Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 02, 1915, LINCOLN STATE FAIR, Page 5, Image 15

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What tlh(
Inn Way I AiMUTOmniainit
B IC4RI. B. lailDIH.
automobile racer, and De
Lloyd Thompson, tha tumble
ug of the air, are to b th
headllners of th amusement
program at the coming tat
fair They will rare agatnst each other
rory day during th big fair, and then
aa a supplement to their marvaloua ex
hlbltlon will do a multitude of daring
Oldfleld. the speed demon, ha caused
chllla to chaae themselves up tha back
of hundred of thousands of American
Tha Tbompaon tumbling far abova tha
earth haa thrilled American spectator
for the laat year and a half aa none
other, not even that of tha midget mar
vel Lincoln Beachey, before he went to
hla death. Secretary Mellor recently
aaw Thompaon In action and ha la author
Ity for the statement that he will make
Nebraska people alt up and take keen
notice of what Is going on In tha air
ebova them
Aa a item-winder finish to these ex
hibitions thorp will be automobile races
on the concluding day and the day
after the fair. These will be held under
tha auspices of the International Motor
Contest association. Several of the well
known drivers of the world will be en
tered In this event. The final announce
ment of th entries and the . various
events la expected to make Nebraskans
resolve to take In tha affair.
The Horae Rapes.
Superintendent Lamb of the speed de
partment has announced a list of events
ttiat will be up to the standard of former
yeara The ravage of various diaeasea
which kept hore from participation In
numerous other meets of the country is
thought to be about over and this will
assure Nebraska racing devotee of see
ing a number of the fast equlnes In ac
tion. It la said that tho season has been a
failure in soma of the Important cities
of th country due to stringent quaran
tine rules, and that horso owners the
country over aro anxious now to make
up for lost receipts and will get Into
very big event that comes along. Many
of them have mad their entries here
and there will be no disappointments
when tha starters begin to work.
The races aa outlined by Mr. Lamb are
aa follows:
2-year-old trot, half mile heats.
September 400
s-year-oia iroi (ror colts eiigiDie to
2:26 class), September 9
2:30 trot. ' The Capital City Purse,"
repiernDer i
2:20 trot, "The Industrial Purse,
September 6
2-year-old pace, half mile heats,
1-year-old pace (for colts eligible to
2:25 class), September 8
2:25 pace, 'The Cornhuskers' Purse'
f:lS Dace. "Tha Gate Cltv Purse,
September 9 1,000
2:60 trot, September 8 2 SAO
1:26 trot, September
2:14 trot, September S
2:20 pace, September 7
2:W puce. September 6
Free-lor-ell pace, September 7
2-year-old, Nebraska bred (4Vj fur
longs), September 8 t
Nebraska Derby (1 1-18 miles), Sep
tember 7
Three-fourths mil dash, Septem
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Five-eighths mile dash, Septem
ber 100
Seven-eighths mile dash, Septem
ber 0 150
One-half mile and repeat, Septem
ber 7 100
One mile danh, September 9 2nn
One-hlf mile ronsclation dash (for
horses that have started and not
von money) September 9 100
On Ihr MIUithv.
Patterson's Mammoth Midway, always
a favorite, and thla year, according to
advance notices, the best that It haa aver
been, will again be found camped a'
th Nebraska state fair.
This show struck a lucky streak dur
Ing th last year which will Inure tc
tha benefit of their patrons at the com
ing state fair. The dullness of th thea
trical season, both In vaudeville and
drama, drove a wholesale amount of
actors to tha carnival tents, and with
a line of shows that have proven exceed
ingly Interesting. Patterson, th leader,
took hla pick of th acta and made such
good choices that he haa not been com
pelled to drop any of them sine he
started out.
Th Patterson shows complete will
reach Lincoln two daya before the open
ing of th fair In order to get properly
located on the midway. They will be
running full blast by Monday morning,
bright and early, and those who enjoy
sonio of their multitudinous offerings will
have an opportunity to see them at their
The Pattersons have a gigantic merry-fro-round,
a Ferris wheel fifty feet hlKh,
the bet animal show on the road and a
lino of sllu how attractions that has
never been excelled by any carnival
company In tho country.
Added to this feature will be the great
vaudeville acts which will be given be
fore the grand stand each afternoon and
evening. In this amazing category will
be the following:
"Motor Madness,- tne acme of human
"The Half Doien Cornelias," wonder
ful acrobats.
"The Flying Kays," comedy bounding
bar act.
"The Four Boactona," a blcyot act in
challenge to all the world.
"The performing elephants," tha best
trained group of elephanta In the world.
The claim la made for the show that It
Is as good aa the best entertainment
shown on the Orpheum circuit, and tha
claim haa nover been disputed where the
companies have performed. Those who
attend will therefor be given a treat
These acta will be shown twice dally In
front of the big grand stand on the track
and there will not b a cent's additional
cost for this treat.
Three bands are down ror perform
ances at the state fair, tha Hagenow
bnnd of Lincoln, George Green and hit
band of royal entertainers, and the Firth
Regiment band of the Nebraska National
Guard. The three bands will be on
constant duty almost, and the attendants
at this year's fair will have more musk
dished up to them than for yeara past.
Concerts will be glv In the auditorium
of Agricultural hall, at th stock coliseum
and In front of th grand stand every
day. These organisations are composed
In the main, of the beat bandmen In the
state and have to take back aeata for
none of the organisations that have vis
ited th fair In yeara gone by.
Concerts will also be given dally In
the auditorium, and these will b of an
especially Interesting nature. August
Hagenow, on of th master dlrectora of
the country, will have charge of th
preparation of thla part of th program,
and that promise haa bsen given out oa
his behalf that the program will be filled
with some of th most attractive selec
tions offered by any band In the country.
Amiarmfiti for the Evening.
Fireworks of a display mors elaborate
and expenMve and unique than any othor
display attempted In th state during the
year, will be the chief feature of ail even
ing programs. There will b band con
erts, too, and nightly vaudeville, but the
mammoth carnivals In powder will at
tract the greatest crowd of attendants.
Each evening spectacle will be In
charge of the master fireworks experts
of th Pain company. Th men who ar
range and aet off the pieces are sent her
direct from the factory In order that the
effect of th mammoth display will not
ba lost In past yeara the display haa
attracted wide attention because of the
marked variety In pieces. Tills year
there will be variety and stupendlty. too,
and some of the offerings will astonish
those who do not realise what marvelous
things can b don with powder and
Several patrlotlo pieces will be set off
during the weak which hava been spe
cially designed for th Nebraska atate
fair: . Th motif la particularity appro
priate at thla time and wrtl doubtleaa be
much enjoyed by those who see them.
In the tlos Camp.
Tha third annual boys' camp will b
field at the atate fair grounds during tha
coming fair. Thla Is something many
state fair attendants have never taken
time to look over. Ita features are be
coming so Impressed upon the people now,
however, that the coming camp la ex
pected to entertain Its full quota of
visitors. Th camp la for boya from 14
to 21 yeara of age and Is chock full of
good for the boys who attend It
The commission headed by tha gover
nor and presided over actively by State
'uperlntcndent Thomas, Principal Brad
ford of the state farm and Charles
Strader, tha well known Toung Men's
Christian association boya worker, haa
set out th following Information regard
ing th tamo!
"The aim of th school Is to offer a
select body of young men the means for
systematlo observation and study, under
th direction of competent Instructor of
tha animal, agricultural, mechanical and
educational exhlbtta of th statu fair, and
through such agency more fully to Inform
and Interest tha residents of th counties
In the resources of Nebraska, . and th
aohlevementa of Ita clllsens aa demon
strated by th displays on exhibition.
"Two boya will b admitted from each
of tha ninety-two counties, two extra
from Lancaster county, and four extra
from Douglas county, making a total of
19a Should any county fall to fill Ita
quota, such vacancy may b filled from
other counties, provided that no county '
outside of Douglas shall be allowed to
exceed four members. One member shall
be selected to represent th rural schools,
and on th city schools. . Th ace of tha
delegatea must be over it and under 21
"Each boy will b required , to keep a
record of eaoh day's observation and In
struction. This record will be passed
upon by th principal and asalatant prin
cipal. Each member of th school will .
bo expected to prspar, from his week' a
observation and study, a report sultabl
to glv to hla school and to th County
Farmers' Institute; also to furnish a state
ment of th earns for th horn papers.
"While th greatest car will be exer
eiaex) to keep th boya from hurtful anl
vndealrabl cxperlencea, each boy must,
be held paraonally responsible for hla c'
turns." - ' . '
(ST A Tiff
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Are invited to Inspect the New Fair Grounds Switchboard
Installed in Its Permanent Location in the Textile Building
This installation represents one of the post com
plete telephone switchboards installed in any State
Fair Grounds. Through it, visitors to the State Fair
may communicate with each other in Lincola, and
over the Lomj Distance Lines connections may be
had from the Fair Grounds to any part of the United
The company takes pride In exhibiting at tha
State Fair and furnishing its visitors with all the
benefits of modern telephone service.
While in Lincoln, State Fair visitors are invited
to call and inspect our new Telephone Building and
Exchange, it being one of the finest in the country.
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Tbi equipment has been Installed at a very large ,
expense, and can be used only one week during the
year. We desire to call the attention of the public to
the fact that the revenue derived from it daring Fair
Week amounts to less than the expense of operation
and that its existence is warranted only by the desire
of the company to serve its subscribers compre
hensively and extend universal service to all.
State Fair visitors will find Local and Long Dls-;
tance Public Pay Stations throughout the ' Fair ;
Grounds, and in all the principal business places of
The Above Picture Shows the Switchboard Installed at the Fair Grounds.
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14th and M Sts., Lincoln, Neb.