Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 02, 1915, LINCOLN STATE FAIR, Page 3, Image 13

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    inn m:r,: omaiia. ninistnv. sr:nT.Mni:n wis.
Stat. 1
Nebraska t tfo
r. v
QITWIl(g I tlh
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UKIVEnsiry y JTEDRAjSKA -Down-town, cajnpua.
DVArTAGES wtilch the agri
cultural Intercuts of Nebraska
have received from the state
university through the college
of agriculture and the school
of agriculture cannot be es
tlmated. These three schools, or rather
the last two, working tinder the direc
tion of the first, has enabled the boys and
girls of tho farm to receive an educa
tion along farm and dairy lines which
has been one of the big factors In mak
ing Nebraska what It Is today and plac
ing It among the very first In the agri
cultural slates of the middle west.
The college of agriculture educates young
men and women along lines of agriculture
and dairy work which enables them at
the close of their courses to go back to
the farm better fitted for the work of
the farm. There are about 600 of these
students In the college at the present
time. Of those who graduate, both men
and women, about 75 per cent either re
turn to the farm or Into some profession
where their education received at the
farm will fit in wtth their work. Many
go out as instructors in other colleges or
as farm demonstrators teaching the peo
ple engaged in dairying and farming how
to get the best results for their labors.
The school of agriculture Is Intended t
giro the boys and girls of the state who
have passed the eighth grade In thol.
studies a chance to become experts in
tho agricultural lines. About 700 are
connected with this school, who, as they
graduate, will go back to the farm with
new and better ideas of compelling thi
oil to give up Its best to the tUler.
Many of the graduates of the school of
agriculture go out as teachers In rural
schools, the instruction received at the
school fitting them especially for this
lino of teaching and they are in demand
from all over the state so that as the
year go by scientific methods In farm
ing will be instilled. Into the men and
women of the farm and the best results
will be reached. i
. . What the Schools Are Do I a a-.
Under the direction of Dean Burnett
every effort Is being made to give the
students of the two schools the best
technical education that It is possible to
give. Under his direction the College ot
Agriculture has Influenced the types of
farmers In the state by Us Investigation
of farm problems and carrying results of
invesiisations having economic bearing
back to Oie farmer.-).
"Wo . spent," said Dean Burnett to a
nwppaper representative who called upon
Ij'm. "fifteen years selecting the best
lyres of Red Turkey wheat, and are now
introducing three or four selections for
furni purposes. There are probably fifty
men in the state now growing this se
lected strain, and we are still working to
get strains which will give targe yields,
a stiff straw, ripen early and good quality
of grain with high gluten proportion. We
have wheat harvested right now (June
22) which Is about ten days earlier than
the common varieties.
"In our Investigations we have discov
ered that the early varieties ot oats are
much superior to the late. The Kherson
leads In this respect. The Burt, Texas
Red and one other variety ripen very
nearly at the same time as the Kherson.
We have discovered that If we can get a
grain, and especially oats, that will ripen
ten days or two weeks ahead of the com
mon variety that it Is likely to escape
the dry weather which Is usually harm
ful to the common varieties which come
on later.
"We have done a great deal of work on
seed selection of corn. In tests carried
on we have co-operated with the farmer
In the eastern portion of the state, whore
about ten varieties have been' grown by
each man, and have selected the two beat
producers, which outyleld the others by
about eighteen bushels per acre. This
ndicatea that every corn grower should
alse the com best adapted to his soil,
nd also to the climate, and he will not
et the best results unless the seed is
raised and selected in his own locality.
"In some years seed corn selected early
In the field has proven quite superior to
that selected later from the crib, and ,we
advocate the selection In the field
showing the best results."
Plant Diseases.
According to Dean Burnett, In ome
counties plant diseases have been se
vere, and the college has helped the
farmer to treat the grain, and it las
been to much benefit, especially in the
case of oats. Where the formaldehyde
treatment has been. used the yiell in
creased to about twelve bushels per aero,
increasing the value of each acre about $6.
Borne work has been done to help
orchardlats to get rid of disease. Spray
ing demonstrations have been carried on
In five or six counties for several years,
and the department has many Interesting
facts shown in Its printed bulletins cov
ering the spraying proposition nnd its
help to the fruit grower. The work done
In treating trees attacked by the Illinois
canker has been so successful that
thousands of trees have been and will be
saved, which otherwise might' have died
from the disease. In one instance Dean
Burnett showed where a tree attaoked
by that disease had been killed nearly
half way around the main trunk of the
tree. Treatment was given it anl today
it la as healthy as any other tree In the
Stock Experiments.
The work of the experiment station In
developing the best rations for fatten
ing cattle and hogs Is recognised all over
the state. At the North Platte experiment
farm more than 2,000 hogs have been fed
to determine the cheapest method of
pork production. Alfalfa pasture, with
a medium ration of corn In summer and
alfalfa hay with a full ration of corn in
winter, has produced cheaper gajns than
any other rations used. With the use of
alfalfa about 26 per cent of corn la
saved.. This would men 120,000,000 a year
if only half of the corn crop was fed to
When alfalfa cannot toe secured, or
when the price Is extremely high. It has
paid , to feed .protein concentrates, like
tankage or oil meal, along with the corn.
In feeding catle, experiments made have
shown that alfalfa hay and corn have
proved the most profitable rations. In
some . instances the addition of corn
silage has cheapened the cost of gain.
In . other instances, ' while it has not
cheapened the cost, the use of the silo
has greatly Increased the number of
cattle which could be kept on the farm
When the experiment station begai.
studying rations for fattening cattle,
probably three-fourths of all the cattle In
the state were fattened on coin and
prairie hay.- This ration has been found
to be too expensive and has been almost
abandoned, or if forced to use prairie
hay, cotton or linseed oil meal has been
added to' the corn ration.
Development of Dairy Industry.
The" experiment station has helped to
develop the dairy interests of the state
by, showing how to teed and handle the
dairy cow so as to increase tho quality
and production of milk. The average yield
of biitter per cow In the experiment sta
tion herd is over 400 pounds per cow per
annum, while the average of the
cows of Nebraska is about 140
pounds. This difference is due to the
selection of good individual cows, the
use of high grade sires and good feed
ing and management. The college of
agriculture has assisted l:i the organisa
tion of cow testing associations, of which
there are now a half dozen in the state.
. In the Douglas county association the
best herd made an average of Sis pound
and the poorest 174 pounds. The ten most
profitable cows made a test of $103.28
per cow. while the poorest ten only
averaged ts.78 per cow. This in itself is
& story with a moral which does not
have to be stated.
The new dairy building now under con
struction will have greatly Increased fa
cilities provided for developing dairy In
terests. It will cost when completed In
all departments about 17A,00.
Manufacture of Ho t holern Sernm,
The college, through Us hog choler.
serum plant, is doing a great deal to
assist the farmers In the prevention and
control of hog cholera. ICnough seru.n
will be produced this year to vaccinate
nearly 700,000 hogs.
Tho capacity of the serum ptnnt ha
been inci eased by the erection of new
and sanitary buildings, so that probably
there Is no plant In the ftato that can
turn out a better quality of scrum, to
that Work of this kind has born ot great
value In protecting hogs of the state
against cholera.
Asrrlenl t arel Clles;e extension.
The appropriations which have been
made by the legislature for extending
the ilant of the agricultural college will
greatly facilitate the work of the college
In assisting tit farmer. A new dairy
building, one of the lent In the United
States, now under connt ruction; a new
building of agricultural engineering will
be started this year; a new horso burn
and a heating plant are also under con
structlon and when completed these will
nearly double the capacity of the plunt
for handling students.
Conservation nnd Soil Survey.
Tha proposition of conservation and soli
survey covers considerable territory
However under the supervision of Dr.
George E. Condra the territory has beer
greatly minimised by the use of the mo
tion picture machine and the soli survey
In the soil survey seventeen counties
have been completed and parties are now
in the field working on four addlt onul
areas. In the make-up of the survey
parties the state furnishes a man for
each one furnished by the government
The work is very strenuous and long
hours are the rule, with sometimes a
walk of more than twenty miles and flf
teen or twenty borings.
The first thing in the work Is to deter
mine the various types of soli In each
county and map them out on a large
scale map. Everything Is shown. When
completed data is gathered from farm
ers In the locality regarding agricultural
practice. A description of this practice
Is Included In the text and in this way
the survey Is Instrumental In increasing
the efficiency of the land.
Reports of field work are prepared In
the office at the university and forwarded
to the United States bureau of soils,
Washington, for publication. As soon as
published these reports and maps con
tained therein are eagerly sought by cltl
sens of the respective counties. They are
of use among the farmers, In the schools
and by realty dealers. No attempt la
made to overestimate the soil resources
and the Industries based thereon. The ob
ject of the survey Is to determine a fact
basis for development and to derive such
Information thereby as will be of great
est use In conservation and development.
It Is on this account that the department
la given the name, conservation and soil
A further use of the survey Is made In
the department by many persona who
make Inquiries relative to the different
kinds of soil and their best management.
The number of these Inquiries Is large.
Probably no phase of the work of the
conservation and soil survey has at
tracted more attention than Its duty under
the bluo sky law. The statutes provide
that tho conservation and soil survey
shall Investigate and report upon tho sale
of foreign lands In the state when re
quested so to do. In cause tho sales are
found to be fraudulent the department re
ports the anm to the attorney general,
whoxo duty It la to prosecute. Thus the
department Is the means of saving many
thousands of dollars to Nebraskans. The
presence of such a law on the statute
books has served as a means of pre
venting fraudulent dealers from seeking
to operate In Nebraska. The department
being In close touch with the surveys of
other states and with the federal depart
ments, Is In a position to gather Informa
tion at once upon the various projects
offered for sale.
In case the facta thus derived do not
tally with the representations made by
the agents, and If the parties seeking
to sell do not have credit, or If after
investigation it appears that they can
convey no valid title the department re
quests the operators to withdraw from
the state. This has been sufficient in
most cases to check the operation of par
ties who could not meet the require
ments of the law.
The conservation and soil survey hat,
through Its director, who has had 'con
siderable experience working on the water
supply department of the government,
passed upon water supplies In many lo
cations In Nebraska. This la found to
be a simple matter for those who under
stand the source of underground water
supplies, their direction and volume. The
department haa made a few simple, rec
ommendations which will be of great
value In conserving the human life of the
state. . One principle thus set forth la
that on shallow water ground, as on
valley floors, wells should be placed up
valley from the house, privy vault or
town, as the case may be, receiving the
flow before It becomes polluted. A study
of the location of wells haa shown that
they are, as a rule, not placed so as to
conserve health, "
wish to announce that all
State Fair Visitors arc spe
cially invited to come to .
our store and make them
selves perfectly at home.
Special Free Services
During the Fair.
The Accredited Business
College in the Capital City
Is at 14th and P Streets
Two floors devoted exclusively to' business training.
While at the Fair cortio nnd see a live, modern and
wide-awalec business sohool nt work.
for bookkeepers and stenorraphers. Bring 1h!s ad to
our office nnd receive a souvenir.
Lincoln Business College
Fall Term Just Beginning. B-6774. Lincoln, Neb.
The Best Positions Go
To the Best Trained
Tor years this college haa been engaged In preparing young people
for the best positions in the business wor d.
!urlng the past few days we hsvs placed a number of our student
in positions ranging as high as one hundred dollars or better per
WllVT danianJ ior .ullflell help has been In excess of the supply.
' Modern courses In shorthand, typewriting, penmanship, Bngllsh.
business law, commercial teaching, bookkeeping, banking, arithmetic
advertising, civil service, etc. Up-to-date equipment; superior teaching
force; happy, progressive environment Enter any time. Beautiful
Catalog free for the asking.
Nebraska School of Business
W. SC. Bryant, Frss. t. a. Slakes lee, Business Mgr.
iiiveirsiilty 01
The University of Nebraska
includes the following colleges
and schools:
The Graduate College
The College of Arts and Sciences
The Teachers9 College
The College of Agriculture
Hie College of Engineering
The College of Law
The College of Medicine
The College of Pharmacy
The School of Commerce
The School of Fine Arts
The School of Agriculture
The Teachers9 College High School
The University
for the first semester on
-'Wednesday. Sept 15th
One may enter also at the beginning of the sec
ond semester about February or the Summer
session usually the first full week in June.
On any point of information, address
The Registrar,
Station "A."
Lincoln. Neb.
- !
p- LINCOLN, NEB. 1229 M Street. Phone B. 8133. j
Pupila may enroll at any time. Beginners accepted 3
and given careful training. - Catalogue upon request, j j
Cotner University
Cetner University offers the very
best opportunity in the following
OoUege of Ufcntal Arts, embracing
II branches of a University Course.
sfjsmal College, for training teacn
era, leading to first grade and life
professional certificates.
Bible College, for training preach
ers and mission workers.
neasemy, corresponding to the rev
Ular four years' nlrh school courso.
Bohoel of Arts, kohevl o Hull,
tohvA of Bysessioa, Oonuneroiai
Aoel. fcoaoei of XemO Boonosaios
ad MedloeA Collar.
The moral atmosphere surrounding
Cotner and Hethany la the best. It Is
In a town made up of Christian peo
ple. No saloon, pool or btllard hall.
Tho church and oollece are the cen
ter of attraction and activity.
Bethany, tho seat of Cotner. la an
IdoaJ suburb of Uocoln, the el'r of
Universities. A more dellfbtfnl place
to live canuoi oe round.
Btudenta come directly under the
head of eacn department and not
under substitutes or assistant teach.
ers as In larger institutions. i
Tuition low. Table board $1S0 par
week. The cost of an education h
la the very lowest poaslb'e.
Cotner Unlvenalty stands for 4
Christian education, for the develop
ment of the morel and spiritual life
as well as the mental.
We believe also In the niftiest de
velopment of the physical. To this
end wo have a well equipped ryni
naaium. Athletics are cncouraX
We have strona Collese and Aradem
team in football, basket ball nnd
base ball, who compete with the other
Colleges of the state, and adjolnlnf
states. We are proud of their record
this past year.
Tr Catalog; or rorthar Information,
WM. OESCaGER, Chaicellor, Bethany, Nebraska
College Normal, Commercial and Academio Course.
Excellent advantages in Music, Oratory and Art. A
plaoe whoro the highest ideals are constantly before the
student Efficient trnluiua: for tho duties of life.
Separate dormitories for Indies and gentlemen, in
dharge of preceptor and preceptress of many years ex
perience. Real Christian home training.' Careful atten
tion being given to morals and manners.
VMU for catalogue. Union College, College View, Nb.