiders were first discovered as they approached the Love ranch Sunday aftemo"n. The Mexicans left unrini'hed a meal they had forced the cook to pre pare, at ths point of a rifle, galloped to the pump station on the rannh, where they forced a ranch hand to shoe a horse they hrd stolen from the ranch. While the shoeing was being completed. Deputy Sheriffs It. C. Love and Will Shock ar rived. llssrils, F1M fee Liberty. Oroseo and his companions mounted hsstlty, sent a shower of shots st Love nd Shock and made a running fight for liberty. Iva sent an alarm through the rural telephone circuit and then took uo the chaae with Shock. A posse of ten men. organised quickly here, looped to the Love ranch, and here plckrd up the trail of Love and the deputy sheriff, who clung to the trail f the ra'ders. firing shot for shot until darkneaa closed In, and the poarea from here arrived. Then It waa derided to continue the chase through the nlaht As esch ranch house was pasa"d addi tions were mrde to the posse. TEUTONS DRIVE WEDGE INTO THE RUSSIAN LINES (Continue 1 from Page One.) C3 a 1 i C3 captured by the Uer- the Overseas and t.iuo.uoo men mans. The anouncement from' agency la aa follows: I "General army headquarters publishes a review of ths results of offensive move monte a Poland and Russia alnce May 2, beginning with the battle at Gorllce. Army headquarters estlmatea the strength of the Russian troops which were then . directly engaged In that reg on waa about 1.400,000. In the f ghtlng alnce May 3, 1.100. 000 have been captured and a minimum of wounaed or killed. Th a la a con servative estimate. The actual Miturea arc surely much higher, because the Russlana saved artl'lery by recklessly aacrlficlng the'r Infantry. It la thus evident that the armlea which were first attacked at the beginning of the Austro-German offen alve movement, have been ann'hllated and their losses mads up by withdrawing troops from other rerlona. especially forces which were ready to Invade Turkey. "Oarr'eons of half drilled men were hurriedly transported to the front from Interior fortresses. Al' efforts of the Rus- as Bo ig Prices Average Half and Less In This Great September Dress Goods Sale Fifteen minutes spent in looking over these dress goods bargains will do more toward convincing you of their exceptional value than whole columns of newspaper space. You owe it to yourself to see the mean ing of ha f price and less in connection with this grand clearing of strictly high grade desirable dress goods for Autumn. If a new Autumn dress is a Fall need in your home, visit this store at once. The good values are truly marvelous. Beautiful novelties, diagon als, crepe, two-tone suiting and many others, all At Half Price and Less gal oStl C3 C3 a Si BSd as nig H tils 'nna wrr fmttltiM hnvr Thv wr The trull ! ... ..,i.mMII in riin inQ'inTains. over United States with out belligerent could not be conditioned on Its relations with another. The new American note to Oreat Brit ain making representations against the restriction Impoaed by the orders In council la almost ready to to forward to London. ' Te Preaeat New Nets. Ambassador Iternstorff has a general and longer communication froth the For- elgn office dealing with the case of the Lusltsiila which Is expected to clear up I any doubt as to the estent of the (3r men assurance. In Oerman quarters It Is Insisted they will be satisfactory. Chief Justice White, who was among Secretary Lana.'ng's cal'era, declared the outcome waa the greatest dlplomatlo achievement of the United States In a generation. inm munrgiiM eueoie 01 loaay s ae-'nem Toner, uenerai urosco snd a earn. velopments Is to open the way for re- panlon then tried to secure the shelter sumption ef negotiations between the of a small drew. United States and Germany for an agree-1 Orosco's companion was riddled with ment upon the rights of neutral shipping bullets as he stepped from the shelter of on the high seas. The State department his rock. Orosoo nearly trained ths draw had decided to have no further exchange ( when he wss struck by four bullets, of notes with the German government.; The remaining alexlran for some time ss officlala concluded that the apparent returned ahot for shot from behind a uidi-anru vi Annnisn representations as pouiaer, Presently hs made a dash to DEATH RECORD Mrs. Da al el Aatell. FAIRDt'RT, Neb., Sept. l.-(BpeolaL-atre. DanUd Aatell. a Jefferson county c4oneer, died at ths home of ber son, Frank Axtell, north of Falrbury. Death was attributed to general debility and Id age. Ura. Axtell, nee itaater Dellah steward, was born In Meigs county, Ohio, November 1. 14. She waa msnied to Daniel Axtell st Athens, O., February 11. im. - The following year they "beard the call of the west" and moved to Nebraska,- locating tn Fillmore county In ttre. In VSTi they again moved to this county, locating on a homestead ftve zones north of the city. To thla union eight children were born and the sur viving ones include Mra, Delia at. Joalln, Charles O.. Unas, Frank and James A., of Falrbury. She la also survived by five staters aad one brother and her aged father tn Ohio, who la years old. The funeral services were held from the nosne of ber aon. Rev. H. N. Orrlll. of the Methodist Episcopal church, officiating. J asses Leary. BEATRICE, Nco., 8epC 1. 8pecla' Telegram.) James Lary. for thirty-five years a resident of Beatrtoe, th rty years a constable, died euddenly here today, aged TT years. He waa a prominent figure la every city and county republican con vention for years. He Is survived by a widow aad one daughter. - Mta Marie HertMter. FALLS CITY. Neb., Kpt, l.-(peclal.) Vfs'te Ilerls'sr. tbe U-y ear-old da ig ter of Mr. and Mra. Rliehard Iltrbater, Ly ing near Barada. died et the City hos pital Sunday. The body was taken t tba home and the funeral held at the family residence at I p. m., on Tuesday. aaaaael T. Da via, Jr. FAIRFIELD, Conn., Sept. . Samuel T. Pavta. Jr., president of the Locomo bile Company of America. - died at hU summer borne here this morning after ai Illness of several daya due to ptomaine VvUonlnar. . WHHaae (rfras. RrN'RDICT. Neb., Kept. 1 (8pecUI.r WMuun Corooraa died euddenly at the home of hie daughter. Mrs. Walter De Oraw, la trie village yesterday. He waa tt years old. The body wOl be take to fct. Edward fur interment' ' neruona r-ntha. on hlirh ridges. When dawn broke the posse found It etlll held the trail, which now led acress a plain to Green River canyon. In the High Lonesome mountains, Hte la Can ron. At the entrance to the canyon the Poeenfoord a cawinflre still glowing, and sn advance guard was thrown out ti rl-k up the Mexicans. By 8 o'clock ths ad vsnos guard returned with news that the Mexicans were encamped In a bos canyon, apparently feel'ng safe from pur suit. Their horses were Unsaddled, and tmhbted at some distance from their camp fire. Tt-e posse advanced stealthily and then dismounted and climbed the rurvsd sides of the mountain until they gained a rtdge around the canyon. From this point a volley was poured down upon the Mexicans. At the first velley ens Mexican was killed, ard the rest dsshed for the protection of the boulders and returned the fire. The posse killed one of the remaining four at ths and L'thuania. They were rolled back ward In two separate groups. Twelvr fortresses, imonr them four lare and modern ones, which formed the R-ieslan miter nnd Inner lines of defense, are In the hands of the Germans and Auetrans. TMa Is the resn't of a campaign of less than four months." sg Bo t: SOROSIS SHOES Become more univei sally popular every day, and deservedly so. We ar6 now prepared to furnish our patrons with every new model created by Soro sis designers. Priced from $4 to $7 a Pair 000 mm 000 ICK1S gs pi gas. g3M ono UISIIII 000 mm mm 000 IWI1III 000 MIIIIUI 000 EMI 000 mm n miitni lliaiBHi tmi UbbLsIs. ooo UHmt 000 ma mm 000 ninjrai 000 000 BO 000 B 000 nui:i 000 CM UUO mm mm shown by the sinking ot the Arablo de manded a severance of dlplomatlo rep resenta'.lons unlesa some satisfactory ex planation was volunteered by the Oer man government It was felt that It was undignified for the state department to solicit such an explanation. Secretary Lansing pointed out that the note dellv climb the aide ef the canyon. He had aacerded some distance when a volley tumbled him dead to the rock basin below. Tmmim Wilt Mart Friday. OAI.VKRTON. Tex., Sept l.-It waa learned today that the troops of the Sec ond division, ordered from Galveston and Crew, of Ship Sunk by a Submarine Reaches New York NEW YORK, Sept t The steamer Rosaano arrived today from Cardiff, bringing Captain Wrye and the crew of seven of the Prltlnh schooner Bt. Olaf, which waa sunk by a submarine fifty eight miles east of Qallyhead, Ireland, cm August 19. The csptaln of the St. Olaf said he was bound from Llsnclly, Wales, for Parraa boro. N. B., en the afternoon of August 19, when a Oerman aubmaiine appeared off the port side of the schooner and or dered ths vessel abandoned. "The submarine commander gave us ten minutes to get away." said Captain Wrye. "Just aa all hands were pul ing away the submarine opened fire on the schooner, shellln It until It tilled and canslred. We returned to the wreck and hung on rntll the Roesano came along1 mora than five hours later." See Our List of Desirable Places For Rent Every Sunday there is published exclusively in TllE BEE a "Complete Rental Guide," in which all desirable apartment, flats and hoimes are listed. If you are planning to move, the easiest way to find a new home will bo to turn to this "Complete Rental Guide" as it will appear in TIIE BEE next Sunday. Remember, too, that we keeD a file of au aesiraoie places wnicn are oiiereu ror rent. This list is kept up-to-date for your convenience. r ""r appears u do a recognition i Texas city, are not likely to move he of the fundamental principle for which tore Friday. It Was said thst slnrs thers the United Ststes has contended. It Is I is no hurry about the movement time " ""P w't o o ciear is o-int glvsn the railroads to assemble up any posaioie misunderstanding as to the extent ef Germany's acquiescence, Key to the Situation Bee Want Ads. FIRE CHIEFS WITNESS EXHIBITION OF SKILL I' " ' - lbfs T rr h 1 loa, LONION. sept l.-The admlrality has given out no Inrormatlou ths fata of ths Oerman submarine wh'ch aank the Arablo, Whether auch Informa tion ia In Its possession Is Unknown, as It is the policy of the admiralty to withhold tewa of this character, t'neff'ctal rnorts that ths submarine has been sunk are being circulated widely. It la aald the craft attempted to torpedo the British steamer Nlcoslan. which arrived al IJverpool from New Orleans on Ausruet 14. five days aiter the Arablo went down Accord ng to thla account the Nlcoslan escaped and the submarine while attempt nm to sink It, fell a victim to a patrol boat In Liverpool the report Is current that the submarine has been captured and not sunk. HYMENEAL " A rareea-Cfcrtateaaa. Miss E'ma Chrlstensen snd CTirle An derson, both of Avfdubon. Ia.. were mar ried by Rev. Charles W. Sevtdge at bis tudy Wednesday morning. They were accompanied by Mlaa Anna Anderson and A. II. Cockerl'l of Council Bluffs. Mra. Rou KerwextaU TORK. Neb., Sept 1. (Special.) Mra. Roes Kerwood. nee l.lstle Uraake, died yeaterday even'ng at the family home. six miles northwest of York. She was yaars old. She leavee four aniall chil dren, the youngeat being only t months old. ne-BVhtlta. OXFORD. Neb.. Sept l.-Mr. Ed Best and Miss Anna Schmlts were married In he Oerman Lutheran church tn East Oxford In ths presence of a large com pany ef relatives and friends. The pas tor. Rev. Mayer, officiated. ratt-kfeGlaala. TBCUMSFH, Neb.. Sept t-Mr. Oeorge W. Brett and Mrs. May McOlnnls were married here tUls afternoon by County Judge James Livingston. They will live In Sterling where Mr. Brott has employ ment tn a printing office. Frye-Raaera. VfjRK. Neb., Sept l.-8peclal ) DeV berl, Erye and Miss Hattle Rogers, both of Aurora, were married Monday after Boon by County Judge M. O. Hopkins. CIVTNVATT. Sent. I.-Ftre chiefs st tending the annual nonvntlon of the In ternational Aeoclat'on of Fire Enelneere .r atii-tntrrs t"riav si an Thlhl'nn a . P ent lVI1 by Clnrlnnstl fl.-emen at flehtlng Ths first troops to go will be four com- names. A two ard a half story frame ' " "l""n"1 inianiry to uei I de1"ng. erected Tor the porpoa. was Rio. Then six companies of this reyv ' touched off and the men eet to work to ment will go to Fort Kam Houston. The : ,hd,ia Ihs f're. A test of motor firs en Fourth infsntry will go te Harllngen. , g,,,,. wa, ai0 the program. Tex., and the Sixth cavalry will follow to the same point -The troops are In readiness to start as ' 1 soon as railway equipment has been assembled. Welsh Coal Miners Accept Terms of London Agreement JUST A WORD ABOUT YOUR HEALTH If your health is poor as a re- LONDON, Sept L-The terms of settle ment of the troubles In the South Walee coal flelda. which was arranged yeater day In London, thus averting a poas'ble cepted today at a general confere'nVor I SUlt Of a Welk Stomach, IXZJ ne m ners ae'egates. held n Cardiff The dlffleult'ee ere. therefore, now defin itely adjueted. There waa some opposi tion among the delegatea to the accept ance of the terma agreed upon at the T"""" conference, but thla waa soon overcome. MftRUIS KUEN IN0UYE. JAPANESE STUESMAN. DIES TOKIO, Scot l.-Marqula Kaoeu Inouye, one of the elder a ta teamen, died today of nephritis, aged 90. liver or clogged bowels TRY HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS IT HELPS NATURE CORRECT SUCH I TR0UELES AND IMPROVES HEALTH i The death of Marqu'e Kaora Inciye ' leavee only three survl Ing members of I the powerful group of 'Genro," or elder, statesmen, whose work and Influence have had eo much to do with the up-1 building- of modern Japan. At first pos-j seaaed of anU-foretgn ideas, he soon be came a concert to the doctrine that' western dv Ixatlon ahould be welcomed to Japan aad aa active ia the estab.' You are welcome to use it; we offer this service without dhargo. Sunday For Your Guidance Every Sunday we will publish a " Complete Rental Guide," so that if you are desirous of moving vou can secure assistant. Movinar is a hard i.ih. unH nnviliin.r which will lesson the bother and trouble of finding new quarters wili no doubt be wel come. So, on Sunday morninjr, turn to the "Complete Rental Guide ' in THE BEE there you will find most anything you want, whether it be a single room, au apart ment, flat, or ten-room house. Remember that this is tho only complete rental guide published on Snnday. Moreover, we have on file at the offices of TIIE REE a complete list of de sirable apartments, flats and rooms. This list is compiled and maintained for your benefit You will find it very convenient and you are welcome to use it absolutely free. Just call at Room 104, Bee Building. Let The Bee get you a job. 'Situations Wanted" ads are free. AMt'SEMBNTS. I BEDDED WILL TRUST YOU Tor all tbe clothes you need, no matter where you live. Pay $1.00 a Week Ay- pi it AMIDEMKDIT!. 1417 Douglas 3 Ushment ef cordial elga powers. relations with for. Depertsaeat Orelere. ' WA"JN'-TrV. Bert ..-(Spaclat Tel es am I Nebraska i ens 'una srnted KnmaTrava. rnders. Ill i Tee com p roll -r of he eiirran-r hsi rranted a charter to tho Fire Natl rial 1'ank n rnc H D. raiital fa.'fDi 3 A st- ham preatenM f. Oreon. fsst-Wr It e a ron-wMa ef tbe Farmo era anate ilana of norenos. 8. IX nnounces ROSENBLATT A Fresh Supply of All Kinds of COAL ARRIVING DAILY Place Your Order Now We Will Deliver at Your Convenience 1223 Nicholas Tel. Douglas 530 -oxAXAja ro cirna' ijBsrtl L&J 1 1 Callr afa.a.,15-aS-oe Season'. Openlna; Week ef for DOEMAitthtilth buaLc. tuEP Mollis Williams, Aerial Curxon 81s ters. bl lr Hart Circus Oil Is, Beatriue Harloae, Geo. l ouglu. Kian Ka.n nt, Ted Burns snd Bin beauty Chorus. HM1I1 SlaU SCAT. W11K BATS. Lake Tilanawa DANCINO, BATHINO, BOATINO. And Man Other Attractions. Frt MoTing Plctnrra Every Krenlng. Thla Erralnx: The Valley of Hate," -Face Moat ra4r,, and "The Baby." Modern Woodmen of America Picnic at Mauwa next Monday. BPAfJDEIST TCDAY afatlin In. StSl nd All 1 Tun stock rxmxxcT." Edwara Lynch -t:ftru rrsaels WLsona DeUrbtfal Oomeay, mM at4.c A..' 14. aCatUeea, 16e, S3o; Iti tin, 35o. SOa, eat Week. Mas MoOraue la "alv SOST'el WIDOW.' Vaoae euiaa Aaay Sua. a4. Silt, TSk. sLotiwa a sfcara, ataw innsj. Tr4. A bus., Mlt.t. Wmm, Mr.ot fiaucai. a faiuH, JgiiA (anis, Ta. Fmsuuss aae th. u,lsual Trsvfti aatkr. rnewatsia. it. tii Ha Eos Stele. Ms. Bsc as a. tun, a law ! 41 ec Kiiskia. let, l. Mc tM 1m. BOYD Thoator Katlaee Todaj. Ja--u. Siao. AU week. Buskin's Wild Life Piclorti . 600 AMAZING SCENES OF An.mal, Reptile, Bird & Box Life Bauitaiataslr AawlaM to Ja W Buskia. SMiuMr at am eiBecluoas Aamla'ai cauorea 10a ASolts too. EMPRESS A DOLLAR BTIOVV FOR A DftfB OR SO VAUDEVILLE AND PHOTO PLAYS aaaaaaaas.eaBBBaBBaa) 10c 10c lURPita'S DANCING ACADEMY. 2th aid Urnim beci'iners Monoajr and Thuradsjr, p, y. Adults . (Noi.) only new dance. tauht In thla ... ipt. 1. P. VL Pupil, joining cUaar. on openlna ticket. APPcUon raceirea now. Harney .111 vsens 7i stpi, sna, anuii oesiTiners saonuajr ana Tnursasy, I P. M. Adull. High school bfKii oeis aturdajr. Kc Oat. wui b. given l reaucuou on mm at lias at U Si oil i: : s