TMK J'.KK: OMAHA. THURSDAY. SKl'TEMJJKB 2, 1915. a - - ' Lnmepliiu . A City ttat BMws inn mm 1 . I! 3 ' 1 n,..i ..Q. : 1 1 w 'a , . it " "J - .... i, ' -v I, spat, A m.w jss . S7T ' I'osioiuce, reaeral Court House una customs House In Lincoln, Which Is Being Greatly Enlarged to Meet the Demands of the Continually Growing Patronage Kj W. M. WlllTTKJf, Secretary IJncoln Commercial Club. HRKK thlnai there ara which TT I Insure a city possessing- them I la future of prosperous irrowth no exceptional eiaouur. These are Ite desirability aa a city In which to do business. In which to make one'a horn and in which to educate one's children, ror three are the three things te Uve, to love and to learn which meet con pern tha normal man because they lie nearest to his heart and his desire. Because of Its location in the heart of the treat wheat, corn and grass (rowing and meat making; country and of the net work of railroads which connect It with all of the i ten farms and great ranches of tha west, the city of Lincoln. Neb.. In A An Educational Center Lincoln Is the leading educational center of , the west, and has a student population during the school year of 1,000. Hero are lis leading educational institutions: University of Nebraska, emb'ac Ing seven colleges, Including tha collage of agriculture, which haw a separata plant located two ml'.ea cast of the main university. Nebraska Wealeyan university, tha eantral college of tne Meth odist Episcopal church in tba wort. Cotner university, founded and maintained by tha Christian church, a strong denomination In this section. Union college, headquarters In the west of the Seventh Iay Ad ventlsts. Nebraska Military academy. Two large business colleges. Three thriving conservatories ' f mualo. Private finishing sohool for girls and boys, assured of a volume of commerce mess ored only by the enterprise and talent of those who engage in business within Its borders. Because of Its fine, wide and ahadad streets. Its grassy parka. Its paved bouls varda. Its well built homes, the absence of slums and the presence of a population composed of those elements that enter Into the making of an alert and progres sive people. It Is a home city of unusual attractiveness. Because of Its great tmlvsrsltles fire tn number Its business and musical col legee and Its compact and up-to-date school system It offers to all who seek the foundntlnns of a liberal education or the finish of tha professions an oppor tunity to select and secure what they will. Numbered within the city and Ita en virons are , people, men, women and children, who have come within the eiaoe of a few years to engage In business, to build homes and to equip themselvss with a rounded education. Capital tltr of Nebraska. All this has been accomplished In a little more than a generation, much less than firty years. In 1M8 the present site of the city of Lincoln was occupied by the small village of Incaater, a sleepy little Inland town where had gathered some hardy souls Intent upon pioneering an unknown country. The conflicting ambitions of (then) better altuated towns within the state and tha Inability of a majority of the peP,s to favor one city above the other, led to the selection of Lancaster aa the capital, located on tha rolling prairie overlooking the valleys of two small creeks, snd tha renaming of the place aa Lincoln. Mat talrk Start. As the capital of a young but fast grow ing state, , Lincoln at once became the mecca for hundreds of ambitious young persons, and within a few years tounda tlona had been laid for an enduring civic structure. Railroads backed by home and foreign capital sprang Into betnf as though by a magician's wand, and where one already wtthln tha state's borders showed signs of hesitating about reach ing out across the prairies to the new metropolis, the people offered large sub sidies or proceeded to build connecting lines themselves. Out of this welter of little snd poorly-built roads there neve been evolved five great modem railroads which serve the city, forming a iter lee of trade that bring vast commercial terri tories within the reach of its business men. Barly In Its life ss a city, Lincoln de veloped Into a Jobbing center, and as the state Increased In population, as the rail roads were extended and aa agriculture multiplied, this form of commerce, linked with manufacturing In dosena of lines, be came a dominant factor In Its growth. As the (evils!, the city became and re mains the political center of the stats. Ths University of Nebraska followed shortly after the selection of Lincoln ss the capital, and Its growth hss run far and fast ahead of that of the state Itself ss Individual wealth piled up and the belief In a strong eduoatlonal system grew. Ths dominance of sericulture ss the greet, business of the stats early led to the founding close to the city of a giant agricultural college and school, where hundreds of boys from the farm are taught everything there Is to know about their business. To Insure the stability of Its sducatlonal Institutions a large part of the agricultural domain was early set aside as school, university and agricultural lands. From salea and rentals a fund, Invested In bonds and amounting now to 110,000,000, has been collected and there yet remain thousands of acres as the Inheritance of the educa tional system of the state. The IJncoln of 1970 numbered a thousand or two souls, clustered about a combination business and residence) district that was less than a mils square. Today the city proper has an area of eight square miles, and within five miles of the postoffice 68,000 people live and labor. Ths one-story frame store buildings with flaring fronts of plonesr days have been replaced with modern business blocks, ranging In height to eight stories, equipped with all modern devices for comfort and quick dispatch and filled with merchandise of quality and worth. The Illy-equipped cottage of the pioneer has vanished and In Ita plaoa are found the bung-alow, the fine resi dence and the palatial mansion. There are no rookeries where the shiftless and the unlucky seek refuge, no districts where vice and crime are given quasi license to flourish and to prey. The Lin coln of today enjoys a prosperity so well distributed that it is equally as well famed for the absence of Knob hill pal aces as it Is for the absence of slums. Maalrlpal Growth. Within the eight square mllea of ter ritory are to be found sixty-three miles of paved streets, sixty-five miles of street railways' and ninety-five mllea of sewers. It owns Its own water plant and Ita own street lighting plant. It has also branched nut Into commercial lighting, and through the competition thus given hss given consumers ths lowest electrlo rates pos sible In a citjr of any considerable area. Ita street csr system tnetntalns up-to-date cars upon schedules faster than those of other cities of its else, and by reason of ths oompaotness of the bualnese district snd ths spreading character of the residence sections few honvw are beyond a fifteen minutes' ride to business and a few e&rs are overcrowded. The toll of tha prairie upon which Lin coln Is located Is so gentle that there are no great hills to climb, no outs through which streets need burrow their way, no giant cliffs up which one must toll to reach the haven of home Just easy grades that make riding upon the boule vards a pleasure and that make possible ths giving to esch home a setting of lawn and shads that doubles Its attract, tlveneas. Neither la Lincoln aet down upon a flat and cheerless plain. Te the West Is the valley of ths Salt, wherein sre the greater part of the railroad yards and around which cluster ths larger manu factories and warehouses. On the gently undulating rise from this valley la the business district, which thrusts Its way to the east, spreading fsnllke as It goes, to be checked by the slightly elevsted plateaus around the Antelope and that border the Salt on the east. Thus It is that after passing ths ram parts of ths flat buildings, apartment and rooming houses that 'surround the business sec tion of every city, building sites. Ideal and attractive, are found upon which thousands of Lincoln people and other Nebraakana have built comfortable and cosy homee. Tba greet agricultural west. In Its real development, is scarcely more than a gen eration old. Tha first cltlsens of Lincoln wore men and women with their fortunea to make, They labored so well, not so much with respect to themselves per sonally aa for tha city of their adoption, sacrificing and working so that those who came after them might be better fitted to make the city what In their dreama it had been to them, that today one of the strong "pulls" of ths city Is that which It eserts upon the other residents of Ne braska. Within the last ten years hun dreds of men who had made modest for tunes upon tha farms and in ths smaller towns of ths state have come to Lincoln to live. These are men whose $10 and 120 land has become $100 and (ISO land; mer chants whose thrlTt and labor have given them a surplus that fills their every physical need; bankers who have gar nered rich aheaves from the wheat fields of fortune; lawyers and other professional men who had made so good a start out slds that thsy felt they could safely challenge the competition of the city field. Some of these newcomers had made all the money they desired and have re tired, but most of them retain the In terests where their fortunes first rooted. City's railing- Power. It Is difficult In a paragraph to sharply picture to the imagination the effect upon the character of the population that this sort of emigration has had. Few persons move to a large city because they prefer It aa a place of residence. The pulling power of a big city lies In what It can offer In the way of work for those who are yet aeeking the bubble fortune or in the way of Increased advantage for those who are already well established In a line of business. It Is from this source of supply that a city geta Ita vigor and Its hustle, but that which differentiates ons city from another, which makea one more attractive than the other, is Its power to draw from other strata of society. With Lincoln, which drafts the major portions of Its population gains from the same source as othsr large cities, there has also rested this advantage, that It has also been gathering the cream skim med off other Sections of ths state. Taken In connection with the fact that already the elt had budded better than the average commercial center by also wearing Into its structure the strong fiber of superior educational facilities, thla Im migration has given to the populetlon a tone and to Ita clvlo life a flavor that raise It above the dead level of a mere home town. A condition like this makes for a democratic community, since It raises the average of education and ex perience, the sources of real learning, and thua elevates the general level, whereaa In most cities the tendency Is towsrds an aristocracy of wealth on one hand and a communism of poverty on the other the big house on the hill and the thatrhed cottage In the lowlands. While the cultural advantages of Lincoln as a residence city have been emphasised In Its development, there has been no neglect of- the material side. Completely encircling the city, but within Its borders, runs a paved boulevard. Interlaced with dosens of other equally well-surfaced streets, thst accommodatea a constantly Increasing automobile pleasure traffic. Leading out from the city In other di rections srs other boulevards, psved part way and tapering off Into well-dragged and well-graded dirt roads. These lead out to and past a dosen parks. Including smusement resorts, grounds attached to state Institutions and municipal recreation grounds. Ths city maintains two parks, one In the west section and one In the east sec tion. The latter. Antelope park, la but the beginning of an ambitious project that will Inolude a wide strip of land, partly woodland now and part of It rail road right-of-way, running through the city diagonally. Already Antelope park la the mecca of thousands who find recreation In Its leafy shades. The city employs a bsnd to give concerts regularly In the summer sesson. It malntalna a goo and botanical gardens, and Is developing all other phases of park growth. South west of ths city Is Epworth Lake nark, the home of the Nebraska Epworth as sembly, where for ten daya each summer thousands of Nebrasksns Uve the simple life In tents and listen to programs that excel In attractiveness any of the west ern Chautauqua gatherings. West of the city Is Capital Beach park, located upon a wide spreading lake and equipped with the usual white city amusement devices. To the northeast are the grounds of the Nebraska state fair, where one of the greatest live stock and agricultural ex positions tn the country Is held for eight daya early each fall. On the east are several email parks, maintained by the atate or by suburban towns that lure hun dreds to their cool stretches in summer time. Lincoln holds a membership In the Western Base Ball league, which main tains two parka. Ita Kdacattoatal Plant. No city In tha west Is so well equipped with an educational plant as Is Lincoln. This city offers opportunity for a com plete education, from the kindergarten up through the high school and Into the uni versity, and from there into any one of the leading professions. The secondary schools consists of twenty-eight publlo and private schools. A new high school building that Is the latest word in con struction and in devices for effective work, and which will cost nearly three quarters of a million, la nearlng com pletion. Sixteen ward school buildings house the remainder of the 18,000 school children. The parochial side of educa tion is given strong emphasis In the schools of Linooln. The fact that so large a percentage of children leave school before they complete the grades In every city baa been recognised hare I':- .' : ; : - , ' . ' ' -' - v, .... - . ' - - -1 . i-., i -M'l "'W M "y-i - . II .... v. i taw nam " "T' w Lai r WW flmln, nm lil I: City Building, Located on Federal 8quare, la Which tbe Several Departments ot City Government Are Housed. and an effort made to meet the condi tions. Instead of seeking to combat a situation that has Its bssls in economic conditions, ths school management baa substituted practical studies for the theo retical. Not only are the boys snd girls fn the grades being tsught things, the knowledge of which will become of prac tical value to them Just as soon aa they leave sohool, but they have been organised Into a Junior civic and Industrial league, whose 2.700 members are periodically shown through the great industries of the city and made acquainted, through talks and Illustrations, with how Industry is organized, what each one offers In the way of pay and opportunity and what problems and chances they face. In sim ilar practical ways are they taught how they are governed through the stats, county and city administrations. To add attractiveness and Interest to the task of gaining an education 1.200 home and school gardens are cultivated; there are fully equipped playgrounds at twelve buildings; three summer recrea tion centers are maintained and domes tlo science and manual training given unusual prominence In the curriculum. In ths hours when the city plant Is not running, pre-vocatlonal and night schools occupy the buildings, and at other hours they are made use of as social centers. In addition there are high-class private and parochial schools, a military academy with a nation-wide reputation, two splen did business colleges, several conserva tories with staffs recruited from the best known musical centers of the world, and other colleges where concert singing, dramatlo art and oratory are taught A dental college is also an adjunct of a practical nature. As m University Town. - Located In suburbs Immediately adjoin ing Lincoln are the Nebraska Wealeyan university, the leading college of that denomination In the west, with an enroll ment exceeding S6I; Cotner university. maintained largely by the Christian! church denomination, where KK students! pursue knowledge, and Union college, the' western denominational university of the Seventh Day Adventlsts, and where 3M students are fitted for missionary and other church activities. 1 Ths capsheaf of Lincoln's educational structure Is the University of Nebraska. At the last election the voters of the; stste were asked to determine whether they wished the university to be extended upon its downtown campus or to be con solidated with the State Agricultural school upon the farm campua. en tha eastern border of the city. They over whelmingly voted against consolidation, and at tbe same time authorised the (Continued on Psge Seven Column One.) A$ a Political Center Lincoln Is the political center ot a larger area than any other city in the United States, due largely to the fact that It la the home ot Hon. W. J. Bryan, secretary of state, who was thrloe honored as a democratic nominee tor the pres idency. At Lincoln are located: The atate capltol. The State Historical society building. Ths state penitentiary. The State Orthopedlo hospital. Ths stste fair. The governor's mansion. Tbe State Hospital for the -tisane (one of three). Three-fourths of ' the state po litical conventions are held in Lin coln, and all of the atate officers . are required by law to maintain residences in the city. Tho Lincoln Accident Insurance Co, A STOCK COMPANY OF LINCOLN, NEHRASKA PREMITM RKCEirTg FOH 1V14 M . .$140,000.00 8. X. BtrttWHasL VrMld. t. X,. Flit PlCC, Tloa-Presideat.' O. m. auoim wioe-Presldeat. O. . COLIUAK, sjeoretary. O. W. OOLlatAsT, Treasurer. A. P. OOiLMiB, Au<or. X. A. Xtoasura. Adjuster. A Nebraska Company owned by Nebraska men, operated for Ne braska pexl. its 1813 Nebraska! business was) the largest of any company doltig business in the state. Agents wanted throughout Nebraska, Itig agency profits assured. Write for an ngency tenia. United States Depository Central National Bank Capita!, $150,000,00 Surplus and Undivided Profits $60,000,00 LINCOLN. NEBRASKA A gtnoTfd banking business in all linos roud lifted with a view to tho upbuilding of all Nebraska, P, L. 12 ALL, PrtsiJent F. E JOHNSON, VicPni. . U. W. II A CKNE Y, Jr. , V.-Ptet. Building and Loan Association Lincoln's Largest Savings Institution Assets Over $3,300,000.00 Has loaned over nine millions to home builders If you want to have a home of your own, we can assist you in securing one on very reasonable terms. For further information address home office, 1409 O Street, Lincoln, Nebraska. II K. BURKET, President. E. P. LEONARD, Mgr. Agencies. M. W. FOLSOM, Secretary. J. A. PIPElt, Auditor. The Complete Bank Outfitters Lithographing, printing, en graving, die stamping, pass books, check book covers, loose leaf systems, blank books, the latest In Utlqn.err, office supplies, desks, office chairs, cabinet safes, steel vault fixtures, card systems, filing devices, typewriters and office machinery. Write u for quotation Office Equipment & SupplyCo. 117-9 Scath lltli Street, lincolo, Rebmks The City National Bank of Lincoln Lincoln. Neb. UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY Capital and Surplus, $300,000.00 OFFICERS: I. B. HOWKT, President. K. H. MIXZiOWKET, Cstahler. U J. DUNN, Vice President. W. VAN RIPER. Asst. Cashier Xj. B. HOWKZ. President. I. J. DUNN, Vice-President. H. B. GRAINGER, Pres. Grainger Bros. HJ3KV ULND, Pres. First National Bank, Blue Hill, Neb. H. J. WINNETT, Capitalist. A. 8. TIBBKTS, Attorney- Lsvw. M. J. WAUUH, Pres. Laneola Paint A Color Co. K. M. WESTER VELT, Real Estate and Industrial Com. C, B. A Q. R. K, DIRECTORS! W. H. FERGUSON", Vlce-Prea. Beetrlce CVum ery Co. PAUL H. HOLM. Real Estate said Loesav Co. A. Ik CLARKE, Pres. First National Baavk. Hastings, Neb, K. C. HARDY, Hard, Furniture Oe. A. O. FAULKNER, Pres. Woodman AecJdeasl Insnranre Compear, J. L. TXXTERg, Wholesale Tsmlan, W. M. LEONARD. Financial Oosresfpondens Union Central life btsur anoe Co. m . sirii Miia iai n iti laT ! rri wrra mt T n JnTTi 1Ui.sw3.. w rrv r 'HnlylnralnblawllrmfiTu-ii M If yoa are looking for a Company to famish your life insurance, investigate The Security Mutual Life Insurance Company Of UNCOLN, NEBRASKA If you want a policy that will give yon pure legal reserve life insurance at lowest cost, this Company can furnish it. If you are looking for a company that is conducted in the interest of ita policy holders, this Company is IT. If you are looking for a company with a good surplus and with the ability to pay liberal dividends, this Company is IT. The assets of THE SECURITY MUTUAL LIFE are first class in every respect. .This is the important feature of this Company. ... Other companies may be a? good, but, why look further? If you want a policy, or if you want an agent's contract, address the Company at Lincoln, Neb. 1 3J1