Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 02, 1915, LINCOLN STATE FAIR, Page 2, Image 12

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Ltaaralsa a (Sreafc Cento Edlwatliniall Activities
1t f. A. HiRKOKI,
F the ettv of Lincoln advance)
ao swiftly in the next thlrt
roars aa it baa In tha laat
twenty, few rltlea In tha eoun
try will ba able to compart
with It In any half century of
existence along educational llnoe.
Nebraska haa borne tha dlatlnctlon for
many year of having tha amalleat Pr
nll of lliltcrary of any aUta In tha
union, but whether thla la due to the
educational advantage which tha people
of tha state enjoyed, becauae of the high
grade of Ita atata unlvera ty, or becauaj
or the system enjoyed by the atata at
large, la a problem wnlrh can only ba
answered by giving both the credit
Nebraska waa fortunate In having men
to itart It on Ita way aa a atata who
were optimistic. At tha time It waa con
aldered foollahly ao. But later year hava
developed tha fact tht they built bet
ter than they know and thoao who hmre
lived to sea thla work materialise are
not backward In giving them great credit
for thetr fare ghtedneaa.
Mitilllrtat Radowaaeat ef Schools.
When Nebraska act aside two aectlona
In every township, tha proceeds of leaaa
and aal to ba devoted to aducailon. It
put In force syatem which haa enabled
tha atata to establish one of tha beat
educational systems In tha country, untQ
today tha reoelpta from tha lands act
aside anablea the atata to distribute, to
Ita school children nearly $1,000,000 an
nually, thua assisting the dlstrtcta to
pay better salaries to teachers and give
tha children of tha atata better educa
A &
Cofhter Uni versify
i .
'I .
thousand of dollar In highly Improved
cHy property lying next to the present
campus on which In the future will ba
erected bulldlnrs coating millions of dol
lar. Already the state haa Invested in
J Ita unlveraity over 13,500,000 and con-
t tonal advantage In tha county schools.
Naturally aa they receive good educa
tions In tha country schools, they advance
higher and because of thla Lincoln haa
built up a great educational center,
where schools and college abound and
where the very beat la given to the child
re a of tha atata. Not only doe Ne
braska give her own young men and
women opportunities for success la life,
but . outald state have for year I
recognised the educational
offered In Lincoln and hundred
student come to lu voltage and uni
versities, not only from other state In
tha United State, but from foreign
000. This ha sine Increased to sotno-
Ih ng ilka fttO.ono and ateps are on foot
to Increase it to
Stat Agrlcaltaral rsra.
Next to tn atata university and. In
tha minds o( a great maty people of
Nebraska, equal In Importance, la tha
State Agricultural school. The buildings
of this Institution are situated about two
miles from tha main unlveraity on a 820
acra tract, the aouthweat portion being
used for tha campua, on which are sltua-
Hekraeka state University.
Among tha educational Institutions
which hava helped to bring nam and
fame to Lincoln, la, of courae, the Uni
versity of Nebraska. Others not sn large,
but assisting greatly la tha work, are the
Nebraska Wealeyaa university, the great
Methodist school of the stale; Cotner
university, tha college uf tha Christian
church: Union college, tha educational
Institution of the great Advent at church;
tha Lincoln Business college and tha Ne
braska School of Business, two Institu
tions which call from other states those
who seek business education; tha Ne
braska Military academy, tha , military
school of tha west; tha University School
of Muslo, tha L'ncola Musical collage,
the Lincoln Eental college and the In
ternational Correpun)atc school. All
these are doing their ahare In making
Lincoln what It Is, In fact, an educational
center and recognised a such tha length
and breadth of the land.
Nebraska and , Nebraskan are, proud
of their atata university. As far sighted
aa were the founders of thla great In
stitution when they located It upon tin
tracts are being let for others running
up Into half a million mora.
Seventeen buildings comprise the pres
ent university on tha city campua
Within these buildings are registered an
nually between 3.500 anj 4.000 students.
Connected with tha university are nearly , ted eighteen bullUlnga of different else,
ew people acting in one capacity or an- ; while a new engineering building cost
other, officers. Instructors, clerka. mas- ' Ing fully completed and equipped about
sengers, jan'tors. superintendents, to.. $175,000 Is tn process of construction,
all doing their part. toward making the! Tha College of Agriculture, with a atu.
advantages un,vr,lty- wh ' waly I. th best In 1 dent body of something ovsr 00. equips
iindred of I lh we,t on of ,n brt ,n h young men and women for agricultural
louiias, soout 76 per cant of whom go
Though not located In Lincoln, the ' back to tha farm or become Instructors
state unlveraity haa a medical college , in agricultural line,
which I considered one of tha best in ' The agricultural school, connected with
tha country. This college la situated In ; th ! agricultural college. Is a secon
Omaha. That this Institution of medicine) dary school, wher boys and girls who
stands high Is Indicated by tha fact that hav completed th eighth grade may
It haa been placed In class A by th com and receive Instruction fitting them
American Association of Medical Col- for either farm work or for teaching la
lege. Graduates of this college carry, rural schools. It being estimated by Dean
the diploma of the Nebraska state unlver- Burnett, head of th college, that about
Ity, which I aufflclent to glv It holder 75 per cant go back a teacher In rural
preeuge wnerever he may go. 'schools
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No mention of the Nebraska university Thus the agricultural Interest. r ..
would "b complete without a few word tat are directly benefited by th Col
regardlng It athletlo department. That le of Agriculture and th Agricultural
brawn and muscle are given attention aa school. th former rnivir. k.
well as "higher education1 Is avldsnced graduates of high schools, fitting them i
'"r wim euoressiv year ror tn more advanced lines of agrlcul
tha Ncbraaka Cornhuskar" foot ball tural teaching and work, th latter tak
team hav been . th undisputed chant- ing th boy and girls who hav not th
plons of th Missouri valley conference. I advantage of high school training, and
Wealeyaa Valvrralty. fitting- them for actual farm work and
Weeleyen university, considered to be ' ,ntruct,0 th country school of th
th moat Important of . th aurburban tt-
nrsrsika Military Aeageaar.
universttlea of Lincoln, I situated In th
little c'ty of University Place, which ha
a population of between .0n0 and 1,000,
lying about thra mile northeast of
Lincoln, 'i , ', , , ; -
Wesleyan Is th university of th Meth
odist church of Nebraska, and has a
; steadily Indreacing student body. ' Tha
Off to the west of Lincoln on sightly
hill stands th beautiful Nebraska Mili
tary academy. It was founded In itof
and passed through It first real hard
ship when one month from the time of
It opening It was burned to th ground.
Bui Colonel U. D. Hayward. It founder.
acre of land in tha early day of th' first plan for th unlveraltv found. WM not dlecouraged. Securing another
state, they could not ae far enough, jtlon were atarted way back In ISM, but i ullj,n ,n tn elly' h "V1 what had
and aa a result th people hav Just it was not until three year later that It bn from th fir to th new
voted to increase th campus until It 1 had a student body. Just ten students) lortlo, nd continued th work of
wtl Cover twelve block or land or nearly composed th school at that time, while building UP new school,
forty acre. now about 70U ere taking th work of Work waa also begun on a magnificent
the university. ew building on th old location, and aa
Building upon th university campus ' ool M completed Colonel Hayward and
are composed of the main building erected hla s1tants and student moved la
at a cost of tHO.OOO; th Wh't Memorial, nA began th work of building up No
coating a. like sum and other building break a" e military school. That th work
mounting In nil to something over 1360,- haa been euocessfully carried on I vl
000. Th unlveraity ball all th modern denced by th fact that after alx year of
Improvements needed and Is considered affort fifty cadets finished th prescribed
on of th leading institution of that cores of study lsst year and are filling
denomination In this section of tha plaoea auccersfully along th linea thav
fully abreast with th advance of mod- United Btatea. About fortv-flva acres sn selected.
cm education, but as tha boy and girl l Included In th campua which inolueea a j Th school Is essentially a home school
Plan ar being laid to erect upon thla
land new modern unlveraity, one that
will fal'ly represent th atata la tha
galaxy of educational atatea, and keep It
as It la now, the beit In tha west. To
do this modern bulld'ng will be erected
In which will be placed every conceivable
devise which will add to th educa
tional system of th atat and Increase
Its standing. Already tha university I
of Nebraska continue to graduate from
tho high schools of th state and flock to
the ' university In Increasing numbers,
more room I necessary, and to meet
this the people will Invest hundreds of
fin athletic field, th total value of th with horn surroundings. Colonel and
university properly running up about Mrs. Hayward look after th boys as If
I4.000.CW). Tha university started with an they were their own. and for that rea
endowment fund of tlOO.Ooo, of which . son every lad attending th school leaves
Andrew earned subscribed about t..llt a better boy for having com under
th Influence of th superintendent and
his good wife.
Th form of athletic at th school
catches th boy and he la enabled to
build up a rugged constitution and I
given plenty of chance to mix with his
hard study plenty of play and exercise.
Baslaesa Colleges.
Lincoln Is fortunate In having two
bualnes colleges which will compare
with any la the country. Both ar
quipped with all the .modern advantages
and both ar' turning out hundreds of
students every year capable of stepping
Into every avenue of business and filling
th place assigned them.
Lincoln Business college 1 th
oldest of Its kind la th city. About two
years ago It moved Into Its new build
ing, which had been erected especially
to fill th need of a college of this kind.
Th college first started out aa a small
school In 1884, and for years was situated
la th Oliver Theater building Its busi
ness Increased so rapidly th last few
years that It was necessary to have
more room and better facllltlea for car
rying on the work, and ao th present
building waa erected. Last year about
00 students attended thla college and
this year has been Increased consid
erably. President E. C. Bigger feel
that th acme of perfection haa been
Juat aa nearly reached aa It Is possible
to do so In th new location and the
success with which he la placing grad
uate of th Institution and their abil
ity to make gnod, convince him that no
mistake waa made when th new build
ing waa erected at th corner of Four
teenth and V and th col'eg moved
from wher It had been from Infancy.
All atudent graduate ar found positions
when they lesvs th school.
Th Nebraska Bchool of Business dates
Its creation back to 104. when aa Brown's
Business college. It first sprang Into ex
istence). It continued In Its location at
Fifteenth and O for several years, when
It waa purchased by W. M. Bryant and
MPS l)
Miss Beers, who christened It th Ne
braska Bchool of Business, and three
year ago moved Intd th Electrlo build
ing at Fourteenth and O. The building
I very neatly fitted up with everything
needed for th Instruction of student
along business lines, and the number of
studsnta being sent out indicate that as
bualneaa Instructors President Bryant.
Miss Beers and their able corps of assist- ,
anis are delivering the goods.
President Bryant haa had many years'
experience tn th turning out of success
ful business student a For eight year j
n wa superintendent or the school of
Commerce of North Dakota university,
and when he cam to Lincoln and became
Interested la th present college he
brought with him on of" th ablest la- :
structors of that college In stenography, j
Mlaa Gertrude Beers, who cam her In ;
tha capacity of vie president of th pre.
ent school and took charg of the course '
In stenography. Graduates are 1
place when they quit th achool and
very few of them,, fall to make good.
T. A. Blakeale and F. R. Mean hav
recently Joined tha executive forces of this
college, both having; former axperieno j
in thla line.
Where Masle 1 atadtadL
Ag a musical center Lincoln rank
among th first In th west. Every edu
cational Institution haa Ita musical de
partment, while a dosen muelo stores
contribute th accessories needed to go
with th education.
Among the schools which are doing so
much to keep Lincoln oa th musical
map are th University 8chool of Music.
the Wealeyaa Conservatory of Music
Cotner Music school. College .View Con
servatory of Music, Lincoln Musical col
lege, Wheatly-LeBarron school. Molser
Violin school. Norma Musical school,
and a dosen or more schools of a lesser
These hav all had a tendency to
spread a musical atmosphere about th
aAJAsli all all
uj) ILd Iixxj JUL
r.lonstcr Free Program of
E2ig!i-(8lass Sirctis Ms
Spectacular Fireworks Display
A Wnnflf-riiil Prnnrriri a( Pmn All rirf ?nn n O .1 iL ff-IJ'w ri 1
la Fasrlnatlns iMtrnroentnl anj Vocal Offering Featuring
The Dancing Sensation, iUUNCKSS OLAPELA, In Native Costume,
Clever Exponent front the Land of Mika.lo.
A a Octette) of Few Inine Loveliness in
A Genuine Troupe of Southern Plantation Entertainment.
fit P.B - 5ILF5STE3Ha (SOn'fllSTP attoa ok
US . " .a aa mw w WWHtt U aV U U UUa7 U UUJW aayj
THE LARGEST IV4I.I. nnnu IV Till? cT 1TM onnu
GO UlierC lllC CrCVd GCCS. Ccnllncccs Enlcrtalnncnl Till r.lidnirht. Goryeoni PvroVehnia lllnninaflflni
e. -r p - . -.aV
(Continued on Pa- Nine CoL Two.) I mlmmmmmmm,m'iimmm
S I P 1111 I, SJ -I H.11II .1 - . .
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K ' AiYi- lniW- A rondcrful Propran nf Fr! Alfr.iitinn n
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a a a ar ir i a r m
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